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Flora Nordica: Cistaceae
Cistaceae1 i
Annual, with basal rosette, stigma sessile ................................................................................. 3. Tuberaria
Perennial, without basal rosette, style present .............................................................................................. 2
Leaves all opposite and decussate, oblong to linear; stamens all fertile; flowers in raceme-like
cymes ................................................................................................................................. 1. Helianthemum
Upper leaves alternate, linear; outer stamens sterile; flowers solitary ......................................... 2. Fumana
1. Helianthemum Mill.
Miller, Gard. Dict. abr. ed. 4 (1754).
Rhodax Spach (1836).
Literature. Du Rietz 1923.
Chamaephytes. Evergreen, woody dwarf shrubs. Leaves short-petiolate, opposite, oblong to lanceolate; stipules
present or absent.
Inflorescences raceme-like, scorpioid cymes with small linear bracts; , flowers fully open in sunshine, closed
at night and in cold weather. Sepals markedly unequal, the three inner ones ovate, the two outer ones smaller,
linear. Petals 5, caducous. Stamens numerous, all fertile, ± erect, on tactile stimulation spreading close to the
corolla. Style sigmoid at base or straight. Capsule ovoid, loculicidal, 3-valved.
Chromosome base-number x=10 or 11; diploids in Norden.
Taxonomy. The two species native to Norden differ in morphological, cytological and embryological traits and
are referred to separate subgenera. A separation of subgenus Plectolobum (H. oelandicum and related species) at
the generic level as Rhodax Spach has been generally accepted in SE Europe, but was not supported by
Arrington & Kubitzki (2003).
Both native species belong to complexes with variation centra in southern and central Europe. Taxonomists
have laid much weight on the presence or absence of stellate hairs on the lower surface of the leaves (Proctor &
Heywood 1968). Variation in stellate hairs of H. nummularium shows a distinct geographical pattern in Norden,
while the variation in H. oelandicum is more intricate. Trichome production has been shown to be a character
with simple inheritance in several studies of plants (Kärkkäinen & Ågren 2002). Preliminary results indicate
that inheritance of stellate hairs on the lower surface of the leaves depends on one or very few genes in both
species of Helianthemum (Widén, personal observation). Taxa which are mainly based on this character are
therefore given a low rank here.
Leaves with stipules; flowers 2–3 cm diam. ..................................................................1. H. nummularium
Leaves without stipules; flowers 1–1.5 cm diam. .............................................................. 2. H. oelandicum
1. Helianthemum nummularium (L.) Mill.
Miller, Gard. dict. ed. 8, no. 12 (1768). – Cistus nummularius L., Sp. pl.: 527 (1753). – Type: Linnaean herbarium
889.54 (LINN) lectotype, sel. by López, An. Jard. Bot. Madrid 50: 46 (1992).
H. nummularium subsp. arcticum (Grosser) Hiitonen (1933).
D Soløje. F kultapäivännouto. N solrose. S solvända.
Stem short, vertical, just above the ground producing numerous procumbent to ascending, up to 25 cm long
shoots. Leaf blades elliptic-oblong to lanceolate, on flowering shoots 10–30  3–10 mm (2–5 times as long as
wide), on non-flowering shoots smaller and 2–3 times as long as wide, slightly revolute at the margin; upper
surface subglabrous to hairy, lower surface subglabrous (rarely) or covered with a thin to dense whitish felt of
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Flora Nordica: Cistaceae
stellate hairs. Stipules narrowly lanceolate, 3–8 mm, as long as or longer than the petiole.
Inflorescences with up to 10–15 flowers. Pedicels 5–11 mm. Inner sepals 5–9 mm. Petals 8–16  7–15 mm,
pure yellow, often with a dark orange spot at the base, very rarely entirely orange. Stamens 50–100, 4–6 mm.
Style 3.5–4.5 mm, ± straight; stigma entire, with short papillae. Ovary whitish tomentose. Capsule 5–7 mm,
nodding at dehiscence because the pedicel becomes arched. Seeds up to 30, brown, rounded to weakly
polyedric, 1.3–1.7 mm, covered by a mucilaginous sheath, when dry tuberculate and when wet forming a
viscous sheath. – Early summer to mid-summer.
2n=20 (S Sk 4 ). – [2n=20]
Distribution. Nem–SBor. – Indigenous in large parts of its Nordic area; declining . D fairly common in Sjæ,
scattered in NJy at and south of Limfjorden, ØJy Glatved, Klejs Skov, and scattered at Mariager Fjord, VJy
Mønsted, Daugbjerg, Hesselvig, Skovbjerg, LFM Gedser and Møns Klint, and western Brn. N Øf Moss.
S distinctly southeastern: very common in Öl and Gtl; common in Bl, Klm, eastern SmI, Ög (except the
northernmost part), eastern Srm and most of Upl; fairly rare in southern and eastern Sk and part of eastern Vg;
rare in southeasternmost Vsm; Gst Gävle and Valbo, Hls Norrala (Andviken, known since 1924) and Mpd
Sundsvall (Norra Stadsberget, originally sown but established in south-facing cliffs, known from 1910 to at least
1972); formerly also in Hl Hasslöv (c. 1754) and Östra Karup (before 1924), Dlr Rättvik (before 1831) and
possibly Husby (before 1842); a specimen from BhG Strömstad 1909 was perhaps mislabelled. F indigenous
and fairly common in A; archaeophytic in V along ancient traffic routes in the southwest archipelago (surviving
in Dragsfjärd and Korppoo; older and partly perhaps unreliable records from Kustavi, Salo, Turku and Vihti)
and in EH Janakkala (Hakoinen fort hill and its surroundings; EH records of uncertain status from Hausjärvi and
(only pupil specimens) Hauho, Iitti and Kangasala); apparently a casual recent incomer in U Hanko 1934
(roadside) and Nurmijärvi 1974 (yard lawn), ES Lappeenranta 1932 (pupil specimen), Kouvola 1945 (railway)
and Valkeala 1948 (railway) and PeP Tornio 1961; an apparently well-established population in EP Vaasa
(possibly polemochorous, first record 1951) persisted to the late 1950’s. Reported as indigenous from U Vantaa
1940 but possibly planted (dry lawn beneath calcareous rock); repeatedly searched for in vain in the 1990’s.
Europe, Turkey, the Caucasus, N Iran.
