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Name: _______________________________
Chapter 2.1 Personality
Your __________________consists of the behaviors, attitudes, feelings, and ways of thinking that
make you an individual. A _________________ studies how people think, feel, and behave.
Psychologists have described hundreds of personality traits. Many researchers use _______ central
traits to describe how people behave, relate to others, and react to change. These traits are
_______________, ______________, ___________________, ________________ __________________,
and openness to experiences. Extroversion describes how much you like being with other people.
Agreeableness describes your tendency to relate to other people in a friendly way. Conscientiousness
describes how responsible and self-disciplined you are. Emotional stability refers to how relaxed,
secure, and calm you are, even during difficult situations. People who are open to new experiences
tend to be curious, imaginative, and creative.
Personality traits are influenced by a combination of ______________ and ______________________.
There is evidence that certain traits and talents are inherited.
Your family, your friends, and your
cultural group are important parts of your environment. They all have an influence on your
personality. Children learn about feelings, attitudes, and appropriate ways to behave from their
As children develop, they copy the behavior of others. This is called __________________.
As children grow up, their friends become an important influence on personality. Friends who are
about the same age and share similar interests are called a __________ __________. It is important to
remember that personality traits that are valued in one culture may not be as highly valued in
another culture.
According to the psychologist ________ ________________, personality develops throughout life as
people meet a series of challenges. Erikson divided life into eight stages. Each stage presents a
different challenge to work on. If you success- fully accomplish the challenge in one stage of life, you
are better prepared to meet the challenge in the next stage. The main challenge for teens is a search
for _________________, or a sense of self.
Chapter 2.2 Self-Esteem
__________-___________ refers to how much you respect yourself and like yourself. Many
psychologists think that high self-esteem has a ____________effect on health, while low selfesteem has a _____________effect on health. People with high self-esteem accept themselves for who
they are, have a realistic view of their strengths and weaknesses and maintain a positive attitude.
People with low self-esteem don’t respect themselves, judge themselves harshly, and worry too much
about what others think about them.
Self-esteem can increase or decrease as people interact with their family, their peers, and their
community. On average, self-esteem drops in early ______________, increases gradually during
adulthood, and ____________again toward the end of life. If young children have the chance to
succeed at small tasks, they are likely to become confident individuals. Some teens are overly selfconscious and judge themselves too harshly. Self-esteem usually rises during adulthood because
adults begin to accomplish their goals and take control of their lives.
Don’t base your self-esteem solely on other people’s opinions of you. Focus on your
accomplishments, your talents, and your contributions to your family and community. There are
several ways to boost your self-esteem. Learn to focus on your strengths. Set ambitious, but realistic,
Name: _______________________________
goals for yourself. Do not be too hard on yourself. Choose friends who share your values, support
your goals, and encourage your efforts to do your best. Learn to accept compliments. Look beyond
your own concerns and do something nice for others. Do not focus too much on appearance.
____________-_________________ is the process by which people achieve their full potential.
According to ______________, before people can achieve self-actualization, their _________
__________ must be met. These needs are __________needs, the need to ________ ________, the
need to ___________, and the need for ____________. Maslow’s arrangement of these needs into a
pyramid is called the ______________ ____ ________. Once all of a person’s other needs are met, he or
she can go on to achieve the qualities of a self-actualized person. Research shows that it possible to
not meet some of your basic needs and still strive to meet higher needs.
Chapter 2.3 Expressing Your Emotions
An ________________ is a reaction to a situation that involves your mind, body, and behavior.
_____________ emotions are emotions that are expressed by people in all cultures. _____________,
sadness, ___________, and fear are examples of primary emotions. Happiness is a normal response
to pleasant events in one’s life and can occur for many reasons. Sadness is a normal response to
disappointing events in your life. If you are sad about the death of a loved one, you will likely
experience a period of deep sorrow known as _____________. Anger is a normal response to feeling
frustrated or helpless. Fear is the emotion you feel when you recognize a threat to your safety or
________________ emotions are emotions that are not expressed in the same way by all people.
_____________, guilt, and _____________ are examples of learned emotions. Love is one of the most
positive emotions people are capable of feeling. Love may be expressed through caring words, loving
touches, or thoughtful actions. Guilt is an emotion you feel when you know you have done
something wrong. It can be helpful if it stops you from making a mistake. Shame is an emotion that
focuses on the per- son rather than the action. Shame can be harmful because it lowers self-esteem
and makes it less likely that a person will try to correct the bad situation.
Recognizing your emotions is the important first step toward dealing with them in healthful ways.
When you experience a strong emotion, try to name the emotion and try to determine what triggered
the emotion. Then, think back to past times that you felt the same way. Over time, you will begin to
see patterns in your reactions and emotional responses.
A ________________ _________________ is a way of dealing with an uncomfortable or unbearable
feeling or situation. Coping strategies are helpful when they improve a situation or allow a person
to handle a situation in a better way. Coping strategies are harmful when they make a situation
worse or a person is less able to handle
a situation. Sometimes you use coping strategies without
being aware you are using them. ________________ ___________________are coping strategies that
help you protect yourself from difficult feelings. Helpful ways of coping include confronting the
situation, releasing your built-up energy, taking a break, or talking through your feelings. Harmful
ways of coping include using alcohol or drugs, or withdrawing from family and friends.