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(An Autonomous Institution)
Third Year Computer Science and Engineering, 6th Semester
2 Marks Question and Answer
Prepared by: R.Kamalraj,AP/CSE, S.Vaishnavi AP/CSE, V.Savitha, AP/CSE
1. What are Armstrong Axioms?
Armstrong Axioms are a set of axioms(or, more precisely, inference rules) used to infer all the
functional dependencies on a relational database.
2. What Is Cascade Less Schedule?
o Every cascadeless schedule os also recoverable
o It is desirable to restrict the schedules to those that are cascadeless
o Cascadeless schedules - Cascading rollbacks cannot occur; for each pair of transactions Ti
and Tj such that Tj reads a data item previously written by Ti , the commit operation of Ti
appears before the read operation of Tj.
o Cascading rollback – a single transaction failure leads to a series of transaction rollbacks.
Consider the following schedule where none of the transcations has yet committed ( so the
schedule is recoverable)
o If T10 fails, T11 and T12 must also be rolled back.
o Can lead to the undoing of a significant amount of work
3. Define database management system?
Database management system (DBMS) is a collection of interrelated data and a set of programs to
Access those data
4. Define data model?
A data model is a collection of conceptual tools for describing data , data relationships, data
semantics and consistency constraints.
5. What is an entity relationship model?
The entity relationship model is a collection of basic object called entities and relationship among
those objects. An entity is a thing or object in real world that is distinguishable from other objects.
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6. What are attributes? Give examples.
An entity is represented by a set of attributes. Attributes are descriptive properties possessed by each
member of an entity set.
Example: possible attribute of customer entity are customer name, customer id, customer Street,
Customer city.
7. Distinguish between primary key with superkey.
Different set of attributes which are able to identify any row in the database is known as superkey.
Any minimal super key is termed as candidate key i.e. among set of super keys one with minimum
number of attributes. Primary key could be any key which is able to identify a specific row in
database in a unique manner.
8. Define the terms i) Entity set ii) Relationship set
Entity set: The set of all entities of the same type is termed as an entity set.
Relationship set: the set of all relationships of same type is termed as a relationship set.
9. Define single valued and multivalued attributes.
Single valued attributes: attributes with a single value for a particular entity are called single
valued attributes.
Multivalued attributes : attributes witn a set of value for a particular entity are called multivalued
10. Define weak and strong entity sets?
Weak entity set: entity set that do not have key attribute their own are called weak entity sets.
Strong entity set: Entity set that has a primary key is termed a strong entity set.
11. List the disadvantage of relational database system
Repetition of data
Inability to represent certain information
12. What is first normal form
The domain of attribute must include only atomic (simple, indivisible) values.
13. What are uses of functional dependencies?
To test relations to see whether they are legal under a given set of functional dependencies.
To specify constraints on set of legal relations.
14. What is meant by normalization of data?
It is process of analyzing the given relations schemas based on their functional dependencies (FD)
and primary key to achieve the properties
Minimizing redundancy
Minimizing insertion, deletion and updating anomalies
15. Define Boyce Codd Normal Form
A relation schema R is in BCNF with respect to a set F of functional + dependencies if, for all
Fuctinal dependencies in F of form. a->β
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16. What does the cardinality ratio specify?
Mapping cardinalities or cardinality ratios express the number of entities to which another entity
can be associated. Mapping cardinalities must be one of the following:
One to one
One to many
Many to one
Many to many
17. Explain the two types of participation constraint
Total: The participation of an entity set E in a relationship set R is said to be total if every entity in
E participates in at least one relationship in R.
Partial: If only some entities in E participate in relationship in R, the participation of entity set E
in relationship R is said to be partial.
18. Explain the desirable properties of decomposition.
Lossless-join decomposition
Dependency preservation
Repetition of information
19. What is 2NF
A relation schema R is in 2NF if it is in 1NF and every non-prime attribute A in R is fully
functionally dependent on primary key.
20. What is transaction
Collections of operations that form a single logical unit of work are called transactions.
21. What are the two statements regarding transaction
The two statements regarding transaction of the form:
Begin transaction
End transaction
22. What are the properties of transaction
The properties of transactions are:
23. What are the states of transaction
The states of transaction are
Partially Committed
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24. Define database recovery
Data recovery is the process of salvaging data from damaged, failed, corrupted, or inaccessible
secondary storage media when it cannot be accessed normally. Often the data are being salvaged
from storage media such as internal or external hard disk drives, solid state drives (SSD), USB flash
drive, storage tapes, CDs, DVDs,RAID and the other electronics. Recovery may be required due to
physical damage to the storage device or logical damage to the file system that prevents it from
begins mounted by the host operating system.
