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Chapter 1
Introduction to Computers and
the Internet
Section 1.1 Introduction
1.1 Which of the following statements is false?
a) There are more than two billion Internet users worldwide—approximately 30% of the
Earth’s population.
b) In use today are more than a billion general-purpose computers, and billions more embedded computers are used in cell phones, smartphones, tablet computers, home appliances, automobiles and more—and many of these devices are connected to the Internet.
c) Client-side programming technologies are used to build applications that are run on the
d) Both (b) and (c)
ANS: c
1.2 Which of the following is a server-side programming technology used to build web
a) HTML5.
b) CSS3.
c) PHP.
d) JavaScript.
ANS: c
1.3 Which of the following is most closely associated with Moore's Law?
a) Every year or two, the price of computers has approximately doubled.
b) Object-oriented programming uses less memory than previous software-development
c) Demand for communications bandwidth is decreasing dramatically each year.
d) Every year or two, the capacities of computers have approximately doubled without
any increase in price.
Chapter 1 Introduction to Computers and the Internet
ANS: d.
1.2 The Internet in Industry and Research
1.4 The ________ allows people worldwide to donate their unused computer-processing
power, harnessing unused capacity.
a) World Community Grid
b) cloud computing
c) Internet TV
d) GPS
ANS: a
1.3 HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Canvas and jQuery
1.5 HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is a special type of computer language called
a(n) ________ language designed to specify the content and structure of web pages (also
called documents) in a portable manner.
a) scripting
b) markup
c) object-oriented programming
d) procedural programming
ANS: b
1.6 ________ is used to specify the presentation, or styling, of elements on a web page
(e.g., fonts, spacing, sizes, colors, positioning).
a) HyperText Markup Language (HTML5)
b) Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
c) JavaScript
d) PHP
ANS: b
1.7 _______ is a language that helps you build dynamic web pages (i.e., pages that can be
modified “on the fly” in response to events, such as user input, time changes and more)
and computer applications.
a) XML
b) CSS3
c) HTML5
d) JavaScript
ANS: d
1.8 ________ simplifies JavaScript programming by making it easier to manipulate a web
page’s elements and interact with servers in a portable manner across various web browsers.
a) jQuery
b) JavaScriptQuery
c) CSS3
d) PHP
ANS: a
1.4 Demos
1.5 Evolution of the Internet and World Wide Web
1.9 ________ is a technique in which digital data is sent in small bundles that contain
address, error-control and sequencing information.
b) Routing
c) Packet switching
d) Bandwidth
ANS: c
1.10 The protocol for communicating over the ARPANET became known as ________.
a) TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
b) packet switching
c) the Internet
d) JavaScript
ANS: a
1.11 Each computer on the Internet has a unique ________.
a) e-Mail address
b) Transmission Control Protocol
c) IP address
d) Both (b) and (c)
ANS: c
1.12 The latest IP standard is ________
a) Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4)
b) Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)
c) Internet Protocol version 5 (IPv5)
d) None of the above.
ANS: b
1.13 ________ wrote communication protocols to form the backbone the World Wide
a) Dale Dougherty
b) Bill Gates
c) Marc Andreessen
Chapter 1 Introduction to Computers and the Internet
d) Tim Berners-Lee
ANS: d
1.14 URL is an acronym for which of the following?
a) Uniform Resource Locator
b) Uniform Record Locator
c) Universal Resource Location
d) Uniform Resource Location
ANS: a
1.6 Web Basics
1.15 When the user clicks a hyperlink, a ________ locates the requested web page and
sends it to the user’s web browser.
a) URL
b) web server
c) host
d) packet
ANS: b
1.16 An Internet ________ maintains a database of hostnames and their corresponding IP
addresses and performs the translations automatically.
a) Domain Name System (DNS) server
b) host
c) address
d) Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
ANS: a
1.17 The ________ standard specifies data formats, which programs can use to interpret
data correctly.
a) Data Translation Standard (DTS)
b) Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
c) HTML5
d) Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)
ANS: d
1.18 The two most common HTTP request types (also known as request methods) are
________ and ________.
a) query, post
b) get, post
c) retrieve, send
d) retrieve, post
ANS: b
1.19 An HTTP request often posts data to a(n) ________ that processes the data.
a) event handler
c) server-side form handler
d) query string
ANS: c
1.20 The ? in the URL separates the ________ from the rest
of the URL in a request.
