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Grade 2/3
Oral Communication
1.6 extend understanding of
oral texts by connecting the
ideas in them to their own
knowledge and experience; to
other familiar texts, including
print and visual texts; and to
the world around them (e.g.,
talk about their own ideas and
experiences related to the
topic before listening)
1.4 demonstrate an
understanding of the
information and ideas in oral
texts by retelling the story or
restating the information,
including the main idea and
several interesting details
(e.g., restate a partner’s
reflections after a thinkpair/share activity; identify
the important ideas in a group
presentation; carry on a
sustained conversation on a
– identify flips, slides, turns.
-represent, compare, and order
whole numbers to 100, including
money amounts to 100¢, using a
variety of tools Gr 3 – up to
-solve problems involving the
addition/subtraction of twodigit numbers, with and without
regrouping. (gr 3 -3 digits)
- equivalence (__ + 17 = 39)
Month: février 2012
1.6 extend understanding of
1.2 generate ideas about a
potential topic, using a variety
of strategies and resources
(e.g., formulate and ask
questions such as the five W’s
to identify personal
experiences,prior knowledge,
and information needs;
brainstorm ideas with a
1.4 sort ideas and information
for their writing in a variety of
ways, with support and direction
(e.g., by using simple graphic
organizers such as webs
or a Venn diagram)
1.5 identify and order main
ideas and supporting details,
using graphic organizers
(e.g., a story grammar:
characters, setting, problem,
solution; a sequential
chart: first, then, next, finally)
and organizational patterns
(e.g., problem,solution,
chronological order)
texts by connecting the ideas in
them to their own knowledge
and experience, to other
familiar texts, and to the world
around them Teacher prompts:
“How is this story like the one
we read last week?”
1.7 identify the main idea and
some additional elements of
2.3 identify some text features
and explain how they help
readers understand texts
(e.g., table of contents,
index, chart, illustrations,
pictures, diagrams, icons)
Teacher prompt: “How does
the diagram help you
understand the explanation?”
Gr 3 -investigate, through
experimentation, how various
materials (e.g., paper and wood)
and construction techniques (e.g.,
folding, adding layers,
twisting/braiding, changing
shapes) can be used to add strength
to structures
Gr 3- Forces and Movement
Gr 2 – Simple Machines
use a variety of materials, tools,
and techniques to respond to design
challenges: printmaking, working
with stone.
demonstrate an awareness of a
variety of works of art and artistic
traditions from diverse
communities, times, and places