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Define the following terms.
1. Extinction-all organisms in a population are dead
2. Adaptation-structures, functions or behaviors that help a population have a better chance of
3. Mutation-random changes in the DNA code that can be harmful, helpful or do nothing
4. Natural Selection-environment “chooses” organisms who survive because they have a favorable
5. Environmental Pressure-a change in the surroundings of an organism that may cause difficulty
or ease of survival
6. Give an example of extinction-dinosaurs, dodo birds
7. Give an example of an adaptation-cheetahs with larger windpipes
8. Given an example of a mutation-coat color in mice that has different color bands
9. Give an example of natural selection-black peppered moths that survive when soot changes tree
bark from tan to black
10. Give an example of an environmental pressure-earthquake, drought
Describe the following pieces of evidence for evolution.
11. Anatomical similarity
Organisms that have similar skeleton may have come from a common ancestor
12. Radiometric Dating
A way to measure the exact age of rocks or fossils
13. Fossil Record
Solid remains or imprints of a once-living organism; fossil record is incomplete because not all
extinct species have left a fossil; fossil record can show relative age and distribution of
organisms in the world
14. Developmental Similarity
Organisms that have similar stages of development may have a common ancestor
15. Genetic Similarity
Organisms with similar DNA may have a common ancestor
Give an example of each piece of evidence.
16. Anatomical similarity
The arm of a human, the leg of a cat, the flipper of a whale, and the wing of a bat
17. Radiometric Dating
Radiocarbon dating
18. Fossil Record
19. Developmental Similarity
Humans and fish look similar during the early stages of development
Genetic Similarity
Mice and humans are mammals. Therefore, the DNA of mice and humans are more closely
related than the DNA of humans and anemones.
20. Describe genetic variation.
Diversity in a population; many genetic combinations which are helpful to fight off genetic
21. Give an example of genetic variation.
Giraffes that have short necks and long necks
22. Describe a favorable trait.
One that is good for an organism to survive in its environment
23. Give an example of a favorable trait.
A fish that matches the color of the reef it lives near
Look at the following diagram and answer the questions.
24. This environment was once aquatic and was replaced by land. T F (circle one)
25. The diagram shows layers that contain fossils and were formed over a long period of time.
Which statement best summarizes the history of this area?
a. The environment was most recently has been aquatic.
b. The environment has never been an ocean.
c. The environment was once an ocean filled with fish and became a forest filled with
d. The environment has only been inhabited by aquatic animals.
26. Explain the process of a mutation becoming an adaptation. Be sure to also use the words:
genetic variation, trait, environmental pressure, and natural selection.
As you create the paragraph, you should use the following terms in this order:
1. Mutation-random change in the DNA code
2. Trait-a mutation becomes part of the genetic makeup of a population through reproduction
3. Genetic variation-there is diversity in the population
4. Environmental pressure-a change in the surroundings of a population of organisms
5. Natural selection-nature “chooses” one set of organisms with a favorable trait (one that
good for survival) to survive and thrive in the environment
6. Adaptation-when a favorable trait that helps an organism survive in the environment is
passed down to almost all of the population (at least), it becomes an adaptation