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Distinguished Service Cross
Awarded for actions during the World War II
(Citation Needed) - SYNOPSIS: Lieutenant Colonel (Air Corps) Donald P. Hall, United States Army Air
Forces, was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for extraordinary heroism in connection with
military operations against an armed enemy while serving as Pilot of a B-25 Medium Bomber in the 3d
Bombardment Group (L), FIFTH Air Force, while participating in a bombing mission on 28 July 1943,
against enemy targets in Southwest Pacific Area. The personal courage and zealous devotion to duty
displayed by Lieutenant Colonel Hall on this occasion have upheld the highest traditions of the military
service and reflect great credit upon himself, the 5th Air Force, and the United States Army Air Forces.
General Orders: Headquarters, U.S. Army Forces in the Far East, General Orders No. 62 (1943)
Action Date: 28-Jul-43
Service: Army Air Forces
Rank: Lieutenant Colonel
Regiment: 3d Bombardment Group (L)
Division: 5th Air Force
Distinguished Service Cross
The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress July 9, 1918, takes
pleasure in presenting a Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of a Second Award of the Distinguished Service
Cross to Colonel (Air Corps) Donald Pierce Hall (ASN: 0-321890), United States Army Air Forces, for
extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy while serving as
Pilot of a B-25 Bomber in the 8th Bombardment Squadron, 3d Bombardment Group (L), FIFTH Air Force,
in action at ***, and ** airdromes on 17 and 18 August 1943. Colonel Hall planned and personally directed
an attack by three squadrons upon these two strongly defended enemy airdromes. Despite the
expectation of heavy anti-aircraft fire and fighter interception, he led his planes over the entire length of
the runways, strafing and bombing with deadly accuracy a long line of air craft parked along the strips and
in the dispersal areas. After completely destroying an enemy force of two hundred and six aircraft, the
formation returned without the loss of a plane or injury to any of the crew members. By his daring
leadership and brilliant tactical planning, Colonel Hall deprived the enemy of an exceptionally large
number of aircraft intended to lend support to enemy ground troops defending strategic bases on the
northern coast of **, and made a contribution of inestimable value to the success of Allied military
operations in this area.
General Orders: Headquarters, U.S. Forces-Pacific, General Orders No. 57 (July 17, 1945)
Action Date: August 17 & 18, 1943
Service: Army Air Forces
Rank: Colonel
Company: 8th Bombardment Squadron
Regiment: 3d Bombardment Group (L)
Division: 5th Air Force
Army Distinguished Service Medal
Awarded for actions during the World War II
The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress July 9, 1918, takes
pleasure in presenting the Army Distinguished Service Medal to Colonel (Air Corps) Donald Pierce Hall
(ASN: 0-321890), United States Army Air Forces, for exceptionally meritorious and distinguished services
to the Government of the United States, in a duty of great responsibility in the Southwest Pacific Area
from January 1944 to June 1945. As Assistant Chief of Staff, A-3, and later as Chief of Staff of V Bomber
Command, Colonel Hall played a significant part in the preparation, planning, and execution of
bombardment operations which neutralized enemy air power and enemy bases from Hollandia to the
Philippine Islands and which aided in subsequent Allied re-occupation of Dutch New Guinea, Palau, and
the Philippines.; He integrated the operations of nine bombardment groups and personally participated in
strike missions so that his invaluable combat experience could be utilized to perfect tactics and effect
closer coordination. As Chief of Staff, a position which he assumed on 1 July 1944, he improved the
administrative efficiency of V Bomber Command and continued to help direct its operational activities.
One of his most important administrative innovations was the establishment of an effective policy of relief
and return to the United States for bomber crews. The broad knowledge of bombardment tactics and
techniques repeatedly demonstrated by Colonel Hall, his ready assumption of both combat and staff
responsibilities, his outstanding professional ability, and his exemplary leadership were important factors
in the success of Allied aerial operations in the Southwest Pacific Area.
