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Transcription of
Sabbath Sermon 168
Given by Lawrence A. Nowell
On September 22, 2012
1.) This is The Obedient Church of God broadcasting worldwide on the Internet preaching
only the First Century Doctrine, every jot and title, and preaching that you are breaking
God’s heart by your discontinued disobedience.
2.) “I can tell by your eyes that you have probably been crying forever, and the stars in the
sky mean nothing to you, they’re just a mirror.”
3.) The stars in the sky mean nothing to you, Genesis 1:14, stars “mean nothing to you,” but
we’re going to preach about it.
4.) “I don’t want to preach about it, how you broke God’s heart; if I preach to you a little bit
longer, if I preach won’t you listen to God’s heart, God’s heart?”
5.) Welcome to The Obedient Church of God: now we are going out on the Internet in such a
way that our viewership is growing. Please tell your friends right now they can get the on their computer for free. We are downs streaming on a
live broadcast.
6.) “I don’t want to preach about it, how you broke God’s heart, if we preach to you a little
bit longer, if I preach, won’t you listen to God’s heart, God’s heart, God’s heart, God’s
7.) Bonjour Paree France, sez sez hours après midi le houre du dinier au France. Six P.M.
suppertime in Paris; nine A.M. on the West Coast, Seattle, Los Angeles; and twelve noon
on the East Coast, Washington D. C., New York City, and Miami.
8.) We are preaching the First Century Gospel and we are the Philadelphia Church of God
like no other because we did not move God’s Sabbath Day to Friday.
9.) “If we preach to you a little bit longer, if we preach won’t you listen to God’s heart,
God’s heart?”
Yes, it’s unbelievable, “unbelievable” how all of the Churches of God, including
even all of the Jewish Rabbis, can move God’s Sabbath Day to Friday in half of the
I was speaking to a high-ranking Jewish Orthodox Rabbi this last week, and he
was saying, yes, there is controversy over having the International Date Line moving the
Sabbath Day to Friday in half the world, but, “but, but” even the rabbis are all divided, all
They are all mixed- up, and can’t come down to the common sense decision that
you cannot let man move God’s Sabbath Day a day early, no matter what device is used,
no matter what it has to do with the world commerce, and world trade. You go by God’s
sunsets; Genesis 1:14 is very clear that the stars are set in the heaven in order to
determine the time.
So even the Jewish high-ranking rabbis are confused. They can’t agree, so
obviously they are confused.
We are not confused. We are The Obedient Church of God and we follow every
jot and title of God’s Bible, and not one word of man. So welcome to The Obedient
Church of God where you will find safety and protection in obedience to God’s Holy
Today is the 22nd September and that means it is Tishri 5 as the people in
Jerusalem had sighted the crescent as you are supposed to, and not use an averaging
calendar. So you can faith in The Obedient Church of God having the Day of
Atonement, the day of at-one-ment, on the correct day, which will be the 27th during the
daylight period [starting on the 26th at sundown].
All of the other churches of God are moving God’s holy days two days early, one
day late, one day early, two days late and that means that they are working, they will be
working on the 27th because they will have Atonement on the 26th.
So that means they will be “gathering sticks” and you know what happened to
that man who gathered sticks on God’s holy Sabbath Day. He was stoned to death.
We are The Obedient Church of God and God has given us the ability to see
things clearly. Today’s broadcast in regard to seeing things clearly, we are going to
explain to you about at-one-ment and the important information about at-one-ment is that
you are being judged NOW, today this year [2012].
You do not have a last chance to repent during the Ten Days of Awe; you do not.
Once Christ arrives, the dead in Christ will rise at His arrival. They will not rise on the
Day of Awe, they will not rise on Atonement; they will rise at the last trump.
You don’t have a chance, as falsely proclaimed by the Jewish rabbis, to again
during the Ten Days of Awe to have your last chance to repent. That’s a lie. That’s an
outright lie because when you are changed to spirit, it will be at the last Trump, not ten
days later on the Day of Atonement. So we’ll be preaching to you about that.
We’ve got some sad news that we’ll tie in with that, also. One of our employees
died this week. We’ll be giving some information to the new listeners, people tuning in,
on where that person is regarding being in the ground or being in heaven. That ties in
very well with information that we’ll be giving that you are being judged now, and that
you will not, “not, not” have ten extra days.
So this is The Obedient Church of God and we are being given information that
we can know the truth of God that even the rabbis and some ministers , some well
thought of ministers in the Churches of God, have got completely fouled-up with the
Days of Awe thinking they’ll have ten more days to repent.
And we’ll tell you about the 38 points that The Obedient Church of God has.
Think the 18 points that Mr. Armstrong had of rediscovered truth [was a lot]? Well, we
have about 38; we have more than 18 that’s for sure.
First we have to enter the Throne Room, and to do so we have to come before our
Father in prayer. So all please rise, face the North Heavens where Father and Yeshua are.
Of course, you face Him; you don’t turn your back on Him. Turn and face the North
Heavens, raise your arms, head bowed, and eyes closed.
“Almighty, most-merciful, loving Father with Yeshua at your right hand, praise
and glory and power and dominion be to you and Yeshua forever and ever and ever and
“Only your ways work, Father. Only your way of life works, only your way of
love works. Every other system has failed: the Roman Empire all the way down through
“Father, we come before you on your Sabbath day to ask for your blessing on this
service, on the speaking and on the hearing; and especially on the video tapes when the
new people are listening.
“Please be with the brethren in Pakistan, the 200 plus of them, find a way to feed
them, give them the food that they need. Give them the protection because it is so
dangerous now because the Muslims are all upset. They want to kill Christians or
anything that has to do that isn’t Muslim. So please protect our brethren in Pakistan.
“Father, we know that the time is short; please give us the strength and the ability
to inculcate all the knowledge you can in this short time, the time that we have now left
before the arrival of Yeshua. Help us to get our lives in line with Yeshua’s ways.
“Father we put our lives, our very lives into the hollow of your hand, and we trust
in you to lead us and Yeshua as out King.
“So Father we ask you to bless this service and we ask it all in Yeshua’s holy
righteous name Yeshua ha Mashiach our soon arriving King of the world. Amen.”
