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P.o.D. – Find the amplitude,
period, and vertical translation
of each graph.
1.) 𝑦 = 3 sin(2𝑥 ) − 5
2.) 𝑦 = cos(𝑥)
3.) 𝑦 = −4 sin(. 5𝑥 ) + 2
4.) 𝑦 = −2 cos(3𝑥 ) − 6
5.) 𝑦 = sin ( 𝑥) +
6.) 𝑦 = − cos(6𝑥 ) − 7
7.) 𝑦 = sin(𝑥 ) + 𝜋
10-7: The Law of Sines
Learning Target(s): I can
determine the measure of an
angle given its sine, cosine, or
tangent; find the missing sides
and angles of a triangle using the
Law of Sines; identify and use
theorems relating sines and
cosines; solve real-world
problems using the Law of Sines.
Essential Question: How do you
use trigonometry to solve and
find the areas of oblique
Oblique Triangle = a triangle
that has no right angle; could be
acute or obtuse.
Law of Sines:
EX: For triangle ABC, A=30
degrees, B=45 degrees, and a=32
feet. Find the remaining sides
and angle.
Always begin by drawing a
The easiest thing to find is the
missing angle.
Now, use the given information
to find side b.
Next, find side c.
Finally, write your solution
with all 6 parts of the triangle
EX: Because of prevailing winds,
a tree grew so that it was
leaning 6 degrees from the
vertical. At a point 30 meters
from the tree, the angle of
elevation to the top of the tree is
22.5 degrees. Find the height of
the tree.
Begin by finding the missing
Set up the Law of Sine to find h.
EX: For the triangle ABC,
a=12inches, b=5inches, and A=31
degrees. Find the remaining
sides and angles.
We need to find angle B.
Next, find angle C by
Now, find side c using the Law
of Sines.
Write your final answer.
The Ambiguous Case of the Law
of Sines (SSA):
Why couldn’t you prove triangle
congruency with SSA in
(Draw a picture on the
Three possibilities will exist:
Case I: If A is an acute angle:
If 𝑎 < 𝑏 sin 𝐴, then ___ triangle
If 𝑎 = 𝑏 sin 𝐴, then exactly ____
right triangle exists.
If 𝑎 > 𝑏 sin 𝐴, then ___ triangles
If 𝑎 ≥ 𝑏, then ____ triangle exists.
Case II: If A is an obtuse angle:
If a < b, then ___ triangle exists.
If a > b, then ____ triangle exists.
EX: Show that there is no
triangle for which A=60degrees,
a=4, and b=14.
We are in Case I since A is acute.
In Case I, if a<b sin A, then
EX: Find two triangles for
which A=58degrees, a=4.5, and
Again, we are in Case I since A is
acute. We now need to find b sin
Since a>b sin A {4.5>4.24}, we
know that we have ____
solutions. Begin by solving using
the Law of Sines.
Triangle #1:
Use subtraction to find angle C.
Now, use the Law of Sines to
find side c.
Therefore, the first triangle
consists of:
Triangle #2:
In other words, the second angle
B is the ______________ of the first
angle B.
Find angle 𝐶2 by subtraction.
Lastly, find side 𝑐2 using the Law
of Sines.
Triangle #2 consists of:
Area of a Triangle:
The area of any triangle is onehalf the product of the lengths
of two sides times the sine of
their included angle. That is,
EX: Find the area of a triangular
lot containing the side lengths
that measure 24 yards and 18
yards and form an angle of 80
*On your own, write a
calculator program titled
SASAREA that will compute the
area of a triangle given two sides
and the included angle.
EX: On a small lake, a child
swam from point A to point B at
a bearing of 𝑁 28° 𝐸. The child
then swam to point C at a
bearing of 𝑁 58° 𝑊. Point C is 800
meters due north of point A.
How many total meters did the
child swim?
(draw a picture and show the
work on the whiteboard)
EX: Suppose you are given a
triangle with two angles of 42
degrees and 74 degrees and an
included side of 18-m. Find the
length of the side opposite the
74 degrees.
(draw a triangle on the
whiteboard and have a student
come to the board to solve)
EX: In triangle TRI, angle R is 25
degrees, angle I is 72 degrees,
and side r is 13. Find side t.
(draw a triangle on the board
and have a student come to the
board to solve)
HW Pg.703 2, 7-12, 15-18
Worksheet 10.7B