Habitat. Dry to moderately dry, sunny sites with low vegetation, usually on basic or neutral substrate (sand,
moraine or bedrock with a thin soil layer); commonest in seminatural, usually grazed grassland but also present
e.g. in woodland fringes and in herb-rich, south-facing cliffs. The species is favoured by moderate grazing but
becomes damaged by too intense grazing. It stands the initial phases of overgrowth but disappears in later
phases. – Throughout Norden declining due to artificial fertilization and overgrowth.
Biology. The roots form mycorrhiza (Boursnell 1950). Horizontal shoots sometimes root, giving rise to
restricted vegetative propagation. Old shoots eventually die back and become replaced by new shoots from the
base. Flowering shoots develop mainly from apical buds on the previous year’s shoot and flower in late May
and June; during favourable conditions inflorescences are formed also on shoots of the current year so that
flowering may continue until late summer. The flowers are usually open one at a time, taking a position at the
top of the inflorescence; when the petals are fully expanded the stamens are exposed to pollen-collecting insects.
The flowers are homogamous with stigma and anthers functional at about the same time. The species has been
reported to be ± self-compatible (Proctor 1956), but isolated plants do not set seed in cultivation (Widén,
personal observation).
Variation. The H. nummularium complex shows great diversity, especially in mountain areas of southern and
central Europe, and was subdivided into eight subspecies by Proctor and Heywood (1968).
In the Nordic area, pubescence on the lower surface of the leaves varies ± continuously from subglabrous
with few or no stellate hairs to a dense whitish felt of stellate hairs. Most plants can be referred to one of two
categories, often recognized as separate taxa: var. or subsp. obscurum with few or no stellate hairs on the lower
surface of the leaves, and var. or subsp. nummularium, with a whitish felt of stellate hairs. The frequency of the
two morphs and intermediates between them varies geographically in Norden. Var. obscurum is the exclusive or
dominating morph in populations in D, while the two morphs usually but not always occur together in
populations in the southwestern part of the distribution area in S. Var. nummularium is, however, the only
morph in most of S Klm and Ög, in Öl, Gtl, Vg and further north. Intermediates between var. obscurum and var.
nummularium have a sparse cover of stellate hairs on the lower side of the leaves. These stellate hairs are
usually larger than stellate hairs in var. nummularium. Intermediates are found in mixed populations as well as
in populations with exclusively var. obscurum, especially in D. Populations consisting of a mixture of var.
Flora Nordica: Cistaceae
obscurum, var. nummularium and intermediates occur in other parts of Europe as well (Azzouzi et al. 1997).
Intermediates are similar to experimentally produced F1 hybrids between the two varieties (Widén, personal
Variation between populations in size of leaves and flowers is not correlated with variation in pubescence.
There is a weak geographical trend in variation of leaf shape across the overlapping distribution area of the two
hair morphs in Norden (leaves being more oblong in D and more lanceolate in S Klm). However, the lack of
discontinuities in most morphological traits suggests that variation in pubescence should be recognized
taxonomically at variety level only.
There is some variation in petal colour. The orange spot at the base of the petal is rarely large, covering a
large part of the petal; in Öl, one specimen with homogeneously orange petals has been found; pale yellow or
whitish petals occur very rarely. – Var. roseum (from southwestern Europe; a casual garden escape in Norden)
has pink petals.
1a. var. nummularium
D Filtet Soløje. F ketopäivännouto. S ljus solvända.
Lower surface of leaves with a dense whitish felt of stellate hairs (older leaves and leaves on flowering shoots
sometimes more sparsely hairy). Petals pure yellow, often with a dark orange spot at the base, very rarely
entirely orange.
Distribution. D rare: NJy Gedsted; Sjæ Hørsholm (relic of cultivation?), Jægerspris, Næsbystrand, Røsnæs,
Solrød, Tornved, Tømmerup, LFM Gedser, Brn the western coast at Hellig Peder and Hammershus. S the
dominating or exclusive morph throughout except in Sk, where it is rare throughout the area of the species, and
in Bl, where it is common in the easternmost part but rare in the west. F see species .
S and C Europe, extending to the British Isles, the Baltic states, S Russia and Turkey.
1b. var. obscurum (Pers.)xi
*****. H. obscurum Pers., Syn. 2: 79 (1806) . – H. nummularium subsp. obscurum (Pers.) Holub (1964). – Described
from France.
H. ovatum (Viv.) Dunal (1824). – H. nummularium subsp. ovatum (Viv.) Schinz & Thell. (1909).
H. chamaecistus ssp. hirsutum (Vollm.) Weim
Cistus helianthemum L. (1753).
H. chamaecistus Mill. (1768).
xiii xiv
– H. vulgare Gaertn. (1788).
D Bakke-Soløje. F tanskanpäivännouto. S mörk solvända.
Lower surface of the leaves glabrous, with few stellate hairs on the midrib only, or with sparse stellate hairs all
over. Stellate hairs often larger than in var. nummularium. Petals pure yellow, often with a dark orange spot at
the base.
Distribution. D declining ; fairly common in Sjæ; scattered in western Brn and in NJy at and south of
Limfjorden; ØJy Glatved, Klejs Skov and scattered at Mariager Fjord. VJy Mønsted, Daugbjerg, Hesselvig and
Skovbjerg. LFM Møns Klint. N Østfold Moss (Jeløy). S fairly common in Sk (except in the northwest), Bl
(except the easternmost part), southeastern SmI and southwesternmost Klm (Kråksmåla, Madesjö, Örsjö, Torsås
and Vissefjärda); fairly rare in northern SmI from Bringetofta north to Säby; Ög Västra Tollstad; Gtl Fardhem
1908, Västerhejde 1892; perhaps casual in Klm Kalmar 1884.
xviixviii xix
Europe except the British Isles, the southern Iberian Peninsula and the southern Balcan
Caucasus and N Iran.
; Turkey, the
1c. var. roseum (Willk.) López Gonzáles 1992 (H. nummularium subsp. pyrenaicum (Janchen) Schinz & Thell.). S röd
solvända. – Similar to var. nummularium but with pink petals.
D Sjæ Halskov 1994 (escaped from cultivation). S Sk Malmö (docks) 1990. – The Pyrenees and neighbouring mountains.
Flora Nordica: Cistaceae
2. Helianthemum oelandicum (L.) Dum. Cours.
Dumont de Courset, Bot. cult. 3: 129 (1802). – Cistus oelandicus L., Sp. pl.: 526 (1753). – Type: S Öl, Linnaean
herbarium 689: 40 (LINN), lectotype sel. by López, An. Bot. Jard. Madrid 50: 51 (1992).
D Ølands-Soløje. F öölanninpäivännouto. S ölandssolvända.