Yes indeed, our only, “only” hope is going to be Yeshua and His arrival. There is
no other hope. There is no other hope for us at all, unless it was for Yeshua; unless we
had Yeshua we’d all be dead forever. That’s how important Yeshua is; we have no
eternal soul. We would be dead forever if it were not for Yeshua.
Now that we are in the Throne Room, we want to bring our praises to Yeshua, and
because we are in the Feast Day season, we will be singing,“Behold, the Day will Come.”
This is very important to know that with trumpets, we are looking forward to the
third festival, which will be October 2nd on the daylight period. So we are announcing
that for the Feast Day one, which starts the evening before on October 1st so there isn’t
any confusion.
And we are announcing that on Atonement we will have services on the 27th,
starting the evening before on the 26th [of September].
So now that we are in the Throne Room, without further ado, we want to praise
our Father so all take your beautiful fuchsia 1934 style hymnals that say TOCOG right on
the front. Is it any easier to find God’s Church? Just look on at TO COG. Go search on
the Internet and type TO COG. Camera one. Camera two. Camera three. God gave us that
name, led us to that name. But it makes perfect sense to use TO Church of God.
So now we want you to all please, “please” sing out, “Behold the Day Will
Come.” It is very important; it is your song of rejoicing to the Lord. It is page 120 in our
hymnals and page 119 in other hymnals. The beauty of this is that we’ve got the whole
choir from Public Domain singing it with us. So that is a real treat.
So all please sing out; this is the fruit of your lips, your service to Father
whereby you actually offer a sacrifice, which is the fruit of your lips. So it’s page 120 in
ours, 119 in others, “Behold the Day Will Come.” All sing out.
Yes indeed, behold, the day shall come, and the feast of booths so you should
budget to have your tent, even if you are staying at home you need a tent to be in so that
you can dwell in the tent as the Bible commands, it is the Feast of huts. More on that if
we have time.
Now turn ahead to the next hymn, and “He Shall Reign Forever More,” and that’s
very important for you to sing out because He shall reign forever more. This is the fruit of
your lips. This is your right and lawful service.
So it is worse than embarrassing yourself if you are going to sit there and not
praise Father, and not tell Him He is going to reign forever more. Don’t make yourself
look bad. Please sing out. Follow along with the words, [page 78 in other hymnals].
“He shall reign forever more.” Amen to that. He shall reign forever more. Now in
keeping with our theme for the broadcast, “Unless the Lord Shall Build the House,” the
weary builders toil in vain. If you don’t follow the doctrines of the Bible, you are toiling
in vain. So all please sing out, “Unless the Lord Shall Build the House,” [Page 96 in other
And for your benefit we sang all the verses this time. It is so important for you to
sing out so that you can let Father see your heart by the inflection of your words even.
Now you have got to give your best to Father.
Give your best to Father, not your second rate. And if you are not even singing,
that is even worse. It is worse than embarrassing yourself. It is actually going on your
record. Father wants you from your heart to sing for Him. First, you’ve got to start
somewhere, so at least force yourself, then perhaps perchance your heart can change,
“your heart can change.”
Now as usual we want to start off by telling you that all the Churches of God are
disobeying Father by having the Sabbath Day on Friday in half the world, and they will
not change. They refuse to change.
In fact, they are all celebrating Mother-goddess Day, the mother of all the gods
and goddesses every spring time; and they are celebrating Sky Father’s Day, leading up
to the longest day of the year the week before. Sky Father’s Day is in the encyclopedias
the same way that Christmas is in the encyclopedias.
You cannot say as a Church of God member that you won’t celebrate Christmas
because it is pagan [the shortest day of the year], (you are correct; it is pagan and you
shouldn’t celebrate it), and then around and celebrate the longest day of the year, Sky
Father’s Day.
So you refuse to celebrate the shortest day of the year, and bring back Baal the
Sun god, but you joyfully celebrate the longest day of the year. You are using Hitler’s
day, Sky Father’s Day, the devil’s day, to honor your father on earth when you have 364
other days during the year to honor your father on earth and not use the devil’s day.
The same way you know that Christmas is the shortest day of the year, Sky
Father’s Day is the longest. Right there you’ve got strikes against you.
The first strike against you is moving the Sabbath Day all you Churches of God
so that your people are working, picking up sticks on the Sabbath Day in half the world.
Strike two is you are celebrating Mother-goddess Day, all of you so-called
righteous Churches of God who claim to be Philadelphian.
Strike three is Sky-Father’s Day against you.
Now you have strike four coming up. Look up in any encyclopedia the Harvest
Home Festival, Thanksgiving Day, and it is Turkey-god Day. It always has been, and
always will be.
And you can’t say that you are going to use the same day that the Satanists are
using, and that Baal-worshippers are using, and Osiris and Ra sprang from the egg that
was laid by the Cosmic goose. So you put a goose or [more likely] a turkey on your
dining- room table since Bradford used turkeys because all the geese had flown south.
It didn’t just pop into Governor Bradford’s head to serve wild turkey and have
Thanksgiving Day because he celebrated for three days, three days long, exactly the same
way as the pagans did. And, indeed, the Indians that arrived celebrated for three days in
the way that they always had. Hopefully, they weren’t of the tribe that sacrificed a virgin
on that day also, but further south they did.
The point of it is you’ve got four strikes against you now, not the mention the
other strikes against you. You say that you are righteous, you Churches of God, here are
the facts: these are not theories, these are facts. Yours facts are, with Tabernacles coming
up, you must dwell in a temporary dwelling. That’s right.
All of the Orthodox Jews who know how to follow God’s Bible sleep on their
balconies for seven days. And if you are in a colder area, you don’t sleep with an open
roof although you’d like to, you have to use a tent because it is the Feast of temporary
And if you are in a hotel room, you put a tent on your bed, and you sleep in the
tent in a warm condition if you are in a very cold climate.
Now we had so many points besides our denunciation of Mother-goddess Day,
the mother of all gods that we won’t take the time to go through all of them, but let’s go
through some of them. One of the things that is so important is that you should not be
hiring four people on the Sabbath Day.
All of the Churches head out straight from services and break God’s law that you
should not be hiring people on the Sabbath Day. You hire a cook, a waitress, a hostess
and a cashier, or any combination of the above. You hire at least two people, a manager
and a cook. Well, that is a sin. You are supposed to teach them to come to service on the
Now we also tell you that the other churches won’t tell you is that you go to the
feast three times a year. Deuteronomy 16:16 says so, and if you save your money, you
will have enough for $300.00 air fare. When you come here you could camp on the hill,
and it is free.
