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August 10, 2014
PRIDE - Page 3
Intro: I Peter 5:5-10 (James 4:6).
The essence of Lucifer’s iniquity (his becoming SIN) was that he wanted to be independent of God
his creator, to be god of his own life, and as such, to replace God in his life. The five I wills in
Isaiah 14:12-14, give us insight into this iniquity.
Ezekiel 28:15, 17 further explains the heart (mind, will, emotions) of Lucifer. This explains the
origin of evil in the universe. -- Ezekiel 28:15, 17.
Note: That tells us that Lucifer’s heart became proud. The iniquity in his heart was pride. And
pride is the self-sufficient selfish spirit. And since the sin of pride arose in the hearts of Adam and
Eve, it is to be found in every person. It arises and becomes expressed from one’s position,
accomplishments, or possessions. It demonstrates itself in the desire for unrestrained
independence, though that it is not recognized by the proud person.
Last week we learned that pride is abhorrent to God. He hates it, and He takes an aggressive
stand against it. -- Psalms 101:5; Proverbs 6:16-19; 16:5; 21:4; James 4:6.
We also noted that some of the fruit, the working evidence of pride, is expressed in the following
“arrogance” -- A feeling of superiority that leads to offensive exhibition, usually with an
overbearing and presumptuous conduct. -- I Samuel 2:3; Proverbs 8:13 ; Isaiah 13:11.
“boasting” -- Speaking in exaggerations out of pride, usually with concern for oneself, or
concerning someone that is connected to oneself. -- Romans 1:28-30; II Timothy 3:1-2.
“conceit” -- An exaggerated estimate of one’s own abilities, of one’s own importance. It is
conceived in the mind. -- Proverbs 3:7; 26:5, 12: Isaiah 5:21; Romans 12:16.
Last week’s homework was the looking into the character of pride:
A. Pride is the deification of self, being god of your own life, the original sin of Adam and Eve. -- “I
will be like the most High” (Isaiah 14:14b); Genesis 3:5-6.
B. Pride expresses independence, especially from God. -- James 4:13-16.
C. Pride is a characteristic of the world. -- I John 2:15-16.
“pride” -- alazoneia ( al-ad-zon-i-a) -- This noun means “to be a braggart”, i.e. empty
braggart talk, insolence. It is an arrogant display that in essence is quackery.
This person trusts in their own power and resources. They despise and
violate Divine law and human rights. They trust in the stability of earthly things
August 10, 2014
PRIDE - Page 4
Let’s look into one more word picture that expresses pride:
“puffed up” -- phusioo (foo-see-o-o) = “to blow up”, to inflate by blowing up. When used
metaphorically it refers to being made proud, haughty, puffed up. We would say that the person is
“full of hot air”.
Note: It is used seven times in the New Testament, and six of those seven times it is
used in the Apostle Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians. That tells us that religious people,
even those who call themselves Christians, are susceptible to this expression of pride.
Immature believers are especially susceptible.
1. Choosing sides by passing judgment is being “puffed up”. -- I Corinthians 4:1-6.
2. Trying to prove your point by discrediting someone else is being “puffed up”.
I Corinthians 4:15-21.
3. Being self-righteous causes you to over look sin, and that is being “puffed up”.
I Corinthians 5:1-6; cf. Romans 6:1-2, 14-15.
4. Knowledge apart from the love of God is being “puffeth up”. I Corinthians 8:1-3.
Note: Knowledge magnifies human ability and human viewpoint, rather than Divine
viewpoint and Divine power.
5. Love, Christ’s kind of love, is not “puffed up”. -- I Corinthians 13:1- 4.
Note: Knowing by experience the love of Christ is not a given. It is a process. We’ve
been placed into the love of Christ, but we learn, come to know, the love of Christ on a
daily basis as we through faith, by the intake of God’s Word, are strengthened in the
inner man by trusting Him in our circumstances.
6. Being “puffed up” is an indication of a self-centered mind. -- Colossians 2:18.
The Bottom Line: The invisible war, that the world does not recognize, and most Christians know
little about, has its source in the in the “I will” of Lucifer, who having become Satan, is with all his
schemes attempting to fulfill the “I will”. And mankind is a major weapon in Satan’s arsenal to
accomplish his goal as he gets people to live by the “I will”, to live in their own pride. Believers are
a threat to Satan’s plans, so he attacks us in many ways. But his chief weapon is to somehow to
keep pride rooted in our hearts, in our mind, will and emotions.