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“Growing Up Spiritually”
Part 3: Bearing Fruit 100 Fold
I. We Need Good Soil To Receive A Maximum Harvest
A. The Soil Condition Is The Only Thing We Control - Mt 13:19-23.
B. “Fruit-Bearing” in life depends on receiving seed into good soil and not on our own natural abilities, who
we know, who we are, or how hard we try.
II. Three Characteristics Of Good Soil
A. It Receives The Word Into The Heart (Spirit)
Mk 4:20 - First, let the Word in. “Receive” - paradechomai - admit, delight in, take up, take upon
oneself, allow admittance, acknowledge as one’s own. In other words, to consciously open up our
renewed mind to receive with eagerness the reproof, correction and instruction of the Word of God.
B. It Meditates Upon The Word Until Understanding Comes (Pr 3:5)
Mt 13:23 - Second, meditate the Word until understanding comes. “Understand” - suniemi - to put
together mentally, to consider thoughtfully, to bring together the parts, to perceive, to join together in
the mind, to think upon, to unite in understanding. In other words, to meditate upon and study.
C. It Keeps (Holds Fast) The Word With Patience
Lk 8:15 - Third, keep hold of the Word through whatever comes. “Keep” - katecho - to hold fast,
to retain from leaving, to keep secure, to keep in firm possession, to cast not away. Pr 4:20-21.
III. The Hundred Fold Return
A. The Gospel Always Has The Potential To Produce One-Hundred Fold. Mk 10:30 and Mt 19:29.
Q. Then why do some get 30 fold and some 60? A. Gospel means “good news” and there’s more
than one type of good news in the Bible. So if only part of the gospel is preached or read, the return to
the hearer will be less than 100 fold. When the “full gospel” is preached, 100 fold returns are possible.
B. Why Some Receive 30, Some 60 And Some 100 Fold.
1. 30 Fold - Seed that affects only one part of the three fold man. For example. Receives, understands and
keeps Spiritual Prosperity Seed only. Example: He has been born again but either doesn’t believe or
never has heard that healing and material prosperity are also always God’s will.
2. 60 Fold - Seed that affects two parts of the three fold man. For example. Receives, understands and
keeps Spiritual Prosperity Seed plus Mental Prosperity Seed . Example: Born again and mind renewed
but has never acted (done the Word) on his belief in physical healing or material prosperity.
3. 90 Fold with possibility of a bonus to 100 Fold (see below). The Full Gospel. Seed that affects all three
parts of the three fold man. For example. Receives, understands and keeps Spiritual Prosperity Seed
plus Mental Prosperity Seed plus Physical Prosperity Seed. When all three forms of prosperity are
present we are very close to the 100 fold return.
C. The 100 Fold Person or Church.
1. The person who puts the Word first place in his or her life and then receives, understands and keeps
with patience the Full Gospel will bear 90 fold fruit in his or her life.
2. And to that one who bears 90 fold, God will take from those who have not to give him even more!
Look at Mt 25:28 and Lk 19:24. In both cases the one who had invested most wisely received another 10
percent on top of what he already had. In other words he received the 100 Fold Return (90+10)!
3. Jesus said that some would do this “…bringeth forth, some an hundred fold”. Mt 13:23, Mk 4:8
The following questions have to do with the Parable of the Sower:
___. God put this lesson on fruit bearing in the Bible primarily to help farmers be successful.
___. The only part of the fruit bearing process man can control is the quality of the seed.
___. The seed is the words we speak and the soil is heart of the ones who hear what we say.
___. “Fruit-Bearing” or being successful in life depends primarily on the abilities God has given
us and on how hard we try.
The 3 characteristics of a person who “has good soil” are they _________, ___________ and
____________ the Word of God they _____________.
___. Receiving the Word means to hear the word with our ears.
___. The key to Understanding the Word of God is to meditate on the Word and not just read it.
Another definition for Keeping the Word of God is __________ what it says.
___. The best way to keep the Word is to find those parts of the Word that agree with what my
church teaches and then do that.
___. Not everyone will interpret what the Bible teaches the same way.
___. That’s why we’re all entitled to our own opinion, and as long as we’re sincere in what we
believe, God will see that we bear fruit.
___. My church has the primary responsibility to see that I hear the “full gospel”.
The key to interpreting the Bible correctly and then bearing fruit in life is to hear, believe,
_____________ (Hint: 2Tim 2:15), and then ____________ (Hint: Joshua 1:8) the Word.
___. If I believe in the New Birth but have my doubts about whether God wants to heal me when
I’m sick, I can still bear fruit 100 fold in my life.
___. If I believe in the New Birth and also believe God wants to heal me when I’m sick, but am
not sure whether He wants me to prosper, I can still bear fruit 100 fold in my life.
The only sure way to bear fruit 100 fold in my life is to ______, _______ & ___ the “full
God is interested in the whole __ fold man bearing fruit by His Word: _____, _____ & ______.
___. Jesus said in Mt 13:23 that all who hear the word would bring forth fruit 100 fold.
___. If we do not respond to the gospel, God may take the reward we would have gotten for
hearing, believing and doing what it says and give it to someone else.