25. What is a shadow copy scheme?
It is simple, but efficient, scheme called the shadow copy schemes. It is based on making copies of
the database called shadow copies that one transaction is active at a time. The scheme also assumes
that the database is simply a file on disk.
26. What are the two types of serializability?
The two types of serializability is
o Conflict serializability
o View serializability
27. Define lock
Lock is the most common used to implement the requirement is to allow a transaction to access a
data item only if it is currently holding a lock on that item. The models of lock are:
Shared and Exclusive
29. Define the phases of two phase locking protocol
Growing phase: a transaction may obtain locks but not release any lock.
Shrinking phase: a transaction may release locks but may not obtain any new locks.
30. Define upgrade and downgrade?
It provides a mechanism for conversion from shared lock to exclusive lock is known as upgrade.
It provides a mechanism for conversion from exclusive lock to shared lock is known as downgrade.
31. What is a recovery scheme?
An integral part of a database is a recovery scheme that can restore the database to the consistent
state that existed before the failure.
32. Define blocks
The database system resides permanently on volatile storage and is portioned into fixed-length
storage units called blocks.
33. What is meant by Physical Blocks?
The input and output operations are done in block units. The blocks residing on the
referred to as physical blocks.
disk are
34. What is meant by buffer blocks?
The blocks residing temporarily in main memory are referred to as blocks.
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35. What is meant by log based blocks?
The most widely used structures for recording database modifications is the log. The log is a
sequence of log records, recording all the update activities in the database. There are several types of
log records.
36. What are uncommitted modifications?
The immediate-modification technique allows database modifications to be output to the database
while the transaction is still in the active state. Data modifications written by active transactions are
called uncommitted modifications.
37. Define shadow paging
An alternative to log-based crash recovery technique is shadow paging. Those techniques need fewer
disk accesses than do the log-based methods.
38. Explain current page table and shadow page table
The key idea behind the shadow paging technique is to maintain two page tables during the life of
the transaction: the current page table and the shadow page table. Both the page tables are identical
when the transaction starts. The current page table may be changed when a transaction performs a
write operation.
39. What are drawbacks of shadow-paging technique?
 Commit Overhead
 Data fragmentation
 Garbage collection
40. Define garbage collection
Garbage may be created also as a side effect of crashes. Periodically, it is necessary to find all the
garbage pages and to add them to the list of free pages. This process is called garbage collection.
41. Differentiate strict two phase locking protocol and rigorous two phase locking protocol.
In strict two phase locking protocol all exclusive mode locks taken by a transaction is held until that
transaction commits.
Rigorous two phase locking protocol requires that all locks be held until the transaction commits.
42. How the time stamps are implemented
 Use the value of the system clock as the time stamp. That is a transaction’s time stamp is
equal to the value of the clock when the transaction enters the system.
 Use a logical counter that is incremented after a new timestamp has been assigned; that is the
time stamp is equal to the value of the counter.
43. What are the time stamps associated with each item?
 W-timestamp (Q) denotes the largest time stamp if any transaction that executed WRITE (Q)
 R-timestamp (Q) denotes the largest time stamp if any transaction that executed READ (Q)
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44. What is query optimization?
Query optimization is a function of many relational database management systems in which multiple
query plans for satisfying a query are examine and a good query plan is identified.
45. What are tunable Parameters?
 Tuning of hardware
 Tuning of schema
 Tuning of indices
 Tuning of materialized views
 Tuning of transactions
1. Define Distributed Database.
A logically interrelated collection of shared data (and a description of this data) physically
distributed over a computer network
2. Define Distributed DBMS.
The software system that permits the management of the distributed database and makes the
distribution transparent to users.
3. Define Parallel DBMS.
A DBMS running across multiple processors and disks that is designed to execute operations in
parallel, whenever possible, in order to improve performance.
4. What are the main architectures for parallel DBMS?
Shared Memory
Shared Disk
Shared nothing
5. What is Homogeneous and Heterogeneous DDBMS?
In Homogeneous system, all sites use the same DBMS product. In Heterogeneous system, sites may
run different DBMS products
6. What are the types of Fragmentation?
The two types of fragmentation are
1. Horizontal fragmentation: subset of tuples.
2. Vertical fragmentation: subset of attributes.
3. Mixed or Hybrid fragmentation
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7. What are the objectives of definition and allocation of fragments?
The main objectives are:
Locality of reference.
