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Energy Transfer Unit Study Guide
SC-06-4.6.2 Students will describe the effect of the Suns’ energy on the Earth’s systems.
The Sun is the major source of energy for Earth. The water cycle, winds, ocean currents and growth of plants are
affected by the Sun’s energy.
SC-06-4.6.1 Students will describe or explain the cause and effect relationships between oceans and climate. Oceans
have a major effect on climate because water in the oceans holds a large amount of heat.
I Can Statements
I can explain the relationship among
conduction, convection and radiation.
Conduction occurs best in solids.
Transfer of heat that occurs when particles
or molecules are in contact with
each other.
Convection occurs mainly in liquids
and gases.
Transfer, or flow, of heat in currents
Warm air rises, cool air sinks.
Radiation occurs in space or in any
Sun’s heat energy transferred as
electromagnetic waves.
Only heat transfer that can occur in a
I can explain how the transfer of energy
from the Sun affects Earth’s cycles (WATER
CYCLE, winds, ocean currents,
The Earth’s surface is warmed by
the air at the surface is then warmed by
which then causes warm air to rise creating a
convection currents.
* Heat energy always moves from
warmer objects to
cooler objects.
The Sun’s heat energy causes water on Earth
to evaporate which leads to
precipitation through the water cycle.
*Most of the water vapor in the
air comes from evaporation
of ocean water.
I can explain how the transfer of energy
from the Sun affects Earth’s cycles (water
cycle, WINDS, ocean currents,
Air movement IS wind.
I can explain how the transfer of energy
from the Sun affects Earth’s cycles (water
cycle, winds, ocean currents,
The Sun’s radiation warms the
surface of Earth.
Air touches the surface and is warmed
through conduction.
Warm air rises and cool air sinks forming
convection currents.
The Sun’s heat energy causes plants to make
their own food through the process of
The Sun’s energy affects the growth
of plants.
I can explain how the transfer of energy
from the Sun affects Earth’s cycles (water
cycle, winds, OCEAN CURRENTS,
The Sun’s heat energy warms the Earth’s
I can explain why some currents are warm
and some are cold.
The Sun’s energy warms the Earth’s oceans
more at the bulging equator than at the
poles creating warm water currents at the
equator and cold currents at the poles.
Gulf Stream - warm
oceans creating currents.
California Current - cold
I can explain the cause and effect of land
and sea breezes.
Land Breeze –During the evening,
cool air above the land moves
*Land heats/cools faster
toward the water as warm air over the
*Water heats/cools slower
water rises.
Sea Breeze – During the day,
I can explain land and sea breezes by using
cooler air above the water moves
toward the land as warmer air over the
land rises.
I can explain how ocean currents affect
Warm ocean currents create warmer
climates and colder ocean currents create
cooler climates.
This causes more mild climates with less
temperature extremes.
Tools for study: Warm Ups/PoDs, Think Slips, Exit Slips, Text p346-347,
Study Island Reading Questions (2 sets), Air Movement Wksht
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