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Practice Test chapters 10 (motivation and emotion) and 14 (stress and resilience)
Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. Theresa and her husband Matt were having a picnic with their children when they noticed smoke coming
from the woods. Both of them became somewhat afraid that there was a brush fire that could spread to where
they were sitting. According to a recent evolutionary hypothesis, which response is more likely to be expressed
by Theresa than by Matt?
a. tend-and-befriend response
b. fight-or-flight response
c. comfort-and-gather
d. general adaptation response
2. Which of the known benefits of regular exercise can be described as a “pleasant surprise” for researchers?
a. decreased risk of heart disease
b. facilitation of neurogenesis
c. decreased risk of migraine headaches
d. decreased risk of respiratory difficulties
3. The headline in The National Busybody reads “97-pound Mom lifts SUV off toddler.” Which stage of the
general adaptation syndrome was Mom most likely in at the time?
a. alarm reaction
b. exhaustion
c. recruitment
d. resistance
4. In terms of the likelihood of sexual assault, which of the following is true?
a. A woman is more likely to be raped by a stranger than by a casual date.
b. A woman is more likely to be raped by a family member than by a casual date.
c. A woman is more likely to be raped by an acquaintance than by a stranger.
d. A woman is more likely to be raped by a stranger than by a steady boyfriend.
5. James has an important job interview tomorrow morning and he obviously wants to do a good
job of selling himself to the interviewer. What is James most likely experiencing?
a. conflict
b. pressure
c. change
d. frustration
6. A rapid-response pathway that quickly results in physiological responses associated with
emotion begins with the thalamus. Where does it go from there?
a. medulla
b. amygdala
c. cerebellum
d. cerebral cortex
7. Which of the following is defined as an internal state of tension that motivates an organism to
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Practice Test chapters 10 (motivation and emotion) and 14 (stress and resilience)
engage in activities that should reduce this tension?
a. emotion
b. motive
c. drive
d. incentive
8. According to parental investment theory, what should women place more emphasis on when
choosing a potential mate, compared to men?
a. height
b. attractiveness
c. youthfulness
d. social status
9. As Estella is watching the climax of a horror movie, all at once her heart is racing and she’s
breathing rapidly.Which component of emotion does her response illustrate?
a. cognitive component
b. physiological component
c. behavioural component
d. perceptual component
10. Ray tends to be involved in everything! He belongs to a variety of clubs and he spends a lot of
time with friends and colleagues. He really wants to get along with people and he seeks out the
opinions and approval of those around him. Which motive does Ray’s behaviour represent?
a. nurturance motive
b. affiliation motive
c. order motive
d. autonomy motive
11. Which hormone allows the cells in your body to extract glucose from your blood?
a. insulin
b. leptin
c. CCK
d. ghrelin
12. Which of the following is NOT one of the stages of the general adaptation syndrome?
a. recovery
b. resistance
c. exhaustion
d. alarm reaction
13. If Marc is depressed, what additional health problem is he at risk for?
a. migraine headaches
b. psychosis
c. heart disease
d. acquired immune deficiency
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Practice Test chapters 10 (motivation and emotion) and 14 (stress and resilience)
14. Which type of conflict tends to be most unpleasant and highly stressful?
a. approach-approach conflict
b. attack-avoidance conflict
c. approach-avoidance conflict
d. avoidance-avoidance conflict
15. Which of the following is NOT involved in constructive coping?
a. reasonably realistic appraisals of the stress and coping resources
b. confronting problems directly
c. pursuing substitute sources of satisfaction
d. learning to recognize disruptive emotional reactions to stress
16. Because Pietro is high in his need for achievement, which of the following characteristics is
he LEAST likely to exhibit?
a. a desire to help others reach their goals
b. a desire to excel
c. a desire to master difficult challenges
d. a desire to outperform others
17. As Jim was walking, someone suddenly punched him. Jim was very startled, and immediately
experienced a series of physiological reactions including increased heart rate, dilated pupils, and a
clenching in his gut (as his digestive process stopped). What is illustrated by this example?
a. fight-or-flight response
b. tend-and-befriend response
c. general adaptation response
d. amygdala rage response
18. As Calli is watching the climax of a horror movie, she grasps the arms of her chair, gasps, and
closes her eyes. Which component of emotion is reflected in her response?
a. physiological component
b. perceptual component
c. cognitive component
d. behavioural component
19. In Buss’s study on cross-cultural sex differences in human mate selection, which sex
difference was consistently reported?
a. Males place a higher value on partners’ social status.
b. Males place a higher value on partners’ ambition.
c. Males place a higher value on partners’ physical appearance.
d. Males place a higher value on partners’ kindness.
