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Master Resource-ID Concept Specification
Prepared By NERC DEWG Station Naming Focus Team
Version 3.0
November 10, 2002
Document Revision Log
Revision #
Revision Date
November 6, 2000
Revision Description
Table of Contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...........................................................................................................................4
OBJECTIVES OF COMMON NAMING FOR SUBSTATIONS .............................................................4
STATEMENT OF NEED..............................................................................................................................4
EXPLANATION OF STATEMENT OF NEED .........................................................................................4
DEFINITIONS ...............................................................................................................................................5
SPECIFICATION FOR THE MASTER RESOURCE ID (MRID)..........................................................6
SPECIFICATION FOR THE SUBSTATION RESOURCE ID (SRID)...................................................6
RELATED MASTER RESOURCE REGISTRY .......................................................................................7
REGISTRY .......................................................................................................................................7
REGISTRY ATTRIBUTES ...................................................................................................................8
8.2.1 PROPOSED ADMINISTRATIVE ATTRIBUTES .............................................................................8
8.2.2 PROPOSED PHYSICAL SUBSTATION ATTRIBUTES ....................................................................8
8.2.3 PROPOSED EMS ATTRIBUTES ..................................................................................................8
EXAMPLE ........................................................................................................................................9
SECURITY ....................................................................................................................................................9
FUNCTIONALITY .....................................................................................................................................10
November 6, 2000
MASTER RESOURCE ID Concept Specification
(A Reference Designation System)
Executive Summary
This specification defines an approach for globally providing and formulating unambiguous
reference designations for Electrical Power System objects defined within the EPRI Common
Information Model (CIM). This document initially defines the requirements for a unique identifier
for a Substation but is not limited to the CIM class of Substations. Other objects, defined within the
CIM, could have unique identifiers if needed.
Objectives of Common Naming for Substations
To provide the capability of merging models with unique/unambiguous and persistent
substation names. Given this uniqueness in the substation names, then any power system
element can be assured to be unique with relation to the substation.
To provide a cross reference to real time data, bus names, and results of planning models.
To help assure integrity of data models as physical changes are made.
To provide an implementation which is scalable beyond the substation level to
accommodate future use.
Statement of Need
Some Utilities have begun to solve the naming cross-reference by their own means, when internally
building their State Estimator (SE) models for Security Coordination. Models go beyond their
region and the outside is based on the planning model which months of manually embellishing and
linking to ICCP have been done. Once the CIM/XML translation is available and utilized by the
utilities, Company’s will work to incorporate SE models from neighboring systems. There will be a
need to cross-reference the SE names with the company’s existing names with real Resource Ids
(MRID) or each utility will need to design and develop their own internal/external modeling cross
referencing method, which would indeed create a large maintenance and updating nightmare.
CCAPI has a Resource Naming Group that is looking at using URIs and namespaces to accomplish
a global naming and advance this as a standard through the IEC.
MRID proposal is needed to implement a unique, vendor-neutral, open model naming specification,
which can support the many business processes that are converging upon the base of the Common
Information Model (CIM).
Explanation of Statement of Need
Substations names, such as “Airport Substation,” may be referenced by the same name in
several companies. When Company A is exchanging information about Substations to
Company B, the Substations must be uniquely identified while maintaining the ownership
and other information about the substation. In addition, it is important that the receiving
entity of the information be able to identify whether the Substations with the same name are
physically different or if two Substations with different names are, in effect, the same.
November 6, 2000
This specification provides solutions for the following problems:
1) When a Substation name is changed.
a. Is this a new substation or just a name change?
b. If the name was changed, what was the previous name?
2) When one company (source) has multiple names for a single Substation.
a. What are the usage contexts for the various names?
b. Are the various reference names associated with the physical substation?
3) When two companies, divisions, or sources have the same Substation name.
a. Do the names refer to the same Substation or different Substations?
4) When two companies, divisions or sources have different names for Substations.
a. Do the different names refer to the same or different Substations?
5) When the Substation is decommissioned or taken out of service.
a. Is there still a Substation?
b. If one or more of the reference names is later used, is it the same (out of service
substation or a new one?
6) Automatic display building of Substations
a. When to “relink” a display or build the display for a new or different Substation?
7) Terminology – talking to other users using a commonly understood name.
8) Sometimes work is duplicated because one change affects multiple applications.
1. Fence Name: One possible Master Resource ID (MRID) alias of a substation using the
substation name typically identified on the substation perimeter fence.
2. FIPS: Federal Information Processing System is a standardization of codes used by the United
States Federal Government for the identification of states, counties and selected cities.
3. ISN: Inter-regional Security Network. The communications network used to exchange data
amongst NERC and the Security Coordinators.
