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Company Information:
1) When was your company founded?
a. January 1, 2005
2) Is the company still engaged in the same business as when it was founded? If not, what was
its focus at inception and what is it now?
a. Yes, but we’ve grown in services. We started as a website design company and now
we’re a full marketing agency + mobile development.
3) Did your company operate previously under a different name? If so, what was it?
a. No
4) Was your company bought, merged or joined with another? If so, please describe the
change and when it took place:
a. No
5) What is the size and structure of your company: (Corporation, Sole Proprietorship, LLC, etc.)
a. We’re a 10 person LLC taxed as a Sub-S
6) Annual Revenue: (Please provide for the two previous years)
a. 2015: $615,857
b. 2014: $592,463 - Down $102,000 ($3,400/wk) in revenue when our largest client paused
all development in February. They came back half way ($1,700/wk) in October.
c. 2013: $341,896 - Jan 1, 2013 - Chris Took 100% Ownership & Transitioned To Agency
d. 2012: $269,263; 2011: $258,202; 2010: $207,906; 2009: $198,410; 2008: $179,511
7) Number of employees: (If you’re seasonal, please give me peak and off peak #’s)
a. 10 Total
b. Me (CEO), 2 Full-Time Account Mgrs (Sales), 1 Full-Time Proj Mgr, 2 Full-Time Designers,
2 Full-Time Developers, 1 Part-Time Developer, 1 Full-Time Content Creator
8) Geographical area that your company serves:
a. Most clients are in Alabama, but we have clients nationally. Currently pushing hard into
Gadsden, Birmingham, and Atlanta.
9) Number of locations, offices, service centers, etc.:
a. Main Office in Oxford, AL. 1 developer works from Dothan, AL. Omni-Call in Carrollton,
GA will be our receptionist service starting this week.
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10) What is the number of sales or service transactions that you process monthly? (You may use
the number of invoices that you generate)?
a. About 240 Invoices
11) What lines of business do you offer or service:
a. Branding, Web Development, Mobile App Development, Graphic Design, Paid-Ad
Management, Social Media Management, Content Development & Marketing
12) Who is your primary target market (demographics)?
a. Small Businesses. We’ve recently decided on target industries for outbound marketing,
but historically it’s been small businesses.
13) Are the products or services that you offer branded with your company name, carry their
own brand identities or are they brands owned by your supplier(s)?
a. They’re all owned by WideNet
Automation State of the Union
(Where is your organization as it pertains to Automation?)
1) Do you have a central place that houses your contacts? (ie. MS Exchange, SalesForce, NetSuite, etc.)
a. HubSpot CRM & our own dotsCRM
2) Do you have an up sell and down sell channel structure setup?
a. Not formally, but we do have a “starter website” as an option for those who can’t afford the normal
priced websites.
3) Do you have an automation strategy already in place?
a. Not currently, but we have in the past.
4) Do you have any type of automation already in place that you currently using?
a. No.
5) Do you have a standard email template and follow up process in place?
a. We have email templates in place for certain actions, but not most. We have a basic structure, but
nothing consistent or formal.
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6) Do you have a call to action or unique selling proposition to entice your unique visitors hooked and
a. No, but we do have CTAs throughout the site.
7) Please list the top 3 revenue generating services or product lines (or if you are focusing on a new
service/product line, describe that here please):
a. Web Development, Content Marketing, Print Design.
b. We’re pushing our own dotsCRM SaaS platform & mobile apps / integrations.
8) Please list the products or services you prefer to sell over all other products/services?
a. Rebranding + Marketing Service Packages, Custom Web Dev & Mobile Apps.
9) What product or services is your lowest price?
a. Starter / Basic Website
10) What product or services is your highest price?
a. Full suite of marketing services typically beginning with a rebranding setup.
11) What product or services has your highest profit margin?
a. I’m not really sure, but I’d assume based on history, web development.
12) Do you have a sales funnel already defined?
a. A very basic funnel.
13) Do you hold any live events?
a. WideNet U, once a month.
14) Do you have an eBook or other type of free giveaway for visitor prospects?
a. We have an eBook created, but it hasn’t converted well. I’m not a huge fan of our modal pop-up.
15) Do you have written or video testimonials we can use in your automation?
a. Written.
16) Do you have a portfolio of work, before and after photos we can implement into the auto sequences?
a. Yes.
17) Do you offer any type of guarantee in place?
a. We’ve always been contract free, but I’m not sold on that being the best route.
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Lead Flow (Attract)
1) Please identify all lead sources in the order of importance.
a. Networking Events, Word of Mouth Referrals, WideNet U, Website, Email Marketing, Direct Marketing.
2) Please provide any lead source conversion data you have. (For example Infusionsoft Lead Source ROI
Report, Hot Jar, Crazy Egg, Google Analytics, Personal Experience, etc.)
a. Sadly, I can’t say that we have any I can get together in a reasonable amount of time.
3) Please outline all paid lead sources vs. free lead sources.
a. Paid: Booths at Expos, Social Post Promotions, Google AdWords, Email Marketing
4) How many leads do you get a month?
a. 30-40 Qualified Leads
5) Please outline all lead sources and highlight the most profitable lead source.
a. Most profitable would be Word of Mouth, Networking Events, & Expo Booths
6) Please define your lead magnets, for example FREE Whitepaper, FREE Case Studies, FREE eBook, FREE
Demo, FREE Consult, etc.
a. We have a sign up for a free eBook on our website.