You don’t use an averaging calendar and have God’s holy days one day early, two
days late; two days early, and one day late like the Living Church of God does, the
United Church of God does.
I.) There is no Mother-goddess Day;
II.) There is not Sky Father’s Day;
III.) There is no Turkey-god Day;
IV.) There is no hiring, putting people to work on God’s Sabbath;
V.) Go to the Feast three times a year;
VI.) It is wrong to average God’s holy days [by using the Hillel II calendar];
VII.) It is wrong to move God’s Sabbath to Friday in half of the world [west of the IDL].
These are rediscovered truths of The Obedient Church of God through its correspondence
VIII.) It is the Khazars who are the Jews of the synagogue of satan who were
grafted into the tribe of Judah who are not Jews and who are not converted.
IX.) Leaders of Israel are Masons. Netanyahu is a 33 degree Mason; Shimon
Perez is a 33 degree Mason.
X.) Jesuits are running the whole world.
XI.) [Stan] Rader who was in charge of the old Worldwide Church of God, was a
Jesuit plant.
XII.) Armstrong was guilty of committing incest; he could not be converted and
for ten years be raping his daughter. If he raped her once that would be bad enough, but
not for ten years. He had her in a hotel room where the hotel manager came running to
his room because of all the commotion, and Herbert said I’m having trouble with my new
wife. And then he tied “his wife,” Dorothy his daughter, to the bed and raped her.
The Obedient Church of God is the only Church of God that is not lying about it;
there might be one other Church of God. In as much that we are admitting that Herbert
Armstrong was used by God just like Cyrus was. Cyrus was totally unconverted, but
Cyrus got the second temple built; if it wasn’t for unconverted Cyrus the second temple
wouldn’t have been built.
XIII.) If it wasn’t for unconverted Herbert Armstrong, the spiritual temple would
never have been built. He couldn’t have been raping his daughter for ten years and say he
was converted. And he admitted it.
When questioned in court, he said there are times I haven’t been as close to God
as I should have been. He didn’t scream out I never did any such thing. That’s a horrific
lie. He never denied it.
But guess what? All of the Churches of God [leaders] are liars; they are lying and
bearing false witness and covering it up like Penn State covered-up Sandusky’s
You are listening to The Obedient Church of God and I don’t think you want to be
with a bunch of lying Churches of God.
XIV.) The Lord’s [last] supper, the Lord’s going away dinner, is not the Passover.
So none of the Churches of God except one or two even celebrate the Passover.
XV.) And Sivan 6 is Pentecost, not Monday, not Sunday, Sivan 5,6,or 7; Yeshua
celebrated Sivan 6 because the Pharisees were in charge of the Temple and the Pharisees
determined the days of the Temple.
Herbert Armstrong changed Sivan 6 in 1937 to a Monday Pentecost [because he
changed counting the 50 days for Pentecost from the day after Passover to counting from
the weekly Sabbath during the seven Days of Unleavened Bread, which was an error].
We know about that, but none of the other Churches of God knew about that. One of
them is printing it now, but they know about that before I told them.
XVI.) There are no Jewish postponements. The Obedient Church of God is listed
among the Churches of God offshoot’s records. In one of the listings, lo and behold
what they say next to our name, they call us an “anti-postponement” group. Yes, we are
an “anti-postponement” group, but what about the other thirty points that we are trying to
tell you about?
Other points The Obedient Church of God is telling the other Churches of God
about are Mother-goddess Day, Sky Father’s Day, Turkey-god Day, moving the Sabbath
Day to Friday in half the world, going to the feast three times a year, and stop averaging
God’s holy days [by using a Hillel II calendar].
The Obedient Church of God is telling the Churches of God that the Khazars are
running Judah-Israel; Netanyahu and Perez are Masons.
Point XVII.) is that the leader of the Living Church of God, Roderick Meredith,
was a satanic DeMolay, which was to prepare young men to become Masons.
Well, I think you should come into the safety of The Obedient Church of God,
because, remember, we preach there isn’t any “potential visibility,” and XVIII.) you must
have two witnesses, each with two eyeballs, to see the crescent moon [in Jerusalem].
Another rediscovered truth is XIX.) the “two witnesses” are the two bears that
will tear the world apart just like the two bears that tore 42 young men, not children, who
were mocking Elisha. And the “two witnesses” will tear the world apart.
We’ll give you some more of the “tid bits” regarding the understanding of the
New World Order, and one of the biggest things is XX.) we celebrate New Moon Day.
None of the other churches do. It was never done away with. The New Moon Day was
never, ever done away with. It is a holy Sabbath commanded in the Bible, Ezekiel 46:3.
What we are dealing with is these people calling themselves Christians that were
never Christians at all. Dr. Hoeh would write whatever the company wanted him to write,
he would twist it around; and Dr. Hoeh was known as a “flaming homosexual” by most
of the staff of Worldwide [Church of God]. It wasn’t talked about though.
One of our newer rediscovered truths XXI.) is as oft as you meet the kiddish, the
bread and the wine in honor of Yeshua, is done, obviously, at Passover, and at Pentecost,
and at the Feast of Tabernacles. You do the kiddush as often as you meet [3 times a year].
I always wondered why the first evening of the Feast of Tabernacles seemed a
little empty, “off-kilter.” That’s when you have a kiddush and foot washing, and you do
the same thing on the first evening of Pentecost and then you have the service on the day
light time of Pentecost.
XXII.) The only time they could wash each other’s feet is when they did meet
together, which was for Passover, Pentecost, and Feast of Tabernacles, [3 times a year].
One rediscovered truth was XXIII.) how Mr. Armstrong was “the worthless
shepherd.” He was a shepherd all right, but he was a worthless shepherd, one who
“stripped the hooves off the sheep.” How did he do that? He had people sell their houses
and give the money to him.
Mr. Herbert Armstrong bought himself gold dining room ware, Stuben crystal
glasses, and a million dollar art collection, the walls covered with the finest [pictures of]
woods from around the world. And he bought a $10 million jet [plane]. He “ripped the
hooves off of the sheep.”