Literature. Janchen 1907, Du Rietz 1923, Sterner 1936, Widén 1980, 1986, 1988.
Dwarf shrub. Main stem vertical, 2–10 cm; branches ± horizontally spreading, 5–15 cm. Leaves without
stipules; petiole 2–7 mm; blade ± lanceolate to oblong, 7–25  2–7 mm (2–5 times as long as wide), upper
surface glabrous or with few to many bristles, lower surface glabrous to densely stellate-tomentose; leaves (as
well as inflorescences and sepals) with minute glandular hairs, especially on otherwise glabrous plants.
Inflorescences with (1–)3(–10) flowers, glabrous to densely covered with bristles and stellate hairs. Pedicels
5–10 mm. Inner sepals 2.5–4.5 mm. Petals 5–8  4–7 mm, often slightly crenulate at apex, reflexed when the
flowers are fully open, pure yellow without an orange spot. Stamens 30–60, 2–4 mm. Style sigmoid at base;
stigma 3-lobed, with long papillae. Ovary glabrous to whitish tomentose. Capsule 4–5 mm, erect when ripe.
Seeds (1–)3–5(–15), light brown, ovoid to polyedric, smooth, 1.3–1.7 mm. – Early summer to early autumn
(flowering peaks in early June and July–August).
Distribution. Nem–SBor. – S Öl very common in the south (Stora Alvaret), more scattered in the north (owing
to scarcity of habitat).
The species occurs in the British Isles, S and C Europe, N Africa, Turkey and the Caucasus. In Norden it is
represented by the endemic subsp. oelandicum.
Habitat. Dry, open, ± well-drained habitats on limestone pavement and calcareous grassland on alvar ground;
often dominant.
Biology. Roots without root hairs, probably with mycorrhiza. Horizontal shoots rarely rooting. The flowering
intensity varies between years depending on degree of dying back of branches during drought. Mainly windpollinated; the flowers are rarely visited by pollen-collecting insects (mostly in wind-protected habitas). The
flowers are homogamous and ± self-incompatible (Widén 1986). The seeds germinate during a prolonged period
with a peak in spring and may remain viable in the soil seed bank for 3–4 years.
Variation. H. oelandicum subsp. oelandicum is extremely variable in hairiness of leaves, inflorescences and
sepals. This variation is maintained in cultivation and is geographically structured in Öland. The frequency of
different hair-morphs varies significantly between populations and seems to be correlated with environmental
factors such as drought in summer and waterlogging and frost-induced movements in the soil during winter and
early spring. In areas where both morphs occur, hairy plants tend to be more frequent in dry, well-drained
habitats, while glabrous plants are more frequent in habitats subjected to waterlogging (Widén 1988).
There is also variation in flowering phenology. The most common morph (var. oelandicum) produces
inflorescences only on the previous year’s growth and flowers during a few weeks in early June (Fig. 00). Var.
canescens produces some inflorescences on the previous year’s growth, but most inflorescences are on the
current year’s growth; the flowering period it therefore longer, with one peak in early June (on the previous
year’s growth) and a second, larger one in July–August (mainly on the current year’s growth). The concentrated
flowering of var. oelandicum is more efficient in wind-pollination than the prolonged flowering of var.
canescens. Thus, var. oelandicum has often a higher fruit and seed set than var. canescens. On the other hand,
seed production in var. oelandicum is often reduced by drought in spring and early summer, while seed
production in var. canescens is often favoured by late summer rain.
The two varieties have allopatric distributions; they occur sympatrically only in a narrow zone (from tens to
a few hundred metres) of overlap. In this zone var. canescens usually occurs in well-drained habitats on bedrock
with a thin layer of weathered soil, var. oelandicum in less well-drained habitats with a thicker layer of
weathered soil.
No barriers against cross-fertilization exist, but the allopatric distribution and the partial separation of
flowering times restrict gene flow between the two morphs. Introgression can be traced in flowering phenology.
Experimentally produced F1 hybrids have most inflorescences on the previous year’s growth, and the few
inflorescences on the current year’s growth often have a delayed flowering compared with the main summer
flowering of var. canescens.
Var. canescens has traditionally been referred to H. canum, while var. oelandicum was referred to a group of
taxa without stellate hairs on the lower side of the leaves (H. alpestre, H. italicum and H. rupifragum).
Flora Nordica: Cistaceae
However, crossing experiments show that all morphs in Öland are closely related to each other and that they are
closely related to the H. canum group (Widén 1986). Consequently, many modern floras treat the complex as
one species, H. oelandicum, with a number of geographical subspecies (Castroviejo et al. 1993, Stace 1997).
2a. var. oelandicum
D Almindelig Ølands-Soløje. F kaljuöölanninpäivännouto. N ölandssolrose. S äkta ölandssolvända.
Leaves, inflorescences and sepals glabrous, with glandular hairs and/or bristles, and rarely also with a thin felt
of stellate hairs. Inflorescences mainly at the apex of the previous year’s growth, during favourable conditions
also laterally on the previous year’s growth; number of internodes (3–)5–15(–20). – From late May to mid-June
(flowering lasts only 2–3(–4) weeks).
2n=22 (S Öl 10).
Distribution. S Öl Stora Alvaret except the southernmost part (to south of the village Albrunna in Södra
Möckleby and south of the village Södra Sebberneby in Ventlinge); also in small alvar areas in the northern and
middle parts of the island.
Habitat. Well-drained to occasionally waterlogged open limestone gravel, especially along fissures in the
limestone pavement; sometimes in more closed calcareous grassland.
Variation. The frequency of hairy plants differs significantly between populations (Widén 1988). Glabrous
plants dominate on most small alvars in northern Öland (Sterner 1936) and in a large area in the eastern part of
Stora Alvaret (northwest of the village Segerstad), but are rare in some parts in the west (Widén 1988).
2b. var. canescens (Hartm.) Fr.
Fries, Nov. Fl. suec. 7: 115 (1823). – Cistus oelandicus var. canescens Hartm., Handb. Skand. fl.: 207 (1820). – H.
canum subsp. canescens (Hartm.) Á. Löve & D. Löve (1961). – Type:
H. canum auct., non (L.) Baumg. (1816).
H. italicum (L.) Pers. (1806) subsp. rupifragum sensu Sterner (1936), non (A. Kern.) Hayek (1925).
xxv xxvi
D Grå Ølands-Soløje. F villaöölanninpäivännouto. N filtsolrose. S sen ölandssolvända.