20. Roommates Ava and Maryse both woke up yesterday with a headache, upset stomach, and
muscle stiffness. While Ava was showering for her 9:00 a.m. class, Maryse rushed off to the
health clinic to see a doctor. Which of the following is more likely of Maryse, compared to Ava?
a. a lower level of anxiety and lower lever of neuroticism
b. a lower level of anxiety and higher level of neuroticism
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Practice Test chapters 10 (motivation and emotion) and 14 (stress and resilience)
c. a higher level of anxiety and lower level of neuroticism
d. a higher level of anxiety and higher level of neuroticism
21. While walking down the street you are approached by a man with a gun who demands your money.
According to the Schachter two-factor theory of emotion, what are you most likely to conclude?
a. Since your heart is pounding in this dangerous situation, you must be afraid.
b. It is all right to be afraid in this situation.
c. Your heart is pounding because you are afraid.
d. You are afraid because your heart is pounding.
22. Which component of the definition of stress best illustrates the unifying theme in psychology
that states that our experience of the world is highly subjective?
a. Circumstances that are traumatic are stressful.
b. Circumstances that are threatening are stressful.
c. Circumstances that are perceived as threatening are
d. Circumstances that are stressful tax one’s coping abilities.
23. Which pattern characterizes the distinction between heterosexual and homosexual
a. They are each midpoints on their own scales, and cannot be directly compared.
b. They have no clear distinguishing characteristics other than self-report.
c. They are endpoints on a continuum, with intermediate orientations in between.
d. They are mutually exclusive categories, with clear boundaries.
24. Janice is working on a group project for class, and the other members of her group really need
her to finish her section of the work so that they can complete their work. Her deadline is today,
and she’s not quite finished yet. Which type of stress is Janice experiencing?
a. change
b. frustration
c. conflict
d. pressure
25. Pat’s sexual arousal just reached its peak intensity and was discharged in a series of muscular
contractions that pulsated through the pelvic area. What phase of the human sexual response did
Pat just experience?
a. plateau
b. pinnacle
c. resolution
d. orgasm
1. Theresa and her husband Matt were having a picnic with their children when they noticed smoke coming
from the woods. Both of them became somewhat afraid that there was a brush fire that could spread to where
they were sitting. According to a recent evolutionary hypothesis, which response is more likely to be expressed
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Practice Test chapters 10 (motivation and emotion) and 14 (stress and resilience)
by Theresa than by Matt?
a. tend-and-befriend response
b. fight-or-flight response
c. comfort-and-gather response
d. general adaptation response
2. Which of the known benefits of regular exercise can be described as a “pleasant surprise” for researchers?
a. decreased risk of heart disease
b. facilitation of neurogenesis
c. decreased risk of migraine headaches
d. decreased risk of respiratory difficulties
3. The headline in The National Busybody reads “97-pound Mom lifts SUV off toddler.” Which stage of the
general adaptation syndrome was Mom most likely in at the time?
a. alarm reaction
b. exhaustion
c. recruitment
d. resistance
4. In terms of the likelihood of sexual assault, which of the following is true?
a. A woman is more likely to be raped by a stranger than by a casual date.
b. A woman is more likely to be raped by a family member than by a casual date.
c. A woman is more likely to be raped by an acquaintance than by a
d. A woman is more likely to be raped by a stranger than by a steady boyfriend.
5. James has an important job interview tomorrow morning and he obviously wants to do a good
job of selling himself to the interviewer. What is James most likely experiencing?
a. conflict
b. pressure
c. change
d. frustration
6. A rapid-response pathway that quickly results in physiological responses associated with
emotion begins with the thalamus. Where does it go from there?
a. medulla
b. amygdala
c. cerebellum
d. cerebral cortex
7. Which of the following is defined as an internal state of tension that motivates an organism to
engage in activities that should reduce this tension?
a. emotion
b. motive
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Practice Test chapters 10 (motivation and emotion) and 14 (stress and resilience)
c. drive
d. incentive
8. According to parental investment theory, what should women place more emphasis on when
choosing a potential mate, compared to men?
a. height
b. attractiveness
c. youthfulness
d. social status
9. As Estella is watching the climax of a horror movie, all at once her heart is racing and she’s
breathing rapidly. Which component of emotion does her response illustrate?