We are the only ones that have put it all together, “we are the only ones that have
put it all together” for you. We want you to know XXIV.) that there are 80 books in the
Bible. The original King James [translation] had eighty books, and then 14 books were
removed; so we The Obedient Church of God go by the eighty books
We’ve got more rediscovered truth for you, XXV.) and that is when the “two
witnesses” die, Revelation 11:13, seven thousand die instantly, and you can tie that in
with Satan being in big trouble, “Satan being in big trouble” for killing the “two
And therefore, 7,000 of Satan’s die, people of Satan die [by an earthquake]. (It could
even be 7,000 fallen angles are burned up, their life force is taken away from them.)
Bear Note: XXVI.) God spoke the world and the universe into existence the same
way I can speak, you can speak, words on to a piece of paper by using a voice recognition
program. You set up the mechanics, the physics of it, you speak and the printer prints.
That’s the same way Father set up the physics of the world so that when he said His
words, he could speak things into existence.
That is another rediscovered truth by The Obedient Church of God. We want to
tell you that you have to follow The Obedient Church of God in order to be in line with
the Bible or else you are just dead men walking. You are just plain “dead men walking.”
And we are trying to comfort you, “we are trying to comfort you.” We want the best for
XXVII.) There are two groups of 144,000. Only The Obedient Church of God
knows that and teaches that. There are two groups of 144,000: there’s a first group of a
mixed multitude all the way from the time of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and they are
mixed up, including Rahab the harlot and Gentiles mixed in; there’s one group of
There’s a second group that goes through the tribulation and they are of all of the
twelve tribes. XXVIII.) Another truth is there are actually fourteen tribes if you add the
sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh.
There are two groups of 144,000. No one else is teaching you that. XXIX.) We
also taught you that Jonah also means “dove” and the dove was sent to save Ninevah, and
the dove was the Holy Spirit that descended upon Christ [when He was baptized], and the
dove came out of the Ark. The Holy Spirit is present when the dove is present, and Jonah
was the dove; that is what His name means.
You’ve got these rediscovered truths. It’s unbelievable. We just keep coming out
with God showing us more and more and more.
XXX.) We’ve got the correct third tithe years. [You don’t count] from the date of
your baptism; it’s the date of the year of release, “the date of the year of release.” You
tithe twice every seven years. You count one, two, three and that’s a third tithe year; and
you count four, five, six and that’s a third tithe year, and then you have the year of release
which is seven. Then you start all over again. No one else is teaching you that.
We also have “tid bits” of truth. XXXI.) You know that men will hide themselves
in the ground and the rocks of the earth; and there are underground cities that exist that
are hollowed out that are two miles across.
XXXII.) Ezekiel 13:18-20 tells that those who fly away to save themselves go up
to the space station; they go up to save themselves from the terror from the one who is on
the earth, Yeshua. God will bring them back, “God will bring them back.”
XXXIII.) There are ten groups of nations, not just ten kings; and we’ve named off
the groups. North America will include Mexico, United States, and Canada, and that will
be one of them.
XXXIV.) We’ve also preached that Herbert Armstrong was not wrong when he
published his booklet about “1975 in Prophecy.” It takes forty years to get through the
spiritual wilderness.
We can even give you another one, XXXV.) that is “seven women to one man.”
Well, what about “seven churches”? Churches are women. Seven churches to one Christ.
How about another one, XXXVI.) You are only Jewish if your mother was a Jew,
because if your mother was a Jew half of you has got to be Jewish. Most people don’t
know that.
XXXVII.) Princess Diana was of the line of David, while the House of Windsor is
a bunch of mad Germans. They are all German, they are not Jewish. They are not of the
tribe of Judah. Princess Diana was, from which the scepter shall not depart, but the Queen
changed her name to the House of Windsor. We don’t have time to go into that.
Last week XXXVIII.) we showed you that it is one year of Trumpet s when we
itemized 30 days of one, 30 days of another, 5 months for one, ½ hour of silence in
heaven, which is 15 days of a month, etc. We calculated it out and it adds up to 364 days.
There is so much truth that The Obedient Church of God has that we can’t keep
track of it all. We’ve tried to put it into our Bear Note book, but we haven’t put it all back
together again. We are the church that will give you safety and protection.
XXXIX.) Remember the Holy Spirit came on Pentecost? We told you the flames
of fire were actually plasma speakers where flames can talk. We’ve got the science,
we’ve got the spiritual knowledge also.
XL.) I’ll just add a new one for you here. Because of the angels, a woman must
keep her head covered. That is so Satan knows not to mess with her, not to mess with that
woman because by having her hair covered during services, she shows that she is
obedient to Yeshua and Father.
Therefore the demonic angels don’t mess with her, the nephalim type angels
won’t try to rape her because she is obedient to Father and takes on the covering of Christ
and she proves it by physically having a head covering. That’s what the Bible says.
The Churches of God recognize no other practices. Don’t get the woman’s head
covering confused with the tallit, the man’s prayer shawl, [which is not Biblical to use.]
A man speaks to Father mono to mono, man to man without hiding under a prayer
shawl the way the Jews do. They actually pull it over their face and cover their face and
their head. What kind of conversation is that if you are hiding your face from Him?
I’m telling you that the Jews don’t always have it right.
Just make sure you are dwelling in a Sukkah for seven days and not just
spending time in there. Sleep in a tent if it is cold in your area, but actually sleep in it.
We want the best for you. What is so hard about obeying God? It is beautiful to
obey God, and you can have peace of mind also, not to mention all the blessings that
come along with it.
We in The Obedient Church of God are showing you the way of God when the
other churches are just lying by calling themselves Philadelphian because they don’t do
what the Philadelphian Church does.
They celebrate Mother-goddess Day, Sky Father’s Day, Turkey-god Day; they
move the Sabbath to the sixth-day in half the world, and all the other practices that
I’ve mentioned. So there is only one hope, “there is only one hope” and that is for you to
hit the mark. How do you hit the mark? By following the truth of The Obedient Church
of God, or else you are going to miss the mark.
If you are going to have the Sabbath on Friday, that’s a big one; that’s a test
commandment where the mark of God is on you, which is the [seventh-day] Sabbath.