7) Do you know what your CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) cost are? Some people refer to this as CAC (Customer
Acquisition Cost).
a. No.
8) What is the average ROI per lead?
a. Not able to calculate this currently.
9) How many leads do you have to get to convert one client currently?
a. 6 would be a guess.
10) How much is an average client worth to your organization over a period of 5 years?
a. Currently our average client is only $49 per month, so not a lot. Our average marketing / target client
would be about $90,000 over 5 years.
11) How many leads total do you normally receive in a month?
a. 6
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12) Is there any lead segmentation strategy or process currently in place?
a. No
13) Do you have any type of lead/prospect survey data?
a. No
14) Do you have any type of lead/prospect polling data?
a. No
Sales Process (Sale)
1) How many touches (phone calls, postcards, emails, SWAG, etc..) does it normally take to convert a
prospect into a buying unit(client)?
a. We have no idea.
2) Please outline the basic sales cycle for your organization as it currently operates.
a. We contact a lead and setup a sales appointment. An account manager meets with them to see what
they need help with. We create a proposal and send it over via Proposify. We follow up with them until
we know if we’ve won the account.
3) What is the timeframe of the average sales cycle?
a. 2 months.
4) What percentage of the sales process is a manual process currently and what percentage is an automated
a. Nearly all manual. Can’t think of anything automated currently running.
5) Are you currently tracking all leads as they come into your sales pipeline?
a. Yes.
6) Is there a sales pipeline stage tracking leads as they go through the sales pipeline?
a. Yes.
7) What type of management level KPI’s are in place to make sure the sales department is running efficiently
and producing at the highest-level possible? In Infusionsoft they commonly refer to this as Opportunity
a. There are KPIs that aren’t being monitored effectively.
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8) Is there an entry-level package at a lower price point to get them in the door, or does your sales staffs try
to close everyone on the biggest package available?
a. There’s an entry package.
Client WOW Process
1) Please outline the normal process, as it currently is when a new client is brought into your organization.
a. A new client signs the proposal and once the first payment is received, we begin by sending them the
first packet. They look it over and answer the questions before the first interview. During the first
interview, the project manager and possibly a designer determine the best course of action to execute
the project. We prepare a design and begin the approval process with the client. Once approved it’s
turned into a website. The client is trained as often as necessary to aided in getting their content into
the website.
2) Do you currently have any type of referral program in place?
a. A basic, informal one.
3) Do you currently have an up-sell process in place?
a. No.
4) Do you currently have a satisfaction survey in place?
a. No.
5) Do you currently have a long term nurturing process in place to ensure the client remains happy and
engaged with your company?
a. No.
6) Do you currently have a simple way for your clients to leave reviews on social media, etc.?
a. No.
7) What does your company do to deliver extraordinary value to all clients as soon as they have signed on
with your company?
a. Nothing necessarily, but we do visit them from time to time in person to bring them goodies.
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Business Flow and Planning Questions:
1) Do you have a client path established for all employees/vendors/prospects to follow? (i.e. Free Content
(Lead Magnet), Low Trust Engagement (Trip Wire), Up-Sell, Down-Sell, Residual, etc.)
a. No.
2) Is there a pre-defined pricing structure that everyone is required to follow? Or is it more of a shotgun
approach, whatever it takes to get the client in the door type of mentality?
a. There’s a pre-defined pricing structure, but the account manager has the flexibility to adjust prices as
3) Do you have a strategic planning process established?
a. Not formally.
4) Do you have a leadership team established?
a. Not formally, though we did at one point when the company was a little larger.
5) Do you have a residual income revenue stream?
a. Yes. Most income is residual.
6) Do you have any KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) currently in place? For example, lead
flow/conversions percentages, client satisfaction surveys, weekly/monthly/annual revenue goals.
a. Yes, but not effectively monitored.
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Outline the Three Biggest Hurdles You Face in Your Business
Please outline the top three hurdles hindering your growth in order of priority. Please list them and write up
in as much detail as possible on what the issue is and what steps you have taken to solve the issue.
1) 10% of WideNet clients are consuming 90% of Chris’s/Staff Time. This leaves no time to focus on his A+
clients. Pricing needs to be adjusted to better represent the value provided by WideNet. – PLEASE
a. We have discussed the raising of prices and/or the addition of service level agreements for those
clients that consume too much time.
2) Lead Generation and Sales Staff Motivation – EXPLAIN YOUR TOP 3 LEAD SOURCES, THE QUALITY OF THE
a. I haven’t taken any actions to fix this currently other than talking with the sales staff about the
questions and motivating them by explaining measurable KPIs were coming with the implementation
of “draws” if they don’t hit their expected goals.
3) Everything is tethered to Chris, He is spread to thin and that creates a situation of him working in his
business instead of on his business – EXPLAIN WHAT ACTIONS YOU HAVE TAKEN TO FIX THIS.
a. I’ve formally announced to the company that I’m not going to be taking on any new programming
projects and that we’d immediately start looking for a new programmer. I will still be available for
legacy issues, and involved in oversight, but not be doing any programming that can be avoided.
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