a. cognitive component
b. physiological
c. behavioural component
d. perceptual component
10. Ray tends to be involved in everything! He belongs to a variety of clubs and he spends a lot of
time with friends and colleagues. He really wants to get along with people and he seeks out the
opinions and approval of those around him. Which motive does Ray’s behaviour represent?
a. nurturance motive
b. affiliation motive
c. order motive
d. autonomy motive
11. Which hormone allows the cells in your body to extract glucose from your blood?
a. insulin
b. leptin
c. CCK
d. ghrelin
12. Which of the following is NOT one of the stages of the general adaptation syndrome?
a. recovery
b. resistance
c. exhaustion
d. alarm reaction
13. If Marc is depressed, what additional health problem is he at risk for?
a. migraine headaches
b. psychosis
c. heart disease
d. acquired immune deficiency
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Practice Test chapters 10 (motivation and emotion) and 14 (stress and resilience)
14. Which type of conflict tends to be most unpleasant and highly stressful?
a. approach-approach conflict
b. attack-avoidance conflict
c. approach-avoidance conflict
d. avoidance-avoidance conflict
15. Which of the following is NOT involved in constructive coping?
a. reasonably realistic appraisals of the stress and coping resources
b. confronting problems directly
c. pursuing substitute sources of satisfaction
d. learning to recognize disruptive emotional reactions to stress
16. Because Pietro is high in his need for achievement, which of the following characteristics is
he LEAST likely to exhibit?
a. a desire to help others reach their goals
b. a desire to excel
c. a desire to master difficult challenges
d. a desire to outperform others
17. As Jim was walking, someone suddenly punched him. Jim was very startled, and immediately
experienced a series of physiological reactions including increased heart rate, dilated pupils, and a
clenching in his gut (as his digestive process stopped). What is illustrated by this example?
a. fight-or-flight response
b. tend-and-befriend response
c. general adaptation response
d. amygdala rage response
18. As Calli is watching the climax of a horror movie, she grasps the arms of her chair, gasps, and
closes her eyes. Which component of emotion is reflected in her response?
a. physiological component
b. perceptual component
c. cognitive component
d. behavioural
19. In Buss’s study on cross-cultural sex differences in human mate selection, which sex
difference was consistently reported?
a. Males place a higher value on partners’ social status.
b. Males place a higher value on partners’ ambition.
c. Males place a higher value on partners’ physical appearance.
d. Males place a higher value on partners’ kindness.
20. Roommates Ava and Maryse both woke up yesterday with a headache, upset stomach, and
muscle stiffness. While Ava was showering for her 9:00 a.m. class, Maryse rushed off to the
health clinic to see a doctor. Which of the following is more likely of Maryse, compared to Ava?
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Practice Test chapters 10 (motivation and emotion) and 14 (stress and resilience)
a. a lower level of anxiety and lower lever of neuroticism
b. a lower level of anxiety and higher level of neuroticism
c. a higher level of anxiety and lower level of neuroticism
d. a higher level of anxiety and higher level of neuroticism
21. While walking down the street you are approached by a man with a gun who demands your money.
According to the Schachter two-factor theory of emotion, what are you most likely to conclude?
a. Since your heart is pounding in this dangerous situation, you must be
b. It is all right to be afraid in this situation.
c. Your heart is pounding because you are afraid.
d. You are afraid because your heart is pounding.
22. Which component of the definition of stress best illustrates the unifying theme in psychology
that states that our experience of the world is highly subjective?
a. Circumstances that are traumatic are stressful.
b. Circumstances that are threatening are stressful.
c. Circumstances that are perceived as threatening are stressful.
d. Circumstances that are stressful tax one’s coping abilities.
23. Which pattern characterizes the distinction between heterosexual and homosexual
a. They are each midpoints on their own scales, and cannot be directly compared.
b. They have no clear distinguishing characteristics other than self-report.
c. They are endpoints on a continuum, with intermediate orientations in
d. They are mutually exclusive categories, with clear boundaries.
24. Janice is working on a group project for class, and the other members of her group really need
her to finish her section of the work so that they can complete their work. Her deadline is today,
and she’s not quite finished yet. Which type of stress is Janice experiencing?
a. change
b. frustration
c. conflict
d. pressure
25. Pat’s sexual arousal just reached its peak intensity and was discharged in a series of muscular
contractions that pulsated through the pelvic area. What phase of the human sexual response did
Pat just experience?
a. plateau
b. pinnacle
c. resolution
d. orgasm
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Practice Test chapters 10 (motivation and emotion) and 14 (stress and resilience)
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