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1. Which cranial nerve affects balance?
a. IV
b. VII
c. I
2. The carotid arteries supply:
a. Cerebrum – internal carotid arteries
b. Heart
c. Lungs
d. Cerebellum – vertebral arteries
7. A 48 year old patient has nausea, vomiting, and hardness on the lower right side of the
abdomen. Rebound tenderness can be seen with:
Oppenheim’s sign
a. McBurney’s sign
b. McMurphey’s sign
c. McMurray’s sign
11. How is HIV/AIDS diagnosed?
a) Genital discharges
b) Gum swabs
c) Urinalysis
d) Lifestyle analysis
12. You verbally guarantee to your patient that he will quit smoking within one week. Which of
the following is correct?
a) The patient will quit smoking
b) The contract needs to be in writing for there to be liability
c) The verbal contract is binding so there is liability
d) The results of treatment do not have an impact on liability
16. An elevated TSH level indicates
a) Goiter
b) Hypothyroidism
c) Hyperthyroidism
d) Grave’s disease
19. Parasympathomimetic toxicity with symptoms of dizziness, feeling drunk, and clumsiness
could be mimicked by the ingestion of
a) Barbituates
b) Serotonin agonists
c) Beta agonists
d) Opiods
21. A Schilling test for pernicious anemia involves collecting
a) Blood
b) Stools
c) A hair sample
d) Urine
22. In listening to the heart of a 60 year old male adult with a stethoscope, you hear a high
pitched grade 4/6 3rd sound (S1, S2, S3) with may be a sign of
a) Tetrology of Fallot
b) Normal condition
c) Ventricular arrhythmia
d) Left ventricular failure
24. Hypercalcemia can result from
a) Under intake of calcium supplements
b) Decreased parathyroid activity
c) Insufficient exercise
d) Excess parathyroid activity
The MOST likely first signal of left-sided CHF (congestive heart failure) in an elderly
woman is
a) Headaches
b) Nausea
c) Difficult or painful breathing
d) That she has no appetite for days
A patient has a tingling sensation down the arm, weakness in the legs, problems with
balance, hand clumsiness, and neck pain. The most probable diagnosis would be
a) Cervical stenosis
b) Brain tumor
c) Herniated cervical disc
d) Sciatica
Endometriosis is confirmed by
a) CT
b) MRI
c) Ultrasound
d) Laparoscopy
A patient has colicky pain in the lower back radiating to the groin, nausea, vomiting,
hematuria, and difficult urination. You should send to a specialist to rule out
a) Cholecystitis
b) Urinary tract infection
c) Peritonitis
d) Urolithiasis
What is the first thing you should do when a person faints?
a) Check for heart beat
b) Check for breathing
c) Check for body trauma
d) Check for responsiveness
The most common form of hepatitis is
a) Hepatitis B
b) Hepatitis C
c) Hepatitis A
d) Hepatitis D
A doctor needs to perform an orthopedic test for the lateral collateral ligament of the knee.
Which test would the doctor use?
a) Adduction stress test
b) Bulge sign
c) Lachman test
d) Abduction stress test
A grade two heart murmur is
a) Very faint and may not be heard in all positions
b) Loud
c) Moderately loud
d) Quiet but heard immediately after placement of the stethoscope
Hepatitis C is transmitted most commonly by
a) Blood to blood contact
b) Kissing
c) Seminal fluids
d) Eating unknown foods in a third-world country
10. The CPK laboratory test is most often used to support which of the following diagnosis?
a) Myocardial infarction - creatine phosphokinase = CPK
b) Hypertension
c) Anemia
d) Congestive heart failure
Who do the patient’s records belong to?
a) The health care provider
b) It depends on state laws
c) The patient
d) The health care provider and the patient have ownership
75% of cholesterol is bound to
a) Cellular fat
b) HDL
c) LDL
d) Blood
3. The rescue breathing/compression in an infant is – same for child and adult
a) 2 breaths and 30 compressions
b) 2 breaths and 20 compressions
c) 1 breath and 5 compressions
d) 1 breath and 10 compressions
Which of the following is not true about HIPAA confidentiality requirements?
a) Billing services need to provide proof of HIPAA compliance
b) Acupuncture offices with less than 25 employees who do not do electronic billing are
exempt from HIPAA requirements
c) Protected health information (PHI) can be communicated via email with other health care
d) Each medical office must have a privacy officer to oversee the practice’s compliance
Fish oils should be taken cautiously in any of the following situations EXCEPT
a) Bleeding disorders
b) Diabetes
c) High triglycerides
d) High blood pressure
During urinalysis, the urine of a patient with diabetes insipidus is MOST likely to appear
a) Without color
b) Dark amber
c) Pale yellow
d) Greenish-gold
In hypothyroidism, calcium supplementation
a) Interferes with the absorption of thyroid drugs such as Eltroxin (levothyroxine) when
taken concurrently
b) Should not be taken with the prostate drug Proscar (finasteride)
c) Prevents the metabolism of Vitamin D
d) Should not be taken with MAO inhibitors such as Nardil (phenelzine)
What is the correct procedure in performing infant CPR?