We have more than the 18 truths that Mr. Armstrong had. We have at least 40.4
Now in the opening of the broadcast I mentioned that we had a death this week;
one of our acquaintances who also did some work for us, and who was a fine young
man, took his life.
The last time I saw him a week ago he was smiling and he waved to me, and I
waved back and gave him a “thumbs up,” but laughing on the outside, crying on the
inside. His name was Jesse; he was a man who was doing a lot of transportation for us,
bringing a lot of parts to us.
Jesse, unfortunately overdosed, and he did it deliberately because he collected a
bunch of pills and took them deliberately. Now for the friends of Jesse that are tuning in
today, we want to give you some information. The good in terms of a good heart are
taken away by God.
We hear that only the good die young, well, there is some truth to that. If
somebody is not being called by God because they do not know the truth of God, they
can’t understand the truth of God, because God has not put that component into their
Remember there are two spirits: there is the spirit of man and the Spirit of God
that is given as an earnest, a tiny portion, a little increment, at baptism by the laying on
of hands. Your human spirit distinguishes you from the animals; that’s what makes us
different from the apes. And, no, we didn’t descend from apes for the new listeners. If
we descended from apes, how come we still have apes? Evolution is so ridiculous.
I mentioned in a broadcast a week or two ago that you have 60,000 miles of blood
vessels in your body; 60,000 miles and they are all the right size and they have the right
tension and the right direction.
Not to mention your bones; they are not placed by accident where they are. If it
all happened by accident, why don’t you have your fingers where your toes are? Why
don’t you have your arms where your feet are? Why do you have a skull? Why do you
even have a skull? Why do you have eye sockets?
Not to mention the complexity of the reverse image that flips in your head as you
receive all the pixels. Why do you have a head? Just happen by accident? It is absurd.
The Bible says they became fools, not acknowledging the things of God. Well,
God has a plan, and God sees certain individuals in this world who He is not calling at
this particular time, and Father will take them away prematurely or early, and that is
important for you to know.
I had a friend back in university days who had a part-time job cleaning windows
because he needed money. And on the scaffolding at the fourth floor, the scaffolding
tipped and over the side of the building he went and he was killed. His name was Don
and he was a good friend.
I had another friend named Les who was driving his Volkswagon on the
highway and he died in a head-on crash.
Both Don and Les were not Christians in the sense of the word, but they were
nice guys. They never beat up anybody, they never got into fights, and they never made
I had another buddy by the name of Bob, Robert; he was the fellow who played
the Grand Masters in chess, and Rob was taken away early. Robert was a great cordial
Now to give you comfort that good, in the sense of worldly good, people are
taken away prematurely by God so that they don’t have to go through all of the trouble
that coming upon this earth, and there is trouble that is coming upon this earth big time.
Men are going to call upon the rocks to fall on them so that they can escape. Women will
be eating their children, “women will be eating their children;” that’s how bad it is going
to be.
So God does take away some people prematurely without putting His Spirit into
them. Father does that out of compassion, and, fortunately, when people pass away
before their time, before asking why.
So here is another rediscovered truth for you. Bear Note: XLI.) When people pass
away prematurely, God is protecting them from evil to come. Also, when Christians are
taken away prematurely, God is protecting them from the evil to come.
Isaiah 57:1, and this ties right in with the Day of Atonement coming up, and with
your judgment and the rest of it. We’ll be talking later in this broadcast how you don’t
have ten extra days. The dead rise up when Christ comes, and you who are alive will be
in the clouds ten days later.
Isaiah 57:1, “The righteous perish and no one ponders in his heart; devout men
are taken away and no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared
from evil.” New International Version.
Isaiah 57:1, “Good people pass away; the Godly often die before their
time, but no one seems to care or wonder why.” New Living Translation No one seems
to understand that God is protecting them from the evil to come, and we know
that we are going to be going through hell on earth in the next seven years,
probably starting this January, 2013.
Isaiah 57:1 “Good people pass away …God is protecting them from the
evil to come.”
Isaiah 57:1, “The righteous perish; and no man lays it to heart, but
merciful men are taken away; none considering that the righteous is taken away
from the evil to come.” King James, Cambridge Ed.
Isaiah 57:1, “Righteous people die and no one cares; loyal people are
taken away and no one understands; righteous people are spared when evil
comes.” God’s Word Translation
Isaiah 57:1, “The righteous perish and no one lays it to heart, but merciful
men are taken away; none considering that the righteous is taken away from the
evil to come.” King James 2000
Isaiah 57:1, “The righteous perishes, and no man lays it to heart; and the
merciful men are taken away, not considering that the righteous is taken away
from the evil to come.” American King James
Isaiah 57:1, “…none considering that the righteous is taken away from
before the evil.” Darby Translation
Most of them say “from the evil to come.”
I particularly like the God’s Word Translation, “Righteous people are spared
when evil comes.”
So my friend Don, my friend Les, my friend Bob, and my friend Jesse now
this last week, a worker who always had a big smile, was always happy, positive,
have been taken away from the evil that is to come.
Now God also needs people to do his work. So if you are a nice person and you
are not taken away, God has some work for you to do here. You might have to witness
to others, you might have to do your service to God, and that’s why you are still alive.
Not because you are evil, but because God needs you to work for him.
Now no one lays it to heart because no one can figure it out, “no one can figure it
out.” And it is just stupidity when people see that good people die young and they don’t
pay attention to it, they don’t figure it out, they don’t figure it out.
So who are these people who die young? If you go into the different translations,
its merciful men; who are these merciful men? Men of kindness. Jesse had a lot of
kindness. Or men of Godliness, pious men; so we denote mercy and kindness: chesed,
the actual Hebrew word, mercy and kindness. That is, people who have mercy on
others, or people who are pious, devoted to God.
And when in Hebrew they are taken away, it can also mean that they are
gathered. That is, they are gathered to their Father by death. They are not considering it,
they aren’t even anxious to know; they don’t even bother to figure it out, that divine
providence is permitting it.
So take comfort that Jesse was put to sleep. And that is where Jesse is right now;
he is in the dust of the ground—he’s going to be cremated. We are not going to get into
cremation; we haven’t got time for that.
Here’s the point for comforting you: God has a plan for Jesse, and for my friend
Don, and for my friend Bob, and for my friend Les, and they are all coming up in the
second resurrection and given their first opportunity to know God by the Holy Spirit of
God being available to all.