Improved reliability and availability
Acceptable performance
Balanced storage capacities and cost
Minimal communication costs.
8. What are the four alternative strategies regarding placement of data?
The four alternative strategies regarding placement of data are:
Complete replication
Selective replication
9. What are the rules that have to be followed during fragmentation?
The three correctness rules are:
Completeness: ensure no loss of data
Reconstruction: ensure Functional dependency preservation
Disjointness: ensure minimal data redundancy.
10. What are the objectives of concurrency control?
To be resistant to site and communication failure.
To permit parallelism to satisfy performance requirements.
To place few constraints on the structure of atomic actions.
11. What is multiple-copy consistency problem?
It is a problem that occurs when there is more than one copy of data item in
different locations and when the changes are made only in some copies not in all copies.
12. What are the two approaches in distributed environment?
Locking guarantees that the concurrent execution is equivalent to some unpredictable serial execution of
those transactions.
Timestamp guarantees that the concurrent execution is equivalent to specific serial execution of those
transactions, corresponding to the order of timestamps.
13. What are the types of Locking protocols?
Centralized 2 phase locking
Primary 2 phase locking
Distributed 2 phase locking
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Majority locking
14. What are the failures in distributed DBMS?
The loss of message
The failure of a communication link
The failure of a site
Network partitioning
15. Define coordinator and participant.
Every global transaction has one site that acts as the coordinator (or transaction manager) for that
transaction, which is generally the site at which the transaction was initiated. Sites at which the global
transaction has agents are called participants (or resource managers).
16. Define unilateral abort.
If a participant votes to abort, then it is free to abort the transaction immediately; in fact any site is free to
abort a transaction at any time up until it votes to commit. This type of abort is known as unilateral abort.
17. Give the states of the coordinator
The four states of the coordinator are:
18. Define Pessimistic protocols.
Pessimistic protocols choose consistency of the database over availability and hence do not allow
transactions to execute in a partition if there is no guarantee that consistency can be maintained. The protocol
uses pessimistic control algorithm.
19. What is replication?
The process of generating and reproducing multiples copies of data at one or more sites is called replication.
22. What are synchronous and asynchronous replications?
In synchronous replication the replicated data is updated immediately when the source data is updated. This
is done by using 2PC protocol. In asynchronous replication the target data is updated after the source
database has been modified. The delay in regaining consistency may range from a few seconds to several
hours or even days.
23. What is data ownership? What are the types of ownership?
Data ownership relates to which site has the privilege to update the data. The main types of ownership are
master/slave, workflow, and update-anywhere.
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24. What are the implementation issues in data replication?
The main implementation issues are
Transactional updates
Snapshots and database triggers
Conflict detection and resolution
25. What are the mechanisms proposed for conflict resolution?
The mechanisms proposed for conflict resolution are
o Earliest and latest timestamps
o Site priority
o Additive and average updates
o Minimum and maximum values
o User defined
o Hold for manual resolution
26. What is generic relational algebra tree?
The relational algebra tree formed by applying the reconstruction algorithm is known as the is generic
relational algebra tree.
27. What are the Benefits of replication?
Replication provides a number of benefits, including improved performance, increased reliability & data
availability, and support for mobile computing & data warehousing.
28. What are the types of replication?
Read-only snapshots
Updateable snapshots
Multimaster replication
Procedural replication
29. Define Snapshot logs.
A snapshot log is a table that keeps track of changes to a master table. A snapshot log can be created using
the CREATE SNAPSHOT LOG statement.
30. Define database links.
Database links define a communication path from one Oracle database to another database.
31. What is location transparency and fragmentation transparency?
Distribution transparency allows the user to perceive the database as a single, logical entity. if a DDBMS
exhibits distribution transparency, then the user does not need to know the data is fragmented(fragmentation
transparency)or the location of data items(Location transparency) .
32. When are elections and voting used in distributed databases?
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A voter database is a database containing information on voters for the purpose of assisting a political party
or an individual politician, in their Get out the vote(GOTV) efforts and other areas of the campaign.
33. Name some partitioning techniques.
Round Robin, Hash partitioning, Range partitioning.
34. What are the classifications of the skew?
a. Attribute_value skew
b. Partition skew
35. What is Inter query parallelism?
In inter parallelism, different queries or transactions execute in parallel with one another. This
form of parallelism can increase transaction throughput.
1. List out the ACID Properties and give its uses?
The four basic ACID Properties of a transaction are
2. Mention the approaches of object oriented database?
Extend an existing object-oriented programming language with database capabilities
Provide extensible object-oriented DBMS libraries
Embed object-oriented database language constructs in a conventional host language
Extend an existing database language with object oriented capabilities
Develop a novel database data model/data language.
