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Koenig & Bauer AG (KBA)
Druckmaschinen / Printing Presses
Presseinformation / Press Release
Autor / Author:
Klaus Schmidt
Nr. / No.:
Rückfragen / Enquiries:
K. Schmidt/ M. Dänhardt
Datum / Date:
Telefon / Phone:
+49 931 909-4336/ +49 351 833-2580 E-Mail:
[email protected]
Sperrvermerk / Release:
Zeichen / Ref.:
Bilder / Photographs:
Seiten / Pages:
Koenig & Bauer at Drupa 2012: sprinting ahead
KBA lights an innovation firework in offset and digital print
True to the chosen slogan “sprinting ahead”, the second-largest printing
press manufacturer in the world, Koenig & Bauer AG (KBA), has
planned a veritable innovation firework to light up this year's Drupa
exhibition. A press conference on 20 March, at the opening of a special
sneak preview for invited users at the company's sheetfed offset facility
in Radebeul, announced many of the Drupa highlights for offset and
digital print to a wider audience for the first time. Around 1,000 print
professionals from Europe and overseas took advantage of the open
house to experience the latest sheetfed offset generation during
impressive live demonstrations. With the unveiling of its new, highly
automated large-format press series Rapida 145, represented on this
occasion by a six-colour model tailored for packaging and an eightcolour perfector press for commercial and magazine printing, KBA
underlined its technical supremacy as market leader in this format class.
An example for meaningful synergy effects between offset and digital
print was given with the new inkjet printing system for the new Rapida
105 medium-format generation. The Drupa curtain was naturally not yet
raised on everything the engineers have up their sleeves in Radebeul,
but the exciting innovations placed on the table so far have definitely
justified the Drupa slogan “sprinting ahead”. KBA has booked a 3,500m²
(37,700ft²) stand in Düsseldorf (hall 16, stand 16C47) as the showcase
for its many new and further developments for sheetfed, digital and web
offset printers.
Bolza-Schünemann: print needs innovation
In his opening address, KBA president Claus Bolza-Schünemann drew
attention to the tense market situation which still burdens the
advertising- and media-dependent segments of the industry, and to the
excess capacities which still exist in some areas on the manufacturer
side, despite the painfully extensive workforce reductions. Years of
unhealthy price competition were identified as a significant contributing
factor in the recent bankruptcy of the former number-two German
manufacturer. KBA, by contrast, has always rejected and continues to
reject this path of problem solution on the shoulders of others. Through
timely capacity downsizing at the group's own expense, intensification of
the internal division of labour, an increased proportion of in-house
production, development of the niche segments established over the
past decades, and expansion into the field of digital print, the foundation
has been laid for improved plant utilisation. KBA is the only one of the
three major German manufacturers to have weathered recent storms by
its own efforts, and was likewise the only press manufacturer to post a
pre-tax profit in 2009, 2010 and 2011. The sums, however, are still
insufficient to finance all the necessary investments and innovations,
and so work continues on the optimisation of structures and processes,
the broad and modern product portfolio, and the group sales
organisation. Negotiations with a Chinese partner, for example, are
already well advanced and envisage the local manufacturing of entrylevel sheetfed offset presses for this enormous market, alongside the
high-tech presses imported from Germany. Bolza-Schünemann
emphasised that KBA would be maintaining its commitment to
innovation, because an abandoning of technical progress would in his
opinion worsen rather than solve the problems of the print branch in the
online age.
Sprinting ahead: KBA active in shaping the future of print
Marketing director Klaus Schmidt explained that the slogan “sprinting
ahead” also serves to spotlight the encouraging opportunities for print
in the multimedia age. As an innovative press manufacturer, KBA
intends to remain active in helping to shape the future of print. That
was one of the reasons behind the group's move into digital print and
the merging of digital inkjet technologies with analogue offset print.
Despite the importance of thrift, the Drupa stand is the same size as
in 2008, and the number of innovations on show has even been
increased. The five sheetfed offset presses in small, half, medium
and large format (three of which are completely new), three web
offset installations for commercial, packaging and newspaper print
(two of which are completely new) and the new inkjet web press from
KBA will be complemented by a five-colour Rapida 106 coater for
waterless UV offset and a Genius 52UV on the neighbouring stand of
Japanese partner Toray Industries. The comprehensively equipped
Rapida106 is configured for eco-friendly production on plastic films
and other high-quality substrates.