a) URI
b) post request
c) query string
d) cache
ANS: c
1.7 Multitier Application Architecture
1.21 Web-based applications are often multitier applications, sometimes referred to as
________ applications.
a) m-tier
b) business-logic
c) data-tier
d) n-tier
ANS: d
1.22 In multitier applications, the ________ maintains the application’s data.
a) middle tier
b) top tier (or client tier)
c) bottom tier (also called the data tier or the information tier)
d) business logic tier
ANS: c
1.23 The middle-tier ________ processes client requests (such as requests to view a
product catalog) and retrieves data from the database.
a) business logic
b) controller logic
c) presentation logic
d) business rules
ANS: b
Chapter 1 Introduction to Computers and the Internet
1.8 Client-Side Scripting versus Server-Side
1.24 ________ with JavaScript can be used to validate user input, to interact with the
browser, to enhance web pages, and to add client/server communication between a
browser and a web server.
a) Client-side scripting
b) Business rules
c) Server-side scripting
d) None of the above.
ANS: a
1.9 World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
1.25 ________ founded the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)—devoted to developing nonproprietary, interoperable technologies for the World Wide Web.
a) Bill Gates
b) Tim Berners-Lee
c) Dale Dougherty
d) Linus Torvalds
ANS: b
1.26 Web technologies standardized by the W3C are called ________.
a) Rules
b) Standards
c) Recommendations
d) Regulations
ANS: c
1.10 Web 2.0: Going Social
1.27 The term Web 2.0 was coined by ________ in 2003.
a) Tim Berners-Lee
b) Dale Dougherty
c) Tim O’Reilly
d) Mark Zuckerberg
AND: b
1.28 Web 2.0 embraces a(n) ________—a design that encourages user interaction and
community contributions.
a) architecture of participation
b) semantic web
c) architecture of trust
d) social network
ANS: a
1.29 A ________ is an applications-development methodology in which you can rapidly
develop powerful and intriguing applications by combining (often free) complementary
web services and other forms of information feeds.
a) collaborative design
b) smash
c) mashup
d) sematic web
ANS: c
1.11 Data Hierarchy
1.30 The smallest data item in a computer, called a ________, can assume the value 0 or
the value 1.
a) bit
b) character
c) field
d) digit
ANS: a
1.31 A ________ is a group of characters or bytes that conveys meaning.
a) database
b) record
c) character set
d) field
ANS: d
1.32 A ________ is an electronic collection of data that’s organized for easy access and
a) field
b) database
c) record
d) file
ANS: b
1.12 Operating Systems
1.33 Which of the following statements is false?
a) The concepts of icons, menus and windows were originally developed by Xerox
b) Windows is an open source operating system.
c) The software that contains the core components of the operating system is called the
d) Linux source code is available to the public for examination and modification.
Chapter 1 Introduction to Computers and the Internet
ANS: b. Windows is not an open source operating system; it is a proprietary operating
1.34 Which of the following is not a key organization in the open-source community?
a) Apache.
b) SourceForge.
c) Firefox.
d) Eclipse.
ANS: c. Firefox (it's a web browser made by the open source organization Mozilla).
1.13 Types of Programming Languages
1.35 Today, virtually all new major operating systems are written in:
a) Objective-C.
b) C or C++.
c) Visual C#.
d) Ada.
ANS: b. C or C++.
1.36 Which of the following languages was designed to enable the writing of programs
that will run on a great variety of computer systems and computer-controlled devices?
a) Java.
b) Visual C#.
c) Pascal.
d) Basic.
ANS: a. Java.
1.37 Which language was developed by Microsoft in the early 1990s to simplify the
development of Windows applications?
a) Visual C#.
b) Python.
c) Objective-C.
d) Visual Basic.
ANS: d. Visual Basic.
1.14 Object Technology
1.38 ________ models software in terms similar to those that people use to describe
real-world objects.
a) Method-oriented programming
b) Object-oriented design
c) Procedural programming
d) None of the above
ANS: b. Object-oriented design.
1.39 Which statement is false?
a) Classes are reusable software components.
b) A class is to an object as a blueprint is to a house.
c) Performing a task in a program requires a method.
d) A class is an instance of its object.
ANS: A class is an instance of its object. The reverse is true.
1.15 Keeping Up-to-Date with Information