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Christingle 2012
which is 150 years old this year. This weekend St.
James’s begins a year of celebration of our 150th
birthday, and I’m delighted that on Friday through St.
…a wilderness with a number of habitations of the
James’s the traders invited us to provide some singers
most wretched kind, inhabited by a still more
tonight, and also allowed us to distribute a leaflet with
wretched class of people”
their magazine all about this anniversary. If there’s
That’s how ‘New Hampton’ was described back in
1863, and it’s a far cry from the Hampton Hill of
today. But because of the needs of the new
community being born, a young man called Fitzroy
John Fitzwygram came here as the first vicar.
two words that strike me as expressing the best of
community it is these – ‘Better together.’ Some great
things happen here and they’re always ‘Better
And we’re beginning our year of celebration at our
Fitzwyrgram Close is named after him, over the road
Christingle Service, and on the First Sunday of
from School Road where schools he built were
Advent, which for the Church is New Year’s Day.
located. In his time, besides schools, he provided
‘Advent’ means ‘coming ‘ or ‘arrival’ and we’re looking
housing, sanitation, and reached out to those in need.
forward to the coming of Jesus.
And today, as his successor, I count myself fortunate
to live in an area where there is a still a sense of
community. Part of that community for a century and
a half has been St. James’s Church, one of the earliest
buildings of Hampton Hill, beaten though by the Star
So what does our Christingle mean?
Orange – the world. It’s better for all when we’re
together. We share this planet.
Fruits – the fruits of the earth or the four seasons. It’s
better when we’re together with a common concern
for the planet.
Father, we thank you for this and every celebration of
Christigle, throughout your Church. May its meaning
The candle round the middle. The blood of Jesus. He
touch our hearts as we move towards Christmas and
was in it with us. It’s better when we’re living
begin this year of celebration.
together with him.
The candle. The light of Jesus shining over the world.
Making it plan what it is – God’s world, a gift to us.
Better together, seeing by that light.
Father, the orange reminds us of this planet, this
great earth, your gift. Remind us that we are one
human family, ‘better together’ on this world. Restore
the broken and troubled parts of our world. As
So two words for the year ‘Better together.’ Today
support Children’s Society. Charity for the year –
Christmas approaches, we particularly pray for the
Holy Land, the place of Jesus’ birth.
Greenwood Centre.
Lord, in your mercy.
Better together.
Father, the fruit and sweets remind us of the gifts of
creation. Thank you for the abundance we have.
Remind us of the needs of others as Christmas
approaches especially those without food, clothing or
shelter. We are ‘better together’ so we pray for the
work of the Children’s Society throughout this land,
‘Better together’, may they feel this warmth and may it
and all work with children in this land; and for the
restore them to wholeness. We pray for all families in grief
Greenwood Centre, in the heart of this community.
on the loss of loved ones.
Lord, in your mercy.
Lord, in your mercy.
So, Father, at the beginning of this year, in thanksgiving
for this church, for our community, our world – your gift –
Father, the red ribbon reminds us of the blood of
we are ‘better together’ in prayer, saying the words that
Jesus, shed for the world. Thank you for every act of
Jesus gave…
kindness and generosity. Remind us to be open to
others, and not keep to ourselves what we have
received from your hands. ‘Better together’, at home,
at school, at college, at work, in every setting, may
Jesus, born in Bethelehem, raised on a cross, be our
example and guide.
Lord, in your mercy.
Father, our Christingle candle brings us the warmth and
light of the love of Christ. We thank you for it. Remind us
to pray for all who are sad or lonely or in need of comfort.
Our Father in heaven…