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World History & Human Geography AP/Gifted
Rutland High School
Mr. John T. Coleman
Contact info: [email protected]
Course Description
World History AP/Gifted was designed with a broad focus on world cultures from approximately
8000 BCE to the present. Students will develop a greater understanding of global processes and
interactions among societies through a study of historical patterns and comparisons among major
World History AP/Gifted is about skills, not just content, and will encourage all students in attaining
their highest achievement level through skill acquisition and personal growth. Students will read and
organize data based on themes, write analytical and document-based essays, and analyze primary and
secondary sources.
World History AP/Gifted is a differentiated curriculum in depth, complexity, pacing, and novelty,
meeting the state guidelines for gifted and talented education through a variety of instructional
strategies, including individual and group work, questioning, critical reading and thinking, and class
World History Content GPS
SSWH1 The student will analyze the origins, structures, and interactions of complex societies
in the ancient Eastern Mediterranean from 3500 BCE to 500 BCE.
SSWH2 The student will identify the major achievements of Chinese and Indian societies
from 1100 BCE to 500 CE.
SSWH3 The student will examine the political, philosophical, and cultural interaction of
Classical Mediterranean societies from 700 BCE to 400 CE.
SSWH4 The student will analyze the importance of the Byzantine and Mongol empires
between 450 CE and 1500 CE.
SSWH5 The student will trace the origins and expansion of the Islamic World between 600
CE and 1300 CE.
SSWH6 The student will describe the diverse characteristics of early African societies
before 1800.
SSWH7 The student will analyze European medieval society with regard to culture, politics,
society, and economics.
SSWH8 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the development of societies in
Central and South America.
SSWH9 The student will analyze change and continuity in the Renaissance and Reformation.
SSWH10 The student will analyze the impact of the age of discovery and expansion into the
Americas, Africa, and Asia.
SSWH11 Students will investigate political and social changes in Japan and in China from the
seventeenth century CE to mid-nineteenth century CE.
SSWH12 The student will examine the origins and contributions of the Ottoman, Safavid, and
Mughal empires.
SSWH13 The student will examine the intellectual, political, social, and economic factors that
changed the world view of Europeans.
SSWH14 The student will analyze the Age of Revolutions and Rebellions.
SSWH15 The student will be able to describe the impact of industrialization, the rise of
nationalism, and the major characteristics of worldwide imperialism.
SSWH16 The student will demonstrate an understanding of long-term causes of World War I
and its global impact.
SSWH17 The student will be able to identify the major political and economic factors that
shaped world societies between World War I and World War II.
SSWH18 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the global political, economic, and
social impact of World War II.
SSWH19 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the global social, economic, and
political impact of the Cold War and decolonization from 1945 to 1989.
SSWH20 The student will examine change and continuity in the world since the 1960s.
SSWH21 The student will analyze globalization in the contemporary world.
World History AP Themes
* Dynamics of Change and Continuity
* Patterns and Effects of Interaction among Societies
* Effects of Technology, Economics, and Demography on People and the Environment
* Systems of Social Structure and Gender Structure
* Cultural, Intellectual, and Religious Developments and Interactions among/within Societies
* Changes in Functions and Structures of States and in Attitudes toward States and Political
World History Habits of Mind
* Constructing and Evaluating Arguments
* Using Documents and Other Primary Data
* Assessing Issues of Change/Continuity over Time
* Understanding Diversity of Interpretations
* Seeing Global Patterns over Time and Space
* Comparing within/among Societies
* Assessing Claims of Universal Standards yet Remaining Aware of Human Commonalities and
Course Purpose:
The course will address the following topics:
* time as an aspect of humanity
* geography as a component of historical development
* culture and civilization and their relationships
* relationship of change and continuity across time and space
* causes and processes that lead to either a change or continuity
* impact of trade, war, diplomacy, and international organizations upon societies
* effects of technology, economics, and demography on people and the environment
* effects of social and gender structures on different societies
* interactions among societies and the subsequent developments
* changing attitudes toward state and political culture
Course Objectives:
At the completion of the course all students will be able to perform the following at a higher personal
* think, read, listen, write, and communicate with understanding
* analyze evidence and interpretations presented in a variety of historical texts, both primary and
secondary and use the information to plan a meaningful discussion, written or oral
* prepare and execute a well-constructed, multi-paragraph essay, timed and not; including the
Document-based, Change-Over-Time, and Comparison essay types
* utilize a variety of resources in planning and directing research for a mixture of projects, essays,
and activities
* flesh out a series of questions that challenges a text's meaning and shows an understanding of the
AP Themes
An important aspect of the course will center on the themes that are part of the AP Course
Description (see above).
Students will be part of Thematic Groups that will plot the changes and continuities that occurred in
world history, across time and space. These Thematic Groups will form the basis of class discussions,
mid-unit reviews, as well as the final review for the AP Exam in May. A detailed handout will explain
the form and substance of each activity.
