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What do we know about the periodic table?
Please explain.
All matter is made of tiny particles called
Atoms are made of even smaller particles:
protons, neutrons, electrons
Protons-A particle with a positive charge in
the nucleus of an atom
Neutron-A particle with no charge in the
nucleus of an atom
Electron-A particle with a negative charge in
an atom
Charge-Certain amount of electricity
Protons and neutrons are packed together in
very tiny nucleus
The nucleus is the center of an atom; consists
of neutrons and protons
A chemical bond forms when two or more
atoms share a transfer of electrons
When a neutral atom is not bonded with other
atoms, it has the same number of protons
and electrons
For example, a lithium atom has 3 electrons,
3 protons, and 4 neutrons. The atom is
neutral because the positive and negative
electrons cancel each other out
Elements are substances made up of only one
kind of atom
They are the simplest forms of matter.
Examples are oxygen and calcium
The atomic # is the number of protons in an
Every element has a unique atomic #
An atom is the smallest particle of an element
that has the properties of that element
There are at least 111 officially named
elements and about 90 exist naturally on
Each element has a chemical symbol which is
a one or two letter symbol that represents the
element. The first letter is always capitalized.
The periodic table is a table that shows the
names and symbols of elements and is
organized by atomic # and electron
The periodic table has two main sections:
metals and nonmetals
Metal is an element found on the left side of the
periodic table; often a shiny solid that can
conduct heat and electricity
Nonmetal is an element found on the right side
of the periodic table; often a gas or dull solid
that does not conduct heat or electricity
A semi-metal is an element that has properties
of both a metal and nonmetal; located between
metals and nonmetals on the periodic table.
The natural form of an element-as single
atoms or as groups of bonded atoms-is a
physical property.
Elemental form is used to classify elements
into three categories monatomic, diatomic,
and polytomic
Monatomic-existing as single atoms
Diatonic-Existing as pairs of bonded atoms
Polyatomic-Existing as groups of three or
more bonded atoms
Subscript is a number written just below the
writing line; in chemical formulas, it tells the
number of atoms of a certain element