4. ISN DDF: The ISN Data Definition File. A comma-separated-value text file that defines the
attributes of each measurement value exchanged via ICCP. This information includes the ICCP
Object ID, substation (location) and device identification, data collection sources and rates, and
other identifying data.
5. Logical Name: See MRID Alias.
6. Map Name: One possible MRID alias of a substation using the substation name used on a
company’s transmission system or station “one-line” diagram.
7. Master Resource ID (MRID): A unique identifier that can be constructed for any Power
System Resource defined in the CIM.
8. Master Resource Registry: A repository that contains IDs for any Power System Resource
defined in the CIM.
9. MMWG: Multi-regional Modeling Working Group, a working group within NERC that has
been annually coordinating to merge large load flow study models for many years.
10. Model Alias: A modeler’s reference to a particular power system resource, such as a
substation, bus, line, or transformer, as might be used in a planning model, SCADA, or state
estimator model.
11. MRID Alias: A human readable resource identifier, such as the substation fence name or the
EMS SCADA substation name, that is associated with the unique MRID. Multiple aliases may
be associated with the same MRID and thus the same resource.
November 6, 2000
12. Registration Authority (RA): An entity (Control Area, Security Coordinator, Region, etc.)
authorized to register Power System Resources defined in the CIM. Authority is granted by the
organization (NERC (NAERO)) overseeing the Registry.
13. Substation Resource ID (SRID): A unique identifier representing one instance of a
Substation. A Substation unique identifier will be in the Substation Resource Registry.
14. Substation Resource Registry: A section of the Master Resource Registry that contains a set
of unique identifiers for instances of Substations.
15. Unique Identifier: An unambiguous reference to a specific Power System Resource defined in
the CIM.
16. Usage Context: A key part of an alias identifier that identifies the user alias as opposed to the
owner alias. For example: Two companies having the same substation defined in their
respective systems. Usage Context discriminates between the two EMS names based on the
user of the information.
Specification for the Master Resource ID (MRID)
In connection with the Common Information Model (CIM), it is necessary to employ a reference
designation system to be used for identification of Power System Resources within the CIM. A Master
Registry will contain the unique identifiers for CIM objects. The immediate need is a unique identifier for
Substations. However, the reference identification system can provide other unique identifiers for other
objects in the CIM classes. An extension of unique identifiers for other CIM objects would allow a network
model and an asset model to work together.
The MRID provides a unique identifier for an instance of a Power System Resource (psr).
The MRID is an underscore-delimited string in the form: psrtype_org_reg_psrx where
‘psrtype’ represents any power system resource type, such as a substation.
‘org’ represents the code identifier of the organization defining the registration authorities.
‘reg’ represents the Registration Authority ID (RAID) code of the initial RA.
‘psrx’ represents a unique identifier established by the registration authority.
The ID itself is a human readable ASCII string representation of the Identifier. ASCII, as used here refers
to the representation as opposed to a binary or non-printable representation. The actual identifier will be a
hexadecimal number in the ASCII representation.
The 'psrtype' is a four character mnemonic, all uppercase, identifying the specific resource type.
(Consistent with IEC 61850-7-2 and IEC 61850-7-4)
The ‘org’ code is a numeric string of one to three characters. Org code 1 is reserved for ISO,
org code 2 is reserved for IEC, and org code 3 is reserved for NERC (NAERO).
The ‘reg’ code is a string of hexadecimal digits (0-F), with no special characters, a maximum of
four characters. It is assigned by the “org’.
The ‘psrx’ is a string of hexadecimal digits (0-F), with no special characters, a null terminated
string up to 32 characters in length. The 32 maximum character length allows for Control Area
subdivision if desired. The ‘org’ creating the MRID can define the psrx value, as it desires.
Specification for the Substation Resource ID (SRID)
The MID provides a unique identifier for an instance of a Substation. The MID is a unique
identification string for an individual Substation. However other devices defined within an
November 6, 2000
organization can also have a unique identifier. The unique MID is created programmatically by the
MID system and correlates the MID to the name entries and their attributes. In this proposal the
only unique identifier to be constructed is for instances of Substations. However, other devices
within the organization can use the same process to obtain a unique identifier.
Upon entry of a new substation entry, a utility program tool generates a unique ID and writes it to
the Master Registry for use by other programs.
Once the record for a Substation is entered into the Registry, any user of the system may change the
logical name (alias) they have entered without affecting the ID. The programs currently using the
ID do not have to be changed; however, the new logical name would be displayed or used by these
programs without any code changes or naming manipulations by the user. In fact, the user would
not have to know the logical name or alias used within the program had ever changed.
The psrtype for a substation is "ZSUB".
ZSUB_3_12AF_0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF where
12AF is a NERC-Assigned Registration Authority ID (in Hex)
0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF is an ID unique for each substation
The example above shows the maximum length Substation ID for NERC (NAERO).
