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Types of Massages offered
Other services
$60 hr
Ear Candling
Deep Tissue
$65 hr
$40 1/2 hr
(thermotherpy & cryotherapy)
Sports Massage
$40 1/2 hr
Energy Work
$70 hr
(using aromatherapy)
Lymphatic Drainage
$40 1/2 hr
Myofascial Release
$70 hr
Pregnancy Massage
$65 hr
Scrubs -Salt or Sugar $50
(face, arms, back, legs, feet)
(after first trimester)
Hot Stone Massage
Spa Packages for parties offered
$75 hr
Chair Massage 10-20 min
($1 min)
*House calls are available upon request and availability- additional $10 per service*
Description of services:
Massage therapy has been found to reduce anxiety and depression.
Swedish Massage: Swedish massage is the most commonly offered and best-known type of massage.
During Swedish massage, massage therapists use massage oils to facilitate smooth, gliding strokes called effleurage.
Other classic Swedish massage moves include kneading, friction, stretching and (sometimes) tapping.Swedish
massage uses firm but gentle pressure to promote relaxation, ease muscle tension and create other health benefits.
Deep Tissue Massage:Deep tissue massage is a type of massage aimed at the deeper tissue structures of the
muscle and fascia, also called connective tissue. Deep tissue massage uses many of the same movements and
techniques as Swedish massage, but the pressure will generally be more intense. It is also a more focused type of
massage, as the therapist works to release chronic muscle tension or knots (also known as "adhesions."). It's
important to be realistic about what one deep tissue massage can achieve. Many people ask for more pressure,
thinking that if the therapist just pushes hard enough, they can get rid of all their knots in an hour. This just won't
happen. In fact, undoing chronic knots and tension built up over a lifetime is best achieved with an integrated
program that includes exercise, work on your posture and ways of moving, relaxation techniques and a regular
program of massage.
Lymphatic Drainage: Lymphatic drainage is a holistic approach to promoting a healthy lymphatic system.
The lymphatic system is a complex network of vessels and ducts that move fluid throughout the body and is
responsible for moving toxins away from healthy cells and carrying germ-fighting materials to cells when they are
under attack by viruses. Though fluid moves through the lymphatic system, it does not have its own pumping
mechanism. Lymphatic drainage is a type of therapy that is intended to help the body produce a free-flowing
lymphatic system.
Lymphatic drainage therapy consists of a manual massage, performed by a lymphatic drainage therapist. A
lymphatic drainage massage primarily focuses on specific lymph nodes and points of the body, as well as the natural
flow of the lymphatic system. Proponents of lymphatic drainage believe that the process will reduce blockages of
the lymphatic system, which in turn promotes a healthier body.
When the lymphatic system becomes blocked, lymph nodes may become swollen. Further, the system fails to
remove the body’s toxins and can even affect white blood cell counts. Lymphatic drainage is believed to reduce
blockage, which promotes health in the lymphatic system as well as other bodily systems such as the circulatory,
respiratory, muscular and endocrine systems. Some therapists believe that lymphatic drainage therapy can also
reduce allergies, menstrual cramps, colds and other viruses.
While lymphatic drainage is about preventative health care and is considered safe, physical symptoms, such as
swollen glands, can indicate a problem with the lymphatic system and should be evaluated by a physician. In
addition to lymphatic drainage therapy, there is research that indicates there are additional measures people can take
to promote a free-flowing lymphatic system. Some of these measures include things as simple as avoiding
tight-fitting undergarments such as bras, underwear and pantyhose, and other restrictive clothing. Reducing stress
can also help promote a healthy lymphatic system as well as regular exercise and a healthy diet.
Myofascial Release: Myofascial release is a type of soft tissue massage which incorporates stretching and
massageof the connective tissues, or fascia. It usually begins with a gentle massage which is designed to warm and
loosen muscles. As the therapist works, he or she identifies areas of tension which require further attention, and will
return to those areas to stretch and work the fascia. Sometimes myofascial release can be quite intense, especially in
the case of muscles which are holding a great deal of tension and stress. After the session, some clients experience
slight stiffness and soreness, which will usually vanish over the next few days, leaving behind a sense of well-being.
Myofascial release operates on the principle that many people hold stress in their muscles, which causes the muscles
to seize or lock. Myofascial release aims to access these areas of blockage and tension to release them, thereby
freeing up the muscle and allowing it to move more easily and effectively.
During myofascial release, the client may be manipulated in a wide variety of poses, or the massage therapist may
only stretch a muscle in a small way, using a few fingers to get deep into the muscle and pull it into a beneficial
stretch. Breathing in conjunction with the stretches is advised for maximum comfort and benefit. Skin rolling is a
widely used technique in Myofascial release.