a) Perform CPR and do not call 911
b) Call 911 first and then initiate rescue breathing
c) Perform rescue breathing for 1 to 2 minutes before calling 911
d) Call 911 immediately and let emergency personnel perform CPR
Which orthopedic exam tests for thoracic outlet syndrome by hyper-abducting the affected
a) Ludington’s test
b) Mill’s – extend elbow, flex wrist – tennis elbow
c) Wright’s test - TOS
d) Cozen’s – tennis elbow
10. Your practice can respond to a request from a patient to amend his medical record
a) When there is time to respond
b) Within 60 days
c) Only if it affects patient care
d) Within 90 days
11. A patient with blood pressure of 210/130 with headache and blurred vision should be
a) Referred to emergency room immediately
b) Treat in office with acupuncture
c) Treat in office with chinese herbs
d) Refer to physician for evaluation
12. A needle inserted in the lower leg has broken and is below the skin. What would you do?
a) Press tissue around the needle until the broken end is exposed and then pull out with
b) Have a physician surgically remove it.
c) Make a small incision so you can remove the needle
d) Press tissue around the needle until broken end is exposed and then pull out with
13. The most common side effect of Motrin, an ibuprofen drug, is
a) Gastrointestinal bleeding
b) Liver failure
c) Constipation
d) Fever
14. Chlamydia is most prevalent in individuals
a) Age is not a factor
b) Over 30 years old
c) Between 20 and 30 years old
d) Younger than 20 years old
15. A symptom of myasthenia gravis MOST likely could be
a) Dizziness
b) Sudden hearing loss
c) Tongue protrusion
d) Ptosis, drooping of the eyelids
1. A Notice of Privacy Practices outlining how health information may be used in the health
practitioner’s office must be
a) Filed in the patient’s medical record
b) Signed by the patient
c) Mailed to each prospective new patient prior to first visit
d) Posted in a prominent area in the office
2. Raising the arm above the shoulder with elicited pain at 90 degrees is used to test for
a) Thoracic outlet syndrome
b) Herniated disc
c) Rotator cuff injury
d) Acromio-clavicular injury
Abnormal uterine bleeding in post-menopausal women can indicate
a) Uterine cancer
b) Endometriosis
c) PID
d) Vaginitis
Excessive licorice intake increases urinary excretion of
a) Calcium
b) Potassium - – b/c retains sodium
c) Vitamin C
d) Sodium
Which of the following is an overdose symptom of ipecac syrup?
a) Bradycardia
b) Skin rashes
c) Pulmonary obstruction
d) Tinnitus
Which is MOST characteristic of a person with Addison’s disease?
a) Swollen face
b) Swollen belly
c) Pimples
d) Unusually tan or darkly pigmented skin
What type of anemia is associated with heavy menstrual bleeding?
a) Vitamin B12 anemia
b) Folic acid anemia
c) Pernicious anemia
d) Iron-deficiency anemia
A colonoscopy can show the following EXCEPT
a) Colon cancer
b) Hemorrhoids
c) Duodenal ulcers - A duodenal ulcer is caused when the lining of the stomach is eaten
away by stomach acid and digestive juices. A type of bacteria called Helicobacter pylori,
also called H. pylori, commonly causes this. Other common causes of duodenal ulcers
include anti-inflammatory medications such as aspirin and ibuprofen, stress, nicotine,
caffeine, and alcohol use. – use upper GI x-ray or blood test for hpylori
d) Colon polyps
1. When is it permissible for a doctor to breach patient confidentiality?
a) With a communicable disease
b) When there is cancer
c) When there is illegal drug abuse
d) Patient confidentiality should never be breached
Which of the following is not an essential element of informed consent?
a) Potential risks, benefits, and side effects of treatment
b) The social security number
c) The proposed treatment
d) The risk and benefits of alternate treatments including no treatment
When taking Valium (diazepam) with an OTC allergy medication
a) The effect of Valium is decreased
b) The western physician should approve such a combination
c) The duration of the cold is increased
d) There are no negative side effects
Sympathetic nervous system B-receptors cause all the following physiological responses
a) Vasoconstriction
b) Heart rate increase
c) Pupil constriction
d) Bronchodilation
Which of the following is a symptom of chronic overdosing from salicylate? - NSAIDs
a) Bruising
b) Decreased heart rate
c) Belching
d) Tinnitus – also heartburn
5. The best food source for folic acid is
a) Asparagus
b) Milk
c) Fish
d) Blueberries
6. Long term use of corticosteroids can cause any of the following EXCEPT
a) Abdominal striae
b) Cushing’s syndrome
c) Exophthalmos
d) Hirsutism
7. Which cardiac dysrhythmia is 100% fatal if not corrected within minutes?
a) Atrial fibrillation
b) Ventricular tachycardia
c) Atrial fasciculation
d) Ventricular fibrillation
NSAIDS work by
a) Inhibiting destructive lysosomal enzyme activity
b) Reducing xanthine oxidase production
c) Inhibiting formation of prostaglandins
d) Reducing serum urate levels
16. Who do the patient’s records belong to?
e) The health care provider
f) It depends on state laws
g) The patient
h) The health care provider and the patient have ownership