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Mr Tim Ball
Bolsover District Council
Development Control
Sherwood Lodge Oxcroft Lane
S44 6NF
Our ref:
Your ref:
14 April 2011
Dear Mr Ball
I refer to the Addendum to Supporting Planning Statement, dated March 2011.
Environment Agency position
We consider that planning permission should only be granted to the proposed
development as submitted if the following planning conditions are imposed as set out
below. Without these conditions, the proposed development on this site poses an
unacceptable risk to the environment and we would wish to object to the application.
Prior to first occupation of the dwellings a scheme for the upgrading / improvement of
the existing sewage treatment works shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by
the local planning authority. The scheme shall be agreed in writing with the sewage
undertaker and be implemented as approved. No occupation of dwellings approved
by this permission shall occur until the scheme for improvement of the existing public
sewage system has been completed.
Protection of the water environment is a material planning consideration and
development proposals should ensure that new development does not harm the
water environment.
The development hereby permitted shall not be commenced until such time as a
scheme to dispose of foul drainage directly to the existing public sewer has been
submitted to, and approved in writing by, the local planning authority. The scheme
Environment Agency
Trent Side North, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 5FA.
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shall be implemented as approved.
To ensure an acceptable means of foul drainage disposal in a publicly sewered area.
Development shall not begin until a surface water drainage scheme for the site,
based on sustainable drainage principles and an assessment of the hydrological and
hydrogeological context of the development, has been submitted to and approved in
writing by the local planning authority. The scheme shall subsequently be
implemented in accordance with the approved details before the development is
completed. The scheme shall include:
Demonstrate a surface water management train demonstrating the use of
SUDS components in accordance with table 1.1 of ‘The SUDS Manual
(C697)’, with any environmental barriers to their use clearly justified.
Details of how the scheme shall be maintained and managed after
To prevent the increased risk of flooding, to improve and protect water quality,
improve habitat and amenity, and ensure future maintenance of the surface water
drainage system.
The development permitted by this planning permission shall only be carried out in
accordance with the approved Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) by BWB dated)
October 2008 and the following mitigation measures detailed within the FRA:
A scheme for the provision and implementation of a surface water run-off
limitation to a rate of 5 litres/second/hectare shall be submitted to and
approved in writing by of the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall be
implemented in accordance with the approved program and details.
To prevent the increased risk of flooding as recommended by the Flood Risk
Advice to applicant/LPA
Foul effluent
In order to satisfy Environment Agency requirements, no dwellings should be
occupied until there is adequate permanent treatment available at Bolsover WWTW.
Hallam Land are prepared to spend £70k, (£63,655.00 Ex VAT) on providing some
temporary treatment by buying a package sewage treatment, however this method
can only be viewed as a temporary expedient. Despite the temporary options
proposed, YWS will still have to permanently improve the WWTW.
A direct connection to Bolsover WWTW’s offers the most environmentally,
economically and socially appropriate long-term solution.
The Environment Agency is of the opinion that the £70k can be used in a more
sustainable manner via a commuted to YWS who can then provide for a permanent
upgrade to Bolsover WWTW prior to the first phase of development.
The provision of private facilities absorbs capital investment. This investment could
otherwise be addressed to the necessary improvements at Bolsover WWTW’s. It will
also reduce the pressure on the sewerage undertaker to provide for developments.
Surface Water
The Environment Agency wishes to iterate that sustainable drainage principles
(SUDS) are beneficial in a number of areas. Whilst the addition of an above ground
open water feature for attenuation is acknowledged, PPS25 notes that SUDS are
also important for water quality treatment, biodiversity, storage and amenity.
There are additional SUDS opportunities which could be incorporated into the
surface water drainage scheme. Reference should be made to the ‘The SUDS
Manual’ from Ciria C697, regarding a surface water management train which has not
been demonstrated in the application. Additional SUDS solutions that need to be
considered include for example, permeable hard surfaces (pavements and roads),
swales or filter strips which will intercept pollutants at source, enhance ecology in the
area and reduce surface water runoff (see table 1.1 of C697).
A hydrogeological assessment will need to be submitted to address the suitability for
infiltration of SUDS at this site. On review of such an assessment if it is shown that
infiltration cannot be achieved on environmental grounds, alternative methods should
be explored, such as impermeable membranes which can be utilised underneath
sub-bases and will confine pollutants within the sub-base layers. There will also need
to be consideration of non infiltration based solutions such as rainwater harvesting in
accordance with PPS25.
The submitted plans show that the surface water drainage attenuation will be
incorporated in the design of an open pond facility. The LPA should ensure that
arrangements are secured for the long term maintenance of this facility. The
Environment Agency will seek full details of the adoption and maintenance of the
scheme when discharging the relevant condition.
The Applicant will also need to confirm the suitability of the local watercourse for
receiving any additional surface water discharge.
In summary there are still opportunities for additional sustainable drainage
techniques which will need to be fully investigated in order to discharge the relevant
Yours sincerely
Mr Andrew Pitts
Planning Liaison Officer (Derbyshire)
Direct dial 0115 8462612
Direct fax 0115 9828319
Direct e-mail [email protected]