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Alien Periodic Table Analysis
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Bo, Wo, J, L
Bo, Wo, J, L
They are noble gases.
Wo has the greatest atomic mass,
Bo the least.
X, By, Ch, Q
They are the most reactive group.
A, V, Kt
Nonmetals who typically gain or
share one electron.
E, Hi, T, Ss
They are metalloids.
T has more protons than Hi.
Pf, El
Pf is the lightest element, El is the
Kt, By
Kt and By make table salt.
D has 4 protons.
R, Do
Fx is important in the chemistry of
R is less reactive than Do.
M, G, Ss
G has less electrons than M.
Up, Oz, Nu
They all gain 2 electrons.
An has 49 electrons.
Z, Pi
They lose two electrons.
Noble Gases are in __________ ____.
The atomic mass of the elements
_____________ as you move from right to
left and top to bottom on the Periodic
Reactivity ______________ as you move
from left to right on the Periodic Table,
except for the ________ ____.
Atoms can gain or lose _____________.
The # of electrons an atom will gain, lose or
share is determined by the ___________
that it is in.
______________ are located between the
__________and the ______________.
The number of protons is equal to the
The atomic mass _______________ as you
move left to right and down the periodic
Table salt is made of _________.
The number of ______________ is equal to
the atomic number on the Periodic Table.
___________________ is important in the
chemistry of life.
The further to the right you move on the
Periodic Table, the __________
_____________ the element is.
As you move across the periodic table from
left to right, the number of electrons
______________ in period.
Elements on the right side of the periodic
table ___________ electrons (except for
the noble gases).
The number of electrons = the number of
Atoms on the left side of the periodic table
tend to _________________ electrons.