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Chapter 1:
The Importance of Interpersonal
Communication in Pursuing
Personal Goals
A Goals Approach
• We use interpersonal
communication to pursue our
personal goals.
• Interpersonal communication
is a critical part of achieving
our goals.
• Goals indicate what we
generally seek to accomplish
in our daily lives.
• Defining Interpersonal
Interpersonal Communication
the exchange of symbols
used, at least in part, to
achieve interpersonal goals.
(This is based on six
Point: Goals are the driving
force underlying interpersonal
Assumptions of Interpersonal
• Assumption 1: Interpersonal Communication
requires an exchange between people.
• Assumption 2: Interpersonal Communication
occurs between people who are themselves
developing (changing.)
• Assumption 3: Interpersonal Communication
involves the use of symbols.
Symbols include verbal and nonverbal
representations of ideas, emotions, or
events. Meaning are in people.
Assumptions Continued…
• Assumption 4: Interpersonal Communication
is strategic.
• Assumption 5: Communicators must be
competent in order to achieve their goals.
Competence means being both appropriate
and effective.
• Assumptions 6: People should consider how
their communication affects others. Ethics are
a part of interpersonal communication.
Ethics – the use of principles to guide
Defining Goal/s
Goal – a state you want to
achieve. Goals have both
cognitive and emotional
elements; they combine thoughts
and feelings.
People who share interpersonal
goals are interdependent.
The Nature of Goals
Goals vary in their degree of abstractness;
general to specific.
Goals differ in clarity.
Goals vary in their degree of challenge.
Self-efficacy – the achievement (attainment)
of a goal.
People often engage in multiple goals.
Primary goals – the most important to the
Secondary goals – less important to the
The Nature of Goals
5. Goals vary in terms of immediacy. Goals
that occur in the immediate future are called
proximal goals. Goals that are realized in the
distant future are called distal goals. We are
more likely to focus on proximal goals than
distal goals.
6. People’s goals are affected by the
communication event itself. Goals can be
changed or modified during interaction.
7. Goals prompt plans for action. Plans
differ in complexity and completeness. Plan –
the production of one or more mental models
detailing how you might achieve your goal
through interaction.
Types of Interpersonal Goals
Self-presentation goal (identity management)
– we perform facework. i.e. competent;
friendly; intelligent; funny, etc.
Relational Goal – we maintain or neglect our
relationships. Relationships are the products
our interpersonal communication. How we
communicate depends in turn on the nature
and quality of our relationships.
3 Types of Relational Goals:
Escalating – growing more
intimate and more interdependent
Maintaining – activities and
communication behaviors
used to sustain a healthy
De-escalating – drifting apart
Types of Interpersonal Goals
Instrumental goals – we try to get
others to do us a favor or offer some
kind of resource; desires for selfadvancement. i.e. getting a ride to
school, obtaining a day off from
work, persuading someone to help
you print something from the
Communicators sometimes pursue
one type of goal at the expense of
other goals.
People communicate to achieve
multiple goals.