General Orders: War Department, General Orders No. 113 (December 4, 1945)
Action Date: January 1944 - June 1945
Service: Army Air Forces
Rank: Colonel
Silver Star
Awarded for actions during the World War II
(Citation Needed) - SYNOPSIS: Colonel (Air Corps) Donald Pierce Hall (ASN: 0-321890), United States
Army Air Forces, was awarded the Silver Star for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity while serving with
the 3d Bombardment Group (Light), FIFTH Air Force, in the Southwest Pacific Area during World War II.
General Orders: Headquarters, 5th Air Force, General Orders No. 92 (1943)
Action Date: World War II
Service: Army Air Forces
Rank: Colonel
Regiment: 3d Bombardment Group (L)
Division: 5th Air Force
Silver Star
Awarded for actions during the World War II
(Citation Needed) - SYNOPSIS: Colonel (Air Corps) Donald Pierce Hall (ASN: 0-321890), United States
Army Air Forces, was awarded a Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of a Second Award of the Silver Star for
conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity while serving with the 3d Bombardment Group (Light), FIFTH Air
Force, in the Southwest Pacific Area during World War II.
Action Date: World War II
Service: Army Air Forces
Rank: Colonel
Regiment: 3d Bombardment Group (L)
Division: 5th Air Force
Silver Star
The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress July 9, 1918, takes
pleasure in presenting a Second Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of a Third Award of the Silver Star to
Colonel (Air Corps) Donald Pierce Hall (ASN: 0-321890), United States Army Air Forces, for gallantry in
action while serving with the FIFTH Air Force in action over Dutch New Guinea on 16 June 1944.
Voluntarily heading a formation of B-25's on a long, low-level strike against two heavily defended
Japanese airdromes, Colonel Hall achieved almost complete surprise on the enemy by leading his
bombers between low rolling hills at minimum altitude. After a bombing and strafing run on Samate
Airdrome which left is covered with fire and smoke, Colonel Hall sighted enemy fighters rising from
Jefman Island. With several bursts from his nose guns, he caught two of them, damaging one and
destroying the other. In the face of heavy anti-aircraft fire, he continued to lead his formation over the
second target, where fuel and supply dumps were left blazing fiercely and more than fifty airplanes were
destroyed or damaged. The gallantry and leadership displayed by Colonel Hall on this mission are in
keeping with the finest traditions of the service.
Action Date: June 16, 1944
Service: Army Air Forces
Rank: Colonel
Regiment: 3d Bombardment Group (L)
Legion of Merit
Awarded for actions during the Cold War
(Citation Needed) - SYNOPSIS: Colonel Donald Pierce Hall (ASN: 0-321890), United States Air Force,
was awarded the Legion of Merit for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding
services to the Government of the United States.
Service: Air Force
Rank: Colonel
Distinguished Flying Cross
Awarded for actions during the World War II
(Citation Needed) - SYNOPSIS: Colonel (Air Corps) Donald Pierce Hall (ASN: 0-321890), United States
Army Air Forces, was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for extraordinary achievement while
participating in aerial flight while serving with the FIFTH Air Force in the Southwest Pacific Area during
World War II.
Action Date: World War II
Service: Army Air Forces
Rank: Colonel
Regiment: 3d Bombardment Group (L)
Division: 5th Air Force
Distinguished Flying Cross
Awarded for actions during the World War II
(Citation Needed) - SYNOPSIS: Colonel (Air Corps) Donald Pierce Hall (ASN: 0-321890), United States
Army Air Forces, was awarded a Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of a Second Award of the Distinguished
Flying Cross for extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight while serving with the FIFTH
Air Force in the Southwest Pacific Area during World War II.
Action Date: World War II
Service: Army Air Forces
Rank: Colonel
Regiment: 3d Bombardment Group (L)
Division: 5th Air Force
Distinguished Flying Cross
Awarded for actions during the World War II
(Citation Needed) - SYNOPSIS: Colonel (Air Corps) Donald Pierce Hall (ASN: 0-321890), United States
Army Air Forces, was awarded a Second Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of a Third Award of the
Distinguished Flying Cross for extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight while serving
with the FIFTH Air Force in the Southwest Pacific Area during World War II.
Action Date: World War II
Service: Army Air Forces
Rank: Colonel
Regiment: 3d Bombardment Group (L)
Division: 5th Air Force
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