For the new listeners out there and for Jesses and his friends, we are in the “Bible
Belt;” there is a Baptist Church right on this street called the “Friendship Fellowship
Church” right down the road from us.
So let’s go over a few things so that you know what God has in store for Jesse in
terms of hope. And to know that Jesse is resting, waiting all his days for his change to
Now a lot of people get thrown off by Hebrews 11:5 where it tells us that Enoch
was taken away so that he (Enoch) did not see death. The correct translation is Enoch
was taken away so that he wasn’t killed, so that he didn’t get killed.
Another quotation from Genesis 5, says that he was not found. Well, if he was
not found, use some intelligence here-- that means somebody is looking for him. That’s
right. So he is taken away so that he didn’t get killed because somebody was looking for
him to cause him harm; and God protected Enoch by removing him to a safe place.
Now some think that God took him to heaven, but the verse doesn’t say that. It
says, “taken away.” That is translated in the King James Version from the Greek word,
metatithemi, which means to transfer to another place. That’s from Vine’s dictionary of
Biblical words, 1985.
So, it doesn’t say that God took Enoch to heaven, it doesn’t say that. It says that
he was translated, taken away. “Metatithemi” means to transfer to another place. So that
takes care of the “straw-man” argument that he, in Hebrews 11:5, that Enoch was taken
away [King James uses :translated]so that he did not see death, that he did not get killed.
Enoch still died, he lived out his life span in another place.
Now what about Elijah? This is another classic one that is quoted. You’ll
like this. This is another rediscovered truth of The Obedient Church of God on
the proof of this, what about Elijah? Read the full history. And go to II Kings 2:
11 and then I can show you something about Chronicles.
We know that the book of Kings is before Chronicles and we know that the
history, kings, appears before the letters in chronicles. Here’s the point:
Bear Note: You have got a letter that is written in II Chronicles 21:12-15, you’ve
got a letter that Elijah wrote years, years, years afterwards, after he was taken away. God
didn’t take him to heaven; God moved Elijah to a different place on the earth.
Bear Note: In II Chronicles 21:12-15 Elijah the prophet is sending a letter, “And a
letter came…from Elijah the prophet,” and that was after Elijah was taken away. He was
moved from one spot on the earth to another by a flaming chariot. Elijah didn’t die, and
that is born our by him sending a letter years later; he was still alive.
Bear Note: Another rediscovered truth from The Obedient Church of God. It
is actually fun tuning into these broadcasts because you never know what you are going
to hear next that is true. So what had happened here is that XLII.) Elijah was
transported to a different location through the earth’s atmosphere.
Now for the new listeners out there, there are three heavens. Where the word
heaven is used, the scriptures speak of heavens; there are three of them. For the 101 level
out there, and 101 level is excellent, “excellent, excellent, excellent,” because you’ve got
to start somewhere.
Genesis 1:8, “God called the Firmament Heaven.” That is the atmosphere that
envelopes the earth, so that’s the first heaven. You fly in that heaven when you go on an
Genesis 1:9, “And God said, let the waters under the heaven be gathered together
unto to one place, and let the dry land appear; and it was so.” So, under the clouds, the
waters were gathered unto the clouds, one place.
Second type of heaven: that is where the space shuttle flies up to the space
station. That’s where the Mars Lander flies. That’s what we call space; that’s the second
heaven. Genesis 15:5, “And he brought him outside, and said Look now towards
heaven, and count the stars. You are to number them [if you are able]. That is space.
Now, the third heaven is the location of God’s Throne, and that is in II
Corinthians 12:2. This verse states, “I know a man in Christ who 14 years ago, whether
in the body, I do not know; whether out of the body, I do not know; God knows. Such a
one was caught up to the third heaven.”
This was in vision because verse 1 of chapter 12 says, “visions and revelations” of
the Lord,” able to boast come to “visions and revelations of the Lord.” You know the
Bible is so involved, I could spend a whole day just on that particular “visions and
revelations of the Lord.”
The point here is that there are three heavens, for all the new listeners.
So, we’ve got Enoch and Elijah, which were taken up into the first heaven, which
is the atmosphere, or unless God gave them some type of breathing apparatus, they
would have suffocated if they went up any higher into space. And they were human,
because Elijah wrote a letter years, “years” later.
Bear Note: Years later Elijah wrote a letter after he was transported in a flaming
chariot of fire [up into the atmosphere] and moved [one place to another place] so that
they couldn’t be harmed.
For anyone who still wants to argue, the Bible teaches that no one has ascended
to heaven. So Jesse, my friend and worker, is not in heaven; he is waiting all his days for
his change to come. It is very clear in John 3:13; Yeshua didn’t have any ambiguity here
when he said “No one has ascended to heaven.” Yeshua said way after the days of the
prophets. He said this in the New Testament in the time of John the apostle.
By the way; “…scripture cannot be broken.” Remember John 10:35? The scripture
says in John 3:13, “No one has ascended to heaven.” Still want to argue? What about
Acts 2: 29 where it talks about King David who he alluded to. “Men and brethren …
David is dead and buried, and his tomb is with us today.”
Someone might say that that is just his tomb, but he is in heaven. No. Remember
there is that sharp two-edged sword behind me. You might get whacked with that.
Verse 34 says, “For David is not ascended into the heavens.” David did not ascend into
the heavens, and scripture can’t be broken. So there you have it.
Poor Jesse. Actually Jesse is lucky because he is taken away from the seven years
of tribulation; he is asleep in the dust of the ground.
Now for the rest of us, only if we follow the narrow way, and if we clean up our
lives, will we even have a hope? There will be plenty of people that say we believe in
God, and it doesn’t matter if you say you believe in God, you have to do the will of your
Matthew 7:21, those of us who are left alive now, we have to do the will of our
Father. It says, “Not everyone who says to me, 7:21, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the
Kingdom of heaven, only he who does the will of the Father who is in heaven.”
And the translation is “the Kingdom of God.” The point is we who are alive now
have our work cut out for us. And the theology is such that you just can’t have your
heart in the right place, you have to be a doer.
There are two kinds of faith: a dead faith, and a live faith. Live faith is the faith of
actually doing what is written in your manual. That means celebrating all of the holy
days coming up, because that is how you inculcate into your mind a confidence in the
plan of God.
You know that there will be a period of time where people will be given the
opportunity to know God. In Isaiah 65:20 the sinner will live to a hundred years, and
that happens after the 1,000 years are over.
I showed you last week where we would be picking up bones for seven
months from the Valley Megiddo, Valley of Hinnom, where 200 million men are
killed. The blood is going to run as high as the horses’ bridal.
Jesse doesn’t have to go through all of that or be troubled by all of that in
news reports, or have to go into captivity as the United States will go into
captivity because we don’t own any of the United States. We are all pledged for
credit to pay for debts that we run up to the Chinese and to other nations, and
we the American people are pledged for the debt.
It is not going to be any mystery that we are going to go into captivity to
pay for the debts that we ran up.
Bear Note: Your birth certificate has a number on it so they can keep track
of you right from the day you were born.
You are collateral, “you are collateral” for the U. S. debt. You are workers
who produce GDP, Gross Domestic Produce, and as such the evil leaders can get
credit from other countries because of our GDP which is produced by you. You
are the workers.
Back on point here. You can’t just say that you believe in God. You try to
say that you confess with your mouth in Romans 10:9-10 that Jesus is Lord, and
believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead and you’ll be saved.
Well, actually, Romans 10 in context here is your answer: how will they
hear without a preacher? Confessing Jesus is Lord is that you are now a follower
of Jesus; you are walking in His footsteps.
If Jesus is Lord and you are considering Him Lord, and that means boss,
Jesus is your boss; therefore, you will be following in his footsteps. You are
confessing that Jesus is your Lord, He is your boss, and remember that that
confession was considered heresy in Roman times; it was considered treason
because it was Caesar who was your Lord, and who was your boss, the one who
you obeyed.
In Romans 10 it was Jesus who was Lord, not Caesar. Yahveh is the Lord,
and that was your confession in Roman times; that’s why they threw you to the
lions because you were not confessing that Caesar was Lord; you were saying
that Yahveh is Lord.
Your confession of faith accompanied your public baptism in the closest
river or lake. By the way we have a river at the end of this street; you could be
baptized in there since there are spots in the river that are very deep. And we
have a baptismal font that you could also use.
But first you have got to study, and know that Jesus is Lord, and in the
context of Romans 10, how will they hear this without a preacher? The best
thing is that Jesus is Lord and not Caesar, and not the other false ministers.
So, you’ve confessed that Jesus is Lord, you follow Yeshua and you do
everything Yeshua does. It is a fallacy that you are just going to say, yes, Jesus is
Lord, and then does whatever you want to do. That’s why few will enter the
Kingdom, and the road is narrow.
That’s why there are only five of the virgins. There are all of these churches of
God, but there are only five virgins that enter the Kingdom, and those virgins are the
ones who kept their lamps trimmed and burning.
So now we know that you can’t only confess God and you’ll be poof,
automatically in the Kingdom. We know that Yeshua has to be running your life and not
Caesar and not Rome, and not any Roman practices, such as, Mother-goddess Day, Sky
Father’s Day, and Turkey-god Day. Those are all practices of the world and the Gentiles.
We are not supposed to learn the way of the Gentiles; we are supposed to be
called to conversion and repentance. That was what was done in the first century. That
was the type of preaching in the First Century.
Bear Note: The type of preaching in the First Century was a call to
repentance, and that is known as krygma. It is the teaching of the resurrection and
the ascension and the rule of Christ. That was the type of teaching that the
apostles did.
The focus was to walk as Yeshua walked, and they communicated that.
They had to be a new person and walk every way that Yeshua walked. And they
proclaimed the doctrine just like we are proclaiming that Yeshua was the only
one who was raised from the dead.
By the way while we are on that topic, what about the thief on the cross?
Jesus said, “Verily thou shalt be with me in heaven.” There was no punctuation
in the Bible, and in every different translation the translator has to put in the
Therefore, the way it reads is wrong. “Verily I say to you, today…” is
wrong. No. It doesn’t read like that. XLIII.) What it does read, “Verily I say to
you today, thou shalt be with me in Paradise.”[This is the correct translation.]
So, verily I say to you today, while I’m hanging on this cross, when I seem
totally powerless, when I am bleeding to death upon this cross, having been
ripped to ribbons and torn- up, I can say to you while I’m on this cross today,
thou shalt be with me in Paradise.
Bear Note: Was Yeshua in heaven on that day [when he said,] today you
shall be with me in Paradise? Was Yeshua in heaven? Yeshua didn’t ascend to
the Father for two days. He told Mary not to touch Him. You can’t touch me, I
haven’t ascended to the Father [is what He said], and that was two days later. It
was two days later and Yeshua hadn’t ascended to the Father yet.
So, of course, XLIII.) it can’t be today thou shalt be with me in Paradise
because Yeshua wasn’t even in Paradise in the Kingdom. Yeshua hadn’t even
ascended. [Points 200. and 203. are another rediscovered truth.]
We have given you the correct reading of the Bible.
We are very sorry when our friends are taken away; we are sad and we
even cry, and it is jarring to lose a friend at a young age. Jesse left behind a wife
and a two-year old boy, and it is sad, “it is sad,” and we mourn with those who
mourn, and we comfort those who mourn.
We’ll play a song for you to give you more context of this. It is a classic
called “Old Rivers,” sung by Walter Brennan. It is about a man whose friend
passed away.
Yes, indeed. The last time I saw Jesse was when he was happy and smiling
from the convertible that he was in at the shopping center lot. And we are going
to see him smiling again. That is comfort for all of his friends listening, and we’ll
see Jesse again smiling and happy.
God has intended to take some of the people away before the tribulation
so that they will not have to go through it. And we who are left behind are being
judged now if we have taken our baptism, and had the laying on of hands, and
been given the Holy Spirit.
I’ve got to tell you long time listeners now and switch to the truth about
Yom Kippur, which I promised you, and it is so important for you to know.
Yeshua, when He arrives, raises the saved in Christ in the First
Resurrection. And by the way, there are two resurrections, and we want you to
know Jesse will come up in the second resurrection after the thousand years.
But there is also the First Resurrection that comes on the day of Christ’s
arrival, and Christ arrives on Trumpets and starts battling the nations. And that
is when He kills 200 million men on the seventh trump.