KBA RotaJET 76: digital print from the offset experts
The round of Drupa innovation previews began with a high-volume webfed inkjet press of the latest generation for the on-demand or
individualised production of four-colour books, brochures, commercial
products, mailings and magazines. The KBA RotaJET 76 built at KBA in
Würzburg was presented by new project manager Oliver Baar, an
experienced specialist in the field of digital print. Engineered for a
maximum web speed of 150mpm (493fpm) and web widths of up to
780mm (30.7in, corresponding to approx. 3,000 A4 pages/min or 85
million pages per month), the KBA RotaJET prints with water-based
pigment inks. The state-of-the-art piezo inkjet heads are reliable in
production and require only a minimum of maintenance. They have been
designed for heavy-duty use and contribute to the high availability of the
overall system. Frequent replacement is avoided and uninterrupted
industrial production is guaranteed. Precision engineering from KBA is
here the key to high print and register quality with the inkjet technology.
This quality is only realised, however, in combination with precise web
tension. The unwinder and infeed unit have thus been designed
specifically for the RotaJET. Together with an ingeniously simple web
lead without turning bars for four-colour production, they ensure
excellent results. Web tension is controlled fully automatically. In this
connection, Oliver Baar pointed out the greatly reduced waste compared
to other press systems, as the RotaJET 76 is thus able to produce good
copies even during the start-up phase. This permits considerably more
efficient production and at the same time enhanced flexibility. An
automatic reelstand with integration into automated paper logistics is to
be made available in future as an option to further boost productivity.
The web offset expertise is unmistakable.
The two arrays of 56 inkjet heads each (total 112) form an arch over
large central impression cylinders for four-colour printing on both sides
of the web, but can still be shifted aside for cleaning and maintenance
purposes. This arrangement provides for optimum web guidance and
facilitates an outstanding print quality even with problematic materials.
The printing heads are cleaned and aligned automatically (stitching) to
minimise manual intervention and ensure straightforward handling. The
system offers a native print resolution is 600dpi, while the variable
droplet size represents an additional quality plus. A dispersion coater is
planned as a future option for further quality enhancement. Internal
communication is compliant with the JDF standard, as is the integration
with third-party systems – another feature which helps to optimise
processes and lower costs. Drupa visitors will be able to witness
personalised production driven through the popular Adobe APPE (Adobe
PDF Print Engine) workflow. A powerful front-end is geared to the high
data throughputs associated with industrial-scale PoD applications. With
even the largest data volumes, the RotaJET 76 delivers full-colour
variable production at maximum speed, without stoppage and waiting
times. Another advantage, according to Oliver Baar, is that KBA speaks
the language of generations of printers and understands the demands
they place on systems, processes and final products.
The KBA RotaJET 76 on display at Drupa will be operating in
conjunction with a SigmaLine digital production system from Müller
Martini, a solution for overall production control which has already
been installed with numerous users worldwide. SigmaLine is here
configured with the variable-format section folder module
SigmaFolder and a Primera Digital saddle stitcher system, enabling
digitally printed magazines and advertising brochures to be folded
and stitched inline. SigmaLine is controlled through the smart data
and process management system Connex, which ensures consistent
integration between the printing press and the finishing equipment.
Thanks to the modular system design and the broad spectrum of
finishing options, SigmaLine can be tailored for both softcover and
hardcover book production, as well as for a diversity of stitched
Turning to sheetfed offset users, the responsible head of marketing
Jürgen Veil announced new press generations to be unveiled at the
show, alongside ground-breaking technology innovations in all format
New Rapida 145 defines new benchmarks for large format
As the established market leader, KBA has chosen Drupa as a fitting
occasion to redefine the benchmarks for offset printing in large formats.
