* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Consulta: repository:"5" Registros recuperados: 16.356 Máximo de registros impressos: 2500 Data/hora: 08/06/2017 20:11:43 1. Introduction. Shipboard Scientific Parties Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Duennebier, Fk; Stephen, R; Gettrust, Jf; Avedik, Felix; Ballard, J Alan; Bibee, L Dale; Fehler, Michael; Inderbitzen, Anton; Jacobsen, Randall; Pascal, Georges. Tipo: Text Ano: 1987 URL: 10è congrès national des pêches et industries maritimes. Alger 1927. Comptes-rendus des séances Provedor de dados: 5 Programme général : Etudes scientifiques maritimes. Technique des Pêches maritimes. Armement à la pêche. Conservation des produits de la pêche. Industries maritimes. Emploi des moteurs marins à bord des bateaux de pêche. Economie sociale et législation. La pêche dans les colonies et pays de protectorat. Ostréiculture. Tipo: Text Ano: 1927 URL: 125000 ans d'enregistrements récifaux des stagnations du niveau de la mer dans l'Océan Indien (Archipel des Glorieuses) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Jorry, Stephan; Jouet, Gwenael; Le Roy, Pascal; Prat, Sophie; Camoin, Gilbert; Vella, Claude; Caline, Bruno. Suite à l’initiation du programme REEFCORES (REEFs and CORals form the EparseS), deux missions menées en 2011 et en 2013 dans l’Archipel des Glorieuses (Nord Madagascar) ont permis de documenter les empreintes des épisodes de déglaciation dans la morphologie des terrasses récifales émergées et submergées. L’objectif principal de cette étude est d’abord de documenter les stagnations du niveau marin qui ont été engendrées au cours de la dernière remontée du niveau marin et sur les terrasses du dernier interglaciaire (MIS 5e). Cette zone située autour des Seychelles, du fait de sa stabilité (isostasie très faible), est idéalement placée pour reconstituer avec précision les variations globales du niveau marin (Milne and Mitrovica, 2008). Des données de... Tipo: Text Ano: 2013 URL: 15è congrès national des pêches et industries maritimes. Alger du 21 au 27 Juin 1954 Provedor de dados: 5 C'est dans le cadre d'Alger la. Blanche que s'est ouvert le lundi 21 juin 1934, le XVe Congrès National des Pêches et Industries Maritimes. L'homme assiste au premier changement de climat terrestre qu'il soit à même de mesurer et d'expliquer en partie. Cet événement a donné lieu à des études si nombreuses que nous ne pouvons que les résumer ici sans citer aucun auteur et nous nous en excusons. (...) Tipo: Text Ano: 1955 URL: 1967-77: ten years of marine geology and geophysics Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Pichon, Xavier. Plate tectonics gave a great stimulus to marine geology and geophysics; in the years since its enunciation there have been major drilling programmes, a new science of global palaeoenvironmental oceunography and much more detailed oceanographic surveYs. The pace shows no sign of slackening-in the next few years the passive continental margins will be muchstudied. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR] Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer. Ano: 1977 URL: 1983-2002 : The 20-year development of the King scallop (Pecten maximus) sea-farming industry in the bay of Brest (France) :historical record, results, prospect Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Fleury, Pierre-gildas; Carval, Jean-pierre; Muzellec, Marie-louise; Gerard, Andre; Barret, Jean; Cochard, Jean-claude; Dao, Jean-claude. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: France; Fishing management; Seeding; Hatchery; Pecten maximus; King scallop. Ano: 2003 URL: 1er reporting du projet SEA-ERA MERMAID (juin - décembre 2013) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Sanna, Serena; Andral, Bruno. Le projet SEA-ERA MERMAID « Marine Environmental targets linked to Regional Management schemes based on Indicators Developed for the Mediterranean » a été lancé le 12 juin 2013 à Athènes. Son objectif est de fournir des éléments scientifiques pour la définition du bon état écologique au sens DCSMM, en complément des projets existants (PERSEUS) pour 5 descripteurs: Populations exploitées (D3), Conditions hydrographiques (D7), Contaminants dans l’environnement et les ressources exploitées (D8, D9), Déchets (D10). L’intérêt de Mermaid réside dans le fait qu’il se focalise sur des échelles réduites à savoir trois sites pilotes : golfe du Lion, golfe de Saronikos (Ouest d’Athènes), bassin Silicien (entre côtes turques et Chypre). A ces échelles MERMAID tentera... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: DCSMM; Bon Etat Ecologique; Contaminants chimiques; Ressources halieutiques; Déchets. Ano: 2014 URL: 2013 Assessment of Mediterranean Sea stocks part I (STECF 13-22). 15 - 19 July 2013 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: STECF. Tipo: Text Ano: 2013 URL: 210Po and 210Pb trophic transfer within the phytoplankton–zooplankton–anchovy/sardine food web: a case study from the Gulf of Lion (NW Mediterranean Sea) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Strady, Emilie; Harmelin-vivien, Mireille; Chiffoleau, Jean-francois; Veron, Alain; Tronczynski, Jacek; Radakovitch, Olivier. The transfer of 210Po and 210Pb in the food web of small pelagic fishes (from phytoplankton and zooplankton to anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus and sardine Sardina pilchardus) is investigated in the Gulf of Lion (GoL). We present original data of 210Po and 210Pb activity concentrations, C and N stable isotope ratios, measured (i) from different size classes of phytoplankton and zooplankton during spring and winter in different environments of the GoL, and (ii) in two fish species. Significant spatial patterns based on 210Po, 210Pb activity concentrations and 210Po/210Pb ratios in the different plankton size classes are evidenced by hierarchical clustering, both in spring and winter. This variability, also observed for C and N stable isotopes ratios, is... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Po-210; Pb-210; Phytoplankton; Zooplankton; Pelagic fishes; Mediterranean Sea. Ano: 2015 URL: 24ème congrès de la World Aquaculture Society 1993 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bodoy, Alain; Calvas, Jacques; Fuchs, Jacques; Lacroix, Denis; Mazurie, Joseph; Paquotte, Philippe; Rene, Francois. Ce document est un rapport de mission commun des 44 chercheurs du groupe IFREMER ayant participé au 2ème congrès mixte de la World Aquaculture Society et de l'European Aquaculture Society qui s'est tenu à Torremolinos, en Espagne, du 24 au 28 mai 1993. Tipo: Text Ano: 1993 URL: 26th December 2004 great Sumatra-Andaman earthquake: Co-seismic and post-seismic motions in northern Sumatra Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Sibuet, Jean-claude; Rangin, C; Le Pichon, X; Singh, S; Cattaneo, Antonio; Graindorge, D; Klingelhoefer, Frauke; Lin, Jing-yi; Malod, Jacques-andre; Maury, Tanguy; Schneider, J; Sultan, Nabil; Umber, Marie; Yamaguchi, H. Trench-parallel thrust faults verging both landward and seaward were mapped in the portion of wedge located between northern Sumatra and the Indian-Indonesian boundary. The spatial aftershocks distribution of the 26th December 2004 earthquake shows that the post-seismic motion is partitioned along two thrust faults, the Lower and Median Thrust Faults, the latter being right-laterally offset by a N-S lower plate fracture zone located along the 93.6 degrees N meridian. Between February 2005 and August 2005, the upper plate aftershock activity shifted from southeast of this fracture zone to northwest of it, suggesting that the lower plate left-lateral motion along the fracture zone may have induced a shift of the upper plate post-seismic activity along the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Active thrust faults; Co seismic rupture; Aftershocks; 2004 Sumatra Andaman earthquake. Ano: 2007 URL: 2-D and 3-D modelling of wide-angle seismic data: an example from the Voring volcanic passive margin Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Rouzo, Stephane; Klingelhoefer, Frauke; Jonquet Kolsto, Hélène; Karpuz, Ridvan; Kravik, Karl; Mjelde, Rolf; Murai, Yoshio; Raum, Thomas; Shimamura, Hideki; Williamson, Paul; Geli, Louis. This study presents the modelling of 2-D and 3-D wide-angle seismic data acquired on the complex, volcanic passive margin of the Voring Plateau, off Norway. Three wide-angle seismic profiles were shot and recorded simultaneously by 21 Ocean Bottom Seismometers, yielding a comprehensive 3-D data set, in addition to the three in-line profiles. Coincident multi-channel seismic profiles are used to better constrain the modelling, but the Mesozoic and deeper structures are poorly imaged due to the presence of flood basalts and sills. Velocity modelling reveals an unexpectedly large 30 km basement high hidden below the flood basalt. When interpreted as a 2-D structure, this basement high produces a modelled gravity anomaly in disagreement with the observed... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Gravity modelling; 3 D modelling; Sub screen imaging; Wide angle seismic. Ano: 2006 URL: 2D vortex interaction in a non-uniform flow Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Perrot, Xavier; Carton, Xavier. In a two-dimensional incompressible fluid, we study the interaction of two like-signed Rankine vortices embedded in a steady shear/strain flow. The numerical results of vortex evolutions are compared with the analytical results for point vortices. We show the existence of vortex equilibria, and of merger for initial distances larger than those without external flow. The evolutions depend on the initial orientation of the vortices in the external flow. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Two-dimensional incompressible flows; Vortex merger; Pseudo-spectral model. Ano: 2010 URL: 2nd Planning Group on Economic Issues (PGECON). 13th – 16th May 2013 LEI, Alexanderveld 5, The Hague (The Netherlands) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Planning Group on Economic Issues (PGECON). Tipo: Text Ano: 2013 URL: 30 ans de biotechnologies à l’Ifremer Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Chatry, Gilles. La France a initié les premières études de biotechnologies en rapport avec l’aquaculture, les produits et sous-produits de la pêche et l’environnement, il y a plus de 30 ans. Mais le tournant s’opère réellement en 1990 lorsque le spectre des molécules étudiées s’élargit. Grâce aux apports de la génomique et des souchothèques, les perspectives pour l’environnement et la santé s’annoncent très prometteuses pour l’Ifremer. Tipo: Text Ano: 2014 URL: 36th Plenary Meeting Report of the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (PLEN-11-01) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: STECF (Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries). Tipo: Text Ano: 2011 URL: 37th Plenary Meeting Report of the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (PLEN-11-02) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: STECF (Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries). Tipo: Text Ano: 2011 URL: 38th Plenary Meeting Report of the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (PLEN-11-03) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: STECF (Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries). Tipo: Text Ano: 2011 URL: 39th Plenary meeting report of the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (PLEN-12-01). Plenary meeting, 16-20 april 2012, Brussels Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: STECF. The Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries hold its 39th plenary on 16-20 April 2012 in Brussels (Belgium). The terms of reference included both issues assessments of STECF Expert Working Group reports and additional requests submitted to the STECF by the Commission. Topics dealt with ranged from fisheries economics to management plan evaluation issues. Tipo: Text Ano: 2012 URL: 3-D active source tomography around Simeulue Island offshore Sumatra: Thick crustal zone responsible for earthquake segment boundary Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Tang, Genyang; Barton, Penny J.; Mcneill, Lisa C.; Henstock, Timothy J.; Tilmann, Frederik; Dean, Simon M.; Jusuf, Muhammad D.; Djajadihardja, Yusuf S.; Permana, Haryadi; Klingelhoefer, Frauke; Kopp, Heidrun. We present a detailed 3-D P-wave velocity model obtained by first-arrival travel-time tomography with seismic refraction data in the segment boundary of the Sumatra subduction zone across Simeulue Island, and an image of the top of the subducted oceanic crust extracted from depth-migrated multi-channel seismic reflection profiles. We have picked P-wave first arrivals of the air-gun source seismic data recorded by local networks of ocean-bottom seismometers, and inverted the travel-times for a 3-D velocity model of the subduction zone. This velocity model shows an anomalous zone of intermediate velocities between those of oceanic crust and mantle that is associated with raised topography on the top of the oceanic crust. We interpret this feature as a... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Active-source tomography; Sumatra subduction zone; Segmentation; Plate interface. Ano: 2013 URL: 3D arrays on quantum dots embedded within a bio-inspired template studied by SAXS Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Henry, Etienne; Dif, A.; Schmutz, M.; Legoff, L.; Amblard, F.; Marchi, V.; Artzner, F. Tipo: Text Ano: 2011 URL: 3D modeling of the Arab Formation (Maydan Mahzam Field, Offshore Qatar): an integrated approach Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Al-emadi, Ahmed; Jorry, Stephan; Chautru, J.m.; Caline, B.; Blum, M.s.; Jedaan, N.; Fryer, V.; Leandri, P.; Fraisse, C. Tipo: Text Ano: 2009 URL: 3D Modeling of the Elastic-Plastic Behavior of Thin Aeronautical Adhesive Films Suited for a Wide Range of Tensile/Compression-Shear Loads Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Maurice, Julien; Creac'Hcadec, Romain; Cognard, Jean-yves; Davies, Peter; Meirinhos, Georges; Mahdi, Stephane. Adhesive bonding is an interesting structural assembling technique for weight saving in modern commercial aircraft, in which the use of composites materials is increasing. In order to meet both optimization and respect of safety conception constraints, the development of accurate numerical strategies is required. Thus, improvement in the experimental characterization and in the design of reliable numerical tools for bonded assemblies is necessary. This paper presents the characterization of the elastic-plastic behaviour of four aeronautical adhesive films, consisting of two epoxy-based resins supported by two types of carrier. The characterization over a wide range of monotonic proportional tensile-shear loads is performed using a modified Arcan test... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Aeronautical; Mechanical properties of adhesives; Numerical modeling. Ano: 2013 URL: 3D modelling in the Sado estuary using a new generic vertical discretization approach Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Martins, F; Leitao, P; Silva, A; Neves, R. Sado estuary (Portugal) is a mesotidal well-mixed estuary. The flow however, displays strong three-dimensional features associated with bathymetry variations. The flow is simulated using a three-dimensional primitive equation model based on the finite-volume method and incorporating a new concept for the vertical discretization. The innovative features of the model are analysed and the advantages of the finite-volume method to implement the generic vertical discretization are put into evidence. The model was validated using water level, velocity and salinity measurements in several stations along the estuary. Results show the influence of main channel's strong curvature on the generation of secondary flows inside the estuary. The steep bathymetry of the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Estuaires; Modélisation numérique; Écoulements secondaires; Recirculation verticale; Discrétisation verticale générique; Estuaries; Numerical modelling; Secondary flows; Vertical recirculation; Generic vertical discretization. Ano: 2001 URL: 3D modelling of seasonal evolution of Loire and Gironde plumes on Biscay Bay continental shelf Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lazure, Pascal; Jegou, Anne-marie. A 3D model of the Atlantic shelf has been developed and applied to study shelf dynamics and evolution of hydrology. The model takes the combined effects of tide, wind, river discharges and surface heat flux into account. Time scales vary from 1 day to several years. Following a brief description of the model and forcing variables, the behaviour of the Loire and Gironde plumes is described, first for winter and spring, then over a period of several years, under realistic forcing. The results show that plume evolution depends on the high Variability of river runoff and winds. Model simulations performed over 7 years (1990 to 1996) have highlighted several features of these plumes: 1) In early winter and periods of high river runoff, plumes usually spread... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Panache; Modélisation; Dynamique du plateau continental; Golfe de Gascogne; River plume; Modelling; Shelf dynamics; Bay of Biscay. Ano: 1998 URL: 3D modelling of summer hypoxia in a highly turbid urbanized macrotidal estuary, coupling hydrodynamics, sediment transport and biogeochemical processes Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lajaunie Salla, Katixa; Sottolichio, Aldo; Thouvenin, Benedicte; Litrico, Xavier; Abril, Gwenael. Tipo: Text Ano: 2015 URL: 3D Reconstruction of Natural Underwater Scenes Using the Stereovision System IRIS Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Brandou, Vincent; Allais, Anne-gaelle; Perrier, Michel; Malis, E.; Rives, P.; Sarrazin, Jozee; Sarradin, Pierre-marie. The aim of this study is to propose a 3-dimension reconstruction method of small-scale scenes improved by a new image acquisition method for quantitative measurements. A stereovision system is used to acquire images in order to obtain several shots of an object, at regular intervals according to a predefined trajectory. A complete methodology of 3D reconstruction is exposed to perform a dense 3D model with texture mapping. A first result on natural images collected with the stereovision system during sea trials has been obtained. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Underwater imaging; Stereovision system; Visual servoing; Dense disparity map; 3D reconstruction. Ano: 2007 URL: 3-D sediment-basement tomography of the Northern Marmara trough by a dense OBS network at the nodes of a grid of controlled source profiles along the North Anatolian fault Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bayrakci, Gaye; Laigle, Mireille; Becel, A.; Hirn, A.; Taymaz, T.; Yolsal-cevikbilen, S. A 3-D tomographic inversion of first arrival times of shot profiles recorded by a dense 2-D OBS network provides an unprecedented constraint on the P-wave velocities heterogeneity of the upper-crustal part of the North Marmara Trough (NMT), over a region of 180 km long by 50 km wide. One of the specific aims of this controlled source tomography is to provide a 3-D initial model for the local earthquake tomography (LET). Hence, in an original way, the controlled source inversion has been performed by using a code dedicated to LET. After several tests to check the results trade-off with the inversion parameters, we build up a 3-D a priori velocity model, in which the sea-bottom topography, the acoustic and the crystalline basements and the Moho interfaces... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Body waves; Seismic tomography; Continental tectonics: strike-slip and transform; Crustal structure. Ano: 2013 URL: 3-D slope stability analysis: A probability approach applied to the nice slope (SE France) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Leynaud, Didier; Sultan, Nabil. Recent geophysical and geotechnical data acquired on the Nice shelf to the east of the 1979 landslide source area, Suggest slow deformations processes which could lead to future catastrophic slope failure. According to these preliminary interpretations, it is of major interest to perform a slope stability evaluation to define the hazard and quantify the danger related to a probable instability on this slope. A probabilistic approach is proposed here using a modified version of the SAMU_3D model, a 3-D slope stability software recently developed by Sultan and others to account for complex geometry. The 3-D analysis is based on the upper bound theorem of plasticity developed by Chen and others. One of the main features of the original model is to allow... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Probabilistic analysis; Slope stability; Monte Carlo simulation; Shear zone. Ano: 2010 URL: 3rd Planning Group on Economic Issues (PGECON). March 31 - April 4, 2014 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Planning Group on Economic Issues (PGECON). The second Planning Group on Economic Issues met in Berlin, from March 31 to April 4, 2014. The terms of reference for the meeting are given in section 2 (p.3). 21 representatives from 15 Member States and one expert, from each of the bodies: JRC, Eurostat and DG Mare, attended the meeting. PGECON is an operative meeting with a general aim to compare different approaches and to share different experiences. Participation is open to national experts involved in the implementation of the economic modules of the Data Collection Framework (DCF). PGECON aims to provide useful inputs to improve MS sampling schemes. Recent developments in the discussion on the DCMAP legislation were presented by a DG Mare representative. A greater focus on small scale fisheries... Tipo: Text Ano: 2014 URL: 40 AR/39 AR ages for the alkaline volcanism and the basement of Gorringe Bank, North atlantic Ocean Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Feraud, Gilbert; Gastaud, Janine; Auzende, Jean-marie; Olivet, Jean-louis; Cornen, Guy. Gorringe Bank is situated on the Europe-Africa plate boundary at the eastern end of the Azores-Gibraltar fracture zone. It has two summits. Gettysburg Bank to the southwest and Ormonde Bank to the northeast. We applied the 40Ar/39AR stepwise heating method to date six samples of the alkaline volcanic rocks. Two gabbros from the Ormonde Bank and a dolerite from the Gettysburg Bank. The results suggest that the alkaline volcanism lasted probably for less than 6 Ma(66-60 Ma). Although the nature of this volcanism precludes any subduction feature during its setting. the alkaline volcanism of Ormonde is probably linked to Upper Cretaceous/Eocene compressive tectonic events. The basement rocks of Gorringe Bank reveal disturbed 40Ar/39Ar age spectra. One... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer. Ano: 1981 URL: 40th Plenary meeting report of the Scientific, Technical and Economic Commitee for Fisheries (PLEN-12-02). Plenary meeting, 9-13 July 2012, Copenhagen Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: STECF. The Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries hold its 40th plenary on 9-13 July 2012 in Copenhagen (Denmark). The terms of reference included both issues assessments of STECF Expert Working Group reports and additional requests submitted to the STECF by the Commission. Topics dealt with ranged from fisheries economics to management plan evaluation issues. Tipo: Text Ano: 2012 URL: 41st Plenary meeting report of the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (PLEN-12-03). Plenary meeting, 5-9 November 2012, Brussels Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: STECF. The Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries hold its 41st plenary on 5-9 November 2012 in Brussels (Belgium). The terms of reference included both issues assessments of STECF Expert Working Group reports and additional requests submitted to the STECF by the Commission. Topics dealt were inter alia assessments of Mediterranean and Black Sea stocks, evaluations of fishing effort regimes, technical measures, review of scientific advice on stocks and fisheries of EU interest, fisheries management plans evaluation issues. Tipo: Text Ano: 2012 URL: 42nd plenary meeting report of the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (PLEN-13-01). 8-12 April 2013, Brussels Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: STECF. The Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries hold its 42nd plenary on 8-12 April 2013 in Brussels (Belgium). The terms of reference included both issues assessments of STECF Expert Working Group reports and additional requests submitted to the STECF by the Commission. Topics dealt were inter alia assessments of Mediterranean Sea stocks, future EU data collection, and technical measures Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fisheries policy; EC technical committee; Data collection; Conservation of fish stocks; Structural adjustment; Mediterranean Sea; Research report. Ano: 2013 URL: 43rd plenary meeting report of the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (PLEN-13-02). 8-12 July 2013, Copenhagen Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: STECF. The Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries hold its 43rd plenary on 8-12 July 2013 in Brussels (Belgium). The terms of reference included both issues assessments of STECF Expert Working Group reports and additional requests submitted to the STECF by the Commission. Topics dealt were inter alia assessments of the economic performance of the EU fishing fleet, fishing effort regime evaluations, future EU data collection, and review of stock advice Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Comité technique CE; Politique commune de la pêche; Flotte de pêche; Collecte de données; Gestion des pêches; Recherche halieutique; Conservation des pêches; Rapport de recherche. Ano: 2013 URL: 44th plenary meeting report of the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (PLEN-13-03). 4-8 November 2013, Brussels Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: STECF. Tipo: Text Ano: 2013 URL: 45-and 70-base DNA supramolecular polymerizations on quartz crystal microbalance biosensor Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lazerges, Mathieu; Perrot, Hubert; Rabehagasoa, Niriniony; Antoine, Elisabeth; Compere, Chantal. Supramolecular polymerizations of 45- and 70- base DNAs on the surface of an in-situ time-resolved 27 MHz quartz crystal microbalance biosensor. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sensor; Design; Kinetics; Immobilization; Hybridization. Ano: 2005 URL: 45th Plenary Meeting Report (PLEN-14-01) of the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fi sheries (STECF) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: STECF (Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries). The STECF plenary took place at the Centre Borschette, rue de Froissart, Belgium, from 24 to 28 March 2014. The Chairman of the STECF, Dr John Casey, opened the plenary session at 09:30h. The terms of reference for the meeting were reviewed and the meeting agenda agreed. The session was managed through alternation of Plenary and working group meetings. Rapporteurs for each item on the agenda were appointed and are identified in the list of participants. The meeting closed at 16:00h on 28 March 2014. Tipo: Text Ano: 2014 URL: 46th Plenary Meeting Report (PLEN-14-02) of the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fi sheries (STECF) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: STECF (Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries). The STECF plenary took place at the University of Copenhagen, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, Rolighedsvej 23, 1958 Frederiksberg C, Copenhagen (Denmark), from 7 to 11 July 2014. The Chairman of the STECF, Dr Norman Graham, opened the plenary session at 09:15h. The terms of reference for the meeting were reviewed and the meeting agenda agreed. The session was managed through alternation of Plenary and working group meetings. Rapporteurs for each item on the agenda were appointed and are identified in the list of participants. The meeting closed at 16:00h on 11 July 2014. Tipo: Text Ano: 2014 URL: 47th Plenary Meeting Report (PLEN-14-03) of the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fi sheries (STECF) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: STECF (Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries). The STECF plenary took place at the Centre the Centre Borschette, rue de Froissart, Belgium, from 10 to 14 November 2014. The Chairman of the STECF, Dr Norman Graham, opened the plenary session at 09:15h. The terms of reference for the meeting were reviewed and the meeting agenda agreed. The session was managed through alternation of Plenary and working group meetings. Rapporteurs for each item on the agenda were appointed and are identified in the list of participants. The meeting closed at 16:00h on 14 November 2014. Tipo: Text Ano: 2014 URL: 56. Morphology and Basement Structures of the Goban Spur Continental Margin (Northeastern Atlantic) and the Role of the Pyrenean Orogeny Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Sibuet, Jean-claude; Mathis, B; Pastouret, Léo; Auzende, Jean-marie; Foucher, Jean-paul; Hunter, Peter; Guennoc, P; De Graciansky, Pc; Montadert, L; Masson, Douglas. Tipo: Text Ano: 1985 URL: 5è congrès national des pêches maritimes. Mémoires et comptes-rendus des séances, tome 1. Sables-D'Olonne, du 11 au 16 Septembre 1909 Provedor de dados: 5 Programme général : Études scientifiques commerciales Technique des pêches maritimes Utilisation des produits de pêche Économie sociale La pêche dans les colonies Ostréiculture Tipo: Text Ano: 1910 URL: 5è congrès national des pêches maritimes. Mémoires et comptes-rendus des séances, tome 2. Sables-D'Olonne, du 11 au 16 Septembre 1909 Provedor de dados: 5 Programme général : Études scientifiques commerciales Technique des pêches maritimes Utilisation des produits de pêche Économie sociale La pêche dans les colonies Ostréiculture. Tipo: Text Ano: 1910 URL: 5th International Otolith Symposium 2014 - IOS2014 : Book of abstracts Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: ICES. Implementation of ecosystem-based approaches to marine management points to several shared objectives between conservation and fishery management that require better knowledge of the life history of the exploited resources, elucidation of the information encoded in the calcified tissues (otoliths, scales, bones, shells, and corals) of marine and freshwater organisms, and support for knowledge-based, sustainable ocean management and use. Calcified tissues have been employed since the 19th century to gain knowledge of life traits, population structure, and environmental relationships of fish and molluscs. Breakthrough advances include the discovery by Pannella (1971) of the daily growth increments and the discovery by Radtke (1984) of otolith tracer... Tipo: Text Ano: 2014 URL: 6. Multibeam Echo-Sounding Bathymetry of El Jadida Plateau and Escarpment, Mazagan, West Morocco Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Auzende, Jean-marie; Monti, Serge; Ruellan, Etienne. Tipo: Text Ano: 1984 URL: 6è congrès national des pêches maritimes. Mémoires et comptes-rendus des séances. Tome 1. Tunis, du 27 au 31 mai 1914 Provedor de dados: 5 Programme général : Etudes scientifiques maritimes Technique des pêches maritimes Utilisation des produits de pêche Économie sociale La pêche dans les colonies Ostréiculture Application des moteurs aux industries maritimes Application du froid à la conservation et au transport des produits de la pêche Enseignement professionnel. Tipo: Text Ano: 1919 URL: 6è congrès national des pêches maritimes. Mémoires et comptes-rendus des séances. Tome 2. Tunis, du 27 au 31 mai 1914 Provedor de dados: 5 Annexes des comptes-rendus du congrès. Tipo: Text Ano: 1919 URL: 9è congrès national des pêches et industries maritimes. Comptes-rendus des séances. Bordeaux, du 14 au 19 Septembre 1925 Provedor de dados: 5 Programme général technique: Etudes scientifiques maritimes Technique des Pêches maritimes Industries maritimes Utilisation des produits de la pêche Industries frigorifiques Economie sociale et législation La pêche dans les colonies Ostréiculture. Tipo: Text Ano: 1926 URL: A 1.2 Ma record of glaciation and fluvial discharge from the West European Atlantic margin Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Toucanne, Samuel; Zaragosi, S.; Bourillet, Jean-francois; Gibbard, P. L.; Eynaud, F.; Giraudeau, J.; Turon, J. L.; Cremer, M.; Cortijo, E.; Martinez, P.; Rossignol, L. The correlation of continental sedimentary records with the marine isotope stratigraphy is a challenge of central importance in Quaternary stratigraphy, particularly in Western Europe where long records of glaciation on land areas are particularly rare. Here we demonstrate for the first time the interrelationship of events during the last 1.2 Ma in an ocean-sediment core from the Bay of Biscay (NE Atlantic), SW of the Channel. The identification of discharge variations from tributary river systems to the 'Fleuve Manche' palaeoriver during glacio-eustatic sea-level lowstands demonstrates the correlation of the marine sediment stratigraphy to the expansion and recession of the European ice-sheets. The amplitude and chronology of European ice-sheet... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Middle pleistocene transition; Ice sheet dynamics; Sea level; Climate change; North Atlantic; English channel; Heinrich events; Fleuve manche; Deep; Origin. Ano: 2009 URL: A 130,000-year record of Levantine Intermediate Water flow variability in the Corsica Trough, western Mediterranean Sea Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Toucanne, Samuel; Jouet, Gwenael; Ducassou, Emmanuelle; Bassetti, Maria-angela; Dennielou, Bernard; Minto'O, Charlie Morelle Angue; Lahmi, Marjolaine; Touyet, Nicolas; Charlier, Karine; Lericolais, Gilles; Mulder, Thierry. Sortable silt particle-size data and stable isotope analyses from the Corsica Trough, western Mediterranean Sea, provide a continuous palaeoceanographic record of the inflow, ventilation and vertical fluctuations of the Levantine Intermediate Water (LIW) in the northern Tyrrhenian Sea for the last 130,000 years. The results presented herein reveal that climate changes drive the Mediterranean intermediate circulation on Milankovitch to millennial time-scales. Intensified intermediate inflow and ventilation in the Corsica Trough occurred throughout the last glacial interval, with a cold / faster – warm / slower pattern existing between the Dansgaard-Oeschger climatic oscillations (including Heinrich events) and the LIW variability. By contrast, a weak... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Levantine Intermediate Water; Mediterranean Sea; Thermohaline circulation; Palaeoceanography. Ano: 2012 URL: A 2-D section of Ra-228 and Ra-226 in the Northeast Pacific Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Huh, Ca; Ku, Tl. Seawater samples collected in the northeast Pacific from 112 degrees 50'W to 126 degrees 36'W along a latitudinal band (21-25 degrees N) have been analysed for Ra-228 and Ra-226. Both nuclides exhibit their characteristic distributions. In the surface water, the exponential-like decrease of Ra-228 away from Baja California can be interpreted by horizontal water mixing with eddy diffusion coefficients (K-x) of 1 x 10(6) cm(2) s(-1) and 5 x 10(7) cm(2) s(-1) for scale lengths of 200 km and 1000 km, respectively. In the bottom waters, the decrease of Ra-228 away from bottom sediments can be modeled by vertical eddy diffusivities (K-z) of 15-30 cm(2) s(-1) except at one station (24 degrees 16.9' N, 115 degrees 8.9' W) where a value of 120 cm(2) s(-1) is... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Radium 228; Radium 226; Diffusion turbulente; Nord-Est Pacifique; Radium-228; Radium-226; Eddy diffusion; Northeast Pacific. Ano: 1998 URL: A 2-layer model of water exchange through the dardanelles strait Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Oguz, T; Sur, Hi. Tipo: Text Ano: 1989 URL: A 37 years hindcast of a coupled physical-biogeochemical model and its use for fisheries oceanography in the Bay of Biscay Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Huret, Martin; Petitgas, Pierre; Struski, Caroline; Leger, Fabien; Sourisseau, Marc; Lazure, Pascal. Overexploitation and climate change are increasingly causing unanticipated changes in marine ecosystems, such as higher variability in fish recruitment and shifts in species distribution, pressing for developing fisheries oceanography. In the meantime, operational oceanography rapidly progresses and its products become easy to access to a large community, among them fisheries scientists. Multiyear oceanographic reanalyses (hindcasts) were identified has a priority product by the ICES WG on Operational Oceanographic Products for Fisheries and Environment (WGOOFE). We performed a 37 years hindcast (1972-2008) run with a coupled physical-biogeochemical model (ECO-MARS3D) over the Bay of Biscay, using realistic meteorological and run-off forcing. We first... Tipo: Text Ano: 2010 URL: A 38 years hindcast of a coupled physical-biogeochemical model and derived indices for fisheries oceanography Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Huret, Martin; Petitgas, Pierre; Sourisseau, Marc; Struski, Caroline; Leger, Fabien; Lazure, Pascal. Operational oceanography rapidly progresses and its products become easy to access to a large community, among them fisheries scientists. The products cover both near real-time environment information (on scales of days to weeks) but also retrospective analysis providing long time series of environment parameters. Here we describe a 38 years hindcast of a coupled physical-biogeochemical model of the Bay of Biscay as well as the indices and major information that were derived from it. Tipo: Text Ano: 2010 URL: A 4D-variational approach applied to an eddy-permitting North Atlantic configuration: Synthetic and real data assimilation of altimeter observations Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Ferron, Bruno. The increasing number of oceanic observations calls for the use of synthetic methods to provide consistent analyses of the oceanic variability that will support a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms. In this study, a 1/3 degrees eddy-permitting model of the North Atlantic (from 20 degrees S to 70 degrees N) is combined with a 4D-variational method to estimate the oceanic state from altimeter observations. This resolution allows a better extraction of the physical content of altimeter data since the model spatial scales are more consistent with the data than coarser assimilation exercises because of a lower error in model representativity. Several strategies for the assimilation window are tested through twin experiments carried out under the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ocean modelling; Data assimilation; Variational method; Meso-scale; Sea surface height; Heat transport; Meridional overturning. Ano: 2011 URL: A 500 kyr record of global sea-level oscillations in the Gulf of Lion, Mediterranean Sea: new insights into MIS 3 sea-level variability Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Frigola, J.; Canals, M.; Cacho, I.; Moreno, A.; Sierro, F. J.; Flores, J. A.; Berne, Serge; Jouet, Gwenael; Dennielou, Bernard; Herrera, G.; Pasqual, C.; Grimalt, J. O.; Galavazi, M.; Schneider, R. Borehole PRGL1-4 drilled in the upper slope of the Gulf of Lion provides an exceptional record to investigate the impact of late Pleistocene orbitally-driven glacio-eustatic sea-level oscillations on the sedimentary outbuilding of a river fed continental margin. High-resolution grain-size and geochemical records supported by oxygen isotope chronostratigraphy allow reinterpreting the last 500 ka upper slope seismostratigraphy of the Gulf of Lion. Five main sequences, stacked during the sea-level lowering phases of the last five glacial-interglacial 100-kyr cycles, form the upper stratigraphic outbuilding of the continental margin. The high sensitivity of the grain-size record down the borehole to sea-level oscillations can be explained by the great width of... Tipo: Text Ano: 2012 URL: A Bayesian framework to objectively combine metrics when developing stressor specific multimetric indicator Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Drouineau, Hilaire; Lobry, Jeremy; Delpech, C.; Bouchoucha, Marc; Mahevas, Stephanie; Courrat, A.; Pasquaud, S.; Lepage, M. In the context of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD), monitoring programs and related indicators have been developed to assess anthropogenic impacts on various components of aquatic ecosystems. While great precautions are usually taken when selecting and calculating relevant core metrics, little attention is generally paid to the generation of the multimetric indicator, i.e. the combination of the different core metrics. Indeed, most multimetric indicators are generated by simply averaging or summing metrics, without taking into account their sensitivity and their variability. Moreover, few indicators provide a rigorous estimate of the uncertainty of the assessments, while this estimation is essential for managers. In this context, we developed a... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Multimetric fish-based indicator; Bayesian method; Pressure-impact models; Water Framework Directive; Anthropogenic pressure; Monitoring program; Transitional waters. Ano: 2012 URL: A behavioural fish movement approach within an anchovy IBM model to study fish migration patterns in the Bay of Biscay Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Politikos, Dimitrios; Huret, Martin; Petitgas, Pierre. Modelling of fish movement behaviour within a heterogeneous marine environment is a challenging but also key issue for understanding the effect of environmental factors and climatic change on fish processes (growth, distribution, mortality, reproduction). Fish movement models have the capability to encompass the combined effect of environment and empirical knowledge of fish individuals as energy requirements, known preys and predators, swimming capacities into a unified framework. Following an Individual Based Model (IBM) approach, a fish movement model has been developed to simulate the active movement of adult anchovy in the Bay of Biscay (BoB) in response to the spatio-temporal variations of both biotic and abiotic factors, as well as its internal... Tipo: Text Ano: 2013 URL: A benthic Si mass balance on the Congo margin: Origin of the 4000 m DSi anomaly and implications for the transfer of Si from land to ocean Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Ragueneau, O.; Regaudie-de-gioux, A.; Moriceau, B.; Gallinari, M.; Vangriesheim, Annick; Baurand, F.; Khripounoff, Alexis. To elucidate the origin of the silicic acid (DSi) anomaly observed along the 4000 isobath on the Congo margin, we have established a benthic Si mass balance and performed direct measurements of biogenic silica (bSiO(2)) dissolution in the deep waters and in the sediments. Results strongly suggest that the anomaly originates from the sediments; the intensity of DSi recycling is consistent with the degradation of organic matter, as observed from Si:O-2 ratios in the benthic fluxes compared to that ratio observed in the anomalies. Strong imbalances, observed in both the Si and C mass balances, suggest that the biogenic matter that degrades and dissolves in these sediments near 4000 m does not come from pelagic sedimentation. It is probably not coming also... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Congo; Continental margin; Preservation; Dissolution; Biogenic silica. Ano: 2009 URL: A bibliography of the Manila clam Tapes philippinarum Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Goulletquer, Philippe. A bibliography of over 1,400 papers on reproduction, recruitment, genetic, pathology, basic biology, and the geographic distribution of the Manila clam Tapes philippinarum is compiled to provide a guide to scientists. This review aims to facilitate access and diffusion of scientific works carried out on this species to the international scientific community concerned by Tapes philippinarum. The bibliography includes publications as well as grey literature published around the world since the early century. Moreover, the large synonymy of Tapes philippinarum and the species geographic distribution are reviewed and updated. The species importance is assessed through public fishery landings and aquaculture production per country. The D'v'eral1 worldwide... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bibliography; Tapes philippinarum; Manila clam; Synthèse bibliographique; Tapes philippinarum; Manila clam. Ano: 1997 URL: A bio-economic analysis of experimental selective devices in the Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) fishery in the Bay of Biscay Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Raveau, Adriana; Macher, Claire; Mehault, Sonia; Merzereaud, Mathieu; Le Grand, Christelle; Guyader, Olivier; Bertignac, Michel; Fifas, Spyros; Guillen Garcia, Jordi. Several fleets with various fishing strategies operate as a mixed fishery in the Bay of Biscay. Among the main fleets, bottom trawlers target Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) and, together with gillnetters, they also catch hake (Merluccius merluccius). Trawling leads to average-size catches that are below the minimum landing size (MLS); such catches are discarded since they cannot be sold. These discards result in negative impacts on stock renewal, as most of them do not survive. This also results in an economic loss for both bottom trawlers and gillnetters since these discards represent a future loss of rent. This study, based on the 2009 and 2010 selectivity experiments at sea, assesses the short- and long-term bio-economic impacts of four... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Demersal trawl fishery; Bio-economic analysis; Selectivity; Simulation; Selective device; Nephrops norvegicus; Merluccius merluccius; Atlantic Ocean. Ano: 2012 URL: A bio-economic analysis of long term changes in the production of French fishing fleets operating in the Bay of Biscay Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Steinmetz, Fabien; Thebaud, Olivier; Blanchard, Fabian; Le Floc H, Pascal; Bihel, J. Selective fishing pressure on more highly valued marine living resources is one of the key factors proposed to explain changes occurring in fish communities and associated landings of commercial fisheries. The aim of this paper is to establish the nature of changes in the landings of French fishing fleets operating in the Bay of Biscay in the period 1973-2002, and whether these changes could be related to the relative economic attractiveness of different fish species. The analysis focuses on trends observed in the landings of all commercial fish species over the last three decades. It is based on data of annual quantities landed and ex-vessel prices compiled from official French landings records, and on bio-geographical descriptors of these species derived... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: North Eastern Atlantic; Bay of Biscay; Long term changes; Bio economic analysis; French fisheries production. Ano: 2008 URL: A bioeconomic analysis of the impact of decommissioning programs: Application to a limited-entry french scallop fishery Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Guyader, Olivier; Daures, Fabienne; Fifas, Spyros. The objective of this paper is to assess the benefits and costs of decommissioning policies aimed at reducing fleet capacity through premiums offered by the public authority to fishermen to scrap their vessels. A case study, the limited entry scallop fishery of the Saint Brieuc Bay, France, is used to con- sider the problem of excess capacity and to model the bioeconomic consequences of disinvestment behavior. Special attention is paid to the assessment of fishermen's willingness to leave the fishery and to the implementation of public policy in terms of budget level and premiums offered to the fishermen. Spreadsheet simulations show that the impact of decommissioning programs is positive in terms of net surplus, even in the case of increasing technical... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fishing capacity; Decommissioning programs; Premium; Willingness to leave; Bioeconomic model; Cost-benefit analysis. Ano: 2004 URL: A bio-economic evaluation of the potential for establishing a commercial fishery on two newly developed stocks: The Ionian red shrimp fishery Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Guillen Garcia, Jordi; Maynou, Francesc; Floros, Christos; Sampson, David; Conides, Alexis; Kapiris, Kostas. It has recently been shown that two deep-water red shrimp species (Aristeus antennatus and Aristaeomorpha foliacea) have the potential to support a viable fishery in the Greek Ionian Sea (eastern Mediterranean). In this article, we investigate (i) the evolution that this newly developed trawl shrimp fishery may undergo when subjected to different management measures, and (ii) the most suitable extraction rates considering the uncertainties about the resource. We further analyse the effects that potential future fuel price increases and changes in the market may have on the fishery. Forecasting the biological and economic consequences of management actions, as well as the effects of market changes on inputs and outputs before they are applied, may help... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bio-economic modelling; Market development; Fuel price; Newly developed stocks; Ionian Sea; Red shrimps. Ano: 2012 URL: A bio-economic model for the ecosystem-based management of the coastal fishery in French Guiana Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Cisse, Abdoul; Gourguet, Sophie; Doyen, L.; Blanchard, Fabian; Pereau, J. -c. This paper offers a theoritical and empirical model of ecosystem-based fishery management. A multi-species and multi-fleet integrating Lotka-Volterra trophic dynamics as well as production and profit assessments is developed and applied to the coastal fishery of French Guiana. This small-scale fishery constitutes a challenging example with high fish biodiversity, several non-selective fleets and a potentially increasing local food demand due to demographic growth. The dynamic model is calibrated with 13 species and four fleets using monthly catch and effort data from 2006 to 2009. Several contrasted fishing scenarios including status quo, total closure, economic and viable strategies are then simulated. They are compared from the viewpoints of both... Tipo: Text Ano: 2013 URL: A biofilm-forming marine bacterium producing proteins as extracellular polymeric substances Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Leroy, Celine; Delbarre Ladrat, Christine; Ghillebaert, François; Compere, Chantal; Combes, Didier. EPS biochemical characterization and observation by epifluorescencemicroscopy. Development of a marine biofilmformation model onto a polystyrene microtiterplate using the “O’Tooleand Koltermethod”[1] adapted with the well known fluorescent DNA staining DAPI Tipo: Text Ano: 2005 URL: A biogeochemical comparison of sea loch sediments. Manganese and iron contents, sulphate reduction and oxygen uptake rates Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Overnell, J; Harvey, Sm; Parkes, Rj. The sediments of the upper basins of Lochs Goil, Fyne and Etive were high in both solid phase extractable manganese (up to 3.7% w/w), and high in pore water manganese (up to 600 mu M), while Loch Linnhe sediments were low in manganese. Solid phase manganese from the surface sediments at the deepest stations was highest in those lochs where the mean residence time of the bottom water is longest, indicating the importance of manganese cycling through the water column. Porewater iron concentrations in the top 2 cm of sediment were highest near the heads of the lochs, i.e. near the main freshwater inputs. Within sediments of Lochs Goil, Fyne and Etive high rates of total sulphate reduction were associated with high relative rates of formation of acid volatile... Tipo: Text Ano: 1996 URL: A biology laboratory on the seafloor Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Bris, Nadine. Although occupied submersibles have played an essential role in the discovery and study of hydrothermal ecosystems at depths ranging from 15003500 m, operational constraints at great depths have meant that the wide chemical and thermal diversity of the hydrothermal environments have long remained poorly defi ned. In the last decade, use of remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) to substantially extend dive time and development of a new set of dedicated instruments have greatly expanded our capacity to characterize seafl oor hydrothermal habitats at the interface between hydrothermal fl uid and seawater. In particular, major breakthroughs in the fi eld of in situ chemical sensing and highpressure experimentation have led to a much better understanding of the... Tipo: Text Ano: 2007 URL: A Biosensor for Detection of DNA Sequences Based on a 50MHz QCM electronic oscillator circuit Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bustabad, E. A.; Garcia, G; Rodriguez-pardo, L.; Farina, J.; Perrot, H.; Gabrielli, C.; Bucur, B.; Lazerges, M.; Rose, D.; Compere, Chantal; Arnau, A. This work deals with the development of a high sensibility DNA biosensor based on a 50MHz Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) Oscillator Electronic Circuit. The designed QCM oscillator sensor is able to detect the presence of complementary DNAs in a solution that match the sequence on a given strand in function of the changes in the output frequency of the oscillator. The design is adapted so that the Barkhausen condition is satisfied even when the quartz is immerged in liquid media. Also a comparative study of the developed 50MHz biosensor in front of a QCM oscillator with smaller frequency is carried out, with object of checking if the sensibility of the oscillator increases, allowing to detect smaller concentrations of the complementary DNA. Tipo: Text Ano: 2009 URL: A bootstrap method for estimating bias and variance in statistical fisheries modelling frameworks using highly disparate datasets Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Elvarsson, B. P.; Taylor, L.; Trenkel, Verena; Kupca, V.; Stefansson, G. Statistical models of marine ecosystems use a variety of data sources to estimate parameters using composite or weighted likelihood functions with associated weighting issues and questions on how to obtain variance estimates. Regardless of the method used to obtain point estimates, a method is required for variance estimation. A bootstrap technique is introduced for the evaluation of uncertainty in such models, taking into account inherent spatial and temporal correlations in the datasets, which are commonly transferred as assumptions from a likelihood estimation procedure into Hessian-based variance estimation procedures. The technique is demonstrated on a real dataset and the effects of the number of bootstrap samples on estimation bias and variance... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bootstrapping; Correlated data; Fish population dynamics; Non-linear models. Ano: 2014 URL: A brief review of nutritional studies for Penaeus monodon Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Liao, I; Liu, F. In order to develop effective formulated for Penaeus monodon , sufficient information is needed on its nutritional requirements. Unfortunately, research on this area has been very limited. This paper outlines the results of such research. Since data on the nutritional requirements of P. japonicus are relatively well established, some of these data are also reviewed in this paper and are used as a basis for assessing the nutritional requirements of P. monodon . Protein, lipid, carbohydrate, mineral and vitamin requirements are evaluated from the parameters of growth survival and feed efficiency. Studies on the effects of enzymes and the development of microparticulate diet for larvae are also summarized. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Penaeus monodon; Pond culture; Shrimp culture; Amino acids; Fatty acids; Marine crustaceans; Diets; Enzymes; Feed efficiency; Survival; Growth; Vitamins; Carbohydrates; Lipids; Proteins. Ano: 1989 URL: A Case Study of Technological Switching and Technological Lock-In in the French Fisheries Sector: Why is Sustainable Change so Difficult? Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Floc'H, Pascal; Daures, Fabienne; Guyader, Olivier; Wilson, James. Many sectors such as the fishery show classic examples of technological lock-in and path dependence, even though some economists might predict smooth switching toward technologies that are more cost effective and sustainable. We use ideas from the evolutionary economics and public choice literatures to explain why trajectories of technological change, especially in fisheries, may not be smooth at all, but rather punctuated. The interest of technological change and switching behavior for fisheries economists and managers stems from the fact that control of effective effort, often necessary for sustainable management of the resource, remains a central management problem for that sector worldwide, even in developed countries. However, various policies put in... Tipo: Text Ano: 2012 URL: A catch curve analysis for east Atlantic and Mediterranean bluefin tuna Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Kell, Laurence; Bonhommeau, Sylvain; Fromentin, Jean-marc. A catch-curve analysis using catch-at-age (CAA) data is performed to evaluate recent changes in selection pattern of the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean bluefin tuna fishery. This was done in order to detect changes following the implementation of the Recovery Plan. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bluefin tuna; Catch curves; Management; Selectivity; Stock assessment. Ano: 2013 URL: A census of marine life: Unknowable or just unknown? Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Decker, Cj; O'Dor, R. As an introduction to the entire volume, this article outlines the relationships among the five elements of the Census of Marine Life (CoML) that create new knowledge: (1) The Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS), a marine component of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility, links marine databases around the world to provide an Internet accessible, dynamic interface for comparing species-level, geo-referenced biodiversity data in relation to ocean habitats. The entire CoML field project data will be managed in and accessible through OBIS. (2) The History of Marine Animal Populations (HMAP) is a unique new synthesis of historical and biological research that will document marine biodiversity, globally, up to 500 years ago, before significant... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biodiversité; Recensement; Recherche; Biogéographie; Biodiversity; Census; Global; Research; Biogeography. Ano: 2002 URL: A census of Meddies in a long-term high-resolution simulation Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Barbosa Aguiar, Ana Claudia; Peliz, Alvaro; Carton, Xavier. The output from a high-resolution two-decade long Mediterranean Outflow simulation is analysed here to provide a census of Mediterranean Water eddies (aka Meddies), both anticyclones and cyclones. The formation rate of Meddies that survive for at least 90 days is of 12 Meddies yr(-1) of which similar to 12% are cyclones. The rate of formation reaches 40 Meddies yr(-1) (30% cyclones) when considering all the Meddies living over 15 days. About 70% of the population is born along the southwestern Iberian slope, but several robust Meddles also originate in points of convergence of the main pathways into the open ocean. The longest-lived Meddies propagate northwestwards, but most of the anticyclones veer southwestwards after a while. As the Meddies drift away... Tipo: Text Ano: 2013 URL: A classification scheme for deep seafloor habitats Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Greene, Hg; Yoklavich, Mm; Starr, Rm; O'Connell, Vm; Wakefield, Ww; Sullivan, De; Mcrea, Je; Cailliet, Gm. A standard, universally useful classification scheme for deepwater habitats needs to be established so that descriptions of these habitats can be accurately and efficiently applied among scientific disciplines. In recent years many marine benthic habitats in deep water have been described using geophysical and biological data. These descriptions can vary from one investigator to another, which makes it difficult to compare habitats and associated biological assemblages among geographic regions. Using geophysical data collected with a variety of remote sensor systems and in situ biological and geologic observations, we have constructed a classification scheme that can be used in describing marine benthic habitats in deep water. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Habitat; Classification universelle; Benthique; Gestion des pêcheries; Habitat; Universal classification; Benthic; Fisheries management. Ano: 1999 URL: A coastal operational oceanography system coupled to the GMES marine service Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lecornu, Fabrice; Dumas, Franck; Gohin, Francis; Le Traon, Pierre-yves; Menesguen, Alain; Pineau-guillou, Lucia. Tipo: Text Ano: 2012 URL: A combined method for assessing ecological intensification in aquaculture systems Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Wilfart, Aurélie; Prudhomme, Jehane; Blancheton, Jean-paul; Aubin, Joel. Tipo: Text Ano: 2012 URL: A combined microsatellite multiplexing and boiling DNA extraction method for high-throughput parentage analyses in the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Taris, Nicolas; Baron, S; Sharbel, Tim; Sauvage, Christopher; Boudry, Pierre. The analysis of parentage using microsatellite markers is of increasing importance, notably in aquaculture genetic research where communal rearing of mixed families can be used to reduce unwanted environmental variance. We present here an optimization of parental genotype assessment for larvae or adults of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, using a multiplex system of three microsatellite loci. In conjunction with a simple DNA extraction protocol, this method enables high throughput analyses of parentage in C. gigas. Using this method, we successfully determined the parentage of 93% (1224 out of 1318) of the progeny in a factorial cross between 3 females and 10 males. The inability to genotype the remaining 7% was due to DNA degradation of larvae... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Oysters; Aquaculture; Parental assignment; High throughput; Larval DNA extraction; Multiplex. Ano: 2005 URL: A common protocol to assemble a coherent database from distributed heterogeneous data sets: The MEDATLAS database experience Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Fichaut, Michele; Balopoulos, Efstathios; Dooley, Harry; Garcia-fernandez, Maria; Iona, Athanasia; Jourdan, Didier; Baudet, Laurent; Maillard, Catherine. The MEDATLAS hydrological data base, has been created by a consortium of several data centers, including HNODC (Greece), IEO (Spain), EPSHOM/CMO (French navy), IFREMERJSISMER the coordinating center (France) and ICES (Denmark) as the supervisor of the quality control procedure, in the frame of the MEDATLAS project. This project is a MAST supporting initiative for ocean data and information management. Its objectives were to assemble a comprehensive data base of temperature and salinity profiles collected in the Mediterranean sea by t he scientific laboratories and the navies, to check them for quality and to revise the climatological statistics by using this updated date set. An important part of the work has been devoted to define a common protocol to... Tipo: Text Ano: 2000 URL: A co-modelling process of social and natural dynamics on the isle of Ouessant: Sheep, turf and bikes Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Rouan, Mathias; Kerbiriou, Christian; Levrel, Harold; Etienne, M. An interdisciplinary team has applied the multi-agent system formalism to study shrub encroachment in the Biosphere Reserve on the isle of Ouessant. The main goals were (1) to understand vegetation dynamics, and (2) to represent how main agents, or actors view the dynamics of natural resources in relation to their own living practices. The management strategies established for each type of stakeholders were formalised and the impact of these strategies on biodiversity was analyzed at various temporal and spatial scales. Following a short description of the model, three aspects of the modelling process are discussed in more detail: the use of the chough (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax) population as a representative variable for the interactions between... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Companion modelling; Agent-based model; Biodiversity; Social dynamics; Shrub encroachment; Biosphere Reserve. Ano: 2010 URL: A comparative analysis of Alexandrium catenella/tamarense blooms in Annaba Bay (Algeria) and Thau lagoon (France); phosphorus limitation as a trigger Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Hadjadji, Imene; Frehi, Hocine; Ayada, Lembarek; Abadie, Eric; Collos, Yves. Environmental conditions ultimately leading to blooms of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella/tamarense were investigated at two Mediterranean sites (Annaba Bay, Algeria and Thau lagoon, France). Three years were examined in details: 1992 (a pre-Alexandrium period), 2002 (a year with the first bloom in Annaba) and 2010 (a year with a major bloom in Annaba). Most conditions were similar, but ammonium concentrations were much higher in Annaba (up to 100 μM) than in Thau (up to 10 μM). First records of A. catenella/tamarense were in 1995 for Thau and 2002 for Annaba, and coincided with soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) decreasing below a concentration of about 1 μM. No other environmental variable could be related to those blooms. Thus, it is likely... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Alexandrium catenella/tamarense; Blooms; Algeria; France; Mediterranean. Ano: 2014 URL: A comparative analysis of métiers and catch profiles for some French demersal and pelagic fleets Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Marchal, Paul. A quantitative comparison between metiers and resulting catch profiles was carried out for seven French demersal and pelagic fleets operating in the North Sea, the eastern Channel, and the Bay of Biscay. Typologies for four metiers have been attempted, based on different factors (gear, mesh size, fishing ground, and/or a priori target species), data sources (logbooks or harbour enquiries), and aggregation levels. Catch profiles were selected through cluster analysis. The linkage between metiers and catch profiles was quantified using uncertainty coefficients, which depended on the metier typology being used and the fleet under consideration, but were not subject to substantial inter- or intra-annual fluctuations. Future catch profiles and metiers were... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Uncertainty coefficients; Metiers; Fleets; Fishing intention; Catch profiles. Ano: 2008 URL: A comparative ecophysiological study of two infaunal filter-feeding bivalves: Paphia rhomboides and Glycymeris glycymeris Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Savina, Marie; Pouvreau, Stephane. A comparative ecophysiological study was carried out in September and November 2002 for two bivalves, Paphia rhomboides and Glycymeris glycymeris, which are significantly harvested in the Western Channel (French coast). Individual measurements of clearance and respiration rates were performed for both species, in several experimental conditions of temperature and phytoplankton concentrations. Those conditions were chosen to be in the range of those commonly observed in the subtidal area of the Western Channel. The mean value of clearance rate and oxygen consumption obtained from continuous data recording did not reveal any significant influence of temperature in the investigated range, but a significant difference between P rhomboides and G. glycymeris.... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Filter feeding; Bivalves; Glycymeris glycymeris; Paphia rhomboides; Scope for growth; Ecophysiology. Ano: 2004 URL: A comparative field study of growth, survival and reproduction of Crassostrea gigas, C-angulata and their hybrids Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Soletchnik, Patrick; Huvet, Arnaud; Le Moine, Olivier; Razet, Daniel; Geairon, Philippe; Faury, Nicole; Goulletquer, Philippe; Boudry, Pierre. This paper reports a comparative study of two cupped oysters, Crassostrea gigas and C angulata, and their hybrids reared in the Marennes-Oleron Sound (France) under usual farming conditions. The relative proficiency of these species was characterized in terms of growth, survival and reproduction, three major concerns for oyster farming. Four populations of each taxon were sampled (C gigas: Japan and France; C angulata: Taiwan and Spain) and used as progenitors to produce six different progenies under common hatchery and nursery conditions (transfer of 5 to 6 g of seed oysters at sea and rearing in bags for 2 years). Mortality profiles differed greatly among the progenies. The C angulata progeny of Taiwanese origin gave the poorest results, with 100%... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Atlantic coast; Crassostrea gigas; Phenotypes; Hybrids; Oyster fanning. Ano: 2002 URL: A comparative Raman spectroscopic study of natural gas hydrates collected at different geological sites Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Chazallon, B; Focsa, C; Charlou, Jean-luc; Bourry, Christophe; Donval, Jean-pierre. Intact natural gas hydrates recovered on the West Aftican margin in the South Atlantic Ocean (ZaiAngo and Neris IIrojects) and from the Norwegian Sea (Hakon Mosby Mud Volcano) are investigated by micro-Raman spectroscopy at ambient pressure and low temperature. The gas hydrates collected at different geological sites contain a high methane concentration relative to other minor components that are slightly dispersed in the samples. They crystallize in a type I cubic lattice structure as also confirmed by our preliminary synchrotron diffraction results obtained on the ZaiAngo specimen. However, detailed analysis of selected microscopic areas reveals a variation in the gas distribution among the different specimens. Trace amounts of CO2 and H2S can be... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Micro Raman spectroscopy; H2S hydrate; CH4 hydrate; Natural clathrate hydrates. Ano: 2007 URL: A comparative review of the fisheries resource management systems in New Zealand and in the European Union Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Marchal, Paul; Lallemand, Philippe; Stokes, Kevin; Thebaud, Olivier. This review aims at comparing the fisheries management systems existing in New Zealand and in the European Union. The involvement of stakeholders at all stages of the management process is generally more transparent and better established in New Zealand than in the EU. Both systems aim at achieving an adequate balance between sustainability and utilisation and consider the precautionary approach as a founding principle. The social objectives are probably more explicit in the EU management system. In New Zealand, B-MSY is a legal management target for all stocks in the quota management system (QMS), but management strategies were poorly explicit until most recently. In the EU, there have not been any legal management targets or strategies until 1999. Since... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fisheries; Total allowable catches; Rights based management; Quota; Atlantic Ocean; Pacific Ocean. Ano: 2009 URL: A comparative study of marine litter on the seafloor of coastal areas in the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Seas Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Ioakeimidis, C.; Zeri, C.; Kaberi, H.; Galatchi, M.; Antoniadis, K.; Streftaris, N.; Galgani, Francois; Papathanassiou, E.; Papatheodorou, G. In the present work, abundance, spatial distribution and qualitative composition, of benthic marine litter, were investigated in five study areas from the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Seas (Saronikos, Patras and Echinades Gulfs; Limassol Gulf; Constanta Bay). Surveys were performed using the monitoring protocol proposed by the Technical Group for Marine Litter. Densities ranged from 24 items/km(2) to 1211 items/km(2), with the Saronikos Gulf being the most affected area. Plastics were predominant in all study areas ranging from 45.2% to 95%. Metals and Glass/Ceramics reached maximum values of 21.9% and of 22.4%. The size distribution of litter items showed that >= 50% fall into medium size categories (10 x 10 cm, 20 x 20 cm) along with an elevated... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Litter; Benthic; Pollution; Eastern Mediterranean; Black Sea. Ano: 2014 URL: A comparative study of rare earth element concentration in copper-sulfides from different hydrothermal sites on the MAR Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Evrard, Catherine; Barrat, J. A.; Fouquet, Yves. Tipo: Text Ano: 2010 URL: A comparative-study of nitrogen and carbon uptake by phytoplankton in a coastal eutrophic ecosystem (bay of Brest, france) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Dauchez, S; Queguiner, B; Treguer, P; Zeyons, C. Nitrogen (N-15) and carbon (C-14) uptake rates and hydrological, chemical and biological parameters were monitored at a single station during spring (March-April 1989) in a coastal eutrophic ecosystem of western Europe : the Bay of Brest. Before the spring growth of phytoplankton populations, total nitrogen and carbon uptake rates were low (almost-equal-to 0.3-mu-mol C.1(-1).h-1 and almost-equal-to 0.025-mu-mol N.l(-1).h-1). During the spring bloom, these uptake rates reached high values (0.5-mu-mol C.1(-1).h-1 and 0.28-mu-mol N.1(-1).h-1); at this time, nitrate was the main source of nitrogen production, although relative preference index (RPI) values showed that ammonium was the preferred nitrogen form for phytoplankton (RPI (NO3) < 1 ; RPI (NH4) >... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: CARBON UPTAKE; EUTROPHIC ECOSYSTEM; NITROGEN UPTAKE; PARTICULATE MATTER; PHYTOPLANKTON. Ano: 1991 URL: A comparison between sea-surface temperature-measurements from satellite noaa4 and from airborne radiometer aries Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Albuisson, M; Pontier, L; Wald, L. Measurements of sea surface temperatures (Sst) in the Gulf of Lions, obtained by the satellite "Noaa 4" sensor Vhrr and by the airborne radiometer "Aries", are presented and compared. The results reveal the reliability of the Vhrr data in the range 16-20. SOC, the degree of accuracy being within O. 5°C of the relative temperatures, despite a malfunctionning of the "Noaa 4" Vhrr. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Températures de surface; Télédétection; Sea surface temperatures; Remote sensing. Ano: 1979 URL: A comparison of dissolved and particulate mn and al distributions in the western north-atlantic Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Yeats, Pa; Dalziel, Ja; Moran, Sb. The dissolved Mn distribution on an oceanographic section along 50-degrees-W in the western North Atlantic shows decreasing concentrations in the offshore direction in the surface layer and with depth at the deep water stations. Leachable particulate Mn concentrations are low in the open ocean surface waters and elevated at intermediate depths. Dissolved Al concentrations in the surface layer are higher in the open ocean than on the shelf and the vertical distributions are characterized by surface maxima, a subsurface minimum at almost-equal-to 1 000 m and increasing concentrations in the deep waters. Leachable particulate Al concentrations are elevated on the shelf and in open ocean surface waters compared to the intermediate and deep waters. The Deep... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: ALUMINUM; MANGANESE; NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN; REMOVAL MECHANISMS; MANGANESE OXIDATION. Ano: 1992 URL: A comparison of economic performance in the fisheries sector: A short- and long-term perspective Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Floc'H, P.; Daures, Fabienne; Brigaudeau, Cecile; Bihel, J. Indicators of the economic performance of fishing vessels are frequently computed in various countries. In this paper, we use different types of information to assess capital value and the economic performance of fishing vessels. On the one hand, field surveys provide technical and financial information on the main components of fishing capital. On the other hand, book values are given in bookkeeping databases. Both sources of information on fishing capital are used for the same set of vessels, namely the commercial fishing fleet of the French region of Brittany. Based on these two sources, measures of economic performance can be produced for the short term using gross surplus; and for the long term including the cost of capital. The measures of... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fishery; Accounting; Production cost; Microeconomic data. Ano: 2008 URL: A comparison of growth and biochemical composition of Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lmk.) and Mytilus edulis (L.) on the West coast of Cotentin, Normandy, France 1999-2000 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Kopp, Joel; Cornette, Florence; Simonne, Charlotte. The blue mussel, Mytilus edulis has been reared along the Normandy coast line since the 1960s. The gonadal cycle of this mussel species shows a sharp decrease in meat quality during the winter period after spawning. This decline in meat quality is so severe that sales have to be suspended from December to July. Another species of mussel, Mytilus galloprovincialis, which is reared in the lagoons along the French shore of the Mediterranean Sea has a different spawning cycle. An experiment was undertaken to study the meat quality of M. Galloprovincialis throughout the year after the spat were transferred from the Mediterranean Sea to the Normandy coast. This species showed an immediate adaptation to the gonadal cycle of M. edulis. Despite suggestions from... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Meat quality; Mytilus galloprovincialis; Mytilus edulis; Gonadal cycle. Ano: 2005 URL: A comparison of in situ vs. ex situ filtration methods on the assessment of dissolved and particulate metals at hydrothermal vents Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Cotte, Laura; Waeles, Mathieu; Pernet-coudrier, Benoit; Sarradin, Pierre-marie; Cathalot, Cecile; Riso, Ricardo D. The objective of this study was to assess the impact of the filtration method (in situ vs. ex situ) on the dissolved/particulate partitioning of 12 elements in hydrothermal samples collected from the Lucky Strike vent field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge; MAR). To do so, dissolved ( <0.45 mu m) and particulate Mg, Li, Mn, U, V, As, Ba, Fe, Zn, Cd, Pb and Cu were measured using different techniques (HR-ICP-MS, ICP-AES and CCSA). Using in situ filtration as a baseline, we showed that ex situ filtration (on-board and on shore after freezing) resulted in an underestimation of the dissolved pool, which was counterbalanced by an overestimation of the particulate pool for almost all the elements studied. We also showed that on-board filtration was acceptable for the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Metal; Hydrothermal vent; Dissolved; Particulate; Filtration method. Ano: 2015 URL: A comparison of surface eddy kinetic energy and Reynolds stresses in the Gulf Stream and the Kuroshio Current systems from merged TOPEX/Poseidon and ERS-1/2 altimetric data Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Ducet, N; Le Traon, Pierre-yves. Analyses of surface eddy kinetic energy (EYE) inferred from 5 years of merged TOPEX/Poseidon and ERS-1/2 altimetric data are presented in the Gulf Stream (GS) and the Kuroshio (KS) Current systems, focusing on anisotropy and EKE seasonal, interannual, and long-term variations, as well as Reynolds stresses. For both GS and KS a descriptive analysis of the EKE field shows that it is anisotropic along the path of the currents and assesses the close relationship between the spatial distribution of EKE high levels and bottom topography. A striking ocean feature is found in the GS, shaped as a zonal "double-blade" structure in the EKE field, centered at 37 degrees N, 71.5 degrees W, that likely corresponds to a regular and permanent lateral displacement of the... Tipo: Text Ano: 2001 URL: A comparison of two techniques to discriminate continental origin of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) off West Greenland Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Reddin, David; De Pontual, Helene; Prouzet, Patrick. Two techniques of stock discrimination both utilizing scales, i. e. termed as classical technique and shape analysis, are compared for discriminating between North American and European Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) caught off West Greenland. Three scales from each of 60 salmon were analyzed: 30 from North American and 30 from European-origin salmon collected from home rivers in 1982. The best results indicated misclassification and error rates of 0% for shape analysis and 5.0% and ± 1.7%, respectively, for the classical technique. A nested ANOVA indicated that variation was greater between scales of salmon of North American and European origin than from several scales from the same salmon. It was concluded that shape analysis with computer-aided... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Salmo salar; Scalimétrie; Analyse de forme; Discrimination; Salmo salar; Meristics; Shape analysis; Discrimination. Ano: 1992 URL: A comparison of various fitting techniques for predicting yield for the Ubolratana reservoir (Thailand) from a time series data on catch and hydrological features Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Moreau, Jacques; Lek, Sovan; Leelaprata, Wattana; Sricharoendham, Boonsong; Villanueva, Ching-maria. Actual catch (commercial catch and local consumption) have been made available by the Royal Thai Department of Fisheries for the Ubolratana reservoir, North East Thailand, since the impoundment of the lake in 1965. The data have been used to assess the possible relationship between the actual catch and morphometric parameters of the lake (maximum area, depth, shore line, difference between maximum and minimum area) and actual catch the year before. A comparison of the predictive power is carried out between multiple linear regression analysis, a generalised additive model, a regression tree analysis, an autoregression analysis and an artificial neural network. Results show the poorly predictive power in linear system (around 40% of explained variances),... Tipo: Text Ano: 2002 URL: A compilation of global bio-optical in situ data for ocean-colour satellite applications Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Valente, Andre; Sathyendranath, Shubha; Brotas, Vanda; Groom, Steve; Grant, Michael; Taberner, Malcolm; Antoine, David; Arnone, Robert; Balch, William M.; Barker, Kathryn; Barlow, Ray; Belanger, Simon; Berthon, Jean-francois; Besiktepe, Sukru; Brando, Vittorio; Canuti, Elisabetta; Chavez, Francisco; Claustre, Herve; Crout, Richard; Frouin, Robert; Garcia-soto, Carlos; Gibb, Stuartw.; Gould, Richard; Hooker, Stanford; Kahru, Mati; Klein, Holger; Kratzer, Susanne; Loisel, Hubert; Mckee, David; Mitchell, Brian G.; Moisan, Tiffany; Muller-karger, Frank; O'Dowd, Leonie; Ondrusek, Michael; Poulton, Alex J.; Repecaud, Michel; Smyth, Timothy; Sosik, Heidi M.; Twardowski, Michael; Voss, Kenneth; Werdell, Jeremy; Wernand, Marcel; Zibordi, Giuseppe. A compiled set of in situ data is important to evaluate the quality of ocean-colour satellite-data records. Here we describe the data compiled for the validation of the ocean-colour products from the ESA Ocean Colour Climate Change Initiative (OC-CCI). The data were acquired from several sources (MOBY, BOUSSOLE, AERONET-OC, SeaBASS, NOMAD, MERMAID, AMT, ICES, HOT, GeP&CO), span between 1997 and 2012, and have a global distribution. Observations of the following variables were compiled: spectral remote-sensing reflectances, concentrations of chlorophyll a, spectral inherent optical properties and spectral diffuse attenuation coefficients. The data were from multi-project archives acquired via the open internet services or from individual projects,... Tipo: Text Ano: 2016 URL: A complementary method for production of tetraploid Crassostrea gigas using crosses between diploids and tetraploids with cytochalasin B treatments Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Mccombie, Helen; Ledu, Christophe; Phelipot, Pascal; Lapegue, Sylvie; Boudry, Pierre; Gerard, Andre. We present a new method to produce tetraploid Crassostrea gigas by cytochalasin B inhibition of polar body 2 expulsion in diploid females crossed with tetraploid males. This offers a means of direct introgression of genetic characters from selected diploid to tetraploid lines, avoiding a triploid step. Offspring larval ploidy shifted over time and depended on size, with tetraploids more frequent among the smaller larvae and triploids among the large. Viable tetraploids were found at 4 and 6 months, indicating the technique was successful. The possibility that gynogenesis occurred was tested by microsatellite analysis to confirm the presence of paternally inherited alleles. These were present in all animals of the 2n x 4n + CB (female first) cross. However,... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Oyster breeding; Gynogenesis; Polar body; Cytochalasin B; Polyploidy; Crassostrea gigas. Ano: 2005 URL: A complex North Atlantic permanent pycnocline revealed by Argo data Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Feucher, Charlene; Maze, Guillaume; Mercier, Herle. In the North Atlantic subtropical gyre, the oceanic vertical structure of density is characterized by a region of rapid increase with depth. This layer is called the permanent pycnocline. The pycnocline is the transition layer between light, low-latitude, surface water masses which are ventilated every winter when penetrated locally by the mixed layer and dense, deeper water masses whose properties are set in the high latitudes. Assessing the structure and variability of the permanent pycnocline is of a major interest in the under- standing of the climate system because the pycnocline embeds the warm water sphere and most of the wind-forced horizontal circulation. We characterized the large scale structure of the permanent pycnocline with in-situ data... Tipo: Text Ano: 2015 URL: A Computer-Assisted Method for Depositional Model Determination Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Ndiaye, Mapathe; Davaud, Eric; Jorry, Stephan. A software has been developed to overcome the difficulties related to depositional model determination in Geosciences. The implemented methods, Walker, Harper and Turk methods, based on Markov process and Markov chain analysis, have been used in a case study. The results of the analysis are consistent with previous works. The analysis shows also that the results are accurate and do not rely on the used method. Therefore, the obtained depositional sequence is suitable to build a depositional model on which reliable sequence stratigraphic studies can be based. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Depositional Model; Sequence; Log; Markov Chain; Transition Matrix; Walker; Harper; Turk; El Garia Formation. Ano: 2014 URL: A continuous hockey stick stock-recruit model for estimating MSY reference points Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Mesnil, Benoit; Rochet, Marie-joelle. With political commitment to restore stocks to levels where they can produce maximum sustainable yield (MSY), fisheries managers request evaluations of management plans that include options for an FMSY policy. The procedure to estimate FMSY with dynamic-pool, stock assessment models is well established for common stock-recruitment relationships (S-RR). In this paper, we extend this capacity to another S-RR, a piecewise function known as the hockey stick, which is frequently assumed when the data do not support more elaborate functions. However, the hockey stick is not continuous, which makes it problematic for this application, where differentiable functions are required. The bent-hyperbola model proves to be an adequate continuous equivalent to the hockey... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bent hyperbola; F-MSY; Hockey stick; MSY; Stock-recruitment. Ano: 2010 URL: A continuous model of biomass size spectra governed by predation and the effects of fishing on them Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Benoit, Eric; Rochet, Marie-joelle. A new time-dependent continuous model of biomass size spectra is developed. In this model, predation is the single process governing the energy flow in the ecosystem, as it causes both growth and mortality. The ratio of predator to prey is assumed to be distributed: predators may feed on a range of prey sizes. Under these assumptions, it is shown that linear size spectra are stationary solutions of the model. Exploited fish communities are simulated by adding fishing mortality to the model: it is found that realistic fishing should affect the curvature and stability of the size spectrum rather than its slope. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Predation; Mortality; Growth; Biomass size spectrum; Allometry. Ano: 2004 URL: A cooperative and specific DNA-binding mode of HIV-1 integrase depends on the nature of the metallic cofactor and involves the zinc-containing N-terminal domain Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Carayon, Kevin; Leh, Herve; Henry, Etienne; Simon, Francoise; Mouscadet, Jean-francois; Deprez, Eric. HIV-1 integrase catalyzes the insertion of the viral genome into chromosomal DNA. We characterized the structural determinants of the 3'-processing reaction specificity-the first reaction of the integration process-at the DNA-binding level. We found that the integrase N-terminal domain, containing a pseudo zinc-finger motif, plays a key role, at least indirectly, in the formation of specific integrase-DNA contacts. This motif mediates a cooperative DNA binding of integrase that occurs only with the cognate/viral DNA sequence and the physiologically relevant Mg(2+) cofactor. The DNA-binding was essentially non-cooperative with Mn(2+) or using non-specific/random sequences, regardless of the metallic cofactor. 2,2'-Dithiobisbenzamide-1 induced zinc ejection... Tipo: Text Ano: 2010 URL: A cost-benefit analysis of improving trawl selectivity in the case of discards: The Nephrops norvegicus fishery in the Bay of Biscay Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Macher, Claire; Guyader, Olivier; Talidec, Catherine; Bertignac, Michel. The Nephrops trawl fishery is one of the most important fisheries in the Bay of Biscay. The fishery management essentially relies on conservation measures, a total at I owed catch (TAC) for Nephrops together with a mini mum landing size (MLS) and minimum trawl mesh size (70 mm stretched mesh). These measures have failed to prevent high discard levels of many species that characterize the fishery. Nephrops trawlers thus discard about half of their Nephrops catches in numbers (a third in weight) of which only 30% survive. Nephrops discards mainly occur in younger Nephrops age groups below the MLS. This is a waste for the already overexploited Nephrops stock as well as for the fleet. Based on a bio-economic simulation model, the paper analyses the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fisheries management; Discards; Selectivity; Cost benefit analysis; Bio economic simulations; Nephrops norvegicus. Ano: 2008 URL: A coupled movement and bioenergetics model to explore the spawning migration of anchovy in the Bay of Biscay Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Politikos, Dimitrios; Huret, Martin; Petitgas, Pierre. Adult anchovies in the Bay of Biscay perform north to south migration from late winter to early summer for spawning. However, what triggers and drives the geographic shift of the population remains unclear and poorly understood. An individual-based fish model has been implemented to explore the potential mechanisms that control anchovy's movement routes toward its spawning habitats. To achieve this goal, two fish movement behaviors – gradient detection through restricted area search and kinesis – simulated fish response to its dynamic environment. A bioenergetics model was used to represent individual growth and reproduction along the fish trajectory. The environmental forcing (food, temperature) of the model was provided by a coupled... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Individual-based model; Behavioral movement; Dynamic Energy Budget; Anchovy; Bay of Biscay. Ano: 2015 URL: A data format for tomography Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Terre, Thierry. Tipo: Text Ano: 2001 URL: A DEB based analysis of growth and toxin elimination processes in mussels (Mytilus edulis) exposed to Diarrhetic Shellfish Toxins (DST) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Rosland, Rune; Alunno-bruscia, Marianne; Duinker, Arne; Strand, Oivind; Strohmeier, Tore. A Dynamic Energy Budget(DEB) model was used to analyse growth and toxin elimination processes in musselsthat had been exposed to Diarrhetic Shellfish Toxins (DST). After DST exposure mussels were placed inan experimentalin-situ setup, expected to have low concentrations of toxic phytoplankton, and DST concentrations in mussel tissueswere regularly monitored along with temperature and seston concentration and composition in the water. A one-compartment model for DST concentrations and elimination rate was integrated with the DEB model, assuming that storage and structural compartments absorb DST. The model was used to simulate growth and toxin elimination rates from mussel tissues. Toxin elimination rate was obtained by a calibration between observed and... Tipo: Text Ano: 2013 URL: A DEB model to predict accumulation and detoxification of paralytic shellfish toxins by the Japanese Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Pousse, Emilien; Jean, Frédéric; Alunno-bruscia, Marianne; Flye Sainte Marie, Jonathan. France being the largest consumer of oysters in Europe, oyster farming is deeply rooted in French heritage. The Japanese oyster (Crassostrea gigas) is the oyster species the most exploited in France, and in the world. Due to filter-feeding, these bivalves are sensitive to toxic algal blooms. Although not always lethal, toxic algae can affect oyster physiology and make it unfit for human consumption. Phytoplankton toxins can be classified in several groups: amnesic, neurotoxic, diarrhetic and paralytic. For the latter group, saxitoxins are synthesized by the microalgae of genus Alexandrium that can accumulate bivalve tissues. In recent years, number of studies have been performed on the interactions between C. gigas and saxitoxins. In order to better... Tipo: Text Ano: 2015 URL: A deep profile of some biologically important properties in the central north pacific gyre Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Williams, Pm; Carlucci, Af; Olson, R. Tipo: Text Ano: 1980 URL: A detailed study of the Lucky-Strike hydrothermal site and discovery of a new hydrothermal site: « Menez-Gwen ». Preliminary results of DIVA 1 cruise (5-29 May, 1994) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Fouquet, Yves; Charlou, Jean-luc; Donval, Jean-pierre; Radford-knoery, Joel; Pelle, P; Ondreas, Helene; Lourenco, N; Segonzac, Michel; Tivey, Mk. Tipo: Text Ano: 1994 URL: A deterministic population dynamics model to study the distribution of a benthic bivalve with planktonic larvae (Paphia rhomboides) in the English Channel (NW Europe) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Savina, Marie; Menesguen, Alain. This paper describes the development of a modelling framework to study the distribution in the English Channel of a benthic bivalve with planktonic larvae, Paphia rhomboides. Age-structured population dynamics and growth models are linked together to a compartmental transport and NPZ (Nutrients-Phytoplankton-Zooplankton) model. Used in a spin-up mode, i.e. with identical environmental forcing from a year to the next, this deterministic model converges to the same steady state whatever the initial conditions, after 15-30 years of simulation. Important features of the P. rhomboides distribution are reproduced, particularly its high abundance in the GNB (Golfe Normand-Breton) and its almost complete absence in the Western Channel. The results are discussed in... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Spatial distribution; Meroplanktonic invertebrates; Growth model; Population dynamics model; Paphia rhomboides; English Channel. Ano: 2008 URL: A digital atlas to link ontogenic shifts in fish spatial distribution to the environment of the eastern English Channel. Dab, Limanda limanda as a case-study Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Martin, Corinne; Vaz, Sandrine; Koubbi, Philippe; Meaden, Geoff; Engelhard, Georg H.; Lauria, Valentina; Gardel, Laure; Coppin, Franck; Delavenne, Juliette; Dupuis, Ludovic; Ernande, Bruno; Foveau, Aurelie; Lelievre, Stephanie; Morin, Jocelyne; Warembourg, Caroline; Carpentier, Andre. The eastern English Channel, which connects the Atlantic Ocean to the North Sea through the Dover Strait, is an area where numerous and often conflicting human activities take place. A cross-border multidisciplinary project called CHARM was initiated to provide knowledge and tools for planners and decision-makers to durably manage the shared marine living resources. One such tool was an atlas of fish spatial distributions and modelled habitats, which was used here to investigate ontogenic and seasonal shifts in fish spatial distribution and habitat through a case-study, the dab Limanda limanda. Survey data for several life-history stages (eggs, larvae, coastal nurseries, < and > 1 year old) and seasons were used to map spatial patterns (using... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pleuronectidae; Limanda limanda; Eastern Channel; Spatial distribution; Modelling; Kriging; Ichthyoplankton; Trawl; CUFES. Ano: 2010 URL: A di-O-dihydrogeranylgeranyl glycerol from Thermococus S 557, a novel ether lipid, and likely intermediate in the biosynthesis of diethers in Archaea Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Gonthier, Isabelle; Rager, Marie-noëlle; Metzger, Pierre; Guezennec, Jean; Largeau, Claude. The lipids of a deep-sea hydrothermal vent arch ae on, Thermococcus S 557, were isolated, purified and structurally determined. Based on acid methanolysis and spectroscopic studies, the polar lipids were shown to comprise diphytanyl glycerol and dibiphytanyl diglycerol, typical membrane lipids of Arch aea. From the neutral lipids, 2,3-di-O-dihydro-14,15-geranylgeranyl glycerol was isolated. This novel ether lipid is, very likely, a close intermediate in the biosynthesis of diphytanyl glycerol diether in Arch aea. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mass spectrometry; NMR; Novel glycerol diether lipid; Thermococcus sp; Archaea. Ano: 2001 URL: A direct determination of the World Ocean barotropic circulation Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: De Verdiere, Alain Colin; Ollitrault, Michel. The time-mean Argo float displacements and the World Ocean Atlas 2009 temperature–salinity climatology are used to obtain the total, top to bottom, mass transports. Outside of an equatorial band, the total transports are the sum of the vertical integrals of geostrophic- and wind-driven Ekman currents. However, these transports are generally divergent, and to obtain a mass conserving circulation, a Poisson equation is solved for the streamfunction with Dirichlet boundary conditions at solid boundaries. The value of the streamfunction on islands is also part of the unknowns. This study presents and discusses an energetic circulation in three basins: the North Atlantic, the North Pacific, and the Southern Ocean. This global method leads to new estimations of... Tipo: Text Ano: 2016 URL: A direct monoclonal antibody sandwich immunoassay for detection of Bonamia ostreae (Ascetospora) in hemolymph samples of the flat oyster Ostrea edulis (Mollusca : Bivalvia) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Cochennec, Nathalie; Hervio, Dominique; Panatier, B; Boulo, Viviane; Mialhe, Eric; Rogier, H; Grizel, Henri; Paolucci, F. Currently recognition of molluscan diseases relies heavily upon light microscopic examination of stained histological sections of molluscan tissues Such histopathological methods are time consuming and relatively inefficient In the study of ongoing epizootics Alternatively, more effluent investigative tools are needed to accelerate disease recognition and quantification Such methods are needed to prevent control and eradicate molluscan diseases This paper reports the development of a direct sandwich enzyme-lmmunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the ascetosporan intrahemocytic parasite Bonamiao ostreae of the flat oyster Ostrea edulis. Bonamiasis is a commercially important epizootic disease of oysters A Bonamia-specific monoclonal antibody is employed in the... Tipo: Text Ano: 1992 URL: A dual sensor device to estimate fluid flow velocity at diffuse hydrothermal vents Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Sarrazin, Jozee; Rodier, Philippe; Tivey, M. K.; Singh, H.; Schultz, A.; Sarradin, Pierre-marie. Numerous attempts have been made over the last thirty years to estimate fluid flow rates at hydrothermal vents, either at the exit of black smoker chimneys or within diffuse flow areas. In this study, we combine two methods to accurately estimate fluid flow velocities at diffuse flow areas. While the first method uses a hot film anemometer that performs high-frequency measurements, the second allows a relatively rapid assessment of fluid flow velocity through video imagery and provides in situ data to calibrate the sensor. Measurements of flow velocities on hydrothermal diffuse flow areas were obtained on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). They range from 1.1 to 4.9 mm/s at the substratum level, in low-temperature (4.5-16.4 degrees C) diffuse flow areas from... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Diffuse flow; Video imagery; Hot film anemometer; Hydrothermal vent; Fluid flow velocity. Ano: 2009 URL: A dual symbiosis shared by two mussel species, Bathymodiolus azoricus and Bathymodiolus puteoserpentis (Bivalvia : Mytilidae), from hydrothermal vents along the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Duperron, Sebastien; Bergin, C; Zielinski, F; Blazejak, A; Pernthaler, A; Mckiness, Z; Dechaine, E; Cavanaugh, C; Dubilier, Nicole. Bathymodiolus azoricus and Bathymodiolus puteoserpentis are symbiont-bearing mussels that dominate hydrothermal vent sites along the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). Both species live in symbiosis with two physiologically and phylogenetically distinct Gammaproteobacteria: a sulfur-oxidizing chemoautotroph and a methane-oxidizer. A detailed analysis of mussels collected from four MAR vent sites (Menez Gwen, Lucky Strike, Rainbow, and Logatchev) using comparative 16S rRNA sequence analysis and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) showed that the two mussel species share highly similar to identical symbiont phylotypes. FISH observations of symbiont distribution and relative abundances showed no obvious differences between the two host species. In... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bacteria; Phylogeny; Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH); Methane oxidizer; Sulfur oxidizer; 16S rRNA; Endosymbiosis. Ano: 2006 URL: A dual-frequency approach for retrieving sea surface wind speed from TOPEX altimetry Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Chen, G; Chapron, Bertrand; Ezraty, Robert; Vandemark, D. More than a dozen of wind speed (U) algorithms have been proposed during the past 2 decades, as a result of a continuing effort to improve altimeter wind measurement. The progress in terms of accuracy, however, is seen to be rather slow. The reported root mean square (RMS) error of prevailing algorithms varies mostly between 1.6 and 2.0 m/s for the dominant wind regime. As far as the TOPEX altimeter is concerned, three measured quantities, namely, the radar cross sections from Ku and C band (sigma(Ku) and sigma(C)), as well as the significant wave height (H-s), have been used in previous algorithm developments, resulting in a variety of single-, dual-, and three-parameter model functions. On the basis of the finding of a banded dependency of the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sea surface wind speed; Retrieval; TOPEX; Altimeter; Dual frequency. Ano: 2002 URL: A dynamic and mechanistic model of PCB bioaccumulation in the European hake (Merluccius merluccius) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bodiguel, Xavier; Maury, Olivier; Mellon-duval, Capucine; Roupsard, Francois; Le Guellec, Anne-marie; Loizeau, Veronique. Bioaccumulation is difficult to document because responses differ among chemical compounds, with environmental conditions, and physiological processes characteristic of each species. We use a mechanistic model, based on the Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory, to take into account this complexity and study factors impacting accumulation of organic pollutants in fish through ontogeny. The bioaccumulation model proposed is a comprehensive approach that relates evolution of hake PCB contamination to physiological information about the fish, such as diet, metabolism, reserve and reproduction status. The species studied is the European hake (Merluccius merluccius, L. 1758). The model is applied to study the total concentration and the lipid normalised... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) Bioaccumulation model; Bioenergetic Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) Demersal fish Merluccius merluccius. Ano: 2009 URL: A Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) growth model for Pacific oyster larvae, Crassostrea gigas Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Rico-villa, Benjamin; Bernard, Ismael; Robert, Rene; Pouvreau, Stephane. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Dynamic Energy Budget; Crassostrea gigas; Bivalve larvae; Ecophysiology; Growth. Ano: 2010 URL: A dynamic model for generating small-scale heterogeneities in ocean floor basalts Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bideau, Daniel; Hekinian, Roger. Small-scale distribution of basaltic compositions along the mid-ocean ridge crests suggests that the magmatic processes are sensitive to spatial and temporal fluctuations related to proximity of ridge hot spots, changes in spreading rate, thermal boundary effects associated with ridge offsets, off-axis volcanoes and ridge propagators, and variations in magma supply through time. A detailed sampling of the East Pacific Rise (EPR) axis, near 13 degrees N, revealed that complex basalt compositional variations unrelated to morphology and structure occur both on the ridge axis and on nearby off-axis seamounts. This small-scale heterogeneity is attributed to successive magmatic cycles separated by periods of quiescence (amagmatic phases) where each cycle... Tipo: Text Ano: 1995 URL: A dynamic model of the Bay of Biscay pelagic fleet simulating fishing trip choice: the response to the closure of the European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) fishery in 2005 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Vermard, Youen; Marchal, Paul; Mahevas, Stephanie; Thebaud, Olivier. The scope of this paper is to describe, evaluate, and forecast fishing trip choices of the Bay of Biscay pelagic fleet using random utility modeling (RUM). First, alternative fishing trip choices of this fleet were identified using multivariate statistical methods based on species landings weighted by value and defined as distinct fishing activity or fisheries (termed metiers). A RUM was specified, which included trip components as attributes during the period 20012004 ( a lagged percentage of the value per unit of effort of the main species caught, total value per unit of effort, and inertia in terms of changes from one metier to another). For the main metiers, the proportion of correct effort allocation is 90% during the calibration period of 2001-2004.... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Management; Métier; Fishing effort; Fisher's behavior; RUM. Ano: 2008 URL: A European epidemiological survey of Vibrio splendidus clade shows unexplored diversity and massive exchange of virulence factors Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Nasfi, H.; Travers, Marie-agnes; De Lorgeril, Julien; Habib, C.; Sannie, T.; Sorieul, L.; Gerard, J.; Avarre, J. C.; Haffner, Philippe; Tourbiez, Delphine; Renault, Tristan; Furones, D.; Roque, A.; Pruzzo, C.; Cheslett, D.; Gdoura, R.; Vallaeys, T. The Vibrio splendidus clade has previously been associated with epidemic outbreaks of various aquatic animals, as in the case of the cupped oyster, Crassostrea gigas. To investigate whether involved strains could present a clonal origin and to identify possible alternative background carriage animals or zooplankton, a large epidemiological survey was conducted on isolates of the splendidus clade. For this purpose, Vibrio strains were isolated from various samples including oysters, mussels, sediments, zooplankton, and sea water on the basis of a North/South gradient of the European sea water zone (Ireland, The Netherlands, France, Italy, and Spain). A total of 435 isolates were successfully associated to the V. splendidus clade using real time polymerase... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: VNTR; Vibrio splendidus; Epidemiology; Vsm; OmpU; Crassotrea giga; Mortality. Ano: 2015 URL: A evaluation and interpretation of czcs-derived patterns on the adriatic shelf Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Sturm, B; Kuzmic, M; Orlic, M. The aim of the present paper is to investigate further the previously observed dichotomy in the Adriatic waters influenced by the Po river. To that end, an existing algorithm for pigment concentration retrieval has been improved and applied to the reprocessing of selected summer 1981 and winter 1981/1982 images of the Adriatic Sea. The sensitivity loss correction procedure has been included in the retrieval algorithm and rendered coherent with the atmospheric correction model. The model was also updated to allow for multiple Rayleigh scattering, and site-specific calibrated for case 2 waters of the Northern Adriatic. Our analysis of the images reinforces the previous finding (Clement et al., 1987) that two types of CZCS-derived patterns can be observed on... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: CZCS MULTIPLE SCATTERING; ADRIATIC SEA STRATIFICATION; PO RIVER DISCHARGE; WIND FORCING. Ano: 1992 URL: A Feedback Mechanism to Control Apoptosis Occurs in the Digestive Gland of the Oyster Crassostrea gigas Exposed to the Paralytic Shellfish Toxins Producer Alexandrium catenella Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Rolland, Jean-luc; Medhioub, Walid; Vergnes, Agnes; Abi-khalil, Celina; Savar, Veronique; Abadie, Eric; Masseret, Estelle; Amzil, Zouher; Laabir, Mohamed. To better understand the effect of Paralytic Shellfish Toxins (PSTs) accumulation in the digestive gland of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, we experimentally exposed individual oysters for 48 h to a PSTs producer, the dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella. In comparison to the effect of the non-toxic Alexandrium tamarense, on the eight apoptotic related genes tested, Bax and BI.1 were significantly upregulated in oysters exposed 48 h to A. catenella. Among the five detoxification related genes tested, the expression of cytochrome P450 (CYP1A) was shown to be correlated with toxin concentration in the digestive gland of oysters exposed to the toxic dinoflagellate. Beside this, we observed a significant increase in ROS production, a decrease in... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Shellfish; Toxin; Biomarker; Expression; Phytoplankton. Ano: 2014 URL: A field report on vibrio disease of seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax ) in the South of France Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Breuil, Gilles; Haffner, Philippe. Vibrio anguillarum was isolated from diseased seabass reared in aquatic farms (hatcheries and grow-out farms) located along the French Mediterranean coast. A representative strain (V62) differs from the French V. anguillarum strain (V408) by its ability to grow on a 0% salinity medium. The pathogenicity of the representative strain for sea bass was confirmed by injections and bath challenge. The V62 strain reacted with V. anguillarum antiserum (V408) and 84% of the isolated strains from diseased sea bass agglutinated with anti V62 serum. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: MED; France Dicentrarchus labrax Serranidae Pisces Vibrio anguillarum Hatcheries Fish culture Rearing Bacteria Marine aquaculture Marine fish Mortality. Ano: 1989 URL: A first generation genetic linkage map of the European flat oyster Ostrea edulis (L.) based on AFLP and microsatellite markers Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lallias, Delphine; Beaumont, A.r.; Haley, C.s.; Boudry, Pierre; Heurtebise, Serge; Lapegue, Sylvie. This study presents the first genetic linkage map for the European flat oyster Ostrea edulis. AFLP and 20 microsatellite markers were genotyped in a three-generation pedigree comprised of 2 grand-parents, 2 parents and 92 progeny. Chi-square goodness of fit tests revealed high segregation distortion, which was significant for 32.8% of markers. Sixteen microsatellites and 235 AFLPs (170 AFLPs type 1:1 and 65 AFLPs type 3:1) were used to build sex-specific linkage maps using CriMap software. The first parental map (P1) consisted of 104 markers grouped in nine linkage groups, spanning 471.2 cM with an average spacing of 4.86 cM. The second parental map (P2) consisted of 117 markers grouped in ten linkage groups (which equals the haploid chromosome number),... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Microsatellite; AFLP; Ostrea edulis; Flat oyster; Genetic linkage map. Ano: 2007 URL: A first genetic linkage map of the blue mussel Mytilus edulis Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lallias, Delphine; Hecquet, Céline; Boudry, Pierre; Lapegue, Sylvie; Beaumont, Andy. The blue mussel, Mytilus edulis, is widely distributed in the northern hemisphere, from the White Sea to the Atlantic coast of southern France, and is an economically important species (1 million tons per year, FAO, 2002). At present however, little domestication has been achieved with bivalves, in contrast to agricultural crops, livestock and horticultural species like tomatoes, where selection and production is entirely controlled by man. For bivalves, despite their economic importance, no lines with selected characteristics have been taken to the production scale. There is therefore a need to make up for lost time. Our interest in genetic mapping sprang from some results showing a genetic component to some economically important traits like growth and... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: QTLs; AFLP; Genetic; Mussel; Mytilus edulis; Genetic linkage map. Ano: 2007 URL: A first genetic linkage map of the European flat oyster, Ostrea edulis : towards the identification of Bonamia resistance QTLs Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lallias, Delphine; Lapegue, Sylvie; Haley, Chris; Heurtebise, Serge; Boudry, Pierre; Beaumont, Andy. The flat oyster Ostrea edulis is an endemic European oyster species, found on both Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts. Its aquacultural production has dramatically decreased due to two successive diseases caused by the intracellular parasites Marteilia refringens and Bonamia ostreae. Since 1985, Ifremer has undertaken a breeding program to produce oyster families which are tolerant to Bonamia. In this context, the next step is to identify QTLs for resistance to this parasite. A genetic map is therefore being established as a basis for QTL work. The reference family is an F2 family produced by single pair mating of two oysters from the same F1 family. The F1 family was itself produced from a bi-parental cross between a wild oyster and an individual from the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Genetic linkage map; Parasite; Genetic; QTLs; Resistance; Bonamia ostreae; Ostrea edulis; Flat oyster. Ano: 2007 URL: A first insight into genotype x diet interactions in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L. 1756) in the context of plant-based diet use Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Boucher, Richard; Vandeputte, Marc; Dupont-nivet, Mathilde; Quillet, Edwige; Mazurais, David; Robin, Jean; Vergnet, Alain; Medale, Francoise; Kaushik, Sadasivam; Chatain, Beatrice. This preliminary study assessed genotype x diet interaction in late growth of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) fed with either a fish meal (FM)- or a fish oil (FO)-based diet (M) or an all-plant-based (PB) diet. A total of 550 fish from 224 families were reared together and tagged. DNA was sampled and microsatellites were used to assign parentage. When fish weight was 192 +/- 54 g, two tanks were fed with M (FM: 100%; FO: 100%) and two others with PB (FM: 0% and FO: 0%). Body weight (BW), fork length (FL) and fillet lipid content (CorrFat) were analysed with a linear model and with REML methodology. We observed no significant differences between groups, but a slightly lower (P=0.03) daily growth coefficient in sea bass fed PB than in those fed M.... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Genotype by diet x environment interaction; European sea bass; Plant diet; Genetic correlation. Ano: 2011 URL: A first insight into genotype-diet interactions in European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) in the context of plant-based diet use Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Boucher, Richard; Vandeputte, Marc; Dupont Nivet, Mathilde; Quillet, Edwige; Mazurais, David; Robin, Jean; Vergnet, Alain; Medale, Francoise; Kaushik, Sadasivam; Chatain, Beatrice. Tipo: Text Ano: 2009 URL: A first linkage map for the European flat oyster, Ostrea edulis towards the identification of Bonamia resistance QTLs Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lallias, Delphine; Beaumont, Andy; Haley, Chris; Heurtebise, Serge; Boudry, Pierre; Lapegue, Sylvie. The flat oyster Ostrea edulis is an endemic European oyster species, found on both Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts. Its aquacultural production has dramatically decreased due to two successive diseases caused by the intracellular parasites Marteilia refringens and Bonamia ostreae. Since 1985, Ifremer has undertaken a breeding program to produce oyster families which are tolerant to Bonamia. In this context, a genetic map was therefore established as a basis for Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs) analysis. The reference family was an F2 family coming from a first bi-parental cross between a wild oyster and an individual from the fifth generation inbred line of the Bonamia tolerance selection program. This inbred line had shown no mortality when reared in... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Parasite; Bonamia ostreae; Bonamiosis; QTL; Genetic; Ostrea edulis; Flat oyster. Ano: 2007 URL: A first overview of the 53 year past hydrodynamical variability in the Bay of Biscay from a regional simulation Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Charria, Guillaume; Vandermeirsch, Frederic; Theetten, Sebastien; Assassi, Charefeddine; Dussin, Raphael. Tipo: Text Ano: 2014 URL: A first report on a bloom of the marine prymnesiophycean, Phaeocystis globosa from the Arabian Sea Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Madhupratap, M; Sawant, S; Gauns, M. A thick bloom of the marine prymnesiophycean, Phaeocystis globosa was observed in the central Arabian Sea during the summer monsoon period (July-August, 1996). The cells were mostly in colonial form, embedded in gelatinous matrices. The cell diameter was approximately 7 mu m and showed a distinct double feature form. The intensity of the bloom was as high as 3750 x 10(6) cells m(-2) and the carbon content ranged between 33 and 550 mu g L(-1). Almost 90% of the phytoplankton population was composed of P. globosa in the bloom area. Other common forms were chain-forming diatoms like Rhizosolenia spp., Nitzschia spp. and Chaetoreros spp. The photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll a, however did not show any concomitant rise with the bloom intensity probably... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Prymnesiophycée; Phaeocystis; Floraison; Mer d’Arabie; Prymnesiophyceae; Phaeocystis; Bloom; Arabian sea. Ano: 2000 URL: A fish-based index of estuarine ecological quality incorporating information from both scientific fish survey and experts knowledge Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Tableau, Adrien; Drouineau, Hilaire; Delpech, C.; Pierre, M.; Lobry, J.; Le Pape, O.; Breine, J.; Lepage, Mario. In the Water Framework Directive (European Union) context, a multimetric fish based index is required to assess the ecological status of French estuarine water bodies. A first indicator called ELFI was developed, however similarly to most indicators, the method to combine the core metrics was rather subjective and this indicator does not provide uncertainty assessment. Recently, a Bayesian method to build indicators was developed and appeared relevant to select metrics sensitive to global anthropogenic pressure, to combine them objectively in an index and to provide a measure of uncertainty around the diagnostic. Moreover, the Bayesian framework is especially well adapted to integrate knowledge and information not included in surveys data. In this context,... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Anthropogenic pressure; Bayesian method; Expert judgement; Multimetric fish-based indicator; Prior information; Water Framework Directive. Ano: 2013 URL: A fisheries acoustic multi-frequency indicator to inform on large scale spatial patterns of aquatic pelagic ecosystems Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Trenkel, Verena; Berger, Laurent. Fisheries acoustic instruments provide information on four major groups in aquatic ecosystems: fish with and without swim bladder (tertiary and quaternary consumers), fluidlike zooplankton (secondary consumers) and small gas bearing organisms such as larval fish and phytoplankton (predominantly primary producers). We entertain that this information is useable to describe the spatial structure of organism groups in pelagic ecosystems. The proposal we make is based on a multi-frequency indicator that synthesises in a single metric the shape of the acoustic frequency response of different organism groups, i.e. the dependence of received acoustic backscattered energy on emitting echosounder frequency. We demonstrate the development and interpretation of the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Acoustics; Frequency response curve; Monitoring; EOF; Ecosystem state. Ano: 2013 URL: A fleet of multiparameter observatories for geophysical and environmental monitoring at seafloor Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Favali, P; Beranzoli, L; D'Anna, G; Gasparoni, F; Marvaldi, Jean; Clauss, G; Gerber, H; Nicot,; Marani, M; Gamberi, F; Millot, C; Finch, E. Seafloor long-term, multiparameter, single-frame observatories have been developed within the framework of European Commission and Italian projects since 1995. A fleet of five seafloor observatories, built-up starting from 1995 within the framework of an effective synergy among research institutes and industries, have carried out a series of long-term sea experiments. The observatories are able to operate from shallow waters to deep-sea, down to 4000 m w.d., and to simultaneously monitor a broad spectrum of geophysical and environmental processes, including seismicity, geomagnetic field variations, water temperature, pressure, salinity, chemistry, currents, and gas occurrence. Moreover, they can transmit data in (near)-real-time that can be integrated with... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Geophysical and environmental seabed monitoring; Long term multidisciplinary seafloor observatories. Ano: 2006 URL: A fleet-metier based approach of the small scale fishing activity in the French West Indies Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Guyader, Olivier; Reynal, Lionel; Demaneche, Sebastien; Berthou, Patrick; Daures, Fabienne. The development of the ecosystemic approach for fisheries supposes to improve integrated analysis of fisheries by considering the biological as well as the socio-economic dimensions of the exploitation. A prerequisite for integrated analysis is the improvement in the knowledge of fleets structure, fleet evolution and allocation of fishing effort in the different fisheries. However, small scale fisheries are often characterized by a lack of knowledge on the vessel fishing activity. This paper first presents a data collection methodology recently applied in the French West (Guadeloupe and Martinique) for the follow up of the whole vessel population. Based on a statistical analysis of these data sets, the paper develops a fleet-metier matrix giving the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Flottille; Métiers; Activité; Petite pêche; Gestion des pêches; Fleet; Metiers; Fishing activity; Small scale fisheries; Fisheries management. Ano: 2007 URL: A flow cytometric approach to study intracellular-free Ca2+ in Crassostrea gigas haemocytes Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Aton, Emilie; Renault, Tristan; Gagnaire, Beatrice; Thomas Guyon, Hélène; Cognard, C; Imbert, N. Bivalve haemocytes are essential in defence mechanisms including phagocytosis. They also produce molecules including hydrolytic enzymes and antimicrobial peptides that contribute to pathogen destruction. Although haemocyte activities have been extensively studied, relatively little is known about the intracellular signalling pathways that are evoked during haemocyte activation and especially the role of calcium. Flow cytometry has been used for the first time to define the effect of cell incubation in haemolymph and artificial sea water (ASW) on Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, haemocytes. Cell viability, enzymatic activities (esterases and amino peptidases), phagocytosis and granulocyte percentage were analysed. Viability and some activities were... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Cellular activities; Fluo 3/AM; Calcium; Flow cytometry; Haemocytes; Crassostrea gigas. Ano: 2006 URL: A flow injection-fluorometric method for the determination of ammonium in fresh and saline waters with a view to in situ analyses Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Aminot, Alain; Kerouel, Roger; Birot, Dominique. A version of the orthophthaldialdehyde-fluorescence ammonium determination for flow injection analysis (FIA) is presented here, with a view to its use for in situ, low-power consumption systems, Thus, the reaction temperature was limited to 30 degreesC and FIA was used in stop-Bow mode (3 min stop). The calibration is linear up to 50 mu mol l(-1), but concentrations up to 100 mu mol l(-1) can be measured. Repeatability is around 1% in the range of 0.5-4 mu mol l(-1) and the detection limit is about 0.03 mu mol l(-1) Over the salinity range of 5-35 (seawater practical salinity scale) the salt effect is almost negligible (within +/- 2%); and below salinity of 5 it increases to a maximum of -9% in fresh water compared to seawater. Hydrogen carbonate,... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: In situ; Fluorometry; Flow injection analysis; Determination; Ammonium. Ano: 2001 URL: A flow-through rearing system for ecophysiological studies of Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas larvae Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Rico Villa, Benjamin; Woerther, Patrice; Mingant, Christian; Le Piver, David; Pouvreau, Stephane; Hamon, Michel; Robert, Rene. While literature is relatively abundant on adult shellfish, ecophysiological studies at the larval stage are scarce because of both technical difficulties and inadequate methodology. A tool dedicated to provide basic information for larval ecophysiology was accordingly developed. Two steps were followed: first a flow-through method of Crassostrea gigas larval culture was perfected during a set of experiments in which rearing systems and larval density were assessed. Then a continuous hydrobiological data recorder was adapted with modifications to comply with our experimental aim. SILO (Système d'Instrumentation des Larves en flux Ouvert) allowed the successive acquisition of hydrobiological parameters in ten 150 l larval tanks in which larvae were reared... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Temperature; Ecophysiology; Bivalve larvae; Crassostrea gigas; Flow through. Ano: 2008 URL: A four-dimensional analysis of the thermal structure in the Gulf of Lion Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Gaillard, Fabienne; Desaubies, Yves; Send, Uwe; Schott, Fritz. The Theoretical and Experimental Tomography in the Sea Experiment (THETIS 1) took place in the Gulf of Lion to observe the evolution of the temperature field and the process of deep convection during the 1991-1992 winter. The temperature measurements consist, of moored sensors, conductivity-temperature-depth and expendable bathythermograph surveys, ana acoustic tomography. Because of this diverse data set and since the field evolves rather fast, the analysis uses a unified framework, based on estimation theory and implementing a Kalman filter. The resolution and the errors associated with the model are systematically estimated. Temperature is a good tracer of water masses. The time-evolving three-dimensional view of the field resulting from the analysis... Tipo: Text Ano: 1997 URL: A framework for evaluating management plans comprehensively Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Trenkel, Verena; Rochet, Marie-joelle; Rice, Jake C. We present a framework for evaluating fisheries management plans comprehensively, both rebuilding plans and others. The framework includes a first rapid appraisal of the likelihood that the plan will result in management meeting its objectives, and guides subsequent quantitative analyses of potential weaknesses in the proposed plan. The framework includes four steps: (i) evaluating if a set of management objectives, if achieved, would result in a sustainable fishery, (ii) using qualitative analysis of a bio-economic model to evaluate whether the set of stock management tactics might be capable of achieving the specified fisheries objectives, (iii) using empirical criteria derived from the literature to evaluate if other management measures in the plan... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Loop analysis; Management strategy; Management strategy evaluation; Qualitative modelling; Stock rebuilding; Sustainability. Ano: 2015 URL: A framework for qualitatively evaluating management plans in a results-based perspective Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Rochet, Marie-joelle; Trenkel, Verena; Rice, Jake. Currently many multi-year management plans are being developed either for rebuilding depleted stocks or for avoiding difficult negotiations when management decisions must be revisited on a regular basis. Management plans are commonly evaluated by intensive model simulations that describe the ecological and economic dynamics, and the management loop. Under the results-based management paradigm, the fishing industry or particular fishing sectors will develop their own management plans, potentially leading to a huge number of plans to be evaluated. Guidelines for evaluating the plans on a qualitative level before launching quantitative evaluations will be essential. Here we propose a framework for evaluating management strategies in a qualitative way. A... Tipo: Text Ano: 2010 URL: A framework for selecting a suite of indicators for fisheries management Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Rice, Jake; Rochet, Marie-joelle. We develop a framework for the objective selection of a suite of indicators for use in fisheries management. The framework encompasses eight steps, and provides guidance on pitfalls to be avoided at each step. Step I identifies user groups and their needs, featuring the setting of operational objectives, and Step 2 identifies a corresponding list of candidate indicators. Step 3 assigns weights to nine screening criteria for the candidate indicators: concreteness, theoretical basis, public awareness, cost, measurement, historic data, sensitivity, responsiveness, and specificity. Step 4 scores the indicators against the criteria, and Step 5 summarizes the results. Steps 3-5 offer technical aspects on which guidance is provided, including scoring standards... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Scoring; Objectives; Indicators; Guidelines; Framework; Ecosystem; Criteria. Ano: 2005 URL: A French environmental specimen bank of marine bivalves : archive of trace chemical contamination Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Claisse, Didier; Knoery, Joel. Since 1979, the French Marine Monitoring network (RNO) has been regularly collecting blue mussels and oysters at some 100 characterized sites along the French shore. The bivalves are used as quantitative bio-indicators of coastal chemical contamination. Since 1981, the collected samples have been stabilized and archived in a sample bank. The sample collection is thus a continuously lengthening record of coastal contamination. Bivalves are collected by the Ifremer coastal laboratories. In order to eliminate their faeces and pseudofaeces, molluscs are depurated for 24 hours in decanted sea water from the sampling area. They are then sized, shucked from their shell and frozen in pools of 20-50 animals. At the Dépt of Biogeochemistry and Ecotoxicology, the... Tipo: Text Ano: 2010 URL: A Functional Study of Transforming Growth Factor-Beta from the Gonad of Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Corporeau, Charlotte; Groisillier, Agnes; Jeudy, Alexandra; Barbeyron, Tristan; Fleury, Elodie; Fabioux, Caroline; Czjzek, Mirjam; Huvet, Arnaud. The transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta superfamily is a group of important growth factors involved in multiple processes such as differentiation, cell proliferation, apoptosis and cellular growth. In the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas, the oyster gonadal (og) TGF-beta gene was recently characterized through genome-wide expression profiling of oyster lines selected to be resistant or susceptible to summer mortality. Og TGF-beta appeared specifically expressed in the gonad to reach a maximum when gonads are fully mature, which singularly contrasts with the pleiotropic roles commonly ascribed to most TGF-beta family members. The function of og TGF-beta protein in oysters is unknown, and defining its role remains challenging. In this study, we develop a... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Transforming growth factor-beta; Bacterial expression; In vivo antibody inhibition; Reproduction; Crassostrea gigas; Marine bivalve. Ano: 2011 URL: A future for marine fisheries in Europe (Manifesto of the Association Francaise d'Halieumetrie) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Gascuel, D.; Bez, Nicolas; Forest, Andre; Guillotreau, P.; Laloe, F.; Lobry, Jeremy; Mahevas, Stephanie; Mesnil, Benoit; Rivot, Etienne; Rochette, S.; Trenkel, Verena. We, members of the Association Francaise d'Halieumetrie, share the conviction that European fisheries have a future. It is time to get off the wrong track. Radical change is required to embark on the path of sustainable development and truly implement the ecosystem approach to fisheries. Today, high fishing pressure is deployed to catch a rare resource, which in return is responsible for the rarity. We must reverse the situation: an abundant resource that affords high catches applying moderate fishing pressure. All management tools and especially all actors must be mobilized. The transition is not simple, and European solidarity must accompany the changes. It is well worth the effort. By reducing fishing pressure, it will be possible in the medium term to... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Access regulation; Ecosystem approach to fisheries; European Common Fishery Policy; ITQ; MPA; MSY; Management plan; Overcapacity; Subsidies. Ano: 2011 URL: A "G" chromosome banding study of three cupped oyster species : Crassostrea gigas, Crassostrea angulata and Crassostrea virginica (Mollusca : Bivalvia) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Leitao, Alexandra; Thiriot-quievreux, Catherine; Malheiro, Isabel; Boudry, Pierre. The G-banding technique was performed on chromosomes from gill tissue of three cupped oyster species : Crassostrea gigas, Crassostrea angulata and Crassostrea virginica. Identification of the ten individual chromosome pairs was obtained. Comparative analysis of G-banded karyotypes of the three species showed that their banding patterns generally resembled each other, with chromosome pair 3 being similar in all three species. However, differences from one species to another were also observed. The G-banding pattern highlighted greater similarities between C. gigas and C. angulata than between these two species and C. virginica, thus providing an additional argument for genetic divergence between, these two evolutionary lineages. C. gigas and C. angulata... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Crassostrea virginica; Crassostrea angulata; Crassostrea gigas; G banding; Chromosome. Ano: 1999 URL: A general framework for indicator design and use with application to the assessment of coastal water quality and marine protected area management Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Beliaeff, Benoit; Pelletier, Dominique. Environmental management decisions based upon indicators are the end point of a process involving stakeholders and scientists. These steps should be explicit and follow a chronology. This paper presents a general framework for the design and use of management-oriented indicators, integrating management questions and performance criteria. We first examined the desirable characteristics of indicators aimed at providing decision-support for marine environmental management. Ideally, one should select the indicator that guarantees a safe and unambiguous decision leading to the appropriate measures in terms of regulation, remediation or control. In the present study, indicators are assessed according to two criteria: relevance and effectiveness. Relevance... Tipo: Text Ano: 2011 URL: A geological field trip to the Cote d'Ivoire Ghana transform margin Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Mascle, J; Guiraud, M; Benkhelil, J; Basile, C; Bouillin, Jp; Mascle, G; Cousin, M; Durand, M; Dejax, J; Moullade, M. During the Equanaute survey (June 1992), fourteen submersible dives were performed between 4950 and 2250 m water depths across the southern slope of the Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana Marginal Ridge (CIGMR), in the eastern Equatorial Atlantic. The CIGMR, a high-standing topographic marginal ridge along the Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana transform margin, is believed to result from a complex structural evolution due to the specific wrench-related rifting between Western Equatorial Africa and Northeastern Brazil, in Early Cretaceous times. In this paper we report and discuss geological observations made during dives, and sample analyses to resolve the lithology, paleoenvironmental conditions, age and origin of the CIGMR. The data help in better characterizing the different... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marge transformante; Géologie; Côte d’lvoire-Ghana; Atlantique Equatorial; Transform margin; Geology; Côte d’Ivoire-Ghana; Equatorial Atlantic. Ano: 1998 URL: A geomechanical approach for the genesis of sediment undulations on the Adriatic shelf - art. no. Q04R03 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Sultan, Nabil; Cattaneo, Antonio; Urgeles, R; Lee, H; Locat, J; Trincardi, F; Berne, Serge; Canals, M; Lafuerza, S. This study is among the first to examine the genesis of the seafloor and subsurface undulations on the Adriatic continental shelf by integrating stratigraphic information and in situ and laboratory geotechnical measurements. Interpretation of sediment behavior is based on a 32-m-long borehole crossing ( 1) a possible shear plane and ( 2) a silty clay layer at about 20 m below seafloor (mbsf) on which sediment undulations are rooted and could be interpreted as a potential weak layer succession. Our main results in terms of triggering mechanism for the observed undulations show that under an earthquake, liquefaction and/or failure of the silty-clay sediments ( weak layer) leading to deformation of the upper more cohesive sediments is possible only when such... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sediment deformation; Shear strength; Earthquake; Adriatic shelf. Ano: 2008 URL: A Geostatistical Definition of Hotspots for Fish Spatial Distributions Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Petitgas, Pierre; Woillez, Mathieu; Doray, Mathieu; Rivoirard, Jacques. Research surveys at sea are undertaken yearly to monitor the distribution and abundance of fish stocks. In the survey data, a small number of high fish concentration values are often encountered, which denote hotspots of interest. But statistically, they are responsible for important uncertainty in the estimation. Thus understanding their spatial predictability given their surroundings is expected to reduce such uncertainty. Indicator variograms and cross-variograms allow to understand the spatial relationship between values above a cutoff and the rest of the distribution under that cutoff. Using these tools, a “top” cutoff can be evidenced above which values are spatially uncorrelated with their lower surroundings. Spatially, the geometric set... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hotspots; Indicators; Non-linear geostatistics; Multivariate geostatistics; Anchovy; Biscay. Ano: 2016 URL: A geostatistical method for assessing biomass of tuna aggregations around moored fish aggregating devices with star acoustic surveys Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Doray, Mathieu; Petitgas, Pierre; Josse, E. Universal kriging was used to model the spatio-temporal variability in the acoustic density of tuna aggregations recorded during star echosounding surveys around moored fish aggregating devices (FADs) in Martinique (Lesser Antilles). The large-scale deterministic drift in the tuna spatial distribution was modeled using an advection-diffusion equation applied to animal grouping. Residuals from the drift were modeled as a random component with small-scale spatial correlation. An estimation variance formula was derived from this deterministic-statistical mixed model to assess the mean precision of density estimates of daytime tuna aggregation. The mean relative error obtained with our star design for daytime surveys was 24%. The methodology was applied to... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Acoustic survey precision; Advection diffusion model; Moored fish aggregating devices; Tuna; Geostatistics. Ano: 2008 URL: A Geostrategic View of Semi-enclosed Boundary Seas: the Case of the EU Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Henocque, Yves. This article is an adapted short version of a paper prepared in the framework of an EU 7th Research Programme project EU4SEAS: EU’s Strategy on Maritime and Environmental Issues in the Four Seas: multilateral approaches in the Baltic, Black, Caspian and Mediterranean seas. Y. Henocque and X. Lafon. 2011 Tipo: Text Ano: 2012 URL: A GIS interface to the French Fisheries Information System of Ifremer Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Harscoat, Valerie; Leblond, Emilie; Treguer, Mickael; Berthou, Patrick. The Fisheries Information System of Ifremer aims to build an operational and multidisciplinary monitoring network for scientific purposes, allowing a comprehensive view of fishery systems including their biological, technical, environmental and economical components. One of its objectives consists in elaborating and providing data and indicators for a widespread public (researchers, fishermen, administration, general public…), including bio-economic diagnostics and assessment of the short and long-term impacts of fisheries management scenario and measures. To further an integrated analysis of the fishery systems, the wide range kinds of data (landings, efforts, biological or environmental observations, economic data…) are managed in a single data... Tipo: Text Ano: 2008 URL: A glimpse on the mollusc industry in Europe Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Robert, Rene; Sanchez, Jose Luis; Perez-paralle, Luz; Ponis, Emanuele; Kamermans, Pauline; O'Mahoney, Maria. Tipo: Text Ano: 2013 URL: A global comparison of Argo and satellite altimetry observations Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Dhomps, A. -l.; Guinehut, S.; Le Traon, Pierre-yves; Larnicol, Gilles. Differences, similarities and complementarities between Sea Level Anomalies (SLA) deduced from altimeter measurements and dynamic height anomalies (DHA) calculated from Argo in situ temperature (T) and salinity (S) profiles are globally analyzed. SLA and DHA agree remarkably well and, compared to previous studies, Argo dataset allows an improvement in the coherence between SLA and DHA. Indeed, Argo data provides a much better spatial coverage of all oceans and particularly the Southern Ocean, the use of an Argo mean dynamic height, the use of measured salinity profiles (versus climatological salinity), and the use of a deeper reference level (1000 m versus 700 m). The large influence of Argo salinity observations on the consistency between altimetry and... Tipo: Text Ano: 2011 URL: A global inventory of small floating plastic debris Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Van Sebille, Erik; Wilcox, Chris; Lebreton, Laurent; Maximenko, Nikolai; Hardesty, Britta Denise; Van Franeker, Jan A.; Eriksen, Marcus; Siegel, David; Galgani, Francois; Law, Kara Lavender. Microplastic debris floating at the ocean surface can harm marine life. Understanding the severity of this harm requires knowledge of plastic abundance and distributions. Dozens of expeditions measuring microplastics have been carried out since the 1970s, but they have primarily focused on the North Atlantic and North Pacific accumulation zones, with much sparser coverage elsewhere. Here, we use the largest dataset of microplastic measurements assembled to date to assess the confidence we can have in global estimates of microplastic abundance and mass. We use a rigorous statistical framework to standardize a global dataset of plastic marine debris measured using surface-trawling plankton nets and coupled this with three different ocean circulation models... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marine debris; Ocean circulation; Model comparison. Ano: 2015 URL: A global wave parameter database for geophysical applications. Part 1: Wave-current-turbulence interaction parameters for the open ocean based on traditional parameterizations Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Rascle, N; Ardhuin, Fabrice; Queffeulou, Pierre; Croize-fillon, Denis. Ocean surface mixing and drift are influenced by the mixed layer depth, buoyancy fluxes and currents below the mixed layer. Drift and mixing are also functions of the surface Stokes drift U, volume Stokes transport T-s, a wave breaking height scale H-swg, and the flux of energy from waves to ocean turbulence Phi(oc). Here we describe a global database of these parameters, estimated from a well-validated numerical wave model, that uses traditional forms of the wave generation and dissipation parameterizations, and covers the years 2003-2007. Compared to previous studies, the present work has the advantage of being consistent with the known physical processes that regulate the wave field and the air-sea fluxes, and also consistent with a very large number of... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ocean mixing; Surface drift; Air sea fluxes; Surface gravity waves. Ano: 2008 URL: A global wave parameter database for geophysical applications. Part 2: Model validation with improved source term parameterization Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Rascle, Nicolas; Ardhuin, Fabrice. A multi-scale global hindcast of ocean waves is presented that covers the years 1994-2012, based on recently published parameterizations for wind sea and swell dissipation [Ardhuin, F., Rogers, E., Babanin, A., Filipot, J.-F., Magne, R., Roland, A., van der Westhuysen, A., Queffeulou, P., Lefevre, J.-M., Aouf, L., Collard, F., 2010. Semi-empirical dissipation source functions for wind-wave models: Part I. Definition, calibration and validation. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 40 (9), 1917-1941]. Results from this hindcast include traditional wave parameters, like the significant wave height and mean periods, and we particularly consider the accuracy of the results for phenomenal sea states, with significant heights above 14 m. Using unbiased winds, there is no evidence... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Waves; Hindcast; Air-sea fluxes; Stokes drift; Mean square slope; Seismic noise. Ano: 2013 URL: A granite cliff deep in the North Atlantic Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Pautot, Guy; Renard, Vincent; Auffret, Gérard-andré; Pastouret, Leo; De Charpal, Olivier. WE report here preliminary results from the detailed sampling of granitic basement at a depth of 4.000 m at the lower edge of the Armorican continental margin near 48°N and 12°W. We consider that we have sampled here the extreme lateral limit of the continental crust where local exposures emerge from under a cover of Cainozoic,Mesozoic and probable Palaeozoic sediments. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR] Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer. Ano: 1976 URL: A hemocyte gene expression signature correlated with predictive capacity of oysters to survive Vibrio infections Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Rosa, Rafael Diego; De Lorgeril, Julien; Tailliez, Patrick; Bruno, Roman; Piquemal, David; Bachere, Evelyne. Background: The complex balance between environmental and host factors is an important determinant of susceptibility to infection. Disturbances of this equilibrium may result in multifactorial diseases as illustrated by the summer mortality syndrome, a worldwide and complex phenomenon that affects the oysters, Crassostrea gigas. The summer mortality syndrome reveals a physiological intolerance making this oyster species susceptible to diseases. Exploration of genetic basis governing the oyster resistance or susceptibility to infections is thus a major goal for understanding field mortality events. In this context, we used high-throughput genomic approaches to identify genetic traits that may characterize inherent survival capacities in C. gigas. Results:... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marine invertebrate; Mollusk bivalve; Mass mortality; Transcriptome-wide analysis; Digital gene expression; Microfluidic qPCR; Survival signature; Polymorphism; Gene copy number; Survival predictive biomarkers. Ano: 2012 URL: A herpes-like virus infects a non-ostreid bivalve species: virus replication in Ruditapes philippinarum larvae Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Renault, Tristan; Lipart, Cecile; Arzul, Isabelle. Sporadic high mortalities were reported in June 1997 among hatchery-reared larval Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum in a French commercial hatchery. Cellular abnormalities were observed in semi-thin sections in affected animals. Transmission electron microscopy revealed the presence of herpes-like virus particles in larvae. This is the first description of a herpes-like virus infection in larval R. philippinarum, a non-ostreid bivalve species. Virus particles were similar to other herpes-like viruses described from different oyster species with respect to ultrastructure and morphogenesis. Electron microscopic examination also demonstrated cells with condensed chromatin and extensive perinuclear fragmentation of chromatin. Like viruses infecting oysters,... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Apoptosis; Virus replication; Mortality; Ruditapes philippinarum; Manila clam; Herpes like virus. Ano: 2001 URL: A hierarchical Bayesian model for embedding larval drift and habitat models in integrated life cycles for exploited fish Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Rochette, Sebastien; Le Pape, Olivier; Vigneau, Joel; Rivot, Etienne. This paper proposes a hierarchical Bayesian framework for modeling the life cycle of marine exploited fish with a spatial perspective. The application was developed for a nursery-dependent fish species, the common sole (Solea solea), on the Eastern Channel population (Western Europe). The approach combined processes of different natures and various sources of observations within an integrated framework for life-cycle modeling: (1) outputs of an individual-based model for larval drift and survival that provided yearly estimates of the dispersion and mortality of eggs and larvae, from spawning grounds to settlement in several coastal nurseries; (2) a habitat suitability model, based on juvenile trawl surveys coupled with a geographic information system, to... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Eastern Channel (Western Europe); Habitat suitability model; Hierarchical Bayesian model; Hydrodynamic models; Integrated model; Larval drift; Life cycle; Nursery; Recruitment; Sole; Solea solea; Spatially structured. Ano: 2013 URL: A high load of non-neutral amino-acid polymorphisms explains high protein diversity despite moderate effective population size in a marine bivalve with sweepstakes reproduction Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Harrang, Estelle; Lapegue, Sylvie; Morga, Benjamin; Bierne, Nicolas. Marine bivalves show among the greatest allozyme diversity ever reported in Eukaryotes, putting them historically at the heart of the neutralist-selectionist controversy on the maintenance of genetic variation. Although it is now acknowledged that this high diversity is most probably a simple consequence of a large population size, convincing support for this explanation would require a rigorous assessment of the silent nucleotide diversity in natural populations of marine bivalves, which has not yet been done. This study investigated DNA sequence polymorphism in a set of 37 nuclear loci in wild samples of the flat oyster Ostrea edulis. Silent diversity was found to be only moderate (0.7%), and there was no departure from demographic equilibrium under the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Nucleotide; Polymorphism; Marine bivalve; Deleterious; Mutations; Genetic load; Ostrea edulis. Ano: 2013 URL: A high-resolution 44-year atmospheric hindcast for the Mediterranean Basin: contribution to the regional improvement of global reanalysis Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Sotillo, M; Ratsimandresy, A; Carretero, J; Bentamy, Abderrahim; Valero, F; Gonzalez Rouco, F. A 44-year (1958-2001) high-resolution atmospheric hindcast for the whole Mediterranean Basin was performed within the EU-funded Hindcast of Dynamic Processes of the Ocean and Coastal Areas of Europe (HIPOCAS) Project. The long-term hindcasted data set, which comprises several atmospheric parameters at different levels, was produced by means of dynamical downscaling from the NCEP/NCAR global reanalysis using the atmospheric limited area model REMO. The REMO hindcast has been exhaustively validated. On that score, various hindcasted surface parameters, such as 10-m wind field, 2-m temperature and mean sea level pressure, have been compared to satellite data (ERS-1/2 scatterometer) and in-situ measurements from offshore stations. In addition, two ocean models... Tipo: Text Ano: 2005 URL: A high-resolution modeling study of the Western Iberian Margin mean and seasonal upper ocean circulation Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Nolasco, Rita; Pires, Ana; Cordeiro, Nuno; Le Cann, Bernard; Dubert, Jesus. The mean seasonal hydrography and circulation of the Western Iberian Margin (WIM) are studied by means of a high-resolution configuration of the Regional Oceanic Modeling System. A comparison of 5-year model averages for January and July with climatological datasets shows a general good agreement in the reproduction of the mean water mass properties and hydrographic distribution. We find that there is a prevailing tendency for slope poleward flow at about 80-100 km offshore at all latitudes from the surface to 1,500 m with strong vertical coupling. This northward flow, which is mainly along slope and amounts up to 8-10 cm s(-1), exhibits several mean flow recirculation regions on its way and evidences of an offshore pathway of poleward flow. Transports at... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Western Iberian Margin; Numerical modeling; Poleward flow; Upwelling systems. Ano: 2013 URL: A histological examination of grafting success in pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera in French Polynesia Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Cochennec-laureau, Nathalie; Montagnani, Caroline; Saulnier, Denis; Fougerouse, Angelique; Levy, Peva; Lo, Cedrik. Pearl oyster grafting is a complex surgical operation that should lead to pearl formation after approximately eighteen months. Although this technique has been used for many years in French Polynesia, the grafting process is still not standardised. While studies have been carried out in order to improve graft performance and yield, these remain highly variable due to post-grafting mortality, nucleus rejection and unreliable pearl quality, all of which constrain pearl farm profitability. The present study uses histological analysis to monitor oysters that either rejected or retained their nuclei. Both groups of oysters are compared in terms of evolution of the graft, which could influence retention, and the development of a pearl sac in cases where grafting... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Grafting process; Pearl formation; Pearl oyster; Pteriidae; Pinctada margaritifera. Ano: 2010 URL: A histological study on the development of the digestive system of Pseudosciaena crocea larvae and juveniles Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Mai, Kangsen; Yu, Hairui; Ma, Hongming; Duan, Qingyuan; Gisbert, Enric; Zambonino, Jose-luis; Cahu, Chantal. The ontogenetic development of the gut and accessory organs in large yellow croaker Pseudosciaena crocea was investigated using light microscopy from hatching up to the juvenile stage (40 days post hatch, dph). At 3 dph (mean +/- S.D., 4.1 +/- 0.1 mm total length, L-T), coinciding with the buccopharynx opening, larvae started to feed exogenously, and the gut consisted of a well-developed buccopharynx, a partially-differentiated oesophagus and an intestine divided in three regions (anterior intestine, intermediate intestine and rectum). Yolk reserves were not completely depleted at the onset of exogenous feeding, and a period of mixed nutrition was observed up to 6 dph (4.3 +/- 0.1 mm L-T) when yolk was definitively exhausted. Important morphological... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pseudosciaena crocea; Ontogenetic development; Large yellow croaker; Histology; Digestive system. Ano: 2005 URL: A HMM-based model to geolocate pelagic fish from high-resolution individual temperature and depth histories: European sea bass as a case study Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Woillez, Mathieu; Fablet, Ronan; Tran-thanh Ngo,; Lalire, Maxime; Lazure, Pascal; De Pontual, Helene. Numerous methods have been developed to geolocate fish from data storage tags. Whereas demersal species have been tracked using tide-driven geolocation models, pelagic species which undertake extensive migrations have been mainly tracked using light-based models. Here, we present a new HMM-based model that infers pelagic fish positions from the sole use of high-resolution temperature and depth histories. A key contribution of our framework lies in model parameter inference (diffusion coefficient and noise parameters with respect to the reference geophysical fields—satellite SST and temperatures derived from the MARS3D hydrodynamic model), which improves model robustness. As a case study, we consider long time series of data storage tags (DSTs) deployed on... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fish movement; Archival tagging; Migration; Population structure; Hidden Markov Model (HMM); State-space model. Ano: 2016 URL: A Holistic Approach to Marine Eco-Systems Biology Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Karsenti, Eric; Acinas, Silvia G.; Bork, Peer; Bowler, Chris; De Vargas, Colomban; Raes, Jeroen; Sullivan, Matthew; Arendt, Detlev; Benzoni, Francesca; Claverie, Jean-michel; Follows, Mick; Gorsky, Gaby; Hingamp, Pascal; Iudicone, Daniele; Jaillon, Olivier; Kandels-lewis, Stefanie; Krzic, Uros; Not, Fabrice; Ogata, Hiroyuki; Pesant, Stephane; Reynaud, Emmanuel Georges; Sardet, Christian; Sieracki, Michael E.; Speich, Sabrina; Velayoudon, Didier; Weissenbach, Jean; Wincker, Patrick. Tipo: Text Ano: 2011 URL: A hybrid zone between Bathymodiolus mussel lineages from eastern Pacific hydrothermal vents Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Johnson, Shannon B.; Won, Yong-jin; Harvey, Julio B. J.; Vrijenhoek, Robert C. Background: The inhabitants of deep-sea hydrothermal vents occupy ephemeral island-like habitats distributed sporadically along tectonic spreading-centers, back-arc basins, and volcanically active seamounts. The majority of vent taxa undergo a pelagic larval phase, and thus varying degrees of geographical subdivision, ranging from no impedance of dispersal to complete isolation, often exist among taxa that span common geomorphological boundaries. Two lineages of Bathymodiolus mussels segregate on either side of the Easter Microplate, a boundary that separates the East Pacific Rise from spreading centers connected to the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge. Results: A recent sample from the northwest flank of the Easter Microplate contained an admixture of northern... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bathymodiolus antarcticus n. sp; Hybridization; Recombination; Linkage disequilibrium; Deep-sea; Hydrothermal vent; Bathymodiolus thermophilus. Ano: 2013 URL: A hydrographic section from South Africa to the southern limit of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current at the Greenwich meridian Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Gladyshev, S; Arhan, Michel; Sokov, A; Speich, Sabrina. The properties and circulation of water masses leaving and entering the Atlantic Ocean south of Africa are examined using data from a hydrographic and Lowered acoustic Doppler current profiler section from South Africa to the southern limit of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). At the upper levels, the ACC fronts are well determined using either classical water mass definitions or gradient-based criteria. While the locations of the Subantarctic Front (SAF), Polar Front (PF), and Southern ACC Front (SACCF) seem controlled by the neighbouring ridges, that of the Subtropical Front (STF) is much influenced in this region (similar to 10 degrees E) by northwestward propagating Agulhas rings. No large amount of Subantarctic Mode Water (SAMW) is observed,... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Water masses; Fronts; Bottom circulation; Transport; Agulhas eddies; Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Ano: 2008 URL: A joint electromagnetic and seismic study of an active pockmark within the hydrate stability field at the Vestnesa Ridge, West Svalbard margin Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Goswami, Bedanta K.; Weitemeyer, Karen A.; Minshull, Timothy A.; Sinha, Martin C.; Westbrook, Graham; Chabert, Anne; Henstock, Timothy J.; Ker, Stephan. We acquired coincident marine controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM), high-resolution seismic reflection and ocean-bottom seismometer (OBS) data over an active pockmark in the crest of the southern part of the Vestnesa Ridge, to estimate fluid composition within an underlying fluid-migration chimney. Synthetic model studies suggest resistivity obtained from CSEM data can resolve gas or hydrate saturation greater than 5% within the chimney. Acoustic chimneys imaged by seismic reflection data beneath the pockmark and on the ridge flanks, were found to be associated with high-resistivity anomalies (+2-4 m). High-velocity anomalies (+0.3 km/s), within the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ) and low-velocity anomalies (-0.2 km/s) underlying the GHSZ, were also... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Gas hydrate; Svalbard; CSEM; Saturation; Pockmark; Vestnesa. Ano: 2015 URL: A kinetic energy budget and internal instabilities in the Fine Resolution Antarctic Model Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Ivchenko, Vladimir O; Treguier, Anne-marie; Best, Se. An energy analysis of the Fine Resolution Antarctic Model (FRAM) reveals the instability processes in the model. The main source of time-mean kinetic energy is the wind stress and the main sink is transfer to mean potential energy. The wind forcing thus helps maintain the density structure. Transient motions result from internal instabilities of the Bow rather than seasonal variations of the forcing. Baroclinic instability is found to be an important mechanism in FRAM. The highest values of available potential energy are found in the western boundary regions as well as in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) region. All subregions with predominantly zonal flow are found to be baroclinically unstable. The observed deficit of eddy kinetic energy in FRAM... Tipo: Text Ano: 1997 URL: A la recherche de l'huître portuguaise: identification de marqueurs moléculaires discriminant Crassostrea angulata et Crassostrea gigas Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Cornette, Florence. L'étude historique de l'ostréiculture française monte que cette activité est caractérisée par des périodes de prospérités et de pénurie. Des épizooties ont été à l'origine de ces alternances. A chacune de ces période, on a pu constater des changements d'espèces : Ostrea edulis fut remplacée par Crassostrea angulata, de même celle-ci fut remplacée par Crassostrea gigas dans les années 1970. L'étude de la bibliographie montre que les techniques utilisées pour distinguer des espèces Crassostrea angulata et Crassostrea gigas sont insuffisantes. L'évolution des technologies en matière d'analyses génétiques ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives. La recherche de marqueurs moléculaires réalisée sur Crassostrea angulata et Crassostrea gigas, par amplification par PCR... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Crassostrea angulata; Crassostrea gigas; Marqueurs moléculaires; ADN mitochondrial; PCR; Enzymes de restrictions; Haplotypes. Ano: 1996 URL: A laboratory model system for analysing microbial interactions occurring in anoxic estuarine sediments. Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Herbert, R; Keith, S. Defined mixed populations of Clostridium butyricum, Desulfovibrio desulfuricans and Chromatium vinosum co-existed for long periods when grown in a single stage chemostat with glucose as sole carbon source. The nature and availability of the inorganic nitrogen source exerted a major effect on carbon flow in the experimental system. The data show that both the C. butyricum and D. desulfuricans isolates can utilise NO sub(3) as an e super(-)acceptor with an increase in cell yield. Under these growth conditions the free S super(2-) levels were lower resulting in more stable mixed populations. In addition the data show that the C. butyricum produces more oxidised fermentation end-products (acetate) when NO sub(3) super(-) was available and more reduced products... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Chromatium vinosum; Desulfovibrio desulfuricans; Clostridium butyricum; Biogeochemistry; Models; Bacteria; Detritus; Mineralization; Anoxic sediments; Estuarine sedimentation; Analytical techniques; Carbon cycle; Interspecific relationships; Microbiology. Ano: 1984 URL: A laboratory study of buoyant fresh-water boundary currents in tidal cross-flows Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Davies, Pa; Jacobs, Ptga; Mofor, La. Laboratory modelling experiments have been conducted to simulate the behaviour and stability characteristics of a buoyant boundary current formed by the discharge of river water into a tidal crossflow. Results from parametric studies of conditions typical of the Channel are presented to show: a) the different forms taken by the boundary currents for stable and unstable currents respectively; b) the dependence of the nose velocity and current width of the boundary current upon the driving density difference and the amplitude of the tidal forcing; and c) variation with Burger number Bu of the growth rate and wavelength of the meander-like instabilities. Measurements are also presented to show the spatial and temporal development of the boundary current... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: STRATIFIED FLOW; ROTATING FLOW; FRONTS; BUOYANCY. Ano: 1993 URL: A Lagrangian analysis of the Indian-Atlantic interocean exchange in a regional model - art. no. L14611 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Doglioli, Andrea; Veneziani, M; Blanke, Bruno; Speich, Sabrina; Griffa, A. We present a new numerical Lagrangian technique based on the coupling of transport computation with spin analysis of trajectories. This method was applied to results from a high-resolution numerical model of the oceanic region around South Africa. We estimated an Indian-Atlantic leakage of about 14 Sv. In the western Cape Basin, approximately 30% of this transport is due to trapping eddies with a ratio between cyclones and anticyclones transport of 1.3. These findings are briefly discussed with respect to recent observations of the highly nonlinear regime found in this area of the Cape Basin. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Anticyclones transport; Cyclones transport; The Indian Atlantic interocean exchange; South Africa; Numerical model. Ano: 2006 URL: A Lagrangian Method to Isolate the Impacts of Mixed Layer Subduction on the Meridional Overturning Circulation in a Numerical Model Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Thomas, Matthew; Treguier, Anne-marie; Blanke, Bruno; Deshayes, Julie; Voldoire, Aurore. Large differences in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) exhibited between the available ocean models pose problems as to how they can be interpreted for climate policy. A novel Lagrangian methodology has been developed for use with ocean models that enables a decomposition of the AMOC according to its source waters of subduction from the mixed layer of different geographical regions. The method is described here and used to decompose the AMOC of the Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques (CNRM) ocean model, which is approximately 4.5 Sv (1 Sv = 106 m3 s−1) too weak at 26°N, compared to observations. Contributions from mixed layer subduction to the peak AMOC at 26°N in the model are dominated by the Labrador Sea, which contributes... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Circulation; Dynamics; Convection; Lagrangian circulation; Transport; Meridional overturning circulation; Atm; Ocean Structure; Phenomena; Oceanic mixed layer; Models and modeling; General circulation models. Ano: 2015 URL: A Lagrangian numerical investigation of the origins and fates of the salinity maximum water in the Atlantic - art. no. 3163 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Blanke, Bruno; Arhan, Michel; Lazar, A; Prevost, Gwenaelle. The origins and fates of the Atlantic salinity maximum water (SMW), formed through excess evaporation in the tropics and subtropics of both hemispheres, are studied using monthly mean outputs of a numerical simulation of the world ocean climatological circulation. After defining formation domains from the surface salinity field and the vertical stratification, a Lagrangian technique is used to estimate the formation rates and main pathways in each hemisphere and the role of this water in the framework of the warm water return flow of the meridional overturning cell. Formation rates around 9 and 11 Sv are found in the Southern and Northern Hemispheres, respectively. While the export of the southern SMW from its formation area is realized by the western... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Atlantic ocean; Lagrangian method; Numerical simulation; Salinity; Sea water. Ano: 2002 URL: A large multi-pathogen waterborne community outbreak linked to faecal contamination of a groundwater system, France, 2000 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Gallay, A; De Valk, H; Cournot, M; Ladeuil, B; Hemery, C; Castor, C; Bon, F; Megraud, F; Le Cann, Pierre; Desenclos, Jc. A large waterborne outbreak of infection that occurred during August 2000 in a local community in France was investigated initially via a rapid survey of visits to local physicians. A retrospective cohort study was then conducted on a random cluster sample of residents. Of 709 residents interviewed, 202 (28.5%) were definite cases (at least three liquid stools/day or vomiting) and 62 (8.7%) were probable cases (less than three liquid stools/day or abdominal pain). Those who had drunk tap water had a three-fold increased risk for illness (95% CI 2.4-4.0). The risk increased with the amount of water consumed (chi-square trend: p < 0.0001). Bacteriological analyses of stools were performed for 35 patients and virological analyses for 24 patients.... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Waterborne outbreak; Rotavirus; Norovirus; Gastroenteritis; Epidemiology; Campylobacter coli. Ano: 2006 URL: A large scale survey of trace metal levels in coastal waters of the Western Mediterranean basin using caged mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Benedicto, Jose; Andral, Bruno; Martinez-gomez, Concepcion; Guitart, Carlos; Deudero, Salud; Cento, Alessandro; Scarpato, Alfonso; Caixach, Josep; Benbrahim, Samir; Chouba, Lassaad; Boulahdid, Mostefa; Galgani, Francois. A large scale study of trace metal contamination (Hg, Cd, Pb and Ni) by means of caged mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis was undertaken along the coastal waters of the Western Mediterranean Sea within the context of the MYTILOS project. Individual mussels from an homogeneous population (shell size 50 +/- 5 mm) obtained from an aquaculture farm were consecutively caged and deployed at 123 sites located in the Alboran, North-Western, South-Western and Tyrrhenian sub-basins for 12 weeks (April-July) in 2004, 2005 and 2006. After cage recoveries, both the metal content in the whole mussel tissue and the allometric parameters were measured. Statistical analysis of the datasets showed significant differences in concentrations between sub-basins for some metals... Tipo: Text Ano: 2011 URL: A Large-Scale Epidemiological Study to Identify Bacteria Pathogenic to Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas and Correlation Between Virulence and Metalloprotease-like Activity Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Saulnier, Denis; De Decker, Sophie; Haffner, Philippe; Cobret, Laetitia; Robert, Maeva; Garcia, Celine. A 4-year bacteriological survey (2003-2007) of four molluscs cultivated in France and faced with mortality episodes was performed by the French shellfish pathology network. The more abundant bacteria isolated during 92 mortality episodes, occurring mainly in Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas, were identified by genotyping methods. It allowed us both to confirm the representativeness of Vibrio splendidus and Vibrio aestuarianus bacterial strains and to identify both a large number of Vibrio harveyi-related strains mainly detected during 2007 oyster mortality outbreaks and to a lesser extent bacterial strains identified as Shewanella colwelliana. Because metalloprotease has been reported to constitute a virulence factor in a few Vibrio strains pathogenic for... Tipo: Text Ano: 2010 URL: A latitudinal gradient of seasonal temperature variation recorded in oyster shells from the coastal waters of France and The Netherlands Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lartaud, Franck; Emmanuel, Laurent; De Rafelis, Marc; Ropert, Michel; Labourdette, Nathalie; Richardson, Christopher A.; Renard, Maurice. Cathodoluminescence (CL) microscopy of the foliated calcite shell hinge sections of live-collected oyster Crassostrea gigas collected at seven locations along a latitudinal gradient from the Netherlands in the North Sea to the Atlantic coast of France, revealed variations in luminescence that were attributable to seasonal variations in calcification of the hinge. Photomicrographs of hinge sections and luminescence profiles were analyzed to define a micro-sampling strategy that was adopted to drill the hinge samples to determine their isotopic composition. Reconstructed seasonal seawater temperatures determined from the stable oxygen isotope (delta O-18) composition along growth profiles from 32 oyster shell hinges showed distinct seasonal isotopic cycles... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Seasonality; Palaeotemperatures; Stable isotopes; Cathodoluminescence; Crassostrea gigas; Mollusk shells. Ano: 2010 URL: A length-structured spatially explicit model for estimating hake growth and migration rates Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Drouineau, Hilaire; Mahevas, Stephanie; Bertignac, Michel; Duplisea, Daniel. Drouineau, H., Mahevas, S., Bertignac, M., and Duplisea, D. 2010. A length-structured spatially explicit model for estimating hake growth and migration rates. - ICES Journal of Marine Science, 67: 1697-1709. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Growth; Length-structured model; Merluccius merluccius; Migration; Spatial model. Ano: 2010 URL: A long term study of bonamiosis in Quiberon bay, France Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Arzul, Isabelle; Miossec, Laurence; Blanchet, Estelle; Garcia, Celine; Joly, Jean-pierre; Francois, Cyrille; Berthe, Franck. Bonamiosis was first reported in association with mass mortality of flat oysters, Ostrea edulis, in June 1979 in L'Ile Tudy, Brittany. The disease rapidly spread to all of the oyster farming areas in France but also in other European countries. The French flat oyster production, which already suffered from another protozoan disease, marteiliosis, decreased from 5500 mt in 1979 to less than 2000 mt after 1980. In 2001, about 350 French farms sell 1650 mt of flat oysters. This production mainly relies on natural spat collection which specially occurs in Quiberon bay. One third of this spat is transferred from South to North Brittany for further growth. Quiberon bay constitutes an interesting site regarding the surveillance of bonamiosis because of the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Detection; Bonamia ostreae; Protozoan; Diseases; Pathology; Ostrea edulis; Oysters. Ano: 2005 URL: A Long-Lasting Mode Water Vortex in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Reverdin, Gilles; Gascard, Jean-claude; Le Cann, Bernard; Prieur, Loic; Assenbaum, Michel; Lherminier, Pascale. An anticyclonic mode water vortex and its environment were investigated from November 2000 to September 2001 in the northeast Atlantic (near 43.5 degrees N, 15 degrees-19 degrees W) with neutrally buoyant drifting floats, moored current meters, satellite altimetric sea surface height, and several hydrological surveys and sections. These observations reveal a coherent inner core (similar to 0 km in diameter) made of very oxygenated northeast Atlantic central waters (11 degrees-12.7 degrees C and 35.5-35.7 on the 1978 practical salinity scale) from 150 m down to about 750-m depth. The core presents high relative vorticity (up to approximately -0.5 times the Coriolis frequency f) within at least 10 km of its center, near 400-700 m. Peak velocity along the... Tipo: Text Ano: 2009 URL: A low delta7 Li lower crustal component: Evidence from an alkalic intraplate volcanic series (Chaine des Puys, French Massif Central) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Hamelin, Cedric; Seitz, Hans-michael; Barrat, Jean-alix; Dosso, Laure; Maury, Rene; Chaussidon, Marc. The intraplate volcanic suite of the Chaine des Puys (French Massif Central) shows a complete petrologic range, from alkali basalts to trachytes. The significant variations of trace elements and radiogenic isotopes along the series strongly support the occurrence of crustal assimilation associated with fractional crystallization (AFC). The least contaminated basalts are clearly related to a HIMU-type reservoir (Pb-206/Pb-204>19.6; Sr-87/Sr-86<0.7037; epsilon(Nd)>+4). The behavior of radiogenic isotopes suggests that the most likely crustal contaminants are meta-sediments located in the lower crust. The Li isotopic compositions of the lavas range from high delta Li-7 (> + 7 parts per thousand) in basalts to lighter values in more evolved lavas... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Trachytes Basalts HIMU Assimilation and fractional crystallization (AFC) Lower crust Li; Sr; Nd and Pb isotopes. Ano: 2009 URL: A luminophore tracer technique for bioturbation studies Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Mahaut, Ml; Graf, G. Tipo: Text Ano: 1987 URL: A management strategy evaluation framework for Mediterranean Atlantic bluefin tuna Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Kell, L. T.; Fromentin, Jean-marc. This paper presents an example of Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) for Mediterranean and East Atlantic bluefin tuna using the FLR open source framework. Scenarios corresponding to alternative plausible hypotheses about the stock dynamics were used to evaluate alternative management strategies and to test their robustness to implementation error e.g. catch mis-reporting. The strategies evaluated correspond to i) harvest control rule (HCR) based upon F0.1 (a proxy for FMSY ) with an objective of restoring the stock to a level that would “ permit the maximum sustainable catch” and ii) a reduction of fishing mortality on immature fish. The main conclusions were that the F0.1 HCR alone would not result in the recovery of the stock in the next 15 years and... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Thunnus thynnus; Management plans; Management strategy evaluation; Simulation model. Ano: 2009 URL: A marine bacterial adhesion microplate test using the DAPI fluorescent dye: a new method to screen antifouling agents Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Leroy, Celine; Delbarre Ladrat, Christine; Ghillebaert, F; Rochet, Marie-joelle; Compere, Chantal; Combes, D. Aims: To develop a method to screen antifouling agents against marine bacterial adhesion as a sensitive, rapid, quantitative microplate fluorescent test. Methods and Results: Our experimental method is based on a natural biofilm formed by mono-incubation of the marine bacterium Pseudoalteromonas sp. D41 in sterile natural sea water in a 96 wells polystyrene microplate. The 4'6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) dye was used to quantify adhered bacteria in each well. Total measured fluorescence in wells was correlated with the amount of bacteria showing a detection limit of one bacterium per 5 µm2 and quantifying 2 x 107 to 2 x 108 bacteria adhered per cm2. The antifouling properties of three commercial surface active agents and chlorine were tested by this... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Antifouling; Pseudoalteromonas; Screening; Microtiter plate; Adhesion; DAPI; Marine biofilm. Ano: 2007 URL: A mass-balance Ecopath model of Coastal Areas in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Van, Mai Viet; Phuong, Nguyen Thanh; Dinh, Tran Dac; Villanueva, Ching-maria; Moreau, Jacques. A mass-balance Ecopath model of coastal areas in the Mekong Delta has been constructed for a quantitative description of the trophic structure of the ecosystem. The model is used to estimate the important biological parameters and relationships among the different ecologically important groups. The model is based on the data collected from bottom trawling. There are 14 functional groups based on 58 species from coastal areas in the Mekong Delta survey such as shrimps, squids, crabs, mackerel, small pelagics, demersal fishes, benthic feeders, predator fishes and trash fish. The biomass value was estimated from catch production and bottom trawling surveys. Results show that the estimated total biomass of exploited resources was 3.99 The values of... Tipo: Text Ano: 2010 URL: A Measurement Quality Factor for Swath Bathymetry Sounders Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lurton, Xavier; Augustin, Jean-marie. The quality estimation associated with individual soundings measured and computed by swath bathymetry sonars is a paramount issue which is most often imperfectly addressed today by sonar manufacturers. In this paper, a unified definition is proposed for a quality factor usable for all swath bathymetry sonars; the depth-relative error is directly estimated from the signal characteristics used in the sounding computation. The basic algorithms are presented for both phase-difference (oblique incidence) and amplitude (normal incidence) detection, and can be readily implemented in any swath bathymetry system using these detection principles. This approach gives a direct access to the objective bathymetric performance of individual soundings, and hence avoids... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bathymetry; Interferometry; Multibeam echosounder (MBES); Sonar. Ano: 2010 A mechanism for local upwelling along the european continental-slope Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Heaps, Ns. Tipo: Text Ano: 1980 URL: A Method for Detection of Trace Concentrations of Underivatized Amino Acid in Hydrothermal Fluids by Ion-Pairing Reversed-Phase UPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Konn, Cecile; Magner, Jörgen; Charlou, Jean-luc; Holm, Nils G; Alsberg, Tomas. Investigation of amino acids in hydrothermal systems is of prime importance for the understanding of geochemistry and microbiology of hydrothermal vents and plumes, for carbon and metals global cycles, for metabolism of some hydrothermal microorganisms and for the origin of life issue. Extensive theoretical and experimental work on amino acids behaviour in hydrothermal fluids has been done, conversely only few data exist on natural samples. Because each hydrothermal vent is unique, the more data we collect the better we will be able to address each of these questions. Usually amino acids in hydrothermal fluids have been measured by HPLC-FLD. The chromatographic separation was at least 26 min and up to 135 min and the required derivatization step may be... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Amino Acids; UPLC; Ion-Pairing; QTOF; Mass Spectrometry; Hydrothermal Fluids. Ano: 2015 URL: A method for optimal analysis of fields with spatially-variable mean Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Traon, Pierre-yves. This brief report addresses the problem of objective analysis of fields with spatially variable mean. Conventional objective analysis is confined to fluctuations, where the larger scale is assumed to be known; this report shows how to use the method described by Davis (1985) to estimate simultaneously a large-scale component and a mesoscale component with an accurate error budget. The extension to multivariate analysis is also discussed. The method is then applied to simulated data; this illustrates its contribution in relation to conventional objective analysis. Tipo: Text Ano: 1990 URL: A method for reducing uncertainty in estimates of fish-school frequency response using data from multifrequency and multibeam echosounders Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Berger, Laurent; Poncelet, Cyrille; Trenkel, Verena. Fish schools can be insonified simultaneously with multifrequency echosounders (e.g. Simrad EK60s) and a multibeam echosounder (e.g. Simrad ME70). This paper presents a method for combining these data to improve estimates of the relative frequency response r(f) of fish schools. Values of r(f) are now commonly used to classify echoes in fishery surveys. The data from the roll- and pitch-stabilized, high-resolution ME70 are used to correct beam-width effects in the multifrequency EK60 data. First, knowing the exact position and orientation of the transducers and the position of the vessel, the echoes are placed into a common geographic coordinate system. Then, the EK60 data are rejected if they do not include a significant percentage of the fish school... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Species identification; Scomber scombrus; Sardina pilchardus; Pelagic fish; Acoustics. Ano: 2009 URL: A method for the continuous monitoring of active and passive ion-transport in aquatic animals Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Spaargaren, Dh. Tipo: Text Ano: 1990 URL: A Methodological Framework to Estimate the Site Fidelity of Tagged Animals Using Passive Acoustic Telemetry Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Capello, Manuela; Robert, Marianne; Soria, Marc; Potin, Gael; Itano, David; Holland, Kim; Deneubourg, Jean-louis; Dagorn, Laurent. The rapid expansion of the use of passive acoustic telemetry technologies has facilitated unprecedented opportunities for studying the behavior of marine organisms in their natural environment. This technological advance would greatly benefit from the parallel development of dedicated methodologies accounting for the variety of timescales involved in the remote detection of tagged animals related to instrumental, environmental and behavioral events. In this paper we propose a methodological framework for estimating the site fidelity (“residence times”) of acoustic tagged animals at different timescales, based on the survival analysis of continuous residence times recorded at multiple receivers. Our approach is validated through modeling and applied on two... Tipo: Text Ano: 2015 URL: A methology for the stocks assessments of cultivated oysters among along the French Atlantic coasts Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bacher, Cedric; Baud, Jean-pierre; Bodoy, Alain; Deslous-paoli, Jean-marc; Dreno, Jean-paul; Heral, Maurice; Maurer, Daniele; Prou, Jean. An assessment of the reared stocks of the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas ) has been recently conducted on the major French areas of molluscs culture. The methodology proposed included both estimates of densities obtained by subsampling in the field, and aerial photographs which covered the cultivated, intertidal area. The size and the number of samples were designed to reach a precision of 10% on the final assessment in each area. The field work consisted in weighing and counting the oyster in unit areas of 0.5 m2 for the bottom culture or in trays or bags, for the off bottom technique. These results give a better knowledge of the technique evolution and of the general structures in the cultivated areas. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Modeling; Estimation; Stocks; Crassostrea gigas; Oysters. Ano: 1986 URL: A Michaelis–Menten type equation for describing methylmercury dependence on inorganic mercury in aquatic sediments Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Cossa, Daniel; Garnier, Cedric; Buscail, Roselyne; Elbaz-poulichet, Francoise; Mikac, Nevenka; Patel-sorrentino, Nathalie; Tessier, Erwan; Rigaud, Sylvain; Lenoble, Veronique; Gobeil, Charles. Methylation of mercury (Hg) is the crucial process that controls Hg biomagnification along the aquatic food chains. Aquatic sediments are of particular interest because they constitute an essential reservoir where inorganic divalent Hg (HgII) is methylated. Methylmercury (MeHg) concentrations in sediments mainly result from the balance between methylation and demethylation reactions, two opposite natural processes primarily mediated by aquatic microorganisms. Thus, Hg availability and the activity of methylating microbial communities control the MeHg abundance in sediments. Consistently, some studies have reported a significant positive correlation between MeHg and HgII or total Hg (HgT), taken as a proxy for HgII, in aquatic sediments using... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mercury; Methylmercury; Aquatic sediment; Methylation; Demethylation. Ano: 2014 URL: A Microarray-Based Analysis of Gametogenesis in Two Portuguese Populations of the European Clam Ruditapes decussatus Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Sousa, Joana; Milan, Massimo; Bargelloni, Luca; Pauletto, Marianna; Matias, Domitilia; Joaquim, Sandra; Matias, Ana Margarete; Quillien, Virgile; Leitao, Alexandra; Huvet, Arnaud. The European clam, Ruditapes decussatus is a species with a high commercial importance in Portugal and other Southern European countries. Its production is almost exclusively based on natural recruitment, which is subject to high annual fluctuations. Increased knowledge of the natural reproductive cycle of R. decussatus and its molecular mechanisms would be particularly important in providing new highly valuable genomic information for better understanding the regulation of reproduction in this economically important aquaculture species. In this study, the transcriptomic bases of R. decussatus reproduction have been analysed using a custom oligonucleotide microarray representing 51,678 assembled contigs. Microarray analyses were performed in four gonadal... Tipo: Text Ano: 2014 URL: A microarray-based analysis of oocyte quality in the European clam Ruditapes decussatus Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: De Sousa, Joana Teixeira; Milan, Massimo; Pauletto, Marianna; Bargelloni, Luca; Joaquim, Sandra; Matias, Domitilia; Matias, Ana Margarete; Quillien, Virgile; Leitao, Alexandra; Huvet, Arnaud. A microarray-based analysis was performed with the objective of describing genomic features of oocytes and looking for potential markers of oocyte quality in the economically important European clam, Ruditapes decussatus. Oocytes of 25 females from Ria de Aveiro, Western coast of Portugal (40°42′N; 08°40′W) were selected for this study and oocyte quality was estimated by success of D-larval rate under controlled conditions, which appeared to vary from 0 to 95 %. By genome-wide expression profiling with a DNA microarray, 526 probes appeared differentially expressed between two groups representing the largest and smallest value of D larval rates, named good (represented by a mean D-larval yield of 57 ± 22%) and poor (9 ± 5%) quality oocytes. Enrichment... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ruditapes decussatus; Oocyte; Developmental success; Gene expression; Marine bivalve; Transcriptomics. Ano: 2015 URL: A microbiological and biogeochemical investigation of the cold seep tubeworm Escarpia southwardae (Annelida: Siboglinidae): Symbiosis and trace element composition of the tube Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Duperron, Sebastien; Gaudron, Sylvie M.; Lemaitre, Nolwenn; Bayon, Germain. Tubeworms within the annelid family Siboglinidae rely on sulfur-oxidizing autotrophic bacterial symbionts for their nutrition, and are among the dominant metazoans occurring at deep-sea hydrocarbon seeps. Contrary to their relatives from hydrothermal vents, sulfide uptake for symbionts occurs within the anoxic subsurface sediment, in the posterior ‘root’ region of the animal. This study reports on an integrated microbiological and geochemical investigation of the cold seep tubeworm Escarpia southwardae collected at the Regab pockmark (Gulf of Guinea). Our aim was to further constrain the links between the animal and its symbiotic bacteria, and their environment. We show that E. southwardae harbors abundant sulfur-oxidizing bacterial symbionts in its... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sulfur-oxidizing bacteria; RTCA; Trace elements; RubisCO; Symbiosis. Ano: 2014 URL: A model for predicting the quantities of dissolved inorganic nitrogen released in effluents from a sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) recirculating water system Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Pagand, Pascal; Blancheton, Jean-paul; Casellas, Claude. Fish excretions and the transformation of nitrogen by bacteria in the nitrifying biofilter are two of the main sources of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) in fish farms that use recirculating water systems. In this study, the DIN concentration in an experimental Dicentrarchus labrax aquaculture system was calculated using empirical sub-models for fish growth, ingested food and water replacement. The specific growth rate (SGR) (% day(-1)) and the daily feeding rate (DFR) (% day(-1)) both depend on the average weight, W (g), of the fish: Y = aW(b), where Y may be SGR or DFR, and a and b are empirical constants. The DIN discharge rate, Gamma(N) (% of ingested nitrogen), in the experimental aquaculture system was expressed as a function of increasing... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Recirculating water system; Nitrogen production; Model; Fish farm effluent; European sea bass; Dissolved inorganic nitrogen. Ano: 2000 URL: A model for prediction of tidal elevations over the english-channel Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Leprovost, C. Tipo: Text Ano: 1981 URL: A Model for the Early Evolution of the Gulf of Mexico Basin Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Buffler, R T; Shaub, F J; Huerta, R; Ibrahim, Abk; Watkins, J S. Seismic data from the deep Gulf of Mexico basin indicate: 1) inferred ocenaic crust in the deep central Gulf (5 to 6 km thick; 6.8 to 7.1 km/sec.) is flanked symmetrically on the north and south by inferred transitional crust (8 to 15 km thick; 6.4 to 6.8 km/sec.); 2) acoustic basement seen on the reflection data in the central Gulf is an irregular reflector and probably represents the top of an oceanic volcanic (basaltic) layer (layer 2); 3) northof the Campeche Escar pment the top of transitional crust is represented by a strong, smooth reflector/unconformity that truncates rift basins and is onlapped by a thick salt and sedimentary section; 4) in the southeastern Gulf transitional crust consists of tilted basement blocks probably representing a thinned... Tipo: Text Ano: 1981 URL: A model for the generation of nonlinear internal tides in the strait of gibraltar Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Longo, A; Manzo, M; Pierini, S. A nonlinear, two-layer, rigid-lid model has been solved numerically by means of a generalized Lax-Wendroff finite difference scheme in order to study the generation of internal tides in the Strait of Gibraltar. Preliminary numerical experiments on asymptotically steady-state solutions in the presence of a constant mean flow are used to validate the model: previous laboratory experiments and analytical solutions are indeed accurately reproduced. Periodic solutions representing the internal tides at Gibraltar are then obtained by allowing a semidiurnal barotropic tidal current to interact with an idealized topographic variation modelling the Camarinal sill. Numerical experiments with and without a basic constant mean flow are carried out and a reasonable... Tipo: Text Ano: 1992 URL: A model for the phenotypic plasticity of North sea herring growth in relation to trophic conditions Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Shinn, Yunne-jai; Rochet, Marie-joelle. An adaptation of the von Bertalanffy growth model is formulated to describe the phenotypic plasticity of fish somatic growth in relation to trophic conditions. The model is developed for the North sea Downs herring (Clupea harengus). II suggests that annual growth variability during 1974-1990 was mainly due to the combined effects of herring abundance and wind-induced turbulence (coincident with the spring stratification of the water column). Springtime turbulences cause reduced and delayed planktonic blooms preceding the annual foraging period of Downs herring. The negative relation observed between herring abundance and growth is hypothesized to be due to intra-specific competition for trophic resources. Incorporated into the calculation of yield per... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Modèle de croissance; Densité-dépendance; Plasticité phénotypique; Clupea harengus; Hareng de mer du Nord; Gestion des pêches; Growth model; Density dependence; Phenotypic plasticity; Fishery management; Clupea harengus; North sea herring. Ano: 1998 URL: A model of fluff layer erosion and subsequent bed erosion in the presence of the bioturbator, Hydrobia ulvae Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Orvain, Francis; Le Hir, Pierre; Sauriau, Pierre-guy. Previous studies have shown that the gastropod Hydrobia ulvae destabilizes the top layers of fine-grained sediments. This process is mediated by the formation of a "biogenic" fluff layer that includes tracks, faecal pellets and mucus. This fluff layer has been shown to be easily resuspended before general bed erosion. In order to examine how fluff layer and bed. erosion interact, flume experiments were performed with fluid sediments of varying water contents. Ten thousand snails were placed and allowed to crawl for 5 h on the sediment surface, and then the resuspended sediment mass was measured in response to step-wise shear stress increases. Two distinct erosion phases were observed: (1) initial resuspension of the fluff layer and (2) the subsequent bed... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Gastropoda; Erosion sediment; Bioturbation; Cohesive sediment; Marine sediment. Ano: 2003 URL: A model of sea-foam thickness distribution for passive microwave remote sensing applications Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Reul, Nicolas; Chapron, Bertrand. [1] Foam formations at the sea surface significantly contribute to microwave brightness temperature signatures over the ocean for moderate to high wind speeds. The thickness of foam layers generated by breaking waves follows a specific distribution due to unsteadiness of breaking and the large range of wave scales involved in the phenomenon. Although the effect of a distributed thickness-parameter on the foam-induced microwave brightness temperature may be comparable to or larger than the fractional whitecap coverage, it is not yet included in brightness models. To fill this gap, we develop a dynamical model for the conditional fraction of sea-surface covered by whitecaps with given thickness, as a function of wind speed. It is an integrated function of... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sea foam; Breaking waves; Thickness; Fractional coverage; Microwave brightness temperature. Ano: 2003 URL: A model of sediment transport under the influence of surface bioturbation: generalisation to the facultative suspension-feeder Scrobicularia plana Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Orvain, Francis. Flume experiments were designed to study how sediment erodibility was modified by the facultative suspension-feeder Scrobicularia plana living at different densities in sediment beds of various degrees of compaction. Two separate erosion phases were identified from the resuspension kinetics: (1) erosion of an unconsolidated surficial layer (i.e. fluff layer) and (2) the subsequent bed erosion. S. plana were found to influence both erosion phases: (1) erosion rates of the fluff layer were controlled by bioturbation activities, the extents of which were influenced by bivalve density and the degree of compaction of the sediments, and (2) critical thresholds of the subsequent bed erosion decreased as clam density increased, likely due to depressions in the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Resuspension; Model; Functional groups; Sediment transport; Bioturbation; Scrobicularia plana; Intertidal mudflat. Ano: 2005 URL: A model of the general circulation in the Persian Gulf and in the Strait of Hormuz: Intraseasonal to interannual variability Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Pous, Stephane; Lazure, Pascal; Carton, Xavier. Previous studies modeling the circulation and thermohaline structure in the Persian Gulf have suggested that interannual variability and vertical mixing processes could explain the model biases when compared to the few observations available. Here, a realistic, interannual, high-resolution model of the Persian Gulf is presented, validated against observations and then used to describe the intraseasonal to interannual variability in the circulation, water mass formation and exchange through the Strait of Hormuz. Sensitivity experiments to model settings, in particular vertical mixing parameterizations, have been performed in order to have the best comparison with all available observations. Main circulation and water mass characteristics correspond well to... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Persian Gulf; Strait of Hormuz; Numerical model; Hydrology; Currents; Interannual variability. Ano: 2015 URL: A model-based evaluation of Marine Protected Areas: the example of eastern Baltic cod (Gadus morhua callarias L.) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Kraus, Gerd; Pelletier, Dominique; Dubreuil, Julien; Moellmann, Christian; Hinrichsen, Hans-harald; Bastardie, Francois; Vermard, Youen; Mahevas, Stephanie. The eastern Baltic cod stock collapsed as a consequence of climate-driven adverse hydrographic conditions and over fishing and has remained at historically low levels. Spatio-temporal fishing closures [Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)] have been implemented since 1995, to protect and restore the spawning stock. However, no signs of recovery have been observed yet, either suggesting that MPAs are an inappropriate management measure or pointing towards suboptimal closure design. We used the spatially explicit fishery simulation model ISIS-Fish to evaluate proposed and implemented fishery closures, combining an age-structured population module with a multifleet exploitation module and a management module in a single model environment. The model is parameterized... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Stock recovery; Model; Marine Protected Areas; Fishery management; Baltic cod. Ano: 2009 URL: A model-based study of ice and freshwater transport variability along both sides of Greenland Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lique, Camille; Treguier, Anne-marie; Scheinert, Markus; Penduff, Thierry. We investigate some aspects of the variability of the Arctic freshwater content during the 1965-2002 period using the DRAKKAR eddy admitting global ocean/sea-ice model (12 km resolution in the Arctic). A comparison with recent mooring sections shows that the model realistically represents the major advective exchanges with the Arctic basin, through Bering, Fram and Davis Straits, and the Barents Sea. This allows the separate contributions of the inflows and outflows across each section to be quantified. In the model, the Arctic freshwater content variability is explained by the sea-ice flux at Fram and the combined variations of ocean freshwater inflow (at Bering) and outflow (at Fram and Davis). At all routes, except trough Fram Strait, the freshwater... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fram Strait; Davis Strait; Freshwater flux; Freshwater budget; Arctic Ocean. Ano: 2009 URL: A modeling study of the processes of surface salinity seasonal cycle in the Bay of Bengal Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Akhil, V. P.; Durand, Fabien; Lengaigne, Matthieu; Vialard, Jerome; Keerthi, M. G.; Gopalakrishna, V. V.; Deltel, Charles; Papa, Fabrice; De Boyer Montegut, Clement. In response to the Indian Monsoon freshwater forcing, the Bay of Bengal exhibits a very strong seasonal cycle in sea surface salinity (SSS), especially near the mouths of the Ganges-Brahmaputra and along the east coast of India. In this paper, we use an eddy-permitting (∼25 km resolution) regional ocean general circulation model simulation to quantify the processes responsible for this SSS seasonal cycle. Despite the absence of relaxation toward observations, the model reproduces the main features of the observed SSS seasonal cycle, with freshest water in the northeastern Bay, particularly during and after the monsoon. The model also displays an intense and shallow freshening signal in a narrow (∼100 km wide) strip that hugs the east coast of India, from... Tipo: Text Ano: 2014 URL: A modelling study of the thermohaline circulation of the Mediterranean Sea: Water formation and dispersal Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Haines, K; Wu, Pl. A model of the whole Mediterranean sea at 0.25 degrees x 0.25 degrees resolution has been run for ten years with a mean seasonal cycle of forcing using NMC winds and a relaxation to NODC surface temperature and salinity. The winter season water formation and dispersal in the model thermocline has been studied using isopycnal diagnostics and potential vorticity as a water mass tracer. In the eastern basin Levantine Intermediate Water (LIW) is formed in the cyclonic Rhodes gyre and moves west in a continuous mass, accumulating and mixing in the centre of the Northern Ionian. The LIW spreading path is identified both from the high salinity and low potential vorticity values on the 28.8 isopycnal surface. Some LIW then spreads west and south towards Sicily,... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: PRIMO-O; Circulation thermohaline; Eau levantine intermédiaire; Formation; Modélisation; PRIMO-O; Thermohaline circulation; Levantine Intermediate Water; Water formation; Modelling. Ano: 1995 URL: A moderate melting model for the Voring margin (Norway) based on structural observations and a thermo-kinematical modelling: Implication for the meaning of the lower crustal bodies Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Gernigon, Laurent; Lucazeau, Francis; Brigaud, Frederic; Ringenbach, Jean-claude; Planke, Sverre; Le Gall, Bernard. High P-wave velocities (7.1-7.8 km/s) lower crustal bodies (LCBs) imaged along volcanic margins are commonly interpreted as plume and break-up-related thick mafic underplating. This interpretation is partly challenged in this paper based on new seismic observations and modelling of the outer Voring Basin (Norway). An exceptional strong amplitude reflection, the T Reflection, is particularly well defined below the North Gjallar Ridge (NGR) between 7 and 8 s TWT. The T Reflection is located near the volcanic lava flows emplaced during the NE Atlantic breakup (similar to 55-54 Ma ago) and coincides with the top of the LCB, forming a mid-crustal dome. Based on structural and temporal relationships, we show that the dome clearly influences the structural... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mantle plume; Norwegian margin; Underplating; Breakup; Modelling; Rifting; Volcanic margins. Ano: 2006 URL: A moderate threonine deficiency affects gene expression profile, paracellular permeability and glucose absorption capacity in the ileum of piglets Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Hamard, Alice; Mazurais, David; Boudry, Gaelle; Le Huerou-luron, Isabelle; Seve, Bernard; Le Floc'H, Nathalie. High dietary threonine extraction by the digestive tract suggests that threonine contributes to maintain gut physiology. In the present study, we evaluated the impact of a low (6.5 g of threonine/kg diet; LT group) or a control well-balanced threonine diet (9.3 g of threonine/kg diet; C group) given to piglets for 2 weeks on ileal permeability and Na+-dependant glucose absorption capacity in Ussing chambers. The paracellular permeability was significantly increased in the ileum of LT compared to C piglets (P=.017). The Na+-dependent glucose absorption capacity showed a nonsignificant increase in the LT piglets. In addition, we analysed ileal gene expression profiles in the LT and C groups using porcine multitissue cDNA microarrays. Compared to the C... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Threonine; Small intestine; Paracellular permeability; Gene expression. Ano: 2010 URL: A modified Arcan test to analyze the behavior of composites and their assemblies under out-of-plane loadings Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Cognard, J. Y.; Sohier, L.; Davies, Peter. Composite materials are a key element in weight reduction strategies, so the analysis of the mechanical behavior of assemblies of composite modules is of great importance. Failure initiation in bonded assemblies involving composites is often associated with crack initiation in the adhesive or delamination of the composite plies close to the adhesive joint, caused by interlaminar or through-thickness stresses. Thus, the analysis of the behavior of composites and their assemblies under out-of-plane loadings is necessary in order to optimize such structures. However, few experimental devices are proposed in the literature and they often require thick composite specimens which are not representative of most industrial applications. This paper describes the use... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Laminates; Adhesion; Stress concentrations; Mechanical testing. Ano: 2011 URL: A MSFD complementary approach for the assessment of pressures, knowledge and data gaps in Southern European Seas: The PERSEUS experience Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Crise, A.; Kaberi, H.; Ruiz, J.; Zatsepin, A.; Arashkevich, E.; Giani, M.; Karageorgis, Aristomenis; Prieto, L.; Pantazi, M.; Gonzalez-fernandez, D.; D'Alcala, M. Ribera; Tornero, V.; Vassilopoulou, V.; Durrieu De Madron, Xavier; Guieu, C.; Puig, P.; Zenetos, A.; Andral, Bruno; Angel, D.; Altukhov, D.; Ayata, S. D.; Aktan, Y.; Balcioglu, E.; Benedetti, F.; Bouchoucha, Marc; Buia, M. -c.; Cadiou, Jean-francois; Canals, M.; Chakroun, M.; Christou, E.; Christidis, M. G.; Civitarese, Giuseppe; Coatu, V.; Corsini-foka, M.; Cozzi, S.; Deidun, A.; Dell'Aquila, A.; Dogrammatzi, A.; Dumitrache, C.; Edelist, D.; Ettahiri, Omar; Fonda-umani, S.; Gana, S.; Galgani, Francois; Gasparini, S.; Giannakourou, A.; Gomoiu, M. -t.; Gubanova, A.; Gucu, Ali-cemal; Gurses, Ozgur; Hanke, G.; Hatzianestis, I.; Herutx, B.; Hone, R.; Huertas, E.; Irisson, J. -o.; Isinibilir, M.; Jimenez, J. A.; Kalogirou, S.; Kapiris, K.; Karamfilov, Ventzi; Kavadas, S.; Keskin, G.; Kideys, Ahmet; Kocak, M.; Kondylatos, G.; Kontogiannis, C.; Kosyan, R.; Koubbi, Philippe; Kuspilic, G.; La Ferla, R.; Langone, L.; Laroche, Sophie; Lazar, Luminita; Lefkaditou, E.; Lemeshko, I. E.; Machias, A.; Malej, A.; Mazzocchi, M. -g.; Medinets, Volodymyr; Mihalopoulos, N.; Miserocchi, S.; Moncheva, Snejana; Mukhanov, V.; Oaie, Gheorghe; Oros, A.; Ozturk, A. A.; Ozturk, B.; Panayotova, M.; Prospathopoulos, A.; Radu, G.; Raykov, V.; Regiero, P.; Reygondeau, G.; Rougeron, Natacha; Salihoglu, B.; Sanchez-vidal, A.; Sannino, G.; Santinelli, C.; Secrieru, D.; Shapiro, G.; Simboura, N.; Shiganova, Tamara; Sprovieri, M.; Stefanova, Kremena; Streftaris, N.; Tirelli, V.; Tom, Moshe; Topaloglu, B.; Topcu, N. E.; Tsagarakis, K.; Tsangaris, C.; Tserpes, G.; Tugrul, S.; Uysal, Z.; Vasile, Daniela; Violaki, K.; Xu, J.; Yuksek, Ahsen; Papathanassiouh, E. PERSEUS project aims to identify the most relevant pressures exerted on the ecosystems of the Southern European Seas (SES), highlighting knowledge and data gaps that endanger the achievement of SES Good Environmental Status (GES) as mandated by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). A complementary approach has been adopted, by a meta-analysis of existing literature on pressure/impact/knowledge gaps summarized in tables related to the MSFD descriptors, discriminating open waters from coastal areas. A comparative assessment of the Initial Assessments (IAs) for five SES countries has been also independently performed. The comparison between meta-analysis results and IAs shows similarities for coastal areas only. Major knowledge gaps have been... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marine Strategy Framework Directive; Southern European Seas; Good Environmental Status; Initial Assessment; PERSEUS project. Ano: 2015 URL: A multibiomarker approach on the Atlantic tomcod (Microgadus tomcod) in the St. Lawrence Estuary Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Dupuy, Celie; Couillard, Catherine M.; Laroche, Jean; Nellis, Pierre; Brousseau, Pauline; Fournier, Michel. A multibiomarker approach was developed on juvenile Atlantic tomcod (Microgadus tomcod) to evaluate the pertinence of this approach for low-cost screening assessment of the environmental quality of various coastal sites within estuaries. Several biometric indices and biomarkers (ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) activity, metallothionein concentration, and immune responses) were investigated on immature and maturing tomcods (a parts per thousand currency sign31 months) collected in four environmentally contrasted sites in the St. Lawrence Estuary (SLE). Simultaneous examination of various age classes provides the opportunity to detect short-term responses in sensitive young-of-the-year fish (e.g., EROD induction) and longer-time effects associated with... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biometric indexes; EROD; Metallothionein; Immunotoxicity; Pollution; Fish. Ano: 2013 URL: A multi-decadal hindcast of a physical–biogeochemical model and derived oceanographic indices in the Bay of Biscay Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Huret, Martin; Sourisseau, Marc; Petitgas, Pierre; Struski, Caroline; Leger, Fabien; Lazure, Pascal. Multiple year oceanographic simulations (hindcast) are identified as a priority oceanography product for fisheries and environment studies since they provide a unique continuous long-term dataset allowing integrated assessment of the ocean state and evolution. We performed a 37 year (1972–2008) hindcast run with a coupled physical–biogeochemical model in the Bay of Biscay. The coupled model and the hindcast configuration are described. A model skill assessment is performed with a large set of in-situ data. Average seasonal currents show major circulation patterns over the shelf. Among tracers, temperature and salinity have the best agreement, ahead of nitrates and silicates, chlorophyll, and finally phosphates and ammonium. For chlorophyll, improved... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Physical-biogeochemical model; Hindcast; Skill assessment; Environmental indices; Seasonal pattern; Interannual variability; Fisheries oceanography; Bay of Biscay. Ano: 2013 URL: A multiple corer for taking virtually undisturbed samples from shelf, bathyal and abyssal sediments Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Barnett, Pro; Watson, J; Connelly, D. Tipo: Text Ano: 1984 URL: A multi-scale study of the interface between natural fibres and a biopolymer Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Duigou, Antoine; Baley, Christophe; Grohens, Yves; Davies, Peter; Cognard, Jean Yves; Creach Cadec, Romain; Sohier, Laurent. A significant recent development in the composite field is the appearance of biocomposites (biopolymers reinforced by plant fibres) which combine mechanical performance and low environmental impacts. However, to replace conventional composites a significant effort is needed to understand their mechanical behaviour under complex loading (both in-plane and out-of-plane). The interfacial behaviour (fibre/matrix) of these materials also requires particular attention in order to optimize mechanical properties. With this aim modified Arcan, transverse tension and microdroplet debonding tests have been performed on flax reinforced PLLA biocomposites, as very few data of this type are available. The out-of-plane tensile and tensile-shear properties of these... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: A natural fibre composites; B interfacial properties; B out-of-plane properties; B microbond test. Ano: 2014 URL: A multitracer approach to assess the spatial contamination pattern of hake (Merluccius merluccius) in the French Mediterranean Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Cresson, Pierre; Bouchoucha, Marc; Morat, Fabien; Miralles, Francoise; Chavanon, Fabienne; Loizeau, Veronique; Cossa, Daniel. Chemical contamination levels and stable isotope ratios provide integrated information about contaminant exposure, trophic position and also biological and environmental influences on marine organisms. By combining these approaches with otolith shape analyses, the aim of the present study was to document the spatial variability of Hg and PCB contamination of the European hake (Merluccius merluccius) in the French Mediterranean, hypothesizing that local contaminant sources, environmental conditions and biological specificities lead to site-specific contamination patterns. High Hg concentrations discriminated Corsica (average: 1.36 ± 0.80 μg g− 1 dm) from the Gulf of Lions (average values < 0.5 μg g− 1 dm), where Rhône River input caused high PCB burdens.... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hg; Mediterranean; Merluccius merluccius; Multiple ecotracers; PCB. Ano: 2015 URL: A multivariate indicator to monitor changes in spatial patterns of age-structured fish populations Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Petitgas, Pierre; Poulard, Jean-charles. Quantitative analysis of the spatial patterns in age-structured fish populations provides a useful complement to stock assessment methods. The spatial distribution of an age-structured population is characterized by indicators for location, dispersion and aggregation, which are estimated from survey data. The times series of spatial indicators are organised in a 3D data structure with dimensions along indicators, age classes and years. Multi factor analysis (MFA) is applied to quantify the reproducibility in time of the multivariate structure between age classes and indicators. MFA computes the mean annual pattern over the age classes. The deviation around that pattern in each year is also quantified. A multivariate indicator that characterise the spatial... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Spatial distribution; Monitoring; CUSUM; Multi factor analysis. Ano: 2009 URL: A Multivariate Regression Approach to Adjust AATSR Sea Surface Temperature to In Situ Measurements Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Tandeo, Pierre; Autret, Emmanuelle; Piolle, Jean-francois; Tournadre, Jean; Ailliot, Pierre. The Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR) onboard Envisat is designed to provide very accurate measurements of sea surface temperature (SST). Using colocated in situ drifting buoys, a dynamical matchup database (MDB) is used to assess the AATSR-derived SST products more precisely. SST biases are then computed. Currently, Medspiration AATSR SST biases are discrete values and can introduce artificial discontinuities in AATSR level-2 SST fields. The new AATSR SST biases presented in this letter are continuous. They are computed, for nighttime and best proximity confidence data, by linear regression with different MDB covariables (wind speed, latitude, aerosol optical depth, etc.). As found, the difference between dual-view and nadir-only SST... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Validation; Sea surface temperature (SST); Remote sensing; Advanced Along Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR). Ano: 2009 URL: A mussel (Mytilus edulis) tissue certified reference material for the marine biotoxins azaspiracids Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Mccarron, Pearse; Giddings, Sabrina D.; Reeves, Kelley L.; Hess, Philipp; Quilliam, Michael A. Azaspiracids (AZAs) are lipophilic biotoxins produced by marine algae that can contaminate shellfish and cause human illness. The European Union (EU) regulates the level of AZAs in shellfish destined for the commercial market, with liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) being used as the official reference method for regulatory analysis. Certified reference materials (CRMs) are essential tools for the development, validation, and quality control of LC-MS methods. This paper describes the work that went into the planning, preparation, characterization, and certification of CRM-AZA-Mus, a tissue matrix CRM, which was prepared as a wet homogenate from mussels (Mytilus edulis) naturally contaminated with AZAs. The homogeneity and stability of... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Azaspiracids; Seafood safety; Matrix certified reference material; Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry; Matrix effects. Ano: 2015 URL: A mussel tissue certified reference material for multiple phycotoxins. Part 1: design and preparation Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Mccarron, Pearse; Emteborg, Hakan; Nulty, Ciara; Rundberget, Thomas; Loader, Jared I.; Teipel, Katharina; Miles, Christopher O.; Quilliam, Michael A.; Hess, Philipp. The development of multi-analyte methods for lipophilic shellfish toxins based on liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry permits rapid screening and analysis of samples for a wide variety of toxins in a single run. Validated methods and appropriate certified reference materials (CRMs) are required to ensure accuracy of results. CRMs are essential for accurate instrument calibration, for assessing the complete analytical method from sample extraction to data analysis and for verifying trueness. However, CRMs have hitherto only been available for single toxin groups. Production of a CRM containing six major toxin groups was achieved through an international collaboration. Preparation of this material, CRM-FDMT1, drew on information from earlier studies as... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: CRM-FDMT1; Certified reference material; Shellfish toxins; Phycotoxins; Accuracy; Precision; Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Ano: 2011 URL: A near-inertial mode observed within a Gulf Stream warm-core ring Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Joyce, Terrence M.; Toole, John M.; Klein, Patrice; Thomas, Leif N. Layering of ocean velocity fine structure has been coherently observed across the entire extent of a Gulf Stream warm-core ring using a shipboard acoustic Doppler current profiler system in September 2009 and independently sampled as the ring transited a moored array. Lines of constant velocity phase generally followed isopycnals as they deepened within the ring center. We also observed a clear separation of the vertical structure of the flows associated with the ring (of order 0.5m/s) with the shorter (200m) and less energetic (similar to 0.2m/s) flows of the velocity fine structure, which was further observed to rotate clockwise with increasing depth, consistent with downward propagating near-inertial waves (NIWs). Observations are consistent with a... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Near-inertial waves; Warm-core ring; Velocity fine structure. Ano: 2013 URL: A new analysis of hydrographic data in the Atlantic and its application to an inverse modeling study Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Reynaud, Thierry; Le Grand, Pascal; Mercier, Herle; Barnier, Bernard. Tipo: Text Ano: 1998 URL: A New Barrier to Dispersal Trapped Old Genetic Clines That Escaped the Easter Microplate Tension Zone of the Pacific Vent Mussels Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Plouviez, Sophie; Faure, Baptiste; Le Guen, Dominique; Lallier, Francois; Bierne, Nicolas; Jollivet, Didier. Comparative phylogeography of deep-sea hydrothermal vent species has uncovered several genetic breaks between populations inhabiting northern and southern latitudes of the East Pacific Rise. However, the geographic width and position of genetic clines are variable among species. In this report, we further characterize the position and strength of barriers to gene flow between populations of the deep-sea vent mussel Bathymodiolus thermophilus. Eight allozyme loci and DNA sequences of four nuclear genes were added to previously published sequences of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene. Our data confirm the presence of two barriers to gene flow, one located at the Easter Microplate (between 21 degrees 33'S and 31 degrees S) recently described as a hybrid... Tipo: Text Ano: 2013 URL: A new bathyphotometer for bioluminescence measurements on the Armorican continental shelf (northeastern Atlantic) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Geistdoerfer, P; Vincendeau, Ma. A new bathyphotometer has been developed by the Oceanographic Laboratory of the French Naval Academy which has performed a series of in situ bioluminescence: measurements since 1994. It is used as an additional probe to a Seabird (R) CTD. It measures planktonic bioluminescence. It is associated with a SeaTech (R) fluorometer. The Armorican shelf has particularly been investigated since July 1994. Results obtained in January and April 1995 off Brittany (France), at the entrance to the Bay of Douarnenez and in the northern Bay of Biscay are presented as examples. A method to separate the bioluminescence background from sharp peaks is presented. The strength of bioluminescence signals was related to seasonal planktonic biomass fluctuations, low in winter,... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bioluminescence marine; Bathyphotomètre; Atlantique nord-est; Plancton; Marine bioluminescence; Bathyphotometer; Northeastern Atlantic; Plankton. Ano: 1999 URL: A new compilation of stomach content data for commercially-important pelagic fish species in the Northeast Atlantic Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Pinnegar, J. K.; Goni, N.; Trenkel, Verena; Arrizabalaga, H.; Melle, W.; Keating, J.; Oskarsson, G. There is increasing demand for information on predator-prey interactions in the ocean as a result of legislative commitments aimed at achieving sustainable exploitation. However, comprehensive datasets are lacking for many fish species and this has hampered development of multispecies fisheries models and the formulation of effective food-web indicators. This work describes a new compilation of stomach content data for five pelagic fish species (herring, blue whiting, mackerel, albacore and bluefin tuna) sampled across the northeast Atlantic and submitted to the PANGAEA open-access data portal ( We provide detailed descriptions of sample origin and of the corresponding database structures. We describe the main results in terms of diet... Tipo: Text Ano: 2015 URL: A new deep-sea genus of nannastacidae (Crustacea, cumacea) from the lucky strike hydrothermal vent field (Azores triple junction, mid-atlantic ridge) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Corbera, J; Segonzac, Michel; Cunha, M. A new cumacean genus and species, Thalycrocuma sarradini gen. et sp. nov., belonging to the family Nannastacidae is described from several sites of the Lucky Strike hydrothermal vent field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 37N, 1700 m depth). The new genus differs from others in the family by males lacking exopods on the pereopods 3 and 4 and having an antenna with a five-articulate peduncle and a short flagellum. This is the first cumacean species that could be considered, at the moment, as endemic from hydrothermal vent areas. Data on the accompanying fauna including other cumacean species (Cyclaspis longicaudata, Bathycuma brevirostre, Procampylaspis sp. and Makrokylindrus sp.) and some ecological remarks are included. A key for the currently known genera of the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Systematics; Morphology; Mid Atlantic Ridge; Hydrothermal vents; Deep sea; Cumacea. Ano: 2008 URL: A new deep-sea lobster of the genus Thymopides (Crustacea : Decapoda : Nephropidae) collected near the hydrothermal vent Snake Pit, Mid-Atlantic Ridge Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Segonzac, Michel; Macpherson, Enrique. A second species of the genus Thymopides, T laurentae sp. nov., is described from a specimen trapped at 3505 m depth in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, near the Snake Pit hydrothermal area. This new species is easily distinguishable from the type species T grobovi, collected off the subantarctic islands Heard and Kerguelen, at depth between 525 and 1220 m, by its smooth carapace, the abdomen without longitudinal median carina and the palm of the first pereopod distinctly longer than wide. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mid Atlantic Ridge; Hydrothermal vent; Deep sea; Nephropidae; Thymopides. Ano: 2003 URL: A new device for in situ video and fluorescence analysis of marine particles. Applications to phytoplankton studies. Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lunven, Michel; Lehaitre, Michel; Nascimben, Eric; Rouvillain, Julien; Berric, Roger; Le Gall, Erwan; Gentien, Patrick. A new video-microscope has been developed for in situ investigation on marine particles. A field of view is produced by a laser beam at 473 nm. Individual cells or particles that entered this field of view appear as individual diffraction-limited spots of light, which are resolved from the dark background. A mobile high-pass optical filter (610 nm) can be controlled and displaced in front of the CCD camera, allowing simultaneously imaging and discrimination between fluorescing and non-fluorescing particles. We have the possibility to add a band pass filter for phycoerytrin detection. The system allows white light visualisation of particles ranging from 10 µm to several millimetres, depending on the zoom magnification. With the 610 nm high pass filter, the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Surveillance; Phytoplancton; Phycotoxine. Ano: 2005 URL: A new device to follow temporal variations of oxygen demand in deltaic sediments: the LSCE benthic station Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Toussaint, Flora; Rabouille, Christophe; Cathalot, Cecile; Bombled, Bruno; Abchiche, Abdel; Aouji, Oualid; Buchholtz, Gilles; Clemencon, Aurelien; Geyskens, Nicolas; Repecaud, Michel; Pairaud, Ivane; Verney, Romaric; Tisnerat-laborde, Nadine. A new benthic station equipped with oxygen microelectrodes and environmental sensors was developed by Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de L’Environnement (LSCE) and Division Technique of the Institut National des Sciences de L’Univers (DT-INSU) to perform in situ time series monitoring of sediment oxygen demand, linked to the mineralization of organic matter. The time series typically cover periods of 2-3 months, with a base frequency of 1 set of oxygen profiles per day. The profiling head assessed the lateral heterogeneity of the sediment oxygen demand at the beginning of the time series over a 0.8-m long rectangle to discriminate spatial and temporal variability. A continuous recalibration is performed using a moored oxygen optode anchored to the... Tipo: Text Ano: 2014 URL: A new genus and species of alvinocaridid shrimp (Crustacea : Decapoda : Caridea) from hydrothermal vents on the North Fiji and Lau Basins, south-western Pacific Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Komai, Tomoyuki; Segonzac, Michel. Nautilocaris saintlaurentae gen. nov, sp. nov, is described and illustrated from hydrothermal vents in the North Fiji Basin and Lau Basin in the south-western Pacific. This new taxon is assigned to the Alvinocarididae. It has a well-developed, dorsally dentate rostrum, carapace with pterygostomian spine present, eye broadly fused mesially, epipod-setobranch complex present above pereopods, and appendix internae on second to fourth pleopods greatly reduced. This combination of characters places it in an intermediate position between a group of species in the genus Alvinocaris with well developed, dorsally, dentate rostrum, carapace with pterygostomian spine present, eyes narrowly fused mesially, epipod-setobranch complex absent and well-developed appendices... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pacifique; Hydrothermal vent; Alvinocarididae; Taxinomy; Anatomy. Ano: 2004 URL: A new genus of Poecilochaetidae (Polychaetous annelids) in the mediterranean : Elicodasia mirabilis Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Laubier, Lucien; Ramos, Jeanete. In the framework of a general study of the benthic communities located on the continental shelf in the Bay of Rosas (on the Spanish Catalonian coast of the Mediterranean), several specimens of a new genus belonging to the small family Poecilochaetidae Hannerz, 1956 were recovered. The object of this study is to describe and classify this unusual organism in relation to the one genus already known in this family. (NOT CONTROLLED OCR] Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer. Ano: 1973 URL: A new genus of soft coral (Cnidaria, Octocorallia) from the Republic of Congo (Pointe-Noire Region) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Van Ofwegen, Leen P.; Aurelle, Didier; Sartoretto, Stephane. A new genus of soft coral from the Republic of Congo is described, Complexum gen. n. Nine West African octocoral species previously described in the genus Alcyonium by Tixier-Durivault (1955) are referred to this new genus, and a new species is described and figured, C. pusillum sp. n. The new species is characterized by having encrusting growth form and abundant spiny clubs in the surface of the polyparium. It colonizes shallow calcareous rocky banks (5 to 20 m depth) existing in coastal water of the region of Pointe-Noire. Based on molecular phylogeny this new genus is well separated from Alcyonium species. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Coelenterata; Cnidaria; Octocorallia; Alcyonacea; Alcyoniidea; Alcyonium; Complexum; Republic of Congo; New genus; New species. Ano: 2014 URL: A new infaunal xenophyophore (xenophyophorea, protozoa) with notes on its ecology and possible trace fossil analogs Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Tendal, Os; Swinbanks, Dd; Shirayama, Y. Tipo: Text Ano: 1982 URL: A new information and data mining tool for North Atlantic Argo Data Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Maze, Guillaume. Tipo: Text Ano: 2012 URL: A new open cableb infrastructure in MEDSEA Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Leon, Pierre; Drogou, Jean-francois; Chenot, Damien; Leveque, C.; Martinossi, Henri; Massol, Alain; Rigaud, Vincent; Santarelli, Dominique; Valdy, Pierre; Gojak, Carl; Bernardet, Karim; Hafidi, Zouhir; Lenault, Yannick; Mahiouz, Karim; Deschamps, Anne; Hello, Y.; Lefevre, D.; Tamburini, C.; Destelle, J. J. Recently the ANTARES Neutrino telescope's Infrastructure in the deep Mediterranean Sea, has been extended by a Secondary Junction Box. The main emphasis has been to provide basic power and communications capability for new scientific cabled observatories. This new infrastructure provides unprecedented amounts of power and two-way bandwidth to access and control instrument networks in the oceans. This new development allows cabled observatory to connect the seafloor to the Internet via real-time, two-way highspeed communications. This design gives researchers new capabilities beyond the reach of traditional oceanography. Ocean scientists can run deep-water experiments from labs and universities anywhere around the world. Three different underwater... Tipo: Text Ano: 2011 URL: A New Photobioreactor for Continuous Microalgal Production in Hatcheries Based on External-Loop Airlift and Swirling Flow Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Loubiere, K; Olivo, Erell; Bougaran, Gael; Pruvost, J; Robert, Rene; Legrand, J. This study deals with the scale of a new photobioreactor for continuous microalgal production in hatcheries. The combination of the state-of-art with the constraints inherent to hatcheries has turned the design into a closed, artificially illuminated and external-loop airlift configuration based on a succession of elementary modules, each one being composed of two transparent vertical interconnected columns. The liquid circulation is ensured pneumatically (air injections) with respect to a swirling motion (tangential inlets). A single module of the whole photobioreactor was built-up to scale its geometry (diameter and length) and to optimize its design (air sparger, tangential inlets). The volumetric productivities were predicted by modeling radiative... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Isochrysis affinis galbana; Swirling flow; Airlift; Hatchery; Continuous photobioreactor. Ano: 2009 URL: A New Platform for the Determination of Air–Sea Fluxes (OCARINA): Overview and First Results Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bourras, D.; Branger, H.; Reverdin, Gilles; Marie, Louis; Cambra, R.; Baggio, L.; Caudoux, C.; Caudal, G.; Morisset, S.; Geyskens, N.; Weill, Alain; Hauser, D. The present paper describes a new type of floating platform that was specifically designed for estimating air–sea fluxes, investigating turbulence characteristics in the atmospheric surface boundary layer, and studying wind–wave interactions. With its design, it can be deployed in the open ocean or in shallow-water areas. The system is designed to be used from a research vessel. It can operate for ~10 h as a drifting wave rider and 3 h under power. Turbulence and meteorological instrument packages are placed at a low altitude (1–1.5 m). It was deployed for validation purposes during the Front de Marée, Variabilité (FROMVAR), 2011 experiment off the west coast of Brittany, France. Wind friction velocity and surface turbulent buoyancy flux were estimated... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: In situ atmospheric observations; Surface observations; In situ oceanic observations. Ano: 2014 URL: A new potentially toxic Azadinium species (Dinophyceae) from the Mediterranean Sea, A. dexteroporum sp. nov. Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Percopo, Isabella; Siano, Raffaele; Rossi, Rachele; Soprano, Vittorio; Sarno, Diana; Zingone, Adriana. A new photosynthetic planktonic marine dinoflagellate, Azadinium dexteroporum sp. nov., is described from the Gulf of Naples (South Tyrrhenian Sea, Mediterranean Sea). The plate formula of the species, Po, cp, X, 4, 3a, 6, 6C, 5?S, 6'" and 2, is typical for this recently described genus. Azadinium dexteroporum is the smallest rep-resentative of the genus (8.5m average length, 6.2m average width) and shares the presence of a small antapical spine with the type species A.spinosum and with A.polongum. However, it differs from all other Azadinium species for the markedly asymmetrical Po plate and the position of the ventral pore, which is located at the right posterior end of the Po plate. Another peculiarity of A.dexteroporum is the pronounced concavity of... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Azadinium; Azaspiracid; Dinoflagellate; LC; MS-TOF; LTER-MC; Mediterranean Sea; Phylogeny; Taxonomy. Ano: 2013 URL: A new procedure for interpolating satellite-derived Suspended Particulate Matters within the Previmer context Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Gohin, Francis; Bryere, Philippe; Perrot, Laurie. After several years of experience in providing daily merged products of non-algal Suspended Particulate Matters (SPM) for forcing the light in the ecological model of Previmer ECO-MARS-3D, we have often observed poor quality SPM fields in winter due to the cloud cover. For this reason we propose a new interpolation scheme, multisensor and multitemporal, based on a first-guess field of daily SPM derived from a biweekly satellite climatology modified to take into account dynamically the effects of waves and tides. The contribution of waves and tide is simulated through a simple statistical model (multiplicative effects of the significant wave heights and tidal intensity) summing up the information coming out from the historical data set of SPM. On an... Tipo: Text Ano: 2014 URL: A New Process for Extracting Alginates from Laminaria digitata: Reactive Extrusion Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Vauchel, Peggy; Kaas, Raymond; Arhaliass, Abdellah; Baron, Regis; Legrand, Julien. Alginates are natural polysaccharides that are extracted from brown seaweeds and widely used for their rheological properties. The main step in the extraction protocol used in the alginate industry is that of alkaline extraction. A batch process is used for this step, which is time-, water-, and reactant-consuming. The possibility of extracting by reactive extrusion was investigated. The reactive extrusion process appeared to be more efficient than the batch process for the alkaline extraction of alginates from Laminaria digitata in several key ways: Time demand is reduced from about an hour to only few minutes, water and reactant requirements are divided by more than a factor 2, extraction yield is 15% higher (relative enhancement), and the rheological... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Intrinsic viscosity; Reactive extrusion; Laminaria digitata; Alkaline extraction; Alginate. Ano: 2008 URL: A new SNP-based vision of the genetics of sex determination in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Palaiokostas, Christos; Bekaert, Michael; Taggart, John B.; Gharbi, Karim; Mcandrew, Brendan J.; Chatain, Beatrice; Penman, David J.; Vandeputte, Marc. Background: European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) is one of the most important farmed species in Mediterranean aquaculture. The observed sexual growth and maturity dimorphism in favour of females adds value towards deciphering the sex determination system of this species. Current knowledge indicates the existence of a polygenic sex determining determination system that interacts with temperature. This was explored by restriction-site associated DNA (RAD) marker analysis in a test panel of 175 offspring that originated from a factorial cross between two dams and four sires from a single full-sib family. Results: The first high-density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) based linkage map for sea bass was constructed, consisting of 6706 SNPs on 24... Tipo: Text Ano: 2015 URL: A new species of Phyllochaetopterus (Annelida: Chaetopteridae) from deep-sea hydrothermal Ashadze-1 vent field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge: taxonomical description and partial COI DNA sequence Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Morineaux, Marie; Nishi, Eijiroh; Ormos, Andrea; Mouchel, Olivier. Phyllochaetopterus polus, a new species of the polychaete family Chaetopteridae is described. Specimens were collected at the Ashadze-1 vent field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge), from 4100-4200 m depth. P polus is the first chaetopterid reported from the Atlantic hydrothermal vents. Three chaetopterid species have been recorded from deep-sea hydrothermal vents belonging to two genera, Spiochaetopterus and Phyllochaetopterus. P polus sp. nov. is a medium-sized chaetopterid, characterized by 9 chaetigers in region A and 2 in region B; region C is usually incomplete in the specimens examined, but has at least 40-70 chaetigers. This polychaete has one pair of modified chaetae in chaetiger 4 with a pear-shaped obliquely truncated head, triangular uncini and a branched... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Polychaeta; Hydrothermal vent; Mid-Atlantic Ridge; Taxonomy; New species; COI. Ano: 2010 URL: A new species of scale-worm (Polychaeta : Polynoidae), Lepidonotopodium atalantae sp nov., from the East Pacific Rise at 13 degrees N and 9 degrees 50'N Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Desbruyeres, Daniel; Hourdez, Stéphane. A new species of scale-worm, Lepidonotopodium atalantae, belonging to the sub-family Lepidonotopodinae (Polychaeta: Polynoidae) has been found in samples collected on the deep-sea hydrothermal vent sites of 9 degrees N and 13 degrees N on the East Pacific Rise. It is mainly characterized by elytra, regularly ornamented on their posterior border, and very long anal cirri. This is the fifth species of Lepidonotopodium, all belonging to the deep-sea hydrothermal vent fauna. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: East Pacific Rise; Hydrothermal vent; Deep sea; Polynoidae; Polychaeta; Annelida. Ano: 2000 URL: A new species of scale-worm (Polychaeta : Polynoidae), Lepidonotopodium jouinae sp nov., from the Azores Triple Junction on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Desbruyeres, Daniel; Hourdez, Stéphane. A new species of scale-worm, Lepidonotopodium jouinae, belonging to the sub-family Lepidonotopodinae (Polychaeta: Polynoidae) has been found in samples collected on deep-sea hydrothermal vent fields at the Azores Triple Junction on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. It is the first species of Polynoidae described from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal vents. Other species of the same genus have been described from hydrothermal vents of the Pacific Ocean. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mid Atlantic Ridge; Hydrothermal vent; Deep sea; Polynoidae; Polychaeta; Annelida. Ano: 2000 URL: A new species of scale-worm (Polychaeta : Polynoidae), Levensteiniella iris sp nov., from the Rainbow and Lucky Strike vent fields (Mid-Atlantic Ridge) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Hourdez, Stéphane; Desbruyeres, Daniel. A new species of scale-worm belonging to the sub-family Macellicephalinae, Levensteiniella iris sp. nov., is described. It was collected on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, on the Lucky Strike and Rainbow vent sites, associated to the mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus on very low flow hydrothermal vents. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: New species; Macellicephalinae; Polychaeta; Mid Atlantic ridge; Hydrothermal vents. Ano: 2003 URL: A new species of sea anemone (Cnidaria : Anthozoa : Actiniaria) from Manus Basin hydrothermal vents, South-western Pacific Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lopez Gonzalez, P; Rodriguez, E; Segonzac, Michel. During the BIOACCESS Japanese cruises (1996 and 1998), active hydrothermalism and associated vent fauna were studied on the South-eastern Rift of Manus Basin (South-western Pacific). In the PACMANUS vent field, a conspicuous vent fauna was sampled, including an actinostolid sea anemone (Actiniaria) belonging to an undescribed genus and species. Pacmanactis hashimotoi gen. et spec. nov. is here described, and represents the 9th sea anemone reported from hydrothermal vents. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Manus Basin; Back arc basins; Hydrothermal vents; Actinostolidae; Actiniaria. Ano: 2005 URL: A new starting point for the history of the central Atlantic Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Sahabi, Mohamed; Aslanian, Daniel; Olivet, Jean-louis. A new starting point for the history of the central Atlantic. The first oceanic crust in the central Atlantic is usually thought to have a Middle Jurassic age. The new interpretation of the two key parameters, the African homologue of the East Coast Magnetic Anomaly and the situation of the Triassic salt basin of Morocco and Novia Scotia, shows that this age was underestimated by about 20 Ma. In our kinematic reconstruction, the first oceanic crust begins at the Late Sinemurian. This difference in age is crucial for the evolution of those margins and we discuss here its consequences. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Cinématique; Bassin à évaporites; Anomalie magnétique; Atlantique central; Cinematic; Salt basin; Magnetic anomaly; Central Atlantic. Ano: 2004 URL: A new starting point for the South and Equatorial Atlantic Ocean Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Moulin, Maryline; Aslanian, Daniel; Unternehr, Patrick. The opening of the Equatorial and South Atlantic Oceans is still a matter of debate, particularly as concerns the locations of the intraplate deformation. We propose here a critical review of the kinematic models published since Bullard et al., 1965, based on a series of constraints: new interpretation of the magnetic anomalies, seafloor isochrons, flow lines, fracture zones, continental and oceanic homologous structures and radiometric dating of igneous rocks. All of these models present numerous unexplained misfits (gaps, overlaps and misalignments). We present here a new evolution of the Equatorial and South Atlantic Ocean from the tightest reconstruction to Chron C34. This new model confirms the hypothesis of a northward propagation of the South... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Initial kinematic reconstruction; South and Equatorial Atlantic Oceans; Intraplate deformation; Magnetic anomalies. Ano: 2010 URL: A new statistic for sampling design investigation : an application to length-structured landings sampling Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Vigneau, Joel; Mahevas, Stephanie. Measuring fish on a market or on board a vessel is the most common action taken by biologists all around the world to gather data for stock assessment. The samples coming from this kind of survey are of vector type and are not straightforward to analyse and compare. This paper proposes a generic tool that enables to investigate in any multinomial like sampling scheme. The use of this tool will be discussed based on examples from two different sampling designs. One is a sampling of commercial market categories and the other is a métier based sampling. The research of outliers, misallocated samples or potential bias, the stratification and the analysis of within and between strata variance will be discussed with the objective of constructing the best... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Stratification; Sampling design; Length structure; Market sampling. Ano: 2005 URL: A non-linear second-order stochastic model of ocean surface waves Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Joelson, M; Ramamonjiarisoa, A. This paper deals first with the mathematical formulation of a non-linear second-order stochastic model of free irrotational ocean surface wave on deep water. Then, the case of wave motion of zero bandwidth is treated to illustrate the model. On the basis of the usual hydrodynamic equations, the formulation is made by successive applications of the harmonic decomposition and the so-called Wiener-Hermite functional series expansion of random functions. This procedure yields the kernels equations. These kernels allow to obtain the random surface wave fields from the Wiener set of elementary random processes. For the particular case cited above, as expected, the second-order non-linearity results in the generation of a second harmonic component of the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Représentation de Fourier-Stieltjes; Équations aux noyaux; Ondes de surface océaniques; Fonctions aléatoires; Série fonctionnelle de Wiener-Hermite; Fourier-Stiltjes decomposition; Kernels equations; Oceanic surface waves; Random functions; Wiener-Hermite functional series. Ano: 2001 URL: A non-linear software sensor to monitor the internal nitrogen quota of phytoplanktonic cells Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bernard, O; Sciandra, A; Sallet, G. New techniques - called software sensors - issued from the non-linear automatic control field and initially developed for non-linear chemical systems have been applied to a continuous culture of phytoplankton. A software sensor (or 'observer') combines an analytical differential equation based model and partial measurements of the system in order to estimate the non-measured state variables. It filters data and estimates the actual state of living systems, models of which are often rough approximations. The efficiency of this approach is illustrated with a nitrate-limited chemostat experiment with the chlorophyceae Dunaliella tertiolecta performed in a computer controlled fluctuating environment. (C) 2001 Ifremer/CNRS/IRD/Editions scientifiques et... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Modèle de Droop; Systèmes non linéaires; Observateurs; Phytoplancton; Droop model; Non-linear systems; Observers; Phytoplankton. Ano: 2001 URL: A non-linear viscoelastic viscoplastic model for the behaviour of polyester fibres Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Chailleux, Emmanuel; Davies, Peter. In this study the macroscopic analysis proposed by Schapery has been applied to model the non-linear viscoelastic and viscoplastic behaviour of polyester fibres. First, a special non-contact extensometry method has been developed in order to measure the fibre response without affecting the behaviour of these extremely anisotropic fibres. An accelerated identification method has then been developed. This enables a unique and independent set of parameters to be determined, which separate the reversible and non-reversible mechanisms responsible for measured strains. The model prediction for an arbitrary loading sequence corresponds closely to the measured strains. The model has been applied here at the yarn level but can equally well be used to predict rope... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Viscoplastic; Viscoelastic; Polyester; Non linear; Model; Fibre. Ano: 2005 URL: A note on progress in the bioeconomic modelling of fishing activity in the North Sea Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Catanzano, Joseph; Cunningham, S. Over the relatively recent past, bioeconomic modelling has advanced by integrating major theoretical and analytical progress made in both economic and biological modelling. The movements from static towards dynamic models and from global towards analytical models were the first steps in this advance. More recently, research has turned towards veritable optimisation models incorporating risk, asymmetrical information, and chaotic and multiple equilibria. Attempts to validate such models have been based on case studies of more and more homogenous fisheries (jesmall numbers of stocks and exploitation systems) so that the objective function is quite explicit and limited. This change of emphasis has occurred however without a re-consideration of the aim of the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM. Ano: 1993 URL: A note on the continuance of the somali eddy after the cessation of the southwest monsoon Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bruce, Jg; Fieux, M; Gonella, J. Tipo: Text Ano: 1981 URL: A note on the direct injection of turbulence by breaking waves Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Rascle, Nicolas; Chapron, Bertrand; Ardhuin, Fabrice; Soloviev, Alexander. We investigate the turbulence induced by wave-breaking at the ocean surface. Two recent models use a mechanism of direct depth injection of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) by breaking waves. Those models aim to reproduce the near-surface mean and turbulent properties, in particular the TKE dissipation rates. Of critical importance are the injection depth of each breaking wave and the size distribution of those breaking waves. The models by Sullivan et al. (2007) and by Kudryavtsev et al. (2008) have very different parameterizations, and those differences are reviewed here and compared to available observations. Using realistic parameterizations in these models leads to TKE injections too shallow to compare to observations, in particular for developed seas.... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Surface waves; Wave breaking; Wave-induced turbulence; Vertical mixing; Mixed layer; Ekman currents. Ano: 2013 URL: A novel "Integrated Biomarker Response" calculation based on reference deviation concept Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Sanchez, Wilfried; Burgeot, Thierry; Porcher, Jean-marc. Multi-biomarker approaches are used to assess ecosystem health and identify impacts of environmental stress on organisms. However, exploration of large datasets by environmental managers represents a major challenge for regulatory application of this tool. Several integrative tools were developed to summarize biomarker responses. The aim of the present paper is to update calculation of the "Integrated Biological Response" (IBR) described by Beliaeff and Burgeot (Environ Toxicol Chem 21:1316-1322, 2002) to avoid weaknesses of this integrative tool. In the present paper, a novel index named "Integrated Biological Responses version 2" based on the reference deviation concept is presented. It allows a clear discrimination of sampling sites as for the IBR, but... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biomarkers; Data analysis; Graphic tools; Three-spined stickleback. Ano: 2013 URL: A novel mcl PHA-producing bacterium, Pseudomonas guezennei sp nov, isolated from a 'kopara' mat located in Rangiroa, an atoll of French Polynesia Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Simon-colin, Christelle; Alain, Karine; Colin, Sebastien; Cozien, Joelle; Costa, B; Guezennec, Jean; Raguenes, Gerard. Aims: The aim of the present study was to describe an aerobic, mesophilic and heterotrophic bacterium, designated RA26, able to produce a medium-chain-length polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA). It was isolated from a French Polynesian bacterial mat located in the atoll of Rangiroa. Methods and Results: This micro-organism, on the basis of the phenotypical features and genotypic investigations can be clearly assigned to the Pseudomonas genus and the name of Pseudomonas guezennei is proposed. Optimal growth occurs between 33 and 37 degrees C, at a pH between 6 4 and 7 1 and at ionic strength of 15 g 1(-1) of sea salts. The G+C content of DNA is 63.2%. Under laboratory conditions, this bacterium produced a novel, medium-chain-length PHA, mainly composed of... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pseudomonas; Polyhydroxyalkanaote; Microbial mat; Kopara. Ano: 2008 URL: A novel mcl-PHA produced on coprah oil by Pseudomonas guezennei biovar. tikehau, isolated from a "kopara" mat of French Polynesia Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Simon-colin, Christelle; Raguenes, Gerard; Crassous, Philippe; Moppert, X; Guezennec, Jean. Pseudomonasguezennei biovar. tikehau was isolated from a microbial mat on the atoll of Tikehau in French Polynesia, and is able to synthesize medium chain length poly-beta-hydroxyalkanaote copolymers when grown on coprah oil. A two-step cultivation process was used and the biosynthesis of PHAs was followed along 52 h by regular culture sampling. The polyester was purified from freeze-dried cells and analysed by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), Fourier transform infra red (FTIR), and gas chromatography mass spectrometries. The copolyester produced by P. guezennei biovar. tikehau from coprah oil mainly consisted of saturated monomers, i.e. 3-hydroxyoctanoate (3HO) and 3-hydroxydecanoate (3HD), and the monomeric composition of the polyester did not change... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Polyhydroxyalkanaote; PHAs; Pseudomonas; "kopara"; Microbial mat. Ano: 2008 URL: A novel proteomic approach identifies new interaction partners for proliferating cell nuclear antigen Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Mesiet Cladiere, L; Norais, Cédric; Kuhn, Joelle; Briffotaux, Julien; Sloostra, Jerry W.; Ferrari, Elena; Hubscher, Ulrich; Flament, Didier; Myllykallio, Hannu. During DNA replication and repair, many proteins bind to and dissociate in a highly specific and ordered manner from proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). We describe a combined approach of in silico searches at the genome level and combinatorial peptide synthesis to investigate the binding properties of hundreds of short PCNA-interacting peptides (PIP-peptides) to archaeal and eukaryal PCNAs. Biological relevance of our combined approach was demonstrated by identification an inactive complex of Pyrococcus abyssi ribonuclease HII with PCNA. Furthermore we show that PIP-peptides interact with PCNA largely in a sequence independent manner. Our experimental approach also identified many so far unidentified PCNA interacting peptides in a number of human... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ribonuclease HII; Combinatorial peptide synthesis; PCNA. Ano: 2007 URL: A Numerical Investigation for Underwater Fluid-Netting Interaction Problem Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Mnassri, Ilyes; Le Touze, David; Vincent, Benoit; Alessandrini, Bertrand. The present work investigates an application-oriented issue in the marine and fisheries researches domain. However much trawl structure codes that simulate dynamic behavior of submerged nets, in continuous interaction with surrounded ocean water, still need more accuracy and precision due to the fact that the sea water is mainly considered as a fluid with a uniform velocity and intensity, and so the effects of small turbulence rates were neglected. When this little inaccuracy occurs in the first step of the net displacement prediction, a large error could manifests in the form of the simulated net, and as consequence, drag forces wrongly estimated. In the purpose to overcome the lack of data information exchange during the fluid structure interaction, a co... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Net deployment; Navier-Stokes; Tait EOS; Riemann solver. Ano: 2011 URL: A numerical investigation of the wind-driven circulation in the archipelago of la-maddalena Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bruschi, A; Buffoni, G; Elliott, Aj; Manzella, G. Tipo: Text Ano: 1981 URL: A numerical model for free infragravity waves: Definition and validation at regional and global scales Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Ardhuin, Fabrice; Rawat, Arshad; Aucan, Jerome. The spectral wave model WAVEWATCH III is extended from the windsea and swell band to lower frequencies, in order to represent free waves in the infragravity (IG) wave band. This extension is based on an empirical source of IG energy, which is defined along shorelines from the significant wave height and a mean period. The empirical proportionality factor is found to reproduce accurately the variations of free IG wave energy in coastal areas, where it was calibrated, and also has a good skill at global scales. In the open ocean, the model is particularly verified for frequencies in the range 5 to 14 mHz for which ocean bottom records are sensitive to the IG signal. The model captures between 30% and 80% of the variance in IG wave heights, depending on... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Infragravity waves; SWOT; Spectral model. Ano: 2014 URL: A numerical model for ocean ultra-low frequency noise: Wave-generated acoustic-gravity and Rayleigh modes Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Ardhuin, Fabrice; Lavanant, Thibaut; Obrebski, Mathias; Marie, Louis; Royer, Jean-yves; D'Eu, Jean-francois; Howe, Bruce M.; Lukas, Roger; Aucan, Jerome. The generation of ultra-low frequency acoustic noise (0.1 to 1 Hz) by the nonlinear interaction of ocean surface gravity waves is well established. More controversial are the quantitative theories that attempt to predict the recorded noise levels and their variability. Here a single theoretical framework is used to predict the noise level associated with propagating pseudo-Rayleigh modes and evanescent acoustic-gravity modes. The latter are dominant only within 200 m from the sea surface, in shallow or deep water. At depths larger than 500 m, the comparison of a numerical noise model with hydrophone records from two open-ocean sites near Hawaii and the Kerguelen islands reveal: (a) Deep ocean acoustic noise at frequencies 0.1 to 1 Hz is consistent with the... Tipo: Text Ano: 2013 URL: A numerical modelling study of upwelling filaments off the NW African coast Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Stevens, I; Johnson, J. A fine resolution (1/12degrees x 1/12degrees) primitive equation limited area model is constructed for the region off NW Africa in the eastern North Atlantic to examine the generation of cool upwelling filaments. A seasonal shift in the trade wind pattern leads to coastal upwelling and an equatorward coastal current. The filaments form at four preferred locations along the NW African coast between 25degreesN and 35degreesN, the largest filament being at Cape Ghir. The generation mechanism for the filaments is similar to the one proposed for filaments in the California current system. As a result of baroclinic instability meanders develop on the coastal current and transport cool upwelled water offshore to form the filaments. During the relaxation phase of... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Modèle numérique; Upwelling; Meso-échelle; Afrique Nord-Ouest; Cape Ghir; Numerical model; Coastal upwelling; Mesoscale features; NW Africa; Cape Ghir. Ano: 2003 URL: A numerical prediction of bed shear stresses in the wave-current turbulent boundary-layer over flat sea beds Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Huynhthanh, S; Temperville, A. The turbulent boundary-layer flow over flat rough beds due to a wave or to combined wave-current interaction is studied using a numerical turbulence closure model of K-L type. Different cases of modelling are discussed and illustrated by numerical examples. The model was run for a wide range of parameters of wave, current, bed roughness and angle of interaction. The curves of dimensionless mean and maximum bed shear stresses obtained present the non-linearity of the wave-current interaction. The parameterization of results is realized in order to facilitate the incorporation of bed shear stresses into coastal morphodynamic models. Tipo: Text Ano: 1995 URL: A numerical study of baroclinic instability at large supercriticality Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Klein, Patrice; Pedlosky, J. A series of numerical integrations of the two-layer quasi-geostrophic model were carried out to investigate the nonlinear dynamics of baroclinically unstable waves at supercriticalities of O(1). The results extend and are contrasted with the results of weakly nonlinear theory valid only for small supercriticality. Particular attention is paid to that sector of parameter space in which the transition from regular to aperiodic behavior is observed for weakly nonlinear waves. It is found that aperiodic, chaotic behavior extends to parameter domains of higher dissipation as a consequence of finite amplitude effects as the supercriticality increases. Sensitive dependence on parameters remains a hallmark of the system as intervals of chaotic, periodic and steady... Tipo: Text Ano: 1986 URL: A numerical study of the generation and propagation of internal solitary waves in the Luzon Strait Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Cai, Sq; Long, Xm; Gan, Zj. A new composite model, which consists of a generation model of the internal tides and a regularized long wave propagation model, is presented to study the generation and evolution of internal solitary waves in the sill strait. Internal bores in the sill strait are first simulated by the generation model. and then the internal tidal field outside of the sill region is given as input for the propagation model. Numerical experiments are carried out to Study the imposing tide, depth profile. channel width and shoaling effect, etc., on the generation and evolution of internal solitary waves. It is shown that only when the amplitude of internal tide at the forcing boundary of the propagation model is large enough that a train of internal solitary waves would be... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marée interne; Modèle numérique de soliton; Mer de Chine; Internal wave; Soliton; Numerical model; South China Sea. Ano: 2002 URL: A numerical study of the nonlinear-interaction of hurricane-camille with the gulf-of-mexico loop current Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Ly, Ln; Kantha, Lh. A three-dimensional, primitive equation, ocean general circulation model is used to study the response of the Gulf of Mexico to Hurricane Camille (1969). The free-surface dynamics and the mixed-layer features are included in the model. The numerical model incorporates the realistic coastline and bottom topography. The sigma coordinate model has eighteen levels in the vertical and 0.2-degrees x 0.2-degrees horizontal resolution for the entire gulf. The study focuses on nonlinear interaction between hurricane induced currents and the Loop Current. The numerical simulations show that there is a strong nonlinear interaction between the hurricane and the Loop Current in the southern and central parts of the eastern gulf. The surface currents due to nonlinear... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: COASTAL CIRCULATION; OCEAN MODELING; RESPONSE TO A HURRICANE; HURRICANE CURRENTS; COASTAL SIMULATION. Ano: 1993 URL: A numerical study of turbulent processes in the marine upper layers Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Klein, Patrice; Coantic, Michel. A second-order turbulence closure model, similar to Mellor and Yamada's (1974) level-3 model, is implemented. This is used to investigate the role of the different turbulent processes and the resulting dynamical and thermal structures, for oceanic upper layers subjected to a variety of unsteady atmospheric forcings. From the distributions obtained for current and temperature, turbulence levels, the production, transfer and dissipation terms in the turbulent kinetic energy and temperature variance budgets, the physics of the oceanic mixed layer and thermocline can be discussed and comparisons made with the models of Mellor and Durbin (1975), Warn-Varnas and Piacsek (1979) and Kundu (1980) and some experimental data. Most often, shear production and viscous... Tipo: Text Ano: 1981 URL: A numerical taxonomic study of gram-negative bacteria isolated from the antarctic marine environment Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Tanner, A.c.; Herbert, R.a. One hundred and forty four Gram-negative bacteria, indigenous to the maritime Antarctic environment, together with six reference strains, were examined for ninety four unit characters, including morphology, production of exoenzymes, growth temperature characteristics and ability to utilize various organic carbon sources. The resulting data were analysed using the Ssm and Sj similarity coefficients with the UPGMA algorithm. At a 70% level of similary, 97% of the isolates were included in ten clusters. 50% of the isolates were identified as belonging to the genera Aeromonas/Vibrio ; 22 %, Alcaligenes ; 2%, Pseudomonas ; and 2% Flavobacterium. The remainder could not easily be identifed with bacteria previously described in the Eighth edition of Bergey's... Tipo: Text Ano: 1982 URL: A numerical verification of a shelf oscillation in the gulf of genoa Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Papa, L. Tipo: Text Ano: 1981 URL: A numerical-model of the m2-tide in the gulf of st-lawrence Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Pingree, Rd; Griffiths, Dk. Tipo: Text Ano: 1980 URL: A parametrization of the geometry of sea straits Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Anati, Da. Tipo: Text Ano: 1980 URL: A participatory approach frame to integrated social aspect in LCA: the case of aquaculture systems Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Mathe, Syndhia; Aubin, Joel; Wilfart, Aurélie; Rey-valette, Helene; Slembrouck, Jacques; Ediwarman,; Fontaine, Pascal; Tocqueville, Aurélien; Blancheton, Jean-paul; Callier, Myriam. Identification of relevant social impact indicators for a Social Life Cycle Assessment (SLCA) is still difficult and poorly documented (Jorgensen, et al, 2009). In aquaculture systems, the studies based on social aspects are essentially focused on manpower or on conflicts with other activities . In the PISCEnLit project**, we aim to broaden the vision of social impacts of fish farming systems using a new approach of SLCA. We studied fish farming pond systems in France (Lorraine and Brenne) and Indonesia (Tangkit Baru and Kumpeh Ulu in Sumatra island). In this study, we focused on the choice of the impact categories using the participation of stakeholders (James et al., 2002) by the identification and selection of the relevant social impacts to be assessed.... Tipo: Text Ano: 2012 URL: A pearl of a partnership Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Gueguen, Yannick; Mazouni, Nabila. Pearl farming is essential to the economy of French Polynesia, generating thousands of jobs for the islands. What are the main concerns for the current state of pearl farming in the region ? Tipo: Text Ano: 2014 URL: A perspective on the census of marine life. The role of natural history institutions for this programme Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Pierrot-bults, Ac. The Census of marine life programme (CoML) is expected to generate a large amount of information on the diversity, distribution, and abundance of marine communities, many of them new or poorly known. Institutions such as natural history museums can play a crucial role in providing the necessary tools to allow the CoML to advance knowledge in the fields of marine systematics and biogeography. These institutions can contribute taxonomic expertise to provide quality-controlled identifications of species; specimen collections to allow for cross-checking of occurrences and a historical context for new data; information, both paper and electronic, on taxonomy, ecology and other topics to enable researchers to review past work; education opportunities to inform... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Taxonomie; Biogéographie; Communautés marines; Taxonomy; Biogeography; Marine communities. Ano: 2002 URL: A photographic survey of a population of the stalked crinoid Diplocrinus (Annacrinus) wyvillethomsoni (Echinodermata) from the bathyal slope of the Bay of Biscay Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Conan, Gérard; Roux, Michel; Sibuet, Myriam. During the 1973 cruise of the BIOGAS deep-sea program, a series of 83 frames showing a high population density of the isocrinid stalked crinoid Diplocrinus (Annacrinus) wyvillethomsoni was obtained from a depth of 1246 m on the bathyal slope of the Bay of Biscay. The spatial distribution of D. wyvillethomsoni appears to be highly aggregated. Mean density is 0.61 m-² with confidence limits determined as 0.53 and 0.69 m-², ranging up to 8 or 10 specimens m-² on a sea floor with pebbles and rocks. D. wyvillethomsoni forms a parabolic filtration fan with its arms strongly recurved into the current. The distal group of cirri grips pebbles or the sharp upper edges of rocks. This active mode of anchorage contrasts with the passive mode in other genera of... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer. Ano: 1980 URL: A physical-biogeochemical coupling scheme for modeling marine coastal ecosystems Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Filgueira, Ramon; Grant, Jon; Bacher, Cedric; Carreau, Michel. Ecological modeling of dynamic systems such as marine environments may require detailed spatial resolution when the modeled area is greatly influenced by complex physical circulation. Therefore, the simulation of a marine ecosystem must be underlain by a physical model. However, coupling hydrodynamic and biogeochemical models is not straightforward. This paper presents a modeling technique that can be used to build generic and flexible fully-spatial physical-biogeochemical models to study coastal marine ecosystems using a visual modeling environment (VME). The model core is constructed in Simile, a VME that has the capacity to create multiple instances of submodels that can be interconnected, producing a fully-spatial simulation. The core is designed to... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Physical-biogeochemical coupling; Marine spatial planning; Aquaculture; Simile. Ano: 2012 URL: A physiological and biochemical approach to selecting the ideal diet for Ostrea edulis (L.) broodstock conditioning (part A) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Gonzalez-araya, Ricardo; Queau, Isabelle; Quere, Claudie; Moal, Jeanne; Robert, Rene. To select the best microalgae for Ostrea edulis conditioning, four single species diets were fed to batches of broodstock, which were then compared using physiological and biochemical approaches. Ingestion and absorption were first studied, showing that Chaetoceros gracilis and Skeletonema marinoï were efficiently ingested (4.9–5.3 mg g−1 h−1) and absorbed (1.9–2.5 mg g−1 h−1) while Tetraselmis suecica led to the lowest physiological responses (0.36 and 0.12 mg g−1 h−1 respectively). When O. edulis were fed any microalgae except T-ISO with only 79 mg g−1, gonads accumulated carbohydrates from 116 to 141 mg g−1 and the extent of accumulation depended on the species supplied in the order T. suecica<C. gracilis<S. marinoï. When oysters were fed either... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ostrea edulis; Conditioning; Algal diets; Ingestion; Absorption; Biochemical composition. Ano: 2011 URL: A phytosociological method for interpreting plankton data Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Fromentin, Jean-marc; Ibanez, F.; Legendre, P. Multivariate techniques allow data sets to be summarised, but are not deslgned to causally model ecological phenomena. The ambiguity of the interpretation results from the ambiguity of the scaling space. The phytosociological method proposed by Grandjouan (1982; These d'etat, Universite Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg) is a general interpretive framework allowing separate consideration of 3 distinct reference spaces. a geographical space to visualise the spatio-temporal distribution of the descriptors, an ecological space showing the effects of the environmental variables on the biological descriptors, and a bio-ethological space showing the statistically meaningful species cornmunities. It is thus possible to define the position of each biological category and... Tipo: Text Ano: 1993 URL: A pollution-monitoring pilot study involving contaminant and biomarker measurements in the Seine Estuary, France, using zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Minier, Christophe; Abarnou, Alain; Jaouen Madoulet, Agnes; Le Guellec, Anne-marie; Tutundjian, Renaud; Bocquene, Gilles; Leboulenger, François. Zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) is an invasive species that has proliferated in European and North American rivers and lakes during the last century. In this study, D. polymorpha has been used to provide information on contamination levels and biological effects in the Seine Estuary (France). The bivalves accumulated polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) to a high degree with values reaching 800 ng/g dry weight for PCBs (sum of 20 congeners), and 1,000 ng/g dry weight of PAHs (sum of 14 compounds) in the whole body. These values are among the highest reported of PCBs and, to a lesser extent, of PAHs in other contaminated areas in the world. Toxic equivalent quantities of PCBs and PAHs detected in zebra mussels... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biomarkers; Multixenobiotic resistance; Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; Polychlorinated biphenyls; Dreissena polymorpha. Ano: 2006 URL: A polygenic hypothesis for sex determination in the European sea bass - Dicentrarchus labrax Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Vandeputte, Marc; Dupont Nivet, M; Chavanne, H; Chatain, Beatrice. Polygenic sex determination, although suspected in several species, is thought to be evolutionarily unstable and has been proven in very few cases. In the European sea bass, temperature is known to influence the sex ratio. We set up a factorial mating, producing 5.893 individuals from 253 full-sib families, all reared in a single batch to avoid any between-families environmental effects. The proportion of females in the offspring was 18.3%, with a large variation between families. Interpreting sex as a threshold trait, the heritability estimate was 0.62 +/- 0.12. The observed distribution of family sex ratios was in accordance with a polygenic model or with a four-sex-factors system with environmental variance and could not be explained by any genetic... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Dicentrarchus labrax; Fish; Growth; Heritability; Sex ratio. Ano: 2007 URL: A portal for the ocean biogeographic information system Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Zhang, Yq; Grassle, Jf. Since its inception in 1999 the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) has developed into an international science program as well as a globally distributed network of biogeographic databases. An OBIS portal at Rutgers University provides the links and functional interoperability among member database systems. Protocols and standards have been established to support effective communication between the portal and these functional units. The portal provides distributed data searching, a taxonomy name service, a GIS with access to relevant environmental data, biological modeling, and education modules for mariners, students, environmental managers, and scientists. The portal will integrate Census of Marine Life field projects, national data archives,... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: OBIS; Portail; Biogéographie; OBIS; Portal; Biogeography. Ano: 2002 URL: A possible link between gabbros bearing high temperature iddingsite alteration and huge pegmatoid intrusions: The Society Islands, French Polynesia Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Clement, Jean-philippe; Caroff, Martial; Dudoignon, Patrick; Launeau, Patrick; Bohn, Marcel; Cotten, Joseph; Blais, Sylvain; Guille, Gérard. This paper reports new field observations and new petrological, textural and geochemical data on two gabbroic intrusions and one pegmatoid dyke from the French Polynesian islands Maupiti and Bora Bora, respectively. Olivine crystals from the Faataufi and Barque de Hiro gabbros (Maupiti) include High Temperature Iddingsite (HTI), exhibiting three distinct morphological facies. Chemical and crystallographical data performed by electron microprobe, scanning microscope, X-ray diffractometry and Near InfraRed spectroscopy show that HTI results from modifications of olivine structure through intense hydroxylation and Fe-oxidation. The HTI-free 120 m-wide Cloche de Hiro dyke (Bora Bora) exhibits a textural zonation from heterogranular/intergranular gabbro... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Society Islands; French Polynesia; Pegmatoid; Vapor differentiation; Olivine; Gabbros. Ano: 2007 URL: A post Younger Dryas Black Sea regression identified from sequence stratigraphy correlated to core analysis and dating Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lericolais, Gilles; Guichard, F.; Morigi, C.; Minereau, Amelie; Popescu, Irina; Radan, S. The north-western Black Sea shelf is the widest continental shelf of the Black Sea, where the Danube delta/prodelta system includes important records on the Black Sea water level fluctuations. This study integrates newly acquired high-resolution single channel seismic reflection profiles and Calypso piston cores recovered along a transect extending from the Danube delta deep into its deep sea fan. The correlated results provide information on the Late Quaternary architecture of the Danube Black Sea shelf and on the role of global glacio-eustatic fluctuations on the building of the Danube delta/prodelta. The sedimentary sequences in the Black Sea are strongly affected by water level changes. For the whole duration of Late Glacial-Holocene period, the level... Tipo: Text Ano: 2010 URL: A potential flow based flight simulator for an underwater glider Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Phoemsapthawee, Surasak; Le Boulluec, Marc; Laurens, Jean-marc; Deniset, Francois. Underwater gliders are recent innovative types of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) used in ocean exploration and observation. They adjust their buoyancy to dive and to return to the ocean surface. During the change of altitude, they use the hydrodynamic forces developed by their wings to move forward. Their flights are controlled by changing the position of their centers of gravity and their buoyancy to adjust their trim and heel angles. For better flight control, the understanding of the hydrodynamic behavior and the flight mechanics of the underwater glider is necessary. A 6-DOF motion simulator is coupled with an unsteady potential flow model for this purpose. In some specific cases, the numerical study demonstrates that an inappropriate stabilizer... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Underwater glider; Hydrodynamics; Potential flow; 6DOF; Newton-Euler equation; AUVs. Ano: 2013 URL: A preliminary evaluation of matricaria maritimum fibres for polymer reinforcement Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Davies, Peter; Bourmaud, A.; Pajot, A.; Baley, C. This short communication describes results from a preliminary characterization of the dimensions and mechanical properties of matricaria maritimum fibres. The aim is to develop a complementary industrial application of these plants, which are grown along the coast mainly for pharmaceutical use. The fibres are shown to be of small diameter, 5-10 mu m, and tubular in form. Nano-indentation on fibres and tensile tests on fibre bundles provide an indication of the mechanical behaviour of these fibres, which are similar to those of sisal (leaf fibre) and miscanthus (grass fibre), and may be interesting for reinforcement of polymer matrix composites. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Natural fibre; Nano-indentation; Tensile properties. Ano: 2011 URL: A preliminary evaluation of the European Non-native Species in Aquaculture Risk Assessment Scheme applied to species listed on Annex IV of the EU Alien Species Regulation Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Copp, G. H.; Godard, M. J.; Russell, I. C.; Peeler, E. J.; Gherardi, F.; Tricarico, E.; Miossec, Laurence; Goulletquer, Philippe; Almeida, D.; Britton, J. R.; Vilizzi, L.; Mumford, J.; Williams, C.; Reading, A.; Rees, E. M. A.; Merino-aguirre, R. Developed for carrying out risk assessments under the European Commission (EC) Council Regulation No 708/2007 concerning the use of alien and locally absent species in aquaculture (ASR), the European Non-native Species in Aquaculture Risk Assessment Scheme (ENSARS) is briefly summarised, and the ‘Organism’ module is applied to the 24 species listed in ASR's Annex IV. Four other ENSARS modules (Infectious Agent, Facility, Pathway, and Socio-economic) were used to assess two case study species (European catfish Silurus glanis L. and red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii Girard). No Annex IV species was categorised as low risk, 10 as moderately low risk, 12 as medium risk, two as moderately high risk and none as high risk. The results are discussed and... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Aquaculture; Biological invasions; Decision support; ENSARS; EU legislation; Risk analysis. Ano: 2016 URL: A preliminary genetic linkage map for the European flat oyster Ostrea eduli Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lallias, Delphine; Lapegue, Sylvie; Halley, Chris; Boudry, Pierre; Beaumont, Andy. The European flat oyster, Ostrea edulis, occurs naturally from Norway to Morocco in the North-Eastern Atlantic and throughout the Mediterranean. The oyster has been a harvested species for at least 6000 years. However, it successively suffered from over harvesting and then from two protozoan diseases during the 1960s and its production has drastically decreased in Europe from that time. Following two generations of selection for tolerance to one of these diseases (bonamiosis), our aim is to optimize this selection with the assistance of molecular markers, that is to say to implement marker-assisted selection. This will enhance the efficiency of selection by reducing the generation time, as the selection on sites cannot be made before the oysters are... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: QTLs; Ostrea edulis; Genetic linkage map; Genetic; European flat oyster. Ano: 2006 URL: A preliminary genetic linkage map for the European flat oyster Ostrea edulis L. Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lallias, Delphine; Lapegue, Sylvie; Harley, Crhis; Boudry, Pierre; Heurtebise, Serge; Beaumont, Andy. The flat oyster Ostrea edulis is the species endemic to European coasts, both Atlantic and Mediterranean. It has been exploited since Roman times, but its aquaculture production decreased from around 20000 tons in the 1950's to 1500 tons today because of two successive diseases due to the intracellular parasites Marteilia refringens and Bonamia ostreae. Since 1985, Ifremer has been undertaking a breeding program to produce families of oysters tolerant to Bonamia. In this context, a further step would be to identify QTLs for resistance to this parasite. Therefore, as a first step a genetic map is now being built. The establishment of a genetic linkage map will provide a foundation for the mapping of QTLs, with the ultimate objective to implement... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: QTLs; Ostrea edulis; Flat oyster; Genetic linkage map; Genetic. Ano: 2006 URL: A preliminary study of a DGT-labile trace metals distribution in the stratified Krka River estuary (Croatia) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Blataric, Ana-marija; Garnier, Cedric; Omanovic, Dario; Lenoble, Véronique; Cukrov, Neven; Mounier, Stéphane; Gonzalez, Jean-louis; Pizeta, Ivanka. Tipo: Text Ano: 2009 URL: A preliminary study of the behaviour and vitality of reseeded juvenile great scallops, of three sizes in three seasons Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Fleury, Pierre-gildas; Mingant, Christian; Castillo, A. In order to have a better understanding of recessing in great scallop, Pecten maximus and consequently the causes of mortality at reseeding, this study has monitored, at different seasons, the dispersion and recessing of different sizes of juveniles (about 15, 30 and 45 mm, called small, medium and large) after seeding. Moreover, the aim was to see when small spat (15 mm) could be seeded, and thus reduce the costs of intermediate culture. Three monitoring approaches were used together: (1) continual observations by remote video camera, of a defined area (less than 1 m2) containing 10 scallops from each size group; (2) daily monitoring of behaviour with divers along three bottom lines, with 20 × 1 m2 plots each and nine marked scallops per plot; and (3) the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Behaviour; Great scallop (Pecten maximus); Season; Seeding; Size; Vitality of spat. Ano: 1996 URL: A probabilistic approach of flow-balanced network based on Markov chains Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Leguerrier, Delphine; Bacher, Cedric; Benoit, Eric; Niquil, Nathalie. We used Markov chains to assess residence time, first passage time, rare of transfers between compartments, recycling index with a general mathematical formalism. Such a description applies to any flow-balanced system that can be modelled as a series of discrete stages or compartments through which matter flows. We derived a general set of equations from a probabilistic approach and applied them to a food web and a physical system derived from the literature. We therefore analysed preferential pathways of matter and behaviour of these systems and showed how it was possible to build up and exploit indices on the basis of a transition probability matrix describing the network, and to characterize with a generic algorithm: (1) the total indirect relationships... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: First passage time; Box model; Food web model; Network; Transfer rate; Residence time; Markov chain. Ano: 2006 URL: A Process Study of the Tidal Circulation in the Persian Gulf Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Pous, Stephane; Carton, Xavier; Lazure, Pascal. A homogeneous shallow-water model with free surface is used to model the tidal circulation in the Persian Gulf. The numerical finite-difference model includes harmonic diffusion of horizontal momentum and quadratic bottom friction, it has a 9 km mesh size and it is forced by 7 tidal components at its southern boundary. High precision bathymetric data are used to obtain the bottom topography. The numerical model is run for more than a year. The results are the following: 1) The model accurately reproduces the tidal phase and amplitude observed at 42 tidal gauges in the region. This accuracy is attributed to the presence of the 7 components which are able to interact nonlinearly; 2) The amphidromic points are also well positioned by the model due to a proper... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Persian Gulf; Barotropic Tide; Hydrodynamical Modeling; Comparison with Data. Ano: 2012 URL: A Process Study of the Wind-Induced Circulation in the Persian Gulf Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Pous, Stephane; Carton, Xavier; Lazure, Pascal. A shallow-water model, coupled with a three dimensional, hydrostatic ocean model, is used to study the wind induced circulation, and the Shatt-al-Arab river plume expansion, in the Persian Gulf. The models are used in an idealized configuration. The following results are obtained: 1) with northwesterly winds, a double gyre is formed: this gyre is cyclonic in the south and anticyclonic in the north. Southeastward currents flow along the Iranian and Arabian coast where the wind stress at the surface dominates the pressure gradient related to the free surface slope, and conversely in the deeper region of the Gulf; 2) In the eastern part of the Gulf, the cyclonic gyre intensifies, as observed and reported in the literature; 3) For northwesterly winds, the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Persian Gulf; Wind-Induced Circulation; Hydrodynamical Modeling. Ano: 2013 URL: A propos des problèmes de captage de naissain de moules (Mytilus edulis L.) dans le Pertuis Breton de 1989 à 1991 : observations préliminaires Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Dardignac, Marie-jose; Prou, Jean. A retrospective study has been carried out on the possible relationships between the spat recruitment of mussels from the Pertuis Breton (France) and some environmental factors at different periods of the year. A significant negative correlation between recruitment and temperature has been found at two periods of the reproductive cycle; the first one coinciding with gametogenesis and the second one taking place just before spawning. But, no relation was noticed with temperature or salinity during the plantonic stage. These results are discussed. An interesting relationship was found between recruitment and "E.T.P.", an index expressing the drying power of air, taking into account temperature, wind, sunshine and moistness. Dessication appears to be... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Charente Maritime; Pertuis Breton; ETP; Salinité; Température; Estimation biomasse; Mytilus edulis; Moules; Captage. Ano: 1995 URL: A propos d'une espèce de paradoneis (polychète paraonidale) nouvelle pour la méditerranée occidentale Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Laubier, Lucien. Among a small collection of Annelida Polychaeta collected in the Banyuls-sur-Mer area which I was sent to for identification by M. Amouroux (Arago Laboratory, 66-Banyuls-sur-Mer) were three specimens of a recently described species of Paraonidae from the Breton coast, Paradoneis armata Glémarec, 1967. Two years later, this species was found in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, on the Cretan coasts (Kalo-Limmiones) in the endofauna of a Halophila stipulacea prairie by Harmelin (1969), who described and figured the main distinctive characters of this Paraonidae (the reference to the original description is erroneous, Glémarec linking this specimen to the genus Paradoneis Hartman, 1965, and not to the genus Paraonides Cerruti sensu Hartman, 1965). The discovery... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer. Ano: 1971 URL: A proposal and case study towards a conceptual approach of validating sperm competition in common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.), with practical implications for hatchery procedures Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Kaspar, V; Vandeputte, Marc; Kohlmann, K; Hulak, M; Rodina, M; Gela, D; Kocour, M; Linhart, O. Tipo: Text Ano: 2008 URL: A proudman-function expansion of the m2 tide in the mediterranean-sea from satellite altimetry and coastal gauges Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Sanchez, Bv; Ray, Rd; Cartwright, De. An empirical model has been derived for the semidiurnal principal lunar tide M2 in the Mediterranean Sea, excluding the Aegean Sea. The work is primarily an exercise in combining satellite altimeter data with tide-gauge data, through the use of specially constructed spatial basis functions. The tide-gauge data consist of M2 harmonic constants previously derived at 43 chosen coastal locations. The altimeter data consist of approximately two years of Geosat data in the form of collinear differences of sea-surface heights, corrected for orbit error by adjusting long sequences of global data. The tide is expressed as an expansion in Proudman functions - numerically constructed, orthogonal eigenfunctions of the velocity potential. The most important mode is... Tipo: Text Ano: 1992 URL: A quality estimator of acoustic sounding detection Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lurton, Xavier; Ladroit, Yoann; Augustin, Jean-marie. Swath sonar bathymetry accuracy depends on the intrinsic performance of acoustic signal processing. We propose here a quality factor, quantifying the accuracy associated with every sounding computation. This descriptor is derived from simple models either for amplitude (variance of the centre-of-gravity instant of a fluctuating bell-shaped envelope) or for interferometric phase (local variance for a number of processed samples). The purpose is to attach to each individual sounding an objective quality level that is sonar independent, and directly applicable in bathymetry processing, either in data editing, or as an input parameter to statistical post-processing. This concept is illustrated by examples from experimental data. Tipo: Text Ano: 2012 URL: A Quantitative Assessment of the Role of the Parasite Amoebophrya in the Termination of Alexandrium fundyense Blooms within a Small Coastal Embayment Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Velo-suarez, Lourdes; Brosnahan, Michael L.; Anderson, Donald M.; Mcgillicuddy, Dennis J., Jr. Parasitic dinoflagellates of the genus Amoebophrya infect free-living dinoflagellates, some of which can cause harmful algal blooms (HABs). High prevalence of Amoebophrya spp. has been linked to the decline of some HABs in marine systems. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of Amoebophrya spp. on the dynamics of dinoflagellate blooms in Salt Pond (MA, USA), particularly the harmful species Alexandrium fundyense. The abundance of Amoebophrya life stages was estimated 3-7 days per week through the full duration of an annual A. fundyense bloom using fluorescence in situ hybridization coupled with tyramide signal amplification (FISH-TSA). More than 20 potential hosts were recorded including Dinophysis spp., Protoperidinium spp. and Gonyaulax... Tipo: Text Ano: 2013 URL: A quantitative estimate of the function of soft-bottom sheltered coastal areas as essential flatfish nursery habitat Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Trimoreau, E.; Archambault, Benoit; Brind'Amour, Anik; Lepage, Mario; Guitton, Jerome; Le Pape, O. Essential fish habitat suitability (EFHS) models and geographic information system (GIS) were combined to describe nursery habitats for three flatfish species (Solea solea, Pleuronectes platessa, Dicologlossa cuneata) in the Bay of Biscay (Western Europe), using physical parameters known or suspected to influence juvenile flatfish spatial distribution and density (i.e. bathymetry, sediment, estuarine influence and wave exposure). The effects of habitat features on juvenile distribution were first calculated from EFHS models, used to identify the habitats in which juvenile are concentrated. The EFHS model for S. solea confirmed previous findings regarding its preference for shallow soft bottom areas and provided new insights relating to the significant... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Coastal and estuarine dependent species; Nursery ground; Habitat suitability models; Geographic Information System; Bay of Biscay. Ano: 2013 URL: A quantitative estimation of the energetic cost of brown ring disease in the Manila clam using Dynamic Energy Budget theory Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Flye Sainte Marie, Jonathan; Jean, Fred; Paillard, Christine; Kooijman, Sebastiaan. Brown ring disease (BRD) in the Manila clam, Ruditapes philippinarum, is a bacterial disease caused by the pathogen Vibrio tapetis. This disease induces the formation of a characteristic brown conchiolin deposit on the inner shell and is associated with a decrease in condition index indicating that the development of the disease affects the energy balance of the clam. A previous study showed that the energy budget of the host was affected by a decrease in filtration activity, and hypothesized that a second way to degrade the energy balance was the increase in maintenance costs associated to the cost of immune response and lesion repair. This paper focusses on this second way of degradation of the energy balance. A starvation experiment confirmed that the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Maintenance Cost; Dynamic Energy Budget Theory; Energetic Cost; Energy Budget; Brown Ring Disease; Manila Clam. Ano: 2009 URL: A Quantitative Metric to Identify Critical Elements within Seafood Supply Networks Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Plaganyi, Eva E.; Van Putten, Ingrid; Thebaud, Olivier; Hobday, Alistair; Innes, James; Lim-camacho, Lilly; Norman-lopez, Ana; Bustamante, Rodrigo H.; Farmery, Anna; Fleming, Aysha; Frusher, Stewart; Green, Bridget; Hoshino, Eriko; Jennings, Sarah; Pecl, Gretta; Pascoe, Sean; Schrobback, Peggy; Thomas, Linda. A theoretical basis is required for comparing key features and critical elements in wild fisheries and aquaculture supply chains under a changing climate. Here we develop a new quantitative metric that is analogous to indices used to analyse food-webs and identify key species. The Supply Chain Index (SCI) identifies critical elements as those elements with large throughput rates, as well as greater connectivity. The sum of the scores for a supply chain provides a single metric that roughly captures both the resilience and connectedness of a supply chain. Standardised scores can facilitate cross-comparisons both under current conditions as well as under a changing climate. Identification of key elements along the supply chain may assist in informing... Tipo: Text Ano: 2014 URL: A random effects population dynamics model based on proportions-at-age and removal data for estimating total mortality Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Trenkel, Verena; Bravington, Mark V.; Lorance, Pascal. Catch curves are widely used to estimate total mortality for exploited marine populations. The usual population dynamics model assumes constant recruitment across years and constant total mortality. We extend this to include annual recruitment and annual total mortality. Recruitment is treated as an uncorrelated random effect, while total mortality is modelled by a random walk. Data requirements are minimal as only proportions-at-age and total catches are needed. We obtain the effective sample size for aggregated proportion-at-age data based on fitting Dirichlet-multinomial distributions to the raw sampling data. Parameter estimation is carried out by approximate likelihood. We use simulations to study parameter estimability and estimation bias of four... Tipo: Text Ano: 2012 URL: A rating system for oyster purification. Hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) application to purification of live oysters Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bird, P. A Critical Hazard Analysis Rating (CHAR) based on the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) concept is used to monitor oyster purification in New South Wales (N.S.W.), Australia. Critical areas for assessment include oyster condition, separation of raw and treated oysters, water quality (turbidity, salinity, temperature, aeration, circulation), purification period, flow rate, steriliser efficiency and tank hydraulics. Batch records and product identification are included. Purification supplements a total management program for producing safe oysters. The rating can also be used to endorse oysters produced under industry self-regulatory, quality assurance programs. The four main CHAR areas are operational standards, quality assurance, public health... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Saccostrea commercialis; Crassostrea gigas; Bivalvia; Marine molluscs; Safety regulations; Public health; Self purification. Ano: 1992 URL: A realizable force feedback-feedforward control loop for a piston wave absorber Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Maisondieu, Christophe; Clément, Alain. We consider the problem of the absorption of 2D water waves by the horizontal motions of a vertical plane in response to the hydrodynamical force it experiences. The solution of this problem is straightforward in the frequency domain. Unfortunately, the transposition of the frequency domain solution to the time domain by inverse Fourier transforming leads to a non-causal impulse response function. Thus it cannot be used just as it is, neither as a control loop for physical absorbing devices nor as a non radiating boundary condition (NRBC) in numerical modeling. In this paper, we propose a method to derive causal approximations of this ideal controller. Two time-domain absorbing relations are proposed, differing in whether or not one knows a dominant... Tipo: Text Ano: 1993 URL: A real-time dive on active hydrothermal vents Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Sarrazin, Jozee; Sarradin, Pierre-marie; Buffier, Erick; Christophe, Alain; Clodic, Guillaume; Desbruyeres, Damien; Fouquet, Yves; Gouillou, Michel; Jannez, Michel; Le Fur, Yann; Le Rest, Jacques; Lecornu, Fabrice; Lefort, Olivier; Lux, Stephanie; Millet, Brigitte; Guillemet, Pascal. The Momareto cruise was held from August 6 to September 6, 2006 on the new French oceanographic vessel Pourquoi pas? The ROV Victor 6000 visited three vent fields, ranging from 850m to 2300m, on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The scientific objective of the cruise was to study the spatial and temporal dynamics of hydrothermal communities colonizing these active vent sites. Aside scientific and technological objectives, one of the major goals of this cruise was to share the excitement of our science with the public. For this, the results of the project were shared through different media. The most challenging and exciting communication event remains the real-time transmission of images acquired by the ROV Victor at 1700m depth to a 250 person audience on land. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Deep-sea; Ecosystems; Outreach; Real-time. Ano: 2007 URL: A Red Shrimp, Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis (Latreille, 1817), Larvae Feeding Regime Based on Live Food Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Gaxiola, Gabriela; Gallardo, Pedro; Simoes, Nuno; Cuzon, Gerard. Red shrimp, Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis, larvae's response to different concentrations of live foods (diatoms Chaetoceros gracilis: 20-100 x 103 cells/mL; flagellate Tetraselmis chuii: 2-10 x 103 cells/mL and Artemia nauplii [NA]: 1-5 NA/mL) was investigated in three experiments. Experimental assessments were based on four variables: survival rate, weight gain, development index (DI), and resistance to salinity stress. A combination of C. gracilis 80 x 103 cells/mL, T. chuii 2 x 103 cells/mL, and Artemia 4 NA/mL provided the best experimental response. Specifically, F. brasiliensis larvae fed with the above-mentioned optimal concentrations of microalgae and Artemia grew faster and reached the postlarval stage in less time (168 h) than larvae in other... Tipo: Text Ano: 2010 URL: A re-examination of matrix effects in the segmented-flow analysis of nutrients in sea and estuarine water Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Coverly, Stephen; Kerouel, Roger; Aminot, Alain. Modern instruments together with the use of standard reference materials have improved the accuracy and long-term reproducibility of the analysis of nutrients (ammonium, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate and silicate) in sea water using segmented-flow analysis, so that errors arising from matrix effects become more significant. Colorimetric detectors with bubble-through flowcells have become widely used for seawater analysis in recent years and their associated matrix effects are described. A re-examination of all categories of matrix effects, whose main origin is salinity, was thus undertaken to assess how much they are liable to alter the data. Interferences were classified into four types, each of which was examined in order to show its influence on the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Nutrient; Determination; Seawater; Estuarine water; Segmented-flow analysis; Matrix effects. Ano: 2012 URL: A regional numerical ocean model of the circulation in the Bay of Biscay Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Friocourt, Yann; Levier, Bruno; Speich, Sabrina; Blanke, Bruno; Drijfhout, S. The seasonal circulation along the northern Iberian Peninsula and in the Bay of Biscay is investigated by means of a regional ocean model. In particular, the modeled velocities and tracers are compared to available observations and used to hypothesize what the circulation may look like in areas where the density of observations is scarcer. Despite a few biases in the thermohaline properties of some water masses, the model is able to represent the various water masses present in the region in an acceptable way. In particular, the density and depth ranges of most water masses are in good agreement with observed ranges. Similarly, the circulation schemes compare generally well with observations, both in annual mean as for the seasonal features. The model... Tipo: Text Ano: 2007 URL: A relationship between antimicrobial peptide gene expression and capacity of a selected shrimp line to survive a Vibrio infection Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: De Lorgeril, Julien; Gueguen, Yannick; Goarant, Cyrille; Goyard, Emmanuel; Mugnier, Chantal; Fievet, Julie; Piquemal, D; Bachere, Evelyne. Understanding of antimicrobial defence mechanisms of penaeid shrimp should help in the design of efficient strategies for the management and disease control in aquaculture. In this study, we have specifically analysed the expression in circulating hemocytes of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) encoding genes, such as PEN2 and PEN3, ALF, crustin, lysozyme and a putative cysteine-rich peptide. We evidenced a relationship between the level of expression of some AMPs and the successful response of the shrimp, Litopenaeus stylirostris, to circumvent a pathogenic Vibrio penaeicida infection. Additionally, significant differences in some AMP transcript amounts are evidenced between control, non-selected shrimp line and the third generation breeding of shrimp selected... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Real time PCR; Cysteine rich peptide; Crustin; Anti LPS factor; Lysozyme; Penaeidins; Immune response; Vibrio penaeicida; Penaeid; Decapoda; Crustacean. Ano: 2008 URL: A relationship between deep-sea benthic oxygen demand and oceanic primary productivity Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Christensen, Jp. A diagenetic model of porewater O-2 was used to examine the relationship between organic carbon flux to the sediments and benthic oxygen demand (BOD). The model predicted that the organic carbon influx to sediments balances BOD as long as sediments are oxygenated. The critical rate occurs when O-2 at infinite depth disappears. With influxes exceeding the critical rate, the O-2 flux into the sediments via molecular diffusion can not consume all incoming organic matter, and anaerobic conditions result in BOD underestimating the carbon influx. Given that low rates of deep-sea BOD approximate the carbon influx below 9 g.C.m(-2).y(-1), a significant multilinear regression was found between published BOD, primary productivity (P-p, both in g.C.m(-2).y(-1))(,)... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fonds marins; Oxygène; Production primaire; Respiration; Sédiments; Deep-sea; Oxygen; Primary productivity; Respiration; Sediments. Ano: 2000 URL: A restricted fishing area as a tool for fisheries management: Example of the Capbreton canyon,southern Bay of Biscay Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Sanchez, Florence; Morandeau, Gilles; Bru, Noelle; Lissardy, Muriel. Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are generally considered as one of the most important tools, among the many regulations, designed to preserve marine resources as well as enhance fisheries. In the southern Bay of Biscay, local French fishermen requested creation of a restricted area to help settle disputes between the various métiers operating there. This restricted area, which lies mainly in French waters, covers part of a deep submarine canyon off the French and Spanish coasts, known to have a large population of mature hake. This study aims to better understand the effects of a restricted area upon French fleets operating there, particularly upon three main métiers – longliners, gillnetters and trawlers. The study area includes three ICES statistical... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bay of Biscay; Restricted area; Submarine canyon; Economic dependence; Metiers' dynamics. Ano: 2013 URL: A retrospective analysis of the effects of adopting individual transferable quotas in the Tasmanian red rock lobster, Jasus edwardsii, fishery Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Hamon, Katell; Thebaud, Olivier; Frusher, Stewart; Little, L. Richard. Individual transferable quotas (ITQ) were implemented in the Tasmanian red rock lobster fishery in 1998 and ten years later we assessed the impacts on the fishery. Particular attention was devoted to investigating the performances of the fishery with regard to three features identified as major impacts in the literature: rationalization of the fishing fleet, change in fishing strategy in order to maximise the fisher's profit and concentration of fishing rights and activity. On average, the fishery reacted as expected and reached its objective in terms of reconstruction of the biomass, but the overall assessment in terms of resulting profitability is not very conclusive. There is no evidence of decrease of the profitability over the period of the study but... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: ITQ; Economic effects; Red rock lobster fishery; Jasus edwardsii; Australia. Ano: 2009 URL: A reverse taxonomic approach to assess macrofaunal distribution patterns in abyssal Pacific polymetallic nodule fields Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Janssen, Annika; Kaiser, Stefanie; Meissner, Karin; Brenke, Nils; Menot, Lenaick; Martinez Arbizu, Pedro. Heightened interest in the exploitation of deep seafloor minerals is raising questions on the consequences for the resident fauna. Assessing species ranges and determination of processes underlying current species distributions are prerequisites to conservation planning and predicting faunal responses to changing environmental conditions. The abyssal central Pacific nodule belt, located between the Clarion and Clipperton Fracture Zones (CCZ), is an area prospected for mining of polymetallic nodules. We examined variations in genetic diversity and broad-scale connectivity of isopods and polychaetes across the CCZ. Faunal assemblages were studied from two mining claims (the eastern German and French license areas) located 1300 km apart and influenced by... Tipo: Text Ano: 2015 URL: A review of fishery-independent assessment models, and initial evaluation based on simulated data Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Mesnil, Benoit; Cotter, John; Fryer, Rob J.; Needle, Coby L.; Trenkel, Verena. Large uncertainties in catch data (officially-reported landings and discards) are undermining the ability of scientific organisations to provide valid management advice based on the conventional approach of analytical stock assessments. There is thus an urgent need to consider alternative tools that do not depend on long series of precise age-structured catch data. This paper presents four fishery-independent assessment models developed under the EU project FISBOAT (Fishery Independent Survey Based Operational Assessment Tools). It also reports on rudimentary tests based on simulated data, using the same data sets and protocol as an evaluation study conducted by the US National Research Council in 1997. The survey-based assessment models at hand are able... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Survey indices; Fishery independent assessment methods (F I methods); Catch free models; Fish stock assessment. Ano: 2009 URL: A review of image-based tools for automatic fish ageing from otolith features Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Carbini, Sebastien; Chessel, Anatole; Benzinou, Abdesslam; Fablet, Ronan; Mahe, Kelig; De Pontual, Helene. Most of European fish stocks are assessed using age-based models, and otolith interpretation for age estimations costs several million euros annually. In this context, automated ageing systems would provide a mean to 1) standardize ageing, 2) control ageing consistency within and between ageing laboratories 3) build interpreted image data bases ensuring the information conservation and sharing and 4) improve growth studies while reducing the cost of the acquisition of age data. This paper presents a review of different image-based tools for automatic fish ageing from otolith features within the framework of AFISA (EU STREP project on Automated FISh Ageing coordinated by Ifremer). The full automatic ageing process can be divided into three main steps: 1)... Tipo: Text Ano: 2008 URL: A review of prokaryotic populations and processes in sub-seafloor sediments, including biosphere:geosphere interactions Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Parkes, R. John; Cragg, Barry; Roussel, Erwan; Webster, Gordon; Weightman, Andrew; Sass, Henrik. A general review of the sub-seafloor biosphere is presented. This includes an update and assessment of prokaryotic cell distributions within marine sediments, current deepest 1922 m, and the impact of this on global sub-seafloor biomass estimates. These global estimates appear relatively robust to different calculation approaches and our updated estimate is 5.39 × 1029 cells, taking into consideration new data from very low organic matter South Pacific Gyre sediments. This is higher than other recent estimates, which is justified as several sediments, such as gas hydrate deposits and oil reservoirs, can have elevated cell concentrations. The proposed relationship between elevated cell concentrations and Milankovitch Cycles in sequential diatom rich layers... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sub-seafloor biosphere; Marine microbiology; Prokaryotic diversity; Dark energy; Biosphere:geosphere interactions. Ano: 2014 URL: A review of synthetic fiber moorings for marine energy applications Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Davies, Peter; Weller, Sam D.; Johanning, Lars; Banfield, Stephen J. Many marine renewable energy (MRE) conversion systems including wave, floating wind, Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) and some tidal energy devices, are moored in place. The choice of mooring system is critical as it directly affects installation, energy take-off, and long term reliability, and hence has a significant influence on costs. Installation has been estimated to account for 27% of lifetime cost for a tidal turbine [1]. This is an area where the other marine industries, notably offshore oil and gas, have extensive experience, but the high energy regions in which MRE devices are deployed pose particular installation difficulties and operating conditions. There has been a strong movement towards replacing steel with synthetic fiber ropes... Tipo: Text Ano: 2014 URL: A review of the economic status of molluscs - shellfish culture Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Troadec, Jean-paul. To describe the value of shellfish culture in economic and social terms and evaluate its potential for expansion by identifying and ranking the major constraints and the ways in which research and development can overcome them. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Social; Economic; Development; Value of shellfish culture. Ano: 1985 URL: A review of the known hosts geographical range and current diagnostic procedures for the virus diseases of cultured penaeid shrimp Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lightner, D; Bell, T; Redman, R. At least six virus diseases are presently known in cultured penaeid shrimp. Each of these six penaeid virus diseases (BP = Baculovirus penaei ; MBV = Penaeus monodon -type baculovirus (including PBV of Australian penaeids); BMN = baculoviral midgut gland necrosis; HPV = hepatopancreatic parvo-like virus; IHHNV = infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis virus; and REO = reo-like virus of the hepatopancreas) may be comprised by a multitude of individual strains, some of which are highly pathogenic to some penaeids, while being of little importance to others. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Baculovirus penaei; Penaeus japonicus; Penaeus monodon; Malacostraca; Marine crustaceans; Necroses; Infectious diseases; Viruses; Diseases. Ano: 1989 URL: A review of the use of mytilus spp as quantitative indicators of cadmium and mercury contamination in coastal waters Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Cossa, Daniel. Tipo: Text Ano: 1989 URL: A review of undulated sediment features on Mediterranean prodeltas: distinguishing sediment transport structures from sediment deformation Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Urgeles, Roger; Cattaneo, Antonio; Puig, Pere; Liquete, Camino; De Mol, Ben; Amblas, David; Sultan, Nabil; Trincardi, Fabio. Most Mediterranean prodeltas show undulated sediment features on the foresets of their Holocene wedges. These features have been described all along the Mediterranean for the last 30 years and interpreted as either soft sediment deformation and incipient landsliding, and more recently, as sediment transport structures. We perform a review and detailed analysis of these undulated sediment features using ultrahigh-resolution seismic and bathymetric data as well as geotechnical information and hydrodynamic time series and hydrographic transects. In this study we show that the characteristics of the sediment undulations (configuration of the reflections down section and between adjacent undulations and overall morphologic characteristics) are incompatible with... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Undulated sediments; Prodeltas; Slope failure; Sediment waves; Hyperpycnal flows; Internal waves. Ano: 2011 URL: A review: pelagic fishes at petroleum platforms in the Northern Gulf of Mexico; diversity, interrelationships, and perspective Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Franks, J. Approximately 4,000 petroleum (oil and gas) platforms exist in the northern Gulf of Mexico and form one of the world's most extensive de facto artificial reef systems. Collectively, these structures may comprise one of the largest fad (Fish Aggregating Device) arrays in the world, attracting surface and midwater pelagic fishes. The diverse composition of pelagic fish fauna at ngom platforms is described and includes valued species such as Thunnus albacares, Thunnus atlanticus, Coryphaena hippurus, Acanthocybium solandri, Rachycentron canadum, Seriola dumerili, Scomberomorus cavalla, and Decapterus punctatus. Petroleum platforms influence pelagic fishery resources and are an important component of the Gulf's commercial and recreational fishing industries.... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Attracting techniques Offshore structures Pelagic fisheries Petroleum Tuna fisheries Underwater habitats Article Geographic Terms: ASW; Mexico Gulf. Ano: 2000 URL: A revised calendar age for the last reconnection of the Black Sea to the global ocean Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Soulet, Guillaume; Menot, G.; Lericolais, Gilles; Bard, E. During the last decade, a debate arose regarding the timing and pattern of the last reconnection of the Black Sea "Lake" with the global ocean. On a geochemical basis, the radiocarbon age of Black Sea "Lake" surface water, during the time of reconnection, was determined to be similar to 8400 C-14 a. BP. Despite the potential bias induced by the hard water effect in lakes, the reconnection age was calibrated without any reservoir age correction, which led to an estimate of similar to 9400 cal a. BR Since knowledge for the actual calendar age has important hydrologic implications that would provide new insights regarding the mechanism of reconnection, determining the actual calendar age for the last reconnection remains important. Based upon modeling... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Black sea; Reconnection; Reservoir age; Bosphorus sill. Ano: 2011 URL: A revised L-band radio-brightness sensitivity to extreme winds under tropical cyclones: The 5 year SMOS-Storm database Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Reul, Nicolas; Chapron, Bertrand; Zabolotskikh, E.; Donlon, C.; Quilfen, Yves; Guimbard, Sebastien; Piolle, Jean-francois. Five years of SMOS L-band brightness temperature data intercepting a large number of tropical cyclones (TCs) are analyzed. The storm-induced half-power radio-brightness contrast (ΔI) is defined as the difference between the brightness observed at a specific wind force and that for a smooth water surface with the same physical parameters. ΔI can be related to surface wind speed and has been estimated for ~ 300 TCs that intercept with SMOS measurements. ΔI, expressed in a common storm-centric coordinate system, shows that mean brightness contrast monotonically increases with increased storm intensity ranging from ~ 5 K for strong storms to ~ 24 K for the most intense Category 5 TCs. A remarkable feature of the 2D mean ΔI fields and their variability is that... Tipo: Text Ano: 2016 URL: A revolution without people? Closing the people-policy gap in aquaculture development Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Krause, Gesche; Brugere, Cecile; Diedrich, Amy; Ebeling, Michael W.; Ferse, Sebastian C. A.; Mikkelsen, Eirik; Perez, Jose; Stead, Selina M.; Stybel, Nardine; Troell, Max. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Aquaculture; Socio-economic assessment; Human dimensions; Integrated analysis framework; Public participation. Ano: 2015 URL: A routine speciation method for a pollution survey of coastal sea-water Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Gillain, G; Brihaye, C. Tipo: Text Ano: 1985 URL: A sampling strategy and methodology for assessment and monitoring of Mediterranean small-scale fisheries Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Farrugio, Henri; Le Corre, Gildas. In order to reach a quantitative assessment of the Mediterranean small-scale fisheries one of the main problems is to evaluate in space and time the elementary fishing efforts and yields of every component and their corresponding variations. These elements are essential for the evaluation of global production and fishing effort, the monitoring of which is of paramount interest for the study of the fisheries and exploited resource dynamics. This paper presents a methodology based on the statistical principles of so-called "stratified random sampling" which we have developed in an attempt to solve this problem. The collection of data is achieved in the field by a team of investigators which operates within a space-time stratification of the study area. The... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sampling; Statistical assessment; Small-scale fisheries; Mediterranean. Ano: 1993 URL: A satellite altimeter model for ocean slick detection - art. no. C04004 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Tournadre, Jean; Chapron, Bertrand; Reul, Nicolas; Vandemark, D. [1] About 5% of Ku-band altimeter ocean data are degraded by the occurrence of high radar return cross sections (sigma(0)), usually called sigma(0) blooms. During blooms, which occur during no or low wind conditions, the mean altimeter waveform can significantly depart from the expected shape. In about 60% of the cases the waveforms are distorted to such an extent that either the range tracker loses lock or the off-nadir angle estimate becomes unrealistic. The analysis of high data rate altimeter waveforms during bloom events reveals the presence of V-shaped patterns similar to the ones observed during rain events. These patterns trace small-scale (i.e., smaller than the altimeter footprint) changes in surface backscatter. Such variations of surface... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Slick; Sigma blooms; Altimeter waveforms. Ano: 2006 URL: A schematic model of the evolution of the south atlantic Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Pichon, Xavier; Melguen, M.; Sibuet, Jean-claude. A schematic model of the evolution of the South Atlantic ocean is proposed to demonstrate the possibilities offered by the Deep Sea Drilling Project within the framework of Plate Tectonics to reconstruct a logical evolution of the history of the ocean basins and their paleoenvironment. The emphasis is put on the methodology available to reconstruct the ocean crust morphology and its sedimentary cover at all stages throughout the opening of the ocean.Paleobathymetric, deep paleo-water-circulation and paleo-sedimentary - facies maps at five different stages of the opening are presented and discussed. The last type of maps are in great part based on a new paleo - Carbonate Compensation Depth Curve for the South Atlantic which is tentatively proposed here.... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer. Ano: 1978 URL: A scientific review of binding and inactivation of viruses on and in food, with a focus on the role of the matrix Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Guyader, Soizick; Atmar, Robert. Tipo: Text Ano: 2008 URL: A seasonal dipolar eddy near Ras Al Hamra (Sea of Oman) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: L'Hegaret, Pierre; Lacour, Leo; Carton, Xavier; Roullet, Guillaume; Baraille, Remy; Correard, Stephanie. Trajectories and hydrological data from two Argo floats indicate that warm and salty water at 200–300-m depths was ejected from the coast of Oman, near Ras al Hamra, in spring 2008, 2011, and 2012. This warm and salty water, Persian Gulf Water (PGW), once ejected from the coast, recirculated cyclonically in the western Sea of Oman, but also flowed eastward along the Iranian and Pakistani coasts. There, it was expelled seaward by mesoscale eddies as shown by other float data. Seasonal maps of salinity were computed from all available Argo floats; they showed that, in spring, PGW is present in the middle and north of the Sea of Oman, contrary to fall, when the salinity maxima lie southeast of Ras al Hadd. The ejection of PGW from Ras al Hamra is related here... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sea of Oman; Outflow; Eddies; Argo floats. Ano: 2013 URL: A self-regularising DVM–PSE method for the modelling of diffusion in particle methods Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Mycek, Paul; Pinon, Gregory; Germain, Gregory; Rivoalen, Elie. The modelling of diffusive terms in particle methods is a delicate matter and several models have been proposed in the literature. The Diffusion Velocity Method (DVM) consists in rewriting these terms in an advective way, thus defining a so-called diffusion velocity. In addition to the actual velocity, it is used to compute the particles displacement. On the other hand, the well-known and commonly used Particle Strength Exchange method (PSE) uses an approximation of the Laplacian operator in order to model diffusion. This approximation is based on an exchange of particles strength. Although DVM is particularly well suited to particle methods since it preserves their Lagrangian aspect, its major drawback stems in the fact that it suffers from severe... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Particle method; Diffusion; DVM; PSE. Ano: 2013 URL: A semiempirical model of the normalized radar cross section of the sea surface, 2. Radar modulation transfer function Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Kudryavtsev, V; Hauser, D; Caudal, G; Chapron, Bertrand. normalized radar cross section (NRCS) over the sea surface. However, these models are not able to correctly reproduce the NRCS in all configurations. In particular, even if they may provide consistent results for vertical transmit and receive (VV) polarization, they fail in horizontal transmit and receive (HH) polarization. In addition, there are still important discrepancies between model and observations of the radar modulation transfer function (MTF), which relates the modulations of the NRCS to the long waves. In this context, we have developed a physical model that takes into account not only the Bragg mechanism but also the non-Bragg scattering associated with radio wave scattering from breaking waves. The same model was built to explain both the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Radar cross section; Ocean surface; Surface gravity waves; Wave breaking; Modulation transfer function; Non Bragg scattering. Ano: 2003 URL: A semiempirical model of the normalized radar cross-section of the sea surface - 1. Background model Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Kudryavtsev, V; Hauser, D; Caudal, G; Chapron, Bertrand. Multiscale composite models based on the Bragg theory are widely used to study the normalized radar cross-section (NRCS) over the sea surface. However, these models are not able to correctly reproduce the NRCS in all configurations and wind wave conditions. We have developed a physical model that takes into account, not only the Bragg mechanism, but also the non-Bragg scattering mechanism associated with wave breaking. A single model was built to explain on the same physical basis both the background behavior of the NRCS and the wave radar Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) at HH and VV polarization. The NRCS is assumed to be the sum of a Bragg part (two-scale model) and of a non-Bragg part. The description of the sea surface is based on the short wind... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ocean surface waves; Radar cross section; Short wind waves; Wave breaking; Bragg scattering; Non Bragg scattering. Ano: 2003 URL: A semi-evolutive filter with partially local correction basis for data assimilation in oceanography Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Hoteit, I; Pham, Dt; Blum, J. A new data assimilation scheme derived from the singular evolutive extended Kalman (Seek) filter is introduced. The novel feature of the new filter is its correction basis which is partially local in the sense that it consists of "global" and "local" vectors, the later obtained from a local empirical orthogonal functions (Eof) analysis. Such an analysis was introduced in order to better represent the local variability of the ocean. This not only significantly reduces the implementation cost but may also improve the representativeness of the correction basis of the filter. The performance of this scheme is evaluated through twin experiments conducted in a realistic setting of the OPA model over the tropical Pacific zone. The results are compared against... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Filtre Seek; Analyse Eof; Facteur oublié; Data assimilation; Seek filter; Eof analysis; Forgetting factor. Ano: 2003 URL: A shortcut method for sexing juvenile European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax L. Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Menu, Bruno; Peruzzi, Stefano; Vergnet, Alain; Vidal, Marie-odile; Chatain, Beatrice. The objective of this study was to develop a rapid and effective method of sexing juvenile sea bass with minimum labour and material. To this end, the gonad squash mount technique was applied along with macroscopic techniques for sexing a large number of experimental fish at the age of 215-275 days post fertilization (p.f.). At this age, 90% of the 3894 fish could be unambiguously sexed by macroscopic examination of their gonads, whereas the remaining proportion was identified using squash mount preparations (10%). The accuracy of the observations was measured up to classical histology procedures. Undifferentiated fish accounted for 0.1% of the total population only. The application of the squash mount technique holds out the prospect of considerable... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histology; Squash; Juvenile; Gonads; Seabass; Dicentrarchus labrax. Ano: 2005 URL: A short-period rotating seiche of the ligurian sea Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Papa, L. Tipo: Text Ano: 1984 URL: A simple model for the break-up of marine aggregates by turbulent shear Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Ruiz, Jean-eric; Izquierdo, A. A simple model for the break-up, by turbulent shear, of marine aggregates is proposed. Three factors are considered to control the rupture of aggregates of different sizes. First, turbulence exerts stronger shear forces on bigger aggregates. Second, big aggregates are weaker than small ones because their porosity increases. Third, the rate of rupture of an aggregate is considered to be dependent on the point in the aggregate where the rupture takes place. This third factor allows the determination of the size distribution resulting from aggregate break-up. By considering these factors the model predicts the break-up rates of aggregates of different sizes and the aggregates' size-distribution resulting from this break-up. Therefore, the model represents an... Tipo: Text Ano: 1997 URL: A simple way of avoiding feed wastage in European seabass, Dicentrarchus labrax, under self-feeding conditions Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Coves, Denis; Gasset, Eric; Lemarie, Gilles; Dutto, Gilbert. Self-feeding systems allow fish to freely express feeding activity. A simple rod at the water surface can act as a trigger and provide fish with a way of obtaining pellets from a feeder. Such a rod presented to experienced European seabass, Dicentrarchus labrax, may lead to feed wastage, probably as a result of unintentional fish contacts with the trigger. Trigger protection screens have been designed to prevent fish contacting the trigger by chance, and the efficacy of such screens was tested. Nocturnal and diurnal feed delivery and feed wasted were compared under conditions where the rod was unprotected or protected by semi-cylindrical or cylindrical screens. Tests were conducted using an unrestricted self-feeding regime (reward: 0.2 g pellet per kg of... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Feeding behaviour; Feed wastage; Self feeding; Fish culture; Comportement alimentaire; Gaspillage d'aliment; Auto alimentation; Élevage de poissons. Ano: 1998 URL: A simplified asymptotic theory for ocean surface electromagnetic wave scattering Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Mouche, Alexis; Chapron, Bertrand; Reul, Nicolas. The normalized radar cross-section ( NRCS) expression of the Local Curvature Approximation (LCA-1) is derived to first order. The polarization sensitivity of this model is compared to the Kirchhoff Approximation ( KA), Two-Scale Model (TSM), Small Slope Approximation (SSA-1) and Small Perturbation Method (SPM-1) to first order in the backscattering configuration. Analytical comparisons and numerical simulations show that LCA-1 and TSM could be rewritten with the same formulation and that their polarization sensitivities are comparable. Comparisons with experimental data acquired in C- and Ku-band reveal that the polarization sensitivities of these models are not adequate. However, the NRCS azimuth modulation predicted by LCA-1 is found to be dependent on... Tipo: Text Ano: 2007 URL: A simplified wave enhancement criterion for moving extreme events Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Kudryavtsev, Vladimir; Golubkin, Pavel; Chapron, Bertrand. An analytical model is derived to efficiently describe the wave energy distribution along the main transects of a moving extreme weather event. The model essentially builds on a generalization of the self-similar wave growth model and the assumption of a strongly dominant single spectral mode in a given quadrant of the storm. The criterion to anticipate wave enhancement with the generation of trapped abnormal waves defined as inline image, with inline image, inline image, and inline image, radial distance, average sustained wind speed, and translation velocity, respectively. Constants inline image and inline image follow the fetch-law definitions. If forced during a sufficient time scale interval, also defined from this generalized self-similar wave growth... Tipo: Text Ano: 2015 URL: A simulation framework to evaluate management strategies for Atlantic tunas: a preliminary example based on east Atlantic bluefin Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Kell, Laurence T; Fromentin, Jean-marc; Gauthiez, F; Restrepo, Victor. The Ad Hoc Working Group on the Precautionary Approach (SCRS/99/11) recommended the development of a simulation modelling framework to investigate the performance of stock specific management strategies under a variety of realistic hypothesis about population and fishery dynamics. This paper describes a preliminary simulation model based on East Atlantic bluefin tuna developed using flexible software that allows the implications for management of a variety of plausible hypotheses about stock and fishery dynamics to be explored. The intention is to illustrate the ways in which such models can be used and the types of advice that they can provide Tipo: Text Ano: 2000 URL: A simulation of the effects of air-sea transfer variability on the structure of marine upper layers Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Klein, Patrice. A rather simple one-dimensional unsteady model similar to Mellor and Durbin (1975) is used to study the effects of the time variability of meteorological inputs on the evolution of the thermal stratification of marine upper layers. The physical implications of such a model are discussed, particularly with respect to the results obtained in a number of typical situations. The thermal structure of the marine upper layers in the Gulf of Lion during the COFRASOY II expedition was also simulated. Although the model is not able to reproduce all details of the marine environment, the mixed-layer deepening and sea surface temperature are predicted rather well from the known meteorological parameters. It appears in conclusion that the most important... Tipo: Text Ano: 1980 URL: A simulation-based approach to assess sensitivity and robustness of fisheries management indicators for the pelagic fishery in the Bay of Biscay Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lehuta, Sigrid; Mahevas, Stephanie; Le Floc'H, Pascal; Petitgas, Pierre. Indicators are widely promoted as means to monitor ecosystem status or to evaluate fisheries management performance. "Which indicators are most relevant as decision-support tools in fisheries management?" still remains a topical question. Indicators should be metrics related to fish populations and fleets and should be sensitive to management strategies. However, given the complexity of the processes involved, it is often difficult to unequivocally interpret variations in metrics. A simulation approach was used to study metric properties and to identify robust and relevant fishery indicators. By applying sensitivity analysis methods, simulation designs were built that cross a variety of management scenarios and uncertainty hypotheses. Bio-economic outputs... Tipo: Text Ano: 2013 URL: A single bio-energetics growth and reproduction model for the oyster Crassostrea gigas in six Atlantic ecosystems Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Alunno-bruscia, Marianne; Bourles, Yves; Maurer, Daniele; Robert, Stephane; Mazurie, Joseph; Gangnery, Aline; Goulletquer, Philippe; Pouvreau, Stephane. Many studies based on bioenergetics growth models have investigated the effects of environmental factors on oyster (Crassostrea gigas) growth and physiology. However, most of these models are site-specific and cannot be applied to other culture sites without the re-estimation of parameters or re-formulation of some processes. We aimed to develop a generic growth model suitable for application in contrasting environments, with a constant set of parameters. We tested the oyster-DEB model (Bourlès et al. 2009) for the stimulation of C. gigas growth in different cohorts (spats and adults) at major shellfish culture sites in France, in several years: Arcachon (1993–1994); Marennes-Oléron (2007); Quiberon (1999, 2000, 2001); Rade de Brest (2008); Baie du... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: DEB theory; Modelling; Bivalves; Crassostrea gigas; Phytoplankton; Temperature effect; Coastal environment. Ano: 2011 URL: A single regulatory gene is sufficient to alter Vibrio aestuarianus pathogenicity in oysters Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Goudenege, David; Travers, Marie-agnes; Lemire, Astrid; Petton, Bruno; Haffner, Philippe; Labreuche, Yannick; Tourbiez, Delphine; Mangenot, Sophie; Calteau, Alexandra; Mazel, Didier; Nicolas, Jean-louis; Jacq, Annick; Le Roux, Frederique. Oyster diseases caused by pathogenic vibrios pose a major challenge to the sustainability of oyster farming. In France since 2012 a disease affecting specifically adult oysters has been associated with the presence of Vibrio aestuarianus. Here, by combining genome comparison, phylogenetic analyses and high throughput infections of strains isolated before or during the recent outbreaks, we show that virulent strains cluster into two V. aestuarianus lineages independently of the sampling dates. The bacterial lethal dose was not different between strains isolated before or after 2012. Hence the emergence of a new highly virulent clonal strain is unlikely. Each lineage comprises nearly identical strains, the majority of them being virulent, suggesting that... Tipo: Text Ano: 2015 URL: A soft technology to improve survival and reproductive performance of Litopenaeus stylirostris by counterbalancing physiological disturbances associated with handling stress Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Wabete, Nelly; Chim, Liet; Pham, Dominique; Lemaire, Pierrette; Massabuau, J. The consequences of handling stress (fishing, transfer, eyestalk ablation) on shrimp broodstock are poorly documented. The weakness of farmed shrimp, Litopenaeus stylirostris, during winter is a major problem in New Caledonia, because of seasonal climate (tropical-sub-temperate). The transfer of broodstock in winter from earthen outdoor ponds to indoor maturation tanks in the hatchery (T=20 degrees C, Salinity=35 parts per thousand, fed shrimp) usually leads, after 48 h, to high mortality (up to 70%). Eyestalk ablation to induce ovarian maturation in females leads to further mortality. Starting from a background analysis of physiological disturbances (initial osmoregulatory imbalance) associated with handling stress (Wabete, N., Chim, L., Lernaire, P.,... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Eyestalk ablation; Spawning; Handling stress; Broodstock; Litopenaeus stylirostris; Shrimp. Ano: 2006 URL: A Software Package and Hardware Tools for in situ Experiments in a Lagrangian Reference Frame Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Doglioli, Andrea; Nencioli, Francesco; Petrenko, Anne; Rougier, Gilles; Fuda, Jean-luc; Grima, Nicolas. The Lagrangian Transport Experiment (LATEX) was developed to study the influence of coupled physical and biogeochemical dynamics at the meso- and submesoscales on the transfers of matter and heat between the coastal zone and the open ocean. One of the goals of the Latex10 field experiment, conducted during September 2010 in the Gulf of Lion (northwest Mediterranean), was to mark a dynamical mesoscale feature by releasing a passive tracer [sulfur hexafluoride (SF6)] together with an array of Lagrangian buoys. The goal was to release the tracer in an initial patch as homogeneous as possible in the horizontal, and to study its turbulent mixing and dispersion while minimizing the contribution due to advection. For that, it was necessary to continuously adjust... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Dispersion; Lagrangian circulation; Transport; Ship observations; Tracers; Experimental design; Software. Ano: 2013 URL: A spatially explicit ecosystem model of seston depletion in dense mussel culture Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Grant, J; Bacher, Cedric; Cranford, P; Guyondet, T; Carreau, M. A fully-coupled biological-physical-chemical model of a coastal ecosystem was constructed to examine the impact of suspended mussel culture on phytoplankton biomass in Tracadie Bay, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Due to the extent of mussel culture there, we hypothesised that shellfish filtration would control the concentration and distribution of phytoplankton and other suspended particles in the bay. Circulation was delineated with a tidally-driven 2D numerical model and used to drive an ecosystem model with a focus on pelagic components including phytoplankton production, nutrients, detritus, and mussels. The benthos were treated as a sink. Nutrients and seston were forced by tidal exchange and river input, with phytoplankton additionally forced by... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Towed sensors; Nutrient dynamics; Circulation model; Phytoplankton; Carrying capacity; Shellfish aquaculture; Estuaries; Ecosystem model. Ano: 2008 URL: A spatiotemporal study of bacterial community profiles associated with Atlantic bluefin tuna larvae, Thunnus thynnus L., in three Mediterranean hatcheries Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Gatesoupe, Joel; Coves, Denis; Ortega, Aurelio; Papandroulakis, Nikos; Vadstein, Olav; De La Gandara, Fernando. During the first 2 years of larval rearing trials with Atlantic bluefin tuna, survival was a challenging issue. As bacterial colonization of the gut has been shown to play a key role for other species, we studied the profiles of the microbiota associated with individual larvae at different stages in three distant hatcheries. The Bacterial Community Profile (BCP) was quantified based on PCR-DGGE analyses of partial amplicons from 16S rDNA. Considerable individual variability in BCP was observed before onset of feeding, and the BCP did not show regular fluctuation during ontogenesis. Microalgae were added to the rearing tanks in two of the three hatcheries, but it was not possible to distinguish the effect of location from the effect of algal addition on... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Larval rearing; Bacterial diversity; DGGE; Thunnus thynnus. Ano: 2013 URL: A state-space model to derive bluefin tuna movement and habitat from archival tags Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Royer, Francois; Fromentin, Jean-marc; Gaspar, P. Archival tagging provides a unique way to study the spatial dynamics and habitat of pelagic fish. This technique generates lagrangian data of a particular type in marine ecology: although highly informative about processes at different scales (e.g. horizontal movements versus diving behaviour), such data are impaired by location errors and the lack of combination with actual environmental variability. The present paper introduces a framework for modelling bluefin tuna movement in relation to its habitat, using records of light, depth and temperature from archival tags. Based on data assimilation concepts and methods, we show how an explicit formulation of the observation process and the statistics of external variables (e.g. ambient temperature) can... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Tag; Archival; Habitat; Movement; Bluefin tuna. Ano: 2005 URL: A statistical relationship between individual heights and periods of storm waves Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Cavanie, Alain; Arhan, X; Ezraty, X. The goal of this short communication is to present a theoretical joint probability distribution for wave heights and periods developped in 1975 at the Centre 0céanologique de Bretagne. This research program was proposed and financially supported by the Association de Recherche Action des Elements (group fomed of 9 french companies or government agencies) which also carried out analysis of 200 twenty minute storm wave recordings in the North Sea selected from Waverider data kindly placed at our diaposal by the United Kingdom Offshore Operators Association. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR] Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer. Ano: 1976 URL: A status report on delamination resistance testing of polymer-matrix composites Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Brunner, A; Blackman, B; Davies, Peter. The development of fracture mechanics test methods for the determination of delamination resistance or fracture toughness of fiber-reinforced, polymer-matrix composites is an active area of research. The emphasis in this review is on standardisation of test methods. Recent developments leading towards new standardized test procedures will be presented, complementing and updating earlier reviews. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Review; Standards; Test procedure; Polymer matrix composites; Delamination resistance; Fracture toughness. Ano: 2008 URL: A steady-state model of PCB accumulation in dab food web Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Loizeau, Veronique; Menesguen, Alain. A five-compartment steady-state food web model is proposed for the benthic food web leading to the dab. Three exposure pathways are considered in the description of accumulation by benthic animals: ingestion of particulate contaminants associated with either sediment or phytoplankton, and respiratory uptake of free dissolved contaminant in overlaying water. Application of the model to a simple food web in the Bay of Seine (Eastern Channel) indicates that : a) feeding is the principal route of contamination, especially for PCB which have more than four chlorine atoms in the molecule ; b) excretion and growth rates, phytoplankton lipid fraction and organic carbon content of sediment are the parameters which mostly determine the chemical bioaccumulation in... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: MODEL; PCB; FOOD WEB; BENTHIC INVERTEBRATES; DAB. Ano: 1993 URL: A step toward the definition of ecological indicators of the impact of fishing on the fish assemblage of the Abore reef reserve (New Caledonia) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Amand, Marion; Pelletier, Dominique; Ferrari, Jocelyne; Kulbicki, Michel. Marine Protected Areas (MPA) are often contemplated as a tool for the sustainable management of exploited resources and ecosystem conservation. This paper proposes an approach to establish a statistical diagnostic of the effects of MPAs on fish assemblages, and define corresponding ecological indicators. This requires choosing relevant variables (abundance, diversity, demographic parameters..) and appropriate statistical methods. The study was based on data from the Abore reef Reserve in New Caledonia. Two sets of methods: 1-inferential linear models (ANOVA, GLM): 2- Partial Least Squares (PLS) methods of regression, were used to test the effects of this MPA. PLS enabled us to test simultaneously within a model, density, species richness, biomass and mean... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: New Caledonia; PLS regression; Ecological indicators; Fishing impact; Coral reef; Fish; Marine Protected Areas. Ano: 2004 URL: A stochastic viability approach to ecosystem-based fisheries management Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Doyen, Luc; Thebaud, Olivier; Bene, Christopher; Martinet, V.; Gourguet, S.; Bertignac, Michel; Fifas, Spyros; Blanchard, Fabian. Academia and management agencies show a growing interest for ecosystem-based fishery management (EBFM). However, the way to operationalize this approach remains challenging. The present paper illustrates how the concepts of stochastic co-viability, which accounts for dynamic complexities, uncertainties, risk and sustainability constraints, can be useful for the implementation of EBFM. In the present case, this concept is used to identify fishing strategies that satisfy both ecological conservation and economic sustainability in a multi-species, multi-fleet context. Economic Viability Analysis (EVA) and the broader Co-Viability Analysis (CVA), are proposed to expand the usual Population Viability Analysis (PVA) and precautionary approach. An illustration is... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ecosystem based fisheries management; Viability; Stochastic; Nephrops; Hake. Ano: 2012 URL: A strategy for the development of remote sensing applications and GIS uses in french Polynesia Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Chenon, Felix; Loubersac, Lionel; Varet, Hervé. Once the specific geographical context of French Polynesia and its needs about the use of results od Remote Sensing and Geographic Information have been presented and situated, the strategy used and developped both by the territory of French Polynesia and Ifremer in partnership is introduced. It comprises four parts and tries, by involving directly the end users, to make known the use of data of the high technology tools represneted bu Space Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems. Several types of the products are proposed and regional extrapolation plans are offered consequently. Tipo: Text Ano: 1991 URL: A study of geochemistry and hydrodynamics in Hutt Lagoon (Western Australia) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Arakel, A V. Hutt Lagoon, in the Perth Basin, Western Australia is a shallow (< 11 m) evaporitic basin, developed as a result of ponding in a Pleistocene calcreted dune terrain. Holocene sequence in the lagoon reflects a history of evaporite sedimentation through successive stages ranging from open marine to pond and playa environments. The contemporary lagoon is a playa surface in which sedimentation is related to distribution and interaction of hydrologic units (groundwaters, seawaters and lagoonal brines). Precipitation is restricted to ephemeral halite in ponded waters, and diagentic emplacement of CaCO sub(3) and CaSO sub(4) minerals in lagoonal sediments. Playa surfaces, predominantly below sea-level, fundamentally control the lagoonal circulation system;... Tipo: Text Ano: 1982 URL: A study of the non-linear behaviour of adhesively-bonded composite assemblies Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Cognard, Jean Yves; Davies, Peter; Sohier, S; Creac' Hcadec, R. The objective of this study is to define a reliable tool for dimensioning of adhesively bonded assemblies, particularly for marine and underwater applications. This paper presents experimental and numerical results, which describe the non-linear behaviour of an adhesive in a bonded assembly for various loadings. A modified Arcan fixture, well-suited for the study of the behaviour of bonded metal-metal assemblies, was developed in order to focus on the analysis of the behaviour of the adhesive in thin films. The edge effects are minimised by using an appropriate design of the substrates so that experimental results give reliable data. To analyze the kinematics of the deformation of the adhesive joint non-contact extensometry techniques were employed. Thus,... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Non linear behaviour; Finite element; Arcan fixture; Marine structures; Composite; Adhesion. Ano: 2006 URL: A study of the phase instability of quasi-geostrophic Rossby waves on the infinite beta-plane to zonal flow perturbations Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Marie, Louis. The problem of the linear instability of quasi-geostrophic Rossby waves to zonal flow perturbations is investigated on an infinite beta-plane using a phase dynamics formalism. Equations governing the coupled evolutions of a zonal velocity perturbation and phase and amplitude perturbations of a finite-amplitude wave are obtained. The analysis is valid in the limit of infinitesimal, zonally invariant perturbation components, varying slowly in the meridional direction and with respect to time. In the case of a slow sinusoidal meridional variation of the perturbation components, analytical expressions for the perturbation growth rates are obtained, which are checked against numerical codes based on standard Floquet theory. Tipo: Text Ano: 2010 URL: A study of the slope probability density function of the ocean waves from radar observations Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Hauser, D.; Caudal, G.; Guimbard, Sebastien; Mouche, Alexis. Radar observations of the sea surface at C-Band and small incidence angles are used to investigate some properties of the surface slope probability density function (pdf). The method is based on the analysis of the variation of the radar cross-section with incidence angle, assuming a backscattering process following the Geometrical Optics theory. First, we assess the limit of this model in our experimental configuration by using simulations of radar cross-sections with a more accurate backscattering model, namely the Physical Optics model. We show that roughness properties with scales larger than 12 cm can be analyzed in our configuration (C-Band, incidence 7 to 16 degrees). The radar data are then analyzed in terms of filtered mean square slope under the... Tipo: Text Ano: 2008 URL: A study of the speciation of co-60 added to coastal pore-water Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Whitehead, Ne; Huynhngoc, L. Tipo: Text Ano: 1990 URL: A study on inorganic carbon components in the Andaman Sea during the post monsoon season Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Sarma, Vvss; Narvekar, Pv. Extensive data have been collected on the carbon dioxide system during the post monsoon season in the eastern Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea of the northeastern Indian Ocean. The vertical distribution of temperature and salinity in the eastern Bay of Bengal were similar to that in the Andaman Sea down to 700-800 m. Below 1200 m depth the salinity remained constant at 34.90 in the Andaman Sea whereas it decreased to 34.80 in the eastern Bay of Bengal. On the other hand, deep waters (> 1200 m) of the Andaman Sea were warmer than those of the Bay of Bengal by approximately 2 degreesC. Dissolved oxygen concentrations in the subsurface waters were higher in the Andaman Sea than in the central Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea due to lower rates of... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Carbone inorganique; Dissociation; Eaux profondes; Golfe du Bengale; Mer d’Andaman; Inorganic carbon; Deep water; Dissociation; Bay of Bengal; Andaman Sea. Ano: 2001 URL: A suitable metocean hindcast database for the design of Marine energy converters Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Boudiere, Edwige; Maisondieu, Christophe; Ardhuin, Fabrice; Accensi, Mickael; Pineau-guillou, Lucia; Lepesqueur, Jeremy. Resource assessment as well as characterisation of site climatologies for the design of Marine Energy Converters requires data bases allowing an accurate description of the environmental forcing, especially waves and sea-states, on a high resolution grid. As a support to its research activities related to the development of marine renewable energies, Ifremer is building a specific hindcast data set for the assessment of sea-states climatologies. The main features of this database, built running an up-to-date configuration of the WaveWatch III® wave model on an unstructured grid extending from the South of the North Sea to the Bay of Biscay are presented here. Attention is given to the parameterization and forcing as well as the specific output data sets... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Directional spectra; Hindcast; WAVEWATCH III®; Marine renewable energy. Ano: 2013 URL: A Summary of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 67. Shipboard Results From the Mid-America Trench Transect off Guatemala Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Aubouin, J; Van Huene, R; Azema, J; Blackinton, G; Carter, Ja; Coulbourn, W T; Cowan, D S; Curiale, Ja; Dengo, Ca; Faas, Rw; Harrison, W; Hesse, R; Hussong, Dm; Ladd, Jw; Muzylev, N; Shiki, T; Thompson, Pr; Westberg, J. The Middle America Trench off Guatemala was transected by 24-channel seismic-reflection surveys, seismic-refraction surveys, and drilling with the Glomar Challanger . The drilling was doneat three sites on the oceanic Cocos plate and four sites on the Caribbean plate. These plates converge at about 10 cm/yr as indicated by global plate reconstruction. On the oceanic Cocos plate a basal chalk sequence of lower and middle Miocene age is overlain by a thin interval of abyssal clay. In contrast is the Cretaceous to lower Miocene claystone sequence recovered only at a site 3 km landward of the trench axis where drilling penetrated the hemipelagic slope deposits. A large amount of sediment along with ocean crust has been subducted during the present (Miocene to... Tipo: Text Ano: 1981 URL: A Summary of Results From the IPOD Transects Across the Japan, Mariana, and Middle-America Convergent Margins Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Von Huene, R; Uyeda, S. Investigations of convergent margins along the IPOD transects support the concept of ocean floor spreading in back-arc basins and the concept of tectonically accreted sediment at the front of convergent margins. However, not all convergent margins have large accreted complexes, and other less frequently used concepts are required in the interpretations of these convergent margins. If the present rates of plate convergence are accepted, then much sediment that entered the trenches studied is presumably subducted rather than accreted. In some instances, the continental framework is truncated and somehow removed by tectonic erosion. Some convergent margins have subsided significantly during subduction. The crust above the Benioff zone appears to have been... Tipo: Text Ano: 1981 URL: A surface plasmon resonance system for the underwater detection of domoic acid Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Colas, Florent; Crassous, Marie-pierre; Laurent, Sebastien; Litaker, Richard W.; Rinnert, Emmanuel; Le Gall, Erwan; Lunven, Michel; Delauney, Laurent; Compère, Chantal. Over the past decade Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) techniques have been applied to the measurement of numerous analytes. In this article, an SPR biosensor system deployed from an oceanographic vessel was used to measure dissolved domoic acid (DA), a common and harmful phycotoxin produced by certain microalgae species belonging to the genus Pseudo-nitzschia. During the biosensor deployment, concentrations of Pseudo-nitzschia cells were very low over the study area and measured DA concentrations were below detection. However, the in situ operational detection limit of the system was established using calibrated seawater solutions spiked with DA. The system could detect the toxin at concentrations as low as 0.1 ng mL−1 and presented a linear dynamic range... Tipo: Text Ano: 2016 URL: A survey of the age structure of beach populations of Nephtys spp. in the British Isles. The basis of population fluctuations Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Oliver, Pjw; Morgan, P J. A survey of the age structure of beach populations of Nephtys species in the British Isles. The basis of population fluctuations. An earlier investigation on Nephtys populations in an estuarine beach has been extended to include other beaches. It has been become apparent that periodic reproductive failure is a common phenomenon, and this explains why many populations are dominated by large, apparently old individuals which have numerous growth lines in the jaws. Reproductive failures are often the result of a failure to spawn, but may also be due to lack of recruitment. Tipo: Text Ano: 1983 URL: A Synthetic turbulence model for numerical simulation of marine current turbine Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Carlier, Clement; Pinon, Gregory; Gaurier, Benoit; Germain, Gregory; Rivoalen, Elie. The ambient turbulence intensity is a key factor in the study of marine current turbines. Indeed recent studies have shown that ambient turbulence intensity highly modifies the behavior of horizontal axis marine current turbines. Consequently numerical simulations have to represent the ambient turbulence or at least its effects on the performance and wake of the turbines. This paper presents the latest numerical developments carried out at LOMC in collaboration with IFREMER in order to take into account the effects of ambient turbulence. Tipo: Text Ano: 2015 URL: A systematic review of socio-economic assessments in support of coastal zone management (1992-2011) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Gentil, Eric; Mongruel, Remi. Cooperation between the social and natural sciences has become essential in order to encompass all the dimensions of coastal zone management. Socio-economic approaches are increasingly recommended to complement integrated assessment in support of these initiatives. A systematic review of the academic literature was carried out in order to analyze the main types of socio-economic assessments used to inform the coastal zone management process as well as their effectiveness. A corpus of 1682 articles published between 1992 and 2011 was identified by means of the representative coverage approach, from which 170 were selected by applying inclusion/exclusion criteria and then classified using a content analysis methodology. The percentage of articles that... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Integrated coastal zone management; Integrated assessment; Socio-economic assessment; Systematic review. Ano: 2015 URL: A tectonic test of instantaneous kinematics of the Easter Microplate Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Zukin, J-h; Francheteau, J. Detailed studies of the Easter microplate, and other contemporary microplates located along the world's mid-oceanic ridge system, are considered of primary importance to our understanding of the kinematic evolution of the major oceanic plates. The focus of the Rapanui expedition, part of the "Tour du monde" of the French research vessel Jean Charcot , was to collect detailed structural and geophysical data along the northern and southern Easter microplate boundaries in order to test, in a rigorous manner, the most recent tectonic and kinematic models for the microplate. In developing detailed bathymetric, morphotectonic and magnetic maps of these boundaries, we have found that our new plate boundaries differ considerably from those of Hey et al. (1985). Tipo: Text Ano: 1990 URL: A three-dimensional ecological model to optimize shellfish culture in the baie des Veys (Normandy, France) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Roudesli, Sonia; Cugier, Philippe; Le Gendre, Romain; Gangnery, Aline. Tipo: Text Ano: 2011 URL: A time-frequency application with the Stokes-Woodward technique Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Elfouhaily, Tanos; Guignard, S; Branger, H; Thompson, D; Chapron, Bertrand; Vandemark, D. In a recent paper, we have generalized Woodward's theorem and applied it to the case of random signals jointly modulated in amplitude and frequency. This generalization yields a new spectral technique to estimate the amount of energy due to mode coupling without calling for higher order statistics. Two power spectra are detected; the first is related to the independent modes, and the second contains extra energy caused by mode coupling. This detection is now extended from frequency to time-frequency domain. A comparison between a wavelet transform and our time-frequency technique shows good agreement along with new insight into the time occurrence of the nonlinearities or mode coupling. An application to water surface waves is given in this letter as an... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Wind waves; Wave wave interaction; Vertical asymmetry; Time frequency distributions; Nonlinear hydrodynamic processes; Mode coupling; Instantaneous frequency; Instantaneous amplitude; Horizontal asymmetry; AM FM; Amplitude modulation frequency modulation. Ano: 2003 URL: A toolbox to evaluate data reliability for whole-ecosystem models: Application on the Bay of Biscay continental shelf food-web model Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lassalle, Geraldine; Bourdaud, Pierre; Saint-beat, Blanche; Rochette, Sebastien; Niquil, Nathalie. Ecosystem models are always simplifications of reality and as such their application for ecosystem-based management requires standard validation. Here, the “DataReli” toolbox is proposed to evaluate the quality of the data used during the construction of ecosystem models, their coherence across trophic levels, and whether data limitations prevent the model long-term applications. This toolbox is the combination of three operational and complementary analyses: (i) the pedigree index to determine to what extent a model was calibrated on data of local origin; (ii) the graphical analysis known as PREBAL to assess whether a model respects some basic ecological and fisheries principles; and (iii) a sensitivity analysis to evaluate the robustness of model... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Food-web model; Ecopath; Model evaluation; Parameter uncertainty; Ecosystem-based management; Bay of Biscay. Ano: 2014 URL: A transcriptomic approach of salinity response in the euryhaline teleost, Dicentrarchus labrax Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Boutet, Isabelle; Ky, Chin Long; Bonhomme, Francois. Euryhaline teleosts possess the capacity to osmoregulate under various environmental conditions (freshwater to hypersaline water). This physiological capacity is generally monitored using enzyme activity assays (Na+/K+-ATPase...), hormones quantification (prolactine, growth hormone) or their mRNAs expression. To date, few studies addressed the genetic correlates of adaptation to varying salinity at a molecular level in such fish. In the sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax, genetic differentiation was observed at specific allozyme loci between lagoon- and open-sea populations. In the present study, we investigated transcriptomic response of D. labrax to salt- and freshwater acclimation in two organs involved in osmoregulation, gill and intestine. By using... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Suppression subtractive hybridisation; Carbonic anhydrase; Osmoregulation; MRNA expression; Sea bass. Ano: 2006 URL: A triage approach to improve the relevance of marine ecosystem services assessments Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Pendleton, Linwood; Mongruel, Remi; Beaumont, Nicola; Hooper, Tara; Charles, Mahe. Ecosystem services assessments are increasingly being used to inform marine policy and planning. These assessments involve significant time, effort, and expertise. It is important at the outset to determine which of many ecosystem services should be quantified and which measures of ecological output, economic impact, or value should be assessed. Furthermore, the literature shows that in practice such assessments are unevenly applied and rarely used effectively in decision-making processes. We develop a structured decision-making approach, called a triage, to assess what types of ecosystem services should be assessed to improve the uptake and usefulness of such information in marine planning. Two case studies, in France and the United Kingdom, provide... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ecosystem services; Assessment; Marine planning; Marine protection. Ano: 2015 URL: A two-dimensional particle tracking model for pollution dispersion in A Coruna and Vigo Rias (NW Spain) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Gomez-gesteira, M; Montero, P; Prego, R; Taboada, Jj; Leitao, P; Ruiz-villarreal, M; Neves, R; Perez-villar, V. A two-dimensional hydrodynamic model coupled to a particle tracking model is applied to study the dispersion processes and residence time in two Galician rias (A Coruna and Vigo, NW Spain) under summer conditions. In A Coruna a long residence time was found in the harbour area due to the existence of a dock, and a short one in the river area. On the contrary, in Vigo, the residence time is smaller in the harbour area, due to the Rande Strait, beyond which the river effect is negligible. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Modèle bidimensionnel; Traceur passif; Circulation résiduelle; Pollution; Rias de Galice; Two-dimensional model; Passive tracers; Residual currents; Pollution; Galician rias. Ano: 1999 URL: A two-stage biomass model to assess the English Channel cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis L.) stock Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Gras, Michael; Roel, Beatriz A.; Coppin, Franck; Foucher, Eric; Robin, Jean-paul. The English Channel cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) is the most abundant cephalopod resource in the Northeast Atlantic and one of the three most valuable resources for English Channel fishers. Depletion methods and age-structured models have been used to assess the stock, though they have shown limitations related to the model assumptions and data demand. A two-stage biomass model is, therefore, proposed here using, as input data, four abundance indices derived from survey and commercial trawl data collected by Ifremer and Cefas. The model suggests great interannual variability in abundance during the 17 years of the period considered and a decreasing trend in recent years. Model results suggest that recruitment strength is independent of spawning-stock... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Abundance indices; English Channel; Exploitation rate; Sepia officinalis; SST; Stock–recruitment relationship; Trawl survey; Two-stage biomass model. Ano: 2014 URL: A two-stage biomass random effects model for stock assessment without catches: What can be estimated using only biomass survey indices? Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Trenkel, Verena. A simple two-stage biomass random effects population dynamics model is presented for carrying out fish stock assessments based on survey indices using no commercial catch information. Recruitment and biomass growth are modelled as random effects, reducing the number of model parameters while maintaining model flexibility. No assumptions regarding natural mortality rates are required. The performance of the method was evaluated using simulated data with emphasis on identifying parameter redundancy, which showed that the variance of the biomass growth random effect might only be estimable if large (> 0.2). The full and two nested models were fitted to European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) in the Bay of Biscay using two survey series. The best-fitting... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Survey based assessment; Population state; Random effects. Ano: 2008 URL: A two-step process for the reflooding of the Mediterranean after the Messinian Salinity Crisis Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bache, Francois; Popescu, Speranta-maria; Rabineau, Marina; Gorini, Christian; Suc, Jean-pierre; Clauzon, Georges; Olivet, Jean-louis; Rubino, Jean-loup; Melinte-dobrinescu, Mihaela Carmen; Estrada, Ferran; Londeix, Laurent; Armijo, Rolando; Meyer, Bertrand; Jolivet, Laurent; Jouannic, Gwenael; Leroux, Estelle; Aslanian, Daniel; Dos Reis, Antonio Tadeu; Mocochain, Ludovic; Dumurdzanov, Nikola; Zagorchev, Ivan; Lesic, Vesna; Tomic, Dragana; Cagatay, M. Namik; Brun, Jean_pierre; Sokoutis, Dimitrios; Csato, Istvan; Ucarkus, Gulsen; Cakir, Ziyadin. The Messinian Salinity Crisis is well known to have resulted from a significant drop of the Mediterranean sea level. Considering both onshore and offshore observations, the subsequent reflooding is generally thought to have been very sudden. We present here offshore seismic evidence from the Gulf of Lions and re-visited onshore data from Italy and Turkey that lead to a new concept of a two-step reflooding of the Mediterranean Basin after the Messinian Salinity Crisis. The refilling was first moderate and relatively slow accompanied by transgressive ravinement, and later on very rapid, preserving the subaerial Messinian Erosional Surface. The amplitude of these two successive rises of sea level has been estimated at =500 similar to m for the first rise and... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Paleo environmental changes; Miocene pliocene boundary; Section marche province; Earliest zanclean age; Desiccated deep basin; Di tetto formations; Northern apennines; Southern France; Decic basin; Depositional environments. Ano: 2012 URL: A typology of fisheries management tools Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Boncoeur, Jean; Guyader, Olivier; Thebaud, Olivier. This paper provides a classification of fisheries management measures which is based on a typology developped by Boncoeur and Troadec (2003). This typology was discussed as part of the TECTAC research project, and amended to provide the following conceptual framework. Fisheries management tools may be classified according to their purpose, to the regulation method on which they rely, and to the control variable(s) which they use. The typology presented in this paper relies on these three criteria Tipo: Text Ano: 2006 URL: A unified deep-to-shallow water wave-breaking probability parameterization Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Filipot, Jean-francois; Ardhuin, Fabrice; Babanin, Alexander V. Breaking probabilities and breaking wave height distributions (BWHDs) in deep, intermediate, and shallow water depth are compared, and a generic parameterization is proposed to represent the observed variability of breaking parameters as a function of the nondimensional water depth. In intermediate and deep water, where waves of different scales may have markedly different breaking probabilities, a BWHD as a function of wave frequency is proposed and validated with intermediate-depth and deep water observational data. The current study focuses on waves with frequencies between 0.55 and 3.45 times the peak frequency f(p). For the dominant frequency, the integration of the frequency-dependent BWHD provides a breaking probability that reproduces the known... Tipo: Text Ano: 2010 URL: A unified directional spectrum for long and short wind-driven waves Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Elfouhaily, Tanos; Chapron, Bertrand; Katsaros, Kristina; Vandemark, D. Review of several recent ocean surface wave models finds that while comprehensive in many regards, these spectral models do not satisfy certain additional, but fundamental, criteria. We propose that these criteria include the ability to properly describe diverse fetch conditions and to provide agreement with in situ observations of Cox and Munk [1954] and Jahne and Riemer [1990] and Hara et al. [1994] data in the high-wavenumber regime. Moreover, we find numerous analytically undesirable aspects such as discontinuities across wavenumber limits, nonphysical tuning or adjustment parameters, and noncentrosymmetric directional spreading functions. This paper describes a two-dimensional wavenumber spectrum valid over all wavenumbers and analytically amenable to... Tipo: Text Ano: 1997 URL: A unified spectral parameterization for wave breaking: From the deep ocean to the surf zone Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Filipot, Jean-francois; Ardhuin, Fabrice. A new wave-breaking dissipation parameterization designed for phase-averaged spectral wave models is presented. It combines wave breaking basic physical quantities, namely, the breaking probability and the dissipation rate per unit area. The energy lost by waves is first explicitly calculated in physical space before being distributed over the relevant spectral components. The transition from deep to shallow water is made possible by using a dissipation rate per unit area of breaking waves that varies with the wave height, wavelength and water depth. This parameterization is implemented in the WAVEWATCH III modeling framework, which is applied to a wide range of conditions and scales, from the global ocean to the beach scale. Wave height, peak and mean... Tipo: Text Ano: 2012 URL: A unifying quantitative framework for exploring the multiple facets of microbial biodiversity across diverse scales Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Escalas, Arthur; Bouvier, Thierry; Mouchet, Maud A.; Leprieur, Fabien; Bouvier, Corinne; Troussellier, Marc; Mouillot, David. Recent developments of molecular tools have revolutionized our knowledge of microbial biodiversity by allowing detailed exploration of its different facets and generating unprecedented amount of data. One key issue with such large datasets is the development of diversity measures that cope with different data outputs and allow comparison of biodiversity across different scales. Diversity has indeed three components: local (), regional () and the overall difference between local communities (). Current measures of microbial diversity, derived from several approaches, provide complementary but different views. They only capture the component of diversity, compare communities in a pairwise way, consider all species as equivalent or lack a mathematically... Tipo: Text Ano: 2013 URL: A unique in vivo experimental approach reveals metabolic adaptation of the probiotic Propionibacterium freudenreichii to the colon environment Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Saraoui, Taous; Parayre, Sandrine; Guernec, Gregory; Loux, Valentin; Montfort, Jerome; Le Cam, Aurelie; Boudry, Gaelle; Jan, G; Falentin, Helene. Background Propionibacterium freudenreichii is a food grade bacterium consumed both in cheeses and in probiotic preparations. Its promising probiotic potential, relying largely on the active release of beneficial metabolites within the gut as well as the expression of key surface proteins involved in immunomodulation, deserves to be explored more deeply. Adaptation to the colon environment is requisite for the active release of propionibacterial beneficial metabolites and constitutes a bottleneck for metabolic activity in vivo. Mechanisms allowing P. freudenreichii to adapt to digestive stresses have been only studied in vitro so far. Our aim was therefore to study P. freudenreichii metabolic adaptation to intra-colonic conditions in situ. Results We... Tipo: Text Ano: 2013 URL: A unique self-organization of bacterial sub-communities creates iridescence in Cellulophaga lytica colony biofilms Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Kientz, Betty; Luke, Stephen; Vukusic, Peter; Peteri, Renaud; Beaudry, Cyrille; Renault, Tristan; Simon, David; Mignot, Tam; Rosenfeld, Eric. Iridescent color appearances are widespread in nature. They arise from the interaction of light with micron- and submicron-sized physical structures spatially arranged with periodic geometry and are usually associated with bright angle-dependent hues. Iridescence has been reported for many animals and marine organisms. However, iridescence has not been well studied in bacteria. Recently, we reported a brilliant “pointillistic” iridescence in colony biofilms of marine Flavobacteria that exhibit gliding motility. The mechanism of their iridescence is unknown. Here, using a multi-disciplinary approach, we show that the cause of iridescence is a unique periodicity of the cell population in the colony biofilm. Cells are arranged together to form hexagonal... Tipo: Text Ano: 2016 URL: A walk down the Cap de Creus canyon, Northwestern Mediterranean Sea: Recent processes inferred from morphology and sediment bedforms Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lastras, G; Canals, M; Urgeles, R; Amblas, D; Ivanov, M; Droz, Laurence; Dennielou, Bernard; Fabres, J; Schoolmeester, T; Akhmetzhanov, A; Orange, D; Garcia Garcia, A. The Cap de Creus canyon, northwestern Mediterranean Sea, belongs to a complex network of submarine canyons cutting the western Gulf of Lion continental shelf and opening into the larger Sete canyon. Swath bathymetry data, MAKAM deep-towed side-scan sonar imagery and 5 kHz high resolution seismic reflection profiles show striking morphologies in the Cap de Creus canyon floor and walls. As a consequence of the canyon head and the upper reach severe incision, the continental shelf dramatically narrows in front of the Creus Cape promontory. The upper canyon has a flat-bottomed thalweg incised in a megascale sediment furrow field displaying hyperbolic seismic facies. The tens of kilometres long linear furrows extend also over the middle canyon down to 1400 in... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Gulf of Lion; Bedform; Swath bathymetry; Side scan sonar; Submarine canyon. Ano: 2007 URL: A Well-Kept Treasure at Depth: Precious Red Coral Rediscovered in Atlantic Deep Coral Gardens (SW Portugal) after 300 Years Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Boavida, Joana; Paulo, Diogo; Aurelle, Didier; Arnaud-haond, Sophie; Marschal, Christian; Reed, John; Goncalves, Jorge M. S.; Serrao, Ester A. Background The highly valuable red coral Corallium rubrum is listed in several Mediterranean Conventions for species protection and management since the 1980s. Yet, the lack of data about its Atlantic distribution has hindered its protection there. This culminated in the recent discovery of poaching activities harvesting tens of kg of coral per day from deep rocky reefs off SW Portugal. Red coral was irregularly exploited in Portugal between the 1200s and 1700s, until the fishery collapsed. Its occurrence has not been reported for the last 300 years. Results Here we provide the first description of an Atlantic red coral assemblage, recently rediscovered dwelling at 60-100 m depth in southern Portugal. We report a very slow growth rate (0.23 mm year-1),... Tipo: Text Ano: 2016 URL: A whirling ecosystem in the equatorial Atlantic Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Menkes, Christophe; Kennan, Sc; Flament, Pierre; Dandonneau, Y; Masson, S; Biessy, B; Marchal, E; Eldin, G; Grelet, J; Montel, Y; Morliere, A; Lebourges-dhaussy, A; Moulin, C; Champalbert, G; Herbland, Alain. [1] The equatorial Pacific and Atlantic oceans exhibit remarkable meridional undulations in temperature and chlorophyll fronts visible from space over thousands of kilometers and often referred to as tropical instability waves. Here, we present new observations of an ecosystem ranging through three trophic levels: phytoplankton, zooplankton and small pelagic fish whirling within a tropical vortex of the Atlantic ocean and associated with such undulations. Cold, nutrient and biologically rich equatorial waters are advected northward and downward to form sharp fronts visible in all tracers and trophic levels. The equatorward recirculation experiences upwelling at depth, with the pycnocline and ecosystem progressively moving toward the surface to reconnect... Tipo: Text Ano: 2002 URL: A white spot disease-like syndrome in the Pacific blue shrimp (Litopenaeus stylirostris) as a form of bacterial shell disease Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Goarant, Cyrille; Brizard, Raphael; Marteau, Anne-laure. In May 1997, some white lesions evoking the white spot syndrome disease were observed in Litopenaeus stylirostris broodstock in New Caledonia. The occurrence of these lesions was neither associated with mortality, nor with histological evidence of white spot syndrome baculovirus (WSBV), The evidence suggests that these lesions result from a form of bacterial disease and are associated with an increased bacterial flora on the outer surface of the cuticle, as well as an increased incidence throughout the molt cycle. A microscopic observation of these lesions allows them to be differentiated from WSBV-associated lesions. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: New Caledonia; White spot syndrome; Aquaculture; Pathogenic bacteria; Shrimp culture; Crustaceans; Diseases; Litopenaeus stylirostris. Ano: 2000 URL: A worldwide review of purse seine fisheries on FADs Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Fonteneau, Alain; Pallares, P; Pianet, Renaud. This paper develops a comparative overview of the development of Fish Aggregating Devices (or fads) by the tropical purse seine fisheries in various ocean areas (Atlantic, Indian, Western and Eastern Pacific Oceans). First, a comparative review of fishery statistics is developed. Recent catches on fads by purse seiners can be estimated at a level of one million tons yearly. This comparison allows to describe the fishing zones and catch trends over time, the species composition and size taken in the various fad fisheries. Skipjack tuna is the dominant species in most fad fisheries, but significant amounts of yellowfin and bigeye are also frequently taken under fads. The paper also presents an overview of various observer data concerning the by-catches of... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Attracting techniques Fisheries Purse seines Size Tuna fisheries Article Geographic Terms: A; Atlantic I; Pacific ISW; Indian Ocean. Ano: 2000 URL: A year-class curve analysis to estimate mortality of Atlantic bluefin tuna caught by the Norwegian fishery from 1956 to 1979 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Fromentin, Jean-marc; Restrepo, Victor. At the ICCAT symposium on bluefin tuna that held in Santander in April 2008, Tangen et al.(2009) presented a first quantification of the fishing effort deployed by the Norwegian fishery targeting bluefin tuna in the North Sea and Norwegian Sea. Using a year-class curve analysis on the Norwegian CPUE, this document presents the first estimates of mortality rates of Atlantic bluefin tuna that migrated north from the mid-1950s to the late 1970s. The results indicate that bluefin tuna would have experienced a total mortality rate (Z) of 0.2 to 0.4 yr-1 (i.e. F at around 0.3 yr-1) during the late 1950s, 0.2 yr-1 during the 1960s and 0.1 yr-1 afterwards (assuming M=0.1 yr-1). These results appear to be rather robust and consistent with the VPA estimates from the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Thunnus thynnus; Fishing and natural mortalities; Year-class curves; Stock assessment. Ano: 2009 URL: Abattement de l'azote par le marais côtier de Kervigen et potentiel breton Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Piriou, Jean-yves; Coic, Daniel; Merceron, Michel. The coastal marsh of Kervigen is located near by the bay of Douarnenez and its 22 hectares are almost entirely covered by reeds. An experiment was there carried out to assess the nitrogen flux depletion of a small stream, the Kerharo. That one has a 45 km 2 mostly agricultural drainage basin. Due to its nitrate loadings to the next sandy beach, it feeds a green algae (Ulva) proliferation. In order to control its nitrogen fluxes, the stream was partly diverted through a part of the marsh (9 ha), before it was allowed to go back to the main bed. Thus a collapsible weir was set up during several springs and summers, i.e. the growing period of Ulva. The nitrate stripping off the going through flux is within a 30 to 90 % range,that is important (175 kg N03... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Algae; Nitrogen; Ulva; Nitrate depletion; Costal marsh; Algue; Azote; Ulva; Abattement de nitrate; Marais côtier. Ano: 1999 URL: Aber Benoit - Synthèse des études sur la qualité du bassin ostréicole de 1989 à 1992 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Littaye-mariette, Anne. Début 1990, l'IFREMER et les Affaires Maritimes sont contactés par un ostréiculteur de l'Aber-Benoit afin d'effectuer le constat de mortalités survenues depuis 1989 sur ses concessions. L'expertise révèle des taux de mortalité allant de 20 à 70% sur les huîtres en élevage, tous âges et toutes techniques confondues (Cl. Le Bec, 1989). Dès cette date, un gradient décroissant de mortalité est noté d'amont en aval et du chenal à la berge. Ces mortalités anormales, par comparaison avec les autres bassins ostréicoles bretons, sont également observées sur les poches expérimentales des stations de l'Aber Benoit du réseau "Huître Creuse Bretagne" (C. Le Bec, 1989). Tipo: Text Ano: 1993 URL: Ability of taxonomic diversity indices to discriminate coastal lagoon environments based on macrophyte communities Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Mouillot, David; Gaillard, Sylvain; Aliaume, Catherine; Verlaque, Marc; Belsher, Thomas; Troussellier, Marc; Chi, Thang. Lagoons are highly productive areas representing more than 50% of the coastline area in Languedoc-Roussillon (South of France, Mediterranean sea). These lagoons are very different in their environmental conditions, human influences, eutrophication levels and aquaculture intensity. Based on macrophyte communities associated with soft substrates, two indices of taxonomic diversity (the "average taxonomic distinctness" (Delta(+)) and the "variation in taxonomic distinctness" (Lambda(+))) were used to discriminate four of these lagoons (Thau, Salse-Leucate, Bages-Sigean and Mauguio). Bages-Sigean presented a significant higher average taxonomic distinctness (p < 0.05) and Salse-Leucate had a significant higher variation in taxonomic distinctness (p <... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Languedoc Roussillon; Exotic species; Human impact; Eutrophication; Biodiversity. Ano: 2005 URL: Abiotic stress protection by ecologically abundant dimethylsulfoniopropionate and its natural and synthetic derivatives: insights from B acillus subtilis Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Broy, Sebastian; Chen, Chiliang; Hoffmann, Tamara; Brock, Nelson L.; Nau-wagner, Gabriele; Jebbar, Mohamed; Smits, Sander H. J.; Dickschat, Jeroen S.; Bremer, Erhard. Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) is an abundant osmolyte and anti-stress compound produced primarily in marine ecosystems. After its release into the environment, microorganisms can exploit DMSP as a source of sulfur and carbon, or accumulate it as an osmoprotectant. However, import systems for this ecophysiologically important compatible solute, and its stress-protective properties for microorganisms that do not produce it are insufficiently understood. Here we address these questions using a well-characterized set of Bacillus subtilis mutants to chemically profile the influence of DMSP import on stress resistance, the osmostress-adaptive proline pool and on osmotically controlled gene expression. We included in this study the naturally occurring... Tipo: Text Ano: 2015 URL: Abnormal periostracum secretion during the mineralization process of the pearl in the blacklip pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Comps, Marie-annick; Herbaut, Christian; Fougerouse, Angélique. Whitish parasite-like bodies (PLBs), 0.5-2 mu m in size, were detected within the pearl bag of some grafted pearl oysters, Pinctada margaritifera, from Takapoto island (French Polynesia). Histological and ultrastructural investigations have revealed that these bodies consisted of lamellar organic material locally secreted by some epithelial cells of the pearl bag. The fine structure and the formation of these bodies are described. The causes of this abnormal secretion of organic mater, which actually corresponds to periostracum, are not presently known. No parasite nor infectious micro-organism was found associated with the PLBs. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Periostracum; Pearl bag; Pinctada margaritifera. Ano: 2000 URL: Abondance des larves d'étrille (Macropipus puber, L.), d'araignée (Maia squinado, Herbst) et de tourteau (Cancer pagurus, L.) sur la côte ouest du Cotentin (Manche) de 1977 à 1979 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Martin, Jocelyne. Within the framework of the ecological study related to the construction of a coastal nuclear power plant in Flamanville (westcoast of Cotentin, English Channel), zooplancton was sampled in the vicinity from april 1977 to september 1979 according to a monthly and even fortinghtly frequency. This paper presents the results obtained about the larvae of three commercial brachyuran decapoda species : the Velvet Swiming crab (Macropipus puber, L.), the Spinous Spider Crab (Maia squinado Herbst) and the Edible Crab (Cancer pagurus, L.). For the three annual cycles considered saisonal variations in abundance of zoeal and megalopa stages were represented. For the 1978 and 1979 samples we made, in addition, the distinction between the successive zoeal stages.... Tipo: Text Ano: 1980 URL: Abondance et distribution des larves d'araignée (Maia squinado Herbst) en Manche en 1983 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Martin, Jocelyne. Zooplancton was sampled during 1983 on the french coast of English Channel, near Paluel (eastern Channel),near Flamanville (west coast of Cotentin) and in the bay of Saint-Malo. This paper. presents the results obtained about the larvae of the spinous spider crab (Maia squinado, Herbst).Seasonal cycles of abundance of zoeal ang megalopa stages are shown for all the stations studied in 1983. The distribution of zoeal stages is given for the two cruises which took place as zoea were most abundant. Previous results from Paluel and Flamanville are discussed to relate earlier hatchings with higher sea temperatures at the beginning of summer in 1983. NOT CONTROLLED OCR Tipo: Text Ano: 1985 URL: About the concept of crowding disease and sanitary lot in modern intensive aquaculture : a short note Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: AQUACOP. Most of the diseases that occurred in modern intensive aquaculture are due to opportunistic pathogens and can be considered as crowding diseases. The application of the sanitary lot technique would greatly reduce the spread of such diseases. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR] Tipo: Text Ano: 1979 URL: Abrupt changes in the characteristics of atlantic and levantine intermediate waters in the southeastern levantine basin Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Hecht, A. Data from twenty consecutive cruises, carried out over a period of five years, were investigated in order to reveal temporal changes in the characteristics of the AW (Atlantic Waters) and the LIW (Levantine Intermediate Waters) in the Southeastern Levantine basin. The results indicated a seasonal trend in the AW, which appear to be poorly defined during winter and spring but which, as the year progresses and as the LSW (Levantine Surface Waters) form and penetrate downward, become better defined, and occupy a narrower layer whose depth increases. There appeared to be no season related variations in the LIW. Moreover, abrupt, significant, and apparently irreversible changes in the characteristic salinity of the AW and the LIW occurred in the Southeastern... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SOUTHEASTERN LEVANTINE BASIN; LEVANTINE WATER MASSES; LEVANTINE INTERMEDIATE WATER; ATLANTIC INFLOWING WATERS; LEVANTINE SURFACE WATERS. Ano: 1992 URL: Abrupt drainage cycles of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Soulet, Guillaume; Menot, Guillemette; Bayon, Germain; Rostek, Frauke; Ponzevera, Emmanuel; Toucanne, Samuel; Lericolais, Gilles; Bard, Edouard. Continental ice sheets are a key component of the Earth’s climate system, but their internal dynamics need to be further studied. Since the last deglaciation, the northern Eurasian Fennoscandian Ice Sheet (FIS) has been connected to the Black Sea (BS) watershed, making this basin a suitable location to investigate former ice-sheet dynamics. Here, from a core retrieved in the BS, we combine the use of neodymium isotopes, high-resolution elemental analysis, and biomarkers to trace changes in sediment provenance and river runoff. We reveal cyclic releases of meltwater originating from Lake Disna, a proglacial lake linked to the FIS during Heinrich Stadial 1. Regional interactions within the climate–lake–FIS system, linked to changes in the availability of... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ice dynamics; Meltwater routing; European hydrographic network. Ano: 2013 URL: Abrupt shifts in the Gironde fish community: an indicator of ecological changes in an estuarine ecosystem Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Chevillot, Xavier; Pierre, Maud; Rigaud, Arthur; Drouineau, Hilaire; Chaalali, Aurelie; Sautour, Benoit; Lobry, Jeremy. For decades, global climate change has directly and indirectly affected the structure and function of ecosystems. Abrupt changes in biodiversity have been observed in response to linear or sudden modifications to the environment. These abrupt shifts can cause long-term reorganizations within ecosystems, with communities exhibiting new functional responses to environmental factors. Over the last 3 decades, the Gironde estuary in southwest France has experienced 2 abrupt shifts in both the physical and chemical environments and the pelagic community. Rather than describing these shifts and their origins, we focused on the 3 inter-shift periods, describing the structure of the fish community and its relationship with the environment during these periods. We... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ecosystem state; Fish diversity; Estuary; Generalised linear mixed models; GLMM; Time series; Shift; Inter-shift periods. Ano: 2016 URL: Abrupt shifts of the Sahara-Sahel boundary during Heinrich stadials Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Collins, J. A.; Govin, A.; Mulitza, S.; Heslop, D.; Zabel, M.; Hartmann, J.; Roehl, U.; Wefer, G. Relict dune fields that are found as far south as 14 N in the modern-day African Sahel are testament to equatorward expansions of the Sahara desert during the Late Pleistocene. However, the discontinuous nature of dune records means that abrupt millennial-timescale climate events are not always resolved. High-resolution marine core studies have identified Heinrich stadials as the dustiest periods of the last glacial in West Africa although the spatial evolution of dust export on millennial timescales has so far not been investigated. We use the major-element composition of four high-resolution marine sediment cores to reconstruct the spatial extent of Saharan-dust versus river-sediment input to the continental margin from West Africa over the last 60 ka.... Tipo: Text Ano: 2013 URL: Abrupt shifts of the Sahara-Sahel boundary during Heinrich Stadials Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Collins, James A.; Govin, A.; Mulitza, Stefan; Heslop, David; Zabel, M.; Hartmann, J.; Rohl, U.; Wefer, Gerold. Relict dune fields that are found at 14° N in the modern-day African Sahel are testament to equatorward expansions of the Sahara desert during the late Pleistocene. However, difficulties of dating dune formation mean that abrupt millennial-scale climate events are not always resolved in these records. High-resolution marine core studies have identified Heinrich Stadials as the dustiest periods of the last glacial, although no studies have mapped the spatio-temporal evolution of dust export from West Africa. We use the major-element composition of four marine sediment cores to reconstruct the spatial extent of Saharan-dust versus river-sediment input to the continental margin from West Africa over the last 60 ka. This allows us to map the position of the... Tipo: Text Ano: 2013 URL: Absence de captage de Crassostrea gigas dans le bassin de Marennes-Oléron en 1981 : causes et conséquences Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Berthome, Jean-paul; Deslous-paoli, Jean-marc; Heral, Maurice; Razet, Daniel; Garnier, Jacqueline. The want of C. gigas spat-catching in the Marennes-oleron basin in 1981 can be due to various different reasons which are analysed here. Physico -chemical and trophic factors that can induce variations in the quality of gametogenesis, are successively in comparison with the year 1979 when reproduction was good. The biochemical evolution and a study of gonads slow a lack in maturation in 1981 even during the summer period. Late maturation of gonads bring about physiological consequences which induced mortality of cultivated oysters at the end of winter. A feeble recruit and a decrease of the cultivated stock have economic consequences which here sketched up. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Larvae; Recrutment; Spat; Crassostrea gigas; Oysters; Larves; Recrutement; Captage; Crassostrea gigas; Huîtres. Ano: 1982 URL: Absolute magnetization of the seafloor at a basalt-hosted hydrothermal site: Insights from a deep-sea submersible survey Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Szitkar, Florent; Dyment, Jerome; Fouquet, Yves; Choi, Yujin; Honsho, Chie. The analysis of high-resolution vector magnetic data acquired by deep-sea submersibles (DSSs) requires the development of specific approaches adapted to their uneven tracks. We present a method that takes advantage of (1) the varying altitude of the DSS above the seafloor and (2) high-resolution multibeam bathymetric data acquired separately, at higher altitude, by an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, to estimate the absolute magnetization intensity and the magnetic polarity of the shallow subseafloor along the DSS path. We apply this method to data collected by DSS Nautile on a small active basalt-hosted hydrothermal site. The site is associated with a lack of magnetization, in agreement with previous findings at the same kind of sites: the contrast between... Tipo: Text Ano: 2015 URL: Absorption et métabolisation de substances organiques dissoutes au cours du développement larvaire de Mytilus edulis L. (Bivalves) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Melaouah, N. Tipo: Text Ano: 1990 URL: Absorption et régénération de l'azote dans la zone frontale du courant Algérien (Méditerranée Occidentale) : réévaluation de la production nouvelle Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Gentilhomme, V; Raimbault, P. The uptake and regeneration of four forms of nitrogen NO3-, NO2-, NH4+ and urea) have been studied, in the euphotic layer of a frontal area (Algerian current), in relation with hydrological, chemical and biological parameters. Ln this area vertical stratification is pronounced; a deep chlorophyll maximum at the bottom of the euphotic layer is present. Results show the importance of measuring urea uptake and regeneration in the study of nitrogen cycling, because this component can be regenerated as rapidly as ammonia, and is a source of nitrogen for phytoplankton. Other results show the oxidation of ammonia to nitrate in the euphotic layer, and particularly at the base of this layer. This nitrification is a source of in situ regenerated nitrate, and could... Tipo: Text Ano: 1994 URL: Absorption et régénération de l'azote dans le système brassé de la Manche : productions nouvelle et régénérée Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Maguer, Jf; L'Helguen, S; Madec, C; Le Corre, P. Nitrate and ammonium uptake rates were measured in spring and summer in deep and shallow well-mixed waters of the English Channel during different cruises between 1986 and 1994. In the deep waters, nitrate uptake was relatively low during phytoplankton development and ammonium uptake represented more than 70 % of the total uptake irrespective of the season. In the shallow waters, nitrate uptake during spring phytoplankton growth was high and represented about 75 % of the total uptake. Ammonium uptake became substantial towards the end of spring and summer. The high contribution of ammonium to the nitrogenous nutrition of phytoplankton over the whole of the well-mixed waters is related to a high rate of recycling of nitrogen in the water column. Ammonium... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Azote; Absorption; Régénération; Productions nouvelle et régénérée; Manche; Nitrogen; Uptake; Regeneration; New and regenerated productions; English Channel. Ano: 1998 URL: Absorption et régénération de l'azote dans les écosystèmes côtiers ; relations avec le régime de mélange vertical des masses d'eaux ; cas du domaine homogène peu profond de la Manche Occidentale. Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Maguer, Jean-francois. La production primaire dans l'océan est généralement limitée par l'azote. Ceci a été mis en évidence dans le domaine océanique (Thomas, 1966 ; 1969 ; Eppley et al., 1973) et dans les eaux côtières (Ryther et Dunstan, 1971 ; McCarthy et al., 1977). Par ailleurs, dans l'eau de mer, les cycles biogéochimiques des principaux éléments (C, N, P) sont étroitement liés (Redfield et al., 1963) et l'azote, en contrôlant la production primaire, règle pour une large part les flux des différents composés. Il régule en particulier les flux de carbone dans la zone euphotique et vers les couches profondes, déterminant ainsi la capacité des écosystèmes à exporter la matière organique. Tipo: Text Ano: 1995 URL: Abundance, diversity, and community structure of the fish population in the ria de aveiro (portugal) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Arruda, Lm; Andrade, Jp; Cunha, Mm. Tipo: Text Ano: 1988 URL: Abundance estimate and seasonal patterns of grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) occurrence in Brittany, France, as assessed by photo-identification and capture-mark-recapture Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Gerondeau, M; Barbraud, C; Ridoux, Vincent; Vincent, Cecile. It has been suggested that the large grey seal colonies around the British Isles form local populations within a metapopulation, and that seal movements outside the breeding season lead to considerable overlap between individual home ranges. Individual behaviour and population dynamics of small peripheral colonies may also play a role in the metapopulation. We studied the French grey seal colony of the Molene archipelago, at the southern-most limit of the species' range. We analysed photo-identification data with capture-mark-recapture techniques in order to estimate the total seasonal abundance of grey seals in the archipelago and to quantify the seasonal rates of occurrence or movements of male and female seals. We found that between 58% (95% confidence... Tipo: Text Ano: 2007 URL: Abyssal benthic oxygen-consumption in the northeastern atlantic - measurements using the suspended core technique Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Patching, Jw; Raine, Rct; Barnett, Pro; Watson, J. Tipo: Text Ano: 1986 URL: Accelerated ageing and lifetime prediction of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) in distilled water Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Deroine, Morgan; Le Duigou, Antoine; Corre, Yves-marie; Le Gac, Pierre-yves; Davies, Peter; Cesar, Guy; Bruzaud, Stephane. Accelerated ageing was performed in distilled water at different temperatures (25, 30, 40 and 50°C) on poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV), which is a biodegradable biopolymer, in order to estimate its lifetime in aqueous environment. In a first part, degradation mechanisms were followed by gravimetry, tensile tests and steric exclusion chromatography. Both immersion and relative humidity have been examined. In a second part, the strain at break was used as an indicator for lifetime prediction with an Arrhenius extrapolation. The study revealed the presence of only one irreversible degradation mechanism, i.e. hydrolytic degradation, which is temperature dependant. So, within the approach assumptions, the lifetime in distilled water of PHBV... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate); Accelerated ageing; Hydrothermal degradation; Lifetime prediction. Ano: 2014 URL: Accelerated ageing of polylactide in aqueous environments: Comparative study between distilled water and seawater Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Deroine, Morgan; Le Duigou, Antoine; Corre, Yves-marie; Le Gac, Pierre-yves; Davies, Peter; Cesar, Guy; Bruzaud, Stephane. Pollution of nature by plastics is a major environmental problem and the challenge for the future is to manage the lifetime of polymers better. The aim of this study is to establish a baseline on degradation mechanism and degradation kinetics for lifetime prediction of polylactide (PLA) in a marine environment. The ageing of PLA was accelerated by raising temperature in distilled water, filtered and renewed seawater and natural seawater. Samples were immersed in distilled water for six months at different temperatures (25, 30, 40 and 50°C) in order to evaluate the influence of temperature on PLA degradation kinetics and to predict lifetime. Then, samples were immersed in seawater both in the laboratory and at sea, in order to compare the effects of... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: PLA; Accelerated ageing; Hydrothermal ageing; Degradation. Ano: 2014 URL: Accelerated ageing of polyurethanes for marine applications Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Davies, Peter; Evrard, Guy. Polyurethanes are frequently used in underwater applications. They are required to resist the marine environment over long periods of immersion but the multiplicity of resin formulations makes material selection difficult. Accelerated tests are essential to guarantee long term integrity. This paper presents results from an experimental study in which polyurethane samples of two hardnesses, 40 and 90 Shore A, have been subjected to immersion in artificial sea water for periods up to two years at temperatures from 50 to 100 degrees C. In parallel samples have been immersed at sea in the Brest Estuary for up to five years. Mechanical properties have been measured on tensile specimens after ageing. The accelerated test results and FTIR analysis indicate that... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Accelerated test; Sea water; Ageing; Marine; Polyurethane. Ano: 2007 URL: Acceleration Performance of Individual European Sea Bass Dicentrarchus labrax Measured with a Sprint Performance Chamber: Comparison with High-Speed Cinematography and Correlates with Ecological Performance Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Vandamm, Joshua P.; Marras, Stefano; Claireaux, Guy; Handelsmank, Corey A.; Nelson, Jay A. Locomotor performance can influence the ecological and evolutionary success of a species. For fish, favorable outcomes of predator-prey encounters are often presumably due to robust acceleration ability. Although escape-response or "fast-start" studies utilizing high-speed cinematography are prevalent, little is known about the contribution of relative acceleration performance to ecological or evolutionary success in a species. This dearth of knowledge may be due to the time-consuming nature of analyzing film, which imposes a practical limit on sample sizes. Herein, we present a high-throughput potential alternative for measuring fish acceleration performance using a sprint performance chamber (SPC). The acceleration performance of a large number of... Tipo: Text Ano: 2012 URL: Acceptabilité du milieu - rade de Brest. Etude des suspensions au microscope électronique à balayage et à la microsonde (sédimentologie et microbiologie) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bassoulet, Philippe; Pommepuy, Monique; Cormier, Michel. Dans le programme "Acceptabilité du Milieu -Rade de Brest" on observe une décroissance des concentrations bactériennes des émissaires vers le large. Tipo: Text Ano: 1980 URL: Acclimatation de nouvelles espèces d'huîtres creuse du genre Crassostrea: hybridation et conservatoire de souches - Contrat de Plan Etat Région Poitou-Charentes 1994-1998 - Synthèse finale Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Boudry, Pierre; Heurtebise, Serge; Huvet, Arnaud; Chollet, Bruno; Ledu, Christophe; Phelipot, Pascal; Gerard, Andre. Actions menées de 1994 à 1998 au sein du conservatoire de souches : 1. Résultats des importations, acclimatation et hybridation. a) Rappel des conditions d'introduction de nouvelles souches. L'importation de toute espèce est conditionnée par les résultats d'une enquête préliminaire dont l'objet est de rechercher les exigences écologiques de l'espèce et la situation épidémiologique dans son milieu d'origine. Le travail du LGP et de ses partenaires a été partagé en différentes actions: 1. Recherche de contacts dans divers pays étrangers, en vue de l'importation d'huîtres présentant des caractéristiques intéressantes. 2. Importation : L'importation se fait selon les normes du CIEM (Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer) : contrôles pathologiques... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Génétique; Acclimatation; Hybridation; Marqueurs moléculaire; Marqueurs populations; Crassostrea. Ano: 1998 URL: Acclimatation de nouvelles espèces d'huîtres creuses du genre Crassostrea: hybridation et conservatoire de souches. Amélioration de la qualité chez l'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas par sélection de souches performantes - Rapport année 1996 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Boudry, Pierre; Naciri, Yamama; Collet, Bertrand; Cornette, Florence; Heurtebise, Serge; Ledu, Christophe; Chollet, Bruno; Phelipot, Pascal; Gerard, Andre. Les objectifs pour l'année 1996 étaient les suivants: Poursuivre les premières reproductions des espèces pour lesquelles nous disposons de géniteurs GO. L'objectif est toujours de limiter le stockage d'animaux importés en produisant une descendance simultanément à des témoins C. gigas qui serviront de comparaison. Tenter des hybridations inter-spécifiques des différents taxons présents au sein du conservatoire en fonction des connaissances disponibles dans la littérature sur ce sujet (voir pour revue Gaffney et Allen, 1993). • Importer de nouvelles souches ou espèces. Élargir la gamme des espèces présentes au sein du conservatoire de souches (les capacités d'accueil de la salle de quarantaine étant Limitée). Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Génétique; Acclimatation; Hybridation; Crassostrea; Sélection génétique; Saccostrea commercialis. Ano: 1996 URL: Acclimatation de nouvelles espèces d'huîtres creuses du genre Crassostrea: hybridation et conservatoire de souches. Amélioration de la qualité chez l'huîtres creuses Crassostrea gigas par sélection de souches performantes - Contrat de Plan Etat Région Poitou-Charentes 1994-1998 Convention 97 RPC-R-54 "Génétique" - Rapport année 1997 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Boudry, Pierre; Lapegue, Sylvie; Goyard, Emmanuel; Heurtebise, Serge; Ledu, Christophe; Phelipot, Pascal; Gerard, Andre. Les objectifs pour l'année 1997 étaient les suivants : • Poursuivre les premières reproductions des espèces pour lesquelles nous disposons de géniteurs GO. L'objectif est toujours de limiter le stockage d'animaux importés en produisant une descendance simultanément à des témoins C. gigas qui serviront de comparaison. • Tenter des hybridations inter-spécifiques des différents taxons présents au sein du conservatoire en fonction des connaissances disponibles dans la littérature sur ce sujet (voir pour revue Gaffney et Allen, 1993). • Importer de nouvelles souches ou espèces. Élargir la gamme des espèces présentes au sein du conservatoire de souches (les capacités d'accueil de la salle de quarantaine étant limitée). Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Génétique; Génétique des Populations; Acclimatation; Hybridation; Marqueurs génétiques; Sélection génétique; Crassostrea gigas. Ano: 1997 URL: Acclimatation de nouvelles espèces d'huîtres creuses du genre Crassostrea: hybridation et conservatoire de souches. Contrat Région Poitou-Charentes 1994-1998 - 1ère partie : rapport année 1994 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Boudry, Pierre; Naciri, Yamama; Launey, Sophie; Ledu, Christophe; Phelipot, Pascal; Heurtebise, Serge; Gerard, Andre. Le laboratoire IFREMER "Génétique Aquaculture et Pathologie" (GAP) (La Tremblade et Bouin) a entrepris des actions de recherche sur ces différents points. L'Unité de Recherche en Génétique, en collaboration avec tous Ies membres du Réseau Génétique Mollusques (REGEMO) a axé une partie de ses travaux sur l'acclimatation et l'hybridation de différentes espèces du genre Crassostrea. Ces recherches ont débuté avec le soutien du Conseil Général de Charente-Maritime depuis 1992 sur des essais d'acclimatation de C. virginica, l'huître creuse américaine. En prolongement de cette étude, l'URGE a proposé à la région Poitou Charentes un programme de recherche plus vaste sur l'ensemble des espèces d'huîtres creuses. Le contrat de plan Etat-Région a été signé en... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Génétique; Acclimatation; Hybridation; Crassostrea; Saccostrea; Génétique population. Ano: 1994 URL: Acclimatation de nouvelles espèces d'huîtres creuses du genre Crassostrea : hybridation et conservatoire de souches. Contrat Région Poitou-Charentes 1999 - Convention 99 RPC-A-203 "Génétique" Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Boudry, Pierre; Heurtebise, Serge; Lapegue, Sylvie; Ledu, Christophe; Phelipot, Pascal; Gerard, Andre. Dans le cadre du plan Etat-Région 1994-1998, un programme de conservatoire de souches a été initié au Laboratoire IFREMER de La Tremblade. Ce conservatoire a pour objectif d'acclimater différentes espèces ou souches d'huîtres creuses (genres Crassostrea et Saccostrea) afin d'acquérir des connaissances sur ces espèces et d'évaluer l'intérêt qu'elles pourraient présenter pour l'ostréiculture locale. L'importation d'espèces étrangères sur les côtes françaises est désormais strictement réglementée: la dissémination d'une nouvelle espèce peut se révéler néfaste d'un point de vue écologique et nuire aux productions existantes. De plus, ces huîtres peuvent être porteuses de pathogènes qui, s'il venaient à se répandre dans le milieu, pourraient toucher les stocks... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Génétique; Acclimatation; Croisement; Crassostrea gigas; Crassostrea ariakensis; Crassostrea sikamea; Hybridation. Ano: 1999 URL: Acclimatation de nouvelles espèces d'huîtres creuses du genre Crassostrea: hybridations et conservatoire de souches. Contrat de Plan Etat Région Poitou- Charentes 1994-1998 - Convention 95/RPC-R-57 "Génétique" - Rapport année 1995 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Boudry, Pierre; Naciri, Yamama; Heurtebise, Serge; Delsert, Claude; Ledu, Christophe; Phelipot, Pascal; Chollet, Bruno; Cochennec, Nathalie; Gerard, Andre. Le laboratoire IFREMER "Génétique Aquaculture et Pathologie" (GAP) (La Tremblade et Bouin) a entrepris des actions de recherche sur ces différents points. L'Unité de Recherche en Génétique, en collaboration avec tous les membres du Réseau Génétique Mollusques (REGEMO), a axé une partie de ses travaux sur l'acclimatation et l'hybridation de différentes espèces du genre Crassostrea. Ces recherches ont débuté avec le soutien du Conseil Général de Charente-Maritime depuis 1992 sur des essais d'acclimatation de C. virginica, l'huître creuse américaine. En prolongement de cette étude, l'URGE a proposé à la région Poitou-Charentes un programme de recherche plus vaste sur l'ensemble des espèces d'huîtres creuses. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Génétique; Acclimatation; Hybridation; Crassostrea virgnica. Ano: 1995 URL: Acclimatation du clam (Venus mercenaria L.) en Bretagne Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Marteil, Louis. Large quantities of clams (Venus mercenaria L.) from the U.S.A. have been introduced in Brittany since 1930. Stopped in 1940, their importation started again in 1954. These shellfishes, designed to be immediately sold for eating, only stayed for a short period of time in the ponds and farms of the Belon, Pénerf and Etel rivers, or in the Gulf of Morbihan, where they were stocked. However, some individuals managed to escape the fisheries and stayed buried for years where they had been sown. Lambert (1949) reported how some twenty year-old clams were found on a farm on the Etel River. In some ponds of the Gulf of Morbihan and the Pénerf river, one can still find clams which have been stocked there before 1940: their size is huge and reaches 10 to 14 cm, and... Tipo: Text Ano: 1956 URL: Accounting for Rough Bed Friction Factors of Mud Beds as a Result of Biological Activity in Erosion Experiments Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Guizien, Katell; Orvain, Francis; Duchene, Jean-claude; Le Hir, Pierre. The average bed shear stress and bed friction factor of samples with any roughness was derived from the head loss between upstream and downstream of a test section in an erosion tunnel. The method was validated in both hydraulically smooth (plexiglass; Reynolds number less than 25,000) and rough regimes (calibrated particles with known roughness). As a first step toward using this method on natural sediment, this method was tested with experimental mesocosms assembled from field collected materials (sieved sediments; diatoms). Bed shear stress measurement precision was high enough in the experiments to detect a positive significant relationship between bed friction factor and core roughness. The observed bed friction factor increase could be related to... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bed roughness; Friction factor; Mud beds; Biological activity; Erosion experiments. Ano: 2012 URL: Accoutumance de jeunes soles (Solea solea) à différents aliments inertes après achèvement de la métamorphose Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Girin, Michel; Metailler, Robert; Nedelec, Jacqueline. A comparative test of various inert diets was performed on 9 batches of 150 one month old soles, wheighing an average 42 mg, and feeding on live brine shrimps. It lasted for 2 months, in 60 l square tanks, with sand bottoms. . A succession of frozen natural feed, ending with the Bivalve Laevioardium arassum, was compared to 2 different artificial diets, offered as dry pellets. The inurement to the pellets was facilitated by an incorporation of various meals, used as flavourings, during a 6 weeks transitory period. - At the end of the experiment, the best result, 98 % survival, average weight . 1.10 g, was obtained with the natural feed. The best flavourings for dry pellets were Laevi- cardium arassum and the Polyahaete Nephthus hombergii, with 70 %... Tipo: Text Ano: 1977 URL: Accrétion océanique et déformation dans la partie méridionale du bassin Nord-Fidjien: résultats préliminaires de la campagne océanographique SEAPSO III du N.O. Jean-Charcot (décembre 1985) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Auzende, Jean-marie; Eissen, Jean-philippe; Caprais, Marie-paule; Gente, Pascal; Gueneley, S; Harmegnies, Francois; Lagabrielle, Yves; Lapouille, A; Lefevre, C; Maillet, P; Maze, Jean-pierre; Ondreas, Helene; Schaaf, A; Singh, R. Seismic, Seabeam, magnetic and gravimetrie surveys in the southern part of the N-Fiji basin were conducted during the SEAPSO LEG III Cruise. The active spreading axis was recognized between 17°30'S and 21°S. It consists of a continuous N-S Ridge cross-cut by transverse directions oriented N25 and N45. North of 17°30'S, the spreading System is more complex due to the existence of a possible triple junction located around 15° S. The eastern part of the N-Fiji basin, west of Viti Levu is mostly characterized by alternating highs and deeps (<4,000 m). This area must be regarded no more as a spreading center, but as complex boundary suffering transverse tectonics. Tipo: Text Ano: 1986 URL: Accretion, Underplating, Subduction and Tectonic Evolution, Middle America Trench, Southern Mexico: Results From DSDP Leg 66 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Watkins, J S; Moore, J C; Shipley, Th; Bachman, S B; Beghtel, F W; Butt, A; Didyk, B M; Leggett, Jk; Lundberg, N; Mcmillen, Kj; Niitsuma, N; Shepherd, Le; Stephan, Jf; Stradner, H. During Leg 66 eight sites were drilled to form a transect across the Middle America Trench off southwestern Mexico. Cores from these sites show that accretion began approximately 10 MY ago and has continued to the present. Accretion began with offscraping followed by a 2- to 4- MY episode of folding and faulting with uplift rates of 400-500 m/MY; uplift then slowed to 100-200 m/MY, and seismically resolved deformation ceased as the wedge appeared to rise evenly. Approximately 33% of the sediment flux input into the subduction zone, mainly trench sand and slump deposits, is scraped off and incorporated into the toe of the lower slope; an additional 33% is initially subducted but then peeled off to underplate the accretionary wedge; the remaining 33% is... Tipo: Text Ano: 1981 URL: Accumulation and depuration of hydrocarbons in the mangrove oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Delcastillo, C; Corredor, J; Morell, J. Adult specimens of Crassostrea rhizophorae were exposed to diesel oil dispersed in seawater. The experiment consisted of a 10 days contamination period and 15 days depuration period. Oyster samples were extracted, and analysed by gas chromatography and UV fluorescence spectroscopy. The concentrations of n-alkanes, branched alkanes, unresolved complex mixture (UCM) and aromatic hydrocarbons were determined. The oysters accumulated the hydrocarbons rapidly, reaching a maximum concentration of 387.5 ug/g (wet weight). After exposure to uncontaminated seawater, the oysters were able to reduce their hydrocarbon load to 5.6 ug/g. The data indicates that C. rhizophorae is capable of preferential accumulation and depuration of hydrocarbons. Apparently, the oysters... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Crassostrea rhizophorae; Bivalvia; Fluorescence spectroscopy; Gas chromatography; Oyster culture; Hydrocarbons; Marine pollution; Accumulation; Self purification. Ano: 1992 URL: Accumulation and fragmentation of plastic debris in global environments Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Barnes, David K. A.; Galgani, Francois; Thompson, Richard C.; Barlaz, Morton. One of the most ubiquitous and long-lasting recent changes to the surface of our planet is the accumulation and fragmentation of plastics. Within just a few decades since mass production of plastic products commenced in the 1950s, plastic debris has accumulated in terrestrial environments, in the open ocean, on shorelines of even the most remote islands and in the deep sea. Annual clean-up operations, costing millions of pounds sterling, are now organized in many countries and on every continent. Here we document global plastics production and the accumulation of plastic waste. While plastics typically constitute approximately 10 per cent of discarded waste, they represent a much greater proportion of the debris accumulating on shorelines. Mega- and... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Microplastic; Landfill; Plastic production; Marine debris; Persistent organic pollutants. Ano: 2009 URL: Accumulation and loss of tin by the mussel Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Unsal, M. Tipo: Text Ano: 1984 URL: Accumulation and mobilization of lipids in relation to reproduction of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the Western Indian Ocean Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Zudaire, Iker; Murua, Hilario; Grande, Maitane; Pernet, Fabrice; Bodin, Nathalie. Total lipid content and lipid class composition were analyzed in gonads, liver and white muscle of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) throughout ovary development to understand its reproductive allocation strategy and to assess the relation between female condition and reproduction. A total of 112 females were collected onboard purse-seiner in the Western Indian Ocean from January to March 2009, from June to July 2009, and from April to May 2010. Gonads were characterized by highly variable total lipid contents ranging from 5 to 27 μg mg−1 of wet weight (ww) with a predominance of neutral lipids, mainly triacylglycerols (TAG) and sterol- and wax-esters. The different lipid classes in gonads described an accumulative pattern through the maturity process... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Tropical tuna; Lipid class composition; Reproductive allocation strategy; Income-capital breeder; Fecundity; FADs. Ano: 2014 URL: Accumulation de Fe, Cu, Zn, Mg, Mn et Co dans l'ovaire de Carcinus maenas L. au cours de l'ovogenèse Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Martin, Jean-louis. During ovogenesis the ovary of Carcinus maenas shows a continuous accumulation of Fe, Cu, Mg, Mn and Co. For Zn the accumulation seems to stop for gonad indexes near 6.5. The goal of this accumulation is not determined. Nevertheless we suppose that it is in relation with the role of organic reserves that possess the female sexual cells in decapods and with the synthesis of enzymes and hemocyanin. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR] Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer. Ano: 1976 URL: Accumulation de sels nutritifs dans la microcouche de surface : influence possible des facteurs abiotiques biotiques du milieu Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lima, Yd. Tipo: Text Ano: 1985 URL: Accumulation des métaux lourds et polluants organiques par les coquillages Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Claisse, Didier. Les organismes marins, et en particulier les coquillages, ont la propriété d'accumuler les contaminants présents dans le milieu. Le consommateur va donc retrouver dans son assiette ces produits indésirables et peut-être nuisibles à sa santé. Le facteur de concentration entre l'eau de mer et les tissus des coquillages peut être très élevé. Ce qui est un inconvénient pour le consommateur devient d'un intérêt primordial pour les environnementalistes cherchant à évaluer la qualité du milieu marin. En effet la capacité d'accumulation des contaminants par les coquillages permet de les utiliser comme indicateurs de pollution. Certains résultats du Réseau National d'Observation de la qualité du milieu marin (RNO) sont présentés ici puis rapportés aux quantités... Tipo: Text Ano: 1992 URL: Accumulation des sels nutritifs dans un sédiment lagunaire et environnement hydrodynamique Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Gomez, E; Millet, B; Picot, B. The Mejean-Perols Lagoon is situated on the French Mediterranean coast. It is a small (747 ha) and shallow (70 cm) lagoon. Some treated effluent from Montpellier flows into this hypereutrophic lagoon. The cartography of C, N and P concentrations in the sediment was studied based on 35 bottom samples. The nitrogen and organic carbon concentrations were more or less homogeneous, the highest concentrations being found in the middle of the lagoon. The phosphate was principally bound onto the sediment in the west zone. The observed distribution was independent of grain size, the distribution of which was rather homogeneous. In this lagoon water circulation is wind induced. Four different water flow structures were observed, as functions of the prevailing winds... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sédiment; Lagune côtière; Hydrodynamique; Sels nutritifs; Carbone; Sediment; Coastal lagoon; Hydrodynamics; Nutrients; Carbon. Ano: 1998 URL: Accumulation du cadmium par les bactéries marines à Gram négatif selon leur sensibilité au métal et leur type respiratoire Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Gauthier, Mj; Clement, Rl; Flatau, Gn; Amiard, Jc. Tipo: Text Ano: 1986 URL: Accumulation du cadmium par Mytilus edulis en présence de bactéries marines sensibles ou résistantes à ce metal Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Flatau, Gilles N.; Gauthier, Michel J. The cadmium accumulation by the soft parts of the mussels increased in the presence of the sensitive strain, and was lower in the presence of the resistant strain, when only ionic metal was given to the mussels. The metal brought by previously contamined and killed bacteria was more accumulated by the different organs than when it was provided in the ionic form, and was more accumulated by viscera and gills when it was bound to the resistant bacteria. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Cadmium; Accumulation; Moule; Bactéries marines; Résistance. Ano: 1982 URL: Accumulation of DOC in Low Phosphate Low Chlorophyll (LPLC) area: is it related to higher production under high N:P ratio? Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Mauriac, R.; Moutin, T.; Baklouti, M. The biogeochemistry of carbon and nutrients (N,P) in the surface layer of the ocean strongly depends on the complex interactions between primary producers (phytoplankton) and remineralizers (heterotrophic bacteria). To understand how these interactions impact the overall DOC dynamics in the surface layer of the Mediterranean Sea, we implemented, using Eco3M (Ecological Mechanistic Modular Modelling tool), a multi-element model with a mechanistic description of primary production. We studied the model steady state results under various nutrient conditions and fixed cell abundances. By doing so, we show how the bottom up control of osmotrophs growth can impact the overall DOC dynamics in the system. Based on our set of parameters, the biogeochemical... Tipo: Text Ano: 2011 URL: Accumulation of nine metals and one metalloid in the tropical scallop Comptopallium radula from coral reefs in New Caledonia Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Metian, M.; Bustamante, Paco; Hedouin, L.; Warnau, M. Uptake of waterborne Cd, Co, Mn and Zn was determined in laboratory experiments using radiotracer techniques (Cd-109, Co-57, Mn-54 and Zn-65). Labelled Zn was mainly accumulated in the digestive gland (65%) and Co in kidneys (81%); Cd and Mn were similarly distributed in digestive gland and gills. In a complementary field study, Ag, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, and Zn were analysed in scallops collected at two stations showing different contamination levels. Digestive gland and kidneys displayed the highest concentrations. Ag, As, Cd, and Fe differed in soft tissues from the two stations, suggesting that Comptopallium radula could be a valuable local biomonitor species for these elements. Low Mn and Zn concentrations found in kidneys suggest that their... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bioindicator species; Risk assessment; Pectinidae; Radiotracers; Arsenic; Trace elements; Tropical environment. Ano: 2008 URL: Accuracy of Wind Measurements Performed on Buoys, Ship, and Island during the TOSCANE-2 Experiment Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Queffeulou, Pierre. In 1983 the project "Travaux d'Oceanographie Spatiale: Capteurs Actifs dans l'Atlantique Nord-Est" (TOSCANE) was initiated in view of calibration, validation, and use of satelliteborne scatterometer and altimeter measurements in terms of wind and wave data, with special emphasis on the ERS-1 satellite to be launched in 1991 by the European Space Agency. The wind measurements from an array of buoys and ship and land stations, deployed during the last experiment within the program, TOSCANE-2, are described, and a method is given to evaluate their accuracy. When comparing wind data from two measuring stations at sea, the averaging time has to be selected according to the separation distance between the two locations to filter out the space-induced wind... Tipo: Text Ano: 1991 URL: Acetylcholinesterase activity in copepods (Tigriopus brevicornis) from the Vilaine River estuary, France, as a biomarker of neurotoxic contaminants Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Forget, Joelle; Beliaeff, Benoit; Bocquene, Gilles. From April 1997 to June 1998, 14 measurements of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) enzymatic activity were performed with the copepod, Tigriopus brevicornis, collected at five stations in the Vilaine River estuary (South Brittany, France). Simultaneously, four chemical analyses of triazines and one analysis of total pesticides in water were undertaken. AChE activity levels in T brevicornis were compared to the levels measured at a reference site not exposed to effluents from Vilaine River. Results reveal significant differences between AChE activity levels depending on location of stations in the plume of the river with an increasing gradient of activity from the upstream to the downstream stations, thus indicating that neurotoxic contaminants are mainly brought... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Monitoring; Estuary; Pollution; Pesticides; Tigriopus brevicornis; Acetylcholinesterase activity. Ano: 2003 URL: Acides organiques produits par une archaébactérie anaérobie hyperthermophile soufre-dépendante Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Guezennec, Jean; Rimbault, A; Godfroy, Anne; Fromage, M; Marec, F; Rocchiocioli, F. The existence of deep-sea hydrothermal thermophilic archaebacteria raises interesting questions about their metabolism and metabolic products both in a natural environment and in a culture medium. Moreover, the use of these microorganisms as a potential source of molecules of biotechnological interest must be considered, in the light of the fact that metabolic produits can enhance the risk of microbially-induced corrosion. Organic acids formed by an anaerobic thermophilic sulphur-dependent archaebacterium were analysed as tert-butyldimethylsilyl derivatives by GC and GC/MS. Data indicated the presence in significant amounts of propanoic, 2-methyl propanoic, 3-(methylthio) propanoic, phenylacetic and 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acids. In addition, the use of... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: ARCHAEA; ORGANIC ACIDS; AMINO ACIDS; LABELED ISOTOPES. Ano: 1994 URL: Acoustic backscattering from salp and target strength estimation Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: David, P; Guerin-ancey, O; Oudot, G; Van Cuyck, Jp. Although zooplanktonic organisms nearly have the acoustical impedance of water, they backscatter the sound. Strong acoustical echoes from salps were recorded in the Weddell sea at 150 kHz (1992), in the Indian ocean at 12 kHz (1994) and in the Mediterranean at 120 and 38 kHz (1996). Sphere and cylinder models were applied to estimate the salp target strength. The salp is modelled by a cylindrical gelatinous body (length L) and a spherical nucleus (radius a). Backscattering from each part was estimated individually. With a detection threshold of -100 dB, the minimum body length and the minimum radius of nucleus to be theoretically detected were estimated for each of the following frequencies: 12, 38, 120 and 150 kHz. A small salp (L = 14 rum and a = I mm)... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Salpe; Target strength; Acoustique sous-marine; Salp; Target strength; Underwater acoustics. Ano: 2001 URL: Acoustic behaviour of echolocating porpoises during prey capture Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: De Ruiter, Stacy; Bahr, Alexander; Blanchet, Marie-anne; Hansen, Sabina Fobian; Kristensen, Jakob Hojer; Madsen, Peter T.; Tyack, Peter L.; Wahlberg, Magnus. Porpoise echolocation has been studied previously, mainly in target detection experiments using stationed animals and steel sphere targets, but little is known about the acoustic behaviour of free-swimming porpoises echolocating for prey. Here, we used small onboard sound and orientation recording tags to study the echolocation behaviour of free-swimming trained porpoises as they caught dead, freely drifting fish. We analysed porpoise echolocation behaviour leading up to and following prey capture events, including variability in echolocation in response to vision restriction, prey species, and individual porpoise tested. The porpoises produced echolocation clicks as they searched for the fish, followed by fast-repetition-rate clicks (echolocation buzzes)... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Echolocation; Porpoise; Foraging; Buzz; Biosonar; Phocoena. Ano: 2009 URL: Acoustic characterisation of pelagic fish aggregations around moored fish aggregating devices in Martinique (Lesser Antilles) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Doray, Mathieu; Josse, Erwan; Gervain, Paul; Reynal, Lionel; Chantrel, Josselin. Sea cruises were conducted for 57 days over 16 months to characterise pelagic fish aggregations around 2 moored fish aggregating devices (FADs) in Martinique (Lesser Antilles). Echosounder surveys run in a star pattern were used in conjunction with obliquely beamed sonar observations. An echo-integration-by-shoal algorithm was implemented to isolate pelagic fish shoals from sound scattering layers and to compute mean morphometric, positional and density parameters. Tree regressions were used to select and classify pelagic fish Target Strengths (TS), with reference to their spatial and temporal characteristics. The main type of pelagic fish aggregation was a large sub-surface aggregation. It was observed during all daytime periods within a radius of 400 m... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Lesser Antilles; Tuna; Large pelagic fish; Aggregative behaviour; Shoal density; Target Strength; Acoustics; Fish Aggregating Device. Ano: 2006 URL: Acoustic data collected during and between bottom trawl stations: consistency and common trends Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bez, Nicolas; Reid, David; Neville, Suzanna; Verin, Yves; Hjellvik, Vidar; Gerritsen, Hans D. Acoustic data are often collected during bottom trawl surveys. Their use can potentially improve the precision and accuracy of fish abundance estimates if acoustic data collected between trawl stations are consistent with those collected during trawling operations. This question is addressed here through the analysis of 20 bottom trawl surveys (three survey areas and five different survey series) with coincident acoustic measurements during and between trawl stations. Firstly, on-station and underway acoustic data were compared using statistics computed globally over each survey (average vertical profiles, global indices of collocations, and spatial structures) for various combinations of depth layers. Secondly, we focussed on underway acoustic data... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Gear perturbation; Acoustic; Bottom trawl. Ano: 2007 URL: Acoustic detection of the spatial and temporal distribution of fish shoals in the Bay of Biscay Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Scalabrin, Carla; Masse, Jacques. Echo sounder data were used to investigate the spatio-temporal variability of shoal behaviour in the Bay of Biscay. Data collected from annual surveys were processed using MOVIES-B software in order to mcasure this variability. The software was designed to measure morphological, energetic and space-time distribution descriptors from the acoustic signal received from fish shoals. Two surveys, DAAG 90 and DAAG 91, provided the appropriate characteristics for such an analysis. The survey's objective was to obtain relative abundance indices for the anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) biomass in the Bay of Biscay. The surveys were carried out in the same area (southern Bay of Biscay), at the same period (April) within one year interval (1990 and 1991), using the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fish shoal; Fisheries acoustics; Bay of Biscay; Pelagic fish. Ano: 1993 URL: Acoustic monitoring of gas emissions from the seafloor. Part I: quantifying the volumetric flow of bubbles Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Leblond, Isabelle; Scalabrin, Carla; Berger, Laurent. Three decades of continuous ocean exploration have led us to identify subsurface fluid related processes as a key phenomenon in marine earth science research. The number of seep areas located on the seafloor has been constantly increasing with the use of multi-scale imagery techniques. Due to recent advances in transducer technology and computer processing, multibeam echosounders are now commonly used to detect submarine gas seeps escaping from the seafloor into the water column. A growing number of en-route surveys shows that sites of gas emissions escaping from the seafloor are much more numerous than previously thought. Estimating the temporal variability of the gas flow rate and volumes escaping from the seafloor has thus become a challenge of relevant... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Seafloor observatory; Water column acoustics; Forward and inverse modeling; Fisheries echosounders; Acoustic backscattering; Gas emissions; Bubbles; Water tank experiments. Ano: 2014 URL: Acoustic observations in the Bay of Biscay: Schooling, vertical distribution, species assemblages and behaviour Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Masse, Jacques. Eight acoustic surveys were carried our in the Bay of Biscay, during 1989-94, to study the distribution and abundance of anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus, L.) in that area. Acoustic data were stored using the INES/MOVIES acquisition and processing system. Species-specific distribution patterns were confirmed through complementary sampling with a mid-water trawl. This paper summarises the combination of technical procedures used for acoustic assessments, and the results of acoustic surveys in the Bay of Biscay that pertain to the dynamics of this stock. Information is presented on the distribution and abundance of anchovy and co-occuring species, and on the movement patterns detected within the pelagic fish community, in relation to environmental conditions.... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Acoustic; Anchovy; Engraulis encrasicolus; Schooling; Pelagic; Behaviour; Bay of Biscay. Ano: 1996 URL: Acoustical monitoring of fish density, behavior, and growth rate in a tank Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Conti, Stéphane; Roux, Philippe; Fauvel, Christian; Maurer, Benjamin; Demer, David. A challenge for the aquaculture community has long been the development of harmless techniques for monitoring fish in a tank. Acoustic telemetry has been used to monitor fish swimming behavior, and passive acoustics have been used to monitor fish feeding, but new techniques are needed to monitor non-invasively their numbers and growth rates. Recently, it has been demonstrated that the acoustical total scattering cross section of fish swimming in a tank can be measured from multiple reverberation time series. These measurements have been used successfully to estimate the number of fish in a tank in laboratory conditions, and to characterize their acoustical signatures. Here, we introduce a novel method for acoustically monitoring fish numerical density and... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Total scattering cross section; Fish counting; Growth rate; Remote monitoring; Fish behavior. Ano: 2006 URL: Acoustique sous-marine. Présentation et applications Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lurton, Xavier. Sound waves are the only practical means of remote investigation and transmission in seawater. All along the XXth century, underwater acoustics became one of the major technologies used for exploration and exploitation of the oceans for scientific, industrial, or military purposes. It is nowadays able to play, inside the oceans, the roles devoted to radio and radar in atmosphere and space, and is widely employed in the fields of navigation, fisheries, defence, oceanography and ocean engineering. This book presents, in a clear and concise way, the basic physical phenomena governing underwater acoustical waves, the general features of sonar systems, and an overview of their applications. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Acoustique sous-marine; Propagation; Traitement du signal; Sonar; Sondeur; Underwater acoustics; Propagation; Signal processing; Sonar; Echosounder. Ano: 2001 URL: Acquis biologique sur le pétoncle noir (Chlamys varia) en Rade de Brest 1973-1983. Conséquences sur l'aménagement de la ressource Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Dao, Jean-claude; Gerard, Andre; Buestel, Dominique. Research on the black scallop followed that on the king scallop. Indeed, over the 1973-1975 " spadework » period, it has been demonstrated that the roadsted of Brest was: - an overexploited king scallop deposit; the broodstock not being able to ensure a satisfying renewal of the species. - a black scallop production deposit (hundreds of tonnes). In parallel, the collection trials provided null results for the king scallop but very interesting results for the black scallop (thousands of spats per collector). From 1976 onwards, the spat collecting operations did not focus on king scallop juveniles anymore, but on black scallop. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Reproduction; Captage; Physiologie; Pétoncle; Chlamys varia. Ano: 1985 URL: Acquisition de donnée en continu sur la matière particulaire de la Baie estuarienne de Marennes-Oléron pendant le bloom printaniter planctonique : effet sur le taux de filtration de l'huître Crassostrea gigas Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Heral, Maurice; Razet, Daniel; Prou, Jean. The continuous obtention of different signals has been achieved for 9 days at a -fixed station during May 1988. The speed and direction of the currents have been monitoring concurrently with "in situ" turbidity and fluorescence in relation with the meteorological conditions. The concentration in particulate matter and the planktonic fluorescence fluctuated in direct relation with the water depth, the speed of the current and with the origin of the water masses. The oysters submitted to these large fluctuated conditions showed not constant filtration rate. The filtration calculated by turbidimeters (2 1 h-l g-1 dry weight) was three time less than the one achieved with fluorimeters (61 h-l g-1 dry weight). The filtration rate were fluctuated but not in... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: France; Marennes Oleron bay; Acquirring of continous data; Filtration; Crassostrea gigas; Particular matter; Marennes Oléron; Aquisition données; Courantologie; Filtration; Crassostrea gigas; Matière particulaire. Ano: 1989 URL: Acquisition de données en vidéo sous-marine sur les ulves offshore de la baie de Douarnenez Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lunven, Michel; Le Gall, Erwan; Gaffet, Jean-dominique. In the Bay of Douarnenez, assessments of the offshore ulva stock have been carried out in 2004 and 2005 using some submarine video techniques. Altogether, 4 campaigns have been conducted during this period of time, enabling an estimate of the ulva biomass lying on the ocean bed, off the tidal zone, at depths of 2 to 20 metres. Tipo: Text Ano: 2006 URL: Acquisition de données sur l'expansion de Caulerpa taxifolia et Caulerpa racemosa en rade d'Hyères et en rade de Toulon (France) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Belsher, Thomas; Lunven, Michel; Le Gall, Erwan; Caisey, Xavier; Dugornay, Olivier; Mingant, Christian. The oceanographic cruise Califa 2000, as the previous cruise, which concerned the "Parc National de Port-Cros", had for its principal objective to furnish some elements susceptible to help in the control of Caulerpa taxifolia expansion and in the protection of particularly sensitive areas (national parks, patrimonial sectors, regions of socio-economic importance). The cruise lasted from the 4th to the 21st of September 2000 in the rade d'Hyeres, Porquerolles island included, and the rade of Toulon. This detailed prospection gives a location of C. taxifolia and C. racemosa, a new invasive seaweed. (C) 2003 Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Rade de Toulon; Rade d' Hyeres; Cartography; Caulerpa racemos; Caulerpa taxifolia; Invasive species; Rade de Toulon; Rade d'Hyères; Cartographie; Caulerpa racemosa; Caulerpa taxifolia; Espèces invasives. Ano: 2003 URL: Acquisition d'éléments qualitatifs et quantitatifs sur l'expansion de CAULERPA TAXIFOLIA en 1994 (Alpes Maritimes et Principauté de Monaco) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Belsher, Thomas; Dimeet, Joel; Raillard, Jean-michel; Coïc, Daniel; Grillo, Marie Christine; Veglia, André; Pucci, Roland. Une campagne océanographique, menée à bord du N/0 "L'Europe", en mars 1994, complète celles effectuées en mars et octobre 1992 à bord du N/0 "Roselys II". La progression et le recouvrement de l'algue Caulerpa taxifolia ont été évalués. L'analyse des sédiments de plusieurs stations a été menée et des données biométriques sur l'algue acquises. Tipo: Text Ano: 1995 URL: Acquisition d'éléments qualitatifs et quantitatifs sur l'expansion de Caulerpa taxifolia en 1995 et 1996 (Alpes Maritimes et Principauté de Monaco). Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Belsher, Thomas. Plusieurs campagnes océanographiques, menées à bord du N.O « L'Europe » (Ifremer) et du « Vitamar II » (Services de l'Environnement et de la Marine, Monaco), au cours des années 1995 et 1996, ont permis d'établir la cartographie de C. taxifolia le long des côtes des Alpes Maritimes et de la Principauté de Monaco. L'expansion de l'algue continue, notamment en profondeur. Une étude in situ du métabolisme et de la production primaire des champs de C. taxifolia et de P. oceanica a été également initiée. Tipo: Text Ano: 1997 URL: Acquisition of epibiotic bacteria along the life cycle of the hydrothermal shrimp Rimicaris exoculata Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Guri, Mathieu; Durand, Lucile; Cueff-gauchard, Valerie; Zbinden, Magali; Crassous, Philippe; Shillito, Bruce; Cambon-bonavita, Marie-anne. The caridean shrimp Rimicaris exoculata dominates the fauna at several Mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal vent sites. This shrimp has an enlarged gill chamber, harboring a dense ectosymbiotic community of chemoautotrophic bacteria associated with mineral oxide deposits. Until now, their acquisition is not fully understood. At three hydrothermal vent sites, we analyzed the epibionts diversity at different moult stages and also in the first stages of the shrimp life (eggs, hatched eggs (with larvae) and juveniles). Hatched eggs associated with young larvae were collected for the first time directly from gravid females at the Logachev vent site during the Serpentine cruise. An approach using 16S rRNA clone libraries, scanning and transmission electron... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Symbiosis; Larvae; Methanotrophic symbiont; Rimicaris exoculata; Transmission pathways. Ano: 2012 URL: Acquisition of susceptibility to Vibrio penaeicida in Penaeus stylirostris postlarvae and juveniles Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Goarant, Cyrille; Regnier, France; Brizard, Raphael; Marteau, Anne-laure. Vibriosis is a major disease problem in shrimp aquaculture, affecting all developmental stages, from larvae in hatchery tanks to juveniles and broodstock in growout ponds. However, bacterial strains responsible for vibriosis in the successive stages are usually considered to be different, and virulence specificity has been reported both at the species and at the stage levels. The so-called « Syndrome 93 » is a seasonal juvenile vibriosis caused by Vibrio penaeicida which affects Penaeus stylirostris in growout ponds and broodstock tanks in New Caledonia. This pathology does not cause any mortality in hatchery or nursery phases. An experimental infection design using balneation of postlarvae and early juveniles in V. penaeicida suspensions was used to... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Aquaculture; Crustaceans; Diseases and their control; Vibrio sp.; Penaeus stylirostris. Ano: 1998 URL: Actes du colloque : Des activités du Grand Littoral Atlantique à l'Observatoire des pêches et des cultures marines du golfe de Gascogne Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Caill, Nathalie; Prouzet, Patrick; Cuende, François-xavier; Milly, David; Pautrizel, Françoise. Tipo: Text Ano: 1997 URL: Actes du colloque scientifique du golfe normand-breton "Biodiversité, écosystèmes et usages du milieu marin : quelles connaissances pour une gestion intégrée du golfe normand-breton ?" Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Rollet, Claire; Dedieu, Karine. La Mission d’étude pour le projet de création d'un parc naturel marin du golfe normand-breton de l’Agence des aires marines protégées et l’Ifremer-Station de Dinard organisent un colloque scientifique intitulé "Biodiversité, écosystèmes et usages du milieu marin : quelles connaissances pour une gestion intégrée du golfe normand-breton ?", les 2 et 3 novembre 2011, Palais des Congrès, Saint-Malo, France. Cette rencontre s'adresse aux chercheurs engagés dans l’étude du fonctionnement global du milieu marin, ainsi qu’aux usagers, professionnels et gestionnaires de cet espace. Elle est l’occasion de présenter à un large public l’état des connaissances et les grandes fonctionnalités écologiques du milieu marin à l’échelle du golfe ainsi qu’un état des lieux des... Tipo: Text Ano: 2012 URL: Actes du séminaire international "Impact des grandes métropoles côtières méditerranéennes sur les écosystèmes marins, Alexandrie, Egypte, 10-12 février 2009" Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Angelidis, Michael; Briand, Frédéric; Cadiou, Jean-francois; Kholeif, Suzan; Oh, Jae; Rodriguez Y Baena, Alessia; Scoullos, Michael. Tipo: Text Ano: 2010 URL: Actes du séminaire international sur les aspects environnementaux liés aux activités de dragages Provedor de dados: 5 Tipo: Text Ano: 1989 URL: Actinies abyssales d'un site hydrothermal du Pacifique oriental Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Doumenc, D; Van-praet, M. The Biocyatherm 1 expedition permitted observation of six species of Hexactiniaria, four of which were collected. Three species collected towards the edge of the site, on its basaltic floor, in areas without thermal anomaly, belong to common deep-sea genera (Phelliactis, Chondrophellia, Actinostola ). The sea anemone collected from the active vents belongs to a new genera of the family Actinostolidae. A few Cyananthea hydrothermala were observed on both chimneys. Ultrastructural investigation of this sea anemone reveals a few bacteria in the phagocytic cells of digestive tissues. Their location and the presence of hydrolases suggest that bacteria form part of the diet of sea anemones and are not symbiotic. Tipo: Text Ano: 1988 URL: Actinomycetes of the bottom sediments of various seas. Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Weyland, H. Occurrence, distribution and physiological characteristics of actinomycetes in the top of the sediments of various seas were studied. Viable counts were very low in open sea sites. The majority of the isolates could be grouped to streptomycetes, Micromonosporae and nocardioforms. Streptomycetes are preponderantly distributed in coastal and shelf regions. They exhibit relatively broad temp. and salinity spectra and allow baroresistance. Micromonosporae are found in relation to the other taxa more frequently in deep sea sediments. They grow better in media with low salt concentration and have a temp. optimum around 30 degree C. On the other hand they are very baroresistant allowing these organisms to survive in the deep sea for long periods. Nocardioforms... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: A; Atlantic Actinomycetes Organism morphology Taxonomy Species diversity Geographical distribution Bacteria New species Pelagic sediments Abyssal zone Growth Population dynamics. Ano: 1984 URL: Action concertée sur les semis de coquille Saint-Jacques en Europe (1993-1996) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Fleury, Pierre-gildas; Dao, Jean-claude; Mikolajunas, John-paul; Minchin, Daniel; Norman, Mark; Strand, Oivind. Faced with the decline of scallop {Pecten maximus) fisheries and high costs of ongrowing in suspension, scallop seabed cultivation appeared to be the most suitable technique for European conditions. A three-year European Concerted Action supported by European Union and Norway (associated country) joined together four teams involved in scallop seedings : - IFREMER Brest / laboratory Molluscs, in Brittany (France), a national institute of ocean research (co-ordinator of the Concerted Action) ; - Connemara Shellfish Co-op, in Connemara, County of Galway (Ireland), a fishermen's co-operative ; - Seafish Ardtoe, in Scotland (United Kingdom), an institute provided by the fishing industry ; - Institute of Marine Research, in Bergen (Norway), a national institute... Tipo: Text Ano: 1997 URL: Action de la houle sur les sédiments Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Leclerc, J.p.; Bellessort, B.; Migniot, C. Sous l'action de la houle les sédiments peuvent être soumis à différents mouvements se traduisant par de simples oscillations sur place, des déplacements dans le profil perpendiculairement à la côte ou un transit littoral dont la direction et l'importance dépendront essentiellement des caractéristiques de la houle, des matériaux et du profil des fonds. La nombreuse documentation disponible sur ce sujet pourrait faire penser que ces problèmes sont bien connus et qu'il suffit d'appliquer un certain nombre de formules existant dans la littérature pour avoir une réponse précise sur le comportement des galets, graviers, sables ou vases répartis à différentes profondeurs du pré-continent. Tipo: Text Ano: 1976 URL: Action de la Laitance de Hareng sur la croissance du lapin Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Creac'H, Paul V. Tipo: Text Ano: 1951 URL: Action de l'acétate de tributyle-étain sur les oeufs et larve D de deux mollusques d'intérêt commercial : Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg) et Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lmk) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Robert, Rene; His, Edouard. L'acétate de tributyle-étain, qui entre dans la composition de certaines peintures antisalissures, est fortement toxique pour les oeufs et les larves D de Crassostrea gigas a la teneur de 5 p.p.b. (HIS et. ROBERT, 1980). Des concentrations inférieures, aussi basses que 1 microgramme par litre, ont été testées sur cette même espèce, mais aussi sur la moule, Mytilus galloprovincialis. Tipo: Text Ano: 1981 URL: Action de l'acétate de tributyle-étain sur les oeufs et les larves D de deux mollusques d'intérêt commercial : Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg) et Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lmk) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Robert, Rene; His, Edouard. The Tributyl tin acetate, a component of certain antifouling paints, has deleterious effects on eggs and D shaped larvae from Crassostrea gigas at 5 p.p.b. (HIS & ROBERT, 1980). Here we have tested concentrations as low as 1 p.p.b. on eggs and on 24 hours old larvae both from Crassostrea gigas and Mytilus galloprovincialis. The same results are got ; this product kills embryos and larvae in a few days ; it prevents growth of 24 hours old larvae exposed to this toxic. Mussels larvae seem to be less sensitive. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Antifouling; Larves; Pollution; Toxicité; Bivalvia; Crassostrea gigas; Mytilus galloprovincialis; Antifouling; Larvae; Pollution; Toxicity; Bivalvia; Crassostrea gigas; Mytilus galloprovincialis. Ano: 1981 URL: Action de l'eau oxygénée sur la conservation du poisson frais Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Soudan, France; Campello, François; Renauld, L. Des essais ont été entrepris pour déterminer si un traitement à l'eau oxygénée très diluée pouvait réduire sensiblement la flore bactérienne du poisson sans détériorer le poisson lui-même. OCR NON CONTRÔLE Tipo: Text Ano: 1965 URL: Action de l'épandage de carbonate de calcium en poudre (hydral) sur les vases des parcs à huîtres de la région de Fouras Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Feuillet, Michelle; Gouleau, Dominique. Certains parcs à huîtres du bassin charentais sont le siège d'une intense sédimentation de vase par suite des apports continentaux permanents, et du phénomène de filtration des eaux turbides par les huîtres (5 à 20 litres d'eau à l'heure,Loosanoff, 1958 ; Collier, 1959 ; Galtsoff, 1964) comme par les moules. Les tables supportant les poches d'huîtres sont de plus en plus ennoyées par les vases et il n'y a pratiquement que l'enlèvement manuel par hersage qui améliore la situation. Tipo: Text Ano: 1979 URL: Action de l'érythromycine et de l'acide oxolinique sur le déveloloppement larvaire de la coquille St Jacques Pecten maximus Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Robert, Rene; Nicolas, Jean-louis; Conan, Rony. For lack of antibiotics, King scallop larviculture faces high mortalities. In the experimental mollusc hatchery of Argenton (Brittany, France), the presence of a vibrio, Vibrio pectinicida, associated with the stocks seems to be responsible for this low survival rate. As prophylactic methods are difficult to implement in the current structures (water sterilization, egg decontamination, isolation of the stocks), the addition of chloramphenicol is the only solution to protect the stocks. However, the use of this antibiotic, considered as dangerous for man, has been prohibited in animal production throughout the whole of Europe since 1994. The action of two other antibiotics, the erythromycine and the oxolinic acid, has been searched for in Pecten maximus... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Acide oxolinique; Erythromycine; Antibiotiques; Coquille St Jacques; Pecten maximus L.; Développement larvaire. Ano: 1998 URL: Action de l'institut scientifique et technique des pêches maritimes dans les régions tropicales en 1976 Provedor de dados: 5 Le centre de recherches Antilles-Guyane a été crée en début d'année dans le but de coordonner les activités du laboratoire de Cayenne et celles du laboratoire du Robert, ce dernier couvrant la Martinique et la Guadeloupe. Cette coordination peut surprendre si l'on considédère que la Guyane et les Antilles représentent pour l'océanographie des pêches des terrains de recherche très opposés, l'un étant caractérisé par un large plateau sous-marin soumis à une forte influence des eaux continentales, l'autre par un milieu insulaire, accore, situé dans les grands fonds. Mais, du point de vue de l'économie des pêches, cette opposition fait, au contraire, que ces deux régions géographiques relativement proches devraient être complémentaires. Tipo: Text Ano: 1976 URL: Action des chocs thermiques sur le developpement d'Artemia Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Hernandorena, A. Heat shocks at 40 degree were delivered to Artemia at the end of embryonic development and at the beginning of postembryonic development and their effects on subsequent development examined. Heat shocks delivered during preemergence development have no effect on subsequent development. Heat shocks delivered to newly hatched nauplii induce anomalies on the morphogenesis of thoracic and genital appendages. The induction of morphological anomalies by thermal conditions prevailing during early larval life makes it easier to integrate the morphological effects previously induced by nutritional conditions imposed to older feeding stages. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Artemia; Branchiopoda; Morphogenesis; Embryonic development. Ano: 1987 URL: Action des epandages de craie (ou CaCO3) sur les vases des claires et des parcs ostreicoles. Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Feuillet, Michelle; Gouleau, Dominique. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Water quality; Mineralization; Mud; Oyster pond; Chalk spreeding. Ano: 1977 URL: Action des facteurs hydrologiques et sédimentaires sur le budget énergétique de la palourde japonaise Ruditapes philippiarum élevée dans un écosystème estuarien (Bassin de Marennes-Oléron, France) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Daou, Rafik. Afin d'étudier l'action du sédiment sur les populations de Ruditapes philippinarum, 12 000 individus ont été répartis en 1986 sur 3 substrats dans le bassin de Marennes-Oléron. Tous les paramètres du milieu sont analysés sur les 3 sites pendant un cycle annuel parallèlement aux suivis biométriques, biochimiques et énergétiques sur les animaux. Ainsi dans ce secteur d'élevage "Les Doux" où l'influence estuarienne (Charente) est faible, les phénomènes circadiens, régissant la dynamique sédimentaire, n'affectent pas la distribution du matériel dissous. L'étude des différents fractions sestoniques au dessus de chaque parc montre qu'ils sont recouverts par la m^me masse d'eau. Par ailleurs, les effets négatifs des sédiments à fortes teneurs pélitiques sur les... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ruditapes philippinarum; Sédimentologie; Budget énergétique; Bassin de Marennes Oléron; France. Ano: 1989 URL: Action des polluants sur les organismes et les peuplements marins Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Soudan, F. Polluer la mer paraît un comble lorsqu'on a en esprit l'immensité de la mer et l'énormité des volumes d'eau qui la constitue. Cependant des observations irréfutables montrent qu'en de nombreux endroits le milieu marin a subi, ou subit encore, des modifications qui changent les équilibres physiques aussi bien que les équilibres vitaux. Or l'homme conçoit qu'en pareille matière, les changements peuvent avoir des conséquences démesurées, allant parfois jusqu'à menacer sa vie et il s'inquiète. Tipo: Text Ano: 1978 URL: Action d'un sel organo-métallique, l'acétate de tributyle-étain sur les oeufs et les larves D de Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: His, Edouard; Robert, Rene. L'action de l'acétate de tributyle-étain, à des concentrations variant de 5 à 100 micro- grammes/l a été étudiée sur les oeufs de Crassostrea gigas en cours de fécondation. Parallèlement les mêmes concentrations ont été testées sur les larves D âgées de 24 heures. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Huître; Crassostrea gigas; Expérimentation; Larves; Reproduction; Sel organo-métallique; Acétate de tributyle étain. Ano: 1980 URL: ACTION RECOPLA - Inventaire et bancarisation des données de Géosciences Marines pour les façades Atlantique, Manche et Méditerranée Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Gautier, Emeric; Kerjean, Mathieu; Satra Le Bris, Catherine; Bourillet, Jean-francois. This report presents the inventory work realized for all the Marine Geoscience dept data acquired on the French continental shelf. It lists the bathymetric, seismic and backscattering data acquired, processed and interpreted in English Channel, Atlantic and Mediterranean. All the maps used for this inventory are available within the GIS "Manche Atlantique" and "Golfe du Lion". Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Inventaire; SIG; Manche; Atlantique; Méditerranée; Bathymétrie; Imagerie acoustique; Sismique; Données brutes; Traitées; Interprétées; GeoBIS; Inventory; GIS; Englsih Channel; Atlantic; Mediterranean Sea; Backscatter; Seismic; Raw; Processed; Interpreted data; GeoBIS. Ano: 2010 URL: Actions de l'IFREMER au profit de la Section Régionale de la Conchyliculture Poitou-Charentes. Rapport de contrat 2004 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: IFREMER. Laboratoire Environnement Ressources des Pertuis Charentais. Tipo: Text Ano: 2005 URL: Actions en faveur du développement de la conchyliculture Provedor de dados: 5 Le présent rapport a pour but d'analyser la situation actuelle dans les différents centres conchylicoles et de dégager les principales actions susceptibles d'améliorer l'exploitation des milieux d'élevage et, plus généralement, de se traduire par une augmentation de la production d'huîtres et de moules. Tipo: Text Ano: 1981 URL: Actions réciproques des diatomées, des huîtres et du milieu Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bachrach, E.; Jullien, A.; Lucciardi, N.; Richard, J.-g. The ponds are a cultivation environment not only for the oyster but also for the rich microscopic flora and fauna which go together with the lamellibranch. The Diatoms are the focus of the oyster farmers as they not only contribute to the molluscs' nutrition but are also susceptible to change the colour of their gills in specific environmental conditions. We carried out in parallel an experimental study on the oyster and on the marine diatoms, and aimed to precise the optimal conditions for these two organisms, in order to know if they are the same for both of them. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer. Ano: 1936 URL: Active and passive biomonitoring suggest metabolic adaptation in blue mussels (Mytilus spp.) chronically exposed to a moderate contamination in Brest harbor (France) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lacroix, Camille; Richard, Gaelle; Seguineau, Catherine; Guyomarch, Julien; Moraga, Dario; Auffret, Michel. Brest harbor (Bay of Brest, Brittany, France) has a severe past of anthropogenic chemical contamination, but inputs tended to decrease, indicating a reassessment of its ecotoxicological status should be carried out. Here, native and caged mussels (Mytilus spp.) were used in combination to evaluate biological effects of chronic chemical contamination in Brest harbor. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contamination was measured in mussel tissues as a proxy of harbor and urban pollution. Biochemical biomarkers of xenobiotic biotransformation, antioxidant defenses, generation of reducing equivalents, energy metabolism and oxidative damage were studied in both gills and digestive glands of native and caged mussels. In particular, activities of... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marine biomonitoring; Chronic pollution; Blue mussel Mytilus spp.; Caging; Oxidative stress; Energetic metabolism; Bay of Brest. Ano: 2015 URL: Active biomonitoring in Greek coastal waters: Application of the integrated biomarker response index in relation to contaminant levels in caged mussels Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Tsangaris, Catherine; Hatzianestis, Ioannis; Catsiki, Vassiliki-angelique; Kormas, Konstantinos Ar; Strogyloudi, Evangelia; Neofitou, Christos; Andral, Bruno; Galgani, Francois. An integrated approach using biomarkers and contaminant levels in mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis L was employed to assess chemical contamination in Greek coastal waters within the framework of the MYTIMED program. Biomarkers (metallothioneins, glutathione S-transferase, catalase, acetylcholinesterase and RNA:DNA ratio) have been previously described in mussels caged at 14 sites in coastal areas influenced by different types of anthropogenic activities. This study applied a biomarker index, the Integrated Biomarker Response (IBR) to summarize biomarker responses and relate stress levels to concentrations of organochlorine compounds (PCBs, DDTs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and metals (Cu, Ni, Fe, Zn) measured in the mussel tissues. The IBR... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pollution; Biomarkers; Monitoring; Mussel caging; Mytilus galloprovincialis; Mediterranean Sea. Ano: 2011 URL: Active Tectonics in the Hellenic Trench Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Pichon, X; Huchon, P; Angelier, J; Lyberis, N; Boulin, J; Bureau, D; Cadet, J P; Blanchet, R; Montadert, L; Dercourt, J; Glacon, G; Got, H; Karig, D; Mascle, J; Ricou, Le; Thiebault, F. Active deformation of the sea-floor of the Hellenic trench has been observed using the Cyana SP-3000 submersible. The strain pattern observed on a scale of a few kilometers is similar to the one deduced from an analysis of Seabeam morphological maps on a scale of tens of kilometers. The overall strain pattern is compatible with subduction of the Mediterranean sea-floor toward the northeast. It is characterized by underthrusting in the Western Ionian branch and left-lateral strike-slip faulting in the Eastern Strabo branch. Tipo: Text Ano: 1981 URL: Active thrust faulting offshore Boumerdes, Algeria, and its relations to the 2003 Mw 6.9 earthquake art. no. L043111 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Deverchere, Jacques; Yelles, K; Domzig, Anne; Mercier De Lepinay, B; Bouillin, J.p.; Gaullier, V; Bracene, R; Calais, E; Savoye, Bruno; Kherroubi, A; Le Roy, P; Pauc, H; Dan, Gabriela. [1] We investigate the active seismogenic fault system in the area of the 2003 Mw 6.9 Boumerdes earthquake, Algeria, from a high-resolution swath bathymetry and seismic survey. A series of 5 main fault-propagation folds similar to20-35 km long leave prominent cumulative escarpments on the steep slope and in the deep basin. Fault activity creates Plio-Quaternary growth strata within uplifted areas such as a rollover basin on the slope and piggyback basins in the deep ocean. Most thrusts turn to fault-propagation folds at the sub-surface and depict ramp-flat trajectories. We find that the two main slip patches of the 2003 Mw 6.9 Boumerdes earthquake are spatially correlated to two segmented cumulative scarps recognized on the slope and at the foot of the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Continental margin; Sismicity; Tectonophysics. Ano: 2005 URL: Active-passive synergy for interpreting ocean L-band emissivity: Results from the CAROLS airborne campaigns Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Martin, A. C. H.; Boutin, Jacqueline; Hauser, D.; Dinnat, E. P. The impact of the ocean surface roughness on the ocean L-band emissivity is investigated using simultaneous airborne measurements from an L-band radiometer (CAROLS) and from a C-band scatterometer (STORM) acquired in the Gulf of Biscay (off-the French Atlantic coasts) in November 2010. Two synergetic approaches are used to investigate the impact of surface roughness on the L-band brightness temperature (Tb). First, wind derived from the scatterometer measurements is used to analyze the roughness contribution to Tb as a function of wind and compare it with the one simulated by SMOS and Aquarius roughness models. Then residuals from this mean relationship are analyzed in terms of mean square slope derived from the STORM instrument. We show improvement of new... Tipo: Text Ano: 2014 URL: Actividad tripsina y quimotripsina como indicadores de condición larvaria: estudio de restricción alimentaria y calidad de puesta Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Cara, Beatriz; Moyano, Javier; Zambonino, Jose Luiz; Fauvel, Christian. Tipo: Text Ano: 2004 URL: Activité comparée chez les espèces Crassostrea angulata Lmk et Crassostrea gigas Thunberg, en hiver Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: His, Edouard. L'espèce Crassostrea gigas a été introduite en 1969 à titre d'essai par de nombreux ostréiculteurs du bassin d'Arcachon. La comparaison des vitesses de croissance de cette nouvelle espèce et de l'huître indigène C. angulata est nettement à l'avantage de l'huître japonaise. Cette dernière atteint la taille marchande dans la plupart des cas dès la première année d''immersion dans la baie alors qu'il faut généralement de deux à trois ans pour obtenir le même résultat avec l'huître portugaise. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ostréiculture; Huître; Crassostrea angulata; Crassostrea gigas; Physiologie; Comparaison; Bassin Arcachon; Gironde. Ano: 1971 URL: Activité du bâteau-pilote-de-pêche "Lutin" et possibilités de développement de la pêche dans le quartier de Nice Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Maurin, Cl. Le présent bulletin rend compte des résultats acquis par le chalutier "Lutin" au cours de son activité de "bateau-pilote-de-pêche" pendant les mois d'octobre et de novembre 1960 et des conclusions que nous avons été amenés à tirer à la suite de ces expériences. Tipo: Text Ano: 1961 URL: Activité et production des navires français Façade "Manche est" et Façade "Loire-Gironde" Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Delpech, Jean-paul; Mehault, Sonia; Rostiaux, Emilie; Leaute, Jean-pierre; Leblond, Emilie; Demaneche, Sebastien; Coppin, Franck; Mahe, Kelig; Vaz, Sandrine. This report is a result of a contract between Ifremer and the French Ministry of Industry. The aim was to provide map the fisheries activity and landings for french fishing vessels, located in the Eastern Channel and the Bay of Biscay during the year 2005. Two areas have been selected: - the "Eastern Channel" area, including 7 administrative departments : Nord, Pas-de-Calais, Somme, Seine-Maritime, Eure, Calvados and Manche. - the "Loire-Gironde" area, including 4 administrative departments : Loire-Atlantique, Vendée, Charente-Maritime and Gironde. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fishing fleets; Fishing gears; Bay of Biscay; Eastern Channel; Mapping; Landings; Fisheries activity; Flottilles; Pêche; Engins; Golfe de Gascogne; Manche est; Cartographie; Production; Activité halieutique. Ano: 2007 URL: Activité hydrothermale et structure axiale des dorsales Est-Pacifique et médio-Atlantique Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bougault, Henri; Charlou, Jean-luc; Fouquet, Yves; Needham, David. Tipo: Text Ano: 1990 URL: Activité hydrothermale sulfurée de dorsale : comparaison entre dépôts contemporains (EPR, 21°N) et dépôts anciens (Chypre) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Soler, E; Bernard, Aj; Nesteroff, Wd. Tipo: Text Ano: 1982 URL: Activité magmatique, tectonique et hydrothermale actuelle sur la Dorsale Est Pacifique entre17°-et 19°S(campagne NAUDUR) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Auzende, Jean-marie; Ballu, Valerie; Batiza, R; Bideau, Daniel; Cormier, Mh; Fouquet, Yves; Geistdoerfer, Patrick; Lagabrielle, Yves; Sinton, J; Spadea, P. The submersible-study of four segments of the East Pacific Rise between 17 degrees and 18 degrees 40'S, where the spreading rate is greater than 150 mm/a, allows us to confirm the variability of the accretion processes. The segment between 17 degrees and 17 degrees 30'S shows an intense present-day magmatic activity. The one between 18 degrees 10' and 18 degrees 22'S shows a mainly tectonic activity. The segment between 18 degrees 22' and 18 degrees 37'S is an intermediate stage with an axial graben in which fresh lavas were emplaced by an extremely young eruption. On all the segments the hydrothermal activity exists ranging from shimmering water up to black smokers, It is associated with different stages of animal colonization. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Océan Pacifique; Dorsale ultra-rapide; Magmatisme; Tectonique; Hydrothermalisme.; PACIFIC OCEAN; ULTRA-FAST SPREADING RIDGE; MAGMATISM; TECTONICS; HYDROTHERMALISM. Ano: 1994 URL: Activite mecanique comparee des huitres portugaises et des Ciones, Epibiontes. Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Borgne-david, A. The Portuguese oyster (Crassostrea angulata) and the sea-squirt Ciona intestinalis are both filter-feeders and compete for space in the oyster beds. Valve movement in oysters and shortening and elongation in Ciona were recorded on a smoked drum. Oysters showed a slow (3 one half min) spontaneous opening/closing rhythm, which was speeded up by stimulatory (vitamin) substances and increased in amplitude by toxic accumulated waste substances, or sudden change in temperature. Ciona showed a regular contraction rhythm of similar to 1 min and single sharp shortening after a strong light stimulus or a food particle touch stimulus to the oral tentacles. The neural ganglion discharges spikes 3 times faster than in the dark, after light stimulation. Filtration rates... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Stimulation; Rhythm; Temperature; Crassostrea angulata; Portuguese oyster. Ano: 1972 URL: Activité respiratoire en continu de l'huître Crassostrea gigas : mise au point d'une nouvelle méthodologie Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bougrier, Serge; Geairon, Philippe. A continuous monitoring system to measure the respiration of Crassostrea gigas has been developped. The metabolic function estimated by oxygen consumption has been monitored during periods of 24 h, without food, at a temperature constant of 15°C. Preliminary results showed that the mean percentage of oyster activities was 50 % with a high variability from 0 to 100 %. The number of activity periods per day (24 h) is function of the oysters with variation between 0 and 7. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Physiology; Respiration; Crassostrea gigas; Oysters; Physiologie; Respiration; Crassostrea gigas; Huîtres. Ano: 1991 URL: Activité tectonique, magmatique et hydrothermale autour des triples jonctions de16°50'S-173°30'E et de l6°30'S-l76°10E dans le bassin nord fidjien (SWPacifique): Campagne HYFIFLUX Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Auzende, Jean-marie; Halbach, P; Allspach, A; Becker, K; Blum, N; Bonnier, Olga; Van Gerven, M; Halbach, M; Koschinsky, A; Lange, D; Madureira, Mj; Manoutsoglou, E; Mrazek, J; Munch, U; Pratt, C; Rahders, E; Van Reusel, A; Richter, S; Seifert, T; Spangenberg, T; Stenzler, J; Thiermann, F; Turkay, M; Windoffer, R. The aim of the HYFIFLUX-SONNE 99 cruise was the geological, biological and chemical study of the 2 triple-junctions characterizing the oceanic accretion in the North Fiji Basin. Multibeam bathymetric coverage, in situ observations and sampling confirmed the existence of an active spreading ridge immediately west of the Fiji islands (WFR), and gave an evaluation of the magmatic and hydrothermal activity of the central ridge (CSR). New hydrothermal sites have been discovered and sampled. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SW Pacifique; Dorsales; Magmatisme; Tectonique; Hydrothermalisme.; SW PACIFIC; RIDGES; MAGMATISM; TECTONISM; HYDROTHERMALISM. Ano: 1995 URL: Activités amylasique et trypsique des principales espèces de poissons de l'estuaire interne de la Loire en relation avec l'environnement trophique Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Marchand, J.; Samain, Jean-francois. Quantitative and qualitative relations between the activity of the digestive enzymes (amylase and trypsin) and the nutrition of young fishes of five species (bass, whiting pout, sole, flounder and mugil) of the Loire estuary are analyzed. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer. Ano: 1981 URL: Activités amylasique et trypsique du zooplancton-indices de nutrition ? perspectives et limites Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Samain, Jean-francois; Moal, Jeanne. The regulation of the synthesis of the digestive enzymes of the zooplankton and the brine shrimp (amylase and trypsine activity) has been studied to find some nutrition indexes enabling the description of the zooplankton's nutritive activity in situ. These regulations lead us to tackle three domains of pelagic ecology:- The evaluation of the organisms' nutrive needs and the capacity of the environment to satisfy them.- The monitoring of the pelagic ecosystem- The disturbance of the ecosystems. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer. Ano: 1981 URL: Activités amylasiques et protéasiques chez les actinies, influence de l'alimentation sur les activités mesurées Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Van Praet, M. Seasonal variations of the amylasic activity, which increased during June, was correlated to the participation of microalgae to the food of Actinia equina L. In summer, individual variations revealed the existence of different microenvironments. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer. Ano: 1981 URL: Activités halieutiques et activités récréatives dans le cadre d’un espace à protéger : le cas du Parc National de la Mer d’Iroise. Rapport Final. Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Boncoeur, Jean. Le présent document constitue le rapport final d’un projet de recherche cofinancé par le Programme National d’Environnement Côtier, le Programme National « Espaces protégés » Du Ministère de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable et la Région Bretagne (au titre d’une bourse de thèse). Son contenu n’engage que ses auteurs. Le projet « Activités halieutiques et activités récréatives dans le cadre d’un espace à protéger : le cas du Parc National de la Mer d’Iroise » a mobilisé, de 2000 à 2004, 19 chercheurs relevant de trois institutions : o Université de Bretagne Occidentale, IUEM (CEDEM) o Ifremer (SEM et Laboratoire RH de Brest) o Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (C3ED) Tipo: Text Ano: 2005 URL: Activities of selected digestive enzymes during larval development of large yellow croaker (Pseudosciaena crocea) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Ma, Hongming; Cahu, Chantal; Zambonino, Jose-luis; Yu, Hairui; Duan, Qingyuan; Le Gall, Marie-madeleine; Mai, Kangsen. Large yellow croaker is an important marine fish species for aquaculture in China. Larval rearing of this species is still based on live prey feeding. The aim of this study was to describe the onset and development of the main digestive enzymes during larval development of this species, in order to obtain essential data for the formulation of a compound diet adapted to larvae. Enzymatic assays were conducted from day I post hatching to day 40 in larvae fed the following live prey sequence: rotifers, Artemia nauplii, copepods, and then frozen copepods. Assays were done on whole larvae until day 19, then on dissected larvae and on purified brush border membranes of intestine. Pancreatic enzymes, amylase, and trypsin, showed high activities from early stages,... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Trypsin; Pseudosciaena crocea; Fish larval development; Amylase; Aminopeptidase N; Alkaline phosphatase. Ano: 2005 URL: Activity and composition of the benthic fauna in the Whittard Canyon and the adjacent continental slope (NE Atlantic) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Duineveld, Gérard; Lavaleye, Marc; Berghuis, Eilke; De Wilde, Peter. We compared the sediment and its community on the Celtic continental slope (Goban Spur) with those in a branch of the nearby Whittard Canyon in search for evidence of canyon mediated transport of (labile) organic matter. We studied the megabenthos and macrobenthos biomass and taxonomic composition, measured in situ sediment community oxygen consumption and determined sediment concentrations of particulate organic carbon, phytopigments, and nucleic acids. While the sediment community and activity on the canyon fan was similar to that on the abyssal station near Goban Spur, the sediment within the canyon had relatively enhanced sediment community oxygen consumption rates and higher levels of phytopigments. particulate organic carbon and nucleic acids,... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Zone abyssale; Canyon; Macrofaune; Métabolisme; Pigments végétaux; Deep-sea; Canyon; Macrofauna; Metabolism; Phytopigments. Ano: 2001 URL: Activity of the turbidite levees of the Celtic-Armorican margin (Bay of Biscay) during the last 30,000 years: Imprints of the last European deglaciation and Heinrich events Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Toucanne, Samuel; Zaragosi, S; Bourillet, Jean-francois; Naughton, F; Cremer, M; Eynaud, F; Dennielou, Bernard. High-resolution sedimentological and micropaleontological studies of several deep-sea cores retrieved from the levees of the Celtic and Armorican turbidite systems (Bay of Biscay - North Atlantic Ocean) allow the detection of the major oscillations of the British-Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) and 'Fleuve Manche' palaeoriver discharges over the last 30,000 years, which were mainly triggered by climate changes. Between 30 and 20 cal ka, the turbiditic activity on the Celtic-Annorican margin was weak, contrasting with previous stratigraphic models which predicted a substantial increase of sediment supply during low sea-level stands. This low turbidite deposit frequency was most likely the result of a weak activity of the 'Fleuve Manche' palaeoriver and/or of a... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Turbidites; Heinrich events; LGM; Last deglaciation; Palaeoriver; Fleuve Manche; British irish ice sheet; Bay of Biscay. Ano: 2008 URL: Activity patterns, home-range size, and habitat utilization of Sarpa salpa (Teleostei : Sparidae) in the Mediterranean Sea Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Jadot, Catherine; Donnay, A; Acolas, M; Cornet, Y; Begout, Marie-laure. Acoustic telemetry was used to record diel movement and habitat utilization of the salema (Sarpa salpa) (Teleostei: Sparidae) during three consecutive summers from 2000 to 2002 in the Calvi and Achiarina bays of Corsica in the Mediterranean Sea. A total of 18 fish was equipped with acoustic transmitters inserted in the body cavity, 13 were tracked in the Bay of Calvi (275 mm +/26.9 L-F), and 5 in Achiarina Bay (260 mm +/- 33.6 LF). Two different systems were used to track the fish. The one used in the Bay of Calvi was a manual receiver and a directional hydrophone. The second system, used in Achiarina Bay, was a radioacoustic-positioning (RAP) system that continuously monitored the movements of the fish. Fish positions were put in a geographic... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: VRAP; Telemetry; Sarpa salpa; Manual tracking; Homing; Home range; Habitat utilization; GIS. Ano: 2006 URL: Actualisation de connaissances du domaine marin en Guyane Française Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lampert, Luis. Contrairement aux mers adjacentes européennes, la zone maritime de la Guyane Française n’a été que peu étudiée. L’éloignement, la difficulté de mener des études dans une zone à forte turbidité et avec peu de points d’accès à la mer pour des embarcations, ont conduit à une méconnaissance chronique des cycles biogéochimiques et biologiques dans ces eaux. Des campagnes ponctuelles, telles que celles du PNOC, le PNEC ou celles menées par l’IFREMER ou l’ORSTOM ont eu lieu depuis les années 1950, mais trop éloignées dans l’espace et dans le temps pour pouvoir rendre compte de la richesse et des cycles saisonniers. La mise en place de la Directive Cadre sur l’Eau en Guyane, a permis depuis 2009 de reprendre une partie des études liées à la zone littorale, il... Tipo: Text Ano: 2012 URL: Actualisation des donnees sur l'ecologie, la biogeographie et la phylogenie des Ampeliscidae (crustaces-amphipodes) Atlantiques apres la revision des collections d'E. Chevreux Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bellan-santini, D; Dauvin, J. In the world, the Ampelisca genus is constituted by more than 140 species, which are found between 0 to 4000 m depth. Phylogeny, biology and ecology are the most important interest in this genus. The present analysis of new and older collections (E. Chevreux) have permitted to describe 11 new species. 41 species are listed in the north-eastern Atlantic fauna. These are different arguments to think that Ampelisca groups was actually in speciation. Two groups issued from a phenetic analysis are discriminated by their apomorphic levels. More than of the third are endemic species. 