* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Hunter-Gathers Agricultural Revolution The Industrial Revolution 1. What is a hunter-gather society? 1. What is agriculture? 1. When did the Industrial Revolution occur? 2. Are hunter-gatherer groups large or small? Are hunter-gatherer groups mobile? Why or why not? 2. How old is agriculture? 2. What is/was the Impact of the Industrial Revolution on the environment? 3. What is the effect of agriculture on human populations? What is the effect of agriculture on local environments? 3. Did societies become MORE or LESS efficient during this time? 3. Example(s)? 4. Impact on the Environment? 4. Improving the Quality of Life Did selective breeding play a part in agriculture? If so, how? Population Growth: A Local Pressure Resource Depletion 1. Give a few examples of how the Industrial revolution improved people’s life. 1. What are the two main reasons for today’s environmental problems? 1. Define “Natural Resource”. Give two examples of a natural resource. 2. Was the Industrial Revolution good for the environment? How about for people? 2. 2. Are there different types of natural resources? If so, define and give examples. 3. How have past improvements in technology led to negative environmental effects today? What two reasons for an increase in the human population? How have past improvements in technology led to negative environmental effects today? 3. Define “depletion”. 4. What is a “Closed System”? How does a closed system relate to humans and the environment? 5. What are some problems associated with a closed system? 3. Pollution Loss of Biodiversity 1. Define pollution. 1. Define biodiversity. 2. Where does most of today’s pollution come from? 2. Define extension. 3. 3. Name and distinguish between the two types of pollution. Define mass extinction. Give an example of a mass extension that has occurred on Earth. 4. How do scientists think the extension of species will impact the Earth?