The latest generation of large-format Rapidas is to celebrate its official
market premiere in the form of a plinth-mounted six-colour Rapida 145
with new coater, triple-length extended delivery and automated pile
logistics. The maximum production speed of the 1050 x 1450mm (41.34
x 57in) Rapida 145 is 17,000sph in straight printing with the high-speed
package and 15,000sph in perfecting mode with the new three-drum
perfecting unit. Many of the automation modules of the makeready world
champion press Rapida 106 are now also available to large format
users. The press to be seen at Drupa, for example, features the sidelayfree infeed DriveTronic SIS and DriveTronic SPC direct drives for fast,
simultaneous plate changing. The CleanTronic Synchro system (two
washing beams) for simultaneous washing of ink rollers, blankets and
impression cylinders parallel to plate changing, a new programme for
extremely fast inking unit washing (CleanTronic ReInk) and further
parallel makeready processes contribute to significantly higher net
production output compared to the predecessor series and presses from
other manufacturers. The same can be said of the new coater with
simultaneous coating forme changing (DriveTronic SFC) and of the fast,
one-man replacement of the exchangeable anilox roller sleeves
(AniSleeve). The high production speed of 17,000sph is made possible
not least by the new AirTronic delivery with high-level Venturi sheet
guiding, dynamic sheet brake and console-based preset capabilities,
and by a new blade chamber for the coating system (HighFlow
Chamber). Convenient operation is guaranteed at the new ErgoTronic
console with wall screen, picture-in-picture function and integrated
colour measurement and control system (QualiTronic ColorControl) for
quality monitoring. In addition, the new large-format Rapida presses
feature inline register control (QualiTronic ICR), and with QualiTronic
PDF it is possible to perform an inline comparison between the print
result and the original PDF file. The energy-saving KBA VariDryBLUE
dryers which were already offered to large format users are to be made
available also for medium-format presses in the future.
Digital joins offset: Rapida 105 with inkjet printing system
With the Rapida 105, KBA will also be presenting a completely new
medium-format series in Düsseldorf. The press was unveiled to the
public at the All in Print China fair in Shanghai last November. The highlevel delivery is immediate indication that the new Rapida 105 is based
on the same platform as the high-end Rapida 106 press. The range of
automation options has been extended compared to the predecessor
model. After positive experience with the presses delivered over the past
three months, the maximum production speed for presses incorporating
the high-speed package is to be raised to 17,000sph (standard:
16,500sph) with effect from Drupa. The Rapida 105 is now also available
in a four-back-four perfector configuration, with a perfecting unit based
on the modern technology of the Rapida 106. The new Rapida 105 thus
packs all the features expected of a modern commercial press placed
under the banner: “Designed for Performance”.
The real show highlight, however, is the presentation of this
internationally popular press type in a hybrid offset/inkjet version. The
five offset printing units and coater tower are joined by an inkjet unit with
two Delta 105iUV printing systems from Atlantic Zeiser for personalised
imprinting and coding applications. Thanks to an innovative vacuum
cylinder (AirTronic Drum) to fix the sheets under the inkjet heads, the
KBA Rapidas (105 and 106) are currently the only presses on the
market to realise this option without the need for mechanical sheet
guides and print-free corridors. The unique solution prevents lifting of the
tail edges and enables the inkjet systems to be installed at a clearance
of only 1mm (0.04in) from the sheet. UV-LED dryers provide for fast
drying of the ink.
There are many potential applications for inkjet systems in a sheetfed
printing press. They range from sheet marking in connection with quality
inspection using the alphaJET-tempo printer from KBA-Metronic to
codings for purposes of brand protection (barcodes, QR codes,
numerical IDs or combinations thereof). Relevant fields are security
printing, packaging, labels, lottery tickets and industrial product marking.
Up to eight inkjet heads from Atlantic Zeiser can be accommodated in a
printing unit of the Rapida 105 or 106 press. The high-speed greyscale
printer is equally suitable for coated, laminated, glossy and nonabsorbent materials. A mini controller takes care of system handling in
marking, inspection and quality assurance processes. Quality control,
including verification of the variable data, is similarly the purpose of a
high-speed camera system. Another interesting option for packaging
printers is the marking of individual blanks in connection with the inline
sheet inspection system KBA QualiTronic MarkPlus. Flawed blanks can
then be ejected automatically during downstream processing, e.g. in the
folder gluer. With the KBA AirTronic Drum, further inline finishing
processes are likely to be integrated in future.
Rapida 106: 20,000sph and duplex inline coating
The makeready world champion press Rapida 106 was first presented at
the last Drupa in 2008. For this year's show, an optional package now
raises the maximum production speed one notch further to 20,000sph in
straight printing and 18,000sph in perfecting mode. The KBA flagship in
medium format is to be seen in a 12-unit configuration for four-colour
print and inline coating on both sides of the sheet. Among the many
innovations incorporated into this already highly automated press,
particular mention should be made of the new coater tower with
simultaneous forme changing (DriveTronic SFC), automated anilox roller
exchange with AniloxLoader, the further optimised AirTronic delivery for
exact pile formation at even the highest speeds, new modules for online
and inline quality monitoring and control, and a new ErgoTronic console
with wall screen as on the large-format presses.