21 species are present only in one of the five biogeographic region. 23 species are limited to the continental shelf, 34 live up to the first 1000 meters and 4 are bathyal. 2 species... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ampeliscidae; Malacostraca; Biological collections; Phylogeny; Biogeography. Ano: 1987 URL: Actualisation des relations Taille-Poids pour le vivaneau Lutjanus purpureus en Guyane. Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lampert, Luis; Achoun, Joseph; Levrel, Adrian. La réalisation des campagnes halieutiques Polka et Guyaviv2 au large des côtes guyanaises à la fin des années 80 a permis d’obtenir les relations biométriques qui ont été utilisées depuis cette date pour tous les calculs des captures (spectres par classe de taille) et des évaluations annuelles du stock de vivaneaux (Lutjanus purpureus) (Etienne Prévost 1989; E. Prévost et Tous 1989; Lampert 2012a) Plus de vingt ans après, nous pouvons nous poser la question de la pertinence de ces relations de nos jours. Des changements dans les paramètres de croissance de L. purpureus ne sont pas à exclure suite aux changements climatiques et à la pression de pêche exercée depuis quelques décennies. Ces changements pouvant alors se traduire par des variations dans les... Tipo: Text Ano: 2013 URL: Adaptabilité des activités conchylicoles aux notifications de leur environnement : Scénarii et solutions. Le cas du bassin de Marennes-Oléron Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Mille, Dominique; Le Moine, Olivier. Ce travail a été réalisé dans le cadre du programme européen ANCORIM (Atlantic Network For Costal Risks Management) dont la durée est de 3 ans (mai 2009 à avril 2012) et qui est cofinancé par l'Union Européenne dans le cadre du programme INTERREG IV B espace atlantique « Investir dans notre avenir commun ». L'objectif d'ANCORIM est de promouvoir les outils destinés à renforcer les capacités d'action des décideurs du littoral des régions atlantiques afin de faire face aux risques littoraux en matière d'érosion côtière, de submersion ou d'atteinte à la qualité des eaux. L'action privilégie le renforcement des échanges et des connaissances en créant un outil d'échange à l'usage des décideurs. Elle prend la forme d'une intensification des relations entre la... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Activités conchylicoles; Modèles de production conchylicoles; Recensement des risques côtiers; Méthodologie; Modélisation; Bassin de Marennes Oléron. Ano: 2011 URL: Adaptation de la méthode peptide-spot à la recherche de sites, de la protéine RNA2 du nodavirus, reconnus par différents sérums de loup (Dicentrarchus labrax). Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Coeurdacier, Jean-luc. Spot-Synthesis technique was applied to study protein frame or to develop antibodies with specific characteristics for use in diagnostic or research on human or mammals. In this work this technique was used to find sites on RNA2 protein of Nodavirus which are immunogenic for sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). It aimed to achieve synthetic peptide vaccine production against this virus. One hundred and nine overlapping peptides, of 15 amino acids frameshifted by three residues, representing the complete RNA2 protein sequence of Sb1 and Sb2 nodavirus were synthesized on a cellulose membrane by the Spot-Technique. The set of membrane bound peptides was probed by incubation with sea-bass or rabbit serum. Anti sea bass or anti rabbit alkaline phosphatase... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Peptides synthétiques; Vaccin; Peptid-spot; Séquence immunogène; Dicentrarchus labrax; Synthetic peptides; Vaccine; Immunogenicity; Dicentrarchus labrax.. Ano: 2002 URL: Adaptation de la technique du télécaptage de l'huître creuse (Crassostrea gigas) aux conditions d'élevage de la Baie de Bourgneuf Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Baud, Jean-pierre; Jolly, Christian. Pour améliorer la rotation des cheptels et les conditions d'élevage des huîtres sur estran, des expérimentations ont été réalisées afin de définir les conditions optimales du télécaptage. Afin de limiter les fluctuations de captage du milieu naturel et la répartition hétérogène des huîtres sur les collecteurs, l'effort principal de recherche dans cette étude a porté sur l'homogénéisation spatiale du naissain sur la périphérie des tubes plastiques. Différents plans d'expérience ont permis de proposer les conditions suivantes pour une meilleure répartition: - Disposition horizontale de la distribution des larves à raison de 50 % le premier jour et 50 % le 2ème jour, l'ensemble des collecteurs étant retourné entre ces deux jours. Pour l'obtention d'huîtres... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Crassostrea gigas; Télécaptage; Baie de Bourgneuf; Fixation; Naissain; Huître creuse. Ano: 1991 URL: Adaptation des Echinodermes à la vie abyssale Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Sibuet, Myriam. The synthesis of literature and personal observations permitted to show the main morphological physiological and genetic characteristics with relation to the mode of life of abyssal echinoderms. The large ventral sole is common among holothuroids and asteroids which creep on the bottom. The development of large podia and their ability to swim are particular to the abyssal family Elasipoda (Holothurioidea). The paper gives examples of opposite skeleton constitution either heavily or lightly calcified. The little knowledge about the biology of these animals shows the absence of a strict diet and of a particular mode of reproduction. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR] Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer. Ano: 1979 URL: Adaptation des enzymes digestives à l'alimentation chez la crevette Penaeus vannamei (Crustacea Decapoda) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Moullac, Gilles. L'adaptation des enzymes digestives chez la crevette P. vannamei a été étudiée en fonction des cycles biologiques en relation avec les constituants de l'alimentation principalement les glucides (amidon) et les protéines. La trypsins, la chymotrypsine et 1'amylase, 3 enzymes majeures, chez P. vannamei ont été purifiées et caractérisées. La trypsine est formée de 3 isoenzymes dont le poids moléculaire apparent est compris entre 31 et 3 2 kDa. La nature glycosylée de la trypsine est révélée. La chymotrypsine est formée de 2 isoenzymes de poids moléculaire similaire (24 kDa). L'amylase purifiée est constituée de 2 isoenzymes dont le poids moléculaire apparent est de 31 kDa. Les propriétés biochimiques sont étudiées. L'étude immunologique a permis de mesurer... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Penaeus vannamei; Hécatopancréas; Biochimie; Immunologie; Enzymes digestives; Trypsine; Chymotrypsine; Amylase; Larves; Adultes; Intermue; Protéines alimentaires; Amidon; Nutrition; Adaptation. Ano: 1995 URL: Adaptation des truites Salmo trutta et Salmo gairdneri irideus a la vie marine. Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Landrein, Sonia. The determination of Mediterranean Salmonidae has been possible because of morphological and morphometrical studies and immunological and biochemical methods. It is evident that the 'sea trouts' belong to the species S. trutta fario and S. gairdneri irideus. These trouts have been acclimatized naturally to marine life. Experimental tests were undertaken in the laboratory, then in natural medium, to study the possibilities of trout acclimatization in sea water. They have confirmed the great adaptation qualities of these fishes to often extreme conditions. In the experiments undertaken in variable conditions, the influence of temperature and oxygen were exactly specified. Following these experiments, and other experiments realized in France and in other... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: MED; France Irideus Salmo gairdneri Salmo trutta fario Sea water Acclimatization. Ano: 1977 URL: Adaptation du métabolisme respiratoire de l'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Moullac, Gilles. Summer mortality of the oyster result from the interaction of many factors. A respiratory assumption proposes a link between the supposed causes of the energy state, the cultivation methods and the medium. This work is focused towards the search for specific metabolic markers of environmental stresses. The cDNA of genes coding for PK and PEPCK were cloned and sequenced in order to detect their regulation level. The sediment nearness affects the state of energy reserves, the metabolic pathways of energy production implying a regulation of the PK. Face to the dissolved oxygen decline, oysters were oxyregulator but with a low regulation ability. In hypoxia, glycolysis was slowed down. PK activity was inhibited resulting from an increase in alanine sensitivity... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Régulation; Enzyme; Expression génique; Anoxie; Bivalve. Ano: 2008 URL: Adaptation of aquaculture system typologies to the requirements of sustainable development Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lazard, Jerome; Baruthio, Aurele; Mathe, Syndhia; Rey-valette, Helene; Chia, Eduardo; Aubin, Joel; Clement, Olivier; Morissens, Pierre; Mikolasek, Olivier; Legendre, Marc; Levang, Patrice; Blancheton, Jean-paul; Rene, Francois. The new sustainable development data repository requires new analysis grids, in particular for factors accounted for in productive system typologies. This paper, based on the aquaculture example, analyses the diversity in aquaculture systems with respect to sustainable development. Various typologies are obtained by evaluating structural and functional approaches integrating variables related to production and regulation systems and to the territorial insertion of fish farms. Categories have been defined on a scale based on a set of five sites, which are representative of a wider range of aquaculture systems. Use of these categories goes beyond the local typologies and prepares a generic meta-typology classification for the systems. This generic... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Typology; Sustainable development; Aquaculture. Ano: 2009 URL: Adaptation of copper community tolerance levels after biofilm transplantation in an urban river Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Fechner, Lise C.; Versace, Francois; Gourlay-france, Catherine; Tusseau-vuillemin, Marie-helene. The Water Framework Directive requires the development of biological tools which can act as early-warning indicators of a sudden increase (accidental pollution) or decrease (recovery due to prevention) of the chemical status of aquatic systems. River biofilms, which respond quickly to modifications of environmental parameters and also play a key part in the functioning of aquatic ecosystems, are therefore good candidates to monitor an increase or a decrease of water pollution. In the present study, we investigated the biological response of biofilms transplanted either upstream (recovery) or downstream (deterioration of exposure levels) the urban area of Paris (France). Both modifications of Cu community tolerance levels and of global bacterial and... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: River; Biofilm; PICT; ARISA; Urban contamination; Transplantation. Ano: 2012 URL: Adaptation of digestive enzymes to dietary protein, carbohydrate and fibre levels and influence of protein and carbohydrate quality in Penaeus vannamei larvae (Crustacea, Decapoda) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Moullac, Gilles; Van Wormhoudt, A; Aquacop, Aquacop. Activity of digestive enzymes (trypsin, chymotrypsin and amylase) was studied in relation with food in Penaeus vannamei larvae first stages. Microparticles containing casein involved the decrease of soluble protein content and enzyme activities. Specific trypsin activity but not chymotrypsin was correlated (p<1%) to casein level between 10 and 60% in microparticles. Cellulose fibres in food seemed to have little effect on digestive enzymes. Starch, between 1 and 20% in microparticles, had no influence on specific amylase activity. The effect of different feeding conditions were also tested on growth. No clear relationship between growth and enzyme is established since only trypsin is concerned in the case of a casein dose effect in the food. The protein... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Amylase; Chymotrypsin; Trypsin; Digestive enzymes; Food; Larvae; Penaeus vannamei; Amylase; Chymotrypsine; Trypsine; Enzymes digestives; Alimentation; Larve; Penaeus vannamei. Ano: 1994 URL: Adaptation of the sea-bass (Dicentrarchus Labrax) to fresh water: Role of aquaporins and Na+/K+-ATPases Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Giffard Mena, I; Lorin Nebel, C; Charmantier, G; Castille, R; Boulo, Viviane. Sea-bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) grow under different salinity regimes, from the open sea to lagoons and even rivers, but some mortality has been recorded in juvenile stages when exposed to low salinity water. Changes in water permeability of different osmoregulatory tissues could be the cause of reduction in blood osmotic pressure and death in some fish in fresh water (FW). In order to explore this condition, we have studied the changes of aquaporins (AQP1 and AQP3), alpha 1 and alpha 4 Na+/K(+-)ATPase transcript levels in the digestive tract, kidney and gills after a long-term exposure of juvenile sea-bass to sea water (SW) and FW fish able to survive in SW and FW are called SW-adapted fish (SWS), FW successfully-adapted fish (FWS) respectively, while... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Salinity adaptation; Juvenile sea bass; Differential mortality; Alpha 4 Na+/K+ ATPase; Alpha l Na+/K+ ATPase; AQP3; AQP1. Ano: 2008 URL: Adaptation to Cold and Proteomic Responses of the Psychrotrophic Biopreservative Lactococcus piscium Strain CNCM I-4031 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Garnier, Matthieu; Matamoros, Sebastien; Chevret, Didier; Pilet, Marie-france; Leroi, Francoise; Tresse, Odile. There is considerable interest in the use of psychrotrophic bacteria for food biopreservation and in the understanding of cold adaptation mechanisms. The psychrotrophic biopreservative Lactococcus piscium strain CNCM I-4031 was studied for its growth behavior and proteomic responses after cold shock and during cold acclimation. Growth kinetics highlighted the absence of growth latency after cold shock, suggesting a very high promptness in cold adaptation, a behavior that has never been described before for lactic acid bacteria (LAB). A comparative proteomic analysis was applied with two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE), and upregulated proteins were identified by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Both cold shock and cold... Tipo: Text Ano: 2010 URL: Adaptations biochimiques intestinales chez la truite: Influence de l'aliment et de la salinite sur quelques proprietes membranaires Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Leray, C. The authors report the results of physiological and biochemical experiments which confirm the important role player by fish (Salmo gairdneri ) intestinal mucosa in their osmoregulatory process. The ability of the dietary lipids to modulate this function is described. It was demonstrated that the ionic apical permeability of the enterocytes are related to their membrane lipid composition. The importance of the essential fatty acids is emphasized. The time course changes of the apical permeability are of value in improving sea water adaptation, similar conclusions are reported for Nacl supplementation. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Salmonidae; Pisces; Biological membranes; Fatty acids; Diets; Osmotic adaptations; Biochemical phenomena; Intestines; Lipids; Nutrition; Salinity effects; Euryhalinity; Osmoregulation. Ano: 1983 URL: Adaptations morphologiques et biologiques chez un aphroditien interstitiel : pholoe swedmarki sp.n. Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Laubier, Lucien. The first record of interstitial polychaetous annelids dates no more than forty years. Presently, the total number of interstitial species described is about one hundred. Up to the present, the large group of Aphroditoidea includes no interstitial representative. A few samples made by Pr Swedmark and M. Lasserre in Bermudas enable the discovery of an undescribed species of an interstitial Sigalionidae, Pholoe swedmarki Sp. n., together with two other interstitial species of Pisionidae and Syllidae, new to the western tropical atlantic. From a morphological point of view, the comparison of P. swedmarki sp. n. with the other species of the genus reveals some adaptations to the interstitial life: reduction of the body size, reduction or, at the contrary,... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer. Ano: 1974 URL: Adaptative response of Listeria monocylogenes to osmotic and chill stress: consequences on food safety. Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Elmnasser, Noura; Ritz Bricaud, Magali; Guillou, Sandrine; Leroi, Francoise; Orange, Nicole; Bakhrouf, Amira; Federighi, Michel. Listeria monocytogenes is it psychrotrophic food-borne pathogen. This organism is problematic for food production industry due to its ubiquitous distribution ill nature and its tolerance to condition of osmotic and chill stress. One common strategy employed by many bacteria and by L. monocytogenes for adaptation to osmotic stress is by the intracellular accumulation of compatible solutes. Two different types of adaptative reponses to low temperature have undertaken by L. monocytogenes. One of the responses is accomplished by adjusting membrane fluidity through alteration of the membrane fatty acid composition. A second response consists ill the accumulation of osmolytes. In this brief review we will focus on these general systems Which are Of particular... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Food safety; Chill stres; Osmotic stress; Adaptation; Listeria monocytogenes; Sécurité des aliments; Stress froid; Stress salin; Adaptation; Listeria monocytogenes. Ano: 2006 URL: Adaptative responses of E-coli to marine environmental stresses. a modelling approach based on viability and dormancy concepts Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Martin, Y; Troussellier, Marc; Bonnefont, Jl. In an attempt to synthesize conceptual and experimental information on the behaviour of enteric bacteria in seawater, a mathematical model has been developed. This model is based on changes in intracellular metabolisable components depending an physiological responses of the cell when subjected to nutrient starvation, salinity stress and solar radiation. Following a strategy which takes into account short- and mid-term physiological adaptation and reversal processes, the cells can develop in different states: culturable (B-1), viable and definitively nonculturable (B-2), and reversibly dormant (B-3) cells. Model parameters were deduced either from original microcosm experiments, from literature data or calibration procedures. Validation of the model was... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Escherichia coli; Eau de mer; Stress; États cellulaires; Modélisation; Escherichia coli; Seawater; Stress; Cellular states; Modelling. Ano: 1998 URL: Adaptive aspects of phenotypic plasticity in echinoderms Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Ebert, Ta. Echinoderms show phenotypic plasticity in which variation in environmental conditions elicit graded reaction norms of morphological change. With the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus under laboratory conditions, decreases in available food caused decreases in dry weights of the gonad and gut coupled with increases in the mass of Aristotle's lantern and length of the demi-pyramids. Spine clipping caused increased spine growth as well as decreases in the gut and gonad masses. Survival rate remained unchanged over a range of feeding and clipping treatments. In the field, at Sunset Bay, Oregon, well-fed sea urchins, with relatively small demi-pyramids, showed survival rates similar to poorly fed sea urchins that had large demi-pyramids. The wide range... Tipo: Text Ano: 1996 URL: Adaptive behaviour of fishers to external perturbations: simulation of the Tasmanian rock lobster fishery Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Hamon, Katell; Frusher, Stewart; Little, L. Richard; Thebaud, Olivier; Punt, André E. The rock lobster, Jasus edwardsii, lies on a global “hotspot” for climate change in the southeastern Australian state of Tasmania. The short-term effects of climate change are predicted to lead to an increasing exploitable biomass in the south and declining biomass in the north of the state. The future of the fishery is highly uncertain due to climate change, but also due to insecurities linked to the market conditions. The market for Tasmanian rock lobster is driven by the demand of a single market, China, which absorbs 75 % of the catch. This study examines how fishers can adapt to external perturbations that affect the social and economic viability of the fleet and the ecological dynamics of the stock. Three fleet dynamic models of increasing complexity... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Tasmanian rock lobster; Fleet dynamics; Fishers behaviour; Climate change. Ano: 2014 URL: Adaptive features of a bacteriolytic enzyme from the style of the mussel Choromytilus meridionalis in response to environmental fluctuations. Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Seiderer, L; Robb, F. The extracellular digestive apparatus of bivalve molluscs consists of a crystalline style containing diverse degradative enzymes which are released during rotation and dissolution of the style. This paper reviews the occurrence of a temperature-regulated bacteriolytic enzyme in the black mussel Choromytilus meridionalis , which is an inhabitant of coastal reefs on the south and south west coast of South Africa. This agent is unable to lyse Micrococcus luteus or Escherichia coli , both of which are susceptible to lysis by a true lysozyme. It appears to have a restricted spectrum of activity which includes both free-living and kelp-associated gram-negative bacteria. In addition, the level of activity varies dramatically according to the environmental water... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Choromytilus meridionalis; Bivalvia; Digestive system; Bacteria; Upwelling; Environmental effects; Adaptations; Bacteriocides; Marine molluscs; Enzymatic activity. Ano: 1984 URL: Added water in frozen scallop muscles french specifications and methodology Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Loreal, Henri; Etienne, Monique. The problem of foreign or added water is not really specifie of scallop muscles. Nevertheless, the astonishing ability of scallop muscle to soak up water makes the problem keen. Heavy water additions that bring about excessive loss of water when thawing scallops are clearly a falsification. Frequent abuses have been established in France in the 1980-1986 years, much so that the product might depreciate in the eyes of the consumers. Consequently French importers and administrations decided to elaborate a standard in order to eliminate excessively soaked scallops and to preserve the brand image of the product. Three points are defined in this standard : . a sampling plan (codex plan NQA 6,5 S3) . the water/protein ratio on deglazed scallop muscles as... Tipo: Text Ano: 1990 URL: Additional experiments on the growth of juveniles and fingerlings of the european sea bass (dicentrarchus labrax L.) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Chervinski, Jonathan; Shapiro, James. Laboratory experiments were conducted with juvenile Dicentrarchus labrax L. in order to determine their ability to grow and develop in fresh water on small zooplankton and zoobenthos. Fish of 0.036g. weight were able to grow on small Cladocera and Copepods. Juveniles of 25-29mm total length were able to feed on fry of Sarotherodon sp. D. labrax of 0.77g weight, fed Sarotherodon sp. showed an individual growth rate of 0.06-0.11 g/day and a food conversion rate of 8.18 when raised to the size of 3.57g. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR] Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer. Ano: 1980 URL: Additive transcriptomic variation associated with reproductive traits suggest local adaptation in a recently settled population of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Sussarellu, Rossana; Huvet, Arnaud; Lapegue, Sylvie; Quillen, Virgile; Lelong, Christophe; Cornette, Florence; Jensen, Lasse Fast; Bierne, Nicolas; Boudry, Pierre. Background Originating from Northeast Asia, the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas has been introduced into a large number of countries for aquaculture purpose. Following introduction, the Pacific oyster has turned into an invasive species in an increasing number of coastal areas, notably recently in Northern Europe. Methods To explore potential adaptation of reproductive traits in populations with different histories, we set up a common garden experiment based on the comparison of progenies from two populations of Pacific oyster sampled in France and Denmark and their hybrids. Sex ratio, condition index and microarray gene expression in gonads, were analyzed in each progeny (n = 60). Results A female-biased sex-ratio and a higher condition index were... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Crassostrea gigas; Adaptation; Invasiveness; Fertility; Sex-ratio; Transcriptome; Microarray. Ano: 2015 URL: Addressing the measurement of particulate organic and inorganic phosphorus in estuarine and coastal waters Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Labry, Claire; Youenou, Agnes; Delmas, Daniel; Michelon, Pascale. The speciation of particulate phosphorus (TPP) into inorganic (PIP) and organic phosphorus (POP), has been scarcely investigated in suspended particulate matter (SPM), contrary to numerous sediment studies. This work evaluates the actual capacity of methods for TPP, POP and PIP determination in SPM to measure efficiently and specifically each pool. Methods were tested on a range of plankton-associated organic and inorganic P compounds, on microalgal cultures and estuarine samples. Then results are specifically discussed reviewing P speciation in phytoplankton. For TPP analysis, the method of Solorzano and Sharp (1980) is recommended compared with that of Aspila et al. (1976), originally dedicated to sediment, as there is one step less, the protocol is more... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Phosphorus; Speciation; Waters; Phytoplankton; HTC; CWO. Ano: 2013 URL: Adéquation entre effort de pêche et ressource : les actions publiques dans le secteur des pêches Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lantz, Frederic; Catanzano, Joseph; Weber, Jacques. Fishing is an economic activity that, in a general way, requires the implementation of regulatory measures to avoid crises. This problem is linked to certain peculiarities inherent to fishing: the renewable and common character of the exploited resource, and the great variability of catches. Since the entire means of production coming into play in fishing is designated by the term fishing effort, various regulatory policies will become attached to the idea of fitting the level of the fishing effort to that of the exploited resource. After introducing the evolution of the fishing sector in an early section, we will study the main lines of EU policy in the sphere of fishing in section II. Section III will be devoted to the Multi-Year Orientation Programme... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM. Ano: 1989 URL: Adhésion et substances polymériques extracellulaires d’une nouvelle espèce bactérienne marine Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Leroy, Celine; Compere, Chantal; Delbarre Ladrat, Christine; Raguenes, Gerard; Ghillebaert, François; Combes, Didier. Une nouvelle bactérie marine du genre Pseudoalteromonas sp., D41, formant rapidement des biofilms sur tout type de matériau (verre, acier inoxydable, Téflon) a été isolée en Baie de Brest. L’objectif de ce présent travail est de caractériser et décrire cette bactérie capable de produire des exopolymères constitués en majorité de protéines. Le rôle des protéines sécrétées, dans les mécanismes d’adhésion, est discuté. Tipo: Text Ano: 2005 URL: Adult and larval traits as determinants of geographic range size among tropical reef fishes Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Luiz, Osmar J.; Allen, Andrew P.; Robertson, D. Ross; Floeter, Sergio R.; Kulbicki, Michel; Vigliola, Laurent; Becheler, Ronan; Madin, Joshua S. Most marine organisms disperse via ocean currents as larvae, so it is often assumed that larval-stage duration is the primary determinant of geographic range size. However, empirical tests of this relationship have yielded mixed results, and alternative hypotheses have rarely been considered. Here we assess the relative influence of adult and larval-traits on geographic range size using a global dataset encompassing 590 species of tropical reef fishes in 47 families, the largest compilation of such data to date for any marine group. We analyze this database using linear mixed-effect models to control for phylogeny and geographical limits on range size. Our analysis indicates that three adult traits likely to affect the capacity of new colonizers to survive... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Macroecology; Marine dispersal; Colonization. Ano: 2013 URL: Adult somatic progenitor cells and hematopoiesis in oysters Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Jemaa, Mohamed; Morin, Nathalie; Cavelier, Patricia; Cau, Julien; Strub, Jean Marc; Delsert, Claude. Long-lived animals show a non-observable age-related decline in immune defense, which is provided by blood cells that derive from self-renewing stem cells. The oldest living animals are bivalves. Yet, the origin of hemocytes, the cells involved in innate immunity, is unknown in bivalves and current knowledge about mollusk adult somatic stem cells is scarce. Here we identify a population of adult somatic precursor cells and show their differentiation into hemocytes. Oyster gill contains an as yet unreported irregularly folded structure (IFS) with stem-like cells bathing into the hemolymph. BrdU labeling revealed that the stem-like cells in the gill epithelium and in the nearby hemolymph replicate DNA. Proliferation of this cell population was further... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hematopoiesis; Adult somatic progenitor cells; Hemocytes; Mollusk; Marine invertebrates. Ano: 2014 URL: Advanced spectral analysis and cross correlation based on the empirical mode decomposition: application to the environmental time series Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Ben Ismail, Dhouha Kbaier; Lazure, Pascal; Puillat, Ingrid. Abstract—In marine sciences, time series are often nonlinear and nonstationary. Adequate and specific methods are needed to analyze such series. In this paper, an application of the Empirical Mode Decomposition method (EMD) associated to the Hilbert Spectral Analysis (HSA) is presented. Furthermore, EMD based Time Dependent Intrinsic Correlation (TDIC) analysis is applied to consider the correlation between two nonstationary time series. Four temperature time series obtained from automatic measurements in nearshore waters of the Réunion island are considered, recorded every ten minutes from July 2011 to January 2012. The application of the EMD on these series and the estimation of their power spectra using the HSA are illustrated. The authors identify... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Augmented Dickey-Fuller tests; Cross correlation; Empirical mode decomposition (EMD); Hilbert spectral analysis (HSA); Hilbert-Huang transform (HHT); Stationarity; Time-dependent intrinsic correlation (TDIC); Time series; Wavelets. Ano: 2015 URL: Advances in gastropod immunity from the study of the interaction between the snail Biomphalaria glabrata and its parasites: A review of research progress over the last decade Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Coustau, C.; Gourbal, B.; Duval, D.; Yoshino, T. P.; Adema, C. M.; Mitta, Guillaume. This review summarizes the research progress made over the past decade in the field of gastropod immunity resulting from investigations of the interaction between the snail Biomphalaria glabrata and its trematode parasites. A combination of integrated approaches, including cellular, genetic and comparative molecular and proteomic approaches have revealed novel molecular components involved in mediating Biomphalaria immune responses that provide insights into the nature of host-parasite compatibility and the mechanisms involved in parasite recognition and killing. The current overview emphasizes that the interaction between B. glabrata and its trematode parasites involves a complex molecular crosstalk between numerous antigens, immune receptors, effectors... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biomphalaria glabrata; Schistosoma mansoni; Echinostoma caproni; Immunity; Compatibility. Ano: 2015 URL: Advances in Genomics and Genetics of Penaeid Shrimp Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Robalino, Javier; Chapman, Robert W.; De La Vega, Enrique; O'Leary, Nuala A.; Gorbach, Danielle M.; Du, Zhi-qiang; Rothschild, Max F.; Browdy, Craig L.; Warr, Gregory; Labreuche, Yannick. This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction EST Collection as an Approach to Gene Discovery in Shrimp Medium- to High-Throughput Studies of Differential Expression and Gene Discovery Aquaculture: From Reverse Genetics to Control of Diseases Shrimp RNAi-Based Applications in Shrimp Markers, Genetic Maps, and Large Insert Genomic Libraries in Analytical Challenges in Genomics and Genetics of Shrimp Concluding Remarks Acknowledgments References Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Penaeid shrimp EST collection; Gene discovery gene expression “snapshot” gametogenesis abiotic stress responses differential expression cloning RNAi-based applications; Shrimp targeted gene silencing RNAi; And gene function genetic markers in breeding. Ano: 2012 URL: Advances in measuring ocean salinity with an optical sensor Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Menn, Marc; De La Tocnaye, J. L. De Bougrenet; Grosso, P.; Delauney, Laurent; Podeur, Christian; Brault, P.; Guillerme, O. Absolute salinity measurement of seawater has become a key issue in thermodynamic models of the oceans. One of the most direct ways is to measure the seawater refractive index which is related to density and can therefore be related to the absolute salinity. Recent advances in high resolution position sensitive devices enable us to take advantage of small beam deviation measurements using refractometers. This paper assesses the advantages of such technology with respect to the current state-of-the-art technology. In particular, we present the resolution dependence on refractive index variations and derive the limits of such a solution for designing seawater sensors well suited for coastal and deep-sea applications. Particular attention has been paid to... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Refractive index; Seawater; Density; Salinity; Refractometer. Ano: 2011 URL: Advances in Search and Rescue at Sea Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Breivik, Oyvind; Allen, Arthur Addoms; Maisondieu, Christophe; Olagnon, Michel. A topical collection on “Advances in Search and Rescue at Sea” has appeared in recent issues of Ocean Dynamics following the latest in a series of workshops on “Technologies for Search and Rescue and other Emergency Marine Operations” (2004, 2006, 2008 and 2011), hosted by IFREMER in Brest, France. Here we give a brief overview of the history of search and rescue at sea before we summarize the main results of the papers that have appeared in the topical collection. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Search and rescue (SAR); Trajectory modeling; Stochastic Lagrangian ocean models; Lagrangian measurement methods; Ocean surface currents. Ano: 2013 URL: Advice on the Harvest Control Rule and Evaluation of the Anchovy Plan COM(2009) 399 Final (STECF-13-24). 14-18 October 2013, Brussels Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: STECF. Tipo: Text Ano: 2013 URL: Aération des bassins. Avantages, observations et mise en oeuvre. Fiche pratique n°1 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Ravoux, Georges; Piquion, Jean-claude. Destinée aux Professionnels qui mettent les coquillages en marché, cette série "fiches pratiques" a pour but de les aider à améliorer leurs connaissances et leurs pratiques, donc rendre leurs entreprises plus performantes. Ces fiches ne prétendent pas répondre à toutes les questions mais abordent les points essentiels sur un sujet technique précis pour faciliter son approfondissement ultérieur. [OCR NON CONTRÔLE] Tipo: Text Ano: 1991 URL: Aération-circulation en bassins d'élevage intensif de crevettes Pénéides. Profils remarquables des courbes de teneur en oxygène dissous. Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Coatanea, Denis; Nguyen-thuyet, Bruno; Febvre, Alain. Dans les systèmes d'élevage intensif de crevettes Pénéides, la teneur en oxygène dissous du milieu d'élevage est un des éléments prioritaires à prendre en compte dans la gestion des bassins. Une aération d'appoint est nécessaire pour maintenir cette teneur en oxygène dissous dans une gamme de valeurs acceptables. Ce paramètre a été suivi sur deux fermes d'élevage intensif à Tahiti, dans différentes conditions de charge des bassins et dans différents schémas d'utilisation des aérateurs. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Aquaculture; Pénéides; Intensif; Aération; Circulation. Ano: 1989 URL: Aerial and snorkelling census techniques for estimating green turtle abundance on foraging areas: A pilot study in Mayotte Island (Indian Ocean) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Roos, David; Pelletier, Dominique; Ciccione, Stéphane; Taquet, Marc; Hughes, George. Monitoring the abundance of green turtles (Chelonia mydas) is necessary to assess population trends and risks of collapse. This note presents a study aimed at comparing three techniques for the direct estimation of green turtle numbers in their foraging habitats (seagrass beds and reef flats). The experiment was carried out at Mayotte Island, Western Indian Ocean. The techniques involved were surveys by snorkel, and aerial surveys using a microlight aircraft and a paramotor. Each technique had shortcomings and advantages. While each technique provided estimations of turtle numbers only surveys by snorkel permitted identification of species and sex, whenever visibility and turtle behaviour permitted. Along the shorelines, and over foraging areas, the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Foraging habitats; Snorkelling survey; Aerial survey; Abundance estimation; Chelonia mydas; Green turtle. Ano: 2005 URL: Aerial surveys of bluefin tuna in the Western Mediterranean sea: retrospective, prospective, perspective Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bonhommeau, Sylvain; Farrugio, Henri; Poisson, Francois; Fromentin, Jean-marc. While the current stock status of bluefin tuna (BFT) has been considered as declining, there remain considerable data limitations for its stock assessment in the Mediterranean Sea. The collection of fishery-independent data reveals to be crucial to compensate for the lack of Mediterranean purse seine CPUE indices as well as to overcome a potential halt in the bluefin tuna fishery that would impede the monitoring of the stock and the comparison to reference points. Here we present a retrospective of aerial surveys that have been carried out since 2000. It includes the protocol as well as a retrospective of temporal and spatial distribution of detected schools. We then propose several perspectives that could improve the data collection method itself and the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Atlantic bluefin tuna; Aerial survey; Index of abundance; Gulf of Lions; Strip transect. Ano: 2010 URL: Aerial surveys to monitor bluefin tuna abundance and track efficiency of management measures Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bauer, Robert; Bonhommeau, Sylvain; Brisset, Blandine; Fromentin, Jean-marc. Conservation and management measures for exploited fish species rely on our ability to monitor variations in population abundance. In the case of the eastern stock of Atlantic bluefin tuna (ABFT), recent changes in management policies have strongly affected the reliability of fishery-dependent indicators due to drastic changes in fishing season/area, fisheries selectivity and strategy. However, fishery-independent indices of abundance are rare for large pelagic fish, and obtaining them is often costly and labor intensive. Here, we show that scientific aerial surveys are an appropriate tool for monitoring juvenile bluefin tuna abundance in the Mediterranean. We present an abundance index based on 62 aerial surveys conducted since 2000, using 2 statistical... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Thunnus thynnus; Index of abundance; Fishery-independent; Gulf of Lions; Mediterranean Sea; Strip transect; Distance sampling. Ano: 2015 URL: Aerodynamical, immunological and pharmacological properties of the anticancer antibody cetuximab Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Maillet, A; Congy Jolivet, N; Le Guellec, S; Vecellio, L; Hamard, S; Courty, Y; Courtois, Anthony; Gauthier, F; Diot, P; Thibault, G; Lemarie, E; Heuze Vourc' H, N. Purpose. Despite an increasing interest in the use of inhalation for local delivery of molecules for respiratory diseases and systemic disorders, methods to deliver therapy through air-ways has received little attention for lung cancer treatment. However, inhalation of anticancer drugs is an attractive alternative route to systemic administration which results in limited concentration of the medication in the lungs, and triggers whole-body toxicity. In this study, we investigated the feasibility of nebulization for therapeutic antibodies, a new class of fully-approved anticancer drugs in oncology medicine. Materials and methods. Cetuximab, a chimeric IgG1 targeting the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGER), was nebulized using three types of delivery... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Nebulizer; Lung cancer; Cetuximab; Anticancer antibody; Aggregation; Aerosol. Ano: 2008 URL: Aeromagnetic survey of south-western europe Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Borgne, Eugéne; Le Pichon, Xavier. The results of a precise and homogeneous aeromagnetic survey covering the Bay of Biscay, France, and the North Western Mediterranean are presented. The results suggest that the Bay of Biscay and the Mediterranean basin were created since the Triassic by drift of the adjacent continents. Indications are given about the times and geometries of opening of these basins. The implications of these results on the Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic history of South-Western Europe are important. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR] Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer. Ano: 1971 URL: Aérosols côtiers dans le nord de la Manche Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Flament, P; Lepretre, A; Noel, S. Tipo: Text Ano: 1987 URL: Affinage contrôlé en bassin de l'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Baud, Jean-pierre; Brisset, Emmanuelle; Cardinal, Mireille. Une étude d'affinage contrôlé en bassin de l'huître creuse Crassas/rea gigas a été réalisée en novembre 1991 par "IFREMER de Bouin (Vendée). Cinq tonnes d'huîtres ont été nourries avec la diatomée Skeletonema costatum produite sur eau salée souterraine à raison de 1,2 X 10(9) cellules/individus/jour. L'affinage a été réalisé dans un bassin bétonné de 500 m2 muni d'une rampe de bullage d'air à une densité de 11 kg/m2 de coquillages. L'influence de différents paramètres sur l'affinage a été testée à l'aide d'un plan factoriel incluant : La taille des huîtres (86,8g ± 3,8 ; 69,5g ± 3,2 ; 53,1g.± 2,3), la technique de stockage (au sol, en casier surélevé, en poche surélevée) et la situation des huîtres par rapport à l'injection du phytoplancton (alimentation,... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Affinage contrôlé; Crassostrea gigas; Skeletonema costatum; Glycogène. Ano: 1995 URL: Affinage des huîtres creuses Crassostrea gigas en claires ostréicoles du Bassin de Marennes-Oléron : Etude des modifications de la Norme AFNOR-NF V 45 056 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Robert, Stephane; Goulletquer, Philippe; Soletchnik, Patrick; Geairon, Philippe; Le Moine, Olivier; Razet, Daniel; Faury, Nicole; Taillade, Sylvie. Within its oyster quality project, the Marennes-Oleron Professional Organization (SRC) aims to improve the zootechnic rearing conditions in ponds for the Pacific cupped oyster C. gigas "fines de claires" and "speciales de claires", presently specified by the French norm AFNOR NF V45-056 (AFNOR, 1985). The proposed modifications concern a seasonal management of the oyster biomass per m2 , using 1 and 3kg/m2, during 2 weeks from April 1rst to October 31, and 3 weeks from November 1 to March 31, respectively. The Shellfish Aquaculture Laboratory of Poitou-Charentes (LCPC) carried out experiments to address the professional and decision-makers request for an assessment of those modifications on the final oyster quality compared to the current rearing... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Huître creuse; Crassostrea gigas; Affinage; Claires ostréicoles; AFNOR NF V 45-056; Pacific Cupped oyster; Crassostrea gigas; Growth; Oyster ponds; AFNOR NF V 45-056. Ano: 1998 URL: Affinage des huîtres creuses Crassostrea gigas en claires ostréicoles du Bassin de Marennes-Oléron : étude des moficiations de la Norme AFNOR-NF V 45 056 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Robert, Stephane; Goulletquer, Philippe; Soletchnik, Patrick; Geairon, Philippe; Le Moine, Olivier; Razet, Daniel; Faury, Nicole; Taillade, Sylvie. Dans le cadre de sa démarche « qualité », la SRC de Marennes-Oléron souhaite faire évoluer les normes zootechniques d'élevage de l' huître «fine de claires» et «spéciales de claires» défi nies actuellement par la norme AFNOR NF V 45-056 (AFNOR, 1985). Les modifications proposées concernent une gestion saisonnière de la biomasse par m2 en élevage, respectivement de 1 et 3kg/m2 pendant 2 semaines entre les 1 avril-31 0ctobre et 3 semaines, du 1 novembre au 3 1 mars. Le Laboratoire Conchylicole de Poitou-Charentes (LCPC) a engagé des expérimentations afin de répondre à la demande professionnelle et administrative d 'évaluer l'effet sur la qualité finale des huîtres des modifications d'élevage proposées, en comparaison avec la norme officielle AFNOR (1985).... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Huître creuse; Crassostrea gigas; Affinage; Claires ostréicoles; AFNOR NF V 45-056. Ano: 1998 URL: Affleurements des roches profondes de la croûte océanique et du manteau sur le mur sud de la fracture Kane (Atlantique central) : observations par submersible Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Auzende, Jean-marie; Cannat, M; Gente, Pascal; Henriet, Jean-pierre; Juteau, Thierry; Karson, J; Lagabrielle, Yves; Mevel, Christophe; Tivey, M. The aim of the 20 Nautile dives of the recent Kanaut cruise was the study of the Kane Fracture Zone from its intersection with the Mid-Atlantic Ridge up to 80 km to the west. The dives have been conducted along four massifs located along the southern wall of the fracture valley. The flanks of the massifs consist of slightly tilted peridotites, gabbros and basalts, which have been exposed along normal and strike-slip major faults. No dike complex similar to that observed along the ZF Vema was observed The observed sections show pervasive cataclastic deformation and greenschist-facies metamorphic overprint. Tipo: Text Ano: 1993 URL: AFLP-based genetic linkage maps of the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lallias, Delphine; Lapegue, Sylvie; Hecquet, Celine; Boudry, Pierre; Beaumont, A. We report the construction of the first genetic linkage map in the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis. AFLP markers were used in 86 full-sib progeny from a controlled pair mating, applying a double pseudo-test cross strategy. Thirty-six primer pairs generated 2354 peaks, of which 791 (33.6%) were polymorphic in the mapping family. Among those, 341 segregated through the female parent, 296 through the male parent (type 1:1) and 154 through both parents (type 3:1). Chi-square goodness-of-fit tests revealed that 71% and 73% of type 1:1 and 3:1 markers respectively segregated according to Mendelian inheritance. Sex-specific linkage maps were built with mapmaker 3.0 software. The female framework map consisted of 121 markers ordered into 14 linkage groups, spanning... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mytilus edulis; Genetic linkage map; Blue mussel; AFLP. Ano: 2007 URL: African humid periods triggered the reactivation of a large river system in Western Sahara Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Skonieczny, Charlotte; Paillou, P.; Bory, A.; Bayon, Germain; Biscara, L.; Crosta, X.; Eynaud, F.; Malaize, B.; Revel, M.; Aleman, N.; Barusseau, J-p.; Vernet, R.; Lopez, S.; Grousset, F. The Sahara experienced several humid episodes during the late Quaternary, associated with the development of vast fluvial networks and enhanced freshwater delivery to the surrounding ocean margins. In particular, marine sediment records off Western Sahara indicate deposition of river-borne material at those times, implying sustained fluvial discharges along the West African margin. Today, however, no major river exists in this area; therefore, the origin of these sediments remains unclear. Here, using orbital radar satellite imagery, we present geomorphological data that reveal the existence of a large buried paleodrainage network on the Mauritanian coast. On the basis of evidence from the literature, we propose that reactivation of this major paleoriver... Tipo: Text Ano: 2015 URL: Age and growth of blackfin tuna (Thunnus atianticus) caught under moored fish aggregating devices, around Martinique Island Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Doray, Mathieu; Stequert, Bernard; Taquet, Marc. Daily growth increments measured in the otolith of Thunnus atlanticus were used to estimate the age and growth of individuals. which were sampled from an artisanal fishery operating around fish aggregating devices (FADs) moored off Martinique Island. In this study, 76 otoliths were analysed for fish ranging from 20 to 68 cm fork lengths (FL). The fish were caught using trolling lines at depths ranging from 0 to 10 m. Counts were made, under a light microscope, on the external part of the transverse section of the sagittae, from the primordium to the ventral edge. The mean coefficient of variation of the age reading was 2.4%. To validate readings, the number of increments for 11 individuals was counted using both optic and scanning electron microscopes. The... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Thunnus atlanticus; Daily increment; Otolith; Age. Ano: 2004 URL: Age and Growth of Phycis Phycis (Linne, 1766) in the Gulf of Tunis Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Romdhani, Ahlem; Chater, Ines; Ktari, Mohamed Hédi; Dufour, Jean-louis; Mahe, Kelig. The age of fish in a population is fundamental to most of the questions fishery biologists attempt to answer about that population. The aim of this study was to report the parameters of the weight-length relationship and to estimate the age and growth of Phycis phycis (Linnaeus, 1766) in Gulf of Tunis. A sample of 272 specimens of P. phycis was collected from the landings of the small-scale artisanal fisheries between September 2007 and June 2010. The total length (TL) ranged from 14 to 55.5cm and total weight (TW) from 45 to 1779g. Length-weight relationship were described by allometrically positive for the females (TW = 0.0083*TL3. 0703), males (TW= 0.0063*TL3.1471), and both sexes (TW= 0.0082*TL3. 0759). No significant differences were found between... Tipo: Text Ano: 2012 URL: Age and Growth of the lemon sole (Microstomus kitt) in the Celtic Sea and the North Sea Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Mahe, Kelig; Elleboode, Romain; Persohn, Cecile; Dufour, Jean-louis. Age and growth of lemon sole (Microstomus kitt) were determined from 115 specimens collected in the Celtic Sea and in the North Sea in 2006 and 2007. Total length is ranged from 11 to 44 cm, while total weight varied between 12 and 1040 g. Age estimation was based on otoliths readings. The oldest male and female were estimated to be 9 years old. The length–weight relationships parameters for lemon sole in the Celtic Sea and in the North Sea were W=0.0043*TL3.2860 and W=0.0062*TL3.1505 respectively. Weight including both sexes increased with positive allometric growth. The von Bertalanffy growth equation in the North Sea was fitted on the basis of mean length-at-age data resulting in parameters values of TL∞ = 36.44 cm (S.E. = 0.484), K = 0.187 /y (S.E. =... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Lemon sole; Growth; Von Bertalanffy; Celtic Sea; North Sea. Ano: 2010 URL: Age and origin of the sea-floor of the banda sea (eastern indonesia) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lapouille, A; Haryono, H; Larue, M; Pramumijoyo, S; Lardy, M. Tipo: Text Ano: 1985 URL: Age determination of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua): 2012 Workshop between Canada and France on cod otoliths. Final report of the project SALMOCODAGE Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Mahe, Kelig; Schwab, Philippe; Hiscock, Charlie; Cossitt, Gus; Briand, Daniel; Goraguer, Herle. France and Canada have been working closely together for numerous years under the governance of The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (NAFO) that regulates fisheries in the Northwest Atlantic. This workshop was the first step to achieve greater agreement in the estimation of age from calcified pieces between the scientific experts from those 2 countries. The goal of this project is to realize a calibration of the estimation of ages from cod (Gadus morhua) between France and Canada in order to optimize the precision of the data supplied by those countries for stock assessment purposes. There has been in the past an internal workshop for Atlantic Canada in 1997 on ageing fish and numerous workshops for Northeast Atlantic, more precisely for the... Tipo: Text Ano: 2012 URL: Age determination of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) : Results from an otolith exchange between Canada and France Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Healey, B.p; Mahe, Kelig; Cossitt, G.; Dufour, Jean-louis; Felix, Jerome; Hicks, H.f.; Hiscock, C.; Schwab, P. Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in NAFO subDivision 3Ps are exploited and jointly managed by Canada and France. Assessments of stock status incorporate age determinations from both countries when dis-aggregating total catches into catch-at-age. An otolith exchange was initiated to evaluate the degree of consistency in the age determinations of Canadian and French personnel. Both graphical and statistical analysis clearly indicate differences in interpretation between Canadian and French readers, with ages assigned by Canadian personnel generally being one-year greater than those of participants from France. However, consistency in age determinations was relatively high within Canada and within France. Tipo: Text Ano: 2011 URL: Age estimation and growth of some deep-sea fish from the northeast Atlantic ocean Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Allain, Valerie; Lorance, Pascal. Age is a necessary parameter used in population dynamics to assess the state of exploited resources. This parameter is poorly known for most deep-sea species (depth > 400 m). This work focused on age estimation from otoliths of Alepocephalus bairdii (Alepocephalidae), Coryphaenoides rupestris (Macrouridae), Helicolenus dactylopterus (Sebastidae) and Hoplostethus atlanticus (Trachichthyidae), which French fishery exploitation, off the west coasts of the British Isles, began the late 1980's. Considering otolith growth zones as annual, the four species all show high longevity: 38, 54, 43 and 130 years, respectively, together with slow growth. The differences in growth between sex were estimated and difficulties in accurately estimating the age were... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Alepocephalus bairdii; Coryphaenoides rupestris; Helicolenus dactylopterus; Hoplostethus atlanticus; ANE; Slope fish; Age estimation; Otoliths. Ano: 2000 URL: Age estimation in common sole Solea solea larvae: validation of daily increments and evaluation of a pattern recognition technique Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lagardere, Françoise; Troadec, Herve. Close similarities have been found between the otoliths of sea-caught and laboratory-reared larvae of the common sole Solea solea (L.), given appropriate temperatures and nourishment of the latter. But from hatching to mouth formation. and during metamorphosis, sole otoliths have proven difficult to read because the increments may be less regular and low contrast. In this study, the growth increments in otoliths of larvae reared at 12 degrees C were counted by light microscopy to test the hypothesis of daily deposition, with some results verified using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and by image analysis in order to compare the reliability of the 2 methods in age estimation. Age was first estimated (in days posthatch) from light micrographs of whole... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Larval sole; Solea solea; Otolith; Daily increment; Validation; Image analysis. Ano: 1997 URL: Age et croissance de l'oursin Paracentrotus lividus Lamarck, 1816 (Echinodermata-Echinoidea) dans le golfe de Tunis (Méditerranée) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Sellem, Fériel; Langar, Habib; Pesando, Danielle. The age of Paracentrotus lividus in the gulf of Tunis was evaluated by analysing the natural growth banding in the interambulacral plates from the oral part of the test. It appeared that growth rates increased in spring and summer, and decreased in autumn and winter. The maximum age and diameter were estimated to be 8 years and 53 mm respectively, Compared to populations of Paracentrotus lividus from NW Mediterranean and Atlantic, that of the gulf of Tunis presented a more rapid growth. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Méditerranée; Oursin comestible; Âge et croissance; Mediterranean sea; Sea urchin; Age and growth. Ano: 2000 URL: Age, geochemical characteristics and petrogenesis of Cenozoic intraplate alkaline volcanic rocks in the Bafang region, West Cameroon Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Ngongang, Nicaise Blaise Tchuimegnie; Kamgang, Pierre; Chazot, Gilles; Agranier, Arnaud; Bellon, Herve; Nonnotte, Philippe. The origin of the volcanism in the Cameroon Volcanic Line and the nature of its mantle sources are still highly controversial. We present major and trace element compositions as well as Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopic results on mafic and intermediate lavas from the Bafang area in the central part of the Cameroon Volcanic Line. The lavas range from basanites and basalts to hawaiites and mugearites with an alkaline affinity and were emplaced between 10 and 6 Ma ago. The evolution from basalts and basanites to more differentiated rocks involved fractionation of olivine, clinopyroxene and Fe-Ti oxides, but the isotopic compositions show that crustal contamination processes affected some magmas during their ascent in the crust. Basalts and basanites originated from a... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Cameroon Volcanic Line; Geochemistry; Magmatism; Mantle source. Ano: 2015 URL: Age, growth and feeding of anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus L.) in the Bay of Bénisaf (SW Mediterranean , west Algerian coast) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bacha, Mahmoud; Amara, Rachid; Benmansour, N; Brylinski, Jean-michel; Moali, A; Mahe, Kelig. Age, growth and feeding of anchovy were studied for the first time from samples collected in the Benisaf Bay (west Algerian coast) during summer (spawning period) and autumn (recruitment period) 2007. Age structure and growth parameters were determined by otolith (sagitta) analyses. The von Bertalanffy growth function fitted to age-length data showed that growth was almost achieved during the first year of life. Significant growth difference was recorded between males and females. Growth parameters were for females (L∞=17,46 cm, k=0,31 per year and t0= -3,46 years) and for male (L∞=16,67 cm, k= 0,35 per year and t0= -3,26 years). The parameters of the otoliths (surface, length, weight and width) were significantly correlated with age and fish length (LT)... Tipo: Text Ano: 2009 URL: Age, growth, and mortality of the Atlantic goliath grouper Epinephelus itajara in French Guiana Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Artero, C.; Murie, D. J.; Koenig, C. C.; Berzins, R.; Bouchon, C.; Lampert, Luis. The age and growth of the Critically Endangered Atlantic goliath grouper Epinephelus itajara of equatorial French Guiana was determined by a non-lethal aging method using dorsal fin rays. Goliath grouper deposit 1 complete annulus per year, with the translucent zone of the annulus laid down at the beginning of the dry season (July). Two readers independently applied the method; there was full agreement between the two for 52% of the fish, and agreement of +/- 1 yr for 82%. Comparison of ages derived from paired samples of otoliths and fin rays were identical (n = 6). The mean age of goliath grouper was 4.2 yr (range = 1 to 17 yr; n = 229); 82% of the individuals were under the size/age of sexual maturity. Goliath grouper in French Guiana are larger at a... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Epinephelidae; Critically Endangered species; Sclerochronology; Fin rays; MPA. Ano: 2015 URL: Age modelling of late Quaternary marine sequences in the Adriatic: towards improved precision and accuracy using volcanic event stratigraphy Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lowe, John J.; Blockley, Simon; Trincardi, Fabio; Asioli, Alessandra; Cattaneo, Antonio; Matthews, I. P.; Pollard, M.; Wulf, S. The first part of this paper presents a review of the problems that constrain the reliability of radiocarbon-based age models with particular focus on those used to underpin marine records. The reasons why radiocarbon data-sets need to be much more comprehensive than has been the norm hitherto, and why age models should be based on calibrated data only, are outlined. The complexity of the probability structure of calibrated radiocarbon data and the advantages of a Bayesian statistical approach for constructing calibrated age models are illustrated. The second part of the paper tests the potential for reducing the uncertainties that constrain radiocarbon-based age models using tephrostratigraphy. Fine (distal) ash layers of Holocene age preserved in... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Radiocarbon-based age models; Tephrochronology; Volcanic event stratigraphy; Lago Monticchio record; Bayesian method; WDS geochemical data; Discriminant function analysis (DFA). Ano: 2007 URL: Age précambrien de dolérites de la dorsale réguibat (Mauritanie) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Dosso, Laure; Vidal, Philippe; Sichler, Bertrand; Bonifay, Alain. Rb-Sr age determination on ten doleritic samples from the basement of Mauritania yield on average of 1 609 = 1,42.10- 45 M.A. ( ?87 Rb an- ). Four among the specimens have been dated by the K-Ar method with ages of 1.750, 1.610, 832 and 1.46 x M.Y. The radiometric data are interpreted as evidence for emplacement of the dolerites at the end of the Eburnean orogeny. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR] Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer. Ano: 1979 URL: Age, spreading rates, and spreading asymmetry of the world's ocean crust Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Muller, R; Sdrolias, M; Gaina, C; Roest, Walter. We present four companion digital models of the age, age uncertainty, spreading rates, and spreading asymmetries of the world's ocean basins as geographic and Mercator grids with 2 arc min resolution. The grids include data from all the major ocean basins as well as detailed reconstructions of back-arc basins. The age, spreading rate, and asymmetry at each grid node are determined by linear interpolation between adjacent seafloor isochrons in the direction of spreading. Ages for ocean floor between the oldest identified magnetic anomalies and continental crust are interpolated by geological estimates of the ages of passive continental margin segments. The age uncertainties for grid cells coinciding with marine magnetic anomaly identifications, observed or... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Seafloor spreading; Geodynamic; Plate kinematic; Ocean floor; Digital isochrons. Ano: 2008 URL: Age-dependence of cultured pearl grade and colour in the black-lipped pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Ky, Chin-long; Demmer, Jonathan; Blay, Carole; Lo, Cedrik. Pinctada margaritifera is an economically important marine bivalve species for cultured pearl production in French Polynesian aquaculture. In order to evaluate the influence of donor oyster age on pearl quality traits, experiments were conducted over 6 years using both grafts and surgreffe operations. At harvest, 6 pearl quality traits were recorded and compared: surface defects, luster, grade, darkness level, and visual color. Analyzing the quality traits of pearls harvested in the initial graft process and those of pearls obtained from surgreffe experiments allowed a comparison of the influence of pearl sac cells originating from the initial mantle graft, which aged together with their recipient oysters. The results demonstrated a significant decrease... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pearl oyster age; Pinctada margaritifera; Surgreffe; Pearl grade; Pearl color. Ano: 2015 URL: Ageing mechanism and mechanical degradation behaviour of polychloroprene rubber in a marine environment: Comparison of accelerated ageing and long term exposure Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Gac, Pierre-yves; Le Saux, V.; Paris, M; Marco, Y. Polymers are widely used in marine environments due to their excellent properties and good weathering resistance. Despite this extensive use, their long term behaviour in such an aggressive environment is still not well known. To assess the polymer durability within reasonable durations, it is essential to perform accelerated ageing tests to accelerate the degradation kinetics but without any modification of the degradation process. This study therefore proposes and validates accelerated ageing tests to study marine ageing of a silica-filled chloroprene rubber (CR) used for offshore applications. Several accelerated ageing protocols are investigated for temperatures ranging from 20 to 80 degrees C in renewed natural seawater. The ageing consequences are... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Chloroprene rubber; Degradation; Sea water; Silica; Accelerated ageing; Natural ageing. Ano: 2012 URL: Ageostrophic instability in a rotating stratified interior jet Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Menesguen, Claire; Mcwilliams, J.c.; Molemaker, M. Jeroen. Oceanic large- and meso-scale flows are nearly balanced in forces between Earth’s rotation and density stratification effects (i.e. geostrophic, hydrostatic balance associated with small Rossby and Froude numbers). In this regime advective cross-scale interactions mostly drive energy toward larger scales (i.e. inverse cascade). However, viscous energy dissipation occurs at small scales. So how does the energy reservoir at larger scales leak toward small-scale dissipation to arrive at climate equilibrium? Here we solve the linear instability problem of a balanced flow in a rotating and continuously stratified fluid far away from any boundaries (i.e. an interior jet). The basic flow is unstable not only to geostrophic baroclinic and barotropic instabilities,... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Baroclinic flows; Critical layers; Stratified flows. Ano: 2012 URL: Ageostrophic instability in rotating, stratified interior vertical shear flows Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Wang, Peng; Mcwilliams, James C.; Menesguen, Claire. The linear instability of several rotating, stably stratified, interior vertical shear flows (U) over bar (z) is calculated in Boussinesq equations. Two types of baroclinic, ageostrophic instability, AI1 and AI2, are found in odd-symmetric (U) over bar (z) for intermediate Rossby number (R-0). AI1 has zero frequency; it appears in a continuous transformation of the unstable mode properties between classic baroclinic instability (BCI) and centrifugal instability (CI). It begins to occur at intermediate R-0 values and horizontal wavenumbers (k, l) that are far from l = 0 or k = 0, where the growth rate of BCI or CI is the strongest. AI1 grows by drawing kinetic energy from the mean flow, and the perturbation converts kinetic energy to potential energy. The... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Baroclinic flows; Instability; Waves in rotating fluids. Ano: 2014 URL: AGIL/BN - Aide à la Gestion Intégrée du Littoral en Basse-Normandie - Bilan des travaux 2012 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Gendre, Romain; Riou, Philippe. Dans le cadre d’une convention multi partenariale, le Laboratoire Environnement Ressources s’est vu confier la maîtrise d’ouvrage du projet « AGIL BN ». Son objectif est de développer des outils et compétences permettant d’élaborer des aides à la prise de décision en matière d’aménagement et de gestion de l’environnement littoral en Basse-Normandie. Il comprend 2 grands volets : - développement d’un Système d’Information Géographique « environnement littoral », avec mise en ligne d’un atlas électronique « état des lieux » accessible à tous à partir du site WEB de l’Ifremer ; - développement d’un réseau de modèles hydrodynamiques couvrant l’ensemble du littoral Bas- Normand, et permettant de réaliser des simulations d’impact de différents aménagements,... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Littoral de Basse-Normandie; Environnement et aménagement littoral; Outils d’aide à la décision; SIG; Modèles hydrodynamiques. Ano: 2013 URL: Agreement between the c-14 and oxygen methods of measuring phytoplankton production reassessment of the photosynthetic quotient Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Williams, Pjb; Raine, Rct; Bryan, Jr. Tipo: Text Ano: 1979 URL: Agrégation des sous-éléments de qualité de l’élément de qualité « Flore autre que phytoplancton » Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Miossec, Laurence. The Water Framework Directive uses the “One-out, all-out” (OAOO) principle in assessing water bodies (i.e. the worst status of the elements used in the assessment determines the final status of the water body). Combination of multiple parameters within a biological quality element (BQEs) can be done in different ways. This study analysed several aggregation conditions within the BQE "Flora other than phytoplankton" (intertidal macroalgae, subtidal macroalgae, eelgrass beds and opportunistic blooms) using monitoring data collected along the Channel and Atlantic coastline. Four aggregation criteria were tested on two sets of data collected between 2004 and 2014: OOAO, average, intermediate method between OOAO and average and a method taking into account an... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Macroalgues; Blooms opportunistes; Herbiers; Manche Atlantique; Méthodes d’agrégation; Macroalgae; Eelgrass beds; Opportunistic blooms; Channel and Atlantic coastline; Aggregation rules. Ano: 2016 URL: Agriculture, conchyliculture et circulation des eaux de surface : état actuel des recherches Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Chevallier, Claude; Masson, Daniel. La qualité des eaux de surface constitue périodiquement un sujet de controverse et de polémiques entre professionnels agricoles et conchylicoles charentais. Le débat reste centré sur la valorisation agricole des zones de marais littoraux. La création croissante d'îlots de culture drainés, souvent à proximité immédiate des zones conchylicoles, suscite l'inquiétude quant à la qualité des eaux d'aval. Il nous a paru nécessaire d'établir un état succinct des connaissances en la matière afin d'éviter l'usage d'arguments parfois irrationnels et de favoriser le dialogue entre les partenaires ; mais il nous paraît tout aussi important de montrer que la qualité des eaux de surface, question essentielle pour l'aménagement régional dépasse le seul cadre des marais :... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Conchyliculture; Circulation des eaux; Effluent d'élevage; Charente-Maritime; Agriculture; Eau; Engrais. Ano: 1988 URL: Agulhas eddy fluxes in a 1/6 degrees Atlantic model Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Treguier, Anne-marie; Boebel, O; Barnier, B; Madec, G. A 1/6degrees resolution primitive equation model of the Atlantic circulation is analyzed in the Agulhas region. The model has a realistic level of eddy kinetic energy, and produces anticyclonic Agulhas rings as well as cyclonic structures. In the model as well as in the data, ring trajectories undergo a transition between a turbulent character in the Cape Basin and a steady propagation in the rest of the South Atlantic. The topography of the Walvis Ridge does not seem to play a part in generating this contrast in the model. The model shows that cyclones are primarily generated from the negative shear vorticity side of the Agulhas Current as it leaves the coast, and they are most of the time paired with anticyclones in dipolar or tripolar structures.... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: South Africa; South Atlantic Ocean; Numerical model; Ocean currents; Oceanic eddies; Eddy flux. Ano: 2003 URL: Agulhas Leakage Predominantly Responds to the Southern Hemisphere Westerlies Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Durgadoo, Jonathan V.; Loveday, Benjamin R.; Reason, Chris J. C.; Penven, Pierrick; Biastoch, Arne. The Agulhas Current plays a crucial role in the thermohaline circulation through its leakage into the South Atlantic Ocean. Under both past and present climates, the trade winds and westerlies could have the ability to modulate the amount of Indian-Atlantic inflow. Compelling arguments have been put forward suggesting that trade winds alone have little impact on the magnitude of Agulhas leakage. Here, employing three ocean models for robust analysisa global coarse-resolution, a regional eddy-permitting, and a nested high-resolution eddy-resolving configurationand systematically altering the position and intensity of the westerly wind belt in a series of sensitivity experiments, it is shown that the westerlies, in particular their intensity, control the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Boundary currents; Meridional overturning circulation; Wind stress; Mesoscale models; Numerical analysis; Modeling. Ano: 2013 URL: Aichi Virus, Norovirus, Astrovirus, Enterovirus, and Rotavirus Involved in Clinical Cases from a French Oyster-Related Gastroenteritis Outbreak Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Guyader, Soizick; Le Saux, Jean-claude; Ambert-balay, Katia; Krol, Joanna; Serais, Ophelie; Parnaudeau, Sylvain; Giraudon, Helene; Delmas, Gilles; Pommepuy, Monique; Pothier, Pierre; Atmar, Robert L. Following a flooding event close to a shellfish production lagoon, 205 cases of gastroenteritis were linked to oyster consumption. Twelve stool samples from different individuals were collected. Analysis showed that eight samples were positive for multiple enteric viruses, and one stool sample had seven different enteric viruses. Analysis of shellfish implicated in the outbreak allowed detection of the same diversity of enteric viruses, with some viral genomic sequences being identical to those obtained from stool sample analysis. Shellfish were contaminated by as many as five different enteric viruses. For the first time in Europe, Aichi virus was identified in oyster samples. Shellfish samples collected over 3 weeks following the outbreak showed a... Tipo: Text Ano: 2008 URL: Aide à la décision pour la conservation des populations de saumon atlantique (Salmo salar L.) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Brun, Melanie. The sustainable management of natural living resources is a major issue in a context of increasing scarcity due to human impact and of pervasive uncertainty. Improving existing tools and developing new ones to advise decision makers on the potential evolution of natural living resources, according to various management and environmental scenarios, is requested. This PhD aims at contributing to the development of a methodology for decision making for natural living resources management, while taking into account major sources of uncertainty. This is achieved through the study case of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) population of the Nivelle River (France). This population is subjected to a long term monitoring program and the species has been... Tipo: Text Ano: 2011 URL: Aide à la gestion quantitative de l’eau douce dans les Pertuis Charentais Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: IFREMER. Laboratoire Environnement et Ressources des Pertuis Charentais (LERPC). L'action 2 de la contractualisation traite de l'aide à la gestion quantitative de l'eau douce dans les Pertuis charentais. Ce chapitre a été traité par les actions suivantes. - la participation à l'achat de plusieurs capteurs multiparamètres (température, salinité, pression, fluorescence, turbidité) la mise en place d'une action métrologique (et l'achat des appareils) a permis d'améliorer nettement la qualité des mesures effectuées. - le déploiement des capteurs sur 5 points du littoral et visant à quantifier les apports d'eau douce (Seudre, Charente, Sèvre Niortaise, Lay) et leurs impacts sur la zone conchylicole (Banc d'agnas) - la mise à disposition de ces données sur le site internet du laboratoire Environnement Ressources des Pertuis Charentais... Tipo: Text Ano: 2007 URL: Aide à l'élaboration des plans de gestion et politique locale du bassin Rhône Méditerranée & Corse Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Andral, Bruno. Dans le cadre de la convention signée en 2005, l’Ifremer apporte un soutien technique au groupe littoral mis en place à l’échelle des districts Rhône Méditerranée et Corse. Ce soutien vient en complément de celui apporté par l’Ifremer au plan national au Ministère de l’Ecologie, de l’Energie, du Développement Durable et de la Mer. L’Ifremer assure également un rôle relevant de l’expertise auprès de l’Agence de l’Eau lorsque celle-ci, confrontée à certains problèmes, souhaite disposer d’une analyse intégrant la somme des connaissances disponibles au niveau de la communauté scientifique, éventuellement appuyée par un "état de l'art" dans les champs scientifiques correspondants. Au cours de la période 2008-2009 et dans le cadre de la présente convention, la... Tipo: Text Ano: 2010 URL: Aide à l'estimation des stocks d'huîtres en élevage par télédétection basse altitude: étude de faisabilité Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: De Pontual, Helene. Existing methods to assess the biomass of reared oyster's stocks are ail based on aerial photographs and field data. In this study, we propose an automatic processing of the digitized aerial photographs making use of advanced vision tools such as mathematical morphology. The implemented a1gorithms are described. They give enough convincing results to suggest further developments. However, this method requires the use of digital images. To this respect, a part of this paper deals with data acquisition problems. We particularly study the feasibility of using airborne video recording system. Such device should give a quite accurate information, easier to process than the classical aerial photographs. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Huître; Estimation des stocks; Photographie aérienne; Vidéo aéroportée; Analyse d'images numériques; Oysters; Stock assessment; Aerial pholographs; Airborne videography; Digital image processing. Ano: 1989 URL: Aide mémoire de dynamique sédimentaire. 7ème édition Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Hir, Pierre. This aide-mémoire is not a lesson on sedimentary dynamics but more of a calculation form. Its use implies a good knowledge of the involved processes. This report presents the basic formulations used for the calculation of the hydrodynamic forcings as well as the main sediment behavioural laws, in order to help the reader conduct a basic sediment transportation calculation. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bottom shear stress; Boundary layer; Mathematical modelling; Transport rate; Cohesive sediments; Non cohesive sediments; Sediment dynamics; Contrainte de cisaillement au fond; Couche limite; Modélisation mathématique; Fonctions de transport; Sédiments cohésifs; Sédiments non cohésifs; Dynamique sédimentaire. Ano: 2008 URL: Aide pour l'observation d'Ansates sur des laminaires Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Huet, Jerome. Photos of young and intermediate-age Ansates pellucida. Photos of old individuals. Photos of Polymorphism. Photos demonstrating the presence of some Ansates pellucida under the holdfast of Laminaria hyperborea and the presence of some Ansates pellucida on a stipe of Laminaria digitata. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Polymorphisme; Laminaria hyperborea; Laminaria digitata; Ansates pellucida. Ano: 2008 URL: Ailadinium reticulatum gen. et sp. nov. (Dinophyceae), a New Thecate, Marine, Sand-Dwelling Dinoflagellate from the Northern Red Sea Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Saburova, Maria; Chomerat, Nicolas. A new photosynthetic, sand-dwelling marine dinoflagellate, Ailadinium reticulatum gen. et sp. nov., is described from the Jordanian coast in the Gulf of Aqaba, northern Red Sea, based on detailed morphological and molecular data. A. reticulatum is a large (53–61 μm long and 38–48 μm wide), dorsoventrally compressed species, with the epitheca smaller than the hypotheca. The theca of this new species is thick and peculiarly ornamented with round to polygonal depressions forming a foveate-reticulate thecal surface structure. The Kofoidian thecal tabulation is APC (Po, cp), 4′, 2a, 6′′, 6c, 4s, 6′′′, 1p, 1′′′′ or alternatively it can be interpreted as APC, 4′, 2a, 6′′, 6c, 4s, 6′′′, 2′′′′. The plate pattern of A. reticulatum is noticeably different from... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Benthic dinoflagellates; Dinophyceae; Gulf of Aqaba; Jordan; LSU rDNA; Molecular phylogeny; Morphology; Red Sea; SSU rDNA; Taxonomy. Ano: 2014 URL: Aiming at fast and objective analytical methods - methods to determine the freshness of fish in research and industry Provedor de dados: 5 Tipo: Text Ano: 1997 URL: Airborne remote sensing of ocean wave directional wavenumber spectra in the marginal ice zone Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Sutherland, Peter; Gascard, Jean-claude. Interactions between surface waves and sea ice are thought to be an important, but poorly understood, physical process in the atmosphere-ice-ocean system. In this work, airborne scanning lidar was used to observe ocean waves propagating into the marginal ice zone (MIZ). These represent the first direct spatial measurements of the surface wave field in the polar MIZ. Data were compared against two attenuation models, one based on viscous dissipation and one based on scattering. Both models were capable of reproducing the measured wave energy. The observed wavenumber dependence of attenuation was found to be consistent with viscous processes, while the spectral spreading of higher wavenumbers suggested a scattering mechanism. Both models reproduced a change... Tipo: Text Ano: 2016 URL: Aires de ponte de la sardine, du sprat et de l'anchois dans le golfe de gascogne et sur le plateau celtique resultats de 6 annees d'etude Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Arbault, Suzanne; Lacroix, Nicole. This research work was undertaken in 1964, within the more general context of study programmes of the Institute of Science and Technology of Maritime Fishing on teleosteen fish eggs and larvae and the relationship of egg-laying areas with hydrology. Since their catch is a significant contribution to the country's economy (15,000 tonnes of sardines in 1967, 6,000 in 1968, 8,000 in 1969 and 4,427 of anchovies were caught the same year), it seemed necessary to specify the breeding conditions of these fish and the location of their breeding grounds, then to try to forecast fishing stocks. In this research work, we will study more particularly the year 1968, which seems to us very representative and we will compare the results with those of 1964, 1965, 1966... Tipo: Text Ano: 1971 URL: Aires marines protégées et récifs artificiels : méthodes d'évaluation, protocoles expérimentaux et indicateurs Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Claudet, Joachim. Marine Protected Areas' (MPAs) and Artificial Reef's (ARs) management requires complex assessment and monitoring programmes, dealing with different sources of variability. We studied and developed experimental designs and analysis methods suited for the establishment of a monitoring of MPAs and ARs. This methodology is developed from existing data sets in the Northwestern Mediterranean. We build multi-criteria indicators allowing a statistically testable diagnosis of the impact of MPAs and ARs on reef fish assemblages. Using ecological performance indicators permits to monitor and to give an image of the assessed system to managers. It was possible to show the global response of the fish assemblages to the protection by a MPA. This response was evidenced... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Management; Northwestern Mediterranean; Statistical Power; Monitoring; Habitat; Multivariate; Indicators; Temperate Fish; Impact Assessment; Artificial Reefs; Marines Protected Areas; Gestion; Méditerranée Nord Occidentale; Puissance Statistique; Suivis; Habitat; Multivarié; Indicateurs; Poissons Tempérés; Evaluation d'Impact; Récifs Artificiels; Aires Marines Protégées. Ano: 2006 URL: Air-sea CO2 flux in the Pacific Ocean for the period 1990-2009 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Ishii, M.; Feely, R. A.; Rodgers, K. B.; Park, G. -h.; Wanninkhof, R.; Sasano, D.; Sugimoto, H.; Cosca, C. E.; Nakaoka, S.; Telszewski, M.; Nojiri, Y.; Fletcher, S. E. Mikaloff; Niwa, Y.; Patra, P. K.; Valsala, V.; Nakano, H.; Lima, I.; Doney, S. C.; Buitenhuis, E. T.; Aumont, Olivier; Dunne, J. P.; Lenton, A.; Takahashi, T. Air-sea CO2 fluxes over the Pacific Ocean are known to be characterized by coherent large-scale structures that reflect not only ocean subduction and upwelling patterns, but also the combined effects of wind-driven gas exchange and biology. On the largest scales, a large net CO2 influx into the extratropics is associated with a robust seasonal cycle, and a large net CO2 efflux from the tropics is associated with substantial interannual variability. In this work, we have synthesized estimates of the net air-sea CO2 flux from a variety of products, drawing upon a variety of approaches in three sub-basins of the Pacific Ocean, i. e., the North Pacific extratropics (18-66 degrees N), the tropical Pacific (18 degrees S-18 degrees N), and the South Pacific... Tipo: Text Ano: 2014 URL: Air-sea CO2 fluxes in a coastal embayment affected by upwelling: physical versus biological control Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Alvarez, M; Fernandez, E; Perez, Ff. Water column pCO(2) and air-sea CO2 fluxes were studied during an 18-month period (May 1994-September 1995) in a coastal embayment affected by upwelling, located in the northwestern Iberian Peninsula (Ria de Vigo and adjacent shelf). Overall, the region acted as a net annual atmospheric CO, sink, with magnitude ranging from 0.54 mgC m(-2) d(-1) in the Ria estuary to 22 mgC m(-2) d(-1) offshore. During moderate upwelling and upwelling relaxation conditions the sampling area was a sink for atmospheric CO2. By contrast, during winter conditions and during intense upwelling the flux reversed towards the atmosphere. The relative influence of physical and biological processes on pCO(2) was evaluated using two different approaches: firstly, statistical analysis... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Dioxyde de carbone; Échange air-mer; Variabilité spatiale-temporelle; Contrôle physique-biologique; Nord-ouest de la péninsule Ibérique; Carbon dioxide; Air-sea exchange; Spatial-temporal variability; Physical-biological control; Northwestern Iberian Peninsula. Ano: 1999 URL: Ajustement de modèles mathématiques de la croissance d'algues phytoplanctoniques en culture Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Berre, Jerome. Introduction: This document is the End of Second Year internship report for Rennes University 1's Senior Math and Computer Science Modelisation Professional diploma. This two month internship was completed at the Brest IFREMER center at the Coastal Ecology department. IFREMER participates, in the course of its institutional missions, in observation and coastal sea surveillance, in order to improve on the knowledge, protection methods and restoration of the marine environment. Marine phytoplankton proliferation is an important study subject because of its potential cause for nuisance, for men, consumers of sea products as well as for the ecosystem. During Spring and Summer, shellfish become invariably unsuitable for consumption due to toxins produced by... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Aquaculture; Growth; Phytoplanctonic algae; Mathematical models. Ano: 2000 URL: Akanthepsilonema oceanopolis sp. nov. (Nematoda: Epsilonematidae), a new free-living marine nematode from the Condor Seamount (North-East Atlantic Ocean) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Zeppilli, Daniela; Bongiorni, Lucia; Decraemer, Wilfrida; Vanreusel, Ann. Epsilonematids are epifaunal nematodes characterized by an epsilon-shaped body and the presence of ambulatory setae, which are used in their locomotion. Nematodes belonging to this family were recently found in deep sea, especially in cold-water coral and seamount ecosystems. Akanthepsilonema oceanopolis sp. nov. (Nematoda: Epsilonematidae) is described from sediments of the Condor Seamount (North-East Atlantic Ocean) at 206 m water depth. Its main features are a heterogeneous cuticule with large horn-like dorsal spines both in anterior and in posterior regions; the presence of eight subcephalic setae arranged in two rows and the ratio maximum/minimum body diameter larger than two. The taxonomic position of this new species within the genus is discussed... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Akanthepsilonema oceanopolis; Nématodes; Mont sous-marin; Epsilonematidés; Taxinomie; Akanthepsilonema oceanopolis; Nematodes; Seamount; Epsilonematids; Taxonomy. Ano: 2014 URL: Akimotoite in the Tenham meteorite: Crystal chemistry and high-pressure transformation mechanisms Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Ferroir, T; Beck, P; Van De Moortele, B; Bohn, Marcel; Reynard, B; Simionovici, A; El Goresy, A; Gillet, P. The transformation of pyroxene to its high-pressure polymorph akimotoite (MgSiO3 ilmenite type structure) is documented in the shock-induced melt veins of the L6 Tenham chondrite. Four textural relationships between pyroxene and akimotoite are observed in former pyroxene grains entrained in the shear melt vein and in pyroxene grains attached to the wall of the melt vein. In one of the entrained enstatite grains the transformation to akimotoite is partial. One third of the grain is transformed to a polycrystalline aggregate of akimotoite with a scalloped interface with enstatite. Akimotoite (Fe0.4Mg1.24Ca0.07Na0.12Al0.14)(Si1.963Al0.037)O-6 is slightly enriched in Ca (CaO = 1.74%), Al and Na with respect to enstatite (CaO = 0.71%). Narrow bands of... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Perovskite; Akimotoite; Shock melt vein; Chondrite; Tenham. Ano: 2008 URL: Alerte "Eaux Brunes" des 17 et 18 mars 1983 - Premiers résultats des analyses effectuées Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Maggi, Pierre. Les 17 et 18 mars de nombreux pêcheurs ont signalé la présence "d'eaux brunes" désalées en de nombreux endroits du Mor-Bras : sud de Penvins, secteur des Cardinaux, plateau de l'Artimon, secteur de l'île Dumet... Tipo: Text Ano: 1983 URL: Alexandrium minutum growth controlled by phosphorus An applied model Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Chapelle, Annie; Labry, Claire; Sourisseau, Marc; Lebreton, Carole; Youenou, Agnes; Crassous, Marie-pierre. Toxic algae are a worldwide problem threatening aquaculture public health and tourism Alexandrium a toxic dinoflagellate proliferates in Northwest France estuaries (i e the Penze estuary) causing Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning events Vegetative growth and in particular the role of nutrient uptake and growth rate are crucial parameters to understand toxic blooms With the goal of modelling in situ Alexandrium blooms related to environmental parameters we first try to calibrate a zero-dimensional box model of Alexandrium growth This work focuses on phosphorus nutrition Our objective is to calibrate Alexandrium minutum as well as Heterocapsa triquetra (a non-toxic dinoflagellate) growth under different rates of phosphorus supply other factors being optimal and... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Toxic algal blooms; Alexandrium; Phosphorus uptake; Models; Competition; Northwest France. Ano: 2010 URL: Alexandrium ostenfeldii growth and spirolide production in batch culture and photobioreactor Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Medhioub, Walid; Sechet, Veronique; Truquet, Philippe; Bardouil, Michele; Amzil, Zouher; Lassus, Patrick; Soudant, Philippe. Growth and spirolide production of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium ostenfeldii (Danish strain CCMP1773) were studied in batch culture and a photobioreactor (continuous cultures). First, batch cultures were grown in 450 mL flasks without aeration and under varying conditions of temperature (16 and 22 degrees C) and culture medium (L1, f/2 and L1 with addition of soil extract). Second, cultures were grown at 16 degrees C in 8 L aerated flat-bottomed vessels using L1 with soil extract as culture medium. Finally, continuous cultures in a photobioreactor were conducted at 18 degrees C in L1 with soil extract; pH was maintained at 8.5 and continuous stirring was applied. This study showed that A. ostenfeldii growth was significantly affected by temperature.... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Alexandrium ostenfeldii; Batch; Growth; Photobioreactor; Spirolide production. Ano: 2011 URL: Algal flora associated with a Halophila stipulacea (Forsskal) Ascherson (Hydrocharitaceae, Helobiae) stand in the western Mediterranean Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Rindi, F; Maltagliati, F; Rossi, F; Acunto, S; Cinelli, F. Halophila stipulacea, a seagrass introduced into the Mediterranean Sea as a Lessepsian immigrant, is nowadays common in the eastern Mediterranean, and it was recently recorded in the western Mediterranean; very little information is available about the algal flora associated with this species. During a survey of a Halophila stipulacea stand at Vulcano Island (Eolian Islands, western Mediterranean), samples were collected at three depths (5 m, 15 m and 25 m) for identification of algal epiphytes. Thirty-six species of macroalgae were found. The epiflora of the leaves consisted of 20 species, the others being mixed with or entangled in the rhizomes. On the leaves, Ceramium tenerrimum, Dasya corymbifera, Polysiphonia cfr. tenerrima, Spyridia filamentosa,... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Halophila stipulacea; Épiphytes algaux; Épiphytisme; Algues marines; Méditerranée occidentale; Halophila stipulacea; Seagrass epiphytes; Epiphytism; Marine algae; Western Mediterranean. Ano: 1999 URL: Algal food cultures at the centre océanologique du Pacifique Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: AQUACOP. The CENTRE OCEANOLOCIQUE DU PACIFIQUE (cap), a laboralory of the french agency CENTRE NATIONAL POUR L'EXPLOITATlON DES OCEANS (CNEXO), is located at Vairao in the southern part of TAHITI island, French Polynesia. Most of the island is surrounded with a coral reef delimitating a lagoon. Around the COP, the lagoon forms a NW-SE basin, 40 m of maximum depth, fed in oceanic water by the combing of the open-sea swell over the barrier reef, so that the renewal rate of the lagoon water is once every day or every second day according to the strength of the waves. Under those conditions, the sea water pumped at the COP offers similar features to the superficial oceanic water : annual temperature range 25.5 - 3O.1° C ; annual salinity range 34.2 - 36.5 ppt ; poor... Tipo: Text Ano: 1982 URL: Algal food processing by Stegastes nigricans, an herbivorous damselfish: differences between an undisturbed and a disturbed coral reef site (La Reunion, Indian Ocean) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lison De Loma, Thierry; Harmelin-vivien, Mireille; Naim, Odile; Fontaine, Marie France. There has, as yet, been little study of nutrient disturbance and its consequences on the functional biology of primary consumers in coral reefs. The processing of epilithic algal communities by the damselfish Stegastes nigricans was investigated at La Reunion, at two sites of a fringing reef, oligotrophic for one and eutrophic for the other. Differences between sites were analyzed in quantifying organic matter, organic carbon, nitrogen, and organic 'nutrients' (carbohydrate, lipid and protein) in the algal food, the digestive contents and the faeces of S. nigricans. In the disturbed site, algal turfs and digestive contents presented significantly higher organic matter, organic carbon, nitrogen and organic nutrient values. Absorption efficiency of total... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Régime herbivore; Stegastes; Récif corallien; Eutrophisation; La Réunion; Herbivory; Stegastes; Coral reef; Eutrophication; La Reunion. Ano: 2000 URL: Algal growth on two sections of a fringing coral reef subject to different levels of eutrophication in Reunion Island Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Semple, S. The temporal Variations in macroalgal coverage and biomass of two sectors of a fringing reef complex in Reunion Island, subject to different levels of nutrient enrichment, were compared over eight months. Little difference was detected in the back reef zone, but in the narrow coral strip zone the highly enriched site showed significantly higher coverage, biomass and diversity of macroalgae throughout the whole study period. Differences in the levels of nutrient enrichment of the reef waters of the two sites are implicated as potential reasons for the observed differences. The seasonal Variations of macroalgae on the reef, and aspects of several of the dominant algal species encountered are also discussed. Tipo: Text Ano: 1997 URL: Algicidal effects of Zostera marina L. and Zostera noltii Hornem. extracts on the neuro-toxic bloom-forming dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Laabir, Mohamed; Grignon-dubois, Micheline; Masseret, Estelle; Rezzonico, Bernadette; Soteras, Giselle; Rouquette, Manuel; Rieuvilleneuve, Fabien; Cecchi, Philippe. The inhibitory effects of crude extracts of Zostera marina L and Zostera noltii Hornemann on the growth of the toxic red tide dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella were investigated through bio-assays. Methanolic and aqueous extracts were prepared from fresh and detrital leaves of Z. marina and Z. noltii collected in the Thau lagoon and Arcachon bay (France). All the extracts exhibited significant inhibition of A. catenella growth, whatever the species and without the need of continuous addition of extracts. The effective concentrations (EC50) varied in the range 0.036-0.199 g L-1 for Z. noltii and 0.036-0.239 g L-1 for Z. marina. Methanolic extracts prepared from fresh plant tissues were the most potent, with EC50 of 0.036-0.039 and 0.036-0.045 g L-1, for... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Growth inhibition; Allelopathy; Alexandrium catenella; Zostera marina; Zostera noltii; Phenolics. Ano: 2013 URL: Algogroup: Towards a Shared Vision of the Possible Deployment of Algae to Biofuels Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Montagne, Xavier; Porot, Pierre; Aymard, Caroline; Querleu, Cecile; Bouter, Anne; Lorne, Daphne; Cadoret, Jean-paul; Lombaert-valot, Isabelle; Petillon, Odile. A strong interest has been focused from several years on the algae pathway for energy production, especially for transportation fuels called third generation biofuel or G3 biofuel, and mainly from microalgae route, considering it could be a high potential alternative strategy for renewable energy and fuel production. Algae, and especially microalgae, present significant advantages compared with land resources, such as much higher productivity and lack of competition with food applications. Nevertheless, based on current knowledge, the production of an algae biomass for energy remains a difficult target to reach, due to the numerous existing hurdles such as the energetic yield and the economic positioning, without neglecting the environmental and societal... Tipo: Text Ano: 2013 URL: Algues marines : regroupement Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Perez, René. Trois grands thèmes sont traités : l'organisation et l'évolution des plastes (agents de synthèse des cellules) chez les algues rouges et les algues brunes, la biogenèse et la biodégradation des polysaccharides (sucres complexes) cellulaires, la biologie de la reproduction et la variabilité génétique. Tipo: Text Ano: 1993 URL: Algues unicellulaires marines : composition et prospectives.- Xèmes journées européennes de cosmétologie : Produits marins et plantes en thérapeutique et cosmétologie, 27, 28 et 29 janvier 1986 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lassus, Patrick. Le développement croissant des cultures intensives d'algues unicellulaires marines pour l'aquaculture pose aujourd'hui le problème non seulement de la valeur nutritive de ces organismes mais également des ouvertures possibles vers un marché plus spécialisé en pharmacologie et cosmétologie. En effet, tant au niveau des propriétés étonnantes de certains produits d'excrétions (hydrates de carbone, biotoxines, antibiotiques) que des constituants de base (en particulier lipides et aminoacides) ou des complexes pigmentaires, il semble que peu d'applications semi industrielles aient dépassé l'échelle du laboratoire. Nous avons essayé de faire une synthèse des connaissances dans ce domaine tout en étudiant les quelques tentatives d'utilisation des microalgues à... Tipo: Text Ano: 1986 URL: Alien species alert: Crassostrea gigas (Pacific oyster) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Miossec, Laurence; Le Deuff, Rose-marie; Goulletquer, Philippe. The Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas, Thunberg, 1793) is one of 20 species in the genus Crassostrea. Although native to the Japan/Korea region, C. gigas is a hardy species that has been introduced to a number of countries worldwide, including the US, Canada, the UK, France, Korea, China, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, and South America, mainly for aquaculture purposes (Mann et al., 1991; Orensanz et al., 2002). As a result, C. gigas has become the leading species in world shellfish culture, with an estimated production of 4.6 million t in 2006 (FAO, 2008). Because C. gigas does not require additional food to sustain its growth, this species is relatively inexpensive and easy to produce. Its capacity to adapt to various environmental conditions and... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Transfer; Alien species; Distribution; Introduction; Bivalvia; Crassostrea gigas; Pacific oyster. Ano: 2009 URL: Alien Species Alert: Ensis directus. Current statuts of invasions by the marine bivalve Ensis directus Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Gollasch, Stephan; Kerckhof, Francis; Craeymeersch, Johan; Goulletquer, Philippe; Jensen, Kathe; Jelmert, Anders; Minchin, Dan. The North American bivalve mollusc Ensis directus (Conrad, 1843) (Bivalvia, Pharidae) is native to the Northwest Atlantic coasts from southern Labrador to northern Florida (Bousfield, 1960; Theroux and Wigley, 1983; Swennen et al., 1985; Abbott and Morris, 2001; Turgeon et al., 2009; Vierna et al., 2013). This species has been introduced outside its native range, with the first confirmed record from the German Bight in 1979 (Cosel et al., 1982). Thereafter, a subsequent secondary range expansion took place, and the species is presently known to occur from Spain to Norway, including the UK (e.g. ühlenhardt - Siegel et al., 1983; Essink, 1985, 1986; Kerckhof and Dumoulin; 1987, Luczak et al., 1993; Rasmussen, 1996; Brattegard and Holthe, 1997; Eno et al.,... Tipo: Text Ano: 2015 URL: Alimentation de quelques poissons téléostéens de profondeur dans la zone du seuil de Wyville Thomson Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Dubuit, Mh. Tipo: Text Ano: 1978 URL: Alimentation du merlan Merlangius merlangus L. en Mer Celtique Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Du Buit, Marie-henriette; Merlina, Frédéric. The importance of predation by the whiting (Merlangius merlangus ) from the Celtic Sea has been studied by analysis of stomach contents. Eight hundred and thirteen whitings have been examined during 1984-1986 period. Fish food totalizes 97% of food. It is chiefly a swimming species: no cannibalism has been observed. The daily food index varies between 2 and 4% according to the length and the annual consumption on fishes of nominal catches (11230 t for 1983) would reach 135,000 t corresponding to species already fished for human consumption and the fish meal industry. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Celtic Sea; ANE; Gadidae; Pisces; Merlangius merlangus; Predator control; Stomach content; Feed composition; Feeding. Ano: 1985 URL: Alimentation et croissance de bivalves filtreurs en bassin aménagé Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Riva, A.; Lelong, P. The lagoon of Brusc located on the Mediterranean coast (VarFrance) is subjected to climatic and hydrologic particular conditions. The low values observed for nutrient into the sea water affect the evolution of phytoplankton. Thus chlorophyll concentration measured in the lagoon give an annual average of 0.42 mg. m-3 . The growth of two bivalves species : Cerastoderma glaucum and Venerupis semidecussata was compared between two stations where one population of each species are implanted. The culture of this molluscs is made in the lagoon and in outdoor pound dug on the old salt-pan near at hand. In the pound, subjected to natural climatic conditions, a great growth is noted for this two species. The growth rate appear better than the populations of the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Lagune méditerranéenne; Production primaire; Bivalves; Croissance; Mediterranean Lagoon; Primary production; Bivalves; Growth. Ano: 1979 URL: Alimentation et croissance des coquillages. Composition, mécanisme et rendements. Fiche pratique n°14. "Bien manger pour mieux pousser" Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Ravoux, Georges; Joly, Jean-pierre; Piquion, Jean-claude. NOT CONTROLLED OCR Tipo: Text Ano: 1995 URL: Alimentation et déterminisme environnemental de la reproduction des huîtres perlières P. margaritifera sur l'atoll d'Ahe (Archipel des Tuamotu, Polynésie française) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Fournier, Jonathan. While pearl culture industry represents one of the dominant business sector of French Polynesia, it still entirely relies on natural reproduction and spat collection. A better knowledge of reproduction determinism is thus of particular interest for the black lip pearl oyster P. margaritifera. This work is based (i) on in situ studies of the pearl oyster diet and of the environmental determinism of reproduction; and (ii) on the application to the black lip pearl oyster of a bio-energetic and deterministic model of growth and reproduction based on the Dynamic Energy Budget theory. In Ahe atoll lagoon, plankton concentration and composition fluctuations were strongly linked to wind regimes. These variations had a great impact on the diet of pearl oysters... Tipo: Text Ano: 2011 URL: Alimentation et reproduction d'un Mytilidae des sources hydrothermales profondes du Pacifique oriental Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Pennec, M. Studies of the gill, digestive gland, and gonads of a large mytilid from the 13 degree N hydrothermal vent site have led to insights concerning the histology and functional anatomy of the gill, as well as the role of this organ in the nutrition of the bivalve. From observations of the digestive gland, it is concluded that this mytilid ingests bacteria, as well as other microscopic organisms of hydrothermal vent and euphotic surface water origin. Histology of the gonad reveals that reproduction in this species is similar to that of shallow-water coastal bivalves. Tipo: Text Ano: 1988 URL: Alimentation expérimentale de l'huître Crassostrea gigas à l'aide de navicules bleus Haslea ostrearia (Simonsen) de différentes tailles Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Barille, Laurent; Bougrier, Serge; Geairon, Philippe; Robert, Jean-michel. The influence on the feeding physiology (clearance, filtration, ingestion, absorption) of the Japanese oyster Crassostrea gigas of low concentrations of suspended particulate matter (SPM ranging from 2 to 20 mg.l-l) and high food quality (mean organic fraction =54 %) was studied in the laboratory. Experimental diets were made up with three strains of the "blue diatom" Haslea ostrearia, which is responsible of the greening of oyster-ponds. The strains were characterized by different sizes (48, 65 and 98 µm respectively) but possessed the same density and biochemical composition. Clearance rate was found constant at 2.2 1.h(-l).g-l dry weight and therefore was not influenced by increasing seston load. Pseudofaeces production was observed for SPM... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Taille des particules; Qualité alimentaire; Haslea ostrearia; Crassostrea gigas; Alimentation; Particle size; Food quality; Haslea ostrearia; Crassostrea gigas; Feeding. Ano: 1994 URL: Allis shad (Alosa alosa) exhibit an intensity-graded behavioral response when exposed to ultrasound Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Wilson, M; Acolas, M; Begout, Marie-laure; Madsen, P; Wahlberg, M. Most fish cannot hear frequencies above 3 kHz, but a few species belonging to the subfamily Alosinae (family Clupeidae) can detect intense ultrasound. The response of adult specimens of the European allis shad (Alosa alosa) to sinusoidal ultrasonic pulses at 70 and 120 kHz is tested. The fish showed an intensity-graded response to the ultrasonic pulses with a response threshold between 161 and 167 dB re 1 mu Pa (pp) for both frequencies. These response thresholds are similar to thresholds derived from juvenile American shad (Alosa sapidissima) in previous studies, supporting the suggestion that these members of Alosinae have evolved a dedicated ultrasound detector adapted to detect and respond to approaching echolocating toothed whales. (C) 2008 Acoustical... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Zoology; Ultrasonics; Biocommunications; Bioacoustics. Ano: 2008 URL: Allocation du carbone et métabolisme azpté chez l'haptophyte Tisochrysis lutea Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Garnier, Matthieu. The aim of this thesis is to improve knowledge on mechanisms involved in the response to nitrogen limitation and in lipid accumulation in the microalgae haptophyte Tisochrysis lutea. The wild type strain and a lipid accumulating mutant strain were grown under different nitrogen limitation and starvation and analyzed by functional genomics. Four genes of high-affinity nitrate/nitrite transporter (Nrt2) were identified and characterized to reveal the mechanisms involved in mineral absorption in this species. Transcriptomes of both strains were sequenced and proteins affected by nitrogen starvation and differentially expressed between the two strains were identified. We so identified the functions regulated by nitrogen deficiency and potentially involved in... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Microalgues; Métabolisme; Azote; Carbone; Lipides; Genomique fonctionelle; Protéomique; Transcriptomique; Microalgae; Metabolism; Nitrogen; Carbon; Lipids; Functional genomics; Proteomics; Transcriptomics. Ano: 2016 URL: Allometric growth patterns and development in larvae and juveniles of thick-lipped grey mullet Chelon labrosus reared in mesocosm conditions Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Ben Khemis, Ines; Gisbert, Enric; Alcaraz, Carles; Zouiten, Dora; Besbes, Raouf; Zouiten, Amina; Masmoudi, Ahmed Slaheddine; Cahu, Chantal. Allometric growth and ontogeny were studied in thick-lipped grey mullet Chelon labrosus reared in mesocosms from 1 to 71 day post hatching (dph). Multivariate allometric analysis of morphometric growth distinguished three distinct developmental stanzas separated by two morphometric metamorphosis lengths (L-m1=4.46 +/- 0.06mm; L-m2= 28.56 +/- 1.04mm). Body mass growth also showed three distinct episodes separated by two inflections, correlated with morpho-functional changes. First episode concerned pre-flexion larvae and ended around 4.5mm-L-T (14-dph), coinciding with estimated L-m1. It was distinguished by reduced growth, but intense morphogenesis and differentiation processes. Organogenesis and allometric changes indicated that development priorities... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Thick-lipped grey mullet; Chelon labrosus; Larval development; Allometric growth; Mesocosm. Ano: 2013 URL: Along-arc segmentation and interaction of subducting ridges with the Lesser Antilles Subduction forearc crust revealed by MCS imaging Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Laigle, Mireille; Becel, Anne; De Voogd, Beatrice; Sachpazi, Maria; Bayrakci, Gaye; Lebrun, Jean-frederic; Evain, Mikael; "Thales Was Right" Seismic Reflection working group. We present the results from a new grid of deep penetration multichannel seismic (MCS) profiles over the 280-km-long north-central segment of the Lesser Antilles subduction zone. The 14 dip-lines and 7 strike-lines image the topographical variations of (i) the subduction interplate décollement, (ii) the top of the arcward subducting Atlantic oceanic crust (TOC) under the huge accretionary wedge up to 7 km thick, and (iii) the trenchward dipping basement of the deeply buried forearc backstop of the Caribbean upper plate. The four northernmost long dip-lines of this new MCS grid reveal several-kilometres-high topographic variations of the TOC beneath the accretionary wedge offshore Guadeloupe and Antigua islands. They are located in the prolongation of those... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Lesser Antilles Subduction Zone; Reflection seismics; Deep outer forearc crust; Backstop; Seismogenic megathrust fault. Ano: 2013 URL: Alpha-agarases define a new family of glycoside hydrolases, distinct from beta-agarase families Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Flament, Didier; Barbeyron, Tristan; Jam, Murielle; Potin, Philippe; Czjzek, Mirjam; Kloareg, Bernard; Michel, Gurvan. The gene encoding the alpha-agarase from "Alteromonas agarilytica" (proposed name) has been cloned and sequenced. The gene product (154 kDa) is unrelated to Beta-agarases and instead belongs to a new family of glycoside hydrolases (GH96). The -agarase also displays a complex modularity, with the presence of five thrombospondin type 3 repeats and three carbohydrate-binding modules. Tipo: Text Ano: 2007 URL: Altération de la physiologie des poissons exposés à des hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAP). Comportement et reproduction Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Vignet, Caroline. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are persistent organic pollutants (POPs) which are found in complex mixtures in the environment including aquatic ecosystems. They adsorb on particles, accumulate in sediment and in the first link of the food web. The aim of this study was to measure long term effects of PAH scontamination on a vertebrate model: the zebrafish. In a first study, embryos were exposed on natural sediment spiked with 3 individual PAH (phenanthrene, pyrene and benzo[a]pyrene) during the first four days of their development. In a second study, to evaluate the consequences of long-term chronic exposure to PAHs, zebrafish were exposed, from their first meal (5 days post fertilisation) until they became reproducing adults, to diets spiked... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Danio rerio; Lifecycle; Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon; Heavy oil; Light crude oil; Alkylated PAH; Lifecycle; Delayed effect; Anxiety-like behavior; Offspring; Photomotor responses; Maze; Novel tank. Ano: 2014 URL: Alteration de l'ovogenese des plies Pleuronectes platessa L. capturees dans les abers Wrac'h et Benoit, depuis la pollution de l'Amoco Cadiz. Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Miossec, Laurence. From November 1978 to January 1982, the author has studied the effects of Amoco Cadiz oil spill on plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) reproduction, main species of flat fish of the aber Wrac'h and aber Benoit. Serious alterations of the function were observed in females. Examining the gonado-somatic ratio has revealed some anomalies in the reproductive process. Study of ovary histology has shown large cytologic modifications. Some hypothesis have been retained: oil action in situ, use of lipidic reserves for another aim than reproduction, and hormonal perturbations. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Aber Benoit Estuary Brittany ANE; France Pleuronectes platessa; Pleuronectidae Pisces Oogenesis Histopathology Marine pollution Ovaries Oil spills Pollution effects. Ano: 1982 URL: Alteration, fractional crystallization, partial melting, mantle properties from trace elements in basalts recovered in the north atlantic Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bougault, Henri; Joron, Jean-louis; Treuil, Michel. .-Alkali metals prove to be very sensitive to alteration process even if this process is moderate. It is very difficult to use these elements to trace magmatic processes since their concentration may Vary within an homogeneous "unaltered" unit. From all the basaltic units investigated, a classification of "low partition coefficient" elements is presented (Sc, Ti, V, Y, Zr, Nb, La-Tb , Hf, Ta, Th) . The incompatible elements ratios (Y/Tb, Zr/Hf, Nb/Ta) are constant in the samples studied and are nearly equal to the same ratios in chondrites. This is consistent with the existence of an homogeneous primordial mantle at the scale of the North Atlantic, compatible with a chondritic composition of the earth. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR] Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer. Ano: 1979 URL: Alternative management strategies : potential and limits of licensing systems Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Meuriot, Eric; Maucorps, Alain. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM. Ano: 1985 URL: Alternatives to taxonomic-based approaches to assess changes in transitional water communities Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Mouillot, D; Spatharis, S; Reizopoulou, S; Laugier, Thierry; Sabetta, L; Basset, A; Chi, T. 1. Transitional waters, described as critical transition zones because of their position at terrestrial, freshwater and marine interfaces, provide essential goods and services to the biosphere including human populations. These ecotones face increasing human influence mainly due to population density increase in coastal areas. 2. Transitional water bodies have, to date, received little attention in the development of ecological status indicators, this is a critical deficiency when trying to meet the Water Framework Directive objective of all significant water bodies achieving good ecological status by the year 2015. 3. In order to assess changes in transitional water communities many taxonomic-based indicators have already been proposed but there are a... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biotic descriptors; Productivity; Functional diversity; Functional traits; Body size; Water Framework Directive WFD. Ano: 2006 URL: AltiKa: a Ka-band altimetry payload and system for operational altimetry during the GMES period Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Vincent, Patrick; Steunou, N; Caubet, E; Phalippou, L; Rey, L; Thouvenot, E; Verron, J. This paper describes the Ka-band altimetry payload and system that has been studied for several years by CNES, ALCATEL SPACE and some science laboratories. Altimetry is one of the major elements of the ocean observing system to be made sustainable through the GEOSS ( Global Earth Observation System of Systems) and GMES ( Global Monitoring of the Environment and Security) programs. A short review of some mission objectives to be fulfilled in terms of mesoscale oceanography in the frame of the GEOSS and GMES programs is performed. To answer the corresponding requirements, the approach consisting in a constellation of nadir altimeter is discussed. A coupled Ka-band altimeter-radiometer payload is then described; technical items are detailed to explain how... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Altimeter; Radiometer; Ocean mesoscale circulation; Ka-band. Ano: 2006 URL: Altimeter dual-frequency observations of surface winds, waves, and rain rate in tropical cyclone Isabel - art. no. C01004, Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Quilfen, Yves; Tournadre, Jean; Chapron, Bertrand. [1] Extreme weather events such as tropical cyclones are difficult to observe with conventional means. Satellite-based observations provide essential measurements of key parameters governing tropical cyclones. They are critical for short-term forecasting. Radiometers onboard the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program satellite series, WindSat and Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission satellites, scatterometers onboard the ERS, ADEOS, and QuikScat satellites offer unprecedented synoptic observations of surface wind and atmospheric liquid water content, revealing the storm structures with good accuracy. However, satellite estimates do not provide direct measurements of geophysical parameters and can suffer from limitations linked to the sensors... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mesearement limitations; Dual frequency altimeter; High resolution measurement; Tropical cyclone. Ano: 2006 URL: Altimeter estimation of sea surface wind stress for light to moderate winds Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Vandemark, Douglas; Edson, James B; Chapron, Bertrand. Aircraft altimeter and in situ measurements are used to examine relationships between altimeter backscatter and the magnitude of near-surface wind and friction velocities. Comparison of altimeter radar cross section with wind speed is made through the modified Chelton-Wentz algorithm. Improved agreement is found after correcting 10-m winds for both surface current and atmospheric stability. An altimeter friction velocity algorithm is derived based on the wind speed model and an open-ocean drag coefficient. Close agreement between altimeter- and in situ-derived friction velocities is found. For this dataset, quality of the altimeter inversion to surface friction velocity is comparable to that for adjusted winds and clearly better than the inversion to true... Tipo: Text Ano: 1997 URL: Altimeter sea state bias: A new look at global range error estimates Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Chapron, Bertrand; Vandemark, D; Elfouhaily, T; Thompson, Dr; Gaspar, P; Labroue, S. A nonparametric SSB model, derived using the TOPEX altimeter, is analyzed to show a new decomposition of the form SSB = bH(s) + f(sigma (o)), where b is 0.03 and the function of radar cross section (sigma (o)) is an absolute second-order range correction residing outside the conventional nondimensional SSB model. Expected variability in the dominant bH(s) term and its ties to the long wave orbital velocity and shorter-scale slope variances are discussed using a physic ally-motivated restatement of recent EM bias theory. The geometry of steep near-breaking waves, neglected within current theory, is invoked as one plausible explanation for the observed H-s-independent SSB component. Tipo: Text Ano: 2001 URL: Altimétrie par Lidar aéroporté et Modèles Numériques de Terrain Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Populus, Jacques. Les estrans et les zones basses et inondables attenantes ont toujours souffert d'un large désintérêt de la part des gestionnaires de l'espace. A la faveur des catastrophes répétées de ces dernières années, un regain d'intérêt s'est fait jour pour à la fois prévoir et établir des scénarii, gérer le milieu en temps de crise, voire dédommager par la suite. La connaissance fine des zones côtières, au plan patrimonial comme à celui des activités économiques, est essentielle. Des programmes se mettent en place tel le Rebent, qui vise à réaliser un inventaire renouvelable des habitats des zones découvrantes et des petits fonds. Parmi les données de base nécessaires à une telle entreprise, on trouve les donnée physiques de topographie et de géomorphologie. En zone... Tipo: Text Ano: 2002 URL: Altimetry and models in the tropical oceans - a review Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Arnault, S; Perigaud, C. Tropical oceans play a key role in climatic variations. Ocean-atmosphere interactions induce large-scale and low-frequency variations which, due to the specificity of tropical ocean dynamics, are very difficult to observe with traditional in situ measurements. During the past twenty years, a variety of numerical models of diverse complexity have contributed much to the description, understanding and prediction of ocean variability in the tropics. However, the capacity of these models to simulate adequately the ocean variability heavily depends on the accuracy of the atmospheric forcings and that of initial conditions. Satellite altimetry provides a unique opportunity to avoid the problem of scarce and non-synoptic in situ data coverage for the large-scale... Tipo: Text Ano: 1992 URL: Altimetry combined with hydrography for ocean transport estimation Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Gourcuff, Claire; Lherminier, Pascale; Mercier, Herle; Le Traon, Pierre-yves. A method to estimate mass and heat transports across hydrographic sections using hydrography together with altimetry data in a geostrophic box inverse model is presented. Absolute surface velocities computed from AVISO altimetry products made up of a combination of sea surface height measurements and geoid estimate are first compared to Ship Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (S-ADCP) measurements of the Ovide project along hydrographic sections repeated every 2 years in summer from Portugal to Greenland. The rms difference between S-ADCP and altimetry velocities averaged on distances of about a hundred km accounts to 3.3 cm s−1. Considering that the uncertainty of S-ADCP velocities is found at 1.5 cm s−1, altimetry errors are estimated at 3 cm s−1.... Tipo: Text Ano: 2011 URL: Alvinella pompejana gen. sp. nov., Ampharetidae aberrant des sources hydrothermales de la ride Est-Pacifique Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Desbruyeres, Daniel; Laubier, Lucien. Several unknown animal forms have recently been collected in the immediate vicinity of hot hydrothermal vents in the Eastern Pacific Ocean, forming a flourishing community of organisms. A tubicolous polychaete builds parchment like tubes around some of the hydrothermal vents. The tubes are covered with particles of metallic sulfur. This annelid is a new species, and is called Alvinella pompejana, new genus and species. The new sub-family Alvinellinae, erected to contain this new species, can be included in the family Ampharetidae (order Terebellida), in spite of several aberrant features. In addition to its morphological and taxonomic peculiarities. Alvinella pompejana also exhibits some remarkable biological features, in particular the existence of two... Tipo: Text Ano: 1980 URL: Alvinella pompejana gen. sp. nov., Ampharetidae aberrant des sources hydrothermales de la ride Est-Pacifique Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Desbruyeres, Daniel; Laubier, Lucien. Several unknown animal forms have recently been collected in the immediate vicinity of hot hydrothermal vents in the Eastern Pacific Ocean, forming a flourishing community of organisms. A tubicolous polychaete builds parchment like tubes around some of the hydrothermal vents. The tubes are covered with particles of metallic sulfur. This annelid is a new species, and is called Alvinella pompejana, new genus and species. The new sub-family Alvinellinae, erected to contain this new species, can be included in the family Ampharetidae (order Terebellida), in spite of several aberrant features. In addition to its morphological and taxonomic peculiarities. Alvinella pompejana also exhibits some remarkable biological features, in particular the existence of two... Tipo: Text Ano: 1980 URL: Amazonian former gold mined soils as a source of methylmercury: Evidence from a small scale watershed in French Guiana Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Guedron, Stephane; Grimaldi, Michel; Grimaldi, Catherine; Cossa, Daniel; Tisserand, Delphine; Charlet, Laurent. Total mercury (HgT) and monomethylmercury (MMHg) were investigated in a tropical head watershed (1 km(2)) of French Guiana. The watershed includes a pristine area on the hill slopes and a former gold mined flat in the bottomland. Concentrations of dissolved and particulate HgT and MMHg were measured in rain, throughfall, soil water and at three points along the stream. Samples were taken in-between and during 14 storm events at the beginning and middle of the 2005 and 2006 rainy seasons. Dissolved and particulate HgT concentrations in the stream slightly increased downstream, while dissolved and particulate MMHg concentrations were low at the pristine sub-watershed outlet (median = 0.006 ng L-1 and 1.84 ng g(-1), respectively) and sharply increased at the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mercury; Methylmercury; Tropical watershed; Gold placers; Stream water; Oxisols; Hydromorphic soils. Ano: 2011 URL: Ambient flow velocity and resulting clearance rates of the terebellid polychaete Lanice conchilega (Pallas, 1766) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Denis, L; Desroy, Nicolas; Ropert, Michel. A laboratory flume study was conducted to determine the effect of flow velocity on clearance rates of the Polychaeta Terebellidea Lanice conchilega (Pallas, 1966). Using sets of 75 individuals collected along the east coast of the English Channel, we measured clearance rates at five flow velocities of approximate to 4, 9, 15, 22 and 27 cm s(-1) with a culture of the diatom Chaetoceros calcitrans as food source. During each control (without polychaetes) or clearance (with Lanice conchilega) experiment, in vivo fluorescence was continuously monitored. Further HPLC analysis confirmed the sediment resuspension for the highest flow velocities tested, indicating the need for 'corrections' from control experiments. The global pattern resulted in a dome-shaped... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Recirculating flume; Feeding activity; Terebellidea; Polychaetes; Clearance rate; Lanice conchilega. Ano: 2007 URL: Ambient levels and occurence of persistent organic pollutans (POPs) in the airshed of a mediterranean coastal lagoon Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Castro-jimenez, Javier; Mariani, G.; Vives, I.; Skejo, A.; Umlauf, G.; Zaldivar, Jose-manuel; Messiaen, Gregory; Laugier, Thierry. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) present in the airshed of a given environment may participate in exchange / deposition processes that will determine their inputs to the terrestrial or aquatic ecosystems. In addition, physico-chemical properties of POPs may favour long range atmospheric transport to other areas, even reaching remote zones. It is therefore important to determine the airshed POPs concentration in order to evaluate the potential amounts that may participate in the mentioned processes. Coastal lagoons are characterized by a high biodiversity and intense primary production leading to both ecological and economical considerable importance. Thau lagoon seems to be under intense anthropogenic pressure (urban, industrial, agricultural and shell... Tipo: Text Ano: 2010 URL: Amélioration de la conservation des pigments du zooplancton Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Mastail, Max; Battaglia, Andre. Formolin used for fixation and preservation of zooplankton samples induce discolouration specimens by pigments oxidation.A fixating fluid has been worked out to allow the improvement of preservation from plankters chromatophores. Results shown that it is possible to defer strongly pigments fading from zooplankton and so to make taxon determinations easier. NOT CONTROLLED OCR Tipo: Text Ano: 1978 URL: Amélioration de la conservation du maquereau à bord des chalutiers Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Berre, Y. Depuis le mois de juin 1963, des chalutiers en nombre croissant livrent au port de pêche de Lorient des lots de maquereaux étêtés et vidés à bord, destinés aux conserveries. Cette présentation est une pratique nouvelle qui semble définitivement adoptée par différents navires. Tipo: Text Ano: 1963 URL: Amelioration de la forme et de la qualite de l'huitre Crassostrea gigas Thunberg dans les claires de Marennes-Oleron. Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Deslous-paoli, Jean-marc; Zanette, Yvan; Heral, Maurice; Masse, Henri; Garnier, Jacqueline. The breeding of Pacific oysters Crassostra gigas, in non tidal ponds, before commercialization, brings about an improvement of the shell and of the quantity and quality of the tissues. In fact, the Berthome's indice (1978) moves from 1.36 in June to 0.68 December, and the density of the shell increases in the same time from 1.79 to 1.98. On the other hand, the percentage of tissues in the oyster is 12.4% at the end of gametogenesis and more than 9% at the end of breeding. The dry tissues are composed of 10.3 of ash, 40.3% of proteins, 12.6% of lipids and 9% of carbohydrate. 95% of the carbohydrate are glycogen. The resulting energetic values are measured to 5.10 cal-mg super(-1) of dry tissues ash free. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Crassostrea gigas; Tissues; Biochemical composition; Shells; Growth; Oyster culture. Ano: 1981 URL: Amélioration de la gestion des conditions de frontières ouvertes biogéochimiques dans les modèles physiques et biogéochimiques couplés régionaux afin de reproduire les principaux processus d’échanges côte - large. Action vers une Modélisation Intégrée Côtière Opérationnelle (AMICO). Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Pinazo, Christel; Ross, Oliver; Diaz, F.; Doglioli, A.m.; D'Ortenzio, F.; Estournel, C.; Forget, P.; Garnier, Valerie; Gutknecht, E.; Kersale, M.; Kessouri, F.; Lathuilière, C.; Marie, Louis; Marmain, J.; Marsaleix, P.; Perruche, C.; Petrenko, A.; Reffray, G.; Sourisseau, Marc; Taillandier, V.; Taupier-letage, I.; Testor, P.; Thouvenin, Benedicte; Ulses, C.; Eldin, G. Tipo: Text Ano: 2015 URL: Amélioration de la mytiliculture dans la Baie de l'Aiguillon - Rapport général - Tome I : Campagne de mesures sur le site Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: LCHF - Laboratoire Central d'Hyraulique de France; IFREMER - LABEIM Laboratoire de Biologie et d'Ecologie des Invertébrés Marins. Dans un même secteur d'élevage de la baie de l'Aiguillon, vraisemblablement à cause de certaines inégalités de nutrition, un déséquilibre du développement des mollusques a été constaté depuis plusieurs années. Soucieux d'apporter une solution à ce problème de première importance pour la région, et conscient de ce que cette solution doit passer par une recherche de l'amélioration de la circulation des eaux dans la zone des bouchots, IFREMER (Institut Français de la Mer) a confié au Laboratoire Central d'Hydraulique de France (LCHF) une étude courantologique dans la baie de l 'Aiguillon. Cette étude comporte les trois phases suivantes : - une campagne de mesures devant permettre de préciser les caractéristiques de la courantologie dans la zone des... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Modélisation; Courantologie; Baie de l'Aiguillon; Mytiliculture; Bouchots; Modèle mathématique; Département Charente-Maritime. Ano: 1985 URL: Amélioration de la mytiliculture dans la Baie de l'Aiguillon - Rapport général - Tome IIA : Mise au point du modèle mathématique Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: LCHF - Laboratoire Central d'Hyraulique de France; IFREMER - LABEIM Laboratoire de Biologie et d'Ecologie des Invertébrés Marins. Dans un même secteur d'élevage de la baie de l'Aiguillon, vraisemblablement à cause de certaines inégalités de nutrition, un déséquilibre du développement des mollusques a été constaté depuis plusieurs années. Soucieux d'apporter une solution à ce problème de première importance pour la région, et conscient de ce que cette solution doit passer par une recherche de l'amélioration de la circulation des eaux dans la zone des bouchots, IFREMER (Institut Français de la Merl a confié au Laboratoire Central d'hydraulique de France (L.C.H.F.) une étude courantologique dans la baie de l'Aiguillon. Cette étude comporte les trois phases suivantes : - une campagne de mesures devant permettre de préciser les caractéristiques de la courantologie dans la zone des... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Modélisation; Courantologie; Baie de l'Aiguillon; Bouchots; Modèle mathématique; Département Charente-Maritime. Ano: 1987 URL: Amélioration de la mytiliculture dans la Baie de l'Aiguillon - Rapport général - Tome IIB : Résultats des essais sur modèle mathématique Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: LCHF - Laboratoire Central d'Hyraulique de France; IFREMER - LABEIM Laboratoire de Biologie et d'Ecologie des Invertébrés Marins. Dans un même secteur d'élevage de la baie de l'Aiguillon, vraisemblablement à cause de certaines inégalités de nutrition, un déséquilibre du développement des mollusques a été constaté depuis plusieurs années. Soucieux d'apporter une solution à ce problème de première importance pour la région, et conscient de ce que cette solution doit passer par une recherche de l'amélioration de la circulation des eaux dans la zone des bouchots, IFREMER (Institut Français de la mer) a confié au Laboratoire Central d'Hydraulique de France (LCHF) une étude courantologique dans la baie de l'Aiguillon. Cette étude comporte les trois phases suivantes : * une campagne de mesures devant permettre de préciser les caractéristiques de la courantologie dans la zone des bouchots... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Courantologie; Baie de l'Aiguillon; Mytiliculture; Bouchots; Modèle mathématique; Département Charente-Maritime. Ano: 1987 URL: Amélioration de la qualité chez l'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas par sélection de souches performantes - Contrat de Plan Etat Région Poitou-Charentes 1994-1998 - Rapport année 1995 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Boudry, Pierre; Naciri, Yamama; Heral, Maurice; Collet, Bertrand; Bougrier, Serge; Geffard, Olivier; Ledu, Christophe; Phelipot, Pascal; Heurtebise, Serge; Gerard, Andre. Le programme de recherche présenté ci-dessous est le fruit d'une réflexion conjointe entre généticiens et physiologistes afin de mettre sur pied un ensemble d'expériences permettant d'étudier les bases génétiques de la variabilité des caractères impliqués dans la croissance chez l'huître creuse, Crassostrea gigas. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Génétique; Sélection génétique; Génétique des populations; Croissance; Crassostrea gigas. Ano: 1995 URL: Amélioration de la qualité des grands pélagiques à la Réunion - Mise au point d'un protocole de diminution du stress intervenant dès le ferrage - Action 4 -Rapport intermédiare Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Dezier, C.; Roos, David; Rene, Francois. La vocation de tout organisme IFREMER est de fournir un appui technique et scientifique aux pêcheurs professionnels. Dans le cadre de cette étude, il aura été question de mettre au point un système de traitement du poisson permettant de mieux valoriser ce dernier. L'originalité de cette étude réside dans l'idée d'intervenir dès le ferrage du poisson. Jusqu'à lors, les études portaient uniquement sur un traitement après appontage. Ici, nous allons essayer d'intervenir encore plus en amont, en reprécisant toutefois les différentes étapes qu'il convient de respecter pour obtenir un produit de la meilleure qualité possible. Les pêcheurs étant au point de départ de la chaîne de transformation du poisson, ils ont une influence capitale sur la qualité du produit... Tipo: Text Ano: 1997 URL: Amélioration de la résistance des stratifiés pour bateaux Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Hildebrand, M. The material properties of over 50 different laminates made by a group of Finnish boat-yards have been measured in a large test project. Tension, compression, bending, interlaminar shear and impact tests have been carried out for all the laminates. Among others, different polyester resins, different woven and non-woven fabrics, chopped strand mat and unidirectional roving were used as basic ply materials. The effect of various parameters has been determined not only on the maximum failure strength, but also on the strain level at which the first failure occurs. Main differences between the ratio of static and impact test results of the different materials have been determined. The results show that by choosing certain material parameters efficiently,... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Strength; Ship technology; Composite materials; Résistance mécanique; Bateaux; Stratifiés; Matériaux composites. Ano: 1992 URL: Amélioration de la salubrité des eaux conchylicoles de l'estuaire de l'Elorn et du Nord de la Rade de Brest - Etude du milieu marin Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Hir, Pierre; Breton, M; L'Yavanc, J. Afin de préciser les rejets où il est préférable d'intervenir pour réduire les contaminations des secteurs conchylicoles de l'Elorn et du Nord de la rade de Brest, un calcul de dilution de chacun des rejets a été mené à l'aide d'un modèle mathématique. Après une description des courants de marée calculés dans tout le secteur d'étude, des figures de dilution sont présentées. L'impact de chaque rejet se déduit facilement. Tipo: Text Ano: 1987 URL: Amélioration de la sélectivité des chalutiers Pêcherie multispécifique Manche - Mer du Nord (selecmer) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Leonardi, Sophie; Rubin, Alex; Meillat, Marc; Coppin, Franck; Delpech, Jean-paul; Morandeau, Fabien; Larnaud, Pascal. Ce rapport fait la synthèse des travaux réalisés en 2008 et en 2009 au cours du programme Selecmer. Celui-ci, réalisé à l'initiative des professionnels de la pêche en partenariat avec l'Ifremer, avait pour objectif de travailler à améliorer la sélectivité du chalut de fond qu'ils utilisent afin de diminuer les rejets des individus hors-tailles1, en particulier pour le merlan, tout en limitant les pertes commerciales immédiates. Une première phase a consisté à tester l'efficacité de fenêtres à mailles carrées. La deuxième phase a eu pour objectif de développer une grille sélective. Des essais en bassin et des campagnes vidéo en mer ont permis d'apporter des ajustements aux dispositifs sélectifs. L'ensemble des essais de sélectivité à bord des navires de... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Professional fishermen; Square mehs; Flume tank; Selective grid; North Sea; Channel; Bottom trawl; Selectivity; Fishing; Professionnels; Mailles carrées; Campagnes à la mer; Bassin d'essais; Grille sélective; Mer du Nord; Manche; Chalut de fond; Sélectivité; Pêche. Ano: 2009 URL: Amélioration de l'évaluation des stocks de mollusques cultivés en Charente- Maritime Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bacher, Cedric; Deslous-paoli, Jean-marc; Heral, Maurice; Prou, Jean. The expansion of shellfish culture businesses (oysters, mussels, clams...) gives way to a competition for the use of limited food resources, especially in the Marennes-Oléron basin where water circulation is slow. Increasing the amount of cultivated molluscs leads, from a biological point of view, to:- a drop in growth performances- a rise in chronic mortalities, higher and higher, due to a weakness in the physiological state with a lack of stocks which would have compensated the habitat seasonal shortages (end of winter, etc...)- a greater weakness to diseases, linked to a deficient physiological state and a density rise which increases the proximity rate and thus, parasite propagation speed.For these primary reasons, and for the future of oyster culture,... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Modélisation; Estimation; Echantillonnage; Mollusques; Marennes Oléron; Evaluation stocks. Ano: 1986 URL: Amélioration des productions phytoplanctoniques en écloserie de mollusques : caractérisation des microalgues fourrage Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Robert, Rene; Chretiennot-dinet, Marie-josèphe; Kaas, Raymond; Martin-jezequel, Véronique; Moal, Jeanne; Le Coz, Jean-rene; Nicolas, Jean-louis; Bernard, Eudes; Connan, Jean-paul; Le Dean, Loic; Le Gourrierec, Gaetane; Leroy, Bertrand; Quere, Claudie. in mollusc hatcheries. Consequently, we assessed themost commonly used species to establish their growth and size profiles, their cytomorphological, biochemical, biomolecular identification as well as their cytometer signs, and also their ability to grow under extreme conditions of temperature and salinity. This work aimed at matching the conformity of the strains used in Argenton (dispatched to most of the French commercial hatcheries) to those of a referenced culture collection. A previous screening preceded this study, because of the 45 species and/or clones held originally, Argenton kept no more than 15 species. As most of the latter are also represented in referenced collection, our strains are therefore correctly identified. On the other hand, the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ecological limits; Biomolecular profile; Flow cytometry; Biochemical composition; Cytomorphology; Phytoplankton; Mollusc; Hatchery; Ecotolérance; Profil biomoléculaire; Cytométrie en flux; Composition biochimique; Cytomorphologie; Phytoplancton; Mollusques; Ecloserie. Ano: 2004 URL: Amélioration des techniques d'élevage de la chevrette Macrobrachium rosenbergii en Guyane Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Griessinger, Jean-michel; Gondouin, Philippe; Dutto, Gilbert; Lacroix, Denis; Pollet, Thierry; Falguiere, Jean-claude; Mer, Gilles. En 1987, l'analyse du système d'élevage en continu menée par l' IFREMER tant sur les fermes guyanaises que sur la station expérimentale de Kourou a permis de mettre en évidence les limites et les faiblesses de ce mode d'élevage. Elle a montré la nécessité d'un meilleur contrôle du cheptel depuis l'ensemencement jusqu'à la commercialisation afin de pouvoir atteindre de manière fiable des rendements de l'ordre de 2,5 T/ha/an. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Elevage; Chevrette; Macrobrachium rosenbergii; Guyane; Zootechnie; Production; Grow-out; Freshwater prawn; Macrobrachium rseenbergii; French Guiana; Production. Ano: 1990 URL: Amélioration des techniques d'élevage de la chevrette Macrobrachium rosenbergii en Guyane (programme pluri-annuel 1988-1990). 2ème volet : années 1989-1990 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Griessinger, Jean-michel; Gondouin, Philippe; Dutto, Gilbert; Lacroix, Denis; Pollet, Thierry; Falguiere, Jean-claude; Mer, Gilles. Le programme d'amélioration des techniques d'élevage de la Chevrette Macrobrachium rosenbergii en Guyane constitue la deuxième phase du programme d'expérimentation mené sur la station IFREMER de Kourou. Jusqu'en 1988, l'effort a porté sur l'analyse du système continu classique utilisé par l'ensemble des producteurs de Macrobrachium aux Antilles et en Guyane. A partir de 1988, il apparut que la résolution des problèmes posés par son application passait par l'utilisation de schémas de gestion de la population en mode discontinu. Les expérimentations ont donc porté sur les principales conditions d'élevage susceptibles d'améliorer l'efficacité du schéma d'exploitation de la population. En prégrossissement, il s'agissait d'obtenir le meilleur compromis... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Elevage; Chevrette; Macrobrachium; Guyane; Zootechnie; Production. Ano: 1992 URL: Amélioration du protocole de PCR quantitative pour la détection de l'OsHV1 chez l'huître creuse, Crassostrea gigas, dans le cadre du projet TRIPLOFIMER et suivi d'individus lors du phénomène de mortalité estivale dans le cadre du projet AQUAFIRST Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Riou, Antoine. Depuis 1991, des épisodes de mortalités massives touchent les élevages ostréicoles français, notamment pour l'espèce Crassostrea gigas. Un des facteurs responsables de ces événements est le virus de l'Herpès de l'huître : Oyster Herpesvirus type 1 ou OsHV-1. Les travaux réalisés au cours de ce stage ont contribué dans un premier temps à l'amélioration du protocole d'analyse basé sur l'utilisation d'un appareil de Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) en temps résel, puis aux analyses et au suivi de la charge virale par cette technique, d'individus entrant dans le cadre des projets - TRIPLOMER et AQUAFIRST-UE. Cette approche permettra par la suite de réaliser des diganostics fiables de la maladie tout en précisant le nombre de copies ADN (Acide... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Protocole; Herpes vrus; PCR quantitative; Huîtres creuses; Crassostrea gigas; Diagnostic. Ano: 2006 URL: Amélioration et adaptation de la méthode d'identification des espèces par électrofocalisation des protéines appliquée aux crevettes, mollusques et préparations de poissons hachés Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Etienne, Monique; Landrein, Annie; Durand, Patrick. Tipo: Text Ano: 1989 URL: Amélioration génétique et utilisation des aliments à base de végétaux en pisciculture Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Boucher, Richard; Dupont-nivet, M.; Laureau, S.; Labbe, Laurent; Geurden, I.; Medale, F.; Chatain, Beatrice; Vandeputte, Marc; Quillet, E. World fish farm production is growing rapidly. However, the supply of fishmeal and fish oil, the major ingredients of fish diets, has reached a limit because of the limits in the exploitation of wild fish stocks that cannot be increased to meet a growing demand. The main response, especially in Europe, has been the progressive replacement of fishmeal and fish oil by plant products. However, the strong reduction of growth and sometimes survival of fish fed highly substituted diets has urged research on the genetic potential for adaptation to plant-based diets. Recent results clearly demonstrate that fish can be selected for their capacity to grow when fed plant-based diets, even though the underlying mechanisms remain unknown. Genotype-diet interactions... Tipo: Text Ano: 2013 URL: Amélioration génétique expérimentale de la crevette d'élevage de Nouvelle-Calédonie : Sélection d'une population de L. stylirostris résistante à la bactérie pathogène Vibrio penaeicida. Rapport final pour le Ministère de l'Outre-Mer Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Goyard, Emmanuel; Goarant, Cyrille; Bachere, Evelyne; De Lorgeril, Julien; Mugnier, Chantal; Ansquer, Dominique; Broutoi, Francis; Brun, Pierre; Imbert, Frederic; Justou, Carole; Maillez, Jean-rene; Patrois, Jacques; Pham, Dominique; Peignon, Jean-marie. The New-Caledonian shrimp industry is based on the controlled reproduction of the shrimp Litopenaeus stylirostris, a species which was introduced in the 80s. The major difficulty to which the industry has been faced for 10 years is the occurrence of the "syndrome 93", which corresponds to mortality phases when the temperature falls down in April-May-June. This mortality is associated to the pathogenic bacteria Vibrio penaecida and is expressed at different levels which are variable from year ta year and from pond to pond. No resistance to this pathology has been developed spontaneously. This is likely due to the protocole used to rear spawners, which does not allow to implement an efficient selective pressure at each generation An experimental selection... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Amélioration génétique; P. styliroslris; Résistance; Syndrome 93; Lyzozyme; Genetic improvement; P. styliroslris; Résistance; Syndrome 93; Lyzozyme. Ano: 2003 URL: Amélioration génétique pour la résistance au Syndrome 93 : bilan de 5 générations de sélection expérimentale Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Goyard, Emmanuel; Ansquer, Dominique; Brun, Pierre; De Decker, Sophie; Dufour, Robert; Goarant, Cyril; Patrois, Jacques; Peignon, Jean; Pham, Dominique. Selective breeding of shrimp for viral resistance is established for species like L. vannamei and L. stylirostris. However, selection for bacterial infection resistance is not documented. In New Caledonia, "Syndrome 93" is a vibriosis that affects cultured shrimps during the cool season with survival from 15 to 30%. Current practises for breeders rearing at low densities do not improve the resistance of the offsprings mainly because selection pressures for "Syndrome 93" are low. Even after the fifth generation, survival improvement is not significant. Tipo: Text Ano: 2005 URL: Améliorations à réaliser pour préserver la qualité du poisson frais Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Soudan, F. The issue of the presentation of fresh fish to the consumer is far from being solved despite the numerous works which tackled this question. Too often, fishes sold away from the coast are not appetizing and numerous fish lovers prefer not to eat them, in the absence of very fresh fish. Indeed, many difficulties occur when it comes to shipping the dozens of thousands of tonnes of fish caught every year by industrial fishing boats to places located hundreds of kilometres away from the ocean. Tipo: Text Ano: 1952 URL: Améliorations récentes des techniques d'élevages et de la qualité des animaux produits en écloserie de loup, Dicentrarchus labrax Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Coves, Denis. Tipo: Text Ano: 1986 URL: Aménagement de la Baie de la Canche - Rapport de l'étude sur l'écologie et la productivité de l'estuaire de la Canche Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Desaunay, Yves. Tipo: Text Ano: 1974 URL: Aménagement de la baie du mont Saint-Michel. Les possibilités de développement de la vénériculture Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Berthome, Jean-paul; Le Mao, Patrick; Rey, H.; Nguyen, D. Le développement d'un élevage nouveau peut entrainer des conséquences biologiques et économiques, dans un secteur conchylicole traditionnel. Après une présentation de la baie du Mont Saint-Michel et de ses activités, l’étude fournit une évaluation du niveau de nourriture pour les bivalves. Les possibilités biologiques de développement de l’élevage de la palourde sans impact sur les cultures existantes sont montrées. Enfin, la faisabilité économique du projet est analysée de même que la sensibilité des résultats selon différentes hypothèses. Tipo: Text Ano: 1987 URL: Aménagement de la ressource côtière au Japon : effet des repeuplements marins Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Henocque, Yves. Generally, fisheries in developed countries have to face three main constraints (according to the report of the synthesis meeting of September 17th, 1982, ISTPM Technical Reports n° 3 a 1983):- The evolution of marine legislation has just limited their access to a number of areas, forcing them to focus on their own economic area.- The high exploitation level of a number of stocks raises the issue of the limits of their production capacities.- Exploitation costs have strongly increased because of the oil crisis. As regards to this situation, the general concept of resource management, that is to say the passing of a set of measures aiming to protect and keep a good balance of the exploited stocks taking into account the laws of marine ecology and population... Tipo: Text Ano: 1984 URL: Aménagement de l'aire marine marseillaise et du précontinent du Cap Couronne au Cap de l'Aigle Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Blanc, J. Tipo: Text Ano: 1972 URL: Aménagement des marais atlantiques : nécessité d'une gestion de l'espace littoral Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bodoy, Alain; Dardignac, Marie-josée; Manaud, Francois; Masson, Daniel; Mauvais, Jean-louis; Thomas, Gerard. Tipo: Text Ano: 1989 URL: Aménagement des pêcheries côtières de Nord-Bretagne, algues-crustacés Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Arzel, Pierre. Today, the seaweed industry's main products are the alginates and carraghenanes. The industrial network faces many problems. However, it remains prosperous since it ranks fifth in the world for alginate production and third for caraghenanes'. This stability which seems safe on a middle term standpoint must not conceal the crisis which previously hit Fucus' exploitation. Rightly so, being harvested until approximately 1950 for soil amendment purposes, coastal kelp (i.e. Fucus), was replaced by chemical fertilizers. Brittany's production which was reaching 180 000 cubic metre in the twenties, close to 200 000 tons of fresh kelp, would have become non existent if it had not been converted into seaweed meal for livestock feed. The market demand was then... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Coastal fisheries development; North Brittany; Crustacean; Seaweed; Aménagement des pêcheries cotières; Nord Bretagne; Crustacé; Algue. Ano: 1989 URL: Amenagement des peches dans les eaux communautaires: potentiel et limites des systemes de licences Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Meuriot, Eric; Maucorps, A. Fishing regulations in waters under the responsibility of the EEC mainly concern three techniques of site development: - catch quotas by species and by area (TAC, a word adapted from the English Total Allowable Catch); - the definition of the technical characteristics of the fishing devices used (meshing, type of trawl,...); - setting a minimum commercial size for each species. The regulations of meshing and other constraints relating to the technical characteristics of the fishing devices aim to modify the composition of the catches by age class. The TACs are a technique for controlling the level of exploitation of the stocks. Controlling the fishing effort that they generate is carried out indirectly in the short or mid term. For many years now,... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM. Ano: 1986 URL: Aménagement des pêches lagunaires en Côte d'Ivoire Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Doucet, F; Chauvet, C; Gilly, Bernard; Meuriot, Eric. Les changements intervenus dans les pêches lagunaires de Côte d'Ivoire au cours des vingt dernières années ont Crée de nombreux problèmes. Ces changements ont souvent pris la forme d'une introduction de nouveaux engins de pêche plus efficaces. Cela a non seulement entrai-né un accroissement considérable de l'effort de pêche et une certaine surexploitation des stocks, mais est aussi devenue une source nouvelle de conflits entre les pêcheurs continuant à employer les engins traditionnels et ceux utilisant les nouveaux engins. A la demande du Gouvernement, une mission FAO s'est rendue en Côte-d'Ivoire en mars-avril 1985 afin de préparer un plan d'aménagement des pêcheries lagunaires. A cette fin, la mission a procédé à une évaluation bio-économique de l'état... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM. Ano: 1985 URL: Aménagement des pêches régionales (Baie de Seine) - Rapport d'activité 1990 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Morin, Jocelyne; Legrand, Veronique; Fiant, Liliane; Duval, P.; Giret, Marc; Lemoine, M.; Miossec, Dominique; Tetard, Alain; Vigneau, Joel. Dans le cadre contractuel du Plan Etat-Région de Basse-Normandie, plusieurs actions d'intérêt régional ont été menées de 1984 à 1988 sur : - la pêcherie de praires et bivalves du Cotentin ouest, - les pêcheries côtières de homard, seiche, buccin de la côte du Cotentin ouest, - l'exploitation des gisements de moule du Cotentin est, - la gestion des ressources en coquilles Saint-Jacques de baie de Seine. Ces travaux ont contribué à la définition et à la mise en place de règles d'exploitation et à mieux cerner certaines ressources potentielles telles que les bivalves autres que ceux classiquement exploités. Le programme proposé pour la période 1989-1993 a eu pour objectif majeur d'accompagner la Région dans son effort de gestion de sa pêche et de ses... Tipo: Text Ano: 1991 URL: Aménagement des techniques de production de la chevrette Macrobrachium rosenbergii en Guyane Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Griessinger, Jean-michel; Lacroix, Denis; Falguiere, Jean-claude; Pollet, Thierry; Gondouin, Philippe; Mer, Gilles. En 1987, la filière de production de chevrettes Macrobrachium rosenbergii en Guyane Française a fait l'objet d'intervention du laboratoire d'aquaculture de l'IFREMER à 2 niveaux : un appui technique à la profession, et des expérimentations à la station expérimentale gérée en commun par IFREMER et INRA, à KOUROU. L'appui technique a porté sur la formation d'éleveurs notamment pour le démarrage des exploitations, l'amélioration des techniques d'exploitation et de choix des classes détaillées commerciales, la maîtrise des caractéristiques du milieu d'élevage par l'utilisation des amendements classiques, la lutte contre la contamination des produits par les germes coliformes. Le programme de recherche a porté en 1987 sur l'analyse du milieu d'élevage et tenté... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Elevage; Chevrette; Macrobrachium rosenbergii; Guyane; Zootechnie; Hydrologie; Production. Ano: 1989 URL: Aménagement et gestion du complexe de pêche de la lagune de Salses-Leucate - Technologie, production, alevinage et parasitologie Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bourquard, C.; Quignard, J.p. L'aménagement et la gestion d'un complexe de pêche lagunaire est abordé d'après l'exemple de la lagune de Salses-Leucate (Aude et Pyrénées orientales). Après une description technique de la bordigue et des caractéristiques hydrologiques du site, sa production est donnée et comparée à celle des lagunes tunisiennes et italiennes. Le comportement du poisson vis à vis de ces structures est analysé en vue de l'amélioration de l'outil de pêche. L'ensemble des modalités de l'alevinage est passé en revue puis celui-ci est présenté sous l'aspect d'un calendrier des entrées de la mer vers la lagune. Des 'exemples précis sont décrits avec les espèces Solea vulgaris,Sparus aurata,Diplodus sargus,Mugil cephaLus, Dicentrarchus Labrax et Platichthys flesus. L'incidence... Tipo: Text Ano: 1984 URL: Amenagement industriel du littoral et surveillance de l'environnement: La centrale nucleaire de Gravelines (1975 a 1989) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Fevre-lehoerff, G; Woehrling, D. Studies have been conducted at Gravelines (France) to estimate the effects of construction and then, the operation of a nuclear power plant. These studies take into account diverse sources of stress: the thermal impact ( Delta T = +11 degree C), the chlorination procedures (0.8 ppm) and the mechanical effects (flow rate 240 m super(3)/s). Distinction has been made between impacts occurring within the cooling system and impacts within the thermal plume. The ecological monitoring has been particularly concerned with water, sediment and organic matter, benthic and pelagic organisms. Results of these field studies include a baseline information in terms of physical, chemical and biological measurements and describe a "reference state" with chronological series. Tipo: Text Ano: 1991 URL: Amino-acids in the sediments and interstitial waters from odp hole-677b and hole-678b in the panama basin Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Kawahata, H; Ishizuka, T. Biogenic siliceous and calcareous sediments were drilled at sites 677 and 678 on the flank of Costa Rica Rift in the Panama basin. We analysed DCAA (dissolved combined amino acids) and DFAA (dissolved free amino acids) in the interstitial waters as well as THAA (total hydrolyzable amino acids) in the sediments in order to evaluate the relationship between THAA, DCAA and DFAA. Comparison of the THAA in the sediments and in marine settling particulate matter (Ittekkot et al., 1984 b) showed that the concentration of non-protein amino acids (e. g., beta-alanine, gamma-aminobutyric acid, and ornithine) was much higher in the sediments and that the neutral amino acid fraction was depleted in the sediments. These results, together with the organic carbon... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: BIOGENIC SEDIMENTS; INTERSTITIAL WATER; THAA; DCAA; DFAA. Ano: 1993 URL: Amoco Cadiz : Bilan du Colloque sur les Consequences d'une Pollution Accidentelle Par Hydrocarbures. Brest. November 1979 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Marchand, Michel. The author reviews the main results of the Amoco cadiz scientific surveys, presented at the Brest symposium in November 1979, more that one year after the accident. The evolution of marine oil pollution is described from several points of views: geomorphology, sedimentology, and chemical processes (evolution, weathering, biodegradation). As for the ecological impact, the Amoco cadiz oil spill showed the importance of a reference index of marine communities (biomass, density, species diversity, natural variability). There were many scientific studies on the polluted zone before the accident, and conclusions could be drawn: the initial mortality phase was important but short, and most species proved to be resistant. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Degradation; Pollution effects; Pollution surveys; Oil spills. Ano: 1981 URL: AMOCO CADIZ - Bilan du colloque sur les conséquences d'une pollution accidentelle par hydrocarbures. Brest - Novembre 1979 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Marchand, Michel. Ce rapport propose une synthèse des informations présentées au Colloque «Amoco Cadiz», tenu au Centre Océanologique de Bretagne, en novembre 1979. Il fait état des études menées sur une durée de vingt mois après l'accident et aussi des travaux engagés au cours de la troisième année du suivi écologique. C'est donc le bilan d'un effort de recherche scientifique considérable mené à l'instigation du Ministère de l'Environnement et du Cadre de Vie, sous la direction du CNEXO, avec la collaboration de nombreuses équipes scientifiques françaises et étrangères. Ce bilan fait le partage entre les connaissances acquises au cours de l'expérience et les zones d'ombres pour lesquelles on ne peut apporter de réponses satisfaisantes. Le rapport présente quelques... Tipo: Text Ano: 1981 URL: AMOCO CADIZ : Conséquences d’une pollution accidentelle par les hydrocarbures – Fates and effects of the oil spill. Analyse bibliographique Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: CNEXO; Ministère de l’Environnement et du Cadre de Vie. Il nous a paru indispensable, après la catastrophe de l'Amoco Cadiz, de suivre les publications parues sur le sujet: articles ou communications scientifiques sur l'impact écologique, rapports sur la lutte contre la pollution, textes et mises au point juridiques ou encore bilans économiques ... Le colloque qui se déroule au Centre Océanologique de Bretagne, du 19 au 22 novembre, est une occasion de publier la dernière mise à jour du dossier, au moment où cette réunion viendra en grossir tout d'un coup le volume. Tipo: Text Ano: 1980 URL: AMOCO CADIZ : Conséquences d’une pollution accidentelle par les hydrocarbures – Fates and effects of the oil spill. Informations générales : Transports, Plan du Centre Océanologique de Bretagne, Plan de Brest, Liste des participants Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: CNEXO; Ministère de l’Environnement et du Cadre de Vie. Tipo: Text Ano: 1980 URL: AMOCO CADIZ : Conséquences d’une pollution accidentelle par les hydrocarbures – Fates and effects of the oil spill - Résumé des communications Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: CNEXO; Ministère de l’Environnement et du Cadre de Vie. Tipo: Text Ano: 1980 URL: Amoco-Cadiz : Informations sur la contamination des espèces exploitées Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Michel, Pierre; Abarnou, Alain. This report is a statement of the analytical results obtained in the control of the exploited species three months after the AMOCO CADIZ ran aground on the coast of Brittany. Different samples have been studied, among these : algae, crustaceans (Maïa squinado and Cancer pagurus). twenty species of fish, and molluscs (Ostrea edulis. Crassostrea gigas. Mytilus edulis) Algae have been heavily contaminated but are partically available for alginate industry. Molluscs are not presently edible within the whole polluted area. Fishes and crustaceans are less polluted. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pollution marine; Analyse; Hydrocarbures; Marine pollution; Analysis; Hydrocarbons. Ano: 1978 URL: "Amoco-cadiz" : observations sur la contamination des poissons après trois mois Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Michel, Pierre. Some fish mortalities have been observed immediately after the wreck of the "Amoco-Cadiz". Therefore most of them have not been very contaminated. The author thinks that fish rapidly escaped from the polluted area for some time. Tipo: Text Ano: 1978 URL: AMP-deaminase in elasmobranch fish: A comparative histochemical and enzymatic study Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Thebault, Marie-t; Izem, Lahoucine; Leroy, Jean Paul; Gobin, Eric; Charrier, Gregory; Raffin, Jean-paul. AMP-deaminase activity was measured in white muscle from a wide range of fish, including one cyclostome, 13 chondrosteans, and one teleost to elucidate the pattern of the AMP-deaminase activity in white muscle of fish. Compared to a mammalian (rat) muscle extract, low enzyme activities are found in the cyclostome and two elasmobranchs from two families (Scyliorhinidae, Hexanchidae). In contrast, higher AMP-deaminase activities, similar to mammals, are expressed in Squalidae, all families of skates, Chimaeridae and in the teleostean fish. We then compared AMP-deaminase activities in red and white muscles from two representative elasmobranch fish, the dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula) and the thornback ray (Raja clavata). The fibre type composition and... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: White fibres; Red fibres; Muscle; Histology; Fish; Evolution; Elasmobranch; AMP deaminase. Ano: 2005 URL: Amphi-Atlantic cold-seep Bathymodiolus species complexes across the equatorial belt Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Olu, Karine; Von Cosel, R; Hourdez, S; Carney, S; Jollivet, D. Deep-sea bivalves of the subfamily Bathymodiolinae (family Mytilidae) are very widespread and form dense beds in reduced environments such as hydrothermal vents and cold seeps. Bathymodiolus mussels recently discovered on African cold seeps strangely resemble Gulf of Mexico and Barbados seep species. This raises intriguing questions regarding their taxonomic relationships and their dispersal capabilities across the Atlantic equatorial belt. The morphological study of the shell and soft parts of mussels from either sites of the Atlantic shows that they form two distinct groups: the Bathymodiolus boomerang group (also including Bathymodiolus heckerae and a species from Africa), and the Bathymodiolus childressi group (also including Bathymodiolus mauritanicus... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: RDNA ITS2; Mitochondrial cytochrome oxydase; Amphi Atlantic species; Cold seeps; Bathymodiolus. Ano: 2007 URL: Amphipodes récoltés par le « Président-Théodore-Tissier» dans le golfe du Lion Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Costa, Suzanne. The collection of amphipods studied here comes from a research cruise on board the "Président-Théodore-Tissier" of the Fisheries Institute in the Gulf of Lion in October and November 1958. I would like to thank Prof Peres, director of the Marine Station at Endoume, who kindly provided me with this biological material. Here, I will give a brief list of species observed and will then carry out a taxonomic analysis. Tipo: Text Ano: 1960 URL: Amplification of environmental fluctuations by marine ecosystems Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Silvert, W. Environmental variability is an important cause of fluctuations in marine ecosystems. Some ecosystems appear to have characteristic resonant frequencies, and even a weak environmental signal at one of these frequencies can cause large changes in population sizes. It is already known that some commercial fish stocks undergo abundance cycles which can be explained in this way, since models of their population dynamics exhibit resonances at or near the appropriate frequencies. In this paper it is shown that resonance found in Lotka-Volterra models of predator-prey systems appears to be a likely cause of many of the fluctuations found in marine ecosystems. Tipo: Text Ano: 1983 URL: Amylase et trypsine du zooplancton et surveillance du milieu pelagique en Bretagne Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Samain, J F; Moal, J; Le Coz, Jr; Daniel, J Y. As the composition and physiological activity of zooplankton is mostly controlled by environmental conditions, their measurement in situ may be a suitable tool for monitoring the pelagic system. The digestive enzymes, amylase and trypsin, of the zooplankton of coastal waters of Brittany, have been measured during three years as their levels are related to taxonomic composition and feeding patterns of zooplankton. There is evidence of a well-defined annual cycle of these enzymes related to changes in taxonomic composition and feeding patterns with different characterized phases. Observed variability is analysed and associated with the diversity, the stability and the difference in maturity of ecological conditions in the area. Tipo: Text Ano: 1983 URL: Amylase polymorphism affects growth in the cupped oyster Crassostrea gigas Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Huvet, Arnaud; Samain, Jean-francois; Boudry, Pierre; Bedier, Edouard; Ropert, Michel; Van Wormhoudt, A. The better understanding of physiological and environmental factors that determine optimal food conversion efficiencies is of major interest for the cupped oyster Crassostrea gigas for which the strong increase of aquaculture has been correlated in France with a decrease in productivity due to competition between aquatic species for limited food supplies at grow-out sites. To investigate the non-neutrality of the polymorphism of amylase, a key enzyme for carbohydrate assimilation, in oyster physiology, we report in the present paper the growth and survival measurement of amylase genotypes within five bi-parental C. gigas families, bred to be polymorph at the two PCR-RFLP amylase markers, and reared over one year under standard culture conditions in two... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Amylase markers; Growth; Amylase Polymorphism; Genetic; Oysters; Crassostrea gigas. Ano: 2005 URL: An abyssal mobilome: Viruses, plasmids and vesicles from deep-sea hydrothermal vents Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lossouarn, Julien; Dupont, Samuel; Gorlas, Aurore; Mercier, Coraline; Bienvenu, Nadege; Marguet, Evelyne; Forterre, Patrick; Geslin, Claire. Mobile genetic elements (MGEs) such as viruses, plasmids, vesicles, gene transfer agents (GTAs), transposons and transpovirions, which collectively represent the mobilome, interact with cellular organisms from all three domains of life, including those thriving in the most extreme environments. While efforts have been made to better understand deep-sea vent microbial ecology, our knowledge of the mobilome associated with prokaryotes inhabiting deep-sea hydrothermal vents remains limited. Here we focus on the abyssal mobilome by reviewing accumulating data on viruses, plasmids and vesicles associated with thermophilic and hyperthermophilic Bacteria and Archaea present in deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Deep-sea hydrothermal vent; Bacteria; Archaea; (Hyper-)thermophiles; Mobilome. Ano: 2015 URL: An accurate formula to calculate exclusion power of marker sets in parentage assignment Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Vandeputte, Marc. In studies on parentage assignment with both parents unknown, the exclusion power of a marker set is generally computed under the hypothesis that the potential families tested are independent and unrelated samples. This tends to produce overly optimistic exclusion power estimates. In this work, we have developed a new formula that gives almost unbiased results at the population level. Tipo: Text Ano: 2012 URL: An alternative early opening scenario for the Central Atlantic Ocean Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Labails, Cinthia; Olivet, Jean-louis; Aslanian, Daniel; Roest, Walter. The opening of the Central Atlantic Ocean basin that separated North America from northwest Africa is well documented and assumed to have started during the Late Jurassic. However, the early evolution and the initial breakup history of Pangaea are still debated: most of the existing models are based on one or multiple ridge jumps at the Middle Jurassic leaving the oldest crust on the American side, between the East Coast Magnetic Anomaly (ECMA) and the Blake Spur Magnetic Anomaly (BSMA). According to these hypotheses, the BSMA represents the limit of the initial basin and the footprint subsequent to the ridge jump. Consequently, the evolution of the northwest African margin is widely different from the northeast American margin. However, this setting is in... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Central Atlantic Ocean; Mesozoic reversals; Volcanism; Fracture zones; Spreading asymmetry; Plate reconstructions. Ano: 2010 URL: An altimetry-based gravest empirical mode south of Africa: 1. Development and validation Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Swart, Sebastiaan; Speich, Sabrina; Ansorge, Isabelle J.; Lutjeharms, Johann. Hydrographic transects of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) south of Africa are projected into baroclinic stream function space parameterized by pressure and dynamic height. This produces a two-dimensional gravest empirical mode (GEM) that captures more than 97% of the total density and temperature variance in the ACC domain. Weekly maps of absolute dynamic topography data, derived from satellite altimetry, are combined with the GEM to obtain a 16 year time series of temperature and salinity fields. The time series of thermohaline fields are compared with independent in situ observations. The residuals decrease sharply below the thermocline and through the entire water column the mean root-mean-square (RMS) error is 0.15 degrees C, 0.02, and 0.02 kg... Tipo: Text Ano: 2010 URL: An altimetry-based gravest empirical mode south of Africa: 2. Dynamic nature of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current fronts Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Swart, Sebastiaan; Speich, Sabrina. Swart et al. (2010) applied altimetry data to the gravest empirical mode south of Africa to yield a 16 year time series of temperature and salinity sections. In this study we use these thermohaline sections to derive weekly estimates of heat content (HC) and salt content (SC) at the GoodHope meridional transect of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). These estimates compare favorably to observed data. The resulting 16 year time series of HC and SC estimates are used to explain the subsurface thermohaline variability at each ACC front and frontal zone. The variability at the Subantarctic Zone (SAZ) is principally driven by the presence of Agulhas Rings, which occur in this region approximately 2.7 times per annum and are responsible for the longest and... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Altimetry; ACC; Fronts. Ano: 2010 URL: An amylase gene polymorphism is associated with growth differences in the Pacific cupped oyster Crassostrea gigas Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Prudence, Marie; Moal, Jeanne; Boudry, Pierre; Daniel, Jean-yves; Quere, Claudie; Jeffroy, Fanny; Mingant, Christian; Ropert, Michel; Bedier, Edouard; Van Wormhoudt, A; Samain, Jean-francois; Huvet, Arnaud. This study investigated the non-neutrality of genetic polymorphism in two alpha-amylase genes (AMYA and AMYB) in the oyster Crassostrea gigas. Bi-parental oyster families, bred to be polymorphic for markers in these genes, were monitored for growth and survival for 1 year under standard culture conditions in two French production sites. Within-family genotype frequencies indicated that the two amylase genes were closely linked (c. 1.7 cM). Within two of three families, significant differences in growth were observed between genotypes at one of the two production sites, suggesting that this polymorphism is not neutral and might be under selection because of its role in digestive function. Estimated daily yields were different between amylase genotypes,... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Growth; Genotype; Digestive enzyme; Bivalve; Alpha amylase. Ano: 2006 URL: An analysis of seafood consumption survey methods in France. Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Girard, Sophie; Mariojouls, Catherine; Paquotte, Philippe; Wisner-bourgeois, Claude. (Not controled OCR) The different statistical data sources available for seafood I consumption analysis in France belong to three types : the apparent consumption estimated on the basis of a balance between production and trade, used at national scale and for international comparison, the data in value published by the national Institute for economic statistics, aggregating food balance sheet, and economic results of inquiries about the activities of the branch industries, and the household consumption estimated through consumers' panels. A critical and historical analysis of the different available data series is presented, with focus on the major difficulties when interpreting and cross-checking the data (series breaking-nomenclature items, range of... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: France; Analysis; Methods; Consumption; Seafood; SEM. Ano: 1998 URL: An approach to co-construct sustainable development indicators in aquaculture Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Rey-valette, Helene; Clement, O; Aubin, Joel; Mathe, Syndhia; Chia, Eduardo; Legendre, Marc; Caruso, D; Mikolasek, Olivier; Blancheton, Jean-paul; Slembrouck, J; Baruthio, Aurele; Rene, Francois; Levang, Patrice; Morissens, Pierre; Lazard, Jerome. It cannot be said that aquaculture has ignored sustainable development (SD), judging by the number of standards, guides and indicators devoted to it, produced mainly under the aegis of international organizations such as FAO, The European Union and sorne NGOs. However, these continue to be perceived in large measure as constraints rather than as shared objectives by actors. Faced with this situation, which is not specific to aquaculture but on the contrary quite general regardless of sector, context or scale, the authors seek to propose a generic approach that through a collective process, i.e. a co-construction, promotes the implementation and appropriation of SD. What makes this approach original is not only the participatory nature of the construction,... Tipo: Text Ano: 2010 URL: An assessment of global and regional sea level for years 1993-2007 in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Griffies, Stephen M.; Yin, Jianjun; Durack, Paul J.; Goddard, Paul; Bates, Susan C.; Behrens, Erik; Bentsen, Mats; Bi, Daohua; Biastoch, Arne; Boening, Claus W.; Bozec, Alexandra; Chassignet, Eric; Danabasoglu, Gokhan; Danilov, Sergey; Domingues, Catia M.; Drange, Helge; Farneti, Riccardo; Fernandez, Elodie; Greatbatch, Richard J.; Holland, David M.; Ilicak, Mehmet; Large, William G.; Lorbacher, Katja; Lu, Jianhua; Marsland, Simon J.; Mishra, Akhilesh; Nurser, A. J. George; Salas Y Melia, David; Palter, Jaime B.; Samuels, Bonita L.; Schroeter, Jens; Schwarzkopf, Franziska U.; Sidorenko, Dmitry; Treguier, Anne-marie; Tseng, Yu-heng; Tsujino, Hiroyuki; Uotila, Petteri; Valcke, Sophie; Voldoire, Aurore; Wang, Qiang; Winton, Michael; Zhang, Xuebin. The Palomares Margin, an NNE–SSW segment of the South Iberian Margin located between the Alboran and the Algerian–Balearic basins, is dissected by two major submarine canyon systems: the Gata (in the South) and the Alías–Almanzora (in the North). New swath bathymetry, side-scan sonar images, accompanied by 5 kHz and TOPAS subbottom profiles, allow us to recognize these canyons as Mediterranean examples of medium-sized turbidite systems developed in a tectonically active margin. The Gata Turbidite System is confined between residual basement seamounts and exhibits incised braided channels that feed a discrete deep-sea fan, which points to a dominantly coarse-grained turbiditic system. The Alías–Almanzora Turbidite System, larger and less confined, is a... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sea level; CORE global ocean-ice simulations; Steric sea level; Global sea level; Ocean heat content. Ano: 2014 URL: An assessment of the Arctic Ocean in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations. Part II: Liquid freshwater Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Wang, Qiang; Ilicak, Mehmet; Gerdes, Ruediger; Drange, Helge; Aksenov, Yevgeny; Bailey, David A.; Bentsen, Mats; Biastoch, Arne; Bozec, Alexandra; Boening, Claus; Cassou, Christophe; Chassignet, Eric; Coward, Andrew C.; Curry, Beth; Danabasoglu, Gokhan; Danilov, Sergey; Fernandez, Elodie; Fogli, Pier Giuseppe; Fujii, Yosuke; Griffies, Stephen M.; Iovino, Doroteaciro; Jahn, Alexandra; Jung, Thomas; Large, William G.; Lee, Craig; Lique, Camille; Lu, Jianhua; Masina, Simona; Nurser, A. J. George; Rabe, Benjamin; Roth, Christina; Salas Y Melia, David; Samuels, Bonita L.; Spence, Paul; Tsujino, Hiroyuki; Valcke, Sophie; Voldoire, Aurore; Wang, Xuezhu; Yeager, Steve G. The Arctic Ocean simulated in 14 global ocean-sea ice models in the framework of the Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiments, phase II (CORE-II) is analyzed in this study. The focus is on the Arctic liquid freshwater (FW) sources and freshwater content (FWC). The models agree on the interannual variability of liquid FW transport at the gateways where the ocean volume transport determines the FW transport variability. The variation of liquid FWC is induced by both the surface FW flux (associated with sea ice production) and lateral liquid FW transport, which are in phase when averaged on decadal time scales. The liquid FWC shows an increase starting from the mid-1990s, caused by the reduction of both sea ice formation and liquid FW export, with the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Arctic Ocean; Freshwater; Sea ice; CORE II atmospheric forcing. Ano: 2016 URL: An assessment of the Arctic Ocean in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations. Part III: Hydrography and fluxes Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Ilicak, Mehmet; Drange, Helge; Wang, Qiang; Gerdes, Rudiger; Aksenov, Yevgeny; Bailey, David; Bentsen, Mats; Biastoch, Arne; Bozec, Alexandra; Boening, Claus; Cassou, Christophe; Chassignet, Eric; Coward, Andrew C.; Curry, Beth; Danabasoglu, Gokhan; Danilov, Sergey; Fernandez, Elodie; Fogli, Pier Giuseppe; Fujii, Yosuke; Griffies, Stephen M.; Iovino, Doroteaciro; Jahn, Alexandra; Jung, Thomas; Large, William G.; Lee, Craig; Lique, Camille; Lu, Jianhua; Masina, Simona; Nurser, A. J. George; Roth, Christina; Salas Y Melia, David; Samuels, Bonita L.; Spence, Paul; Tsujino, Hiroyuki; Valcke, Sophie; Voldoire, Aurore; Wang, Xuezhu; Yeager, Steve G. In this paper we compare the simulated Arctic Ocean in 15 global ocean–sea ice models in the framework of the Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiments, phase II (CORE-II). Most of these models are the ocean and sea-ice components of the coupled climate models used in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) experiments. We mainly focus on the hydrography of the Arctic interior, the state of Atlantic Water layer and heat and volume transports at the gateways of the Davis Strait, the Bering Strait, the Fram Strait and the Barents Sea Opening. We found that there is a large spread in temperature in the Arctic Ocean between the models, and generally large differences compared to the observed temperature at intermediate depths. Warm bias... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Arctic Ocean; Atlantic Water; St. Anna Trough; Density currents; CORE-II atmospheric forcing. Ano: 2016 URL: An Assessment of the Precision and Confidence of Aquatic Eddy Correlation Measurements Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Donis, Daphne; Holtappels, Moritz; Noss, Christian; Cathalot, Cecile; Hancke, Kasper; Polsenaere, Pierre; Wenzhoefer, Frank; Lorke, Andreas; Meysman, Filip J. R.; Glud, Ronnie N.; Mcginnis, Daniel F. The quantification of benthic fluxes with the aquatic eddy correlation (EC) technique is based on simultaneous measurement of the current velocity and a targeted bottom water parameter (e.g., O2, temperature). High-frequency measurements (64 Hz) are performed at a single point above the seafloor using an acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV) and a fast-responding sensor. The advantages of aquatic EC technique are that 1) it is noninvasive, 2) it integrates fluxes over a large area, and 3) it accounts for in situ hydrodynamics. The aquatic EC has gained acceptance as a powerful technique; however, an accurate assessment of the errors introduced by the spatial alignment of velocity and water constituent measurements and by their different response times is... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Turbulence; Boundary layer; Fluxes; Instrumentation/sensors; Optimization; Experimental design. Ano: 2015 URL: An atlas of long-term currents in the channel Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Salomon, Jean-claude; Breton, Marguerite. The last diagram shows the magnitude of the dispersion coefficient. This enables a dilution computation to be added to the advective part of dissolved substances and microorganism movements. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: CHANNEL; CURRENT; MODEL; TIDE; LAGRANGE. Ano: 1993 URL: An attempt to evaluate the recent management regulations of the east Atlantic and Mediterranean bluefin tuna stock through a simple simulation model Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Fromentin, Jean-marc. This manuscript proposes a simple simulation model to investigate the implications to the resources of the recent management regulations adopted for the East Atlantic and Mediterranean bluefin tuna stock. If perfectly implemented, the new regulations on minimum size and closed fishing areas mostly lead to a change in the selectivity pattern which moves towards older fish, so decreasing growth-overfishing. The potential sustainable yields therefore considerably increase (almost double in comparison to those that would be obtained without the new regulations) while the SSB can rapidly reach 20% of the virgin SSB. An error of 20% in the implementation of these new regulations affects their efficiencies and does not seem to allow the rebuilding of the SSB at a... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bluefin tuna; Management regulations; Stock rebuilding; Simulation model. Ano: 2008 URL: An automated photo-oxidation method for the determination of dissolved organic phosphorus in marine and fresh water Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Aminot, Alain; Kerouel, Roger. A segmented flow automated method with on-line photo-oxidation for the determination of dissolved organic phosphorus + soluble reactive phosphorus (DOP + SRP) in seawater and fresh water is described here. A low-power lamp was used for a compact, easy-to-handle and low-ozone-producing manifold. The influence of seawater matrix components was studied in detail using natural seawater and salt solutions spiked with DOP model compounds. Bromide was found to be the most inhibitory species in seawater. The work shows that most salt solutions referred to as artificial seawater are not satisfactory model matrices to test the actual seawater matrix effect. Since DOP recovered in undiluted seawater samples was about half that obtained in fresh water samples, the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Measurement; Fresh water; Seawater; Total dissolved phosphorus; Dissolved organic phosphorus. Ano: 2001 URL: An automated-method for the assessment of mercury adsorption rates on particulate suspended matter Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Baeyens, W; Decadt, G; Dehairs, F; Goeyens, L. Tipo: Text Ano: 1982 URL: An autoregressive model to describe fishing vessel movement and activity Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Gloaguen, Pierre; Mahevas, Stephanie; Rivot, Etienne; Woillez, Mathieu; Guitton, Jerome; Vermard, Youen; Etienne, Marie-pierre. The understanding of the dynamics of fishing vessels is of great interest to characterize the spatial distribution of the fishing effort and to define sustainable fishing strategies. It is also a prerequisite for anticipating changes in fishermen's activity in reaction to management rules, economic context, or evolution of exploited resources. Analyzing the trajectories of individual vessels offers promising perspectives to describe the activity during fishing trips. A hidden Markov model with two behavioral states (steaming and fishing) is developed to infer the sequence of non-observed fishing vessel behavior along the vessel trajectory based on Global Positioning System (GPS) records. Conditionally to the behavior, vessel velocity is modeled with an... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hidden Markov model; Vessels dynamics; RECOPESCA; Autoregressive process; Baum-Welch algorithm. Ano: 2015 URL: An autoregressive model with time-varying coefficients for wind fields Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Ailliot, Pierre; Monbet, Valérie; Prevosto, Marc. In this article, an original Markov-switching autoregressive model is proposed to describe the space-time evolution of wind fields. At first, a non-observable process is introduced in order to model the motion of the meteorological structures. Then, conditionally to this process, the evolution of the wind fields is described using autoregressive models with time-varying coefficients. The proposed model is calibrated and validated on data ill the North Atlantic. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Markov switching autoregressive model; Wind fields; Space time model. Ano: 2006 URL: An ecosystem approach for the assessment of fisheries impacts on marine top predators: the Bay of Biscay case study Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lassalle, Geraldine; Gascuel, Didier; Le Loch, Francois; Lobry, Jeremy; Pierce, Graham John; Ridoux, Vincent; Santos, Maria Begona; Spitz, Jerome; Niquil, Nathalie. A number of marine mammal populations is currently threatened by their interactions with fisheries. The present study aimed to provide insights into the severity of potential impacts of operational and biological interactions between top predators and fisheries, in the Bay of Biscay region. Our approach was to modify an Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) model describing the overall structure and function of the ecosystem by including landings and discards of exploited stocks and estimations of the bycatch of non-target compartments. Second, a set of ecological indices and a trophic level (TL)-based model (EcoTroph, ET) were derived from the EwE model. ET was used to simulate the effects of increasing fishing pressure on the ecosystem and, more particularly, on top... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ecopath; Ecosystem modelling; EcoTroph; Fisheries impacts; Marine mammals; Trophic level. Ano: 2012 URL: An ecosystem-based approach and management framework for the integrated evaluation of bivalve aquaculture impacts Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Cranford, Peter J.; Kamermans, Pauline; Krause, Gesche; Mazurie, Joseph; Buck, Bela H.; Dolmer, Per; Fraser, David; Van Nieuwenhove, Kris; O'Beirn, Francis X.; Sanchez-mata, Adoracion; Thorarinsdottir, Gudrun G.; Strand, Oivind. An ecosystem-based approach to bivalve aquaculture management is a strategy for the integration of aquaculture within the wider ecosystem, including human aspects, in such a way that it promotes sustainable development, equity, and resilience of ecosystems. Given the linkage between social and ecological systems, marine regulators require an ecosystem-based decision framework that structures and integrates the relationships between these systems and facilitates communication of aquaculture-environment interactions and policy-related developments and decisions. The Drivers-Pressures-State Change-Impact-Response (DPSIR) management framework incorporates the connectivity between human and ecological issues and would permit available performance indicators to... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bivalve aquaculture management; Ecosystem-based approach; DPSIR framework; Indicators; Thresholds; Benthic effects; Pelagic effects; Social-ecological systems. Ano: 2012 URL: An eddy-permitting model of the Atlantic circulation: Evaluating open boundary conditions Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Treguier, Anne-marie; Barnier, B; De Miranda, A; Molines, J; Grima, N; Imbard, M; Madec, Gerard; Messager, Christophe; Reynaud, Thierry; Michel, Sylvain. As part of the French CLIPPER project, an eddy permitting model of the Atlantic circulation has been run for 22 years. The domain has open boundaries at Drake passage and at 30 degreesE, from Africa to Antarctica. The simulated mean circulation, as well as the eddy activity, is satisfactory for a 1/3 degrees model resolution, and the meridional heat transport at 30 degreesS is within the range estimated from observations. We use the "mixed" open boundary algorithm of Barnier et al. [1998], which has both a radiation condition and a relaxation to climatology. The climatological boundary forcing strongly constrains the solution in the whole domain. The model heat balance adjusts through the surface (heat flux retroaction term) more than the open boundaries.... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: General circulation; Numerical modeling; Oceanography. Ano: 2001 URL: An ELISA technique for rapid diagnosis of vibriosis in sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Romestand, B; Dragesco, A; Breuil, Gilles; Coste, F; Bouix, G. Three batches of rabbits were immunized against 2 strains of Vibrio anguillarum (Va V 62 and Va V 408), which cause vibriosis in sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax (L. 1758) Serranidae. Homologous and heterologous reactions were obtained against these Vibrio strains and other bacteria using an improved indirect ELISA technique. Antibody and antigen titrations revealed high immunogenecity (high antibody titers for the antisera) of the 2 Vibrio strains. They correspond to serotype I and show close affinity. The specificity and sensitivity of 1 selected antiserum were tested on brain extracts from healthy sea bass and those infected artificially with V. anguillarum serotypes I and III. Preliminary results confirm the reliability of the technique and warrant its... Tipo: Text Ano: 1993 URL: An empirical model to predict the lifetime of braided HMPE handling ropes under cyclic bend over sheave (CBOS) loading Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Davies, Peter; Francois, M; Lacotte, Nicolas; Vu, Thanh Do; Durville, Damien. Repeated bending over sheaves is one of the main causes of failure of synthetic fibre ropes used in marine operations. There are few published results available and even fewer models allowing lifetime to be estimated. A large new set of data from cyclic bend over sheave (CBOS) tests on 250 kN break load braided HMPE synthetic ropes is presented first, both tests to failure and interrupted tests followed by residual strength measurements. These data are analysed in order to propose an empirical lifetime model. This is identified using constant load tests, then evaluated for variable load sequences. A methodology to include rope lifetime prediction in handling system design is then discussed. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fibre rope; Bending; Sheave; Abrasion; Fatigue. Ano: 2015 URL: An ERA40-based atmospheric forcing for global ocean circulation models Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Brodeau, Laurent; Barnier, Bernard; Treguier, Anne-marie; Penduff, Thierry; Gulev, Sergei. We develop, calibrate and test a dataset intended to drive global ocean hindcasts simulations of the last five decades. This dataset provides surface meteorological variables needed to estimate air-sea fluxes and is built from 6-hourly surface atmospheric state variables of ERA40. We first compare the raw fields of ERA40 to the CORE.v1 clataset of Large and Yeager (2004). used here as a reference, and discuss our choice to use daily radiative fluxes and monthly precipitation products extracted from satellite data rather than their ERA40 counterparts. Both datasets lead to excessively high global imbalances of heat and freshwater fluxes when tested with a prescribed climatological sea surface temperature. After identifying unrealistic time discontinuities... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ocean; Hindcast; Atmospheric forcing; Air sea fluxes; Weather reanalyzes; Satellite. Ano: 2010 URL: An estuarine mud flat re-surveyed after forty-five years Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Mettam, C. The distribution of infauna across an estuarine mud flat, described by C. B. Rees in 1940, remains very similar more than 40 years later in spite of environmental changes that have occurred meanwhile. The apparent stability of the distribution and abundance of species is probably related to a constancy in the distribution of sediments on an eroding shoreline. Several species occur at greatest densities in restricted sections of the shore and lower densities elsewhere represent an outward spread of colonising individuals that do not survive to maturity. Tipo: Text Ano: 1983 URL: An evaluation of changes in stock productivity and consequences for management. An example based on North Atlantic albacore Thunnus alalunga Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Kell, Laurence T; Fromentin, Jean-marc. Reference points are important elements of fisheries management and the supporting scientific advisory frameworks. However, fish stocks can fluctuate extensively over a large range of spatial and temporal scales independent of human exploitation and there has been a classical tendency to assume a dichotomy, i.e., that changes in fish populations are primarily attributable either to exploitation or to environmental variability. Therefore we look at variability in surplus production and examine the relative impacts of the environment and exploitation on the productivity of North Atlantic albacore (Thunnus alalunga). The analysis revealed that variations were driven by environmental effects. It was also found that substantial variations in time-series of... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Thunnus alalunga; Albacore; Fisheries management; FLR; Reference points; Stationary processes; Surplus production. Ano: 2011 URL: An evaluation of Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, and Ba/Ca ratios as environmental proxies in aragonite bivalve shells Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Poulain, C.; Gillikin, D. P.; Thebault, Julien; Munaron, Jean-marie; Bohn, M; Robert, Rene; Paulet, Yves-marie; Lorrain, Anne. The influence of salinity and water chemistry on Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca ratios in the aragonitic shells of the Manila clam were investigated. Clams were reared at constant temperature (20 °C) under different controlled conditions of salinity, commonly encountered in their natural habitat. Clams were held in three tanks with a constant salinity of 35 for the first 35 days and then two tanks were changed to lower salinities (20 and 28) for the next 29 days. Individual shell Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca ratios were studied through time. Despite stable conditions (temperature, salinity, and Mg/Cawater) for clams reared at salinity 35 during the experiment, Mg/Ca shell ratios increased through the time. Moreover the salinity decrease at t35 slowed the increase of... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ruditapes philippinarum; Aragonite; Sclerochronology; Bivalved mollusk; Trace element; Proxy. Ano: 2015 URL: An evaluation of multi-annual management strategies for ICES roundfish stocks Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Kell, L; Pilling, G; Kirkwood, G; Pastoors, M; Mesnil, Benoit; Korsbrekke, K; Abaunza, P; Aps, R; Biseau, Alain; Kunzlik, P; Needle, C; Roel, B; Ulrich, C. Current scientific management objectives for ICES roundfish stocks are to ensure conservation of the biological resource and do not explicitly consider economic or social objectives. For example, there are currently no objectives to maximize the sustainable yield or to reduce variability in total allowable catches (TACs). This is despite the fact that the current system can result in wide annual fluctuations in TAC, limiting the ability of the fishing industry to plan for the future. Therefore, this study evaluated management strategies that stabilized catches by setting bounds on the interannual variability in TACs. An integrated modelling framework was used, which simulated both the real and observed systems and the interactions between system... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Whiting; TAC; Simulation; Saithe; Population modelling; North Sea; Management; Limiting variations; Harvest strategies; Hake; Haddock; Evaluation; Cod; Bounds. Ano: 2006 URL: An evaluation of surface micro- and mesoplastic pollution in pelagic ecosystems of the Western Mediterranean Sea Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Faur, Florian; Saini, Camille; Potter, Gael; Galgani, Francois; De Alencastro, Luiz Felippe; Hagmann, Pascal. This study examines the distribution, abundance and characteristics of surface micro- and mesoplastic debris in the Western Mediterranean Sea. 41 samples were collected in 2011 (summer) and 2012 (summer). Results, firstly, revealed that micro(<5mm) and mesoplastic debris were widely and uniformly distributed in this area with average concentrations of 130,000 parts/km(2) and 5700 parts/km(2), respectively. Importantly, a strong correlation between micro- and mesoplastic concentrations was identified. Secondly, a classification based on the shape and appearance of microplastics indicated the predominant presence of fragments (73 %) followed by thin films (14 %). Thirdly, the average mass ratio of microplastic to dry organic matter has been measured at... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Plastic debris; Marine pollution; Mediterranean Sea; Surface net tow; Microplastic pollution; Neustonic plastic. Ano: 2015 URL: An evaluation of the implications of population structure on the current bluefin tuna advice framework Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Kell, Laurence T; Fromentin, Jean-marc; Bonhommeau, Sylvain. The objectives of the comprehensive ICCAT Atlantic-Wide Research Programme on Bluefin Tuna (GBYP) are to improve data collection, knowledge of key biological and ecological processes, assessment models and management. An important element of which is to develop a robust advice framework consistent with the Precautionary Approach. The current advice framework, which is based upon Virtual Population Analysis, demonstrates how a Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) framework can be used to evaluate the robustness of management advice to uncertainty about stock structure. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bluefin; Management Strategy Evaluation; Robustness; Stock structure; VPA. Ano: 2012 URL: An evaluation of the policy of fishery resources management by TACs in European Community waters from 1983 to 1992 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Biais, Gerard. In 1983, the European Community (EC) agreed on a system for the conservation and management of fishery resources whi h is based largely on the use of annual total allowable catch (TAC). Nevertheless, the state of many European stocks of demersal species has worsened since 1983. A review of TAC enforcement shows that landings have exceeded TACs to a limited estent for these resources. The contrary is observed for the stocks of pelagic species of which the state has improved although landings have frequently been larger than TACs. This double paradox generates a feeling of limited impact of the TAC system inmplemented by the EC. To investigate the reasons, the closeness between agreed TACs and scientific recommendations has been examined. The results show... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Gestion des pêches; Politique des quota; Communauté Européenne; Prévisions de captures; Évaluation des débarquements; Fishery management; Quota regulations; European Community; Catch predictions; Landing statistics. Ano: 1995 URL: An example of cooperation between scientist and managers : The Meditearranean Lagoon Network (Languedoc-Roussillon, France) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Laugier, Thierry; Malet, Nathalie; Munaron, Dominique; Derolez, Valerie; Fiandrino, Annie; Barral, Marc; Moragues, Laurent; Mazouni, Nabila; Graille, Chantal. The poster presents the approach that led to the construction of a network of cooperation between managers and scientists for coastal lagoon management in the region of Languedoc-Roussillon, its architecture and modus operandi, its achievements and developments over time. At the end of the ninety’s, eutrophication and lack of knowledge were identified as issues to enhance the management of coastal lagoons on the Mediterranean coast of France. In 2000, in the region of Languedoc-Roussillon, scientists (Ifremer) and institutional managers (Regional Council of Languedoc-Roussillon and Water Agency Rhône-Méditerranée & Corse) joined their forces in building a network to address this need. The core of this network consists of an operational tool for the... Tipo: Text Ano: 2009 URL: An example of GIS potentiality for coastal zone management: preselection of submerged oyster culture areas near Marennes-Oleron (France) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Durand, H.; Guillaumont, Brigitte; Loarer, Ronan; Loubersac, Lionel; Heral, Maurice; Prou, Jean. The Charente Maritime coast, in central western France, is the most important area for oyster and mussel production in Europe. High density, in this restricted intertidal area, induces low growing rate and socio-economic difficulties. One of the possible solutions is to shift some oysters from intertidal area to submerged areas. Bathymetry, sedimentology, hydrodynamism, fisheries and administrative rules are some conditions which are considered to establish the better selection of potential zone. The successive steps of setting up the prototype of GIS are presented: digitized traditional data from charts, extracted data from grid models (hydrodynmaic model), merging of thematic covers, proposal of favorable areas. The results are discussed especially on... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: GIS; Modelisation; Bathymetry; Sedimentology; Hydrodynamism; Marennes Oleron. Ano: 1994 URL: An experimental/numerical study of the catch weight influence on trawl behavior Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Priour, Daniel; De La Prada, Amelia. Measurements at sea during fishing trials on bottom trawl have revealed that the geometry of the trawl is affected by the catch. A series of 37 hauls of around 3 h were carried out during the French EFFICHALUT project. The aim of this project was to carry out improvements on the fishing gear in order to reduce energy consumption. For this project, numerous sensors were used: for bridle tension, door spread, vertical opening, and door attitude. The measurements show quite clearly that the door spread decreases and the bridle tension increases during most of the hauls. The door spread decreased by 1.35 m/h, with a standard deviation of 1.98 m/h while the top bridle tension increased by 47 kg/h, with a standard deviation of 59 kg/h. The mean catch per haul... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Trawl; Data; Modeling; Door spread; Bridle tension; Catch weight. Ano: 2015 URL: An experimental-study of the regulation of nitrification in marine-sediments Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Mevel, G; Chamroux, S. Tipo: Text Ano: 1981 URL: An Extended Network of Genomic Maintenance in the Archaeon Pyrococcus abyssi Highlights Unexpected Associations between Eucaryotic Homologs Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Pluchon, Pierre Francois; Fouqueau, Thomas; Creze, Christophe; Laurent, Sebastien; Briffotaux, Julien; Hogrel, Gaelle; Palud, Adeline; Henneke, Ghislaine; Godfroy, Anne; Hausner, Winfried; Thomm, Michael; Nicolas, Jacques; Flament, Didier. In Archaea, the proteins involved in the genetic information processing pathways, including DNA replication, transcription, and translation, share strong similarities with those of eukaryotes. Characterizations of components of the eukaryotic-type replication machinery complex provided many interesting insights into DNA replication in both domains. In contrast, DNA repair processes of hyperthermophilic archaea are less well understood and very little is known about the intertwining between DNA synthesis, repair and recombination pathways. The development of genetic system in hyperthermophilic archaea is still at a modest stage hampering the use of complementary approaches of reverse genetics and biochemistry to elucidate the function of new candidate DNA... Tipo: Text Ano: 2013 URL: An hydrodynamic shear instability in stratified disks Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Dubrulle, B; Marie, Louis; Normand, C; Richard, D; Hersant, F; Zahn, Jp. We discuss the possibility that astrophysical accretion disks are dynamically unstable to non-axisymmetric disturbances with characteristic scales much smaller than the vertical scale height. The instability is studied using three methods: one based on the energy integral, which allows the determination of a sufficient condition of stability, one using a WKB approach, which allows the determination of the necessary and sufficient condition for instability and a last one by numerical solution. This linear instability occurs in any inviscid stably stratified differential rotating fluid for rigid, stress-free or periodic boundary conditions, provided the angular velocity Omega decreases outwards with radius r. At not too small stratification, its growth rate... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Accretion; Accretion disks hydrodynamic instabilities turbulence. Ano: 2005 URL: An Hypothesis Concerning the Relationships Between Submarine Hot Springs and the Origin of Life on Earth Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Corliss, J B; Baross, Ja; Hoffman, Se. A diverse set of observations from Archaean fossil-bearing rocks, modern submarine hydrothermal systems, experimental and theoretical work on the abiotic synthesis of organic molecules and primitive organized structures, and on water-rock interactions suggests that submarine hot springs were the site for the synthesis of organic compounds leading to the first living organisms on earth. These systems are characterized by high fluxes of thermal energy, highly reducing conditions, abundant and appropriate catalytic surface areas (Fe-Mg clay minerals), significant concentrations of CH sub(4), NH sub(3), H sub(2), metals, etc., and a continuous convective flow which removes products from the site of reaction upward through a mixing gradient of temperature and... Tipo: Text Ano: 1981 URL: An in situ intercomparison exercise on passive samplers for monitoring metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and pesticides in surface waters Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Miege, C.; Mazzella, N.; Schiavone, S.; Dabrin, A.; Berho, C.; Ghestem, J. -p.; Gonzalez, C.; Gonzalez, Jean-louis; Lalere, B.; Lardy-fontan, S.; Lepot, B.; Munaron, Dominique; Tixier, Celine; Togola, A.; Coquery, M. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Intercomparison exercise; Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD); Metal; Passive sampling; Pesticide; Polar organic chemical integrative sampler (POCIS); Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH); Priority chemical; Surface water; Water Framework Directive (WFD). Ano: 2012 URL: An in vitro study of two GAG-like marine polysaccharides incorporated into injectable hydrogels for bone and cartilage tissue engineering Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Rederstorff, Emilie; Weiss, Pierre; Sourice, S.; Pilet, P.; Xie, F.; Sinquin, Corinne; Colliec-jouault, Sylvia; Guicheux, Jerome; Laib, S. Natural polysaccharides are attractive compounds with which to build scaffolds for bone and cartilage tissue engineering. Here we tested two non-standard ones, HE800 and GY785, for the two-dimensional (2-D) and three-dimensional (3-D) culture of osteoblasts (MC3T3-E1) and chondrocytes (C28/I2). These two glycosaminoglycan-like marine exopolysaccharides were incorporated into an injectable silylated hydroxypropylmethylcellulose-based hydrogel (Si-HPMC) that has already shown its suitability for bone and cartilage tissue engineering. Results showed that, similarly to hyaluronic acid (HA) (the control), HE800 and GY785 significantly improved the mechanical properties of the Si-HPMC hydrogel and induced the attachment of MC3T3-E1 and C28/I2 cells when these... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Glycosaminoglycan; Hydrogel; Polysaccharide; Bone and cartilage tissue engineering; In vitro test. Ano: 2011 URL: An index of metal pollution in marine-sediments Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Satsmadjis, J; Voutsinoutaliadouri, F. Tipo: Text Ano: 1985 URL: An index to distinguish surface and subsurface intensified vortices from surface observations Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Assassi, Charefeddine; Morel, Y.; Vandermeirsch, Frederic; Chaigneau, A.; Pegliasco, C.; Morrow, R.; Colas, F.; Fleury, S.; Carton, Xavier; Klein, Patrice; Cambra, R. In this study, we first show that it is difficult to reconstruct the vertical structure of vortices using only surface observations. In particular we show that the recent SQG and ISQG methods systematically lead to surface intensified vortices and those subsurface intensified vortices are thus not correctly modelled. We then investigate the possibility to distinguish between surface and subsurface intensified eddies from surface data only, using the sea surface height and the sea surface temperature available from satellite observations. A simple index, based on the ratio of the sea surface temperature anomaly and the sea level anomaly, is proposed. While the index is expected to give perfect results for isolated vortices, we show that in a complex... Tipo: Text Ano: 2016 URL: An individual Based Model of anchovy early life stages in the Bay of Biscay: validation of vertical distribution and growth Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Huret, Martin; Petitgas, Pierre; Bourriau, Paul; Grellier, Patrick. The objective of the study is a better understanding of recruitment variability in anchovy population. An Individual Based Model (IBM) is being developed for the full life cycle of anchovy. The early life stages are presented on this poster. The model is tested in a 1D-vertical framework for validation of the vertical distribution of modelled eggs and larvae against in-situ data. The dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory is the biological baseline for individual growth. We test its ability to simulate the observed growth curves between years with contrasted temperatures. Tipo: Text Ano: 2011 URL: An infection of Ruditapes decussatus (Bivalvia) by Rickettsia Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Mialhe, Eric; Chagot, Dominique; Boulo, Viviane; Comps, Michel; Ruano, Francisco; Grizel, Henri. The authors report the presence of a Rickettsia in Ruditapes decussatus from natural populations of the Algarve (Portugal). Light microscopic shows infections of varying importance in gill tissues. Some enclose small procaryotic colonies (cp) scattered in all lamellae; in others, the colonies are scarce and hypertrophic (100 mu m). These different pictures suggest an amplification process. Digestive diverticulae may also be infected, but to a lesser extent. The ultrastructural features of this intravacuolar (mvd: densified vacuolar membrane) procaryote (P) and its multiplication by scission without a complex developmental cycle allows its classification in the order Rickettsiales. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ruditapes philippinarum; Pathogens; Histopathology; Pathology. Ano: 1987 URL: An integrated and statistical approach for the valuation of economic status of small scale fisheries Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Daures, Fabienne; Leblond, Emilie; Demaneche, Sebastien; Berthou, Patrick; Brigaudeau, Cecile; Guyader, Olivier; Jezequel, Michele. Tipo: Text Ano: 2008 URL: An integrated fish-plankton aquaculture system in brackish water Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Gilles, S.; Fargier, L.; Lazzaro, X.; Baras, E.; De Wilde, Nicolas; Drakides, C.; Amiel, C.; Rispal, B.; Blancheton, Jean-paul. Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture takes advantage of the mutualism between some detritivorous fish and phytoplankton. The fish recycle nutrients by consuming live (and dead) algae and provide the inorganic carbon to fuel the growth of live algae. In the meanwhile, algae purify the water and generate the oxygen required by fishes. Such mechanism stabilizes the functioning of an artificially recycling ecosystem, as exemplified by combining the euryhaline tilapia Sarotherodon melanotheron heudelotii and the unicellular alga Chlorella sp. Feed addition in this ecosystem results in faster fish growth but also in an increase in phytoplankton biomass, which must be limited. In the prototype described here, the algal population control is exerted by herbivorous... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: IMTA; Tilapia; Chlorella; Brachionus plicatilis; Photosynthetic recycling aquaculture system. Ano: 2013 URL: An integrated stratigraphy of the upper quaternary of the king's trough flank area ne atlantic Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Weaver, Ppe. Tipo: Text Ano: 1983 URL: An integrated system for managing multidisciplinary oceanographic data collected in the Mediterranean Sea during the basin-scale research project EU/MAST-MATER (1996-2000) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Maillard, Catherine; Balopoulos, E; Giorgetti, A; Fichaut, Michele; Iona, A; Larour, Michel; Latrouite, Armelle; Manca, B; Maudire, Gilbert; Nicolas, P; Sanchez Cabeza, J. An advanced computer and communication technology was used to develop an integrated system and software tools for managing a great diversity of oceanographic data collected in the Mediterranean Sea during 1996-2000. Data were obtained during 108 sea cruises, carried out within the framework of the large-scale international research project MATER (mass transfer and ecosystem response), which was financially supported by the Marine Science and Technology (MAST) Programme of the European Union (EU). Data collection involved the active participation of various research vessels and personnel coming from 58 different laboratories of 13 countries. Data formatting as well as automatic and visual data quality controls were implemented using internationally accepted... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Data product; Quality assurance; Data management; Ocean data; Mediterranean Sea. Ano: 2002 URL: An intercomparison of Arctic ice drift products to deduce uncertainty estimates Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Sumata, Hiroshi; Lavergne, Thomas; Girard-ardhuin, Fanny; Kimura, Noriaki; Tschudi, Mark A.; Kauker, Frank; Karcher, Michael; Gerdes, Rudiger. An intercomparison of four low-resolution remotely sensed ice-drift products in the Arctic Ocean is presented. The purpose of the study is to examine the uncertainty in space and time of these different drift products. The comparison is based on monthly mean ice drifts from October 2002 to December 2006. The ice drifts were also compared with available buoy data. The result shows that the differences of the drift vectors are not spatially uniform, but are covariant with ice concentration and thickness. In high (low) ice-concentration areas, the differences are small (large), and in thick (thin) ice-thickness areas, the differences are small (large). A comparison with the drift deduced from buoys reveals that the error of the drift speed depends on the... Tipo: Text Ano: 2014 URL: An Intercomparison Study of the Germanium Isotope Composition of Geological Reference Materials Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Escoube, Raphalle; Rouxel, Olivier; Luais, Beatrice; Ponzevera, Emmanuel; Donard, Olivier F. X. Recent analytical developments in germanium stable isotope determination by multicollector ICP-MS have provided new perspectives for the use of Ge isotopes as geochemical tracers. Here, we report the germanium isotope composition of the NIST SRM 3120a elemental reference solution that has been calibrated relative to internal isotopic standard solutions used in the previous studies. We also intercalibrate several geological reference materials as well as geological and meteoritic samples using different techniques, including online hydride generation and a spray chamber for sample introduction to MC-ICP-MS, and different approaches for mass bias corrections such as samplecalibrator bracketing, external mass bias correction using Ga isotopes and double-spike... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Germanium; Isotope; Intercalibration; Reference materials; Germanium; Isotope; Intercalibration; Materiaux de reference. Ano: 2012 URL: An intimate link between antimicrobial peptide sequence diversity and binding to essential components of bacterial membranes Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Schmitt, Paulina; Rosa, Rafael D.; Destoumieux-garzon, Delphine. Antimicrobial peptides and proteins (AMPs) are widespread in the living kingdom. They are key effectors of defense reactions and mediators of competitions between organisms. They are often cationic and amphiphilic, which favors their interactions with the anionic membranes of microorganisms. Several AMP families do not directly alter membrane integrity but rather target conserved components of the bacterial membranes in a process that provides them with potent and specific antimicrobial activities. Thus, lipopolysaccharides (LPS), lipoteichoic acids (LTA) or the peptidoglycan precursor Lipid II are targeted by a broad series of AMPs. Studying the functional diversity of immune effectors tells us about the essential residues involved in AMP mechanism of... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Functional diversity; Defensin; Anti-lipopolysaccharide factor; Mechanism of action; Resistance. Ano: 2016 URL: An introduction to a sample time-series of abyssal macrobenthos - methods and principle sources of variability Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Gage, Jd; Lightfoot, Rh; Pearson, M; Tyler, Pa. Tipo: Text Ano: 1980 URL: An introduction to GODAE OceanView Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bell, M. J.; Schiller, A.; Le Traon, Pierre-yves; Smith, N. R.; Dombrowsky, E.; Wilmer-becker, K. Real-time operational predictions of the major ocean basins which resolve the ocean mesoscale at mid-latitudes have become established in more than a dozen countries over the last 15 years. These predictions depend on the global ocean observing system (particularly satellite altimeters and the Argo profiling float system), high performance computers and sophisticated ocean models and data assimilation systems. They support an expanding range of information services for operations at sea, weather forecasts and protection of the environment. GODAE Oceanview (GOV) assists the groups developing these predictions. This paper provides an introduction to GOV and the papers in this special issue. Tipo: Text Ano: 2015 URL: An introduction to japanese and french fisheries Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bailly, Denis; Bourguignon, G; Kase, K. Fisheries and aquaculture in Japan and France are very different in terms of scale and management schemes. Japan, a leading country in the world for fisheries, has developed a unique mixed system of community based coastal management and licensing schemes for off-shore and distant-water fisheries. Increasing demand, changes in consumption and the heavy constraint of access limitation to third countries waters, make Japan more and more depending upon imports. Though few effort and access limitation schemes are locally implemented in France, most of the management rules comply with the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). The basic lines are the technical measures, the Total Allowable Catches (TACs) allocated into quotas at the regional level and the reduction of... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM. Ano: 1991 URL: An inverse estimate of the dynamic topography of the ocean Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Legrand, P; Schrama, Ejo; Tournadre, Jean. The mean dynamic topography of the surface of the ocean is estimated using a finite difference inverse model of the ocean circulation constrained by a prior TOPEX/Poseidon-EGM96 estimate and an ocean density climatology. The EGM96 geoid uncertainties are represented by their full covariance matrix. The model finds a solution that yields a new 1°-resolution dynamic topography estimate with a 5 cm precision. The existence of this solution suggests that the uncertainties in EGM96, despite being much smaller than in previous geopotential models, are nonetheless realistic. The geodetic information constrains the inverse estimate of the ocean circulation, particularly at high latitudes. Tipo: Text Ano: 2003 URL: An inverse model of the large scale circulation in the South Indian Ocean Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Sultan, Emmanuelle; Mercier, Herle; Pollard, R.t. An overview of the large-scale circulation of the South Indian Ocean (SIO) (10 degrees S-70 degrees S/20 degrees E-120 degrees E) is proposed based on historical hydrographic data (1903-1996) synthesized with a finite-difference inverse model. The in situ density, potential temperature and salinity fields of selected hydrographic stations are projected on the basis of EOFs. Then the EOF coefficients (the projected values) are interpolated on the model grid (1 degrees in latitude, 2 degrees in longitude) using an objective analysis whose spatial correlation functions are fitted to the data set. The resulting fields are the input of the inverse model. This procedure filters out the small-scale features. Twelve modes are needed to keep the vertical structures... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mean circulation; Meridional overturning circulation; Weddell Gyre; Antarctic Circumpolar Current; Inverse model; Southern Indian Ocean. Ano: 2007 URL: An investigation of human vs. technology-induced variation in catchability for a selection of European fishing fleets Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Mahevas, Stephanie; Vermard, Youen; Hutton, Trevor; Iriondo, Ane; Jadaud, Angelique; Maravelias, Christos D.; Punzon, Antonio; Sacchi, Jacques; Tidd, Alex; Tsitsika, Efthymia; Marchal, Paul; Goascoz, Nicolas; Mortreux, Serge; Roos, David. The impact of the fishing effort exerted by a vessel on a population depends on catchability, which depends on population accessibility and fishing power. The work investigated whether the variation in fishing power could be the result of the technical characteristics of a vessel and/or its gear or whether it is a reflection of inter-vessel differences not accounted for by the technical attributes. These inter-vessel differences could be indicative of a skipper/crew experience effect. To improve understanding of the relationships, landings per unit effort (lpue) from logbooks and technical information on vessels and gears (collected during interviews) were used to identify variables that explained variations in fishing power. The analysis was undertaken by... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Catchability; Fishing power; GAM; GLM; Skipper skill; Technical characteristics. Ano: 2011 URL: An investigation of the heat budget of the Indian River lagoon, Florida, during winter months Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Smith, N P. Meteorological records and water temperature data from a 119-day period in the winter of 1979-1980 are used to develop and verify a numerical model of local air-water heat energy exchanges in the Indian River lagoon, on the Atlantic coast of South Florida. In terms of day-to-day variability, the most important processes are latent heat exchanges, net incoming solar radiation and sensible heat exchanges - in that order. Cold fronts moving through the study area alternate warm, moist maritime tropical air with relatively cool, dry continental polar air behind the front. As a result, the amount of heat stored in lagoonal waters is most highly correlated with the sensible and latent heat flux terms. Combining the individual heating and cooling processes, daily... Tipo: Text Ano: 1982 URL: An isotopically distinct hydrogen reservoir in the South Pacific mantle Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Clog, M.; Cartigny, P.; Aubaud, C.; Dosso, Laure. Tipo: Text Ano: 2010 URL: An Ocean Wind Doppler Model Based on the Generalized Curvature Ocean Surface Scattering Model Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Said, Faozi; Johnsen, Harald; Chapron, Bertrand; Engen, Geir. A Doppler centroid D-C model based on the generalized curvature ocean surface scattering model (generalized curvature model or GCM) is presented. Two key features are included in this model: a skewness-related phase coefficient based on empirical skewness coefficients of sea-surface-slope probability density function (pdf) for wind speed less than 10 m/s and effects from wave breaking for wind speed greater than 10 m/s. Simulated D-c values are exclusively compared with the empirical geophysical Doppler model function named CDOP, for hh and vv polarizations, various wind conditions, and incidence angles. Good agreement is found overall between CDOP and simulated D-C values. The overall bias for simulated Dc-vv with and without skewness are 2.63 versus... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Doppler measurements; Geophysical measurement techniques; Sea surface; Synthetic aperture radar (SAR). Ano: 2015 URL: An ocean-ice coupled response during the last glacial: a view from a marine isotopic stage 3 record south of the Faeroe Shetland Gateway Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Zumaque, J.; Eynaud, Frederique; Zaragosi, S.; Marret, F.; Matsuzaki, K. M.; Kissel, C.; Roche, D. M.; Malaize, B.; Michel, E.; Billy, I.; Richter, T.; Palis, E. The rapid climatic variability characterising the Marine Isotopic Stage (MIS) 3 (similar to 60-30 cal ka BP) provides key issues to understand the atmosphere-ocean-cryosphere dynamics. Here we investigate the response of sea-surface paleoenvironments to the MIS3 climatic variability through the study of a high resolution oceanic sedimentological archive (core MD99-2281, 60 degrees 21' N; 09 degrees 27' W; 1197m water depth), retrieved during the MD114-IMAGES (International Marine Global Change Study) cruise from the southern part of the Faeroe Bank. This sector was under the proximal influence of European ice sheets (Fennoscandian Ice Sheet to the East, British Irish Ice Sheet to the South) during the last glacial and thus probably responded to the MIS3... Tipo: Text Ano: 2012 URL: An oceanographic grid system for coastal and continental margin areas Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Gall, Jean-yves. In the Marsden Square Grid System, or its derivations - and this is the system that most national and international oceanographic data acquisition centres employ - the information is located geographically for statistical purposes by means of a grid consisting of 10°, 5° or 1° " squares ". The system, an early one dating from 1850, has three major disadvantages, and this has meant that its numbering principle cannot be used for a grid whose smallest lattice is less than 1° of latitude by 1° of longitude. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR] Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer. Ano: 1974 URL: An operational model to simulate post-accidental radionuclide transfers in Toulon marine area: preliminary development Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Duffa, Celine; Dufois, Francois; Coudray, Sylvain. As part of its development of post-accident management tools, the French Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety is setting up a model to simulate radionuclide dispersion in the Toulon marine area (one of France's main military ports). The model is based on the MARS 3D code developed by IFREMER. It reproduces hydro-sedimentation phenomena in the Bay of Toulon with a horizontal spatial resolution of 100 m and 30 vertical sigma levels and also factors in radioactive decay and dissolved/particulate distribution of the radionuclides studied. With no tide, the major currents in this area are generated by the wind. The model effectively reproduces the resulting hydrodynamic phenomena, which were measured throughout the summer of 2009 in the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bay of Toulon; Radionuclides; Dispersion; MARS. Ano: 2011 URL: An optimized scheme of lettered marine isotope substages for the last 1.0 million years, and the climatostratigraphic nature of isotope stages and substages Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Railsback, L. Bruce; Gibbard, Philip L.; Head, Martin J.; Voarintsoa, Ny Riavo G.; Toucanne, Samuel. A complete and optimized scheme of lettered marine isotope substages spanning the last 1.0 million years is proposed. Lettered substages for Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5 were explicitly defined by Shackleton (1969), but analogous substages before or after MIS 5 have not been coherently defined. Short-term discrete events in the isotopic record were defined in the 1980s and given decimal-style numbers, rather than letters, but unlike substages they were neither intended nor suited to identify contiguous intervals of time. Substages for time outside MIS 5 have been lettered, or in some cases numbered, piecemeal and with conflicting designations. We therefore propose a system of lettered substages that is complete, without missing substages, and optimized to... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Substages; Stages; Marine isotope stages; MIS; Chronology; Chronostratigraphy; Climatostratigraphy. Ano: 2015 URL: An overall perspective on aquaculture Provedor de dados: 5 Aquaculture is an important part of the Common Fisheries Policy. Indeed, the Community incentives policy for the farming of sea or fresh water fish, shellfish and molluscs must contribute to supplying the Common Market with fisheries products and to reducing the chronic negative trade balance in this area. The collection of statistics on the economic and social aspects of Aquaculture in the European Community is not a straightforward process. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR] Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM. Ano: 1992 URL: An overview of chemosynthetic symbioses in bivalves from the North Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Duperron, Sebastien; Gaudron, Sylvie M.; Rodrigues, Clara; Cunha, Marina R.; Decker, Carole; Olu, Karine. Deep-sea bivalves found at hydrothermal vents, cold seeps and organic falls are sustained by chemosynthetic bacteria which ensure part or all of their carbon nutrition. These symbioses are of prime importance for the functioning of the ecosystems. Similar symbioses occur in other bivalve species living in shallow and coastal reduced habitats worldwide. In recent years, several deep-sea species have been investigated from continental margins around Europe, West Africa, East America, the Gulf of Mexico, and from hydrothermal vents on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. In parallel, numerous more easily accessible shallow marine species were studied. We here provide a summary of the current knowledge available on chemosymbiotic bivalves in the area ranging west-to-east... Tipo: Text Ano: 2012 URL: An overview of the FADs fishery in the Mediterranean Sea Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Morales-nin, B; Cannizzaro, L; Massuti, E; Potoschi, A; Andaloro, F. The Mediterranean small-scale fleet is highly adaptive, showing a dynamic fishing intensity and strategy, and exploiting seasonal abundant resources. In this area, the aggregatory behaviour under floats of juvenile fish has been used since ancient times to exploit oceanic migratory species such as dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus), using Fish Aggregating anchored Devices (fads). A total of 2 300 boats are engaged in this fishery from August to December, the main fishing areas being those around Malta, Tunisia, Sicily and Majorca. The fads ( arrow right m2) are made of different cheap floating materials, and are moored in fixed places, ranging from shore waters to areas 60 miles off the coast (1 500 m depth). Each boat deploys an average of 20 to 100 fads.... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Artisanal fishing; Attracting techniques; Fishery development; Tuna fisheries; Coryphaena hippurus; Naucrates ductor; Seriola dumerili; Article Geographic Terms: MED. Ano: 2000 URL: An overview of the history, knowledge, recent and future research trends in Mediterranean fisheries Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Farrugio, Henri; Oliver, Pere; Biagi, Franco. The Mediterranean sea is an area which has a longlived oceanographic tradition. Since the remote antiquity, it has been the object of observations and descriptions in which maritime activities and fishing hold a paramount place, This paper presents a synthetic view on the history of the fisheries research and its evolution in the area. The very rich mediterranean fauna and the highly multispecific nature of the catches certainly favoured the fact that the first works were mainly oriented towards attempts of exhaustive descriptions of the vital cycles and biological parameters of a given species. The passage from marine biology sensu-stricto to fisheries research is relatively recent in the Mediterranean, the first attempts to apply some mathematical... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mediterranean; Fisheries science; History; Research trends. Ano: 1993 URL: An overview on the use of precautionary approach and tuna management Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Fonteneau, Alain; Fromentin, Jean-marc. This paper develops a critical overview of the various problems and uncertainties faced in tuna stock assessment, management and conservation. This presentation is based on Atlantic tunas, but also on various tuna stocks worldwide. Tuna jisheries management is characterized by major uncertainties in the stock assessment; since these stock assessments are always done only on jishery data which are often biased. Fortunately most tuna stocks are showing a strong resistance to overfishing. These major characteristics of tuna stocks and jisheries, and the bias in the scientific analysis, are presented and discussed. As a result, many of the reference point recommended for the precautionary approach applied to jisheries are often quite inappropriate for tuna... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Tunas; Precautionay approach; Atlantic; Management; Assessment. Ano: 2000 URL: An oyster-associated hepatitis A outbreak in France in 2007 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Guillois-becel, Y.; Couturier, E.; Le Saux, Jean-claude; Roque-afonso, A. M.; Le Guyader, Soizick; Le Goas, A.; Pernes, J.; Le Bechec, S.; Briand, A.; Robert, C.; Dussaix, E.; Pommepuy, Monique; Vaillant, V. Following the notification of nine hepatitis A cases clustered in the Cotes d'Armor district in northwestern France, epidemiological, environmental and microbiological investigations were set up in order to identify the source and vehicle of contamination and implement control measures. In total, 111 cases were identified in the outbreak, all of whom lived or had stayed as tourists in the Cotes d'Armor district. Of the cases, 87% had eaten raw shellfish, and 81% specifically oysters. Traceback investigations carried out on raw shellfish consumed by the cases showed that the raw shellfish originated from a single shellfish farm. The shellfish were probably contaminated either in the submersible tanks or in a depuration land-based tank where they were... Tipo: Text Ano: 2009 URL: An underwater tracking system for mapping marine communities: an application to Posidonia oceanica Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Sgorbini, S; Peirano, A; Cocito, S; Morgigni, M. The GPS intelligent buoy is a pot-table underwater tracking system consisting of four buoys and one pinger. The pinger was mounted on an underwater vehicle driven by a Scuba diver and used to map the limits of a Posidonia oceanica meadow. To test the accuracy of the method the system was tried out on different types of limits and on healthy and regressed part of the meadow from 2 to 25 m of depth. The time of track acquisition (1 point per second), the recording speed (1 km h(-1)) and the mapping scale (more than 1:500) indicated that the proposed method may be successfully integrated with conventional systems for mapping marine communities. (C) 2002 Ifremer/CNRS/IRD/Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Cartographie; Phanérogames marines; Posidonia oceanica; Méditerranée; Mapping; Seagass; Posidonia oceanica; Mediterranean Sea. Ano: 2002 URL: An Unstructured Numerical Model to Study Wind-Driven Circulation Patterns in a Managed Coastal Mediterranean Wetland: The Vaccares Lagoon System Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Boutron, Olivier; Bertrand, Olivier; Fiandrino, Annie; Hoehener, Patrick; Sandoz, Alain; Cherain, Yves; Coulet, Eric; Chauvelon, Philippe. The spatiotemporal structure of wind-driven circulation patterns and associated water exchanges can drive important bio-hydrodynamic interactions in shallow lagoons. The Vaccares lagoon system is a complex shallow hydrosystem located in the central part of the Rhone Delta (France). It is internationally recognized as part of a biosphere reserve within the framework of UNESCO's Man and Biosphere Programme, and as a RAMSAR site. Due to its frequent occurrence in this area, and considering the shallowness of the Vaccares lagoon system, wind is assumed to play a major role in the hydrodynamic and biological processes. In this study, a hydrodynamic model was developed to investigate the structure of wind-driven circulations in the Vaccares lagoon system, to... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Coastal lagoon; Mathematical model; Hydrodynamics; Calibration; Validation; Wind-driven circulation. Ano: 2015 URL: An update on the post-release survival of silky sharks incidentally captured by tuna purse seine vessels in the Indian Ocean Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Filmalter, John; Forget, Fabien; Poisson, Francois; Vernet, Anne-lise; Dagorn, Laurent. Tipo: Text Ano: 2012 URL: An updated checklist of the marine fish fauna of Reunion Island, South-Western Indian Ocean Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Letourneur, Yves; Chabanet, Pascale; Durville, Patrick; Taquet, Marc; Teissier, Emmanuel; Parmentier, Maurice; Quero, Jean-claude; Pothin, Karine. The ichthyofauna of Reunion Island, Southwestern Indian Ocean, was sampled during several ecological and artisanal fisheries studies. Information from these investigations and from other sources were included to compile the present checklist of the marine fishes of the island. A total of 885 species belonging to 150 families was recorded. Nine species are known only from Reunion, indicating endemism of about 1.0%. The most speciose families (Labridae, Gobiidae, Serranidae, and Pomacentridae) were also among the most speciose at the neighbouring Mauritius Island (except gobiids), and, generally, on other islands in the Indian Ocean area (Maldives, Chagos, Madagascar and Christmas Island). The Gobiidae only represented 5.4% of the ichthyofauna, which was... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biogeography; Checklist; Reunion Island; ISW; Marine ichthyofauna. Ano: 2004 URL: An Updated Geophysical Model for AMSR-E and SSMIS Brightness Temperature Simulations over Oceans Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Zabolotskikh, Elizaveta; Mitnik, Leonid; Chapron, Bertrand. In this study, we considered the geophysical model for microwave brightness temperature (BT) simulation for the Atmosphere-Ocean System under non-precipitating conditions. The model is presented as a combination of atmospheric absorption and ocean emission models. We validated this model for two satellite instruments-for Advanced Microwave Sounding Radiometer-Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) onboard Aqua satellite and for Special Sensor Microwave Imager/Sounder (SSMIS) onboard F16 satellite of Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) series. We compared simulated BT values with satellite BT measurements for different combinations of various water vapor and oxygen absorption models and wind induced ocean emission models. A dataset of clear sky... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Calibration; Geophysical model; Numerical simulation; SSMIS; AMSR-E; Satellite passive microwave. Ano: 2014 URL: Anaerobic digestion of Ulva sp 3. liquefaction juices extraction by pressing and a technico-economic budget Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Morand, Berenice; Briand, X; Charlier, R. In many countries, the algae of "green tides" are harvested in the fight against pollution. Ulva often represents the main component of the tide, and intensive research has been conducted on the possibility to use the algae as a methanisation substrate. However, methanisation is hampered by various practical obstacles, which requires a compromise between productivity and biological yield. The process described here calls upon a pre-digestion phase of Ulva which, besides the economy of time and volume of the digestion, makes it possible to obtain a biogas of good quality. The methanisation substrate is the hydrolysis juice collected by draining, followed by pressing. The cake resulting from the pressing process can be used as organic enriching or... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: VFA; Pressing juice; Methanisation; Green tides; Drift algae; Acidogenesis. Ano: 2006 URL: Anaerobic utilization of toluene by marine alpha- and gammaproteobacteria reducing nitrate Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Alain, Karine; Harder, Jens; Widdel, Friedrich; Zengler, Karsten. Aromatic hydrocarbons are among the main constituents of crude oil and represent a major fraction of biogenic hydrocarbons. Anthropogenic influences as well as biological production lead to exposure and accumulation of these toxic chemicals in the water column and sediment of marine environments. The ability to degrade these compounds in situ has been demonstrated for oxygenand sulphate-respiring marine micro-organisms. However, if and to what extent nitrate-reducing bacteria contribute to the degradation of hydrocarbons in the marine environment and if these organisms are similar to their well-studied freshwater counterparts has not been investigated thoroughly. Here we determine the potential of marine prokaryotes from different sediments of the... Tipo: Text Ano: 2012 URL: Anaesthesia and gonad sampling in the European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Suquet, Marc; Gonzalez, Ricardo; Lebrun, Luc; Queau, Isabelle; Mingant, Christian; Robert, Rene. Controlled reproduction of the European flat oyster requires the development of tools adapted to this species, including a practical anaesthesia and gonad sampling protocol to facilitate sex determination and the verification of gametogenesis. Three replicate groups of 10 oysters (mean weight +/- SD: 29.9 +/- 8.5 g) were anaesthetised in 5 L containers using magnesium chloride designed either for laboratory (Flucka (R)) or agricultural (Dead Sea Work (R): DSW) use, at two concentrations (50 or 72 g L-1). No significant differences were observed in the percentages of oysters anaesthetised or subsequent oyster mortality with the different anaesthetics or concentrations, but increasing water temperature from 14.9 to 18.8 degrees C significantly increased the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Oyster; Ostrea edulis; Anaesthesia; Magnesium chloride; Gonad sampling. Ano: 2010 URL: Analyse bacteriologique de l'eau par mesure potentiometrique de la reduction de l'acide lipoique Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Charriere, G; Jouenne, T; Junter, G. A simple potentiometric technique to detect and enumerate the bio-indicators of water contamination is described. The technique consists in measuring the redox potential of a specific culture medium saturated with oxygen where bacteria are incubated in presence of lipoic acid (LA). These micro-organisms reduce LA to dihydrolipoic acid, giving rise to an important potential drop in the system. This potentiometric "signal" reveals the presence of active metabolic bacteria in the medium. The major assets of potentiometric measurements in presence of LA lies in the reliability and intelligibility of the results (the redox phenomenon being qualitatively and quantitatively studied), associated to a very simple technology. Futhermore, this technique is perfectly... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bacteria; Pollution indicators; Water quality; Microbial contamination; Indicator species; Pollution detection; Redox potential; Titration. Ano: 1984 URL: Analyse bibliographique: historique de l'huître plate, Ostrea edulis, et la Bonamiose, maladie due au protozoaire Bonamia ostreae Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Cochennec-laureau, Nathalie. Oyster productions represent an important part of the french aquaculture. However, diseases are considered as the first limiting factors for the development of this activity around the world. Two exemples point out this problem for the french flat oyster production: Marteiliosis, the disease of the digestive gland, caused by Marteilia refringens, and Bonamiosis, the hemocytic disease, caused by Bonamia ostreae. This report proposes a bibliography analysis of major results obtained for Bonamiosis studies. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Huître plate; Ostrea edulis; Bonamia ostreae; Bonamiose; Pathologie; European flat oyster; Oslrea edulis; Bonamia ostreae; Bonamiosis; Pathology. Ano: 2002 URL: Analyse bio-économique des activités conchylicoles en France : perspectives et limites Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Gilly, Bernard; Meuriot, Eric. Bio-economic models have not been extensively developed for the shellfish farming sector. However, this type of model could constitute a valuable analysis and assessment tool. Only the potential contribution of this kind of model in our knowledge of the evolution of production systems and marketing are discussed here. These models help comprehend the interactions between the strategies of the different players in the sector and also-on the level of individual businesses-between the shellfish farming sector, as well as the other economic activities that utilise shellfish farming areas, and the type of activity. In particular, it is possible to show the externalities that affect shellfish farming (for example, by revealing the relationships between nutrient... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM; Analyse économique; Stratégie d'exploitation; Externalités; Modèles bio économiques; Conchyliculture. Ano: 1985 URL: Analyse comparative des réponses spectrales dans le domaine optique des cibles d'un marais tropical à diverses résolutions spatiales et spectrales Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Loubersac, Lionel; Viollier, Michel; Lemasson, Claire. Spectral signatures of the same tropical salt marsh targets, adquired on the ground (Sept 20th 1986) and from altitude (helicopter survey sept 17th 1986) with three looking angles are compared to the SPOT HRV data of sept. 18th 1986 and correlated to some physical properties of the barren salt flats. Those observations give coherent results but, on dense vegetation the satellite response appears under estimated when, on barren flats, it appears over estimated. An atmospheric environmental effect explanation is proposed. Significant correlation between vegetation and brightness and humidity indexes and organic matter of soils are found. Tipo: Text Ano: 1988 URL: Analyse corrélative des températures de surface sur le Proche Atlantique Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Servain, J. Tipo: Text Ano: 1980 URL: Analyse de descripteurs énergétiques et statistiques de signaux sonar pour la caractérisation des fonds marins Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Chenadec, Gilles. Sonar systems own the attractive ability to simultaneously provide a bathymetric map and a sonar image of large insonified seabed areas. Recorded data information, the backscattered energy is well known as an essential clue about the seabed nature and roughness. This PhD thesis lie within a seafloor characterization project using acoustical methods. The objectives are the data exploitation of two sonar systems (a multibeam echosounder and sidescan sonar) ; both operate at a high frequency (around 100 kHz) but their survey geometry is different. Sonar images are first analyzed and reveal artefacts due to geometry of the sonar system and array patterns, leading to difficulties in their geological interpretation. In the context of the sediment discrimination,... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Support Vector Machines; Markov Random Field; Image segmentation; Spatial Statistics; Signal Processing; Inverse Problem; Backscattering Strength; Seafloor geoacoustical and geostatistical Model; Méthodes SVM; Champs de Markov; Segmentations d'images sonar; Statistiques spatiales; Traitement du signal; Problèmes inverses; Rétrodiffusion; Modélisation géoacoustique et géostatistique des fonds marins. Ano: 2004 URL: Analyse de données en écologie benthique : utilisation de la méthode de l'analyse de parcimonie Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bellansantini, D; Dauvin, Jc; Bellan, G. Parsimonious analysis, a method used in cladistics, which considers the coherence of characters, is used to establish the phylogeny of different taxa. Its use in the analysis of ecological and biogeographical data in marine benthic studies remains rare. Application to data collected from ecological or biogeographical works and previously studied by classical analysis demonstrates the potential and the advantages of this method in the study of spatio-temporal marine benthic series. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: PARSIMONIOUS; ANALYSIS; BENTHOS; ECOLOGY; BIOGEOGRAPHY. Ano: 1994 URL: Analyse de la capacité trophique de l'écosystème "claires ostréicoles" dans le cadre de l'affinage de l'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas (Bassin de Marennes-Oléron) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Soletchnik, Patrick; Razet, Daniel; Goulletquer, Philippe; Geairon, Philippe; Le Moine, Olivier; Faury, Nicole. Bien que défini par la Norme AFNOR (NF V45-056), l'affinage des huîtres C. gigas en claires ostréicoles traditionnelles reste une pratique zootechnique non contrôlée. L'expérimentation 1994 a permis de tester 1) l'effet de la densité d'élevage (2 à 10 huîtres/m2) sur la croissance et la production de C. gigas, 2) la variabilité au sein de la claire de la croissance, et 3) d'évaluer les différentes sources de variabilité des paramètres physico-chimiques et trophiques de la colonne d'eau et de l'interface eau sédiment. Différentes échelles spatio-temporelles de ces variables ont été évaluées variant entre 2 périodes consécutives de emplissage du marais jusqu'au suivi en continu (pas de temps de 5rnn) des paramètres. Les modèles de calibration des signaux en... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Crassostrea gigas; Production; Affinage; Claires ostréicoles; Modèle écosystème. Ano: 1995 URL: Analyse de la pecherie de petoncle noir et de coquille Saint-Jacques de la rade de Brest Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Merrien, A. For the fourth consecutive year, the fishing returns of the shelly season of the roads of Brest are analyzed. For the black Scallop, principal species currently exploited, the goal is to know the evolution of the fisheries. For the shell St Jacques, season 86-87 saw a light improvement of the captures due to a good recruitment during summer 84. In the first chapter the general conditions of the unfolding of the countryside are treated, in the following are analyzed the captures of black scallop then of shell St Jacques. In appendix the data of effort and production of the other species during the season appear. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Split of Brest; Capture; Scallop; Black scallop; Fishing. Ano: 1987 URL: Analyse de la structure du système de pêche artisanal guyanais. Introduction à sa dynamique Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Blanchard, Fabian; Charuau, Anatole; Rose, Joel; Achoun, Joseph. Les activités de la petite pêche et de la pêche côtière en Guyane ne sont pas encore assez bien organisées pour permettre un suivi rigoureux. On sait surtout qu'il s'agit d'une activité en baisse et le déclin amorcé au début des années 80 n'a fait que se confirmer dans les années récentes. Alors que le nombre de bateaux pratiquant de façon régulière la petite pêche avoisinait les 150 en 1985, en 1998, la flottille était réduite à 65 unités. Un chiffre fera mieux comprendre cette évolution: dans les années 80, il y a eu jusqu'à 12 tapouilles à Cayenne, alors qu'à la fin 1998, il en restait 4. On peut espérer qu'en 1999, 2 tapouilles supplémentaires et les 3 navires expérimentaux construits par la Région Guyane viendront s'ajouter à cette flottille et... Tipo: Text Ano: 1999 URL: Analyse de la valeur patrimoniale d'espaces littoraux. Une application à l'étang de Thau Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Rudloff, M.a.; Salles, J.m. In light of the diminishing wetlands, collective management of these natural areas is becoming a major issue in many countries, particularly in Europe. As a multi-use space, wetlands are coastal areas that are, in practice, subject to conflicts of use among various categories of stakeholders who all consider this natural heritage in terms of their own, and sometimes contradictory, purposes. These conflicts of use can be mediated in several ways. First, wetlands depend on a complex decision process that must integrate diverse rationales. Economic rationales when commercial activities compete; social and political rationales, because natural areas, particularly coastal areas where the human population is particularly dense, are subject to regulations issued... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM. Ano: 1992 URL: Analyse de la variabilité spatio-temporelle des populations microalgales côtières observées par le REseau de surveillance du PHYtoplancton et des phycotoxines (REPHY) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Gailhard, Isabelle. The dynamic of coastal marine microphytoplankton communities is characterized by successions of species assemblages displaying typical schemes of spatio-temporal variability. Numerous studies of phytoplankton spatio-temporal variability have concerned holistic variables such as total biomass or primary production. Such studies deal with the role of primary producers in the global functioning of the pelagic ecosystem, but have little relevance to other problematics. For instance, knowledge of the taxonomic composition of phytoplankton communities and of their spatio-temporal patterns is necessary to understand the mechanisms favouring of the predominance of a precisely identified population within phytoplankton communities. In particular, the identification... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Multivariate statistical analyses; Hydroclimatic factors; Geographical distribution; Temporal Variability; French coasts; Microphytoplankton; Méthodes statistiques multivariées; Facteurs hydroclimatiques; Distribution géographique; Variabilité temporelle; Littoral français; Microphytoplancton. Ano: 2003 URL: Analyse de l'activité de chalutage de fond au delà de l'isobathe 200 mètres de 2010 à 2012 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Berthou, Patrick; Begot, Eric; Biseau, Alain. La demande de la DPMA (saisine 14-6464 + compléments) porte sur : ‐ Une analyse du nombre de navires utilisant des engins de fond par strate bathymétrique ainsi que l’effort de pêche déployé par ces navires dans ces différentes strates, notamment au-delà de la profondeur de 400 mètres. ‐ Une représentation cartographique des zones de pêche des navires exerçant des activités de pêche profonde (i.e. titulaire d’une autorisation de pêche au pêche au titre du règlement (CE) n°2347/2002) par quartier maritime d’immatriculation, notamment Boulogne sur mer, Le Guilvinec, Concarneau et Lorient pour les années 2010, 2011 et 2012. Les isobathes 400, 600, 800 et 1000 mètres apparaitront sur les représentations cartographiques. ‐ UN recoupement de la liste des navires... Tipo: Text Ano: 2014 URL: Analyse de l’activité de pêche aux filets maillants dérivants de moins de 2,5 km en Méditerranée et caractéristiques techniques des engins Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Sacchi, Jacques; Lespagnol, Patrick. Suite à l'interdiction communautaire d'utiliser des filets dérivants (définis selon le règlement CE N° 809/2007) pour la capture des espèces citées dans l'annexe VIII du règlement 1239/98 (modifiant le règlement 894/97) la pratique de cette technique se trouve actuellement limitée à un nombre réduit de métiers utilisés saisonnièrement par la flottille de petite pêche française de Méditerranée, des côtes du Roussillon à celles de Corse. Ces métiers ciblant principalement des sparidés, du bar et quelques petits pélagiques utilisent des filets maillants de surface ou de fond, soit calés au moyen de lignes de mouillage soit en dérive amarrés au navire. Une grande partie des informations sur l’activité de pêche en Méditerranée des filets maillants provient des... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Filet maillant; Filet maillant dérivant; Engin de capture; Technique de pêche; Méditerranée; Enquête d'activité; Gillnet; Drifting gillnet; Fishing gear; Fishing technics; Mediterranean sea; Activity survey. Ano: 2010 URL: Analyse de l'effluent de fabrication tioxide - mesure de sa dispersion dans le milieu Provedor de dados: 5 Tipo: Text Ano: 1973 URL: Analyse de l'Etain par Spectrophotometrie d'absortion atomique avec four ectrothermique. Application aux organismes marins Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Thibaud, Yves. The author presents an analysis technique permitting the determination of the tin in the tissues of marine organisms. This technique is only the application of the spectrophotometry of atomic absorption with atomization in the electrothermic oven. After the acid attack of the sample, the solution is put in a graphite oven to atomize the tin selectively and quantitatively. The detection limit obtained, 0,5 mu g/g of the lyophilized flesh is very satisfactory, to show the purport variations in shells from different origins. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marine organisms; Tin; Antifouling substances; Absorption spectra; Spectroscopic techniques; Pollution detection. Ano: 1980 URL: Analyse de l'évolution morphologique et estimation du volume des apports sédimentaires dans l'estuaire de la Gironde de 1825 à 1973 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Froidefond, J.m.; Castaing, P. L'estuaire de la Gironde situé à la limite de la plaine des Landes et des falaises calcaires de Saintonge résulte de la jonction au bec d'Ambès (à 70 km de l'océan) de deux réseaux hydrographique, celui de la Dordogne et celui de la Garonne. De par sa surface et le volume des eaux qu'il draine, l'estuaire joue un rôle important comme voie de communication vers les principaux centres urbains et industriels implantés sur ses rives ou sur celles de ses affluents. n apporte également l'eau et l'énergie nécessaire au développement économique et offre certaines ressources particulières. Sur un autre plan, il constitue au niveau des mécanismes naturels une zone intermédiaire où les eaux de la Garonne et de la Dordogne transitent avant d'aboutir dans les eaux... Tipo: Text Ano: 1978 URL: Analyse de l'évolution temporelle de communautés macrobenthiques à partir des probabilités de présence des espèces Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Mante, C; Durbec, Jp; Dauvin, Jc. Statistical analysis of long-term changes in marine communities generally involves recourse to multivariate methods. Some of these, such as Correspondence Analysis (CA), are very sensitive to the presence of rare species in the data, whereas other methods, such as Principal Components analysis (PCA) or Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) are only sensitive to the dominant species. Thus, it is necessary to identify rare species. We used an original method of species determination, based on a multinomial scheme and permitting the generalization of the classical presence/absence coding from a probabilistic viewpoint. This selection method was applied to the identification of the different categories of species (rare, intermediate or dominant) that constitute the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Statistical analysis; Probability; Long-term changes; Macrobenthic community. Ano: 1997 URL: Analyse de l’impact des engins de pêche sur les habitats et espèces listes dans les directives "habitats" et "oiseaux" (Natura 2000) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Drogou, Mickael; Laurans, Martial; Fritsch, Manon. Les Directives Habitats (92/43/EEC) et Oiseaux (79/409/EEC) listent un certain nombre d'espèces et d'habitats marins devant être préservés. Actuellement, la mise en oeuvre de ces Directives se traduit localement par la désignation de sites Natura 2000 en mer. La préservation des habitats et espèces retenus dans ces Directives peut donner lieu à des mesures de gestion particulières, notamment concernant les activités de pêche. Par ailleurs, la modification en cours de l'article L 414-4 du code de l'environnement, prenant en compte la jurisprudence communautaire sur la nécessité d'évaluation des incidences des activités humaines sur l'environnement, introduit la nécessité, à terme, d'évaluer l'impact des engins de pêche sur les habitats et espèces dans le... Tipo: Text Ano: 2008 URL: Analyse de l'organisation du travail, de la sécurité et des conditions de travail à la pêche artisanale Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Andro, M.; Dorval, Philippe; Le Bouar, G.; Le Pluart, C; Le Roy, Y; Roullot, C; Meillat, Marc; Prado, J. Lorsque l'on étudie la flotte de pêche artisanale française, on ne peut qu'être frappé par la grande diversité des navires existants. L'examen des unités, soit construites ces dernières années, soit mises en chantier, soit projetées, dans le cadre de la politique de renouvellement de la flotte artisanale ne laisse apparaître aucune évolution significative dans ce domaine. On peut certes expliquer la très grande variété de navires proposés par différents facteurs : . Le coût des unités de pêche doit s'adapter aux budgets disponibles, très divers, les équipements intervenant de façon non négligeables dans ces coûts. . Chaque patron cherche à acquérir l'unité qu'il croit le mieux adapté au métier qu'il désire pratiquer (les exigences seront très diverses... Tipo: Text Ano: 1985 URL: Analyse de quelques pêches pélagiques profondes dans le golfe de Gascogne (Annélides, Céphalopodes, Crustacés décapodes, poissons) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Abbes, Rene; Quero, Jean-claude. Au cours de ses campagnes dans le golfe de Gascogne en 1966, 1967 et 1968 la Thalassa a effectué 17 pêches planctoniques profondes à l'aide d'un chalut Isaacs-Kidd. Parmi elles, huit ont été faites à des profondeurs comprises entre 850 et 1100 m. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pêche; Golfe de Gascogne; Répartition espèces; Capture. Ano: 1968 URL: Analyse des activités de la pêche traditionnelle sur les côtes iraniennes en Busher et Bandar Abbas Rapport de la 2ème mission 21 juin - 23 juillet 1976 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Abbes, Rene; Farrugio, Henri. Soucieux de promouvoir, de façon rationnelle, l'exploitation des ressources marines des côtes bordant le golfe Persique et la mer d'Oman le Gouvernement iranien a décidé la création d'un Institut de recherches scientifiques et techniques des Pêches maritimes. 1a mise sur pied d'un tel Institut a été confiée à la Société gouvernementale des Pêcheries du Sud de l'Iran (1) dont les dirigeants ont sollicité la collaboration d'un Institut de recherches français disposant d'une longue expérience en la matière et susceptible de les conseiller sur l'organisation d'une telle entreprise. C'est ainsi, qu'en mars 1976, une mission composée du Directeur et de trois experts de l'Institut scientifique et technique des Pêches maritimes français, s'est rendue sur place... Tipo: Text Ano: 1976 URL: Analyse des activités de pêche traditionnelle en Iran, entre Khoramshar et Busher et résultats des pêches expérimentales effectuées dans le golfe d'Oman - Mission du 28 février au 23 mars 1977 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Abbes, Rene; Farrugio, Henri. L'élaboration des programmes de recherche en matière d'océanographie des pêches de l'Institut des Pêches maritimes de l'Iran nécessite une connaissance aussi complète que possible des activités de la pêche traditionnelle sur tout le littoral iranien. Dans ce but et dans le cadre des accords de coopération entre l'ISTPM et l 'IRSTPM de la Société des Pêcheries" du Sud de l'Iran, une série de deux missions de chercheurs français avait été programmée. Tipo: Text Ano: 1977 URL: Analyse des Alkyls-Plomb en milieu marin - Formes 0rganiques alkyles stables et dégradées Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Charlou, Jean-luc; Bisquay, Michèle. Dans le cadre de l'étude du comportement géochimique de substances organo métalliques dans le milieu marin, ce rapport traite des techniques analytiques nécessaires pour identifier et quantifier ces composés sous leur forme alkyle organique stable ou sous leurs formes ionisées dégradées à l'état de trace (µg/1). Ces techniques sont appliquées à la famille et alkyls plomb. Les diverses formes alkyles stables sont identifiées et quantifiées par une technique de couplage chromatographie-absorption atomique sans flamme. Les formes ionisées dégradées sont dosables par spectrocolorimétrie. Ces techniques sont actuellement mises à profit pour suivre la dégradation des alkyls plomb dans le milieu marin. Les composés finaux de dégradation obtenus après un contact... Tipo: Text Ano: 1978 URL: Analyse des captures accidentelles de mammifères marins dans les pêcheries françaises aux filets fixes Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Morizur, Yvon; Gaudou, Olivier; Demaneche, Sebastien. During the years 2008 to 2013 several observations of catches were planned on board of set netters fishing in the bay of Biscay, in the English Channel, in the North sea and in the Mediterranean area (around Corsica). All the observations were done on nets without pingers and they were pooled to provide an average bycatch rate of marine mammals by fleet. Estimates of annual bycatch by using the fishing efforts of the year 2012 were provided by fleet. Harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena was the most common bycatch in set nets. An average annual estimate of 600 harbour porpoises was obtained for the French fleet; other species recorded in set nets were mainly common dolphin Delphinus delphis, striped dolphin Stenella coeruleoalba and the two species of seals... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: France; Bycatch; Marine mammals; Phocoena phocoena; Set nets; Trammel nets; Gill nets; EU regulation 812/2004. Ano: 2014 URL: Analyse des captures des espèces visées par le règlement pêche profonde Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Cornou, Anne-sophie; Biseau, Alain. Tipo: Text Ano: 2013 URL: Analyse des captures des flottilles opérant dans l’Ouest de l’Ecosse Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Dube, Benoit; Demaneche, Sebastien; Biseau, Alain. L’étude présentée est une analyse des informations recueillies dans le cadre du programme Obsmer en zone Ouest-Ecosse (Division CIEM Via et partie communautaire de la division Vb) au cours de l’année 2011. Quatre métiers pratiqués dans cette zone ont été analysés : 1. Chalutage à espèces profondes en Ouest Ecosse 2. Chalutage à espèces démersales (non profondes) en Ouest Ecosse 3. Fileyage à espèces démersales en Ouest Ecosse 4. Palangres à espèces démersales en Ouest Ecosse Un focus est réalisé sur le cabillaud (proportion dans la capture totale, taux de rejet…) avec une analyse, lorsque cela est possible, des causes ayant amené les rejets (taille légale, quotas…) Tipo: Text Ano: 2012 URL: Analyse des captures des pêcheries marines et lagunaires d'Égypte de 1962 à 1976, en liaison avec la construction de haut barrage d'Assouan achevé en 1969 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bebars, Mi; Lasserre, G. Tipo: Text Ano: 1983 URL: Analyse des captures des pêcheries marines et lagunaires d'Egypte en liaison avec la construction du haut barrage d'Assouan Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bebars, Mi; Lasserre, G; Hoai, Tl. Annually exploited communities from the Nile delta and two nearby lagoons (Manzalah and Edkou) were monitored from 1962 to 1989. The changes in community structure were analysed as a function of two events: fishing pressure growth (motorized fishing vessels) which increased by a factor of 19 between 1952 and 1962; and the construction of the Aswan Dam, which was built between 1965 and 1969, reducing the flow of the Nile by 90 %. Before the construction of the dam, increased sea fishing pressure led to a decline in landings from 33,832 tons in 1962 to 8,522 tons in 1969, but with no structural change in the exploited community. However, following completion of the dam in 1969, the community structure changed and a significant correlation was detected... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Impact; Aswan Dam; Yield; Fisheries; Diversity; Lagoon. Ano: 1997 URL: Analyse des captures du métier ‘Chalutiers à espèces profondes en Ouest Ecosse’. Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Cornou, Anne-sophie; Biseau, Alain. La demande de la DPMA (saisine 14‐6464) porte sur : ‐ la liste des espèces capturées par les navires exerçant des activités de pêche profonde (i.e. titulaire d’une autorisation de pêche au titre du règlement (CE) n°2347/2002), ‐ les quantités relatives et absolues de capture, ainsi que les quantités relatives et absolues des rejets de ces espèces et ce, pour les années 2011 et 2012. Tipo: Text Ano: 2014 URL: Analyse des captures réalisées lors d’opérations de pêche profonde. Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Biseau, Alain; Dube, Benoit. Tipo: Text Ano: 2012 URL: Analyse des communautés des fonds de sable de la Manche Orientale et du Sud de la Mer du Nord Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Prygiel, Jean; Quisthoudt, C.; Richard, A. Les études de prospection en Manche et en Mer du Nord Occidentale montrent l'existence de cinq unités biosédimentaires parmi lesquelles la communauté à Ophelia borealis. Cette communauté est établie sur des bancs sableux parallèles à la côte qui sont suceptibles de fournir d'importantes quantités de sables et de graViers marins. Des prélèvements saisonniers sédimentologiques, hydrologiques et faunistiques permettent de préciser les caractéristiques de quatre d'entre eux: - Le sédiment est constitué pour 60 à 90% de sables fins à moyens dont la médiane est comprise entre 190 et 260 µm. - Le Haut Fond de Gravelines se situe dans une zone côtière ou l'importance des divers rejets entraine l'apparition d'un milieu eutrophe. Les bancs du Dyck et de la Bassure... Tipo: Text Ano: 1985 URL: Analyse des comportements financiers des entreprises et essais de typologie dans le secteur des peches artisanales Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Foucault, François; Gerinette, Valérie; Lemaire, Catherine. (Not controled OCR) The economic results of artisanal fishing enterprises are investigated through a sample of 300 to 700 artisanal vessels for which account books. The use of economic (such as added value) and financial ratios (solvency and financial autonomy) leads to identification of four groups of firms. Over the period, financial rentability and autonomy show obvious damaging that underlines the relance of a (current) analysis on the impact of public subsidies on the enterprises behaviour. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Indebtness; Investment; Return; Small scale fisheries; SEM; Endettement; Investissement; Rentabilité; Pêche artisanale. Ano: 1990 URL: Analyse des déterminants environnementaux de la variabilité du recrutement - approche macroécologique appliquée aux populations exploitées du Nord-Est Atlantique Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Brunel, Thomas. Recruitment - the number of young fishes that integrate each year the exploitable stock¿ has a central importance for stock dynamics. The high temporal variability in recruitment is a result of the environmental influence on survival during early life stages. Understanding the determinism of the influence of environment on recruitment remains one of the most important question in fisheries ecology. The present work aimed at answering some general questions about the influence of environment on fish recruitment using a macroecological approach. The study focused on the exploited fish populations of the Northeastern Atlantic. The first chapter of the thesis makes a review of the different methods used to estimate recruitment, compares recruitment estimates... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Time series; Recruitment variability; Regime shift; Recruitment synchrony; North East Atlantic; NAO; Long term trends; Environmental influence; Effect of temperature; Effect of fishing; Climate change; Biogeography; Variabilité du recrutement; Synchronisme; Séries chronologiques; Tendances à long terme; NAO; Influence de l'environnement; Effet de la température; Effet de la pêche; Changement de régime; Changement climatique; Biogéographie; Atlantique Nord Est. Ano: 2006 URL: Analyse des données de pêche et de débarquement des deux segments exploitant le vivaneau rouge et le vivaneau ti-yeux dans la ZEE de Guyane Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Caro, Anthony; Lampert, Luis; Blanchard, Fabian; Fidel, Lisa; Rose, Joel. Tipo: Text Ano: 2009 URL: Analyse des données de pêches à pied traditionnelles et de chasse sous-marine, pratiquées en 2008 et 2009 dans la Réserve Naturelle Marine de La Réunion Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Fleury, Pierre-gildas; Cadet, Christophe. The Réserve Naturelle Marine (Natural Marine Reserve) of La Réunion island has been created recently (2007) for managing the coral reef of La Réunion West coast. In this area, traditional shore fisheries and spear-fishing are now regulated, controlled and under scientific survey in order to optimize the management of these fisheries, mainly leisure activities. This report draws up a first evaluation of the Reserve eco-guards monitoring in 2008-2009 over these fisheries, with double aim of : - improving the methodology : sampling strategy, terminology standardization ; data base setting up ; - collecting a data series for future evolution survey and comparisons with previous data (before creation of the Reserve). According to the collected data, the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pêches traditionnelles; Pêche à pied; Pêche sous-marine; CPUE; Récif corallien; Réserve Naturelle Marine; La Réunion. Ano: 2010 URL: Analyse des données d'observations embarquées de l'étude cabillaud en VIId - IVc Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Guerineau, Lise; Tetard, Alain. Scientific report of FEP cod study carried out in Eastern English Channet and southern North sea. This study as been driven by North, Pas-de-Calais/Picardie French Fishery Committee and Ifremer was technical expert (methodology, analysis). From October 2008 to May 20009, 92 trips corresponding to 249 days at sea were observed. Discarded part is globally important with 75% in weight and 80% in number for the observed trips, but the discards are very variable during time, even in the same Métier. The raising of the catches to the fleet using a two levels estimator, by quarter, by Métier and by ICES division, gives low precise estimations with CVs meanly higher than 20%. These results are nevertheless plausible if we compare with elevation of landings which... Tipo: Text Ano: 2010 URL: Analyse des facteurs climatiques susceptibles de jouer un rôle dans les apparitions d'eaux colorées en baie de Vilaine, durant l'année 1982 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Maggi, Pierre; Mastouri, Abderrazak; Soulard, Louis. Les mortalités d'animaux marins survenues à la fin du mois de juillet 1982, en baie de Vilaine, ont été consécutives à un important développement du phytoplancton. L'analyse des facteurs climatiques susceptibles d'avoir favorisé cette prolifération a été effectuée : forte pluviosité des mois de juin et juillet, températures de l'air supérieures aux normales, faiblesse des vents et grande stabilité de la mer en juillet. Tipo: Text Ano: 1985 URL: Analyse des facteurs déterminant les performances économiques des entreprises ostréicoles de Poitou-Charente Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Girard, Sophie; Perez Agundez, José A. Tipo: Text Ano: 2011 URL: Analyse des facteurs régissant la distribution des sels nutritifs dans la zone de remontée d'eau des côtes mauritaniennes Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Coste, B; Minas, Hj. Tipo: Text Ano: 1982 URL: Analyse des flottilles du sud du golfe de Gascogne, de 1986 à 2002 – De Noirmoutier à Bayonne. Description et évolution des composantes de pêche Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Leaute, Jean-pierre. This document presents a comparative assessment of six triennal analysis carried out between 1986 and 2002, on 1300 boats, on average, from the 35 ports of Southern Bay of Biscay fishing fleets (from Loire river to Spanish border). Fisheries statistics allow the identification of different fishing practices and fishing boats associated with them within the fleets. In order to allow comparison and analysis of the evolution that has taken place during the study period, the same variables (gears used, landed species) and multivariate analysis procedures have been used to produce groupings of vessels. Over the period, 11 components, on average, have been identified, grouped in two entities, mobile and fixed gears. If the discriminative characteristics... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Typologie; Flottilles de pêche; Composantes; Golfe de Gascogne; Analyse multivariée; Typology; Fishing fleet; Components; Bay of Biscay; Multivariate analysis. Ano: 2008 URL: Analyse des hydrocarbures volatils dans l'eau par entraÎnement gazeux - Application de la technique de Grob Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Marchand, Michel; Caprais, Jean-claude. The analysis of volatile organic substances requires a specifie methodology. We have taken up the Grob's procedure [1]. Enrichment of the volatile trace organics is performed by close-loop gaseous stripping followed by absorption on a microcharcoal filter. The organic substances are eluted from the charcoal by 15 µ of carbon disulfide and analyzed by high resolution gas chromatography. The recovery of the method (trapping from water, desorption from activated charcoal) is determined for different kinds of volatile organic compounds: saturated hydrocarbons (n-C7 to n-C19), aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene, naphtalene and alkylated compounds) and chloro-aromatic hydrocarbons of benzene and naphthalene. Tipo: Text Ano: 1983 URL: Analyse des lipides dans l'algue Gyrodiniym aureolum par chromatographie Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Pennors, Anne. Tipo: Text Ano: 1992 URL: Analyse des lipides en tant que cofacteurs des contaminants organiques dans les organismes marins Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Quemeneur, Michelle. Tipo: Text Ano: 1996 URL: Analyse des lots d'huîtres du groupe de travail "Pousse en Claires" : taux de glycogène Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Goulletquer, Philippe; Geairon, Philippe; Gras, Paul. L'objet du présent rapport est de préciser les caractéristiques biochimiques (i.e., taux de glycogène) des lots d'huîtres ayant préalablement fait l'objet du travail du CREAA. Le sous produit de l'analyse consiste à vérifier si le critère 'taux de glycogène' est discriminant vis à vis de produits commercialisés de même taille et d'établir des relations entre les différents descripteurs des lots. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biochimie; Glycogène; Huître creuse; Crassostrea gigas. Ano: 1996 URL: Analyse des pêches et modes de régulation - Rapport sur la journée d'échange Recherche-Administration-Profession Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bastien, Françoise; Catanzano, Joseph. Depuis la dernière journée RECHERCHE-ADMINISTRATIONPROFESSION consacrée aux « licences », trois ans se sont écoulés, au cours desquels sont apparus de nouveaux impératifs et de nouvelles contraintes tant économiques que politiques, parmi lesquelles de nombreux systèmes de régulation visant à limiter directement ou indirectement l'effort de pêche. Certains systèmes de gestion des pêcheries, aujourd'hui assez largement éprouvés, avaient été abordés et analysés lors de la première rencontre de ce type, et la mise en commun des idées par les différents acteurs de l'interprofession avait permis, sinon de mieux accepter, à tout le moins, de mieux appréhender les grands principes qui avaient présidé aux prises de décision nationales. Depuis lors, d'autres... Tipo: Text Ano: 1990 URL: Analyse des petits pelagiques, sardine et anchois, dans le golfe de Gascogne Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Coiffec, Gaelle; Duhamel, Erwan; Biseau, Alain; Danzart, Marc. Since 1993 the yearly amounts of sardine landings for the Bay of Biscay fishing ports have experienced a constant increase (10,000 tonnes in 1993); on that account sardine is the first species landed in the fishing ports of the Bay of Biscay (15,000 tonnes in 2003). It is sold 0.54 / kg (constant price over ten years) which means a 8,100 k turnover in 2003 and the 12th rank in value landed in the fishing ports of Bay of Biscay. Though anchovy landings have decreased over the last ten years, especially since 2001, this species occupies the 3rd rank of the highest landings (7,300 tonnes) of the Atlantic shoreline in 2003.The decrease of anchovy landings over the last ten years may account for the high increase of its constant sale price of 1.5 / kg from... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Purse seiner; Midwater pair trawler; Sardine; Anchovy; Pelagic; Bay of Biscay; Recrutement; Senneur; Chalutier pelagique; Bolincheur; Sardine; Anchois; Pelagique; Golge de Gascogne. Ano: 2006 URL: Analyse des pratiques, contraintes et performances d'élevage de l'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas, en 2001, sur différentes concessions en eau profonde de la Baie de Quiberon : enquête auprès de 18 concessionnaires et plongées sur 18 semis d'huîtres de 2 ans, en juin et octobre 2001 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Mazurie, Joseph; Foucart, Marie; Langlade, Aime; Bouget, Jean-francois; Fleury, Pierre-gildas; Joly, Jean-pierre; Martin, Anne-genevieve. This study deals with rearing methods, growth and mortality performances, and problems encountered by the oyster farmers from Quiberon Bay (2800 ha of leases) : it relies on a survey achieved in july 2001, about 18 oyster farmers, and 2 diving campaigns (july and october 2001) on 2 years old oyster batches from the same farmers. The analysed enterprises vary in particular by the location and depth of their concession inside the bay, but also by their rearing scheme : a majority favours seedings with 18 month old oysters or more, according to prices and availability of oysters supplies. The duration until marketable size and mean mortalities seem to have increased since a preceding inquiry in 1986. The main constraint, affecting priorly the south border... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Rearing practices; Density; Predators; Mortality; Growth; Bay of Quiberon; Crassostrea gigas; Cupped oyster; Pratiques culturales; Densité; Algues; Prédateurs; Mortalité; Croissance; Baie de Quiberon; Crassostrea gigas; Huître creuse. Ano: 2002 URL: Analyse des processus sedimentaires recents dans l'eventail profond du Danube (mer Noire) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Popescu, Irina. This study is focusing on the architecture and recent sedimentary evolution of the Danube channel, the youngest channel-levee system in the Danube deep-sea fan. The study was conducted as part of the BlaSON French-Romanian Project, and combined high-resolution seismic-reflection profiles and chirp profiles with multibeam bathymetry and piston cores. This data set was acquired in 1998 during a joint survey IFREMER-GeoEcoMar of the north-western Black Sea. Previous seismic and acoustic data were also used. The Danube deep-sea fan is a large passive-margin mud-rich fan. Like the other systems of this type (Amazon fan, Mississippi fan or Indus fan) the Danube fan consists of stacked channel-levee systems intercalated with mass-transport deposits. Seismic and... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: High resolution seismic; Lowstand palaeogeography; Submarine canyons; Deep sea fans; Black Sea; Sismique haute résolution; Paléogéographie; Canyon sous marin; Eventail profond; Mer Noire. Ano: 2002 URL: Analyse des puissances de peche des chalutiers et des abondances apparentes des especes de la pecherie demersale de mer celtique Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Perodou, Jean-bernard. Fishing power analysis leads to determine a typology of fleet which depends on target species. Three factors are examined : port of origin, engine power and type of trawl. Specific abundance index analysis leads to determine a diagram of principal stages of vital cycle : juvenile, reproductive adult and recovery adult. Then calculs are made in value for all species combined : we obtain thus an economical index by location and season. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Celtic Sea; Economical index; Abundance index; Fleet typology; Fishing power; Mer Celtique; Indice économique; Abondance apparente; Typologie des flottille; Puissance de pêche. Ano: 1988 URL: Analyse des ressources et des caractéristiques individuelles du stock d'oursin Paracentrotus lividus (Lamarck, 1816) du territoire 64 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: De Casamajor, Marie-noelle; Mahias, Jeremy; Bru, Noelle; Caill-milly, Nathalie. A spatial sampling was carried out for stock assessment of sea urchin P. lividus throughout the Basque coast. A sampling, over the year, was conducted to study the reproductive cycle. This work took place over 2013 and 2014. Reproduction occurs once in spring, between May and August 2014. Among factors affecting the release of eggs, salinity, temperature and hydrodynamics show a significant inter-annual variability in the Basque coast. Thus, the period set in 2014, may fluctuate between years. For the stock, the results showed that 11.85 (+/-0.32) million individuals of harvestable biomass for 724 tones (+/- 137). Stock is spread over the entire surveyed area density and biomass decrease rapidly with depth, individuals are mainly located between 0 and 5 m.... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Oursin commun; Stock; Biomasse; Reproduction; Côte basque; Conditions environnementales; Sea urchin; Stock; Biomass; Reproduction; Basque coast; Environmental conditions. Ano: 2014 URL: Analyse des ressources et des caractéristiques individuelles du stock d'oursin Paracentrotus lividus (Lamarck, 1816) du territoire 64 - Recueil cartographique Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lissardy, Muriel; De Casamajor, Marie-noelle; Mahias, Jeremy; Bru, Noelle; Caill-milly, Nathalie. Tipo: Text Ano: 2014 URL: Analyse des résultats d'une ferme d'élevage de crevettes sur 20 années : SODACAL 1984-2004. "Elasticité" de la capacité de production d'un écosystème bassin crevetticole Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Della Patrona, Luc. SODACAL prawn farm which was set up as a pilot farm for the development of a prawn industry in New Caledonia, saw its production exponentially rise from 1984 to 1992 (to 400 t/year, then experienced a sharp drop in 1993 (250 t/year) which carried on until 1997, and finally rose back to a stabilizing level around 400 t/year until 1999. The study analyses the difficulties observed before and during the drop of production. Among them, mortality outbreaks, other biological perturbations (benthic mat clearing and crab and fish mortality) and focus on the noxious state of the bottom (reduced and smelling sulfide hydrogen). It particularly shows that Syndrome 93 outbreaks could be observed on this farm from 1990. The analysis highlights the particular climatic... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: New Caledonia; Zootechny; Climate; Ecosystem; Lethal factor; Mortality; Production; Pond culture; Shrimp culture; Climat; Facteur léthal; Bassin élevage; Zootechnie; Dysfonctionnement; Production; Nouvelle Calédonie; Aquaculture. Ano: 2005 URL: Analyse des resultats et des comportements economiques des entreprises de peche artisanale Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Catanzano, Joseph; Gilly, Bernard; Lantz, Frederic; Durand, M.h. (Not controled OCR) The economic results of artisanal fishing enterprises are investigated through a sample of 300 to 700 artisanal vessels for which account books are available from 1983 to 1986. The use of economic (such as added value) and financial ratios (solvency and financial autonomy) leads to the identification of four groups of firms. A rough classification has been identified from gears used and areas. Over the period, financial rentability and autonomy show obvious damaging that underlines the relevance of a (current) analysis on the impact of public subsidies on the enterprises behaviour. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Indebtness; Investment; Rentability; Artisanal fisheries; SEM; Endettement; Investissement; Rentabilité; Pêche artisanale. Ano: 1988 URL: Analyse des risques pour les mammifères marins liés à l'emploi des méthodes acoustiques en océanographie Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lurton, Xavier; Antoine, Loic. The use of acoustical systems in various human activities in the ocean (industry, defence, science) raises the issue of their impact upon marine mammals populations. Several serious accidents linked to the use of naval sonars led the military, industrial and scientific communities to investigate the potential dangers of their own activity. This report aims at identifying the risks for the cetaceans linked to the use of acoustic and seismic systems currently used for oceanographic science. The analysis proposed here stays within the frame of bibliography synthesis and elementary modelling, and brings no new scientific elements on the topic. An overview of the status of cetacean populations is given first, with a summary of the possible acoustical... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Seismics; Sonar; Acoustics; Oceanography; Acoustical methods; Auditory threshold; Stranding; Acoustical risks; Marine mammals. Ano: 2007 URL: Analyse des stratégies d'occupation du domaine maritime côtier : le cas des concessions conchylicoles. Rapport final du projet ASTRODOME Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Mongruel, Remi; Perez Agundez, José A.; Girard, Sophie; Bailly, Denis; Nassiri, Abdelhamid. 1. The ASTRODOME research project aims to study the economic aspects of the system of allocation and transmission of shellfish concessions, which is considered as an essential element in the understanding of the occupancy strategies of the coastal maritime space. Two series of questions are highlighted. The first series examines the system from a sectorial development point of view: what are the shellfish farmers' needs that the implementation of a quasi concession market satisfied, and to a larger extent, what is the contribution of the evolution of the system of allocation and transmission of concessions to the evolution of the sector's structure? The second series takes a look at the system from a collective interest point of view: to what extent does... Tipo: Text Ano: 2006 URL: Analyse des stries de croissance des post-larves de coquilles Saint-Jacques (Pecten marimus). Méthodologie et perspectives d'application pour la description de stress d'élevage Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Baillon, Nathalie. Cette étude s'inscrit dans le cadre de travaux orientés vers la compréhension des stress du passage en mer. Cette approche s'effectue grâce à des analyses purement zootechniques réalisées par PHILIPPE (1991) et par l'observation des stries de croissance visibles sur les coquilles du naissain de Pecten maximus. Cette étude est tout d'abord axée sur la mise au point d'une méthodologie d'analyse de ces stries. La question est ensuite de cerner l'utilité de ces stries dans une meilleure perception du stress consécutif au passage en mer affectant les juvéniles de coquille Saint-Jacques issus d'écloserie. Tipo: Text Ano: 1992 URL: Analyse des structures de la peche dans les ports de la cote atlantique francaise de 1961 a 1975 et des incidences du chalutage sur les stocks des principales especes concornees par cette activite dans les mers adjacentes. Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Guillou, A; Njock, J.c. The authors have studied the structure of the fishing fleet for artisanal and industrial fisheries and its activities in the harbours of the Atlantic coast: Douarnenez, Concarneau, Lorient, Saint-Nazaire, Nantes, La Rochelle, Bayonne etc. It appears that the decline of the traditional fishery corresponds to the degradation of the stocks, especially the hake and megrim stocks. The industrial fishery supports the consequences of this overfishing while the artisanal trawling fishery showed in 1975 a relative prosperity. In conclusion, it is evident that stock degradation is chiefly caused by fisheries utilizing too narrow meshes. This is not irreversible and it is probable that a sensible widening of the meshes would permit better management of the potential... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: ANE; France Fishery data Stock assessment Commercial fishing Artisanal fishing. Ano: 1978 URL: Analyse des tendances des séries temporelles de la concentration en azote minéral dissous dans les trois principaux estuaires de la façade Manche-Atlantique Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Gailhard, Isabelle. Estuaries are areas which, from their structure, their fonctioning, and their localisation, are subject to significant contribution of nutrients. One of the objectif of the RNO, the French network for coastal water quality monitoring, is to assess the levels and trends of nutrient concentrations in estuaries. A linear model was used in order to describe and to explain the total dissolved nitrogen concentration evolution in the three most important estuaries on the Chanel-Atlantic front (Seine, Loire and Gironde). As a first step, the selection of a reliable data set was performed. Then total dissolved nitrogen evolution schemes in estuary environment were graphically studied, and allowed a resonable choice of covariables. The salinity played a major role... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Nutriments; Estuaire; Loire; Seine; Gironde; Schéma de dilution; Modèle linéaire; Tendance; Nutrients; Estuary; Seine; Loire; Gironde; Dilution schema; Linear mode1; Trend. Ano: 2000 URL: Analyse détaillée du transfert de sédiment du continent vers le bassin : le quaternaire terminal au large du Delta du Rhône (Méditerranée nord-occidentale) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Torres, José. This memoir is focused on the comparaison of sediment transfer from the continent to the basin within two different systems: (1) an open slope system and (2) an adjacent deep-sea fan system. This work is essentially based on the interpretation of seismic data acquired during several cruises off the present Rhône Delta. Tipo: Text Ano: 1995 URL: Analyse du benthos au large du site des Caps. Recherche de l'impact d'une extraction de granulats Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Davoult, Dominique; Richard, Alain. Le site des Caps est une zone littorale bien particulière, bordure française du goulet du Pas-de-Calais, à la fois rétrécissement géographique important entre la France et l'Angleterre, et limite entre la Manche Orientale et le sud de la Mer du Nord. Une zone d'extraction de granulats marins a été exploitée entre 1971 et 1980 au large de ce site. Cette exploitation a été arrêtée en 1982 par arrêté préfectoral pour des raisons d'atteinte à l'environnement et d'entrave à la pêche. La présente étude a pour but de décrire les peuplements au large du site des Caps, englobant le quadrilatère d'exploitation, de faire ressortir leurs caractéristiques. et d'essayer d'apprécier l'impact dû à l'extraction. Deux problèmes majeurs sont soulevés : d'une part, aucune... Tipo: Text Ano: 1986 URL: Analyse du compartiment mésozooplanctonique et écologie alimentaire printanière de la sardine, Sardina pilchardus (Walbaum, 1782), et de l’anchois, Engraulis encrasicolus (Linné, 1758) adultes dans le Golfe de Gascogne Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Dessier, Aurélie. Dietary studies of marine species constitute an important key to improve the understanding of its biology and of its role in the ecosystem. Thus, prey-predator relationships structure and determine population dynamics and the trophic network at the ecosystem scale. Among the major study sites, the marine ecosystem is submitted to natural and anthropogenic constraints. In the North-Eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean, the Bay of Biscay is a large open area surrounded South by Spain and East by France. This bay is an historic place of intense fishery activities for which the main small pelagic species targeted are the pilchard, Sardina pilchardus and the anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus. The aim of this work is to analyze the trophic ecology of these two small... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Petits poissons pélagiques; Traceurs écologiques; Isotopes stables; Parasites; Mercure; Communauté mésozooplanctonique; Qualité du régime alimentaire; Golfe de Chaînes; Zooplancton marin; Isotopes stables; Expérience d’alimentation; Poissons pélagiques -- Gascogne; Small pelagic fish; Ecological tracers; Stable isotopes; Parasites; Mercury; Mesozooplanktonic community; Diet quality; Feeding experiment. Ano: 2015 URL: Analyse du comportement des flottilles de pêche de Boulogne sur Mer Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Allard, M. O. Le projet de recherche actuel répond donc A un besoin d'enrichissement mutuel des approches biologiques et économiques face A un double enjeu : - socio-économique : la crise subie par un secteur représentant traditionnellement l'activité principale de certaines régions, - écologique : la survie de certaines espèces menacées par une pêche excessive, les deux enjeux étant directement liés dans de nombreux. L'idée est la suivante : à. partir des comportements de pêche observés au cours d'une année sur l'ensemble des bateaux de pêche inscrits A Boulogne-sur-Mer,essayer de définir des stratégies-types et d'isoler ainsi des groupes de bateaux aux comportements voisin. Cela devrait conduire A des distinctions de flottilles plus pertinentes que les... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM. Ano: 1991 URL: Analyse du comportement d'un écosystème lagunaire à diverses échelles de temps et d'espace. Application à l'étang de Thau Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Rosello-tournoud, Marie-george. On tente, sur l'exemple de l'étang de Thau, de définir les échelles spatiales et temporelles de variabilité maximale des phénomènes physiques, qui permettront d'analyser le fonctionnement d'un milieu lagunaire à une échelle compatible avec celle des observations. La démarche adoptée comporte trois étapes : - l'étude du comportement hydrodynamique du milieu sous le seul effet du vent, à l'aide du modèle numérique bidimensionnel de Leendertse (1971), sous le seul effet du vent. On met en évidence des organisations cellulaires, qui constituent l' échelle horizontale de variabilité maximale des processus de convection. On critique l'influence des diverses hypothèses de la modélisation sur la zonation. - la modélisation des phénomènes de dispersion, par une... Tipo: Text Ano: 1991 URL: Analyse du cuivre dans les sédiments des estuaires bretons. Relation avec quelques paramètres physicochimiques. Influence de l'élevage porcin Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Maguer, Jean-francois. Des mesures de cuivre total dans les sédiments de quelques estuaires bretons ont été réalisées. Il a été trouvé une relation directe entre le cuivre et la granulométrie, les concentrations les plus élevées correspondant aux granulométries les plus fines. La relation entre le cuivre et la matière organique n'est pas évidente. Il semble que les concentrations en cuivre sont en relation avec le rapport : porcs (sauf petits en lactation) / surface cultivée, dans les cantons où ont été faits les prélèvements. Tipo: Text Ano: 1990 URL: Analyse du déclin de la pêche artisanale à St Pierre et Miquelon Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Eynaud, P. Studying the reasons behind the decline in small-scale fisheries at Saint Pierre and Miquelon (SPM) requires assessing this decline. Between 1950 and 1985, the number of vessels utilised in small-scale fisheries dropped by a factor of seven and the mean age of fishers increased by 13 years. Individual catches have nevertheless remained stable and have even increased slightly since 1963. Can it be deduced that the crisis in small-scale fisheries is only due to a problem of fish stocks and the adjustment of the number of fishers to stock availability? Must the causes of decline be sought in the development of industrial fisheries? In the increase in costs? Or in market studies? By placing SPM in its geographical and historical context, these questions take... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM. Ano: 1986 URL: Analyse du mercure par un procédé semi-automatique - Application aux organismes marins et à l'eau de mer en particulier Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Thibaud, Yves. Le présent mémoire expose la technique d'analyse qui est utilisée actuellement à l'I.S.T.P.M. pour effectuer des dosages de mercure dans les échantillons d'origine marine, qu'ils soient constitués d'eau de mer, de coquillages ou de poissons. Cette technique nous permet, d'une part de déterminer les quantités très faibles qui existent généralement en milieu marin et, d'autre part de traiter simultanément un nombre suffisant d'échantillons. Tipo: Text Ano: 1975 URL: Analyse du rôle de l'IFREMER dans l'instruction du dossier Salmor Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Drévès, Luc. This report describes the contribution made by IFREMER in the various stages of installation of a new salmon culture in barge's tanks moored in Morlaix Bay. Tacking into account the opposition to this project, including direct criticism of the role of IFREMER, a considerable effort is made to provide detailed environmental impact data to the appropriate Government office Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Effluents d'aquaculture; Aquaculture en barge; Courantométrie; Conflits; Ostréiculteurs; Pêcheurs; Offshore aquafarming; Aquafarming effluents; Current; Conflicts; Fishermen; Aquaculturists. Ano: 1990 URL: Analyse économique d'un projet d'élevage de crevettes en cages dans la région de Salvador de Bahia. Rapport de mission au Brésil du 27 Novembre au 8 Décembre 1993 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Paquotte, Philippe. Cette mission a été réalisée dans le cadre de l'accord de coopération signé en juin 1992 entre IFREMER et différents organismes brésiliens (Bahia-Pesca, Université de Salvador, Littoral Sul Maricultura, Sansuy de Nordeste SA, Rohr Estrutura Tubulares SA). Cette coopération concerne la mise au point d'une technique innovante pour l'élevage de la crevette pénéide, l'élevage en cages flottantes et l'application de cette technique à un projet de développement d'une petite région de pêche au sud de Salvador de Bahia. [OCR NON CONTRÔLE] Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM. Ano: 1994 URL: Analyse économique d'une nouvelle technique d'élevage de crevettes en cages flottantes au Brésil Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Paquotte, Philippe. In the framework of French-Brazil co-operation, the French Institute of research for exploitation of the sea (IFREMER), the State of Bahia and the company Littoral Sul Maricultura have developed a new technique for shrimp farming (Penaeus vannamei) using floating cages. After trials carried out during three years, this technique turns out very interesting from several viewpoints. The growth speed and the survival rate are very good, the negative effects on the environmental quality are weak and local fishermen have proved eager to adopt this technique as a part-time activity. In the same time, a technico-economic analysis, using a computerised simulation tool, as well as a market analysis in the State of Bahia have been carried out in order to assess the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM. Ano: 1996 URL: Analyse économique et financière de la vénériculture. Perspectives de développement de la filière palourde d'élevage Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Goff, P. Y. Clam culture is a shellfish farming activity that has now entered a phase that will determine its future. After the first experimental trials and pilot projects, private investors have set this new aquaculture activity in motion. Today, the progress of clam production is conditioned, in part, on public authorities and financial organisations. On what basis should decisions be made so that appropriate choices are made for the development of clam culture, while respecting other users of coastal areas? This financial and economic study of clam culture seeks to give an overview of current clam farming by analysing operations that have entered the production phase. This approach to productivity of this activity will be done using classical financial analysis... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM. Ano: 1987 URL: Analyse en cytométrie de flux de l'influence de la salinité sur les fonctions hémocytaires de l'huître creuse, Crassostra gigas Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Frouin, Heloise. L'ostréiculture représente en France une activité économique majeure avec notamment l'élevage de Crassostrea gigas représentant plus de 135 500 tonnes de coquillages produits annuellement. Cependant l'apparition et le développement de maladies infectieuses peuvent freiner le développement de cette activité. Le mode de vie de ces animaux les expose à toutes les modifications physique et chimiques du milieu sans possibilité de fuite. La recherche de la modulation du système immunitaire chez les mollusques bivalves est devenue l'une des voies de recherche privilégiée pour l'évaluation des effets de facteurs environnementaux sur les capacités de défense. Dans cette approche, le travail réalisé a consisté à étudier l'impact de la salinité sur les capacités... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Huître creuse; Crassostrea gigas; Hémocytes; Salinité; Cytométrie de flux; Activités cellulaires. Ano: 2004 URL: Analyse et estimation des puissances de pêche Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Laurec, Alain. An analysis of the fishing power concepts leads to a distinction between local fishing power (at a given location). and overall fishing power. Overall fishing power takes into account the ability to detect and quickly exploit rich areas. In order to estimate local fishing power it is necessary to compare the catches of different ships operating in neighbouring areas. Such a comparison performed on two ships will give an estimate of their relative fishing powers. The closer the two ships are, the more reliable will be the estimate. A weighting function must be used, and this function is related to the spatial heterogeneity of the fish density. Such a function is provided by the variogram as defined by Matheron (1965). [NOT CONTROLLED OCR] Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer. Ano: 1977 URL: Analyse et modélisation des courants et de la turbulence sous les vagues de vent Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Maurel, Philippe. Deux manifestations relativement bien observées des interactions dynamiques à l'interface eau-atmosphère sont au centre de ce travail : il s'agit d'une part, du niveau élevé de l'intensité turbulente au sommet de la couche de surface, sous les vagues de vent, d'autre part, de l'organisation du champ de vitesse moyenne en rouleaux d'axes parallèles à la direction du vent (circulations de Langmuir). Ce double aspect des interactions entre les courants moyens, la turbulence et les mouvements orbitaux associés aux vagues est analysé en mettant en oeuvre une modélisation et des simulations numériques qui s'appuient sur un ensemble de résultats expérimentaux obtenus au laboratoire ou sur le terrain. Les principaux travaux théoriques et expérimentaux qui ont... Tipo: Text Ano: 1997 URL: Analyse et modélisation des évolutions à long terme de la biodiversité phytoplanctonique dans les zones côtières sous l’effet des pressions environnementales et anthropiques Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Hernandez Farinas, Tania. Coastal areas are highly-dynamic systems exposed to the effect of climate variations and human impacts, influencing the community diversity. In these ecosystems, the phytoplankton constitutes the base of food webs and integrates the effects of global changes and quality variations of coastal waters. In this context, the general objective of this study was to assess the long-term changes in the diversity of phytoplankton communities in coastal waters at different dcales and levels of organisation. Firstly, the data collected by the Phytoplankton and Phycotoxin Monitoring Network from the IFREMER was examined to study the temporal variations of the assemblages within the last two decades along the French coast and to assess the relationship with the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Variation temporelle; Niche ecologique; Forme de vie; Modele dynamique lineaire; Methode multi-tableaux; Temporal variation; Ecological niche; Life-forms; Dynamic linear model; Multi-table analysis. Ano: 2015 URL: Analyse et modelisation des parametres d'exploitation du stock de coquilles saint-jacques (pecten maximus, l.) en baie de saint-brieuc (manche ouest, france). Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Fifas, Spyros. The population dynamics is developed upon data on the age-composition of catches collected since 1974 by a sampling technic at two levels (fishing day, vessel). A temporally stratified sampling is carried out. A cohort analysis is realized through these data ; assumptions for the coefficients of natural and indirect fishing mortality are set up. Catchability models for all age groups are fitted. Catchability of the most abundant age groups (2 and 3) is an increasing function of their abundance and of the fishing fleet mean horse power. These functions present a maximum asymptotical value. Their adequation is explained by the adaptations of dredges and by the population sedentary life allowing the concentration of fishing fleet on the most abundant areas. A... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Stratified sampling Temperature Spawning biomass Gowth Fecundity per recruit Yield per recruit Horse power Catchabiltry Cohort analysis Mortality Age composition of catches; Dredge Directed stock assessment Bay of Saint Brieuc Pecten maximus Scallop Biomasse féconde Croissance Evaluation directe Echantillonnage stratifié Température. Fécondité par recrue Rendement par recrue Puissance motrice Capturabilité Analyse des cohortes Mortalité Structure démographique des Drague Baie de Saint Brieuc Pccten maximus Coquille Saint Jacques. Ano: 1993 URL: Analyse et prédiction de la dispersion des radioéléments dans l'environnement marin par la méthode de la réponse impulsionnelle Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Boust, D; Hairie, A; Fraizier, A; Baron, Y. This work presents analysis and prediction of the dispersion of radioelements in the marine environment based on the pulse response theory. The analysis is made on three data sets over the period 1984-1988 : the amounts of gamma-emitting radioelements contained in controlled releases from the nuclear reprocessing plant of La Hague (=signal emission point), and gamma-emitting radionuclide concentrations in sea water at two stations (=signal reception points), situated at 8 and 35 km distance from the release point. Using this data base, the pulse response is determined for each station and for each element. This allows us to estimate the mean delay and the amplitude of the reception signal (i.e. the concentrations of radioelements) and its sensitivity to... Tipo: Text Ano: 1995 URL: Analyse fonctionnelle des causes de rupture des DCP de la Réunion (océan Indien) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Sacchi, Jacques; Tessier, E. The development of the FAD gave rise to technical problems owing to their conception, their setting spot and of their utilisation. Failings generated by the unreliability of components or the uncertain repair precariousness, those can prove to be here more and more expensive with the progression of the ageing of devices and reasons of their loss. For as various domains that aerospace or the fishing deck layout, the engineering has functional analysis tools that permit to reduce conception uncertainties of systems by the mean of a hierarchical classification of function values of components. The application of one of these techniques, the FMEA, Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, to the study of reasons of FAD loss in La Reunion describes perfectly... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Analysis Attracting techniques Risks Tuna fisheries Article Geographic Terms: ISW; Indian Ocean ISW; Indian Ocean; Mascarene Is.; Reunion. Ano: 2000 URL: Analyse genetique et physiologique des interactions hote-parasite: le systeme prosorhynchus squamatus - Mytilus Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Coustau, Christine. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mytilidae; Prosorhynchus squatamus; Host oreferences; Population genetics; Physiology; Parasitic diseases; Mytilus. Ano: 1991 URL: Analyse historique de la production conchylicole du Bassin de Marennes-Oléron et essai d'estimation empirique du potentiel conchylicole Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Heral, Maurice; Deslous-paoli, Jean-marc. The analysis of the official statistics of commercialised production of oysters (.Crassostrea angutata and Crassostrea gigas ) is achieved from 1866 to 1984 in term of their numbers and weights for the bay of Marennes-Oleron. The number of sanitary labels, multiplied by the mean weight of a crate can also give out the commercialised production provided it is increased by the bias and decreased by the exterior production of the bay . Thus the production of Portuguese oysters is only 45 000 tons from 1948 to 1957 with a maximum of 52, 000 tons for respectively 70 000 tons and 280 000 tons for the statistics . AIso, after the epizooties of Crassostrea angulata the production, fell down to 25 000 tons in 1971 according to the number of sanitary labels... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Crassostrea gigas; Production conchylicole; Analyse statistique. Ano: 1985 URL: Analyse juridique des conditions d'accès à l'eau douce en zone côtière : la gestion et l'utilisation de l'eau dans le bassin de la Charente Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: George, Alexandra. L'augmentation croissante de la demande en eau, liée à la croissance et aux besoins accrus de la population fait peser sur cette ressource, qualifiée de «pétrole bleu», une pression de plus en plus grande, notamment sur son utilisation comme bien commun. C'est ce qui ressort du nouveau rapport des Nations Unies intitulé « L'eau dans un monde qui change», présenté à New York au siège des Nations Unies le 12 mars 2009. Parmi les objectifs énoncés dans ce rapport, il est préconisé une meilleure gestion de l'eau, pour remédier aux pénuries auxquelles nous sommes confrontés. En effet, la question de la gestion quantitative de l'eau est tout aussi fondamentale que la question de sa qualité. Cette problématique fait l'objet d'une étude qui s'inscrit dans le cadre... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Droit; Gestion eau douce; Irrigation; Prélèvement; Bassin de la Charente. Ano: 2009 URL: Analyse morpho-tectonique et caractère de la sédimentation au Quaternaire récent sur la plate- forme continentale Pacifique de la Colombie Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Pujos, M; Griboulard, R; Latouche, C; Meidinger, P. The continental shelf is very narrow and steep to the north, and broader to the South. This shelf is structuraly influenced by the Andes. This area is mainly covered with terrigenous deposits, i.e. muds and sands which are recent on the internal shelf and relict on the external shelf. The sediments, supplied by rivers, reflect the intense erosion of the Andean backland. This erosion can only be reduced in situ by the vegetation cover. Clays are the main component of the fine fraction reaching the sea. Three different clay assemblages are observed: 1) an Andean (illite-chlorite) assemblage, reflecting the proximity of the cordillera; 2) a mid-American assemblage (smectite), which supplies the North Pacific Margin through the Choco counter-current; 3) an... Tipo: Text Ano: 1995 URL: Analyse multivariable des taxocénoses annélidiennes du golfe du morbihan Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Chardy, Pierre; Desbruyeres, D.; Laurec, A. Two initial methods are used to define benthic annelid taxocoenoses within the Morbihan gulf. 139 samples and 83 species are included in the matrix data. Correspondence analysis is shown to be appropriate in the classification of heterogeneous systems. It isolates Mesopsio moorei sand population from winole other samples. General analysis is better appropriate within homogeneous systems, and is able to study populations with regard to production. Results are comparable with those got fromthe whole fauna. In addition, a biogeographic limit is pointed out, within amphicteis gunneri sponge spicule muds. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR] Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer. Ano: 1976 URL: Analyse néo-institutionnelle de l'investissement dans la biodiversité : choix organisationnels et leurs conséquences sur la restauration des écosystèmes aquatiques Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Scemama, Pierre. L’objectif de ce travail est d’identifier les contraintes économiques à prendre en compte pour encourager l’investissement (public et privé) dans la restauration des écosystèmes aquatiques à partir du prisme de l’économie néo-institutionnelle. Au cours de ce travail nous avons mobilisé des matériaux et des méthodes variés qui nous ont permis d’identifier trois types de contraintes : des contraintes de coûts, des contraintes organisationnelles et des contraintes institutionnelles. La réalisation d’un diagnostic collectif et d’un état de l’art sur les actions de restauration à partir de différentes sources nous a permis d’observer la grande diversité des projets d’investissements dans les écosystèmes aquatiques. Nos résultats montrent que ces projets sont... Tipo: Text Ano: 2014 URL: Analyse par elements finis d'un catamaran sur coussin d'air en sandwich Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Hermundstad, O; Moan, T; Nordal, H. This paper deals with the structural analysis of transverse frames and bulkheads in sandwich catamarans. Finite element analyses of a frame and a bulkhead have been carried out, and the results are compared to those obtained from a finite element model of the entire craft. The frame and the bulkhead have been analysed with five different boundary conditions. Four idealized load combinations have been applied, and it is demonstrated that transverse frame models can give quite inaccurate results. This is due to the difficulty in deciding the relevant support springs to represent the interaction between the actual frame and the other part of the structure. When designing a new type of vessel, it is recommended to carry out a global finite element analysis... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hovercraft; Ship technology; Composite materials; Analyse par éléments finis; Structure sandwich; Catamaran à coussin d'air. Ano: 1992 URL: Analyse par POD de l'écoulement turbulent autour d'une structure souple, poreuse et en mouvement libre Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Druault, Philippe; Bouhoubeiny, Elkhadim; Germain, Gregory. Tipo: Text Ano: 2012 URL: Analyse prospective jusqu'en 2025 de la demande en recherche des pays du sud dans le domaine des "ressources vivantes" - Rapport final Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Blancheton, Jean-paul; Fuchs, Jacques; Lacroix, Denis; Lacroix, Nicole; Lemercier, Philippe; Marin, Jean; Antoine, Loic. L'accélération des changements dans tous les domaines, qu'il s'agisse d'environnement, de technologies ou de la vie des sociétés humaines, est une donnée majeure de notre temps. Jusqu'au XIXe siècle, les hommes gardaient une relative maîtrise des révolutions, qu'elles soient techniques (la vapeur, l'électricité, l'atome, ... ) ou sociales (la démocratie, le communisme, etc). A la fin du XXe siècle, la complexité des sociétés humaines, le foisonnement des découvertes scientifiques rapidement exploitées par l'industrie à des fins économiques et l'interdépendance croissante de toutes les activités dans des écosystèmes fragilisés ont conduit les communautés humaines à davantage subir les révolutions: mondialisation d'une économie de plus en plus immatérielle,... Tipo: Text Ano: 2002 URL: Analyse quantitative et qualitative des captures de tourteaux Cancer pagurus par la flottille de Manche-ouest Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Latrouite, Daniel; Morizur, Yvon. French potters from « Manche ouest » harbours ish edible crab Cancer pagurus in English Channel, Iroise Sea and along north Biscay Bay shelf. Monthly landings of the offshore fleet analysed from logbooks for the period 1985-1987 indicate changes in fishing areas. The mean length of males, the mean length of females and the sex-ratio have been analysed by Principal Component Analysis in 1981-1987 samples. The heterogeneity between catches from different statistical rectangle (30 x 40 nautical miles) was great enough to deduce a way of raising composition from samples to total landings. It also offers the possibility to verifiy and correct declaration on geographical origin of landings. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biscay Bay; Catch composition; France; Western Channel; Sampling; Iroise; Edible crab; Cancer Pagurus; Fishing; Golfe de Gascogne; Iroise; Manche; Echantillonnage; Composition des captures; Tourteau. Ano: 1988 URL: Analyse quantitative et qualitative des pontes naturelles de bar (dicentrarchus labrax) en captivité Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Devauchelle, Nicole. Tipo: Text Ano: 1976 URL: Analyse socio-économique de l'exploitation des crevettes en Guyane française Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Gilly, Bernard; Cochet, Y. Shrimp fisheries in French Guyana suffer from the influence of exogenous pressures on shrimp stock. In terms of shrimp stock, the fluctuations in recruitment are very high and determine for the most part the annual production of shrimp boats (Figure 1). Work in progress on the evolution of shrimp stocks suggest that the relatively short shrimp life span (18 months) does not allow a cohort to be exploited over more than one year. In terms of the shrimp boat fleet, there are no alternative outlets for fishing effort. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM. Ano: 1987 URL: Analyse spatio-temporelle des peuplements phytobenthiques de substrat meuble de l'etang de Thau (Herault, France) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Gerbal, Maryse. Study of soft substrate macrophytobenthos from the mediterranean Thau lagoon has been carried out as a part of the ECOTHAU research program. All soft substrates have been sampled in autumn 1986. Data analysis is based on cartography, total and main species biomass assessment, as well as study of phytobenthos differentiation factors. Vegetation seasonality was analysed from october 1985 to october 1986 in the East area (shellfish breeding zone and "Eaux blanches" lagoon). The hydrologic and topographic characteristics give to vegetation a high specific richness (74 macrophytes on soft substrates and a total of 167 taxa for the lagoon). Compared to those of other mediterranean lagoons, the Thau phytobenthos appears to be original and diversified. This... Tipo: Text Ano: 1994 URL: Analyse spectrale et statistique vent-vagues des images radar à ouverture synthétique - Application aux données des satellites ERS-1/2 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Kerbaol, Vincent. Le radar à ouverture synthétique (ROS) est le seul instrument à fournir une information directionnelle des vagues grâce à sa haute résolution. Toutefois, l'inversion des spectres 2-D ROS, afin de restituer le spectre de la mer, est rendue difficile par la forte distortion spectrale causée par le filtrage passe-bas dans la direction de déplacement de l'instrument (azimut). Ce filtrage est issu des composantes radiales des mouvements sur la surface qui affectent l'information Doppler nécessaire à la reconstruction de l'image. De plus, le coefficient de rétrodiffusion ?°, permettant d'estimer le vent à l'aide de modèles empiriques, est fréquemment saturé lors de la quantification du signal. Les limitations actuelles démontrent donc la nécessité d'améliorer... Tipo: Text Ano: 1997 URL: Analyse statistique de l'évolution temporelle de paramètres hydrobiologiques dans les bassins du port du Havre Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Menesguen, Alain; Laurec, Alain. The study of the spatial structure and temporal evolution of several hydrobiological parameters in a flooding docks system provided a good illustration for the analytical power of a methodology dealing with the statistical processing of multivariate timeseries. This technique can be characterized by prior extraction of the trends, treated separately as ordinary multivariate data, and by a consequent multi-spectral analysis of the residual signais. This procedure offers the advantage of clarifying the analysis of the major features of the phenomenon (i.e. the trends) and unmasking the subtle spatio-temporal structure through the residual signais. The application on Le Havre harbour showed a strong enrichment in nutrients and also a plausible but partial... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Analyse spectrale; Désaisonnalisation; Séries temporelles multivariées; Eutrophisation; Spectral analysis; Deseasonalisation; Multivariate time-series; Nutrient enrichment. Ano: 1984 URL: Analyse statistique des données de mortalité d’huîtres acquises par l’Observatoire National Conchylicole (RESCO) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Jolivel, Aude; Fleury, Elodie. This report is based on data which were collected from 2009 to 2011 by the French National Observatory for shellfish culture, in order to describe the mortalities affecting Crassostrea Gigas oyser’s spat since 2008. It aims at studying the appearance dynamic of mortality events in several sites and lots but also at identifying the factors that triggers those events. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mortalité; Crassostrea Gigas; Huître; Virus OSHV1; Naissain; Température. Ano: 2012 URL: Analyse statistique des données du réseau RINBIO : détermination d’une réponse universelle de capteur Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bouchoucha, Marc; Andral, Bruno. La mesure des contaminants chimiques directement dans la colonne d’eau est coûteuse, difficilement interprétable et peu applicable à de nombreux échantillons prélevés le long d’un important linéaire côtier. Pour surmonter ces difficultés, les contaminants peuvent être mesurés dans la chair de bioaccumulateurs naturels tels les moules. Depuis 1996, le réseau RINBIO évalue les niveaux de contamination chimique à l’échelle de la façade méditerranéenne en utilisant une technique de caging de moules. Or, les caractéristiques du capteur représenté par les moules varient en fonction du milieu et notamment de ses capacités trophiques. L’objectif de l’étude était de déterminer statistiquement la réponse de ce capteur à partir de jeux de données disponibles depuis... Tipo: Text Ano: 2010 URL: Analyse statistique des données du RSL - Etude des trajectoires écologiques des lagunes entre 2001 et 2012 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Derolez, Valerie; Ouisse, Vincent; Fiandrino, Annie; Munaron, Dominique; Bissery, Claire; Kloareg, Maela. Les questions abordées dans le présent rapport concernent la recherche et l’interprétation d’un repère de représentation des données du RSL (colonne d’eau et phytoplancton) pour l’ensemble des stations des lagunes de Provence-Alpes Côte d’Azur (PACA), Languedoc-Roussillon (LR) et Corse : 1) Est-il possible de trouver un repère pertinent de représentation des trajectoires d’évolution pour toutes les stations, en effectuant des regroupement par typologie de stations ? Comment interpréter les deux premiers axes de l’analyse en composantes principales (ACP) ? 2) Le premier axe des repères d’ACP constitue-t-il un « Gradient d’eutrophisation » ? 3) Est-il possible de mettre en évidence un effet météorologique sur les évolutions des teneurs en azote et phosphore... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Lagunes; Eutrophisation; Restauration; Trajectoires; Nutriments; Phytoplancton. Ano: 2013 URL: Analyse technico-économique de projets d'élevage d'ombrine (Sciaenops ocellata) en cages flottantes à la Martinique Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Houel, S; Falguiere, Jean-claude; Paquotte, Philippe. The availability in interesting sites and the zootechnical performances of tropical fish are two impo rt ant assets in favor of the development of fish farming in the Caribbean islands. This repor presents a technical and financial analysis of red drum farming projects in floating cages in Martinique(French West Indies). This project analysis makes it possible to compare the economic feasability of a small-scale production system with that of a semi-industrial one submitted to different technical constraints. The main criteria of the project analysis are the profitability of the funded capital, the financial feasability during the buildup period, the profitability at a steady state and the cost price. Production costs are hi gher in the the small-scale... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Caribbean; French West Indies; Martinique; Financial analysis; Production costs; Finfish; Aquaculture; Sciaenops ocellata; SEM; Caraïbes; Antilles Françaises; Martinique; Analyse économique; Coûts de production; Poissons; Aquaculture; Sciaenops ocellata. Ano: 1996 URL: Analyse technique et financière d'un projet d'élevage de coquille Saint-Jacques de l'écloserie jusqu'à la recapture des semis Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Paquotte, Philippe; Fleury, Pierre-gildas. L'élevage de la coquille Saint-Jacques est une activité de production aquacole qui est maintenant arrivée à un stade déterminant pour son avenir. Après de nombreux essais expérimentaux, les financeurs publics posent le problème de leur relais par les investisseurs privés ou semi-publics (organisations de pêcheurs, collectivités locales ou régionales). Tipo: Text Ano: 1994 URL: Analyse typologique des activités de pêche de la flottille des côtes-d'Armor Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Berthou, Patrick; Chevaillier, P; Jezequel, Michele. Introduction: Setting up a policy of coastal fisheries management goes through a preliminary stage of understanding the dynamics of the fishing fleets as much as their tactics. Small fleets, such as those of the Côtes d'Armor, are characterised by: - the boats' home ports are scattered widely, - the heterogeneousness of the types of vessels and fishing gear used, - the versatility of the fishing units, - the plurispecificity of the exploited resource, - the flexibility of operating strategies, that is, the fishing owners' ability to change occupation. However, this flexibility is limited by the availability of the resource, by the market, by the investments granted (boats, fishing materiel), as well as by "cultural" context and know-how. This... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Saint Brieux Bay; Fishery management; Typology; Fishing vessel. Ano: 1990 URL: Analyses sclérochronologiques d’écailles archéologiques d’ombres commun Thymallus thymallus et inférences sur la pêche paléolithique au Taillis des Coteaux (Vienne, France) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Guillaud, Emilie; Elleboode, Romain; Bearez, Philippe; Mahe, Kelig. Lors des fouilles archéologiques du Taillis des Coteaux, plus de 791 écailles ont été mises au jour dans une zone attribuée chronologiquement au Magdalénien inférieur. L’origine (animale ou anthropique) des accumulations de poissons dans les sites archéologiques est souvent méconnue. L’application de la sclérochronologie à l’étude de ces restes nous permet non seulement d’avoir une estimation de l’âge du poisson, mais aussi de préciser la période de capture. La connaissance de la saison de mort des individus est un bon indicateur des activités humaines et/ou d’autres prédateurs (carnivores, oiseaux). La majorité des écailles est attribuable aux salmonidae. Parmi les espèces identifiées, seul l’ombre commun Thymallus thymallus (L., 1758) est bien... Tipo: Text Ano: 2014 URL: Analysing multiple time series and extending significance testing in wavelet analysis Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Rouyer, Tristan; Fromentin, Jean-marc; Stenseth, N; Cazelles, B. In nature, non-stationarity is rather typical, but the number of statistical tools allowing for non-stationarity remains rather limited. Wavelet analysis is such a tool allowing for non-stationarity but the lack of an appropriate test for statistical inference as well as the difficulty to deal with multiple time series are 2 important shortcomings that limits its use in ecology. We present 2 approaches to deal with these shortcomings. First, we used 1/f beta models to test cycles in the wavelet spectrum against a null hypothesis that takes into account the highly autocorrelated nature of ecological time series. To illustrate the approach, we investigated the fluctuations in bluefin tuna trap catches with a set of different null models. The 1/f beta models... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Maximum covariance analysis; Surrogates; Wavelet significance testing; Wavelet clustering; Multivariate time series; Non stationarity. Ano: 2008 URL: Analysis and Interpretation of Frequency–Wavenumber Spectra of Young Wind Waves Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Leckler, Fabien; Ardhuin, Fabrice; Peureux, Charles; Benetazzo, Alvise; Bergamasco, Filippo; Dulov, Vladimir. The energy level and its directional distribution are key observations for understanding the energy balance in the wind-wave spectrum between wind-wave generation, nonlinear interactions, and dissipation. Here, properties of gravity waves are investigated from a fixed platform in the Black Sea, equipped with a stereo video system that resolves waves with frequency f up to 1.4 Hz and wavelengths from 0.6 to 11 m. One representative record is analyzed, corresponding to young wind waves with a peak frequency fp = 0.33 Hz and a wind speed of 13 m s−1. These measurements allow for a separation of the linear waves from the bound second-order harmonics. These harmonics are negligible for frequencies f up to 3 times fp but account for most of the energy at higher... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Circulation; Dynamics; Waves; Oceanic; Observational techniques and algorithms; Remote sensing. Ano: 2015 URL: Analysis and prediction of the fluctuation of sardine abundance using a neural network Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Aoki, I; Komatsu, T. This paper examines the use of a neural network to analyse and predict the winter catch, in the Joban-Boso Seas off the Pacific coast of central Japan, of young Japanese sardine (Sardinops melanostictus) representing the index of recruits in the sardine stock. The supervised learning paradigm, a three-layer network and a back-propagation algorithm were employed in constructing the neural net. A number of biological, hydrographic and climatic factors constituted an input vector, the output being the catch of young sardine. The association of sardine abundance with environmental factors was quantified in the form of the trained neural network, which indicated important associations with the Southern Oscillation Index, with patterns of the Kuroshio and the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Neural network; Japanese sardine; Recruit; Climatic change; Kuroshio-Oyashio. Ano: 1997 URL: Analysis and visualization of the glass eel behavior (Anguilla anguilla) in the Adour estuary and estimate of its upstream migration speed Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Prouzet, Patrick; Odunlami, Marc; Duquesne, Elise; Boussouar, Ahmed. The studies carried out on the Adour estuary on the migration of glass eels lead to the characterisation of their swimming behavior. Individuals migrate passively with the flood tide current behind the dynamic tide front, and their movements into the water column are linked to the surrounding luminosity and water turbidity. A numerical model was built from observations gathered on glass eel densities during scientific surveys. It uses the outputs of a hydrodynamic model accounting for the variations in the river flow and tide coefficient. It allows the simulation of the displacement of a particle in the longitudinal axis of the estuary. The variation of the vertical movements through the water column takes into account the cloud cover, the moon phases, the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Numerical modeling; Fish behavior; Migration; Estuary; Hydrodynamics; Exploitation rate; Glass eel; Anguilla anguilla; Atlantic Ocean. Ano: 2009 URL: Analysis of Clinical Ostreid Herpesvirus 1 (Malacoherpesviridae) Specimens by Sequencing Amplified Fragments from Three Virus Genome Areas Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Renault, Tristan; Moreau, Pierrick; Faury, Nicole; Pepin, Jean-francois; Segarra, Amelie; Webb, Stephen. Although there are a number of ostreid herpesvirus 1 (OsHV-1) variants, it is expected that the true diversity of this virus will be known only after the analysis of significantly more data. To this end, we analyzed 72 OsHV-1 "specimens" collected mainly in France over an 18-year period, from 1993 to 2010. Additional samples were also collected in Ireland, the United States, China, Japan, and New Zealand. Three virus genome regions (open reading frame 4 [ORF4], ORF35, -36, -37, and -38, and ORF42 and -43) were selected for PCR analysis and sequencing. Although ORF4 appeared to be the most polymorphic genome area, distinguishing several genogroups, ORF35, -36, -37, and -38 and ORF42 and -43 also showed variations useful in grouping subpopulations of this... Tipo: Text Ano: 2012 URL: Analysis of dissolved gases by headspace sampling gas chromatography with column and detector switching. Preliminary results Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Sarradin, Pierre-marie; Caprais, Jean-claude. This preliminary study presents a new method for the determination of dissolved gases in sea-water. After headspace extraction, gaseous compounds are separated by GC on a dual column adsorption system, The individual species are thereafter eluted to three different detectors (thermal conductivity, flame ionization and FPD) using a second switching valve, The analysis is quantitative for methane and carbon dioxide with limits of determination of 0.1 and 50 mu mol l(-1), respectively, and corresponding standard deviations of 4 and 7%, and has been applied to deep sea hydrothermal samples, Further optimization is necessary to allow the quantitative determination of hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen, oxygen and carbon monoxide. Tipo: Text Ano: 1996 URL: Analysis of gear interactions in a hake fishery: The case of the Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Aldebert, Yvonne; Recasens, Laura; Lleonart, Jordi. The hake of the Gulf of Lions is the most important target species of the demersal fishery. It is exploited by four types of gear (two trawls, gillnet and longline) used by two countries (France and Spain). Some analyses of its dynamics, based on 19 88 length frequency data by gear, have been performed. These analyses consisted in a VPA (Virtual Population Analysis). phis a Y/R (Yield per Recruit analysis) carried out on two parameter scenarios by sex, under a steady state hypothesis (with constant recruitment). Some estimates of biomass and exploitation level were obtained, and sensitivity to the biological parameters and interaction between types of gear were studied. As a main conclusion, it can be seen that the types of gear fishing mainly small... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Assessment; Gaar interaction; Hake; Gulf of Lions; NW Mediterranean. Ano: 1993 URL: Analysis of hemocyte parameters in Pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas, reared in the field Comparison of hatchery diploids and diploids from natural beds Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Gagnaire, Beatrice; Soletchnik, Patrick; Faury, Nicole; Kerdudou, Nolwenn; Le Moine, Olivier; Renault, Tristan. Internal defence mechanisms of bivalves include the hemocytes which assume several functions. Relationships exist between environmental factors, physiological state of oysters, defence system and pathogens. Hatchery oysters are more and more produced and reared in the field. The characteristics and particularly the defence system of these animals are poorly documented. In this context, two field trials were carried out from May to September 2002 and from April to July 2003 in order to monitor hemocyte parameters of diploid oysters from natural beds and hatchery-produced diploid oysters using flow cytometry. Several hemocyte parameters (cell mortality, granulocyte percentage, phagocytosis, esterase and peroxidase activities) were monitored. For both oyster... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hatchery; Natural beds; Diploids; Flow cytometry; Peroxidase activity; Esterase activity; Phagocytosis; Hemocytes; Crassostrea gigas; Pacific oyster. Ano: 2007 URL: Analysis of Holocene sedimentary features on the Adriatic shelf from 3D very high resolution seismic data (Triad survey) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Marsset, Tania; Marsset, Bruno; Thomas, Yannick; Cattaneo, Antonio; Thereau, Estelle; Trincardi, F; Cochonat, Pierre. Very High Resolution (VHR) 3D seismic data were collected on the Adriatic shelf offshore the city of Ortona in order to define the small-scale geometric complexity of late Holocene deposits. Three groups of units are distinguished from the bottom up: (1) units U1 to U3 forming the Transgressive System Tract (TST); (2) units U4 and U5 representing the condensed interval deposited on the Maximum flooding surface (MFS) and the basal unit of the High stand System Tract (HST); and (3) U6 to U 10 forming the progradational units of the HST. The muddy HST deposits show seafloor and subsurface sedimentary features over up to 40% of its extent on the Adriatic shelf. In the area offshore Ortona, the HST shows shore-parallel undulations in water depth of ca. 30-70 m... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bottom hugging currents; Sediment deformation; 3D VHR seismic; Adriatic shelf; Late Holocene. Ano: 2004 URL: Analysis of hydrobiological pattern in the Bizerte lagoon (Tunisia) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bejaoui, B; Harzallah, A; Moussa, M; Chapelle, Annie; Solidoro, C. This study deals with the use of a multivariate analysis method in order to understand the functioning of the Bizerte lagoon ecosystem. A set of hydrobiological parameters was collected during 10 monthly campaigns in 2004. A variant of the EOF (Empirical Orthogonal Function) technique is used to examine hydrobiological variability modes in this lagoon. The permanent features characterising the lagoon are obtained by applying the EOF technique to data after removing the annual cycle. Two major modes were obtained. The first one shows a contrast between the northern sector of the lagoon, influenced by the Mediterranean Sea, and the southern one influenced by continental waters. This mode is mostly prominent for temperature and salinity. The second mode shows... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Nutrient cycles; EOF analysis; Bizerte lagoon. Ano: 2008 URL: Analysis of larval oyster grazing by flow cytometry Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Chretiennot-dinet, Marie-josèphe; Vaulot, Daniel; Galois, Robert; Spano, Anna-maria; Robert, Rene. The ingestion of 8 algal species by oyster larvae (Crassostrea gigas Thunberg, 1793) was measured by flow cytometry (FCM). In a preliminary experiment, cell size (estimated by light scatter) and chlorophyll fluorescence of 30 algal species were evaluated to select those species which could be mixed together and still be easily discriminated by FCM. Grazing experiments were carried out over 48 h with 6 and 15-day old larvae fed on 3 algal mixtures, each containing 3 different algal species. The concentration of each species was estimated at 0, 6, 12, 24 and 48 h by FCM. Grazing pressure on a given algal species was dependent upon the age of the larvae, the time of the day and the composition of the mixture. Grazing rates of older larvae were about twice... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Oyster larvae; Crassostrea gigas; Grazing; Algae; Selective feeding; Flow cytometry. Ano: 1991 URL: Analysis of light hydrocarbons in marine sediments by headspace technique: Optimization using design of experiments Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Donval, Jean-pierre; Charlou, Jean-luc; Lucas, L. Headspace technique is a common method to analyze light hydrocarbons in deep marine sediments. The use of an automatic headspace sampler instead of a manual injection is the guarantee for a better repeatability and furthermore it is less time consuming. But to increase the sensitivity and therefore, to achieve a better detection limit, it is necessary to optimize the automatic headspace sampler parameters. The theory of design of experiments was applied here by studying them. As a response, methane, which is an important gas in marine sediments, was chosen for its short analysis time. Regarding the parameters for automatic headspace sampler, eight variables were selected and then, a screening of them was carried out with a fractional factorial design to... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Design of experiments; Headspace technique; Gas; Sediments. Ano: 2008 URL: Analysis of mixed-sediment consolidation experiments Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Grasso, Florent; Le Hir, Pierre; Bassoullet, Philippe. Estuarine sediment transport models require that a time variation of erodibility due to consolidation be taken into account. If numerical modelling of mud sedimentation and consolidation is currently satisfactory, simulation of mud-sand mixture consolidation is more problematical. This is partly due to mixed-sediment processes, as hindered settling and segregation, not well understood yet. Hence, based on extensive settling columns experiments, the aim of this study is to improve our understanding of mud-sand mixture consolidation for varying concentrations (54 to 600 kg/m3) and large sand contents (15 to 80%). Firstly, we observed that for a given initial mass concentration and sand content the final consolidation appeared independent from the initial... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Settling column experiments; Consolidation; Sedimentation; Mud/sand mixtures; Sand segregation; Gelling concentration. Ano: 2014 URL: Analysis of random nonlinear water waves: the Stokes-Woodward technique Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Elfouhaily, Tanos; Joelson, Maminirina; Guignard, Stéphan; Branger, Hubert; Thompson, Donald; Chapron, Bertrand; Vandemark, Douglas. A generalization of the Woodward's theorem is applied to the case of random signals jointly modulated in amplitude and frequency. This yields the signal spectrum and a rather robust estimate of the bispectrum. Furthermore, higher order statistics that quantify the amount of energy in the signal due to nonlinearities, e.g., wave-wave interaction in the case of water waves, can be inferred. Considering laboratory wind generated water waves, comparisons between the presented generalization and more standard techniques allow to extract the spectral energy due to nonlinear wave-wave interactions. It is shown that our analysis extends the domain of standard spectral estimation techniques from narrow-band to broad-band processes. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Frequency modulation; Amplitude modulation; Bispectrum; Vertical asymmetry; Horizontal asymmetry; Wave wave interaction; Mode coupling; Fluid mechanics; Modulation de fréquence; Modulation d'amplitude; Bispectre; Dissymétrie horisontale; Dissymétrie verticale; Interaction vague vague; Couplage de mode; Mécaniques des fluides. Ano: 2003 URL: Analysis of riverine suspended particulate matter fluxes (Gulf of Lion, Mediterranean Sea) using a synergy of ocean color observations with a 3-D hydrodynamic sediment transport model Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Fouest, Vincent; Chami, Malik; Verney, Romaric. The export of riverine suspended particulate matter (SPM) in the coastal ocean has major implications for the biogeochemical cycles. In the Mediterranean Sea (France), the Rhone River inputs of SPM into the Gulf of Lion (GoL) are highly variable in time, which severely impedes the assessment of SPM fluxes. The objectives of this study are (i) to investigate the prediction of the land-to-ocean flux of SPM using the complementarity (i.e., synergy) between a hydrodynamic sediment transport model and satellite observations, and (ii) to analyze the spatial distribution of the SPM export. An original approach that combines the MARS-3D model with satellite ocean color data is proposed. Satellite-derived SPM and light penetration depth are used to initialize... Tipo: Text Ano: 2015 URL: Analysis of salinity measurements near islands on the French continental shelf of the Bay of Biscay Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lazure, Pascal; Jegou, Anne-marie; Kerdreux, Michel. The Bay of Biscay is characterised by large fresh water inputs from two major rivers, the Loire and the Gironde, with a mean discharge of about 900 m(3)/s. To describe the spatial and temporal variability of the Loire and Gironde plumes, continuous salinity measurements were made at 4 locations on French coastal islands over periods lasting at least two years. These islands are located at a distance from the large local gradients linked to local inputs. Whereas sea surface salinity in the centre of the Bay of Biscay is 35.6, salinities at the coast vary between about 35 in summer to occasionally less than 30 in late winter or in spring. Minimum salinities do not occur at the same time along the coast, indicating a strong spatial gradient. Near the Loire... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bay of Biscay; Continental shelf; River plume; Seasonal variability; Salinity; Hydrology. Ano: 2006 URL: Analysis of shell colour determinism in the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Peignon, Jean-marie; Gerard, Andre; Naciri, Yamama; Ledu, Christophe; Phelipot, Pascal. The Manila clam presents a large polymorphism for shell colours and patterns. No experiment has been conducted to study the determinism of such a polymorphism which has been well known for a long time. The aim of this study was firstly to determine the genetic variation for shell colour and secondly to produce some homozygous lines for the shell colouring. These lines could then be used as controls for laboratory experiments. The colouring is defined by three characters: asymmetry, ornamentation and hue. Clams with asymmetrical colouring are not fully pigmented, except for a posterior band on the left valve. Clams with symmetrical colouring are fully pigmented on the two valves. Four cross series were conducted between the different characters: Asymmetry... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mollusque; Bivalve; Palourde; Ruditapes philippinarum; Génétique; Hérédité mendélienne; Coloration; Asymétrie; Mollusc; Bivalve; Manila clam; Ruditapes philippinarum; Genetics; Mendelian inheritance; Colouration; Asymmetry. Ano: 1995 URL: Analysis of slope failures in submarine canyon heads: An example from the Gulf of Lions Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Sultan, Nabil; Gaudin, Mathieu; Berne, Serge; Canals, Miquel; Urgeles, Roger; Lafuerza, Sara. To improve understanding of evolution of submarine canyons, a three-dimensional slope-stability model is applied to Bourcart Canyon in the western Gulf of Lions in the Mediterranean Sea. The model builds on previous work by Chen and others, and it uses the upper bound theorem of plasticity to calculate the factor of safety of a kinematically admissible failing mass. Examples of three-dimensional failure surfaces documented in the literature were used to test the model formulation. Model application to Bourcart Canyon employed the results of a detailed stratigraphic analyses based on data acquired by swath bathymetry, sub-bottom profiling, high-resolution seismic reflection surveys, and piston coring. The sediment layers were also characterized using... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Cascadia accretionary complex; Upper bound theorem; Stability analysis; Continental slope; Limit equilibrium; Western gulf; Offshore; Margin; Initiation; Sediment. Ano: 2007 URL: Analysis of species associations in deep-sea fisheries off the British Isles from an industry haul-by-haul database Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Baulier, Loic; Pawlowski, Lionel; Lorance, Pascal; Trenkel, Verena. Tipo: Text Ano: 2010 URL: Analysis of surface wind and roughness length evolution with fetch using a combination of airborne lidar and radar measurements Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Flamant, C; Pelon, J; Hauser, D; Quentin, C; Drennan, Wm; Gohin, Francis; Chapron, Bertrand; Gourrion, Jerome. [1] Acombination of surface wind speed (SWS) and sea state variables, derived from quasi-simultaneous airborne lidar and radar measurements, made in the framework of the Flux, Etat de mer et Teledetection en Condition de fetcH variable (FETCH) experiment, is used to analyze the evolution of surface roughness length, neutral drag coefficient, and friction velocity coefficient with fetch in the first hundred kilometers offshore over the Gulf of Lion, Western Mediterranean. The study focuses on the Tramontane/ Mistral event documented in the afternoon of 24 March 1998. Particular attention is given to SWS derived from nadir lidar measurements. The SWS retrieval methodology developed and validated for open ocean conditions by Flamant et al. [1998] has been... Tipo: Text Ano: 2003 URL: Analysis of tagging data from North Atlantic Albacore (Thunnus Alalunga): Attrition Rate Estimates Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Ortiz De Zarate, Victoria; Bertignac, Michel. In this study, an attempt is made to estimate natural mortality rate for North Atlantic albacore. We implement a spatially aggregated tag-attrition model to analyse the results of an albacore tagging experiment conducted in the Bay of Biscay from 1988 to 1991. The model predicts probabilities of the possible fates of tagged fish and the tags that they carry. The model includes several parameters consisting of catchabilities by fleets involved in recaptures and a combination of natural mortality plus emigration from the study area. Model fitting is carried out by finding the maximum of a multinomial likelihood function. Effect of reporting rate values on the estimations are evaluated and several hypothesis on the pre-mixing period of the tagged fish... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bay of Biscay; Attrition rate; Model; Natural mortality estimation; Albacore. Ano: 2001 URL: Analysis of the black-chinned tilapia Sarotherodon melanotheron heudelotii reproducing under a wide range of salinities: from RNA-seq to candidate genes Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Avarre, Jean-christophe; Dugue, R.; Alonso, Pascal; Diombokho, A.; Joffrois, C.; Faivre, N.; Cochet, C.; Durand, Jean Dominique. The black-chinned tilapia Sarotherodon melanotheron heudelotii is an ecologically appealing model as it shows exceptional adaptive capacities, especially with regard to salinity. In spite of this, this species is devoid of genomic resources, which impedes the understanding of such remarkable features. De novo assembly of transcript sequences produced by next-generation sequencing technologies offers a rapid approach to obtain expressed gene sequences for non-model organisms. It also facilitates the development of quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) assays for analysing gene expression under different environmental conditions. Nevertheless, obtaining accurate and reliable qPCR results from such data requires a number of validations prior to interpretation.... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Gene expression; Non-model organism; Reference gene; Salinity; Spermatogenesis; Tilapia. Ano: 2014 URL: Analysis of the first genome of a hyperthermophilic marine virus-like particle, PAV1, isolated from Pyrococcus abyssi Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Geslin, Claire; Gaillard, Melusine; Flament, Didier; Rouault, Karen; Le Romancer, Marc; Prieur, Daniel; Erauso, Gael. Only one virus-like particle (VLP) has been reported from hyperthermophilic Euryarchaeotes. This VLP, named PAV1 is shaped like a lemon and was isolated from a strain of "Pyrococcus abyssi," a deep-sea isolate. Its genome consists of a double-stranded circular DNA of 18 kb which is also present at a high copy number (60 per chromosome) free within the host cytoplasm but is not integrated into the host chromosome. Here, we report the results of complete analysis of the PAV1 genome. All the 25 predicted genes, except 3, are located on one DNA strand. A transcription map has been made by using a reverse transcription-PCR assay. All the identified open reading frames (ORFs) are transcribed. The most significant similarities relate to four ORFs. ORF 180a shows... Tipo: Text Ano: 2007 URL: Analysis of the genetic structure and life history of albacore tuna in terms of diversity, abundance and migratory range at the spatial and time scales: Project GERMON (GEnetic stRucture and Migration Of albacore tuNa) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Nikolic, Natacha; Bourjea, Jerome. Tunas are important commercial species that represent a share of about 8 percent of total fish exports. In 2010, the total catch of tuna in three oceans was about 6.6 million tons, 4.3 million tons for the most marketed species, a level roughly stable since 2002 (FAO 2012). Among these tuna species, there are in descending order of capture: skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis), yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares), bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus), albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) and bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus). Overall, the biology of albacore stock in the Indian Ocean is not well known and there is relatively little new recent information on albacore stocks. Albacore life history characteristics, including a relatively late maturity, long life and sexual... Tipo: Text Ano: 2012 URL: Analysis of the Influence of Hydrostatic Stress on the Behaviour of an Adhesive in a Bonded Assembly Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Cognard, J. Y.; Creac'Hcadec, R.; Maurice, J.; Davies, Peter; Peleau, Michel; Da Silva, L. F. M. Generally, adhesives are viscoelastic-plastic materials, for which the development of viscosity and plasticity varies depending on the type of adhesive and the stress state. Various models exist to represent the yield surface, or the so-called elastic limit, taking into account the two stress invariants, hydrostatic stress and von Mises equivalent stress. Moreover, to develop precise pressure-dependent constitutive models, it is necessary to have a large experimental database in order to accurately represent the adhesive strains which are strongly dependent on the tensile-shear loading combination. Under quasi-static loadings, for a given strain rate range viscous effects can be neglected, but only a few experimental results are available to model the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Adhesive testing; Non-linear behaviour; Modelling; Hydrostatic stress; Finite element analysis. Ano: 2010 URL: Analysis of the moisture effect on the mechanical behaviour of an adhesively bonded joint under proportional multi-axial loads Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Arnaud, N.; Creac'Hcadec, R.; Cognard, J. Y.; Davies, Peter; Le Gac, Pierre-yves. The objective of the study is to identify the 3D behaviour of an adhesive in an assembly, and to take into account the effect of ageing in a marine environment. To that end, three different tests were employed. Gravimetric analyses were used to determine the water diffusion kinetics in the adhesive. Bulk tensile tests were performed to highlight the effects of humid ageing on the adhesive behaviour. Modified Arcan tests were performed for several ageing times to obtain the experimental database which was necessary to identify constitutive models. A Mahnken-Schlimmer type model was determined for the unaged state according to a procedure developed in a previous study. This identification used inverse techniques. It was based on the unaged modified Arcan... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Water resistance; Arcan test; Ageing; Epoxides; Finite-element stress analysis; Durability. Ano: 2015 URL: Analysis of the nonlinear behavior of adhesives in bonded assemblies - Comparison of TAST and Arcan tests Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Cognard, J; Creac' Hcadec, R; Sohier, L; Davies, Peter. This paper describes a study in which the shear behavior of a structural epoxy adhesive has been measured using the standard thick adherend shear test (TAST) specimen and a modified Arcan test A. numerical study of the TAST test taking into account the nonlinear behavior of the adhesive and the finite deformations of the adhesive joint, shows that there is a localization of plastic zones close to the adhesive-substrate interface near the free edge of the adhesive. Experimental tests carried out with steel and aluminum substrates and with various adhesives also show that failure initiates in this region. These edge effects in the TAST fixture can lead to an incorrect analysis of the behavior of the adhesive (for instance, underestimation of the shear stress... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Adhesive testing; Mechanical properties of adhesives; Stress distribution; Epoxy/epoxides. Ano: 2008 URL: Analysis of the potential impact of several management measures for eastern Atlantic bluefin tuna on the basis of yield per recruit Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Arrizabalaga, Haritz; Restrepo, Victor; Fromentin, Jean-marc; Ortiz De Urbina, J M. A standard yield per recruit (YPR) analysis is used to analyse the effects of minimum size regulations and time area closures on bluefin tuna from the eastern stock (east Atlantic and Mediterranean). Analyses were based on a fishing mortality vector computed over the period 1990-1994 for which data were more reliable and VPA (performed during the 2002 stock assessment) showed a relatively good convergence. This fishing mortality vector was modified according to some combinations of minimum size regulations and time area closures. It is concluded that: (i) PSmed is the main contributor to catch at age in the range of ages 1-13; (ii) The minimum size regulations considered would increase the YPR more than the time area closures, but these would enhance SPR... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Yield/recruit; Yield predictions; Size limit regulations; Time-area closures; Bluefin tuna. Ano: 2007 URL: Analysis of the SAR imaging process of the ocean surface using Volterra models Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Caillec, Jm; Garello, R; Chapron, Bertrand. In this paper, the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) process of the ocean surface mapping is studied using a decomposition based on a Volterra model. By a mathematical expansion of the complex exponential of the complete SAR transform, these models decompose the nonlinear distortion mechanisms of the SAR spectrum over different spectra of polynomial interactions. Thus, they offer an alternative modeling (to the exact SAR transform) giving a theoretical separation between the SAR Fourier components linearly derived from the sea surface elevation and the artifacts created by nonlinearities of. the SAR mapping of the. ocean surface. The main results of this paper consist of the systematic assessment of such an approximation of the ocean surface SAR imaging... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Higher order statistics; Radar mapping; SAR; Sea surface; Volterra models. Ano: 2002 URL: Analysis of the standards and indicators for sustainable development of aquaculture Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Mathe, Syndhia; Rey-valette, Hélène; Brunel, Olivier; Clement, Olivier; Rene, Francois; Blancheton, Jean-paul. Tipo: Text Ano: 2010 URL: Analysis of time series of planktonic communities in the Adriatic Sea: Distinguishing between natural and man-induced changes Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Solic, M; Krstulovic, N; Marasovic, I; Baranovic, A; Pucherpetkovic, T; Vucetic, T. Time series (> 20 years) of bacterioplankton, phytoplankton and zooplankton abundances and of phytoplankton production in the Adriatic Sea were analysed. Multivariate methods were used to extract the main patterns of year-to-year changes in abundances (Principal Component Analysis), and to discriminate between years and sites (Multidimensional Scaling). Increasing long-term trends were established for planktonic abundances and phytoplankton production in both coastal and open sea areas, presumably as a result of eutrophication processes. In the open sea, natural factors (water exchange between the Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas, and temperature) were dominant in controlling year-to-year fluctuations of plankton. On the other hand, long-term... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Plankton; Time series; Natural factors; Man-induced factors. Ano: 1997 URL: Analysis of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) broodstock pilot scale production. Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Omnes, Marie-helene; Normant, Yvon; Suquet, Marc; Fauvel, Christian. Rearing turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) reaches the commercial scale. With the hatchery output increasing, more attention needs to be focussed on broodstocks performance both in terms of quantity and viability of eggs. The techniques of shifting the environmental conditions allow a production of eggs all year round. However, egg quality tends to be highly variable. This paper examines over a two-year period, the improvement in egg quality and its consequences on the production of larvae by a strict management of spawners. Tipo: Text Ano: 1991 URL: Analysis of volunteer observing ship temperature-fields in the tropical atlantic-ocean Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Mayer, Da; Molinari, Rl; Weisberg, Rh. Tipo: Text Ano: 1990 URL: Analytical Methods for Virus Detection in Water and Food Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bosch, Albert; Sanchez, Gloria; Abbaszadegan, Morteza; Carducci, Annalaura; Guix, Susana; Le Guyader, Soizick; Netshikweta, Rembuluwani; Pinto, Rosa M.; Van Der Poel, Wim H. M.; Rutjes, Saskia; Sano, Daisuke; Taylor, Maureen B.; Van Zyl, Walda B.; Rodriguez-lazaro, David; Kovac, Katarina; Sellwood, Jane. Potential ways to address the issues that relate to the techniques for analyzing food and environmental samples for the presence of enteric viruses are discussed. It is not the authors' remit to produce or recommend standard or reference methods but to address specific issues in the analytical procedures. Foods of primary importance are bivalve molluscs, particularly, oysters, clams, and mussels; salad crops such as lettuce, green onions and other greens; and soft fruits such as raspberries and strawberries. All types of water, not only drinking water but also recreational water (fresh, marine, and swimming pool), river water (irrigation water), raw and treated sewage are potential vehicles for virus transmission. Well over 100 different enteric viruses... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Enteric viruses; Gastroenteritis; Hepatitis; Detection; Concentration. Ano: 2011 URL: Analytical modeling of synthetic fiber ropes. Part II: A linear elastic model for 1+6 fibrous structures Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Ghoreishi, Seyed Reza; Davies, Peter; Cartraud, Patrice; Messager, Tanguy. In part I of this study it was shown that, to model synthetic fiber ropes, two scale transition models can be used in sequence. The first model (continuum model) has been presented in the part I and the present paper examines the behavior of a fibrous structure consisting of 6 helicoidal strands around a central core (1 + 6 structure). An analytical model will be presented which enables the global elastic behavior of such a cable under tension-torsion loading to be predicted. In this model, first, the core and the strands are described as Kirchhoff-Love beams and then the traction-torsion coupling behavior is taken into account for both of them. By modeling the contact conditions between the strands and the core, with certain assumptions, it is possible to... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Testing; Analytical model; Aramid; Wire; Simple strand; Fiber rope. Ano: 2007 URL: Analytical modeling of synthetic fiber ropes subjected to axial loads. Part I: A new continuum model for multilayered fibrous structures Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Ghoreishi, Seyed Reza; Cartraud, Patrice; Davies, Peter; Messager, Tanguy. Synthetic fiber ropes are characterized by a very complex architecture and a hierarchical structure. Considering the fiber rope architecture, to pass from fiber to rope structure behavior, two scale transition models are necessary, used in sequence: one is devoted to an assembly of a large number of twisted components (multilayered), whereas the second is suitable for a structure with a central straight core and six helical wires (1 + 6). The part I of this paper first describes the development of a model for the static behavior of a fibrous structure with a large number of twisted components. Tests were then performed on two different structures subjected to axial loads. Using the model presented here the axial stiffness of the structures has been... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Testing; Analytical model; Multilayered structures; Aramid; Yarn; Fiber rope. Ano: 2007 URL: Analytical Techniques for the Doppler Signature of Sea Surfaces in the Microwave Regime-I: Linear Surfaces Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Nouguier, Frederic; Guerin, Charles-antoine; Soriano, Gabriel. This paper is the first in a series of two papers on the use of combined improved hydrodynamic and electromagnetic analytical models for the simulation of the ocean Doppler spectrum at microwave frequencies. Under a linear assumption for the sea surface, we derive statistical expression for the main Doppler characteristics according to asymptotic scattering models. We consider classical models such as the Kirchhoff approximation and the two-scale model, as well as the more recent weighted curvature approximation (WCA). We recover two salient features of Doppler signature in the microwave regime. First, the Doppler characteristics are very sensitive to polarization, with higher mean Doppler shift in horizontal polarization. This is correctly rendered by the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Doppler spectrum; Gravity waves; Microwave; Remote sensing; Rough surfaces; Scattering; Sea surface. Ano: 2011 URL: Analytical Techniques for the Doppler Signature of Sea Surfaces in the Microwave Regime-II: Nonlinear Surfaces Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Nouguier, Frederic; Guerin, Charles-antoine; Soriano, Gabriel. This paper extends the results of a previous work by combining hydrodynamic and electromagnetic analytical models for the simulation of the ocean Doppler spectrum at microwave frequencies. We consider weakly nonlinear sea surfaces after the choppy wave model and incorporate them in classical and unified scattering models, namely, the Kirchhoff and weighted curvature approximations. We show that statistical expressions can be obtained for the Doppler spectrum in a way similar to the case of linear surfaces. As expected, the nonlinear nature of the sea surface dramatically impacts the Doppler spectrum at moderate to large incidence angles, with a shift of the central frequency and a broadening of the spectrum. Monte Carlo comparisons are performed with the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Doppler spectrum; Microwave; Nonlinear gravity waves; Remote sensing; Rough surfaces; Scattering; Sea surface. Ano: 2011 URL: Analyzing the market position of fish species subject to the impact of long-term changes: a case study of French fisheries in the Bay of Biscay Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Floc' H, P; Poulard, Jean-charles; Thebaud, Olivier; Blanchard, Fabian; Bihel, J; Steinmetz, Fabien. Market position and its evolution were analysed in nine key fish and cephalopod species subject to long-term changes, using the Bay of Biscay fisheries as a case study. Although such long term changes have already been documented, and in some cases shown to be related to the impacts of fishing, changes in the physical environment, or both, relatively little work has been devoted to their potential consequences in economic terms. The nature and extent of these consequences was determined in the present study by looking at the composition of the affected fish production, and the status of different fish products on the markets. We propose a methodology to characterize market position for this set of nine species. The selected species represent a significant... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Atlantic Ocean; Fish market; Macro economic aggregates; Environmental change. Ano: 2008 URL: Anatomie interne de véligères planctoniques de Prosobranches Mésogastropodes au stade proche de la métamorphose Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Thiriot-quievreux, Catherine. With the histological techniques used to study Heteropod 13, 14 larvae, the histological structures of planktonic larvae are described at a stage close to metamorphosis; species are chosen among families of Mesogastropods (Lamellariidae, Eratoidae, Cypraeidae, Naticidae) whose phylogeny is close to the Atlantacea superfamily (= Heteropoda) according to the Taylor and Sohl15 classification. The mantle, mantle cavity, foot and digestive tract are described in depth. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer. Ano: 1974 URL: Anatomie, structure et ultrastructure de la branchie d'un Mytilidae des sites hydrothermaux du Pacifique oriental Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lepennec, M; Hily, A. Tipo: Text Ano: 1984 URL: Anatomy and physiology of digestive tract of crustaceans decapods reared in aquaculture Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Ceccaldi, H. The digestive tract of crustacea is complex. It is composed of a shor t oesophagum, a stomach with two bags, and internal wall with appendags specialized in grinding of feeds. These hard mastication pieces represent the gastric mill. Setae, filters included in the stomach structure allow the separation between food particles and liquid compounds. Those one are coming over through filters and more on to the digestive gland tubules or mid gut gland. In this organ, several types of cells play specialized functions: absorption, enzyme secretion, stocking function. Some cells of a new type, with undefined function, may be neurosecretions function, have been described recently. The end of tubules of digestive gland exhibits cells with embryonic characteristics.... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Decapoda; Neurosecretion; Feed; Rearing; Digestive glands; Enzymes; Stomach; Crustacean culture. Ano: 1989 URL: Anatomy of a compound delta from the post-glacial transgressive record in the Adriatic Sea Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Pellegrini, Claudio; Maselli, Vittorio; Cattaneo, Antonio; Piva, Andrea; Ceregato, Alessandro; Trincardi, Fabio. On the Mediterranean continental shelves the post-glacial transgressive succession is a complex picture composed by seaward progradations, related to sea level stillstands and/or increased sediment supply to the coasts, and minor flooding surfaces, associated to phases of enhanced rates of sea level rise. Among Late Pleistocene examples, major mid-shelf progradations have been related to the short-term climatic reversal of the Younger Dryas event, a period during which the combination of increased sediment supply from rivers and reduced rates of sea level rise promoted the formation of progradations up to tens-meter thick. While the documentation of coastal and subaqueous progradations recording the Younger Dryas interval are widely reported in the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Compound delta; Mediterranean Sea; Younger Dryas; Subaqueous clinoform; Transgressive deposits. Ano: 2015 URL: Anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) egg density measurements in the Bay of Biscay: evidence for the spatial variation in egg density with sea surface salinity Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Goarant, Anne; Petitgas, Pierre; Bourriau, Paul. Knowledge of the pelagic vertical distribution of fish eggs is central for several aspects of fisheries science including fisheries recruitment and egg production studies. In modelling egg vertical distributions, variation in fish egg density is an important issue. Though variation in egg density between individual eggs has been reported, evidence for significant spatial variation in egg density is novel. The present study provides evidence that egg density of anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) varies spatially across spawning sites in the Bay of Biscay, depending on the regional scale variation in sea water properties due to river discharge. We measured the density of the eggs using a density gradient column at 17 stations in 2005 and 2006 as well as their... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bay of Biscay; Anchovy; Fish egg density; Density gradient column. Ano: 2007 URL: Anchovy population expansion in the North Sea Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Petitgas, Pierre; Alheit, Juergen; Peck, Myron A.; Raab, Kristina; Irigoien, Xabier; Huret, Martin; Van Der Kooij, Jeroen; Pohlmann, Thomas; Wagner, Carola; Zarraonaindia, Iratxe; Dickey-collas, Mark. The abundance and spatial occupation of European anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus have increased in the North Sea since the mid-1990s. We use a cross-disciplinary approach combining genetics, transport modelling, survey time series analyses and physical oceanographic modelling to investigate 3 hypotheses on the reasons for this change. Evidence from connectivity studies suggests that the population of North Sea anchovy is separate from that in the Bay of Biscay. The recruitment pulses observed in survey data fit a life cycle which includes spawning in early summer and larval development in late summer. This also supports the concept of population expansion originating from local remnant population(s). In terms of growth physiology, suitable thermal windows... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Climate variability; Small pelagic fish; Regime shift; Temperature; Anchovy; North Sea. Ano: 2012 URL: ANDRO: An Argo-Based Deep Displacement Dataset Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Ollitrault, Michel; Rannou, Jean Philippe. During the first decade of the twenty-first century, more than 6000 Argo floats have been launched over the World Ocean, gathering temperature and salinity data from the upper 2000 m, at a 10-day or so sampling period. Meanwhile their deep displacements can be used to map the ocean circulation at their drifting depth (mostly around 1000 m). A comprehensive processing of the whole Argo dataset collected prior to 1 January 2010 has been performed to produce a world-wide dataset of deep displacements. This numerical atlas, named ANDRO, after a traditional dance of Brittany meaning a swirl, comprises some 600 000 deep displacements. These displacements, based on Argo or GPS surface locations only, have been fully checked and corrected for possible errors found... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Lagrangian circulation/transport; Large-scale motions; Ocean circulation. Ano: 2013 URL: Anesthesia in Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Suquet, Marc; De Kermoysan, Goulwen; Araya, Ricardo Gonzalez; Queau, Isabelle; Lebrun, Luc; Le Souchu, Pierrick; Mingant, Christian. A reliable anaesthesia and sampling protocol for Pacific oysters will enable experiments to be conducted without sacrificing animals and will facilitate successive sampling of individuals for gametogenesis studies. As no such techniques were available for Crassostrea gigas, the present study aimed to define suitable anaesthetic conditions for use with this species. Three groups of ten oysters (mean weight +/- SD, 32.1 +/- 9.0 g) were anaesthetised in 5 L containers. Among different chemicals: benzocaine, eugenol and three different types of magnesium chloride (a laboratory one Flucka (R) - and two designed for agriculture - DEUSA International (R) and Dead SeaWorks (R)) and concentrations tested, one laboratory (concentration: 72 g L-1) and one... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Crassostrea gigas; Pacific oyster; Gonad sampling; Magnesium chloride; Relaxant; Anaesthesia. Ano: 2009 URL: Aneuploidy and its relationship with growth in different populations of the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas, Thunberg) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Boudry, Pierre; Leitao, Alexandra; Mccombie, Helen; Thiriot-quievreux, Catherine. Cytogenetic abnormalities arising both in mitosis and meiosis are known to be common in bivalves. Here we review result obtained from the observations of somatic aneuploidy in different populations of the commercially important Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. The oysters studied were either (1) produced in IFREMER hatcheries between 1986 and 1999, (some of these were part of the EU funded programme GENEPHYS); or (2) collected from wild populations along the French Atlantic coast. Chromosome numbers were scored from 30 mitotic metaphases in gill tissue per individual studied. Aneuploid cells (2n - X) were observed in all the 13 populations studied. A highly significant negative correlation was observed between the level of aneuploidy and growth, i.e.... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Growth; Genetic; Aneuploidy; Crassostrea gigas; Pacific oysters. Ano: 2000 URL: Angiospermes des côtes françaises Manche-Atlantique. Propositions pour un indicateur DCE et premières estimations de la qualité Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Auby, Isabelle; Oger-jeanneret, Helene; Sauriau, Pierre-guy; Hily, Christian; Barille, Laurent. Tipo: Text Ano: 2010 URL: Angular dependence of K-distributed sonar data Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Chenadec, Gilles; Boucher, Jean-marc; Lurton, Xavier. Backscattered signal statistics are widely used for target detection and seafloor characterization. The K-distribution shows interesting properties for describing experimental backscattered intensity statistics. In addition to the fact that its probability distribution function accurately fits actual sonar data, it advantageously provides a physical interpretation linked to the backscattering phenomenon. Sonar systems usually record backscattered signals from a wide angular range across the ship's track. In this context, previous studies have shown that backscatter statistics strongly depend on the incidence angle. In this paper, we propose an extension of previous works to model the angular evolution of the K-distribution shape parameter. This evolution... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: K distribution; Sonar statistical analysis; Seafloor classification. Ano: 2007 URL: Animal-borne sensors successfully capture the real-time thermal properties of ocean basins Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Mcmahon, Cr; Autret, Emmanuelle; Houghton, Jdr; Lovell, P; Myers, Ae; Hays, Gc. Climate change is perhaps the most pressing and urgent environmental issue facing the world today. However our ability to predict and quantify the consequences of this change is severely limited by the paucity of in situ oceanographic measurements. Marine animals equipped with sophisticated oceanographic data loggers to study their behavior offer one solution to this problem because marine animals range widely across the world's ocean basins and visit remote and often inaccessible locations. However, unlike the information being collected from conventional oceanographic sensing equipment, which has been validated, the data collected from instruments deployed on marine animals over long periods has not. This is the first long-term study to validate in situ... Tipo: Text Ano: 2005 URL: Animaux marins comestibles des Antilles françaises (Oursins, Crustacés, Mollusques, Poissons, Tortues et Cétacés) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Morice, Jean. Tipo: Text Ano: 1958 URL: Anisotropie des populations zooplanctoniques dans la zone frontale de Mer Ligure Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Ibanez, F; Boucher, J. Tipo: Text Ano: 1987 URL: Annelid assemblages in soft bottoms subjected to human impact in the Urias estuary (Sinaloa, Mexico) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Mendez, N. The annelid fauna inhabiting soft bottoms was analysed during February and April, 1997 in the Urfas estuary which is mostly surrounded by mangrove swamps, but is also subjected to the effect of several anthropogenic activities, Classification and ordination techniques were used to perform the characterisation of the system based on the annelid assemblages according to environmental variables (mainly organic matter content and percentage of mud). Three zones were found: (1) 'very polluted zone', in front of a slaughterhouse and a fish processing factory with a total lack of macrofauna due to the strong enrichment of the sediment in organic matters (2) 'polluted zones', characterised by the sporadic presence of oligochaetes in front of a domestic sewage... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Annélides; Fonds meubles; L'estuaire d'Urías; Écosystème perturbé; Espèces indicatrices; Annelids; Soft bottoms; Urias estuary; Ecosystem disturbances; Indicator species. Ano: 2002 URL: Annelides polychètes récoltées au cours de sa II° campagne méditerranéenne par le « Président-Théodore-Tissier » Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bellan, Gérard. From 25 September to 7 December 1958, the research vessel "Président-Théodore-Tissier" of the Scientific and Technical Institute of Marine Fisheries (ISTPM) undertook an oceanographic cruise to explore the deep sea for new species of fish and to confirm acquired data of the deep sea. The explored area, where 78 operations were carried out (mainly trawls, but also dredges and plankton samples), was vast. Explored areas included the eastern coast of Corsica, the Corsica channel, the south-western portion of the Tuscan Archipelago, the western coast of Corsica, the coasts of Provence, the Gulf of Lion and Costa Brava.... Tipo: Text Ano: 1960 URL: Annual and spatial variation in the Abra community in Liverpool Bay Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Rees, Eis; Walker, Ajm. Based on 12 years of sampling in Liverpool Bay a number of spatial and temporal variants of the Abra community can be recognised: a) species poor localities that are consistently dominated by Pectinaria koreni or Abra alba ; b) unstable fluid muds with ephemeral recruitments of Pectinaria ; c) species rich localities with a range of alternative dominants; d) heterogeneous offshore localities that are temporarily colonised by Abra community species. General colonisation events occurred in 1972 and 1978 which may be synchronised with events elsewhere in the North Sea. Tipo: Text Ano: 1983 URL: Annual cycles of chlorophyll-a, non-algal suspended particulate matter, and turbidity observed from space and in-situ in coastal waters Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Gohin, Francis. Sea surface temperature, chlorophyll, and turbidity are three variables of the coastal environment commonly measured by monitoring networks. The observation networks are often based on coastal stations, which do not provide a sufficient coverage to validate the model outputs or to be used in assimilation over the continental shelf. Conversely, the products derived from satellite reflectance generally show a decreasing quality shoreward, and an assessment of the limitation of these data is required. The annual cycle, mean, and percentile 90 of the chlorophyll concentration derived from MERIS/ESA and MODIS/NASA data processed with a dedicated algorithm have been compared to in-situ observations at twenty-six selected stations from the Mediterranean Sea to... Tipo: Text Ano: 2011 URL: Annual geochemical mass balances in waters of the Firth of Clyde Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Muller, Fll; Balls, Pw; Tranter, M. A first-order mass balance of twelve minor and trace elements in the coastal sea area of the Firth of Clyde is presented for the period August 1989-July 1990. It is based on our own four sets of chemical data collected in the Clyde Estuary and Firth of Clyde over that period, complemented by independent information relating to water column hydrography, rainfall, wind speed, river discharge, as well as sewage sludge and dredged material disposed of at sea. Terrigenous inputs were measured or estimated as continuous functions of time. Mean exchange rates with the open shelf were calculated over four periods representative of 77 % of the one-year period considered here. All these fluxes were subsequently converted to monthly values to facilitate... Tipo: Text Ano: 1995 URL: Annual variation in neustonic micro- and meso-plastic particles and zooplankton in the Bay of Calvi (Mediterranean–Corsica) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Collignon, Amandine; Hecq, Jean-henri; Galgani, Francois; Collard, France; Goffart, Anne. The annual variation in neustonic plastic particles and zooplankton was studied in the Bay of Calvi (Corsica) between 30 August 2011 and 7 August 2012. Plastic particles were classified into three size classes, small microplastics (0.2–2 mm), large microplastics (2–5 mm) and mesoplastics (5–10 mm). 74% of the 38 samples contained plastic particles of varying composition: e.g. filaments, polystyrene, thin plastic films. An average concentration of 6.2 particles/100 m2 was observed. The highest abundance values (69 particles/100 m2) observed occurred during periods of low offshore wind conditions. These values rose in the same order of magnitude as in previous studies in the North Western Mediterranean. abundance values of the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Microplastic particles; Mesoplastic particles; Neuston; Mediterranean Sea. The relationships between the Ano: 2014 URL: Annual variations in suspended particulate matter within the Dover Strait Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Dupont, Jp; Collins, Mb; Lafite, R; Nash, L; Huault, Mf; Shimwell, Sj; Chaddock, S; Brunet, C; Wartel, M; Lamboy, M. During a survey at six stations in the Dover Strait, from July 1990 to November 1991, water samples were collected to measure : suspended sediment load and its organic content; particle characteristics; photosynthesis pigments; and heavy metals. In this contribution, particle measurements are interpreted in terms of hydrodynamical effects and seasonal evolution. Multi-modal grain size spectra are indicative of depth and cross-sectional variations, from die coastline to the central waters. Tidal variations, biological productivity and wind effects can be identified. Suspended particulate matter (SPM) components (determined using SEM, when combined with size spectra) illustrate hydrodynamical, geomorphological and biological effects on the composition of the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SUSPENDED MATTER; DIATOMS; DOVER STRAIT; ENGLISH CHANNEL. Ano: 1993 URL: Anomalie des coquilles d'huîtres Crassostrea Gigas-Observées sur le littoral français en mai-juin 1989 dues au ver Polydora et aux peintures antisalissures Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Catherine, Martial; Blateau, Dominique; Mazurie, Joseph; Le Bec, Claude. La recrudescence du ver Polydora dans les coquilles d'huîtres creuses observée dès l'été 1988 a pour principale conséquence le développement parfois très important de formations variqueuses et des chambres à vase à l'intérieur des huîtres, ce qui est très préjudiciable à leur qualité commerciale. Le bilan de l'infestation des coquilles d'huîtres par le ver Polydora sur le littoral normand et atlantique en mai et juin 1989 montre que les secteurs ostréicoles les plus touchés se situent à proximité de la Loire et de la Vilaine. Tipo: Text Ano: 1990 URL: Anomalies branchiales chez Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Comps, Michel. A la suite de contrôles effectués à l'arrivée en France de Crassostrea gigas importées du Japon, de Corée et de Colombie Britannique, Marteil (1968) signalait chez ces huîtres la présence au niveau des branchies de lésions identiques à celles observées chez Crassostrea angulata Lmk. présentant les symptômes de la maladie des branchies décrite par L. Arvy et A. Franc (1968). Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Huître; Crassostrea gigas; Pathologie; Maladie; Branchie. Ano: 1969 URL: Anomalies de croissance de la coquille de Crassostrea gigas dans le bassin de Marennes -Oléron. Bilan de toris années d'observation Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Heral, Maurice; Berthome, Jean-paul; Polanco Torres, E.; Alzieu, Claude; Deslous-paoli, Jean-marc; Razet, Daniel; Garnier, Jacqueline. The appearance and changes of the oyster shell's gelatinous bags have been monitored since 1979. The increase in thickness that causes the growth into a "ball" can be explained by an overproduction of gel. The various environmental factors that can intervene in the secretion of gel are successively examined. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Oysters; Shell; Crassostrea gigas; Huîtres; Coquille; Crassostrea gigas. Ano: 1981 URL: Anomalies des coquilles d'ruitres creuses Crassostrea gigas observées sur le littoral français en mai-juin 1989 dues au ver polydora et aux peintures antisalissures Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Catherine, Martial; Blateau, Dominique; Mazurie, Joseph; Le Bec, Claude; Blateau, Dominique. La recrudescence du ver Polydora dans les coquilles d'huîtres creuses observée dès l'été 1988 a pour principale conséquence le développement parfois très important de formations variqueuses et des chambres à vase à l'intérieur des huîtres, ce qui est très préjudiciable à leur qualité commerciale. Le bilan de l'infestation des coquilles d'huîtres par le ver Polydora sur le littoral normand et atlantique en mai et juin 1989 montre que les secteurs ostréicoles les plus touchés se situent à proximité de la Loire et de la Vilaine. Divers traitements des huîtres contre le Polydora sont possibles. Les meilleurs résultats sont obtenus par la combinaison de l'action de la saumure et d'un assec de 24 heures. L'examen du chambrage à gel colloïdal dans les huîtres... Tipo: Text Ano: 1990 URL: Anomalies of oxygen measurements performed with Aanderaa optodes Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lo Bue, N.; Vangriesheim, Annick; Khripounoff, Alexis; Soltwedel, T. Four sets of measurements performed between 2005 and 2010 in the deep central Atlantic, the deep north-western Mediterranean Sea, and in the Arctic Ocean revealed strange anomalies in the performance of the Aanderaa optode 3830 sensors mounted on RCMI I current meters in low current regimes (current speeds > 10 cm s(-1)). All oxygen datasets collected during these deployments showed significant drops of oxygen (50-100 mu mol) affecting the data stability of the optode sensors in low hydrodynamic conditions. High correlations between all acquired parameters (temperature, turbidity, speed and direction of currents) verified that no unusual event occurred in the mooring areas during the periods of acquisition, although natural events responsible for such... Tipo: Text Ano: 2011 URL: Anoplodelphys G. NOV., copépode notodelphyidae parasite de didemnidae (ascidides aplousobranches) en Méditerranée Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lafargue, Françoise; Laubier, Lucien. Based upon a large collection from the western Mediterranean, a description of a new genus of notodelphyid parasitic copepod from didemnid ascidians is given. The new genus Anoplodelphys is erected for three new species found in different host species. Anoplodelphys clearly belongs to the ophioseidimorph group of notodelphyids ; within this group, the genus is mainly distinguished by the complete lack of true buccal appendages, feature in common with only four previously described species. The discovery of this new genus increases the polyphyletic trend within the ophioseidimorph notodelphyids. The host specificity is extremely narrow : all three new species of Anoplodelphys live in several species of the large genus Didemnum. Some remarks on the host... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer. Ano: 1978 URL: Antarctic bottom water flow through the Vema fracture zone Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Vangriesheim, Annick. During the October-November 1977 R/V "Jean Charcot" cruise, bathymetric and hydrological surveys of the Eastern Vema Fracture Zone were carried out in order to moor current meters on the silliocated in the area, with the aim of evaluating the bottom water flow through this passage in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The sill zone in fact comprises a succession of three secondary sills situated between 40052'W and 41°02'W at about 10048'N, at depths ranging from 4600 to 4700 m. Westward of the sills, there is a thick (750-950 m) bottom water layer of Antarctic origin. The potential temperature found at the bottom is 1. 30°C. In the sill zone, the homogeneous layer is thinner and has a potential temperature of 1.40°C. Eastward of the sills, the homogeneous layer is... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hydrologie; Courants profonds; Eau de fond antartique; Zone de fracture Vema; Hydrology; Bottom currents; Antarctic bottom water; Vema fracture zone. Ano: 1980 URL: Antarctic icebergs: A significant natural ocean sound source in the Southern Hemisphere Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Matsumoto, Haru; Bohnenstiehl, Delwayne R.; Tournadre, Jean; Dziak, Robert P.; Haxel, Joseph H.; Lau, T. -k. A.; Fowler, Matt; Salo, Sigrid A. In late 2007, two massive icebergs, C19a and B15a, drifted into open water and slowly disintegrated in the southernmost Pacific Ocean. Archived acoustic records show that the high-intensity underwater sounds accompanying this breakup increased ocean noise levels at mid-to-equatorial latitudes over a period of ∼1.5 years. More typically, seasonal variations in ocean noise, which are characterized by austral summer-highs and winter-lows, appear to be modulated by the annual cycle of Antarctic iceberg drift and subsequent disintegration. This seasonal pattern is observed in all three Oceans of the Southern Hemisphere. The life cycle of Antarctic icebergs affects not only marine ecosystem but also the sound environment in far-reaching areas and must be... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Antarctica; Iceberg; Ocean noise; Seasonality; Trend. Ano: 2014 URL: Antarctic icebergs distributions 1992-2014 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Tournadre, Jean; Bouhier, Nicolas; Girard-ardhuin, Fanny; Remy, F. Basal melting of floating ice shelves and iceberg calving constitute the two almost equal paths of freshwater flux between the Antarctic ice cap and the Southern Ocean. The largest icebergs (>100 km2) transport most of the ice volume but their basal melting is small compared to their breaking into smaller icebergs that constitute thus the major vector of freshwater. The archives of nine altimeters have been processed to create a database of small icebergs (<8 km2) within open water containing the positions, sizes, and volumes spanning the 1992–2014 period. The intercalibrated monthly ice volumes from the different altimeters have been merged in a homogeneous 23 year climatology. The iceberg size distribution, covering the 0.1–10,000 km2 range,... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Iceberg; Altimetry; Southern Ocean. Ano: 2016 URL: Antarctic icebergs distributions, 2002-2010 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Tournadre, Jean; Ardhuin, Fanny; Legresy, Benoit. Interest for icebergs and their possible impact on southern ocean circulation and biology has increased during the recent years. While large tabular icebergs are routinely tracked and monitored using scatterometer data, the distribution of smaller icebergs (less than some km) is still largely unknown as they are difficult to detect operationally using conventional satellite data. In a recent study, Tournadre et al. (2008) showed that small icebergs can be detected, at least in open water, using high resolution (20 Hz) altimeter waveforms. In the present paper, we present an improvement of their method that allows, assuming a constant iceberg freeboard elevation and constant ice backscatter coefficient, to estimate the top-down iceberg surface area and... Tipo: Text Ano: 2012 URL: Anthrophisation in introduction d'espèces exogènes: mise en place de l'analyse génétique d'une population invasive de bigorneaux perceurs Ocinebrellus inornatus (Recluz, 1851) dans le bassin de Marennes-Oléron Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Garcia-meunier, Pascale; Saab, Lucie; Pigeot, Jacques; Chevalier, Guillemette; Goulletquer, Philippe; Sauriau, Pierre-guy. bien qu'elles aient existé depuis plusieurs siècles, les invasions biologiques en milieu marin se sont considérablement accélérées durant les dernières décennies, suite à l'accroissement du trafic maritime à travers les océans et aux transferts intercontinentaux d'espèces à des fins d'aquaculture. Ainsi, la découverte dans le bassin de Marennes-Oléron d'une nouvelle espèce de bigorneau perceur Ocinebrellus inornatus (Récluz,1851), originaire du Pacifique asiatique, laisse présager un accroissement des risques de mortalité pour les cheptels cultivés (huître, moule) et pour les ressources de la pêche littorale. Notre premier objectif est avant d'en étudier la dynamique de population d'en définir les caractéristiques génétiques en comparaison de celles de... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ocinebrellus inornatus; Invasions biologiques; Pression anthropique; Marqueurs moléculaires; Pertuis Charentais. Ano: 2000 URL: Anthropogenic CO2 penetration in the northern Red Sea and in the Gulf of Elat (Aqaba) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Krumgalz, Bs; Erez, J; Chen, Cta. Tipo: Text Ano: 1990 URL: Anthropogenic contamination of bivalves revealed by Cd isotopes Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Shiel, A; Orians, K; Cossa, Daniel; Weis, D. Tipo: Text Ano: 2007 URL: Anthropogenic disturbance on nursery function of estuarine areas for marine species Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Courrat, A.; Lobry, Jeremy; Nicolas, D.; Laffargue, Pascal; Amara, R.; Lepage, M.; Girardin, M.; Le Pape, O. Estuaries serve as nursery grounds for many marine fish species. However increasing human activities within estuaries and surrounding areas lead to significant habitat loss for the juveniles and decrease the quality of the remaining habitats. This study is based on the data of 470 beam trawls from surveys that were conducted in 13 French estuaries for the purpose of the European Water Framework Directive. It aimed at testing the effects of anthropogenic disturbances on the nursery function of estuaries. With a multispecific approach based on ecological guilds, two fish metrics, abundance and species richness of Marine juvenile migrant fishes, were used as proxies for the estuarine nursery function. Indices of heavy metal and organic contaminations were... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Contamination; Anthropogenic disturbances; Fish indicators; Estuaries; Nursery grounds; Essential fish habitat. Ano: 2009 URL: Anthropogenic lead cycle in the northeastern atlantic Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lambert, Ce; Nicolas, E; Veron, A; Buatmenard, P; Klinkhammer, G; Lecorre, P; Morin, P. We have investigated total Pb distributions in the water column from various sites in the north-east Atlantic. Sea water samples were collected during the Fluxatlante cruise in 1985. Total Pb ranged from 35 to 45 ng.l-1 (170-220 pmol l-1) in surface waters and decreased with depth in a manner consistent with previous findings. The high concentrations in surface waters probably reflect an important anthropogenic input of Pb from the atmosphere. Concentrations of total Pb are higher than in the western Atlantic. This difference seems to be closely related to the difference in atmospheric inputs of anthropogenic Pb. Three of the stations exhibit a specific Pb excess at the depth of the Mediterranean waters outflowing in the intermediate Atlantic waters; such... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: TOTAL PB; NORTH ATLANTIC; MEDDY; POLLUTION. Ano: 1991 URL: Anthropogenic pressure on the open ocean: The growth of ship traffic revealed by altimeter data analysis Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Tournadre, Jean. Marine ecosystems are under increasing anthropogenic pressures from marine and terrestrial activities. Ship traffic, the major cause of change in the open ocean, and its temporal evolution are still largely unknown because of lack of data. Altimeter data provide a new powerful tool to detect and monitor the ship traffic through a method of analysis of echo waveform. The archive of seven altimeter missions has been processed to create a two decade database of ship locations. The estimated annual density maps compare well with the ones obtained from Automatic Identification System. The ship traffic analysis shows a global fourfold growth between 1992 and 2012, the largest increase being observed in the Indian Ocean and the Chinese seas reflecting the world... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Altimetry; Ship traffic; Pollution; Anthropogenic pressure. Ano: 2014 URL: Antibiofilm Activity of the Marine Bacterium Pseudoalteromonas sp Strain 3J6 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Dheilly, Alexandra; Soum-soutera, Emmanuelle; Klein, Geraldine; Bazire, Alexis; Compere, Chantal; Haras, Dominique; Dufour, Aurelie. Biofilm formation results in medical threats or economic losses and is therefore a major concern in a variety of domains. In two-species biofilms of marine bacteria grown under dynamic conditions, Pseudoalteromonas sp. strain 3J6 formed mixed biofilms with Bacillus sp. strain 4J6 but was largely predominant over Paracoccus sp. strain 4M6 and Vibrio sp. strain D01. The supernatant of Pseudoalteromonas sp. 3J6 liquid culture (SN3J6) was devoid of antibacterial activity against free-living Paracoccus sp. 4M6 and Vibrio sp. D01 cells, but it impaired their ability to grow as single-species biofilms and led to higher percentages of nonviable cells in 48-h biofilms. Antibiofilm molecules of SN3J6 were able to coat the glass surfaces used to grow biofilms and... Tipo: Text Ano: 2010 URL: Anticyclonic and cyclonic eddies of subtropical origin in the subantarctic zone south of Africa Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Arhan, Michel; Speich, Sabrina; Messager, Christophe; Dencausse, Guillaume; Fine, Rana; Boye, Marie. Two eddies, one anticyclonic and the other cyclonic, intersected in the Subantarctic Zone south of South Africa during a hydrographic transect, are described using a large set of measurements including full depth hydrography, Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler velocities, biogeochemical tracers, air-sea fluxes and altimetric sea surface height. Both eddies have a subtropical origin. The anticyclone is an Agulhas ring with convected core water of similar to 12 degrees C, and swirl velocities of 1 m s(-1). It was 9.5 months old when sampled and had crossed the Agulhas Ridge. Though sampled in summer, it was releasing similar to 200 W m(-2) (sensible plus latent heat flux) to the atmosphere. It was observed adjacent to the Subantarctic Front, illustrating the... Tipo: Text Ano: 2011 URL: Anti-Metastatic Properties of a Marine Bacterial Exopolysaccharide-Based Derivative Designed to Mimic Glycosaminoglycans Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Heymann, Dominique; Ruiz-velasco, Carmen; Chesneau, Julie; Ratiskol, Jacqueline; Sinquin, Corinne; Colliec-jouault, Sylvia. Osteosarcoma is the most frequent malignant primary bone tumor characterized by a high potency to form lung metastases. In this study, the effect of three oversulfated low molecular weight marine bacterial exopolysaccharides (OS-EPS) with different molecular weights (4, 8 and 15 kDa) were first evaluated in vitro on human and murine osteosarcoma cell lines. Different biological activities were studied: cell proliferation, cell adhesion and migration, matrix metalloproteinase expression. This in vitro study showed that only the OS-EPS 15 kDa derivative could inhibit the invasiveness of osteosarcoma cells with an inhibition rate close to 90%. Moreover, this derivative was potent to inhibit both migration and invasiveness of osteosarcoma cell lines; had no... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Exopolysaccharides; Glycosaminoglycan; Heparin-like; Derivatives; Sulfation; Bone metabolism; Bone remodeling; Lung mestatases; Osteosarcoma. Ano: 2016 URL: Antimicrobial Compounds from Eukaryotic Microalgae against Human Pathogens and Diseases in Aquaculture Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Falaise, Charlotte; François, Cyrille; Travers, Marie-agnes; Morga, Benjamin; Haure, Joel; Tremblay, Réjean; Turcotte, François; Pasetto, Pamela; Gastineau, Romain; Hardivillier, Yann; Leignel, Vincent; Mouget, Jean-luc. The search for novel compounds of marine origin has increased in the last decades for their application in various areas such as pharmaceutical, human or animal nutrition, cosmetics or bioenergy. In this context of blue technology development, microalgae are of particular interest due to their immense biodiversity and their relatively simple growth needs. In this review, we discuss about the promising use of microalgae and microalgal compounds as sources of natural antibiotics against human pathogens but also about their potential to limit microbial infections in aquaculture. An alternative to conventional antibiotics is needed as the microbial resistance to these drugs is increasing in humans and animals. Furthermore, using natural antibiotics for... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biological activity; Antimicrobial; Antibacterial; Antifungal; Antiviral; Biological activity; Haslea; Microalgae; Sustainable aquaculture. Ano: 2016 URL: Antimicrobial histones and DNA traps in invertebrate immunity: evidences in Crassostrea gigas. Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Poirier, Aurore C.; Schmitt, Paulina; Rosa, Rafael D.; Vanhove, Audrey S.; Kieffer-jaquinod, Sylvie; Rubio, Tristan P.; Charriere, Guillaume M.; Destoumieux-garzon, Delphine. Although antimicrobial histones have been isolated from multiple metazoan species, their role in host defense has long remained unanswered. We found here that the hemocytes of the oyster Crassostrea gigas release antimicrobial H1-like and H5-like histones in response to tissue damage and infection. These antimicrobial histones were shown to be associated with extracellular DNA networks released by hemocytes, the circulating immune cells of invertebrates, in response to immune challenge. The hemocyte-released DNA was found to surround and entangle vibrios. This defense mechanism is reminiscent of the neutrophil extracellular traps (ETs) recently described in vertebrates. Importantly, oyster ETs were evidenced in vivo in hemocyte-infiltrated interstitial... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Antimicrobial Peptide (AMP); DNA; Innate Immunity; Invertebrate; Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS); NET; Mollusk. Ano: 2014 URL: Antiproliferative Activity of Cyanophora paradoxa Pigments in Melanoma, Breast and Lung Cancer Cells Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Baudelet, Paul-hubert; Gagez, Anne-laure; Berard, Jean-baptiste; Juin, Camille; Bridiau, Nicolas; Kaas, Raymond; Thiery, Valerie; Cadoret, Jean-paul; Picot, Laurent. The glaucophyte Cyanophora paradoxa (Cp) was chemically investigated to identify pigments efficiently inhibiting malignant melanoma, mammary carcinoma and lung adenocarcinoma cells growth. Cp water and ethanol extracts significantly inhibited the growth of the three cancer cell lines in vitro, at 100 mu g.mL(-1). Flash chromatography of the Cp ethanol extract, devoid of c-phycocyanin and allophycocyanin, enabled the collection of eight fractions, four of which strongly inhibited cancer cells growth at 100 mu g.mL(-1). Particularly, two fractions inhibited more than 90% of the melanoma cells growth, one inducing apoptosis in the three cancer cells lines. The detailed analysis of Cp pigment composition resulted in the discrimination of 17 molecules, ten of... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pigments; Microalgae; Cyanophora paradoxa; Melanoma; Cancer; Apoptosis; Zeaxanthin; Cryptoxanthin. Ano: 2013 URL: Antiproliferative Activity of Violaxanthin Isolated from Bioguided Fractionation of Dunaliella tertiolecta Extracts Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Pasquet, Virginie; Morisset, Perrine; Ihammouine, Said; Chepied, Amandine; Aumailley, Lucie; Berard, Jean-baptiste; Serive, Benoit; Kaas, Raymond; Lanneluc, Isabelle; Thiery, Valerie; Lafferriere, Mathieu; Piot, Jean-marie; Patrice, Thierry; Cadoret, Jean-paul; Picot, Laurent. Dunaliella tertiolecta (DT) was chemically investigated to isolate molecules inhibiting cancer cell proliferation and inducing apoptosis in vitro. The potency to inhibit cell growth was used for the bio-guided fractionation and isolation of active compounds using chromatographic techniques. The DT dichloromethane extract exhibited a strong anti-proliferative activity on MCF-7 and LNCaP cells, and was further fractionated and sub-fractionated by RP-HPLC. High resolution mass spectrometry and spectrophotometric analysis unequivocally identified violaxanthin as the most antiproliferative molecule present in DT DCM extract. Violaxanthin purified from DT induced MCF-7 dose- dependent growth inhibition in continuous and discontinuous treatments, at... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pigments; Microalgae; Dunaliella; Violaxanthin; Carotenoid; Cancer; Apoptosis. Ano: 2011 URL: Anti-rabbit immunoglobulin G detection in complex medium by PM-RAIRS and QCM Influence of the antibody immobilisation method Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Briand, Elisabeth; Salmain, M; Compere, Chantal; Pradier, C. Two antibody immobilisation procedures were compared to set up an immunosensor for goat anti-rabbit immunoglobulin (anti-rIgG), i.e. rIgG covalently bound or immobilised via affinity to protein A (PrA). In both cases, the first layer of protein was covalently bound to a mixed self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of mercaptoundecanoic acid (MUA) and mercaptohexanol (C6OH) on a gold surface. The elaboration of the sensitive surfaces, as well as their selectivity and sensitivity were studied step by step by polarization modulation-reflection absorption infra-red spectroscopy (PM-RAIRS) and quartz crystal trticrobalance (QCM) with impedance measurement. QCM measurements showed that the viscoelastic properties of the antibody layer were markedly modified during the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: RIgG immobilisation; PM RAIRS; QCM; Immunosensors. Ano: 2007 URL: Antiviral Activities of Sulfated Polysaccharides Isolated from Sphaerococcus coronopifolius (Rhodophytha, Gigartinales) and Boergeseniella thuyoides (Rhodophyta, Ceramiales) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bouhlal, Rhimou; Haslin, Camille; Chermann, Jean-claude; Colliec-jouault, Sylvia; Sinquin, Corinne; Simon, Gaelle; Cerantola, Stephane; Riadi, Hassane; Bourgougnon, Nathalie. Water-soluble sulfated polysaccharides isolated from two red algae Sphaerococcus coronopifolius (Gigartinales, Sphaerococcaceae) and Boergeseniella thuyoides (Ceramiales, Rhodomelaceae) collected on the coast of Morocco inhibited in vitro replication of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) at 12.5 mu g/mL. In addition, polysaccharides were capable of inhibiting the in vitro replication of Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) on Vero cells values of EC(50) of 4.1 and 17.2 mu g/mL, respectively. The adsorption step of HSV-1 to the host cell seems to be the specific target for polysaccharide action. While for HIV-1, these results suggest a direct inhibitory effect on HIV-1 replication by controlling the appearance of the new generations of virus and... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Herpes simplex virus; Human immunodeficiency virus; Antiviral activity; Sulfated polysaccharide; S. coronopifolius; B. thuyoides; Chemical composition. Ano: 2011 URL: Antiviral immunity in marine molluscs Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Green, Timothy J.; Raftos, David; Speck, Peter; Montagnani, Caroline. Marine molluscs, like all living organisms, are constantly exposed to viruses and have evolved efficient antiviral defences. We review here recent developments in molluscan antiviral immunity against viruses belonging to the order Herpesvirales. Emerging results suggest an interferon-like response and autophagy are involved in the antiviral defence of bivalves to viral infection. Multifunctional plasma proteins from gastropods and bivalves have been identified to have broadspectrum antiviral activity against mammalian viruses. The antiviral defences present in molluscs can be enhanced by genetic selection, as shown by the presence of oyster strains specifically resistant to ostreid herpesvirus type 1. Whether varying amounts or different isofornns of these... Tipo: Text Ano: 2015 URL: Antiviral immunity in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas: last development and perspective Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Renault, Tristan; Faury, Nicole; Barbosa, Valerie; Moreau, Kevin; Haffner, Philippe; Pepin, Jean-francois. Herpes-like viruses have been reported last decades in various marine mollusc species in association with mortality outbreaks throughout the world (Renault & Novoa 2004). One of these viruses isolated during French outbreaks has been characterised as an unassigned member of the Herpesviridae family and named ostreid herpes virus 1 (OsHV-1) or Pacific oyster herpes virus (Davison et al. 2005). Studying anti-viral non-specific defence mechanisms (innate immunity) is of great interest, because they constitute the only one in molluscs. Therefore, innate immunity has be investigated in the Pacific cupped oyster, Crassostrea gigas. The main aim of the work was focused on the identification and the characterisation of genes induced by OsHV-1 in the Pacific... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pathoogy; Protein gene; Immunity; Herpesviridae; OsHV 1; Crassostrea gigas; Pacific oyster. Ano: 2008 URL: Aperçu de la biodiversité marine en Guyane Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Caro, Anthony. Tipo: Text Ano: 2009 URL: Apercu sur la biologie du poisson cichlide Tylochromis jentinki jentinki en lagune Ebrie (Cote d'Ivoire) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Amon-kothias, J B. In the Ebrie lagoon, the reproductive season of T. jentinki jentinki ranges from August to Februarywith a main spawning period in November, which is related to the rising of lagoon water level. The size of both males and females at first sexual maturity is about 160 mm fork-length. Each female of T. jentinki jentinki lays between 110 and 420 eggs depending on the size. It represents an average of about 1,100 eggs/kg weight. The female keeps the eggs in its mouth: this oral incubation reaches an average of 15 days at the end of which the released fry measures from 12 to 20 mm fork length. The species growth in length has been studied by examination of scales structures (circuli and annuli). This growth, compared to other cichlids is relatively slow.... Tipo: Text Ano: 1982 URL: Apex, actively positioned exploration system. Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Greger, B. A conceptually new, modularly designed exploration system for the deep sea (600 m) has been constructed and tested. In its base unit, different soil sampling tools can be integrated. These are, for the time being, a drill core barrel with 0 48 mm iD and a length of 500 mm for rocky basements as a box corer for softer soils as well as an orange peel grab. Towed along via a coaxial cable from a research vessel, the system is TV-guided and can be actively positioned by means of 2 thrusters in order to be lowered precisely and horizontally levelled on the seafloor. The total system is operated by the help of an onboard computer and may be controlled by sensor displays and operation messages. Microprocessors control the underwater unit which is partially... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marine technology; Mineral exploration; Towed vehicles; Research vessels; Geology; Ocean floor. Ano: 1990 URL: Apoptose et infections à virus de type herpès chez les bivalves marins : détection de séquences codant pour des protéines inhibitrices de l'apoptose Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Didier, Yohann. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: PCR; Apoptosis; Marine bivalve; Herpes like virus. Ano: 2000 URL: Appareil génital femelle des atlantidae (mollusca heteropoda). I. étude anatomique Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Thiriot-quievreux, Catherine; Martoja, M. The anatomy of the female reproductive system of eight species of the family Atlantidae (Oxygyrus keraudreni (Lesueur), Protatlanta souleyeti (Smith), Atlanta peroni Lesueur, Atlanta lesueuri Souleyet, Atlanta inclinata Souleyet, Atlanta inflata Souleyet, Atlanta helicinoides Souleyet, Atlanta fusca Souleyet) has been studied using reconstructions from serial sections. The reproductive system includes ovary, non-glandular oviduct, receptaculum seminis, albumen gland and capsule gland. A bursa copulatrix is not present. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR] Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer. Ano: 1974 URL: Appearance and spread of diseases among bivalve molluscs in the northern hemisphere in relation to international trade Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Renault, Tristan. Bivalve mollusc culture is a well-developed marine aquaculture activity in many countries around the world, notably in the northern hemisphere. During the development of this activity, numerous countries have been confronted with infectious diseases of varying severity and duration. Research has been conducted to determine the aetiology, epidemiology and control measures for these epizootics. Major epizootics in bivalve molluscs have been caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoan parasites. Moreover, important commercial relations exist in marine mollusc culture between different geographical areas. This must be taken into account in explaining the appearance and the spread of some infectious diseases in several countries around the world. The... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Northern hemisphere; International trade; Infectious diseases; Bivalve molluscs; Mollusques bivalves; Maladies infectieuses; Hémisphère Nord; Commerce internatioanal. Ano: 1996 URL: Application à la zone au large du Finistère d'une méthode d'estimation statistique des courants de houle au voisinage du fond Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Cavanie, Alain. The spectral energy distribution of sea waves is supplied four times a day by the French Meteorological Office's DsAs model using the pressure distribution over the atlantic as input. The surface-motion spectrum furnished by the model may then be used to estimate the local current spectrum near the sea bed. The present study is based on four years (1970-1974) of DSAs data for the so-called Brittany point (47"30 N. 5"W). The data correlates reasonably well with observations made from ships in the region lying between 40 - 50 N and O - 10 W (Figure 1) . . . Plotted on Weibull paper in Figure 2 are the cumulative probability values of U as calculated from the DSAs data (U is the mean of the upper third of maximum current values at a depth of 100 m). The... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer. Ano: 1975 URL: Application de la Fluorescence X à la détermination analytique d'éléments trace dans les roches et les verres fluorés. Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Corre, Odile. Parmi les différentes méthodes physiques d'analyse, la fluorescence X occupe une place importante en raison de la diversité de ses applications et de la possibilité qu'elle offre d'analyser des échantillons de façon non destructive. Jusqu'ici cependant, la mesure de "faibles concentrations" a été moins développée du fait de l'impossibilité de mesurer des intensités de fluorescence à partir de solutions tampon vis-à-vis de l'effet de matrice. Tipo: Text Ano: 1979 URL: Application de la modélisation géométrique de la propagation acoustique sous-marine en petits fonds et hautes fréquences Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lurton, Xavier. Les phénomènes de propagation liés à l'utilisation de sonars actifs par petits fonds sont décrits de façon adéquate par un modèle géométrique de l'énergie moyenne. Cette approche, classique pour l'évaluation des pertes de propagation, est étendue ici aux aspects temporels du signal transmis, en particulier les niveaux de réverbération: le calcul ainsi défini permet une amélioration très significative par rapport aux méthodes usuelles par rayons propres, tant en charge de calcul qu'en fiabilité des résultats. Une autre extension est proposée pour l'évaluation de l'influence du relief de surface, dont l'effet est de diffuser l'énergie incidente vers des directions angulaires voisines: ce phénomène est traité sous forme d'un couplage entre les différentes... Tipo: Text Ano: 1989 URL: Application de l'analyse spectrale à la description séquentielle des paramètres thermo-halins dans une région d'upwelling Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Laurec, Alain; Blanc, François. Continuous sampling is now widely used in oceanography and requires new tools for data processing. The theory of stochastic processes and especially spectral analysis offers powerful ones. We are dealing in this paper with bivariate time series : temperature and salinity were continuously measured during the CINECA-CHARCOT II cruise, in the upwelling area of North-West Africa. The record has been splitted into three parts corresponding to straight lines. Those time series have been prewhitened using the first finite difference filter, spectra and cross-spectra were smoothed using the Parzen window. Power spectra reveals obvious peaks. Coherencies are higher in low frequencies. The basic phenomena, mixing due to the upwelling (transfer functions can be... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer. Ano: 1974 URL: Application de l'analyse spectrale par maximisation de l'entropie dans la description des séries brèves en écologie marine Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Calmet, D; Charmasson, Sabine; Blanc, Frederique. Tipo: Text Ano: 1984 URL: Application de l'ozone au maintien de la fraîcheur et à la prolongation de la durée de conservation du poisson frais Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Salmon, J.; Le Gall, Jean. L'altération rapide du poisson a toujours été et est encore à l'heure actuelle, une des causes principales qui ont limité la consommation de cette importante denrée alimentaire. Sous notre climat, la chair du poisson se décompose rapidement en provoquant la formation de substances malodorantes qui, non seulement rebutent la clientèle possible, mais encore sont susceptibles d'occasionner chez le consommateur des troubles physiologiques plus ou moins graves. Or, l'appauvrissement incessant des fonds de pêche oblige actuellement les chalutiers qui ravitaillent en majeure partie le marché français en poisson, à augmenter de plus en plus leur rayon d'action. Le caractère périssable de cette denrée, la manière dont elle est encore conservée dans la plupart des... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer. Ano: 1936 URL: Application de modèles dynamiques bayésiens aux séries temporelles de Dinophysis à Antifer (Normandie, France) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Soudant, Dominique. Le Dinophysis est une microalgue toxique à l’origine d’epidémies diarrhéiques. En dépit de nombreuses études, l’écologie et la biologie de ce genre phytoplanctonique restent mal connues. Afin de déterminer les conditions d’apparition de Dinophysis cf. acuminata sur le site d’Antifer (Normandie, France), des prélèvements d’eau de mer ont été effectués quasi-journellement pendant les périodes estivales des années 1987 à 1993. Les séries temporelles résultantes concernent la concentration de la microalgue et les facteurs chimiques, physiques et météorologiques. L’analyse de ces données à l’aide d’outils sta- tistiques classiques (e.g. régression) s’est avérée difficile (e.g. instabilité temporelle des résultats). Une caractéristique commune de ces méthodes... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Modélisation; Statistique; Dynamique; Séries temporelles; Bayésien; Dinophysis; Baie de Seine. Ano: 1997 URL: Application des recherches de fertilisation et stimulation dans l'élevage de la crevette impériale (Penaeus japonicus) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Hussenot, Jerome. Ce travail est la première mise en application du savoir-faire acquis par le CREMA-L'Houmeau sur la stimulation de bloom phytoplanctonique par fertilisation organo-minérale, effectuée dans un bassin de production de crevette impériale de 8000 m2. (...) Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marais; Aquaculture; Penaeus japonicus; Fertilisation. Ano: 1989 URL: Application des techniques moléculaires de PCR-RFLP et de PCR-RFLP-SSCP dans l'étude de la différenciation génétique de deux huîtres creuses : Crassostrea gigas et Crassostrea angula Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Dufourg, Cecile. Les 2 taxons d'huîtres creuses C. angulata et C. gigas n'étant pas différenciables sur des critères morphologiques, écologiques ou physiologiques, l'étude de leur passé évolutif fait appel à l'utilisation de marqueurs génétiques. L'étude du polymprohisme des séquences mitochondriales codant pour la sous-unité I de la cytochrome oxydase par la technique de PCR-RFLP a été réalisée sur 197 individus appartenant à 5 populations d'origine géographique différente, de type Crassostrea angulata ou Crassostrea gigas. Elle a permis la construction d'un arbre représentant les relations phylogénétiques entre ces populations. Cet arbre a été comparé à celui établi à partir de l'analyse de 3 marqueurs microsatellites. Les résultats de ces 2 analyses sont similaires et... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Huître creuse; Crassostrea angulata; Crassostrea gigas; Génétique; Polymorphisme; ADN; SSCP; Biologie moléculaire. Ano: 1998 URL: Application des thermographies de moyenne altitude et des images des satellites ERTS1, NOAA 2 et SKYLAB à la télédétection de l'hydrodynamique dans le Golfe du Lion Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Loubersac, Lionel. This report was drafted in the context of obtaining of the engineering degree of the National Engineering School on Water and Environment of Strasbourg (ENGEES eg. ENITRTS), and during the cycle of training in photo-interpretation of the graduate school of the Oil and Engines (ENSPM), Direction of Fuels, French Petroleum by benefiting from a training grant of the CNEXO. After a reminder, in first part, of the physical bases in Photometry and generalities on Radiometry, the second part is dedicated to the aerospace vectors and to the various sensors, in particular exploited within the framework of the study: the satellite ERTS1 and the sensor RBV, the space laboratory SKYLAB and its multispectral camera, the satellite NOOA2 and its sensors VHRR, finally the... Tipo: Text Ano: 1974 URL: Application du laser a la detection sous-marine: Experimentation d'un imageur Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Kervern, G; Legall, A. Nowadays, side-looking sonar is the only equipment able to carry out long-range underwater imaging. The use of optics is limited to short-range identification by means of conventional video-cameras. However, active optical systems (lidars) manufacturing, using a blue-green laser, will enable optics to hold its place in the field of long-range underwater imaging. After a short comparison between acoustics and optics in underwater detection and a description of the proper features of underwater optical propagation, we present the different conceivable imaging principles and propose a method to determine their performances. The experimentations described concern a lidar imager mock-up using one of the imaging principles proposed. The pictures obtained deal... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Optics; Lasers; Detection; Acoustics; Underwater cameras; Sonar imagery; Imaging techniques; Underwater photography; Marine technology; Side scan sonar. Ano: 1990 URL: Application du test de développement embryonnaire de bivalves sur le site de Dunkerque Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Delesmont, R; Delesmont, E. La qualité biologique du milieu marin peut être appréciée à l'aide de tests utilisant des organismes vivants. Parmi ces tests le développement embryonnaire des bivalves présente un intérêt particulier car, durant cette période, les bivalves sont très sensibles à la qualité de l'eau et fournissent une réponse rapide sans demander d'apport de nourriture. Suite aux études déjà réalisées au centre Ifremer de Brest et à nos essais de 1992 et 1993, nous avons travaillé avec l' huître Crassostrea gigas de la fécondation à la fondation de larve "D" (La durée de cette période larvaire est de 24 heures à 24 OC). Une série de tests a également été réalisée sur des larves de moules (Mytilus edulis) avec une incubation de 48 heures à 20°C correspondant au passage de l'... Tipo: Text Ano: 1995 URL: Application d'un modèle d'écosystème pélagique au calcul des conséquences écologiques du fonctionnement d'une centrale électrique "Energie thermique des mers" à Tahiti Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Cousin, France. A partir d'un premier modèle simple simulant le milieu tropical oligotrophe, un second modèle permet de prévoir les conséquences d'un rejet d'eau riche en sels nutritifs dans les eaux côtières environnant le site d'installation d'une centrale "E.T.M ". Le premier modèle simule l'évolution temporelle du cycle de l'azote sur une colonne d'eau représentée sous forme d'un système de boîtes tandis que le second est une représentation tridimensionelle du site ETM reprenant le même procédé. [OCR NON CONTRÔLE] Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Modèle écologique; Phytoplancton tropical; Energie thermique des mers. Ano: 1986 URL: Application of a bioenergetic growth model to larvae of the pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera L. Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Thomas, Yoann; Garen, Pierre; Pouvreau, Stephane. We applied, for the first time, a dynamic energy budget (DEB) growth model to the larval phase in the pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera var. cumingii (Linnaeus, 1758) to evaluate the impact of spatio-temporal variation in the atoll lagoon environment on its capacity for development. The specific parameters of the model, which represent ingestion, temperature effect and the relationship between length and biovolume of the larvae, were determined from experiments or taken from the literature. The interpretation of the values of these parameters allowed us to identify the underlying adaptive character trait: P. margaritifera larvae have a good capacity to exploit low food concentrations and a narrow range of thermal tolerance restricted to hydrobiological... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Growth Model; Dynamic Energy Budget; Larva; Pinctada Margaritifera; Atoll Lagoon. Ano: 2011 URL: Application of a digital pattern recognition system to Dinophysis acuminata and D-sacculus complexes Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Truquet, Philippe; Lassus, Patrick; Honsell, Giorgio; Le Dean, Loic. An image discrimination technique was developed to improve specific identification of some toxic Dinophysis cells (marine dinoflagellates involved in diarrhoeic shellfish poisoning), especially the ''acuminata'' and ''sacculus'' groups, which can be present at different ratios in natural sea-water samples collected during toxic episodes. This work was performed with image analysis software SAMBA (TITN Alcatel) using preserved cells directly observed through an inverted microscope and recorded with a video camera before further processing. All morphometric parameters used for discrimination of 7 different species or morphotypes of Dinophysis were tested with discriminant analysis. This study indicates that Dinophysis sp. and D. pavillardi seem well... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Dinophysis sp.; Analyse d'image; Taxonomie; Phytoplancton; Dinophysis sp; Image analysis; Taxonomy; Phytoplankton. Ano: 1996 URL: Application of a dynamic energy budget model to the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, reared under various environmental conditions Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Pouvreau, Stephane; Bourles, Yves; Lefebvre, Sebastien; Gangnery, Aline; Alunno-bruscia, Marianne. The Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) model (Kooijman, S.A.L.M., 1986. Energy budgets can explain body size relations. J. Theor. Biol. 121, 269¿282; Kooijman, S.A.L.M., 2000. Dynamic Energy and Mass Budgets in Biological Systems. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 424 pp.) has been adapted to describe the dynamics of growth and reproduction of the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) reared in different areas under conditions ranging from controlled to natural. The values of the model parameters were estimated from available physiological data and from published information. The sets of data used to validate the model came from three long-term growth experiments (> 5 months) performed on Pacific oysters reared under different conditions of food and... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Reproductive effort; Reproduction; Growth; Ecophysiology; Dynamic energy budget; Crassostrea gigas. Ano: 2006 URL: Application of a micro-respirometric volumetric method to respiratory measurements of larvae of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Goulletquer, Philippe; Wolowicz, Maciej; Latala, Adam; Brown, Craig; Cragg, Simon. The application of a simple, fast and reliable volumetric microrespirometric method to assess respiration of bivalve larvae is discussed. As a model, C. gigas larvae of various sizes were used. Metabolic activity of veliger larvae was assessed by measuring respiratory rate for use in ecophysiological modelling. As an example of the application of this approach, additional measurements of veliger respiratory rates were carried out to assess the effect on larval metabolism of different concentrations of leachate from wood treated with chromated copper-arsenate (CCA). Veligers of Crassostrea gigas (length from 95 to 331 pm) were fed with a mixture of Isochrysis galbana) and Chaetoceros pumilum cells. Experiments were performed in a 20 degreesC constant... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Crassostrea gigas; Leachate; CCA; Volumetric micro respirometry; Larvae; Metabolism; Respiratory rate. Ano: 2004 URL: Application of a new algorithm using Doppler information to retrieve complex wind fields over the Black Sea from ENVISAT SAR images Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Alpers, Werner; Mouche, Alexis; Horstmann, Jochen; Ivanov, Andrei Yu.; Barabanov, Vladyslav S. Several algorithms have been proposed to retrieve near-surface wind fields from C-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images acquired over the ocean. They mainly differ in the way they retrieve the wind direction. Conventionally, the wind direction is taken from atmospheric models or is extracted from the linear features sometimes visible in SAR images. Recently, a new wind retrieval algorithm has been proposed, which also includes the Doppler shift induced by motions of the sea surface. In this article, we apply three wind retrieval algorithms, including the one using Doppler information, to three complex wind events encountered over the Black Sea and compare the SAR-derived wind fields with model wind fields calculated using the high-resolution weather... Tipo: Text Ano: 2015 URL: Application of approximate formulae to analyse the spectral distribution of the light attenuation coefficient Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Kopec, J; Pawlak, B. An analysis is made of the spectral distribution curves of the light attenuation coefficient in natural water areas and artificial roily oils in sea water samples under various conditions of salinity and storage time, using the approximate formulae based on the Mie theory. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Modèle mathématique; Coefficient d'atténuation de la lumière; Théorie de Mie; Mathematical model; Light attenuation coefficient; Mie theory. Ano: 1998 URL: Application of high-throughput sequencing to population differentiation in the cupped oysters Crassostrea angulata/C. gigas Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Gagnaire, Pierre-alexandre; Cornette, Florence; Heurtebise, Serge; Auge, M. T.; Bierne, Nicolas; Lapegue, Sylvie. The cupped oysters Crassostrea angulata and Crassostrea gigas have been sequentially introduced in Europe from their native Pacific area for aquaculture purposes. Ongoing viral epidemic disease is responsible for large losses in oyster aquaculture production throughout Europe. In parallel with current efforts in developing selection programs for disease resistance, it becomes critically important to characterize genetic diversity patterns in both native and introduced areas. With the advent of next generation sequencing techniques, the power to resolve the fine-scale genetic structure at a genome-wide scale opens to new perspectives towards genetic resource management. Here, we present a genome-wide screen of genetic variation that combines SNP genotyping... Tipo: Text Ano: 2013 URL: Application of inertia methods of Benthic Marine Ecology : Practical implications of the basic options Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Chardy, Pierre; Glemarec, M.; Laurec, A. The various so-called inertia methods, the aim of which is to summarize the relationships between points by a configuration of reduced dimension, may all be considered variants of a more general method. In this regard, the links existing between Principal Component Analysis, Principal Coordinates Analysis and the Analysis of Correspondences appear clearly. Three fundamental options (inherent in all inertia methods) determine the divergences among these techniques: choice of distance, choice of weights attributed to the points, choice of position of the origin. This viewpoint also shows up the relationships between the analysis of the R and Q matrices of one and the same set of data. The application of these techniques to data of the benthic bionomy of the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer. Ano: 1976 URL: Application of Leslie's model on a population of common dolphins (Delphinus delphis): Sensitivity study Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Fifas, Spyros; Goujon, Michel; Antoine, Loic. The rapid development of the albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) driftnet fishery in the Pay of Biscay (Atlantic ocean, France) has incited European management authorities to ask for a study of its ecological impact on populations of common dolphins and striped dolphins. A programme with onboard observers has been led during 1992 and 1993, and a sighting survey has allowed the evaluation of the abundances of fractions of populations in the studied area. For the population of common dolphins, the biological parameter estimation has allowed the building of a discrete age-structured model based on a Leslie matrix. Sensitivity studies have been conducted using four model parameters (age of first reproduction, interval between births, juvenile and adult survival... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Survival rate; Driftnet fishery; Common dolphin; Linear model; Taux de survie; Pêche au filet maillant dérivant; Modèle linéaire; Modèle linéaire. Ano: 1998 URL: Application of library-independent microbial source tracking methods for identifying the sources of faecal contamination in coastal areas Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Gourmelon, Michele; Caprais, Marie-paule; Le Mennec, Cecile; Mieszkin, Sophie; Ponthoreau, C.; Gendronneau, M. Faecal contamination sources were identified in coastal areas around the Guerande-Atlantique peninsula using two microbial source tracking (MST) methods: (i) Bacteroidales host-specific 16S rRNA gene markers measured by real-time PCR and (ii) F-specific bacteriophage (FRNAPH) genotyping. Both methods were used on 63 water samples from 7 water courses. HF183 marker and bacteriophage genogroup II (FRNAPH II) were detected in all water samples and in the majority of water samples, respectively, from La Torre stream (W5), Piriac (W2), R2000 (W3) and Mazy (W7) rain water drains, and also detected, less frequently, in Le Nau drain (W4), suggesting contamination by human faecal sources at these sites. These human markers were weakly detected in Pouliguen channel... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bacteroidales; F-specific RNA bacteriophages; Faecal bacterial indicators; Microbial source tracking; Water. Ano: 2010 URL: Application of multiaxial reinforcements in the marine industry. Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Taby, J; Hoyning, B. Knitted multiaxial reinforcement are today more and more commonly used in the production of marine vessels. This is due to superior strength compared to traditional reinforcements such as woven roving and chopped strand mat. Strength properties in different resins are documented, and multiaxial and woven reinforcements are compared. Special attention is paid to interlaminar properties, and it is apparent that no intermediate layers of chopped strand mat are necessary when using multiaxial reinforcement. Methods of analysis are discussed, the influence of fibre orientation on strength and stiffness of structures is described, and a case study reveals considerable weight and cost saving potential. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ship technology; Ship design; Composite materials; Matériaux composites; Renforts multiaxiaux; Tissus cousus. Ano: 1992 URL: Application of munk's abyssal recipes to tracer distributions in the deep waters of the south-banda basin Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Vanaken, Hm; Vanbennekom, Aj; Mook, Wg; Postma, H. The vertical structures of distribution of potential temperature, oxygen, orthophosphate, dissolved silica and C-14 in the South Banda basin (East Indonesia) have been studied quantitatively by means of a simple one-dimensional model as reviewed by Munk (1966). The effective source and sink terms for several parameters, as well as the effective diffusion coefficient, have been estimated. The relatively large vertical diffusion coefficient (1.3.10(-3) m2/s) is probably mainly due to tidally driven boundary mixing along the side walls of the basin. The budgets of dissolved oxygen, phosphate and silicate can be modelled adequately with a constant source or sink term. While oxygen consumption mainly takes place in the water column, the source for dissolved... Tipo: Text Ano: 1991 URL: Application of numerical models and codes Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Vyzikas, Thomas. This report indicates the importance of numerical modelling in the modelling process, gradually builds the essential background theory in the fields of fluid mechanics, wave mechanics and numerical modelling, discusses a list of commonly used software and finally recommends which models are more suitable for different engineering applications in a marine renewable energy project. Tipo: Text Ano: 2014 URL: Application of POCIS for the monitoring of pesticides, pharmaceuticals and alkylphenols in marine water Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Tapie, Nathalie; Munaron, Dominique; Gonzalez, Jean-louis; Budzinski, Helene. With the new European legislation (the Water Framework Directive, 2000/60/EC), the decision makers responsible for the assessment of the environmental contamination require simple monitoring tools. Passive sampling methods seem to be promising tools for the sampling of polar organic compounds in water, especially in marine waters where important dilutions and low concentrations are usual. They are taking into account the temporal variability and integrating the contamination over period of time. This work presents a study, on a large scale, of the contamination of French Mediterranean coastal waters realized in partnership with the Water Agency Rhône Méditerranée Corse (AERMC), and Coastal Water Quality Offices (CQEL). Tipo: Text Ano: 2009 URL: Application of spot data to a base-line ecological study of the mahakam delta mangroves (east kalimantan, indonesia) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Dutrieux, Eric; Denis, Jacques; Populus, Jacques. The objective of this study is to explain the spatial and temporal distribution of the vegetal communities of the Mahakam delta, chiefly on the basis of its physical and chemical characteristics. The delta is at present subjected to intense oil exploitation, and it is necessary to describe the situation on the site and its natural evolution in arder to be able to evaluate the damage that accidentai oil spillage could cause. The authors provide elements to define the sensitive zones whose protection should be a matter of priority. SPOT imagery was chosen as the tool allowing such an approach on a delta measuring 1 500 km2 SPOT satellite images of the Mahakam delta show that different plant communities succeed one another bath in time and in space. The... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mangroves; Ecosystème deltaïque; Succession de communautés; Teledetection; Pollution par hydrocarbures; Mangroves; Estuarine ecosystems; Communities succession; Remote sensing; Oil pollution. Ano: 1990 URL: Application of staining techniques to improve the viability assessment of turbot (Psetta maxima) ova Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Omnes, Marie-helene; Dorange, Germaine; Suquet, Marc; Normant, Yvon. Staining-dye procedures were tested on the turbot ovule in order to develop a rapid technique for determining ovule viability. Neutral red and Trypan blue dyes provided better assessment of the proportion of viable or dead female gametes when inducing fertilisation. Tipo: Text Ano: 1999 URL: Application to the albacore (Thunnus alalunga.) monthly catch per unit of effort (C. P. U. E.) by the Atlantic Japanese longline fishery Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Laurec, Alain; Le Gall, Jean-yves. Two different statistical techniques of analysis have been worked out in order to analyse the components of available data of catch per unit of effort (C. P. U. E. by month), used as an abundance index, for the Atlantic Japanese tuna longline fishery harvesting north-southern stocks of albacore (Thunnus alalunga). These techniques have been developed in order to estimate different components of this abundance index, such as yearly trend, a seasonal component, fishing effort impact, and unknown residual component. Both techniques combine these components either in an additive model or multiplicative one and allow to assign to the trend a continuous or discrete (stepwise) shape. The first technique is simple, it is called " moving average " and applies... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer. Ano: 1975 URL: Applications dans la filière des produits de la mer Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Fur, Bruno; Wacogne, Delphine; Lorre, Sylvie; Pilet, Marie France; Leroi, Francoise. Bioconservation or biopreservation is an alternative method to the use of chemical preservatives. It consists in using microorganisms, called protective cultures, or their natural metabolites. Like any other method of preservation, it allows the control of the growth of pathogenic or spoilage flora, while preserving the organoleptic and nutritional qualities of the product. Fermentation is one of the oldest applications of bioconservation. Today the potential of protective cultures is also promising for various fresh or processed foods. In this work, an overview of current knowledge on biopreservation is proposed made from international scientific publications. The book focuses mainly on the use of microorganisms to improve the conservation of different... Tipo: Text Ano: 2013 URL: Applications de la thermographie infrarouge au controle non destructif des materiaux composites utilises en construction navale Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lesbre, F; Potet, P; Artiga, F. Composite materials used in naval construction use mainly glass fibres and fabrics and epoxy resins for monolithic structures and syntactic foams or balsa wood for the core of sandwich structures. Traditional non destructive testing (NDT) methods such as ultrasonics or radiography do not always ensure a complete check of the structure, principally due to the strong heterogeneity of these materials. In order to improve this situation the DCN has developed a test method based on the use of active infrared thermography. The technique consists of illuminating the structure with a powerful lamp and observing the cooling of the surface with an infrared camera. Defects present act as obstacles to heat transmission in the material and cause thermal anomalies on... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Epoxy resins; Fibre glass; Ship technology; Composite materials; Sous marin; NDT; Infrarouge; Thermographie. Ano: 1992 URL: Applications des Systèmes d'Information Géographiques en Aquaculture Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Moine, Olivier; Goulletquer, Philippe. L'actuelle demande alimentaire croissante sur les produits de la mer met l'aquaculture en situation de développement; les stratégies de développement mises en place incluent des questions de durabilité économique, sociale et environnementale. Au cœur de celles-ci, l'accès à l'espace (sélection de sites, conflits d'usage, etc…) place cette dimension au premier plan. La planification spatiale du développement des projets aquacoles est donc un élément essentiel, incluse dans une démarche de gestion intégrée de la bande côtière. C'est un élément considéré comme une étape cruciale tant par les scientifiques dans le cadre d'une approche ecosystémique, que par les diverses nations et organismes Européens via le développement d’une réglementation ad-hoc. Dans ce... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SIG; Aquaculture; Gestion intégrée de la bande côtière; Gestion des interactions aquaculture-environnement; Planification spatiale marine. Ano: 2013 URL: Applications marines des composites a matrice metallique d'aluminium assembles par collage (MMC) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Davies, R; Ritchie, M; Trumper, R. Metal matrix composites (MMC) offer a unique combination of properties that make this class of material ideally suited to the fabrication of components subjected to complex loads, such as marine structures. In many marine applications the dominant requirement is for a reduction in structural weight, and where failure occurs by elastic buckling stiffness is critical. MMC's encompass a very broad class of materials which may be subdivided into three main groups: particulate, whisker and continuous fibre reinforced metals. These materials offer improvements in stiffness and the strength to weight ratio over conventional alloys. However, the ability to construct efficient marine structures is constrained by the ability to join these materials both to... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Adhesion; Adhesives; Ship technology; Composite materials; Traitement de surface; Collage; Structures marines; Composites à matrice métallique. Ano: 1992 URL: Applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to habitat assessment and marine resource management Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Stanbury, Kb; Starr, Rm. Marine scientists often assess habitats to understand the distribution and relative abundance of marine resources. Due to the spatial nature of habitats and associated temporal changes, however, assimilating data using traditional analytical methods is often difficult. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are proving to be effective tools to help address problems inherent in the analysis of spatial data. GIS can be used to effectively collate, archive, display, analyze, and model spatial and temporal data. Additionally, by combining dissimilar data types, such as socio-political boundaries, bottom types, and fish distributions, for example, resource managers can use GIS to make informed management decisions. In this way, GIS provides resource managers with... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Systèmes d'information géographique; Réserve marine; Gestion des ressources; Geographic information system; Marine sanctuary; Resource management. Ano: 1999 URL: Applications of protective cultures, bacteriocins and bacteriophages in fresh seafood and seafood products Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Pilet, Marie-france; Leroi, Francoise. Microbial seafood-borne disease represents 10 to 20% of the total food-borne outbreaks. Most of them are from bacterial origin and involve seafood products that have been contaminated by pathogenic Vibrio, Listeria monocytogenes and histaminogen bacteria. On the other hand, seafood products are very sensitive to the development of spoiling bacteria producing off-odours. Pathogenic and spoiling microflora are not always reduced or limited by the processing steps that are currently used in these foodstuffs, and the interest for alternative techniques such as bioprotection to improve quality and safety of seafood has increased in the last years. Among the microbial flora of lightly preserved seafood products, lactic acid bacteria usually become dominant... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biopreservation of seafood; Seafood safety and spoilage; Lactic acid bacteria; Sensory quality; Listeria monocytogenes. Ano: 2010 URL: Applying Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory to simulate growth and bio-energetics of blue mussels under low seston conditions Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Rosland, R; Strand, O; Alunno-bruscia, Marianne; Bacher, Cedric; Strohmeier, T. A Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) model for simulation of growth and bioenergetics of blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) has been tested in three low seston sites in southern Norway. The observations comprise four datasets from laboratory experiments (physiological and biometrical mussel data) and three datasets from in situ growth experiments (biometrical mussel data). Additional in situ data from commercial farms in southern Norway were used for estimation of biometricalrelationships in the mussels. Three DEB parameters (shape coefficient, half saturation coefficient, and somatic maintenance rate coefficient) were estimated from experimental data, and the estimated parameters were complemented with parameter values from literature to establish a basic parameter... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Low seston; Modelling; DEB theory; Mytilus edulis; Mussel culture. Ano: 2009 URL: Apport à la connaissance de la paléohydrologie de l'Atlantique nord-oriental pendant le Quaternaire terminal Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Alvinerie, J; Caralp, M; Latouche, C; Moyes, J; Vigneaux, M. Tipo: Text Ano: 1978 URL: Apport de la génétique pour une meilleure connaissance des populations naturelles et une amélioration des populations cultivées d'huîtres plates et creuses Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lapegue, Sylvie. In the framework of the French diploma "Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches", Sylvie Lapègue's synthesis of research includes ten years (1998-2007) of work in bivalve genetics, and mainly cupped and flat oysters. This research has been developed in (1) flat oyster population genetics at the European level and cupped oyster populations and species genetics at a global scale, (2) the characterization of a cytogenetic particularity observed in oysters that corresponds to a high rate of aneuploidy in somatic cells, and (3) more recently in the use of molecular markers for the construction or improvement of genetic maps, allowing (4) the identification of areas of the genome related to the resistance to summer mortality in the Pacific oyster and the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ostrea; Crassostrea; Oysters; QTLs; Genetic maps; Breeding; Aneuploidy; Population genetics; Ostrea; Crassostrea; Huître; QTLs; Cartes génétiques; Amélioration; Aneuploïdie; Génétique des populations. Ano: 2007 URL: Apport des données acoustiques à la connaissance d'un gisement archéologique - Exemple du site de La Mondrée à Fermanville (Manche) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Simplet, Laure; Cliquet, Dominique; Pierre, Delphine; Maze, Jean-pierre. Tipo: Text Ano: 2015 URL: Apport des informations moléculaires et cellulaires pour la caractérisation de la résistance de l'huître plate européenne vis-à-vis de la bonamiose, et pour la détection de signatures de la sélection naturelle Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Harrang, Estelle. The European flat oyster, an endemic species from European coasts, has been classified in the category of "endangered and/or declining species" since 2003. Indeed, the natural beds of this oyster, consumed since ancient times, have gradually been decimated by over-exploitation and by successive emergence of parasitic diseases. The parasite that causes the disease called bonamiosis has contributed to drastically reduce the French and European aquacultural production of flat oyster. Marine bivalve molluscs display two specificities that restrict possibilities to fight against diseases: they are grown in an open environment, and possess an innate immune system lacking in adaptive response. In this context, the selection of animaIs naturally resistant to... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Huître plate Européenne; Ostre edulis; Bonamiose; Bonamia ostreae; Marqueurs SNP; Expression génique; Activité hémocytaire; Cartographie de liaison; QTL; EQTL; Populations naturelles; Diversité génétique; Sélection naturelle; European flat oyster; Ostrea edulis; Bonamiosis; Bonamia ostreae; SNP markers; Gene expression; Haemocytic activity; Linkage map; QTL; EQTL; Natural populations; Genetic diversity; Genetic structure; Natural selection. Ano: 2012 URL: Apport des techniques par rayons X à la caractérisation des encroûtements cobaitifères océaniques Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Etoubleau, Joel; Bohn, Marcel; Fouquet, Yves; Cambon, Pierre; Le Suave, Raymond. A range of X-ray analytical techniques contributes particularly well to the mineralogical and geochemical characterisations of cobalt-rich iron and manganese oxides crusts. X-ray diffraction is used to identify the weak crystallinity of the material. Bulk geochemical characterisation of the crusts is done by X-ray fluorescence for the precise determination of ca. thirty major and trace elements. Fine scale analysis is carried out by electron microprobe to quantitatively map the distribution of elements in oxide phases within the crusts. Microprobe work is essential to obtain the chemical composition of the embedded metallic micro-meteorites. Tipo: Text Ano: 2000 URL: Apport des techniques spatiales à la connaissance des courants de surface-Application à l'océan Antarctique Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Daniault, Nathalie. Au cours des deux dernières décennies, l'accent a été mis, par la communauté scientifique internationale, sur l'importance des interactions océan-atmosphère dans la genèse des phénomènes météorologiques, et sur la nécessité d'améliorer le réseau d'observations en mer : Les bouées dérivantes ou ancrées, porteuses de stations automatiques de mesures, sont à l'heure actuelle largement utilisées par les organismes météorologiques, pour combler les zones où les informations font défaut. La localisation de ces bouées, et la transmission des données sont assurées par le système ARGOS, système embarqué à bord de satellites à orbites polaires. Tipo: Text Ano: 1984 URL: Apport du satellite SPOT à la connaissance des écosystèmes récifaux coralliens. La végétation marine de l'île de Moorea, Polynésie française Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Belsher, T; Meinesz, A; Payri, C; Benmoussa, H. Tipo: Text Ano: 1990 URL: Apport d'un programme de génétique à une filière de production aquacole : l'exemple de l'ostréiculture Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lapegue, Sylvie; Bedier, Edouard; Goyard, Emmanuel; Degremont, Lionel; Baud, Jean-pierre; Gerard, Andre; Goulletquer, Philippe; Boudry, Pierre. Two oyster species are currently present along the French coasts : the indigenous European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis), and the Pacific cupped oyster (Crassostrea gigas), that has been introduced from Japan since the beginning of the 70ies. The flat oyster successively suffered from two protozoan diseases during the 60ies and its production decreased from 20 000 tons/year by that time to 1 500 tons/year nowadays. Consequently, the oyster production is principally (99%) based upon the Pacific oyster species with approximately 150 000 tons/year among which 90% are grown from the natural spat. However, the hatchery production of this species is developing and was estimated to 400 to 800 millions spat in 2002. Moreover, strengthened relationships between... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Growth; Selection; Genetic breeding; Genetic; Ostrea edulis; Crassostrea gigas; Oysters; Croissance; Sélection; Amélioration génétique; Génétique; Ostrea edulis; Crassostrea gigas; Huîtres. Ano: 2004 URL: Apport par les fleuves d'uranium dissous à l'océan ; exemple du Zaïre Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Figueres, G; Martin, Jm; Thomas, Aj. Tipo: Text Ano: 1982 URL: Apports de l''imagerie fournie par le sonar a balayage lateral a la connaissance de la dynamique sedimentaire en Baie de Seine Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Auffret, J; D'Ozouville, L. Continous process recording of lateral scanning sonar allows the observation of bottom sediments repartition contrasts. Their heterogeneity and evolution, the nature of contacts between different sediment deposits can be studied by this instrument, which completes the different techniques used for the sediment dynamics study. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sediment composition; Sediment distribution; Sonar imagery; Sediment dynamics; Sonar. Ano: 1985 URL: Apports de nutriments et développement phytoplanctonique en baie de Seine Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Aminot, Alain; Guillaud, Jean-francois; Andrieux Loyer, Francoise; Kerouel, Roger; Cann, Philippe. As part of the Programme National d'Oceanographie Cotiere, the nutrient dynamics of the Bay of Seine were studied between 1992 and 1994 in order to complement work on ecological modelling. Firstly, the River Seine's nutrient fluxes were established: 80 000-130 000 t a(-1) of dissolved inorganic nitrogen, 6 400-8 400 t a(-1) of dissolved phosphorus and 20 000-77 000 t a(-1) of dissolved silicium. Estuarine processes were taken into account. Consequences of nutrient loading for the bay were then evaluated at the pelagic level (nutrient and chlorophyll enrichments) and the benthic level (distribution of various phosphorus fractions in superficial sediments). The large continental inputs always induce concentration gradients in the water from the mouth of the... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Baie de Seine; Rapport de consommation; Chlorophylle; Nutriment; Bay of Seine; Uptake ratio; Chlorophyll; Nutrient. Ano: 1998 URL: Apports des bassins versants dans l'estuaire de l'Aber-Benoît Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Blanchard, Michel; Le Saux, Jean-claude; Piriou, Jean-yves. Un recensement des apports provenant de certains bassins versants dans l'estuaire de l'Aber-Benoît (Bretagne-nord, France) montre que les contaminants susceptibles d'affecter la qualité de l'eau alimentant les huîtres sont de natures diverses. Parmi les éléments étudiés, les mesures donnent des flux minima journaliers de 10(13) coliformes fécaux, 2 tonnes d'azote, 150 kilogrammes de phosphate sur l'estuaire, et 27 grammes de triazines, pesticides les plus importants sur la rivière Aber-Benoît. Tipo: Text Ano: 1993 URL: Apports des données de la 'couleur de l'eau' à la modélisation couplée physique-biogéochimie en milieu dynamique côtier : Application au Rio de la Plata et au Golfe de Gascogne Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Huret, Martin. Continental margins play a crucial role in biogeochemical fluxes between the continents and the open ocean. They are also highly sensitive to human perturbations. Primary production is highly dependent on the complex dynamics of these coastal zones, and on the river supply in nutrients, as well as in Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) which limit light availability. The quantification of the production is a prerequisite in many applications, from the understanding of the role of the coastal ocean in climate change, to eutrophication and fisheries resources issues within the frame of the integrated management of the coastal zone. Coupled physical-biogeochemical models are useful in studying and monitoring primary production. Because of the numerous complex... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Parameter estimation; Data assimilation; Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM); Chlorophyll a; Phytoplankton blooms; Physical biogeochemical coupled model; Ocean color; Satellite data; Coastal area; Bay of Biscay; Rio de la Plata; Estimation de paramètres; Assimilation de données; Matières En Suspension (MES); Chlorophylle a; Blooms phytoplanctoniques; Modèle couplé physique biogéochimie; Couleur de l'eau; Donnée satellitale; Milieu côtier; Golfe de Gascogne; Rio de la Plata. Ano: 2005 URL: Apports des hautes résolutions spatiales pour l'étude et la cartographie des algues vertes. Application à la grève de St-Michel(22) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Ruiz, Olivier. The increasing amounts of agricultural effluents associated with particular hydrodynamical locations are resulting in strong proliferations of suspended green algae Ulva lactuca. During ebb tide, the algae deposit on beaches, creating a nuisance for both tourism and fishermen. Biomass estimates are hence needed both for understanding the phenomenon and for measuring its magnitude. During the spring tide period of September 1993, two high resolutions digital sensors were run jointly on the French A.R.A.T (Remote Sensing and Atmospheric Research Aircraft). A pushbroom instrument called RAMI (run by C.N.E.S.) with spectral bands identical to those of S.P.O.T. and the Canadian C.A.S.I (which possesses a lot of spectral bands) acquired images over the sandy... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Télédetection; Green seaweed; Cartography; Télédetection; Algue verte; Cartographie. Ano: 1994 URL: Apports des images du sonar latéral SAR à l'étude de la structure fine des dorsales rapides Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Vaslet, Nathalie. Notre travail repose pour l'essentiel sur l'analyse des données du sonar latéral SAR et du Sea beam "à deux noeuds" obtenues conjointement lors d'HYDROFAST. La zone étudiée inclut le site hydrothermal de 12'50'N et s'étend sur un peu plus de la moitié d'un segment morpho-tectonique de second ordre. Tipo: Text Ano: 1993 URL: Apports d'origine agricole et qualité des eaux côtières Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Merceron, Michel. This summary and orientation document concerning the impact of agricultural activities on the quality of coastal waters summarises the main pollution, with the exception of organic microcontaminants. The excess of nutritive contributions is considered to be the most significant problem. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Discharges; Salubrity; Eutrophication; Water quality; Débits; Salubrité; Eutrophisation; Qualité d'eau. Ano: 1989 URL: Apports et distribution des résidus organochlorés à haut poids moléculaire dans la rade de Brest (milieu marin semi-fermé) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Marchand, Michel; Caprais, Jean-claude; Cossonmannevy, Ma; Moriniere, P. The aim of this work is to study the input, transfer and distribution processes of chlorinated insecticides (lindane, DDT) and PCB residues in a semi-closed coastal marine environment. Measurements are made in sea water, rain water and sediment samples. Distribution coefficients between sea water and sediment are determined for several organochlorine insecticide and PCB compounds. The results show an important transfer of chlorinated residues from the atmosphere to the marine environment. The highest residue levels in the sediments are observed near other urban and industrial pollution sources. Analyses of mussels show that this mollusc can be used as a biological indicator of sea water pollution. Concentration factors are determined for lindane,... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Organochlorés; Eau; Sédiments; Matière vivante; Rade de Brest; Organochlorine; Water; Sediments; Biota; Rade de Brest. Ano: 1983 URL: Apports et limites de l’économie industrielle à l’analyse des performances d’une filière halieutique Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Bas, Adeline; Fresard, Marjolaine; Guyader, Olivier; Lesur-irichabeau, Gabrielle; Fournier, Nicolas; Le Gallic, Bertrand. Ce document présente une des tâches en économie réalisée dans le cadre du projet ANR Comanche (Interactions écosystémiques et impacts anthropiques dans les populations de COquilles Saint-Jacques de la MANCHE). Ce projet d’une durée de trois ans (2011-2013) a vocation à améliorer la connaissance de la coquille St Jacques à l’échelle de l’ensemble de la Manche, à travers une approche écosystémique des pêcheries, en faisant appel à un large éventail de disciplines scientifiques (physique, chimie, génétique, écologie, géostatistique, modélisation, économie….). La tâche en économie de ce projet (tâche 9) vise à étudier les relations entre les systèmes de régulation des deux principaux gisements (baie de St Brieuc et baie de Seine) et les performances... Tipo: Text Ano: 2013 URL: Apports nutritifs et bactériens en estuaire de Penzé. Année 2000 Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Piriou, Jean-yves; Droit, Julie. L'estuaire de la Penzé (nord-Finistère, France) est le siège de plusieurs dysfonctionnements de type biologique (eutrophisation et contaminations bactériennes) qui nécessitent une bonne connaissance et un suivi des apports d'origine terrigène susceptibles d'influencer ou de provoquer ces phénomènes. Une étude sur ce secteur test a permis la mise au point d'une méthodologie de suivi des apports à l'estuaire. Celle-ci se fait en quatre étapes: 1. Inventaire des paramètres de suivi des apports. • Dans le cas de la prolifération des macroalgues du genre ulva et des microalgues toxiques Alexandrium minutum, les différents apports nutritifs azotés, phosphorés et siliceux ont été mesurés. • Dans le cas de la contamination des mollusques bivalves d'ostréiculture... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Apports; Bactéries; Bassins versants; Contamination; Eutrophisation marine; Rejets; Sels nutritifs. Ano: 2001 URL: Apports terrigenes des exutoires du marais de Dol : premières investigations Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Mao, Patrick; Convenant, Aliette; Rumebe, Myriam; Le Bec, Claude; Annezo, Jean-pierre. Le but de cette étude est de comprendre la dynamique de ces apports en mer, dont le rythme est commandé par l’ouverture et la fermeture des portes à marées. Cela nécessite de connaître l’évolution des teneurs des produits recherchés et des débits au cours d’un cycle d’ouverture des portes à marée et d’évaluer si les profils de flux sont constants ou soumis à des phénomènes aléatoires plus ou moins contrôlables. Tipo: Text Ano: 2002 URL: Appréciation de la fraîcheur du poisson par une méthode physique Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Morel, Marc. Il existe différentes méthodes pour mesurer la fraîcheur du poisson : les méthodes sensorielles, les méthodes chimiques et les méthodes physiques. Tipo: Text Ano: 1977 URL: Appréciation de la qualité bactériologique des coquillages Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Boury, Maurice. D'une manière générale, la bactériologie des substances alimentaires soulève des problèmes difficiles. Tipo: Text Ano: 1962 URL: Approche bidimensionnelle des transports sédimentaires à partir des variations granulométriques des sédiments superficiels : Exemple de la partie occidentale de la baie du Mont Saint-Michel Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Ehrhold, Axel; Auffret, Jean-paul. Grain size trends in relation to net sediment transport pathways are examined, using sorne cornmonly-used grain size pararneters. The results of the model are compared with the net sediment transport pathways established on the basis of the bedfonn asymmetry. The 3 types of trends are calculated using an increasing characteristic distance and differents grids of seabed sediment samples. lt is shown that : (1) the characteristic distance defined by Gao et Collins (maximum spatial sampling interval) changes with these two factors to a maximal value; (2) in an heterogeneous sedimentary environment, the correlations between calculated vectors and observed transport pathways are better by using sand size distributions and (3) the residual pattern rises to sixty... Tipo: Text Ano: 1996 URL: Approche comparative de la variabilité et de la structuration génétique chez deux espèces d'huîtres cultivées (Crassostrea gigas et Ostrea edulis) présentant des stratégies reproductives et des histoires contrastées Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Boudry, Pierre; Launey, Sophie; Huvet, Arnaud. The two common oyster species cultivated in Europe are the flat oyster Ostrea edulis and the cupped oyster Crassostrea gigas. These species have two really different reproduction strategies (oviparity versus larviparity) and histories (natural distribution versus introductions linked to oyster culture). We used microsatellite markers to compare the observed variabilities Europe wide. O. edulis presents a lower rate of alleles per locus than C. gigas. The observed structuration levels (global Fst and by pairs values) are similar for both species, but the spatial organisation of the diversity is different. In O. edulis, appears a differentiation based on the distance (concordance of the results with those obtained with the allozymes) whereas in C. gigas,... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Différenciation génétique; Variabilité; Génétique; Crassostrea gigas; Ostrea edulis; Huîtres. Ano: 1998 URL: Approche de la capacité trophique dans le bassin ostréicole (Baie de Bourgneuf) Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Haure, Joel; Baud, Jean-pierre. A hydrobiological study coupled with the evolution of the production of cupped oysters Crassostrea gigas has been carried out from March 1990 to March 1991 on two oyster culture areas (North and South) of the Bay of Bourgneuf. - The northern area is characterized by an environment which is variable though time and composed of a high nutritive and mineral load. This high particular load (average value = 154 mg.l- 1) is linked to meteorological conditions and especially to the wind speed and direction. The individual growth of cultivated oysters is low (i.e.: 58.8 g). - The southern area shows homogenous hydrobiological characteristics throughout the year. The average phytoplanktonic biomass is 4.4 µg.l-l of chlorophyll and the particular load is low... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hydrobiology; Trophic capacity; Crassostrea gigas; Bay of Bourgneuf; Hydrobiologie; Capacité trophique; Crassostrea gigas; Baie de Bourgneuf. Ano: 1995 URL: Approche de la capacité trophique d'un écosystème conchylicole Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Heral, Maurice; Deslous-paoli, Jean-marc; Prou, Jean. After a short bibliographical study of the different approaches for determination of the trophic capacity of a bay for molluscs culture, the authors, with a global mode, show the relations between the growth performance of the oysters Crassostrea gigas in relation with the cultivated stocks. The volumes of consumed and assimilated food are calculated for the stocks in relation with the incoming volumes of water in the bay and the residence time for neap tide and spring tide. The authors find a decrease of growth rate in relation with the volume of consumed food. When it is above 60% and when the volume of assimilated food is above 20%, there is a large decrease of the growth of oysters. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Crassostrea gigas; Oysters; Stock assessment; Models; Food consumption; Growth; Biomass; Stock cultivé; Biomasse; Croissance; Modèle; Crassostrea gigas; Huîtres; Capacité trophique. Ano: 1988 URL: Approche de la capacite trophique d'un ecosysteme conchylicole Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Heral, Maurice. The different methods for the estimation of the carrying capacity of cultivated area by oyster or mussel farming are presented gradually by order of complexity. The yield of production permit to follow if the adequation between the importance of the cultivated biomass and disponibility of food is realised. In another way, the study of the cultivated biomass and the annual production could be used for the building of global dynamic models showing the maximum of annual production that a bay can support. These approaches take for main hypothesis that the environment is constant. The study of the trophic relations for simulation of the growth rate of molluscs can be presented in function (i) of the level of complexity of the coupling between physical and... Tipo: Text Ano: 1989 URL: Approche de la circulation residuelle en Baie de Seine Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Lehir, P; Salomon, J; Leprovost, C; Chabertd'Hieres, G; Mauvais, J. By taking into account salinity measurements and consequently mean residence time, current measurements, tidal computation with a 2-D model and wind induced currents provided by a 3-D model, a global diagram of residual flow in Seine Bay is given. Main patterns are exhibited: density currents in the eastern part of the bay, off the Seine Estuary, wind induced circulation, especially along the coast and over the Channels, and tidal residual patterns induced by topography. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Simulation; Modelling; Wind driven circulation; Bottom topography; Density gradients; Water masses; River discharge; Haline circulation; Salinity gradients; Tidal currents; Residual flow. Ano: 1985 URL: Approche de la dynamique de stocks accessoires Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Moguedet, Philippe. For a few years now, the landings from the Lorient's industrial fleet have been continually increasing (32,000 tons in 1980, 56,000 tons in 1985). This fleet practices a multispecific exploitation of the international fishery of the west and north of Scotland. The rock salmon (Pollachius virens) is the fleets' target species, its catches of other gadidae are considered secondary. Two of the catches, those of the blue ling (Molva dypterygia) and the ling (Molva molva) have been advancing since the beginning of the decade and in 1985 represented 21% of the total amount in quantity and value landed by the industrial fleet. The objective of this study is to asses the status of these ling resources and examine whether their exploitation can, in the short term,... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Stock dynamics; By catch; Ling; Molva spp; Industrial fleet; Lorient; Brittany; Gadidés; Biologie; Dynamique des stocks; Flottilles industrielles; Lorient; Bretagne; Molva spp; Lingue; Stock accessoire. Ano: 1988 URL: Approche de l'activité de prédation de l'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas par les bigorneaux perceurs Ocenebra erinacea et Ocenebra inornata. Régulation des populations de perceurs Ocenebra erinacea et Ocenebra inornata : survie vis-à-vis des températures négatives et action du brûlage sur des pontes naturelles Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Robert, Stephane; Grangere, Karine; Amiot, Jean-baptiste; Le Moine, Olivier; Soletchnik, Patrick; Guilpain, Patrice; Seugnet, Jean-luc; Geairon, Philippe; Goulletquer, Philippe; Razet, Daniel; Faury, Nicole; Garcia-meunier, Pascale; Martel, C. Parmi les problèmes qui handicapent la production du bassin, la surexploitation du milieu trophique est souvent mise en référence (Bacher 1989, Héral, 1991) de la même façon des mortalités importantes sont régulièrement enregistrées principalement en période estivale Lodato M.I., 1997, Goulettquer, 1998, Soletchnick, 1998, 2000. Depuis la fin des années 1990 la prédation par bigorneaux perceurs est un problème important régulièrement signalé par les professionnels, au point que la section régionale a organisé un ramassage collectif des perceurs en avril 2001 . Ce problème n' est pas nouveau, dans les années 30, la prédation par Ocenebra erinacea était enregistrée pour ses ravages sur les bancs d'élevage de La Rochelle, Bourgneuf ou Arcachon (Robert S., et... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bigorneaux perceurs; Ocenebra erinacea; Ocenebra inornata; Huître creuse; Crassostrea gigas; Prédation. Ano: 2002 URL: Approche de l'état physiologique de l'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas au cours d'un cycle saisonnier à Marennes-Oléron Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Moal, Jeanne; Samain, Jean-francois; Bodoy, Alain; Le Coz, Jean-rene. The energy charge was measured for two Crassostrea gigas populations, during an annual survey at Marennes Oleron, to appreciate the condition of health of these oysters. It is assumed that the actual decrease in production of this area is related to a biomass overload which affects the oysters by lowering their scope for growth. Energy charge, an index developped by ATKINSON (1968), defines the energy equilibrium of organisms. It is the adenylic nucleotide ratio: E.C = (ATP + 1/2ADP)/ATP + ADP + AMP). We have measured this parameter to determine the state of health of these oysters. A methodological study has been conducted previously to define the conditions of sampling, conservation and extraction for a HPLC assay. The HPLC method (high performance... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marennes Oleron; Seasonal variations; Crassostrea gigas; Physiological indice; Nucleotides; Energy charge; Marennes Oléron; Cycle saisonnier; Crassostrea gigas; Indiced physiologique; Nucléotides; Charge énergétique. Ano: 1987 URL: Approche de l'impact écologique de la pêcherie thonière au filet maillant dérivant en Atlantique nord-est Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Goujon, Michel; Antoine, Loic; Collet, Anne; Fifas, Spyros. This document presents the results of a study on the impact of the french albacore tuna drift net fishery, mainly at the dolphins population level. Data collected during two embarked observers campains in 1992 and 1993 and the results of a sighting survey in 1993 give an estimation of the population size of common and striped dolphins (61 888 and 73 843) and mean values of ratio fishing of mortality (0.7 and 1.6%). A model was built in order to simulate the effect of the 5% upper limits of fishing mortality (1.5 and 3%). These values would leed to an annual rate of decrease of -1 %. It is unlikely that such values would jeopardize the survival and the presence of these species. Total incidental catches represent 15% of these total catch; albacore tuna... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ecological impact; Drift nets; Marine mammals; Albacore; Impact écologique; Filets maillants; Mammifères marins; Germon. Ano: 1993 URL: Approche des relations entre a croissance de l'huître Crassostrea gigas et le milieu dans le bassin d'Arcachon Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Maurer, Daniele. study of the experimental growth of the oyster Crassostrea gigas was undertaken of 1985 to 1988, parallel to a follow-up hydrobiologic of the medium, in three sites of the basin of Arcachon. - The characteristics of growth of the studied sites proved very stable during various years ; they are also very different from one site to another, the performances being able to vary the simple one with the double of the center of the basin towards the exit on the ocean. It is during the summer and of the autumn that the difference is established between the sectors, the spring growths being similar. The hierarchy observed is associated a more or less great precocity of the laying. - A gradient influences continental oceanic-influence is observed, resulting in more... Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ostreiculture; Oyster; Hydrobiology; Growth; Bay of Arcachon; Crassostrea gigas; Ostréiculture; Huître; Hydrobiologie; Croissance; Baie d'Arcachon; Crassostrea gigas. Ano: 1989 URL: Approche du développement de la pêche artisanale en Polynésie française Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Ugolini, Bruno; Robert, René; Grand, Simone. Tipo: Text Ano: 1982 URL: Approche du regime alimentaire des juveniles de bars et de limandes en baie de Somme. Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Leaute, Jean-pierre. Stomach contents of juveniles of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax ) and common dab (Limanda limanda ) collected during September 1982 from Bay of Somme and the neighbor coast to Penly, were examined. The most part of the diet of young sea bass are the crustaceans, Sedentary polychaetes appear to be the major food item for common dab. For these two young predator species, food preferences tend to change early: cumaceans, then common edible shrimp, for sea bass, Tube worm tentacles, then part of whole individuals are preferred by common dab. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Dicentrarchus labrax; Prey selection; Food preferences; Stomach content; Diets. Ano: 1984 URL: Approche economique de la conchyliculture le cas de l'ostreiculture dans le bassin de Marennes-Oleron Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Le Grel, Laurent. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM. Ano: 1989 URL: Approche économique de la pêche bonitière en Polynésie française Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Ugolini, Bruno; Robert, Rene; Mauri, Moea. Tipo: Text Ano: 1983 URL: Approche ecophysiologigue et ultrastructurale de l'osmoregulation chez les crustaces decapodes Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Pequeux, A; Lignon, J. This paper deals mostly with recent physiological data on ion transport across the gill tissue and an attempt is made to correlate them with blood osmoregulation and ecological distribution in euryhaline decapods. A particular attention is paid to the gills of the fully euryhaline Chinese crab Eriocheir sinensis . Supporting this ecophysiological approach, there is an important ultrastructural analysis of the gill epithelium under various salinity conditions. The possible part played by the cuticle in ions movements is also considered. Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Eriocheir sinensis; Cancer pagurus; Maia squinado; Carcinus maenas; Decapoda; Malacostraca; Ion transport; Gills; Ecophysiology; Cuticles; Ultrastructure; Salinity tolerance. Ano: 1987 URL: Approche empirique de la pecherie d'espadon (Xiphias gladius) dans l'ocean Indien et modelisation des deplacements des poissons dans le paysage oceanique tropical Provedor de dados: 5 Autores: Guyomard, David. Long-line fishing has been growing on the island of La Réunion since the beginning of the 1990s. The target species is the swordfish (Xiphias gladius), fished mainly in the tropical waters surrounding the island between longitudes 45 degree E and 60 degree E, and latitudes 17 degree S and 27 degree S. From 1998 to 2000, a finalised research programme enabled the collection of precise data concerning the lines' positions and the parameters of the fishing efforts: 3,602 nettings were thus informed by the catches (in numbers of individuals caught) and 12 descriptive variables of the effort. In parallel with this collection effort, satellite maps that described the ocean's landscape of this region of the Indian Ocean exploited by La Réunion's fisheries were... Tipo: Text Ano: 2005 URL: