Download Medical Director - Clinical Measurement Referral

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<<Patient Demographics:Full Name>> DOB <<Patient Demographics:DOB>>
Family Name: <<Patient Demographics:Surname>>
Given Names: <<Patient Demographics:First Name>>
Address: <<Patient Demographics:Full Address>>
DOB: <<Patient Demographics:DOB>>
Sex: <<Patient Demographics:Sex>>
Referral to Clinical Measurements
Facility: ________________
Clinical Measurements Department - Phone: 4616 6339
Referral To
<<Referral to>>
Date of request: <<Miscellaneous:Date (short)>>
Ward/Clinic: <<Practice:Name>>
Fax: 4616 6410
Provider No: <<Doctor:Provider Number>>
 Inpatient
Routine Outpatient Outpatient appointment in
appointment in ? weeks>>
Name: <<Doctor:Name>>
Cardiac Investigations
Exercise Stress Test (EST) Protocol - Bruce Modified Bruce
Please complete EST questionnaire and eligibility criteria on page 2 of this form
72hrs 96hrs
Holter monitor (specify)  24hrs 48hrs
Ambulatory BP monitoring (24hrs)
Loop/event monitor
Tilt Table Test (TTT) please complete TTT questionnaire and eligibility criteria on page 2 of this form
Respiratory Investigations
Pre and Post
Clinical Details
Current medications:
<<Clinical Details:Medication List>>
Reason for test: <<Reason for test>>
Recent Investigations
Chest x-ray
Risk Factors
Diabetes mellitus
Family History
Name: <<Doctor:Name>>
Address: <<Doctor:Full Address>>
Family Name: <<Patient
Appointment date
Given Name: <<Patient
Page 2 of 2
Appointment Time
<<Patient Demographics:Full Name>> DOB <<Patient Demographics:DOB>>
Demographics:First Name>>
Exercise Stress Test Questionnaire
Please Indicate
Beta Blockers/ Verapamil / diltiazem - cease 48 hours prior to test (if clinically advisable)
Nitrates - cease six (6) hours prior
Continue medication as prescribed
Exercise Stress Test Eligibility
All criteria listed below must be met in order for a client to be deemed suitable to undergo an exercise stress
test. Is this test age appropriate?
No new significant ECG findings at rest e.g. AF
No uncontrolled hypertension (>180/100mmHg)
No untreated life-threatening cardiac arrhythmia
No myocardial infarct (,5 days)
No decompensated congestive cardiac failure
No acute myocarditis / pericarditis
No hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
Not taking digoxin
No aortic stenosis
 No left bundle branch block
 No acute infections / anaemia
No recent EST
No second or third degree A-V block
No known or suspected left main stem CAD
Patient's weight is not over 180 kg
Patient can walk briskly
If all the above criteria are not able to be met, or if they are unfit for cardiac stress test, consider:
MPS with pharmacological stress/stress echo once the blood pressure and electrolyte abnormalities are
Referral to Cardiology Outpatients if EST or MPS is positive
Tilt Table Test Questionnaire
Indications for tilt testing:
Syncope is a transient loss of consciousness due to transient global cerebral hypoperfusion characterised by a
fairly rapid onset, short duration and spontaneous complete recovery. The most important tool in the evaluation of
syncope is careful history taking, with an eye-witness account where possible. Tilt testing enables the reproduction
of a neurally-mediated cardio-inhibitory reflex in laboratory conditions. It is not indicated if the history is typical of
reflex syncope. A positive tilt test is only relevant if the response on the tilt table correlates with the clinical picture.
Tilt testing may be indicated (after history, examination, ECG, Holter/event recording and appropriate investigations
for structural heart disease):
to evaluate recurrent syncope and pre-syncope in absence of structural heart disease.
after a single episode of syncope only if there are special circumstances, e.g. vocational driver, airline pilot
to differentiate syncope with myoclonic jerks from seizures.
to evaluate recurrent falls, if all other causes are excluded.
when the specific responses during syncope (hypotension vs bradycardia) may help dictate treatment.
Contraindications to tilt testing:
a history/suggesting epilepsy as the cause of loss of consciousness
inability to stand for long periods due to pain
morbid obesity
recent MI or stroke (< 3 months)
a tight stenosis of cardiac valve, the LV outflow tract or a carotid, vertebral or coronary artery.
Eligibility criteria
The history suggests neurocardiogenic syncope or orthostatic hypotension
Physical examination does not suggest the presence of structural heart disease.
If the patient has a murmur, an echo has excluded significant valve disease.
If the patient has a carotid bruit, carotid dopplers have excluded significant carotid stenosis
NB Neurological investigations (CT/MR scanning, EEG) are not indicated in the investigation of typical
neurocardiogenic syncope.
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