In patients with fibromyalgia, back pain, and other muscle-associated health issues, myofascial release can be highly
beneficial. For this reason, some doctors prescribe myofascial release in conjunction with other forms of therapy to
give patients a greater range of options.Regular myofascial release can improve posture, ease areas of muscle
soreness, and improve flexibility. Like any course of massage therapy, patients should consult a doctor before
embarking on a myofascial release program, to avoid conflicts with medical conditions or other treatments.
Pregnancy Massage: Pregnancy massage is massage therapy specifically tailored for the expectant
mother's needs. It is also called pre-natal massage. The mother's body must be properly positioned and supported
during the massage, using pillows and padding. Proper positioning ensures comfort and safety for the mother and
baby. Massage techniques, such as deep tissue work, cannot be used. Certain areas of the body will be avoided
during pregnancy.
Pregnancy massage has been found to reduce stress, decrease swelling in the arms and legs, and relieve aches and
pains in muscles and joints. It's a popular complementary therapy during pregnancy for back pain, when choices for
pain relief, such as medication, are often limited.
Not only can massage be physically beneficial, but the human touch can be comforting and provide emotional
support during pregnancy.
Hot Stone Massage: Hot stone massage is a variation on classic massage therapy. Heated smooth, flat
stones are placed on key points on the body. The massage therapist may also hold the stones and use them to
massage certain areas of the body. The hot stones are usually made of basalt, a type of rock that is rich in iron, so
they retain heat.
The stones may be placed at specific points on the back, in the palms of the hand, or between the toes. The heat
warms and relaxes the muscles, which allows the therapist to apply deeper pressure, if desired. The warmth of the
hot stones improves circulation and calms the nervous system. Some massage therapists place stones on points that
are thought to be energy centers of the body to rebalance the body and mind. Many people find the warmth of the
hot stones to be comforting and get it for relaxation.
Energy Work: Energy work is the general term for describing all the therapy modalities that are based on
energy healing. They are all focused on the belief that the human body contains many levels of energy, that when
stimulated through various techniques, will promote overall health and well-being.
Energy work can reduce stress and help you gain a better understanding of your inner self. Techniques of energy
work are designed to balance the energy of the body, including physical, emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances.
They can be used as a form of natural healing as they can reduce pain and prevent any future pain. This is because
our bodies have an amazing ability to heal themselves.
When we are stressed, our bodies restrict energy flow or suppress bad energy deep within the body. This leads to
stress and anxiety, as well as physical manifestations of the bad energy in the form of pain or illness. If we can
cleanse the body of its bad energy reserves and reinforce the energy balance once again, we can lead a happier,
peaceful life with less stress and the ability to recover from emotional trauma. Energy work becomes aware of the
power of our emotions and feelings. Chakra balancing is often used in energy work. Just remember that change
comes from within, so you must be open to the energy work techniques and be responsive to the therapist.
Hydrotherapy: Hydrotherapy is the use of water to revitalize, maintain, and restore health. Hydrotherapy
treatments include foot baths, towel wraps, and the application of cold and hot water compresses. There is a
physiological basis to hydrotherapy. Cold is stimulating, and it causes superficial blood vessels to constrict, shunting
the blood to internal organs. Hot water is relaxing, causes blood vessels to dilate, and removes wastes from body
tissues. Alternating hot can cold water also improves elimination, decreases inflammation, and stimulates
Hydrotherapy is used for sore throat, ear infections, headaches, migraines, nasal congestion, upper respiratory
infections, coughs, bronchitis, and sinus infections. And for treatment of acute conditions such as chest colds and
coughs. It seems to relieve symptoms but also decrease the length of the illness. Epsom salts, aromatherapy oils, and
ginger is oftern used.
Sports Massage: Sports Massage is a special form of massage and is typically used before, during, and
after athletic events. The purpose of the massage is to prepare the athlete for peak performance, to drain away
fatigue, to relieve swelling, to reduce muscle tension, to promote flexibility and to prevent injuries.
The main purpose of sports massage therapy is to help alleviate the stress and tension which builds up in the body’s
soft tissues during physical activity. Where minor injuries and lesions occur, due to overexertion and/or overuse,
massage can break them down quickly and effectively. The massage will help prepare the athlete for peak
performance, to drain away fatigue, to relieve swelling, to reduce muscle tension, to promote flexibility and to
prevent injuries. Sports massage can help prevent those injuries that so often get in the way of performance and
achievement. Each sport uses muscle groups in a different way. Sports massage is designed to address those specific
concerns and may differ according to the sport the athlete plays. Sports massage can be aimed to help heal strained
muscles and allow healthy ones to reach peak performance and maintain it while minimizing the risk of injury.
Sports massage has many benefits. It reduces the heart rate and blood pressure, increases blood circulation and
lymph flow, reduces muscle tension, improves flexibility, and relieves pain. Each sport and athletic event uses
muscle groups in a different way. Sports Massage can also include pre-event, post-event and maintenance
techniques that promote greater athletic endurance and performance, lessen chances of injury and reduce recovery