Leaves, inflorescences and sepals with bristles and stellate hairs, the lower surface of the leaves with or without
a whitish felt of stellate hairs. Inflorescences mainly laterally on the current year’s growth, some also laterally
on the previous year’s growth; number of internodes in inflorescences on the current year’s growth (1–)2–3(–8),
in those on the previous year’s growth (2–)5–8(–12). – From late May to August, and more sparsely throughout
2n=22 (S Öl 5).
Distribution. S Öl the central parts of southernmost Stora Alvaret (± south of a line between the limestone
quarry north of the village Albrunna in Södra Möckleby and the village Löt in Gräsgård); also in a ± isolated
alvar north of the village Eketorp in Gräsgård, and in small alvar areas south of Stora Alvaret.
Habitat. The main occurrences in Stora Alvaret are on drained limestone pavement and limestone gravel; in the
southern part of Stora Alvaret usually in less frost-disturbed sites than var. oelandicum.
Variation. The proportion of inflorescences on the previous year’s growth and on the current year’s growth
varies between years and between populations, and especially the flowering intensity in June varies between
years (Widén 1980). The most densely hairy plants dominate in a small area in the northern part of the area of
var. canescens but are less common elsewhere. They are rare in the small alvars south of Stora Alvaret. Plants
without a whitish felt of stellate hairs on the lower side of the leaves have been mistaken for a taxon from SE
Europe (H. italicum subsp. rupifragum; Sterner 1936). However, preliminary results from crossing experiments
within var. canescens show a clear segregation in two morphs, with and without a whitish felt of stellate hairs
on the lower side of the leaves, respectively, in F2. This indicates that pubescence is a trait with simple
inheritance and that variation in stellate hairs should be treated taxonomically at a low taxonomical level only.
Flora Nordica: Cistaceae
Rare casual
H. ledifolium (L.) Mill. 1768. – Annual, 10–50 cm; variable in pubescence. Leaves lanceolate to elliptic-obovate, 10–40
mm. Stipules linear-lanceolate, to half as long as the leaves. Pedicels erect, shorter than the sepals. Petals yellow, shorter
than the sepals. – [2n=20]
D Sjæ Hastrup at Køge 1982 (garden weed). – S Europe. The Danish specimen belongs to subsp. lasiocarpum (Jacques &
Hérincq) Nyman 1878.
2. Fumana (Dunal) Spach
Spach, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. Ser. 2, 6: 359 (1836). – Basionym: Helianthemum sect. Fumana Dunal in DC., Prodr. 1:
274 (1824).
Fumana procumbens (Dunal) Gren. & Godr.
Grenier & Godron, Fl. France 1: 173 (1847). – Helianthemum procumbens Dunal in DC., Prodr. Syst. 1: 275 (1824). –
Described from “Gallia austr., Italia, Tauria”.
Cistus fumana L., Sp. pl.: 525 (1753). – Helianthemum fumana (L.) Mill. (1768).
F. vulgaris Spach (1836)
D Gotlandssoløje. F rentopäivänkilo. N gotlandssolrose. S gotlandssolvända.
Literature. Bengtsson 1993, Pettersson 1958.
Chamaephyte. Dwarf-shrub with short, thick, vertical stem and prostrate, up to 25 cm long branches. Stems with
minute, arched, multicellular glandular hairs, thereby apparing greyish; leaves, pedicels and sepals with similar,
but more sparse hairs. Leaves linear, 7–15  0.5–2 mm, alternate; stipules absent; margins sometimes scabrid
from a few hairs, apex usually with one such hair.
Flowers solitary, axillary. Pedicels 7–14 mm. Sepals markedly unequal, the three inner ones 7–9  4–6 mm,
prominently veined, the two outer ones similar to the leaves but only 4–5  0.2–1 mm. Petals 5, caducous, 5–8
 4–7 mm, pale yellow. Outer stamens sterile, less than 10, moniliform (like a string of beads); inner ones
fertile, less than 20. Style filiform, ± geniculate at base; stigma ± undivided, with short papillae. Capsule 7–8
mm, ovoid, convex-triangular in transverse section, loculicidal; valves 3, usually patent after dehiscence. Seeds
5–10, dark brown, ovoid, convex-triangular
in transverse section, smooth, 2–3 mm. – Mid-summer to late
Distribution. Nem–SBor. – S Öl Böda (Mensalvaret), Sandby (several localities) and Stenåsa (east of
Bårbykällan); Gtl scattered in areas dominated by hard limestone.
W, S and C Europe (north to C Germany), S Ukraine, the Caucasus, N Iran.
Habitat. Sunny, well-drained habitats with sparse vegetation on hard limestone usually covered with a thin
layer of weathering gravel; very rarely on calcareous, shifting sand. The life length of individual plants is often
limited by frost upheaval which gradually leads to uprooting. The species does not stand intensive grazing, but,
at least in Öland moderate grazing seems to be necessary to keep the localities sufficiently open for the species.
In Gotland, on the contrary, it has increased during the 20th century because large alvar areas are no longer
grazed (Pettersson 1958).
Biology. The roots are woody with sparse fine roots and without root hairs. New shoots and seedlings grow
upwards, while branches on older plants extend horizontally in right angles to the dying apical shoot (thereby
the plants get a zigzag appearance when seen from above). No vegetative propagation occurs. The development
of individual flowers is accompanied by characteristic movements of the pedicel. The pedicel of the young
flower bud is straight, thus the bud is pointing along the shoot and is hidden among leaves. Before anthesis the
pedicel bends upwards and during anthesis the petals are exposed; the petals are held horizontally at anthesis.
The flowers open in the morning and are ephemeral (2–5 hours; the petals fall well before noon). They offer
neither nectar nor large amounts of pollen to pollinators and the species is almost exclusively self-fertilizing.
Adding extra pollen to open flowers gave marginally more seeds than bagged flowers in a field experiment
(Bengtsson, unpublished). After flowering the sepals close around the stamens and the pistil and the pedicel
starts bending downwards; the sepals remain around the capsule. The whole procedure of pedicel bending takes
Flora Nordica: Cistaceae
about 48 hours according to Vestergren (1909). The capsules mature in two to four weeks depending on weather
conditions. The prostrate growth habit and the fact that the capsule opens downwards are likely to restrict the
average distance of seed dispersal outside the immediate neighbourhood of the maternal plant. According to
Vestergren (1909) and Pettersson (1958) long-distance dispersal of unopened capsules during the winter may
however be possible.
3. Tuberaria (Dunal) Spach
Spach, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. Ser. 2, 6: 364 (1836). – Basionym: Helianthemum sect. Tuberaria Dunal in DC., Prodr.
1: 270 (1824).