3. What are the goals of OODB?
The goals of OODB are:
i) To maintain direct correspondence between real world and database object, so that the object will
not loose its integrity and identity.
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ii) The objects, which are complex, need not be scattered in the database , and hence to create complex
object structures.
4. What is an unstructured complex object?
Unstructured complex objects are the objects that typically require a large amount of storage, such as a
data type that requires a large storage.
5. What is ownership semantics?
Ownership semantics applies when the sub-objects of the complex object are encapsulated within the
complex object and are hence considered as part of complex object. This is referred to as “is-part-of” or
“is-component-of” relationship.
6. What is reference semantics?
Reference semantics are applied when the components of the complex objects are themselves
independent objects but may be referenced from the complex objects.
7. What is complex object assembly?
Storing the components of structured complex object on the same disk is called complex object
8. Define multiple inheritance and selective inheritance.
Multiple inheritance in a type hierarchy occurs when a certain subtype T is a subtype of two types and
hence inherits the functions of both supertypes.
Selective inheritance occurs when a subtype inherits only some of the functions of the supertype.
9. What is ODMG model?
The ODMG Object model is intended to allow portability of applications among object database
products. It provides a common model for these products by defining extensions to the ODMG object
model that support object database requirements. In particular, the ODMG object model extends the
OMG core to provide for persistent objects, object properties, more specific object types, queries and
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10. What is JASMINE?
JASMINE is an object oriented database codeveloped by Fujitsu and Computer Associates.
11. What is POSTGRES?
POSTGRES is an object oriented relational database management system(sometimes referred to as
object-relational database). It began as a research project at the University of California, Berkley and is
available in many free and commercial versions today.
12. What do you mean by GEMSTONE?
GEMSTONE is a proprietary application framework that was first available for Smalltalk as an object
database. Gemstone Systems was founded in 1982 as Servio Logic, and then became Gemstone
Systems, Inc in 1995. Gemstone developed its first prototype in 1982, and shipped its first product in
1986. The engineering group resides in Beaverton, Oregon.
Three of the original co-founding
engineers, Bob Bretl, Allen Otis and Monty Williams, have been with the company since its inception.
13. What is OID?
OO database provide a unique system generated object-identifier(OID) for each object. Its value is not
visible to the external user and they are used to create and manage interobject references.
14. What are the characteristics of an OID possess?
The characteristics of OID are:
i) Immutable- They do not change
ii) An OID can be used only once.
15. What are the two components of object?
The two components of object are:
1) State (Value) and
2) Behavior (Operation).
16. What are the six type constructors?
The six type constructors are: Atom, Array, List, Bag, and Set.
Array, List, Bag and set are called Collection types or Bulk types.
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Define: Snowflake schema and fact constellation
Snowflake Schema:
Star flake schema + snow schema = snow flake schema
The snowflake schema is a more complex data warehouse model than a star schema, and is a type of
star schema. It is called a snowflake schema because the diagram of the schema resembles a snowflake.
Snowflake schemas normalize dimensions to eliminate redundancy. That is, the dimension data that
has been grouped into multiple tables instead of one large table.
Fact Constellation
This schema is used mainly for the aggregate tables, OR where we want to split a fact table for better
comprehension. The split of fact table is done only when we want to focus on aggregation over few
facts and dimensions.
What is the difference between XML Schema and XML DTD?
XML Schema
The XML Schema is itself an XML Document using elements and attributes to express the semantics
of the schema.
The Document type Definition defines the valid syntax of an XML document by listing the elements
name that can occur in the document, which elements can appear in combination with which other ones,
how elements can be nested what attributes are available for each element type.
Define Data mining.
Data mining refers to the mining or discovery of new information in terms of patterns or rules from vast
amount of data.It is called as knowledge discovery .
Write the relationship between data warehousing and data mining.
i) Data Warehouse is aggregate and summarized collection of data that makes data mining efficient.
ii) Data Warehouse supports decision-making.
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iii) Data Mining helps to extract meaningful new patterns.
iv) Data Mining can be applied to operational databases.
What are the different phases in knowledge discovery?
i) Data Selection - Selecting data about specific item or category.
ii) Data Cleansing – Correcting invalid data or eliminating records
iii) Enrichment – Enhancing data with additional sources of information
iv) Data transformation and encoding – Reducing amount of data by generalization.
v) Data Mining – Techniques to mine different rules and patterns.
vi) Reporting and display of discovered information – Displaying result as listings, graphical outputs,
summary tables or visualizations in a user understandable manner.