He is on this earth and when His feet touch the Mount of Olives, we shall
be raised, but not on the Day of At-one-ment, not on Yom Kippur, “not, not,
not.” There are some ministers that have it all twisted up, and the Jews have it all
fouled up.
So I guess what we should do is go back and review Teshuva, what it
means, “Teshuva, what it means.” It means to turn around, and to repent, and it
is a period of time that the Jews claim it runs from the Day of Trumpets to the
Day of Atonement.
The Jews claim that is a period of ten Days for you to repent in. How can
you repent in those ten days when you have already been raised and have met
Christ in the air? It is impossible, “it is impossible.”
XLIV.) Judgment in now upon the House of the Lord, and you are being judged
every day, “every day.”
The rest of the people aren’t being judged until after the 1,000 years. You’ve got
to realize that if you are a Christian who has God’s Holy Spirit, and not a Christian who
thinks he had God’s Spirit, your time of judgment is right now today before Christ
arrives, before His feet touch the Mount of Olives.
God has written your name in the Book of Life. Now the purpose is for you to
have free will and for you to choose which path you will take before, “before”
Atonement by developing the character. You can’t develop the character in just ten days.
It can’t be done. I can’t be done. You can’t fool God because your heart has to be right.
Now the thief on the cross will be with God in Paradise. He will be going
through the 100 years and learning the character. And Yeshua stated the He believed
that the thief on the cross, the thief’s heart recognized Yeshua, the thief on the cross
would make it through the 100 years of Isaiah 65:20, and that the thief would then be in
And Paradise is on this earth because the kingdoms of man become the
kingdoms of God and His Christ.
Now the dead are judged by their works, by the things written in the books; and
judgment is now upon the House of the Lord, which is comprised of individuals who
have made a vow not to just say they are Christians, but they have made a vow, they got
baptized. When they have gotten baptized, they had the laying on of hands, and the
Spirit of the Lord, an earnest of that Spirit came upon them.
It is so serious now because once you have done that, you can’t apply Christ’s
sacrifice twice. You can’t change your mind, then run the ways of the world, and then go
back or else you are spurning Christ’s sacrifice.
So now Judgment is on the House of the Lord, and Judgment must begin at the
House of the Lord, I Peter 4:17. And it has many aspects to it, many aspects to it. We
don’t have time to bring up the other tape to explain this to you, but Judgment is now on
the House of the Lord.
Judgment is on you now, and your name can be stricken off of the office room
that Yeshua had prepared for you if you didn’t produce any fruits.
Just to put a little scare into us here, remember Jesus cursed the fig tree because
it didn’t produce any fruit; well, that’s a symbol of the impending judgment that is
coming on the House of the Lord. This is just to put a little scare into you, the temple,
“the temple of God,” which you are.
Any of you who is sitting back there complacent, think of the fig tree that didn’t
produce any fruit. That wasn’t in the Bible because Yeshua was a meany (because he
was in a bad mood) and He cursed the fig tree; Yeshua never was in a bad mood. That’s
in your Bible because it shows that you must produce fruit or you will be cursed by God
It is more than just walking the straight and narrow way, you’ve got to be a
productive tree, a productive one that is taking power from the vine because you are
grafted in onto the vine and you are producing fruit. You better produce fruit because
you love God, not just because you fear God.
Now the people in the world will have to go through the tribulation, the ones
whose hearts aren’t right in order to wake them up out of their complacency, and we all
have to understand that.
Yeshua and Father know every one’s heart; they know exactly what we are
thinking. There is no way that we can fool Yeshua by our repenting on the last ten days
between Trumpets and At-one-ment, because we will not have developed the character;
and therefore, we will be cast into outer darkness because God can’t use someone in the
First Resurrection that’s a faker, or who is trying to get into the door at the last minute
during the last ten days.
XLV.) We have got to get right with God right now today and during seven years
of growing. We can’t get in at the last back door [of God’s Kingdom]. Impossible. We
can’t get in at the last Ten Days of Awe; it is too late.
We are right now in the final phase of judgment on the House of the Lord. Every
day you are being judged if you are a Christian that is going to be in the First
There is a whole other phase that takes place for 100 years after the thousand
years, and there is a whole other phase of going through the tribulation, but if you want
to be in that First Resurrection, you today are going through a phase of judgment right
now, “right now.” That is the judgment that is on the House of the Lord right now, not
during the last Ten Days of Awe.
You don’t want to be left desolate. You don’t want to be cursed like the fig tree.
You know what happened with the destruction of Jerusalem. That is a type and
anti-type of the destruction of the United States. It is going to be horrendous.
There will be trials, pain, and sorrow; we’ll have to go through seven years until
we reach the place of safety. The righteous suffer along with the unrighteous.
We are going to close with “Old Man River.” Sit back and think about your
friends and what they are going to have to go through.
Now we’ll sing “Save Me O God by Thy Great Name.” That is our only hope
now because judgment is now on us. So all please rise, take your song books and all sing
Now the closing prayer. All please bow your heads, face the North Heavens,
eyes closed.
“Almighty and most-merciful Father with Yeshua at your right hand side, thank
you for your wonderful plan for all people and for all mankind to have their
opportunity to live the abundant life. You have a plan for the whole universe, because
the whole universe longs and groans for your Son’s arrival.
“Father we pray for the comfort of Jesse’s wife and his young two-year old boy,
and for Jesse’s friends, jarring them since he died so suddenly.
“Indeed for our own lives, help us with repentance with God’s Holy Spirit
because we cannot repent in the last ten days. We’ve got to repent now. Thank you for
that rediscovered truth that even all the Jews have got it wrong and all mixed- up as
“Father, we ask for your care and your kindness to be showered upon all the
friends of Jesse and your blessing to comfort them.
“And indeed, be with The Obedient Church of God and all of its members, and
help us all prepare for the Feast of Tabernacles and the Day of Atonement coming up
next week.
“Father, we thank you for your great plan, and we ask this all in Yeshua’s holy
righteous name, Yeshua ha Mashiach and our soon arriving King Jesus Christ our Lord
and God. Amen.”
243.) Yes life is short, can be short. We’ve got to realize that we only have a short period of
time the next seven years to repent in. So we’ll think again of Walter Brennan and his tribute to
the man, “Old Rivers.” And that is the broadcast for today.