The six Thematic Groups are:
Patterns of Interaction
Patterns of Technology and Demography
Patterns of Political Order
Patterns of Gender Relations
Patterns of Social Order
Patterns of Cultural Invention
AP Periodization
The AP World History course is divided into six time periods. Along with the themes and the habits
of mind, the periods make up the basis of the course. Our study throughout the year
will focus on these three aspects of world history: time, themes, and habits of mind.
The six historical periods are:
to 600 BCE
Technological and Environmental Transformations
600 BCE – 600 CE Organization and Reorganization of Human Societies
600 – 1450 Regional and Transregional Interactions
1450 – 1750 Global Interactions
1750 – 1900 Industrialization and Global Integration
1900 – Present Accelerating Global Change and Realignment
*Students must be aware for the AP World History course, BCE will be used instead of BC, CE
will be used instead of AD. Although, BC and AD are still used by many educators, the AP
World History exam uses only BCE and CE, therefore students need to be aware of this
All students will be required to read, analyze, interpret, and take notes from a variety of sources
throughout the course including textbooks, novels, short stories, poetry, primary and secondary
sources, maps, charts, graphs, and artwork.
All students will interpret and analyze primary and secondary evidence from a variety of sources.
Strategies and techniques will be used in class in order to strengthen a students’ ability to interpret
and analyze the reading, and relate its component parts: speaker, subject, purpose, audience, tone, and
Grading Policy:
85 % of the grade will come from:
Classwork/Homework/Media/Discussion: 35%
Tests/Challenges/Alternative Assessments/Essay Writing: 35%
Projects/Quizzes/Bell Ringer Checks: 30%
Final Exam: 15%
Class Rules:
The classroom environment affects the learning that takes place in the class. Students deserve a
classroom that is friendly, safe, and intellectually stimulating. To help insure that environment, a few
simple principles must be adhered to at all times.
1. Students must show respect for one another.
a. Quietly listening to others opinions
b. Disagreeing without putting down the other person
c. Common courtesy
Students must come to class and must be on time.
a. No replacement for being in class
b. No excuse for being late and disrupting class by tardiness
c. No standing at the door until the bell rings
Students must come prepared to participate.
a. With their textbooks, pens, and paper
b. Interaction, not only helps with learning, it is essential to learning
c. Participation requires a completed homework assignment
d. Cell phones must be turned off
*** All rules included in the Bibb County School District Code of Conduct will be enforced.
Time management and organizational skills are essential for high achievement and should begin with
adequate supplies. Materials should be brought to class every day.
3 notebooks (spiral or loose) – Text, Themes, Discussion
8 ½ x 11 lined notebook paper, college ruled
Black or Dark Blue Ink Pens
Markers, 8 or 10 pack
Notecards, either 3x5 or 4x6
Pocket holder for handouts, returned papers
Assignment Information
Following is an outline of the types of assignments.
Students will be assigned a variety of readings each week, which need to be completed prior to
attending class. Readings will come primarily from the main texts, but may be assigned from additional
Written Work
Outside written work, unless otherwise noted, must be typed double-spaced on 8½ x 11 paper with 1inch margins. 12-point Times or another standard font is acceptable. Identifying information must be
included on cover page (title, name, period, date, teacher’s name).
In-class written work must be hand written on 8½ x 11 paper in black or dark blue ink. Identifying
information must be included on the first page (assignment title, name, period, date, teacher’s name).
Tests/Quizzes will consist of multiple-choice, identification, short answer, thesis, document analysis,
and/or essays.
Participation is an integral part of the class and will consist of everyday class participation, individual
and group activities, presentations, formal and impromptu speeches, and other activities.
Late Work
All assignments are due on the scheduled date at the beginning of the class period. Any assignments
turned into the teacher on a timely manner may be rewritten for credit. Assignments turned into the
teacher after the scheduled date or class period will be considered late and will be accepted for
half credit until the end of the grading period, without benefit of revision.
Make-up Work
Some in-class assignments cannot be made up and if missed will result in a loss of credit, whether
excused or not. Many in-class assignments may be made up and the student has one week from the
original date to make up the assignment.
Disclaimer: The course syllabus is a general plan for the course; all information contained in the course
syllabus/calendar is subject to change. Any changes will be announced in class and a revised syllabus
distributed to students to be shared with their parents/guardians.
Please sign below indicating that you have reviewed the above syllabus for this class. A copy of this
document will be available for your review on my website.
Student Name: ____________________________________________________
(Sign)____________________________________ (Date)__________________
Parent/Guardian Name:______________________________________________
(Sign)____________________________________ (Date)__________________
(E-mail address)
Best Daytime Number
Best Evening Number
(Mailing Address)