B2 format: high-end Rapida 76 to complement the Rapida 75
In the half-format segment, the 15,000sph, 530 x 750mm (20.86 x
29.53in) Rapida 75E unveiled at Ipex 2010 has been upgraded in terms
of sheet travel, feeder, delivery and many other technical details. It is
now offered with the new ErgoTronic console, QualiTronic inline colour
measurement and control system and a UV accessory package, and is
now available in a four-back-four perfector version. The compact,
energy-saving B2-format press has regained its original name of Rapida
75 and will be joined at Drupa 2012 by a sister press boasting higher
speed and an enhanced level of automation: the high-end Rapida 76.
The new Rapida 76 on the stand in Düsseldorf is a five-colour coater
press. With its maximum speed of 18,000sph in straight printing, it is an
interesting proposition for both commercial and packaging printers and
incorporates many of the automation options of its medium-format sister
Rapida 106. These include DriveTronic SIS sidelay-free infeed, fast
automatic plate changers, DriveTronic SPC dedicated drives for the
plate cylinders, fast, simultaneous washing with CleanTronic Synchro
and ErgoTronic online colour measurement and control at the new
console, or inline colour measurement and control with QualiTronic. With
the Rapida 76, KBA has transferred cutting-edge solutions from its large
and medium-format presses into the half-format class.
Innovation in web offset, too: C16 and Commander CL
In commercial and newspaper web offset, too, KBA is able to present a
raft of new developments addressing the latest market demands. The
Commander CL, the newspaper press with module-based automation
launched at IFRA Expo in Vienna in October 2011, for example, is to be
shown for the first time with a compact printing unit featuring semi- and
fully automatic plate changing and further innovations, alongside the
very latest ErgoTronic console technology. In addition, a printing unit of
the 16-page commercial press KBA C16 will be spotlighting the further
optimisation for fast job changes with short and medium runs, together
with its new low-maintenance quarterfold module and user-oriented
KBA-MePrint: variable-format Varius for flexible packaging
Subsidiary KBA-MePrint has prepared two presses of the small-format
Genius 52UV series with a number of new features which are to be
available in the future (envelope feeder; rainbow printing). Another
highlight is an interesting new development for the growth market of
flexible packaging. The new Varius 80 is a modular, variable-format web
offset press. It implements the same waterless technology as the
Genius, with short-train inking units and UV drying. This combination
achieves excellent print quality on flexible, non-absorbent substrates
with very low start-up waste. The offset plates, moreover, are
significantly less expensive than the sleeves required for a flexo
process. The keyless and waterless Varius 80 is already in full colour
after 100 metres – a waste saving of around 80% compared to other
presses. As runs become ever shorter and job changes more frequent,
that is an advantage which can make all the difference. And the higher
quality of offset compared to flexo no doubt answers the wishes of many
print customers. The environment also benefits, because the Varius 80
uses no water, no solvent and no powder. Engineered for a maximum
web width of 800mm (31.5in) and a production speed of 400 metres per
minute (1,312fpm), the Varius 80 from KBA-MePrint handles substrate
thicknesses from 30 to 800µm. The printing length is variable between
21 and 34 inches. Changes in format length are accomplished in a
matter of minutes with an automated plate and blanket cylinder change
function (no sleeves).
KBA-Metronic: innovative marking with betaJET
As a specialist for digital and analogue marking and coding systems,
KBA-Metronic will be showcasing yet another interesting solution for the
packaging branch. The betaJET thermal inkjet unit integrated into the
udaFORMAXX feeding system for sleeves, cartons and the like is freely
programmable. As such it is suitable for a diversity of uses, for example
in addressing applications, as an anti-counterfeiting module in the
pharmaceuticals industry, for brand protection or in just-in-time
manufacturing in the textiles and cosmetics branches.
