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“TAP” Lesson
2.03 Close Look at Organization
Objectives (Learning Goals)
At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
-Define the purpose of informational text
-Identify the key components of informational text
-Analyze the structure of informational text
-Analyze how certain sentences develop and refine a concept in informational text
Academic Vocabulary
*Use the paragraph and activities below to help you define and understand these words:
- Informational Text
○ Definition:
○ Examples:
- Introduction
○ Definition:
○ Examples:
- Thesis
○ Definition:
○ Examples:
- Body Paragraphs
○ Definition:
○ Examples:
- Conclusion
○ Definition:
○ Examples:
In this lesson, we review the purpose and structure of an INFORMATIONAL TEXT (writing that is meant
to inform). Learning how to write informational text is probably one of the most important life skills you
can learn. You will need to know how to write this way for high school, to get your first job, to get into
college, and to promote your business or yourself once you start your career.
Here is an informational text similar to the one that you will be writing for us in Module 2. Let’s look at
the text features of this text. Notice where the INTRODUCTION, BODY PARAGRAPHS, CONCLUSION, &
The INTRODUCTION contains the THESIS STATEMENT (author’s idea about a topic that can be supported
with valid evidence such as facts, expert testimony, research, and valid texts). This statement lets your
reader know what the entire paper is going to be about. As a reader of an informational text, you can
look for the author’s thesis statement in the introduction and decide if you want to continue reading the
text or not. Remember that as a writer as well. You’ll want to make your thesis statement powerful and
clear so that your readers will want to read the rest of your paper and not stop at the introduction.
Writers restate the thesis statement in the CONCLUSION to wrap up their essay and remind their readers
of their main point. You will be doing this in your Module 2 essay as well.
The BODY PARAGRAPHS contain all the supporting details that you will gather to back up your points.
In this essay, you will be gathering supporting details from valid, reliable research.
Good Luck on your 2.03 Quiz!