Tuberaria guttata (L.) Fourr. 1868. F täplänouto. S fläcksolvända. – Annual with a basal leaf-rosette. Stem ± procumbent
to erect, 10–30 cm. Leaves with 3 distinct veins, pubescent. Lower leaves elliptic to obovate, without stipules; upper leaves
linear-oblong to linear-lanceolate, with stipules. Petals 5–8 × 4–7 mm, usually with a dark spot at the base. – [2n=36]
F U Helsinki 1940 (with Moroccan cork).
England and E Germany, and to Turkey.
xxx xxxi
– S and W Europe, mainly Mediterranean but extending north to S
Arrington, J.M. & Kubitzki, K. 2003: Cistaceae. In K. Kubitzki & C. Bayer (eds), The families and genera of
vascular plants. V. Malvales, Capparales and non-betalain Caryophyllales. Springer Verlag.
Azzouzi, K., Vekemans, X., Meerts, P. & Lefèbvre, C. 1997: Allozyme variation in calcicolous and silicicolous
populations of Helianthemum nummularium. Belg. J. Bot. 129: 101–106.
Bengtsson, K. 1993: Fumana procumbens on Öland: population dynamics of a disjunct species at the northern
limit of its range. J. Ecol. 81: 745–758.
Boursnell, J.G. 1950: The symbiotic seed-borne fungus in the Cistaceae. Ann. Bot. 14: 217–243.
Castroviejo, S., Aedo, C., Cirujano, S., Laínz, M., Montserrat, P., Morales, R., Muños Garmendia, F., Navarro,
C., Paiva, J. & Soriano, C. 1993: Flora Iberica III. Real Jardín Botánico, Madrid.
Du Rietz, G.E. 1923: De svenska Helianthemum-arterna. Bot. Notiser 1923: 435–446.
Janchen, E. 1907: Helianthemum canum (L.) Baum. und seine nächsten Verwandten. Abhandl. Zool. Bot. Ges.
Wien 4: 1–68.
Kärkkäinen, K. & Ågren, J. 2002: Genetic basis of trichome production in Arabidopsis lyrata. Hereditas 136:
Pettersson, B. 1958: Dynamik och konstans i Gotlands flora och vegetation. Acta Phytogeogr. Suec. 40.
Proctor, M.C.F. 1956: Biological flora of the British Isles, Helianthemum. J. Ecol. 44: 675–692.
Proctor, M.C.F & Heywood, V.H. 1968: Helianthemum. In T.G. Tutin et al. (eds), Flora Europaea. 2. Rosaceae
to Umbelliferae: 286–291. Cambridge University Press.
Stace, C. 1997: New flora of the British Isles. Ed. 2. Cambridge University Press.
Sterner, R. 1936: Helianthemum oelandicum (L.) Willd. och dess anförvanter på Öland. Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 30:
Vestergren, T. 1909: Om Helianthemum fumanas blomning. Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 2: 210–222.
Widén, B. 1980: Flowering strategies in the Helianthemum oelandicum (Cistaceae) complex on Öland, Sweden.
Bot. Notiser 133: 99–115.
Widén, B. 1986: Biosystematics in the Helianthemum oelandicum complex on Öland. Symb. Bot. Upsal. 27:
Widén, B. 1988: Partitioning of variation in pubescence of a dwarf shrub, Helianthemum oelandicum. Acta
Phytogeogr. Suec. 76: 135–156.
BENGT: De nomenklatoriska efterforskningarna bör mycket snart vara avslutade. Ett flertal
kommentarer, sök efter ditt namn!
BJÖRN: DU BÖR NU GRANSKA VOUCHERS (skall finnas på Botaniska museet i Lund)./MA
De fyra räkningarna från Skåne gjordes av Börje Lövkvist och finns publierade i Opera Botanica nr 137. Två av
dem hör till ssp. nummularium (Benestads backar, voucher 1081 och Smedstorp, voucher 2287), två till ssp.
obscurum (Brösarp, vocuher 1555 och Gladsax: Bäckhalladalen, vocuher 1288).
När du granskat vouchers kan uppgifterna eventuellt flyttas till rätt underart. /ThK
Flora Nordica: Cistaceae
Inlagt pga dansk kommentar, OK?./MA
CISTACEAE dansk interngranskning (enda kommentaren):
Helianthemum nummularium
På det vestlige Brn kan arten efter vores opfattelse højst betegnes som "scattered" i dag. Desuden bør det
anføres for landet som helhed, at den er "declining". De samme bemærkninger gælder for var. obscurum.
[”declining” står under ”habitat” men kanske borde antydas i samband med frekvenserna också. /MA]
Jag har underartsbestämt beläggen av H. nummularium i UPS vilket föranleder en del förslag till ändringar. Se
vidare under underarterna.
I utbredningsavsnittet, sist i Sverige, lägg till: ”A specimen from BhG Strömstad 1909 is perhaps mislabeled.”
Symbol saknas för Öf (redaktionell miss) – ska vara ROSLPY
Lägg till BhG+IIIIID+Strömstad 1909 (UPS), perhaps mislabelled/ GJORT
Infoga BhG med följande text:
Strömstad 1909 Gösta Strandell (UPS)
På Dlr, stryk ”No specimens known” / GJORT
RAINO: Check the text on Finland! – based on your text but many changes, hopefully no
Raino Lampinen, 8/23/2005 – Cistaceae - Helianthemum nummularium
Finnish name (used by Henry Väre in the translation of Mossberg / Stenberg): kultapäivännouto.
Map is ok, distribution text needs details, a rather long suggestion below:
RAINO check new map (it needed changing to match text)
F indigenous and
fairly common in A
and possibly U
***; as an
archaeophyte rare
southeasternmost V
and in EH ***;
casual in U ***, ES
***, EP *** and
PeP ***.
F indigenous and fairly common in A;
Suominen & Hämet-Ahti (Norrlinia
4, 1993): H. nummularium favours
dry calcareous habitats, being
native only in Åland. Its other
Finnish permanent occurrences lie
at ancient settlement places
(Hakoinen fort hill in EH
Janakkala) and along old traffic
routes, and thus it is an apparent
archaeophyte. From V it is
disappearing due to overgrowth of
meadows. From some provinces
there are records from loading
places or gardens.
surviving as archaeophytic along ancient traffic
routes in Dragsfjärd and Korppoo in the SW
archipelago of V (older and partly perhaps
unreliable records also from Kustavi, Salo, Turku
and Vihti) as well as in EH Janakkala (Hakoinen
fort hill and its surroundings; additional EH
records from Hausjärvi and (pupil specimens)
from Hauho, Hausjärvi, Iitti and Kangasala);
an apparent casual neophyte in U Hanko 1934
(roadside) and, Nurmijärvi 1974 (yard lawn), ES
Lappeenranta 1932 (pupil specimen), Kouvola
1945 (railway) and Valkeala 1948 (railway), EP
Vaasa upto the late 1950s and in PeP Tornio
1961. Reported as indigenous from U Vantaa
1940 (dry lawn at the foot of a calcareous rock;
apparently extinct), but possibly planted there.