Why mining of association rules are more complicated?
i) The relationship between item sets is very large and the volume of transaction is very high as well.
ii) Transactions show variations based on the factors like geographic locations, seasons and make
sampling difficult.
iii) Item Classifications exist along multiple dimensions.
iv) Quality of data is variable.
What is regression?
Regression is a similar approach to classification. If the classification rule is regarded as a function over
the variable that maps these variables into a target class variable, the rule is called regression rule.
What is clustering?
The clustering is an unsupervised learning. Clustering is the data mining technique that is directed
towards goals of identification and classification. It identifies the finite set of categories or clusters to
which each data object can be mapped. More similarity within the groups and less similarity between
different groups.
What are the applications of data mining?
i) Marketing
ii) Finance
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iii) Manufacturing
iv) Health care
10. Define data warehouse.
Data Warehouse is a subject oriented, integrated, and non-volatile, time variant collection of data in
support of management’s decisions. (OR) Data Warehouse is a collection of decision support
technologies, aimed at enabling the knowledge worker to make better and fast decisions. (OR) Data
warehouse is a repository of information gathered from multiple sources, stored under a unified schema,
at a single site.
11. What are the applications of Data Warehousing?
i) OLAP(Online Analytical Processing)
ii) DIS(Decision Support System)/EIS(Executive Information System)
iii) Data mining
12. What are the differences between relational databases and data warehouse?
i) Relational database supports insertions and updates, while data warehouse support extraction,
Processing, Analyzing and decision-making.
ii) Relational database data may be distributed, while data warehouse is integrated data from multiple
13. What is online transaction processing?
Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) supports transactions in distributed environment. It supports
insertions, updates, deletions and information query requirements.
14. What are the types of data warehouse?
i) Enterprise-wide data warehouse – For huge projects with large investment and resources
ii) Virtual data warehouse – Provide views of operational databases materialized for efficient access.
iii) Data mart – Data from any organization or department.
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15. What are the two types of multidimensional schemas?
i) Star schema – It consists of fact table with single table for each dimension
ii) Snowflake schema – The dimension tables from Star schema are organized hierarchically by
normalizing them.
List the types of spatial queries.
Range query, nearest neighbor query, spatial joins or overlays.
List some types of multimedia data.
Text, graphics, animations, video, audio.
What is Multimedia DBMS?
A multimedia database management system (MM-DBMS) is a framework that manages different types
of data potentially represented in a wide diversity of formats on a wide array of media sources.
What are the requirements of multimedia DBMS?
How is Multimedia Data different?
Integrity control
Query support
Capture Methods
Time Constraints like streaming
What are the Different Data Structures in MDBMS?
 K-D Trees
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 Quadtree
 R-tree
 MX -tree
Write the properties of K-d trees?
 Each node represents a rectilinear region
 Each node associated with an axis
 Direction of cutting plane alternate with depth
What are the types of Queries in MM-DBMS?
 Whole Match Queries
 Sub-pattern Match Queries
 K-nearest Neighbour Queries
 All pair Queries or Spatial joins
 Structural queries
What is active-DBMS?
 An active database is a database in which some operations are automatically executed once a given
situation arises
 The situation may correspond to the fact that:
Some specified events arise, or
Specific conditions state transitions are detected
 An active rule(trigger) is a language construct for defining the system reactions
10. How will you delete an active rule?
11. What is spatial DB?
Spatial Database Keep track of objects in a multi-dimensional space
Geographical Information Systems(GIS)
In general spatial databases are n-dimensional
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 This discussion is limited to 2-dimensional spatial databases
12. What is deductive DB?
Deductive Database is a Declarative Language
Language to specify rules
Inference Engine
Can deduce new facts by interpreting the rules
Related to logic programming
Prolog language
Uses backward chaining to evaluate
Top-down application of the rules
13. Define Facts
Similar to relation specification without the necessity of including attribute names
14. Define Rules
Similar to relational views (virtual relations that are not stored)
15. What is Predicate?
Predicate has a name, a fixed number of arguments
Constants are numeric or character strings
Variables start with upper case letters
E.g. SUPERVISE(Supervisor, Supervisee)
States that Supervisor SUPERVISE(s) Supervisee
16. Define Knowledge Databases?
A knowledge base (abbreviated KB, kb or ∆) is a special kind of database for knowledge management,
providing the means for the computerized collection, organization, and retrieval of knowledge. Also a
collection of data representing related experiences, their results is related to their problems and
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