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“Food Chain Tag”
Science- Early Elementary
Food Chain Tag is a game played like tag where students will experience what it is like to be a
human, herbivore, carnivore, and/or omnivore. This game allows students to identify which type
of animal will thrive in an ecosystem and which will not. Students are given the opportunity to
delve deeper into the subject of predator verses prey as they role play. They will understand the
fate of each animal.
•Name signs- 1 human, 2 omnivores, 4 carnivores, X herbivores
•5 orange, 10 yellow, 20 red, X green slips of paper/”life”
Directions for Implementation:
1. Issue name signs to students: one human (orange sign), 2 omnivores (yellow sign), 4
carnivores (red sign) and the rest of the students are herbivores (green sign).
2. Each student is given 5 slips of matching colored paper that is to be considered their "life."
3. Students play this game like tag. The humans can tag/"eat" any of them; the omnivores can
tag/"eat" the carnivores or herbivores. The carnivores can only eat the herbivores. The
herbivores must try to survive!
4. If a student is tagged, they are to give up one slip of paper/"life."
5. Once they are out of life, they are "dead" and have to sit down.
This activity is all about getting the energy high in the room. This activity allows for physical
activity and will give that extra boost of energy in your classroom. This game is very engaging
and motivating to students. They get to be a specific animal for the duration of the game, and
experience what it would be like if they were that animal in the food chain. This game is great
for visual learners and shows the patterns of the food chain.
12. B.1b Describe how living things depend on one another for survival.
12. B.2a Describe relationships among various organisms in their environments.
Vacca Jennifer. (2002, November 4). I love that teaching idea. Retrieved from Herbivore,
Carnivore, Omnivore! Game