Flora Nordica: Cistaceae
1) +- Archipelago: Dragsfjärd, Korppoo,
2) Mainland: Salo 1909, Turku, Vihti 1888,
[Vantaa] Helsingin pitäjä,
Vestersundom, Vikkulla,
nurmikkorinteellä kalkkipit. kallion
tyvellä, nähtävästi luonnonvarainen,
1940 Erkamo (H)
Nurmijärvi, Röykä, Kaukopää, yard lawn
1974 (P. Askola, H)
Hanko, vägkant 1934 I. Seligson (H)
Loimaa, Loimijoki, 15.IX.1904 Knut
Allan Wegelius, H675479. – Pupil
Hauho 1916 (pupil specimen)
Hausjärvi 1923 (H); literature records
Janakkala: 1) Hakoinen (first collected
1840), 2)
Kangasala 1957
Iitti 1891 (pupil)
Lappeenranta, Simola, hill 1932 (H); Kouvola,
along rw 1945 (KYM); Valkeala, Saarento,
railway (Mäkelä 1948, literature record)
Collected from Vaasa, Vaskiluoto, previous
German camp site in 1951, 1953,1954, 1959
(VOA, H; at least)
Rautiainen & Laine (1989): In V
the species has always been rare,
and it has been found from eight
places. The only mainland locality
has been in Katariinanlaakso in
Turku (…), from which it
disappeared due to clearing land for
cultivation. Eklund (1958)
mentioned the plant in the 19201930s from five places in Korppoo.
In summer 1987 only one of them
was found, in Finnö island. …
Surviving also in hiittiinen,
Långholm; old records from
Erkamo's specimen originates from
the vicinity of Vikkulla farm (gård).
Arto Kurtto has visited the palce
several times without finding the
plant. There are many relic or
escaped plnts in that area.
In Hakoinen fort hill accompanied
by Agrimonia eupatoria, Allium
olecaeum, Lithospermum arvense,
Trifolium arvense, Mysotis stricta,
Viola tricolor
Hiitonen, Luonnon Tutkija 58:58
(1954) points out that probable not
a polemochore in EP Vaasa, since
in 1953 there were over 60 shoots
(or a big plant of that size), and in a
place a bit away from the "other"
polemochores; thinking that it must
have taken decades to grow into
that size.
Flora Nordica: Cistaceae
TAX Helianthemum nummularium
GRI 730:38 *G1
COM Tornio
SIT Kaakamo, Kalkkimaan tien varrella
HAB Niityllä
NAM Railonsala, Helmi
NAM Railonsala, Artturi
DAT 1961-07-17
SOU Herb
SER 122698
BJÖRN, THOMAS: Ska en mer genomgripande ändring göras?
Här följer gamla kommentarer:
BJÖRN; THOMAS: Nu framgår det inte [längre?] hur den taxonomiska värderingen BW gjort förhåller sig till
Proctor and Heywoods underarter. För den oinvigde blir det kryptiskt.
Jag föreslår omflyttning och omskrivning för att länka ihop det om europeisk indelning med det om nordisk
variation, enligt nedan.
Det gula bör vara sist (som nu) eller först – och i vilket fall som helst kompletteras med några ord som binder
samman P & H med det som beskrivs i Flora Nordica (eller kanske förklarar att BW inte tar hänsyn till P & H
eftersom deras indelning inte fungerar för det nordiska, eller hur det nu är).
Variation. Pubescence on the lower surface of the leaves varies ± continuously from subglabrous with few or
no stellate hairs to a dense whitish felt of stellate hairs. Most plants can be referred to one of two categories,
often recognized as separate taxa: var. or subsp. obscurum with few or no stellate hairs on the lower surface of
the leaves, and var. or subsp. nummularium, with a whitish felt of stellate hairs. The frequency of the two
morphs and intermediates between them varies geographically in Norden. Var. obscurum is the exclusive or
dominating morph in populations in D, while the two morphs usually but not always occur together in
populations in the southwestern part of the distribution area in S. Var. nummularium is, however, the only
morph in most of S Klm and Ög, in Öl, Gtl, Vg and further north. Intermediates between var. obscurum and var.
nummularium have a sparse cover of stellate hairs on the lower side of the leaves. These stellate hairs are
usually larger than stellate hairs in var. nummularium. Intermediates are found in mixed populations as well as
in populations with exclusively var. obscurum, especially in D. Populations consisting of a mixture of var.
obscurum, var. nummularium and intermediates occur in other parts of Europe as well (Azzouzi et al. 1997).
Intermediates are similar to experimentally produced F1 hybrids between the two varieties (Widén, personal
Variation between populations in size of leaves and flowers is not correlated with variation in pubescence.
There is a weak geographical trend in variation of leaf shape across the overlapping distribution area of the two
hair morphs in Norden (leaves being more oblong in D and more lanceolate in S Klm). However, the lack of
discontinuities in most morphological traits suggests that variation in pubescence should be recognized
taxonomically at variety level only.
There is some variation in petal colour. The orange spot at the base of the petal is rarely large, covering a
large part of the petal; in Öl, one specimen with homogeneously orange petals has been found; pale yellow or
Flora Nordica: Cistaceae
whitish petals occur very rarely. – Var. roseum (from southwestern Europe; a casual garden escape in Norden)
has pink petals.
Helianthemum nummularium shows great diversity, especially in mountain areas of southern and central
Europe, and was divided in eight subspecies by Proctor and Heywood (1968). The Nordic variation is [intricate
and/but...?] [well within the range of subsp. ...?]
Ad hoc-lösning efter förslag från ThK genomförd: ”Jag föreslår att ”The H,. nummularium compex ... (1968) får
inleda sektionen om variantion. Och sedan fortsätter texten: ”In the Nordic area, pubescence on the lower
surface ... “ Detta som det för tillfället smidigaste lösningen som inte kräver ngot fritt svamlande från vår sida.”
