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First Aid:
Providing aid before more qualified medical help can be provided.
Four steps of basic first aid:
1) Remain calm, 2) Reassure the victim, 3) Call for help, 4) Follow basic first
aid procedures.
Basic first aid procedures:
Make sure the scene is safe for yourself
Check for most important needs of victim--Breathing, Bleeding, Shock
Reassure the victim you are there and you will help
Call for help if possible (911)
Types of Wounds:
Abrasion--a type of wound that is caused by rubbing or scraping the skin.
Avulsion--Body tissue is torn away -- (a dog bite)
Incision--A wound produced by sharp cutting edge (Knives, broken glass) severe bleeding may
Laceration--A wound that is jagged or irregular tear. Does not usually bleed like an incision.
Puncture---A wound caused by a pointed instrument breaking through the skin
Can be life threatening if bleeding is severe or cannot be stopped.
Direct Pressure--cover with a clean bandage (dressing)
If blood soaks through dressing, do not remove, add more
Put pressure on the pressure points to slow down the bleeding
Elevate the wound above the heart if safe
CPR: ( Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)
Rescue Breathing--breathing for the person by exhaling your air into their mouth to their lungs.
Used when the victim has a pulse but is not breathing.
CPR--Involves rescue breathing and thrusts to the chest in order to restore the victims’ heartbeat.
Only used by a person who is trained to use it.
Know the ABC of CPR--A==airway (check for clear airway), B==breathing (to victim to see if
they are
breathing, C==circulation (check for pulse)
Heimlich Maneuver:
Air is forced out of the lungs to dislodge an object caused in air passage way.
Wrap arms around the persons’ waist
Thumb of fist against the persons abdomen below the tip of the breast bone
Press in with a quick upward thrust
Universal sign of choking--Hands around throat
The person is not choking if they can talk or they are coughing
Caused by injury, pain, loss of blood, illness and allergic reactions
Blood flow within the body is disrupted
Skin appears bluish and may feel cold and clammy
Neck Injuries:
If a person has a hurt neck, do not move them. Let them lay, wait for emergency medical
help, possibility that more damage will be done if they are moved
Inform the victim to hold still
Caused by sun, fire, hot objects, chemicals
Types of burns:
1st degree--outer layer of skin is reddened--a light swelling and pain
(sunburns, hot water)
2nd degree--second layer of skin is burned--blisters form and skin may have a
wet shinny appearance
3rd degree--burns through all layers of skin to fatty tissue and internal organsmay be painless at first due to nerve damage
Apply cold water to a first and second degree burn.
Seek medical attention for a 3rd degree burn
Do not apply butter or oils-these products can hold in the heat--use water
Do not take off charred clothing--can tear the skin
A substance that if it enters the body can cause damage
Ways it enters the body:
Injection: medicines, snake bites, insect bites
Inhalation: Carbon monoxide from vehicles or heaters
Absorption: Poison Ivy
Swallowed: Pills, medicine
Drink lots of fluids to dilute the poison--unless the victim is unconscious
Find the source of the poisoning
Read the warning label
Call 911 or the poison control center if needed--listen to the instructions
A loss of consciousness caused by a lack of blood to the brain.
Minor injury
Nervous disorder (epilepsy)
Lay the person down and elevate the legs 8-12 inches
If a person feels faint have them sit with their head between their legs
Call 911 if necessary
Any break in a bone
Closed fracture--bone has not gone through the skin
Open fracture--bone has gone through the skin
Do not move the victim
Can place ice over it
Inform the victim not to move the body part
Uncontrollable body movement
Let victim go through seizure, make room for them to move around, do not try to