Related Master Resource Registry
The single most important technique in managing MRIDs is to keep a common list that can
be accessed by all entities as required. A central database containing all MRIDs for
Substations makes it easy to keep track of MRIDs and the companies managing the
The Registry provides a single repository for all Substation unique identifiers (SRIDs). As
companies require a SRID for their Substation, they can access the system and enter a new
substation name. The system assigns a Master Substation Resource ID. The user can then
enter all known attributes about that substation. Attributes include the name of the
Substation as defined by the owner, the highest voltage level contained in the substation,
the company that owns the substation, the division, and any other properties related to the
Once the substation and attributes are entered, the user can then enter one or more valid
aliases for that substation. Other persons or organizations can add additional aliases as
required to produce a cross-reference of this substation name to other names used by other
entities within the industry.
List of requirements the MRID would provide:
The system shall be capable of being consistently applied to all instances of
Substation objects.
November 6, 2000
The system shall provide the ability to identify unambiguously any instance of a
single Substation object.
The system shall support the unique identifier even if other objects from
organizations, companies, divisions, or departments have the same name and the
same name will not change the original identifier.
The system shall support use of attributes to identify the specific substation.
Sample attributes may include Company, Division, location, previous name, person
or organization entering the name or alias, etc.
The system should support the use of and should be able to be implemented by
computer-aided tools.
The system shall contain rules for the creation of a unique identifier.
The system shall maintain its given unique identifier within a system when this
system is incorporated into a larger system.
The system shall allow a logical name change without affecting the unique
Substation identifier.
Registry Attributes
Proposed Registry attributes might include the following to capture administrative as well
as physical and/or system attributes:
Proposed Administrative attributes:
- Current Registration Authority
- Create Date
- Update Date
- Retire Date
- Commission Date
- Decommission Date
- Person Who Performed Update
Proposed Physical substation attributes:
- Usage Context
(Required – Must be "PHY" for Physical)
- Operating Authority (Required)
- Registered Site ID
- Map Name
- Station #
- State/Province
(for US/Canada – 2 character abbreviation, for Mexico – up to 4
- County/Parish/City (Required)
(for US only – as listed in current FIPS PUB)
- Longitude
- Latitude
- Altitude
November 6, 2000
Proposed EMS attributes:
- Usage Context
(Required – Must be "EMS")
- Model Owner
- Registered Site ID
- First Tier Breakout (Division/Region/Oper Co./District)
- Substation Name
Voltage Level (Highest Voltage in kV owned by RSID) (Required)
For jointly owned substations, the owners will need to decide who is the Registration
Authority. Decision could be based on owner of highest voltage.
This proposal gives the flexibility for a company to register Substation Resource IDs locally
so work can proceed without delay.
There must be a common file format provided at import. Recommended file format is “csv”.
Substations where there is joint ownership, the joint owners will need to get together and
decide who is the primary owner. Could possibly make the decision based on owner of
highest voltage.
This proposal gives the flexibility of a company going ahead and registering locally so work
can proceed without delay.
An example of possible uses of these attributes for two different users might be as follows:
Minimum requirement for data exchange (Usage Context <USE>/Model Owner <MO>/Registered
Site ID <RSID>/ First Tier <FT>/Substation Name <SUBSTN>/Voltage Level <VL>).
Sample EMS attributes
EES – Entergy
SWP – Southwest Power Pool
APL – Entergy/Arkansas (Arkansas Power & Light)
The MRID system would employ the following security measures:
The system would restrict changes by users to those that entered the logical name or alias
for that record.
A Log-In would be required to use the system.
Provide back up and restore as well as downloading procedures within the system.
November 6, 2000
Full and complete security/access controls will be provided in the implementation specification to
be produced and approved by DEWG.
The following minimum functionality must be provided:
Automatically assign a Master ID
Provide multiple cross-references between the Master ID and various logical names or aliases
Allow the modification of a logical name or its attributes
Provide user security levels to prevent modification of the logical name or alias by other
Provide wildcarding across all logical names.
Provide a mechanism to batch load the logical names
Provide an interactive maintenance capability to locate and change, add or delete the logical
Allow authorized editing of all logical names (not the Master ID)
Maintain the historical names for new or changed names – last three names
Provide facility to associate attributes with each logical name.
Provide Query capability for Software Vendors – partial or full downloads
Provide a facility to notify all “owners” of logical names in the event of a change or deletion
of an associated logical name or attribute.
Maintain the historical attributes for the last 3 historical names specified in number 9 above.
Maintain a contact list of Operating Authorities within the system.
The initial proposed site for implementation of the system is at NERC.
NERC-hosted site – publishers and subscribers would mutually benefit and so a symbiosis would exist.
Future Plans:
Combine with the NERC Registry. NERC Registry task force would incorporate the MRID proposal into an
November 6, 2000