Jag har inga indikationer på att variationen i hårighet ska behandlas taxonomiskt olika i olika delar av
utbredningsområdet! /BW
/ Denna not förstår jag inte – har någon påstått detta?? Det kanske bara är en upplysning till oss. / ThK
BJÖRN: var det så eller är det någon formulering som du vill ändra?
Jag har underartsbestämt beläggen av H. nummularium i UPS vilket föranleder en del förslag till ändringar.
Material från Bohuslän och Dalarna av ssp. nummularium fanns där. Tills vidare bör vi nog betrakta
bohuslänsfyndet som tvivelaktigt, men vi efterlyser bohuslänningarnas synpunkter./ThK
Helianthemum nummularium var. nummularium
Infoga BhG med följande text:
Strömstad 1909 Gösta Strandell (UPS)
Infoga Dlr med följande text:
”Från Rättvik i Dalarne” ex herb. C. G. Kröningssvärd (UPS) / GJORT
EFTERLYS synpunkter från Bohuslän. Inlagd som frågetecken på Bh.
Här måste stå något om den finska förekomsten!
Raino Lampinen, 8/23/2005 - Cistaceae - Helianthemum nummularium var. nummularium
Finnish name (used by Henry Väre in the translation of Mossberg / Stenberg): ketopäivännouto.
Map and text for F the same already given at species level, see above./RL
Ska texten stå här eller på arten??? (gäller både manus och geofil)
Kan några av de tillfälliga vara annan ras?/MA
Lägg till Dlr+ENALXY+Rättvik (UPS)
Lägg till BhG+IIIIID+Strömstad 1909 (UPS), perhaps mislabeled / GJORT
BENGT: På varietetsnivå måste kanske en nykombination göras. Svar:
Ja, noteras för Fl. Nordica
notes / BJ – ThK kommenterar: Observera att det behöver inte vara obscurum som blir det
gällande epitetet! Arbetet bör inte uppskjutas länge, för det kan bli tidsödande att ta reda på
vilket av alla epiteten i den europeiska litteraturen som gavs först på varietets nivå.
BENGT att kolla: [Notering från Bengt:] Enl. Holub , Acta Horti Bot. Prag. 1963: 53 (1964) är H.
obscurum basionym – varför Fl.Eur. 2: 288 anger Celakovsky har jag inte luskat ut. – [Thomas’ kommentar:]
Enligt Med-Checklist och Standardliste är basionymen H. chamaecistus ssp. obscurum Čelak., Prodr. Fl.
Böhmen 3: 483 (1875). Här får man nog kontrollera litteraturställena. – Bengts svar: Celakovský skriver:
under Helianthemum chamaecistus: a) obscurum (Pers. sp., H. ovatum Dunal). och sedan 3
raders beskrivning. Namnet baseras alltså på H. obscurum Pers. Hos Persoon, Syn. Pl. 2: 79
(1806) – ThK har ändrat i texten enligt detta men är inte övertygad. Att Med-Checklist och
Standardliste skriver Celak. och inte (Pers.) Celak. måste bero på att Persoons namn anses
ogiltigt av någon anledning (om ”basionymen” är ogiltig ska man betrakta
”omkombinationen” som ett nytt namn).
Flora Nordica: Cistaceae
BENGT: Detta namn används i Skånes flora 1963 och skulle kanske vara med i synonymiken. Troligen är
det illegitimt. Enligt Med-Checklist är det Mérat som är auktorn till H. hirsutum. – BENGTS SVAR: Har
svårt att få fram Mérat och noten kan stå kvar för senare kontroll – THOMAS kommentar:
OBS att Weimarck anger Vollmann som auktor till basionymet – kanske felcitering?
BENGT: skall ref. med måste den utredas mer. Weimarck (1963) anger (trots ”Vollm.”) Cistus hirsutus
Thuillier 1799 som basionym – så skulle det kunna tolkas. Har inte hunnit titta I Thuillier / BJ
[BENGT: Enligt diverse litteratur är namnen Cistus helianthemum, H. chamaecistus och H. vulgare alla
synonymer till ssp. obcurum och de har därför flyttats till denna. Men baseras möjligen inte alla på Cistus
helianthemum L.? Kanske detta gäller även för epitetet ovatum. – OBS att synonymer med samma typ ska stå
i samma stycke och med typen sist. BENGTS Svar: H. chamaecistus Mill. baseras inte på Cistus
helianthemum. H. vulgare Gaertn. inkluderar bl.a. Linnés frasnamn för Cistus
helianthemum, och citerar det från ”Syst. Veg, 500” och är alltså baserat på C.
helianthemum. Har fått fram Viviani och funnit att H. ovatum inte baseras på något annat
namn. – ThK har flyttat H. vulgare ovan enligt detta. – Inga oklarheter; kommentaren
kvarstår som minneshjälp./MA070829]
jfr dansk kommentar på arten /MA
Jag har underartsbestämt beläggen av H. nummularium i UPS vilket föranleder en del förslag till ändringar
(jfr även arten o nummularium).
- Det fanns ytterligare ett ark av ssp. obscurum från Gotland. Det får mig att tro att underarten verkligen har
förekommit (eller förekommer) på Gotland. Troligen är den inte medvetet eftersökt under den nu aktuella
inventeringen, varför vi inte bör markera den som utgången på kartan.
- Slutligen fanns det ett ark av ssp. obscurum från en järnvägsstation i Kalmar. Det är en känd samlare, så
uppgiften är nog korrekt, men kanske var det frågan om en tillfällig förekomst.
Helianthemum nummularium var. obscurum
I utbredningsavsnittet, sist i Sverige, ändra till: ”… Västra Tollstad; Gtl Fardhem 1908, Västerhejde 1892;
perhaps casual in Klm Kalmar 1884.”
Gtl ändra till ROSLPY+Fardhem 1908, Västerhejde 1892 /GJORT
Helianthemum nummularium var. obscurum
På Gotland, infoga följande tre rader:
Fardhem 9 juli 1908 Torborg Trafvenfelt (UPS; together with untypical ssp. nummularium)
Wisby mot Vesterhejde Aug. 1892 Rudolf Larsson (S)
Both specimens have a number of large stellate hairs on lower sides of leaves and are thus not fully typical.
På Kalmar, infoga följande rad:
Sm. Calmar vid jernvägsstationen 7/6 1884 M. Lönnroth (UPS); casual?
/ThK sv granskning/GJORT
[ATT SPARA i checklista, vanligt fel: slut-l dubbeltecknas i brittisk engelska (labelled), i amerikansk
engelska vanligtvis inte / kollat Cambridge Dictionaries online MA 070829]
Raino Lampinen, 8/23/2005 - Cistaceae - Helianthemum nummularium var. obscurum - Finnish name (used
by Henry Väre in the translation of Mossberg / Stenberg): tanskanpäivännouto.
