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Apnea Monitors
Date: 03-08-2012
Eligible Providers
Eligible Recipients
Covered Services
Noncovered Services
Apnea monitors are used to monitor breathing and cardiac status for children at risk of apnea or sudden infant death syndrome.
Eligible Providers
Medical suppliers
Indian Health Services
Federally Qualified Health Center
Rural Health Clinic
TPL and Medicare
Providers must meet any provider criteria, including accreditation, for third party insurance or for Medicare in order to assist
recipients for whom MHCP is not the primary payer.
MHCP quantity limits and thresholds apply to all recipients unless only Medicare co-insurance or deductible is requested.
Eligible Recipients
Apnea monitors are covered for all eligible MHCP recipients.
Covered Services
Codes: A4556 (electrodes), A4557 (lead wires), E0618 (apnea monitor), E0619 (apnea monitor with recording feature)
Document medical necessity in the recipient’s file at the medical supplier’s office. Providers should verify continued need for the
equipment every three months. Apnea monitors are covered as capped rental items, no more than 13 months rental will be paid.
Apnea monitors are considered medically necessary for recipients under age 2 with any of the following risk factors or similar
medical conditions:
 Apparent Life Threatening Episode(s) (ALTE)
 Apnea (central or obstructive)
 Choking or gagging
 Skin color change (cyanosis, pallor, erythematous or plethoric)
 Marked change in muscle tone
 Tracheotomies or anatomical abnormalities that make them vulnerable to airway compromise
 Metabolic or neurologic disorders affecting respiratory control
 Chronic lung disease, especially those requiring mechanical ventilation, positive airway pressure or supplemental oxygen
 Premature infants with delayed maturation of respiratory control
 Apnea of prematurity
 Preterm infant with bradycardia and/or desaturation
 Diagnosed pertussis
 Apnea monitors are covered for infants with siblings who died of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
 An apnea monitor with recording feature are considered medically necessary with documentation of unusual symptoms or
reporting of alarms that cause the physician to request additional information.
Noncovered Services
Apnea monitors are not covered as an alternative to polysomnography for diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea or other
Authorization is required only for maintenance service and repairs to recipient-owned equipment.
Refer to Non-Mobility Equipment Repairs for authorization requirements for repairs and maintenance service.
Refer to the Billing and Documentation section on the main Equipment & Supplies page for information on how to bill.
Included with rental or purchase of all apnea monitors:
 Batteries
 Battery charger
 Carrying case
 Cords
 Connecting cable
 Data collection /information transfer media and supplies
 Electrical cords
 Printed instructions
Separately bill:
 Electrodes
 Lead wires
 Rib belt