Green printing, technology lounge, JDF workflow, MIS etc
As a declared pioneer of eco-friendly production, as already
demonstrated at Drupa 2008, KBA will again be lending particular weight
to the topic of “green printing”. Four web and sheetfed presses
implement a waterless UV process. New offers for climate-neutral print
and the possibilities for climate-neutral press manufacture are to be
presented in cooperation with Climate Partner. And in a dedicated
technology lounge, KBA will be putting forward current and future
solutions for UV-LED and HR-UV drying, energy management and heat
recovery in the printshop. The CtP pre-press with a Magnus 800 MCU
platesetter is from Kodak, as at previous Drupas. The JDF workflow on
the stand is networked via KBA LogoTronic Professional, and Italian
KBA partner Logica Sistemi will be presenting branch-specific MIS
software suitable also for smaller users.
Photo 1: (076/086)
At a Pre-Drupa open house at KBA’s Radebeul plant executive vicepresident for sheetfed sales Ralf Sammeck welcomed more than
1,000 print mavens from Europe, Asia, America and Africa to an
assembly hall that had been partially transformed into a theatre
Photo 2:(0115/0145)
Prior to the press demos sheetfed marketing manager Jürgen Veil (l)
discussed with KBA president and CEO Claus Bolza-Schünemann
(centre) and senior sheetfed offset engineer Christian Ziegenbalg the
need for innovation in press engineering, some exciting
developments and synergies between sheetfed and web presses
Photo 3: (184)
A display of step-dancing before “live” demonstrations were given on
KBA’s new five-colour Rapida 105 with additional inkjet printing unit,
eight-colour Rapida 145 for four-backing-four at 15,000sph and plinthmounted six-colour Rapida 145 with coater and automated pile
logistics for printing packaging
Photo 4:
Under the banner ”sprinting ahead”, the 3,500 m² KBA stand in Hall
16 will be showing a host of new products and ground-breaking
innovations for the most varied market segments
Photo 5: KBA RotaJET 76
The high-volume web-fed inkjet press KBA RotaJET 76 manufactured
at the group headquarters in Würzburg marks KBA's entry in the
growth market for digital print
Photo 6:
The makeready world champion Rapida 106 is celebrating its return
to Drupa with a further increase in production speed to 20,000sph
(with high-speed package)
Photo 7:
A 12-unit Rapida 106 perfector with inline coating on both sides of the
sheet can be seen in production on the Drupa stand
Photo 8: (235)
Digital meets offset: KBA’s new Rapida 105 boasts five offset printing
units and coater plus additional inkjet printing unit with two Delta
105iUV systems from Atlantic Zeiser for high-quality personalised
imprinting and coding. This world first was made possible by a new
system – unique to the Rapida 105 and 106 – for guiding the sheets
over a suction cylinder (AirTronic Drum)
Photo 9:
The Rapida 105 is equipped with inkjet heads from Atlantic Zeiser for
personalised imprints and product coding
Photo 10:
KBA’s new, highly automated Rapida 145 is the makeready world
champion in large format and is also the output champion in this
format with a rated speed of 17,000sph in straight mode (with highspeed package) and 15,000sph in eight-colour perfecting mode. The
photo shows the high-line venturi delivery and the new ErgoTronic
console with integrated measuring and control software
Photo 11:
The new coater of the Rapida 145 permits simultaneous coating
forme changes with DriveTronic SFC, and the exchangeable anilox
sleeves (AniSleeve) can be replaced in next to no time by a single
Photo 12: (277)
World record: a complete job change with simultaneous plate
changes and washing on an eight-colour Rapida 145 with DriveTronic
SPC dedicated plate-cylinder drives and ne CleanTronic-Synchro
washing system
Photo 13:
The Rapida 145 features a feed table with only two suction belts and
the proven sidelay-free infeed DriveTronic SIS previously reserved for
the medium-format Rapida 106 press
Photo 14:
The new variable-format Varius 80 from KBA-MePrint prints in
waterless UV offset
Photo 15:
Premiere in Düsseldorf: The H-type printing unit of the modular
newspaper press Commander CL stands only 2.7 metres high and
features semi- and fully automatic plate changing
Photo 16:
For Drupa: Printing unit of the 16-page commercial web press KBA
C16 with the fastest automatic plate changers in this press class
Photo 17:
KBA-Metronic is presenting its udaFORMAXX compact sleeve and
carton feeding system with the integrated, freely programmable
thermal inkjet unit betaJET for addressing applications, offline coding