MA: kolla skrivningen
Flora Nordica: Cistaceae
Raino Lampinen, 8/23/2005 – Cistaceae - Helianthemum oelandicum - Finnish name (used by Henry Väre
in the translation of Mossberg / Stenberg): öölanninpäivännouto
Raino Lampinen, 8/23/2005 – Cistaceae - Helianthemum oelandicum var. oelandicum - Finnish name (used
by Henry Väre in the translation of Mossberg / Stenberg): kaljuöölanninpäivännouto
BENGT: är typifieringsnoten klar?
Nedan de gamla kommentarerna:
BENGT: BJÖRN har ett ark från Hartmans herbarium med påskriften ”canescens” Bengts svar: Ja, han har
det till låns från UPS. Typifieringen måste ju in i en Fl. Nordica note.
BJÖRN: Kan du ordna en scanning av etiketten så att vi ser exakt vad där står och om Hartman själv skrivit?
SVAR/BW: Ja, sänder bilder separat. / Har gjort utskrifter / THK
CITAT FRÅN E-brev från mig till Björn 15/6 2005:
”Bengt och jag har tittat på bilderna av Hartman-arket i dag.
Det är tydligen material från fyra olika lokaler uppfästade på arket. Det innebär att det finns risk för att
det är olika taxa och då gäller det att välja ett av dem och det för taxonet ifråga mest utpräglade som
Vi måste ha info från dig om de fyra exemplarens morfologi, om de är var. oelandium, var. canescens,
mellanting eller obestämbara. Sätt gärna detta i kortform på en bestämningslapp bredvid vart och ett
av de fyra exemplaren (klistra fast med minsta möjliga mängd lim men så att de dock inte kan lossna!)
Motivera dina bestämningar (gärna utförligt, men det behöver inte vara formulerat för tryckning) i brev
till Bengt (gärna kopia till mig).
Efter eventuell korrespondens och följdfrågor så skicka tillbaka arket till UPS så att Bengt kan detaljgranska
etiketterna och de små siffrorna som verkar finnas på varje exemplar!”
I interngranskningsversionen är ovanstående nedkokt till följande:
BENGT, BJÖRN, THOMAS förbereder typifiering (typ: [något av de fyra exemplaren på] ett ark från Hartmans
herbarium med påskriften ”canescens”) i Fl Nordica note.
[AVKLARAT; kommentaren sparad som minneshjälp:
BENGT: A. Hayek är omkombinerande auktor, Feddes Rep. Beih. 30(1): 497 (1925) enligt Med-Checklist.
Bengts svar (i 2 omgångar): Beger (in Hegi), också 1925, är från Hylander 1943, men
Med.Check List är ju senare och mer auktoritativ, så vi kan skifta till Hayek. – ThK:
Hylander hade ju i och för sig kunnat ha rätt – men Hayeks kombination är från februari
och Begers från augusti enligt TL-2 så det ska vara Hayek.]
THOMAS: blev namnändringen klar?
BJÖRN: jag förstår att du helt gått ifrån hårigheten som taxonomisk karaktär och bygger underarterna på
skottsystemen. Sen solvända eller sen ölandssolvända skulle kanske vara ett bättre namn. Men det är ju
onekligen en viss korrelation mellan hårighet och blomningsstrategi, så att de flesta PF är håriga och de flesta
CF är kala, så man kan kanske slippa att ändra namn – vi tycker ju att det krävs väldigt starka indikationer för
att ändra ett någorlunda etablerat namn. Jag tar gärna synpunkter och argument (vi har en namnkommitté i
Svenska Botaniska Föreningen)./ThK
SVAR: Jag tycker att sen ölandssolvända är ett mer adekvat namn, eftersom de största ytorna med var.
canescens domineras av icke filthåriga plantor. / BW
– Svenska namnet ändras till sen ölandssolvända; jag tar upp det i namnkommittén i augusti!/ThK
Raino Lampinen, 8/23/2005 – Cistaceae - Helianthemum oelandicum var. canescens - Finnish name (used
by Henry Väre in the translation of Mossberg / Stenberg): villaöölanninpäivännouto
BENGT kvarstående tveksamhet från Thomas:
BENGT: Baseras Fumana vulgaris på Cistus fumana? I så fall ska de stå i samma stycke. Bengts svar: svar:
Flora Nordica: Cistaceae
Ja, han anför två varieteter och ”alfa minor” baseras på Cistus fumana. – ThKs komm: Jag är
osäker på nomenklaturreglerna: innebär detta verkligen att ARTEN Fumana vulgaris baseras
på Cistus fumana? Är det inte bara en omkombination under ett nytt artnamn??
Raino Lampinen, 8/23/2005 – Cistaceae - Fumana procumbens – Finnish name (used by Henry Väre in
the translation of Mossberg / Stenberg): rentopäivänkilo
THOMAS: kan du kolla detta?
BJÖRN: triangular-ovoid och convex-triangular saknas i vår termlista.
Convex-triangular torde ha konvexa sidor o skarpa hörn, men triangular-ovoid är jag osäker på.
Jag uppfattar ”triangular-ovoid” som ungefär samma form som ”ovoid, convex-triangular in cross section” – om
det stämmer bör de formuleras lika, om det inte stämmer bör skillnaden om möjligt förtydligas. /Magdalena
SVAR/BW: Ändrar enligt ditt förslag, men är inte riktigt nöjd med beskrivningen av kapselformen.
BJÖRN: Jag hade nog inget förslag? Förstod bara inte skillnaden mellan två saker som beskrivits med olika ord
(om det finns någon skillnad – finns det det?) och önskade därför ett förtydligande. /Magdalena
THOMAS: ”beskrivningen kollas också mot finska exet” är det gjort?
Raino Lampinen, 8/23/2005
Tuberaria guttata
F U Helsinki 1940, on storage place of Moroccan cork
See Pettersson, An Alien Flora on Drumsö (Helsingfors) introduced by Cork Bark imported from
Morocco and Spain. - Memoranda Soc. Fauna Flora Fennica 27:111-117.
Tuberaria guttata
FID Helianthemum guttatum
GRI 6672:382 *G2
COM Helsinki
SIT Helsingfors, Drumsö
HAB Fabrikstomt, upplagsplats för korkbark imp. fr. Marocko
NAM Pettersson, Bror
DAT 1940-10-03
SER 399181
SOU Herb
Flora Nordica: Cistaceae