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Chapter 2
The Internet is the actual physical network. It is made up of wires, cables, and satellites.
The most common way to access the Internet is through , an Internet service provider (ISP)
) Applets are written in which programming language? (Java)..
Java applets can be downloaded quickly and run by most browsers.
Social networking is one of the fastest-growing uses of the Internet.
Facebook is an example of what type of social networking site? (Reuniting site)
A microblog, like Twitter, publishes short sentences that only take a few seconds to write, rather
than long stories or posts like a traditional blog.
In a directory search, you select a category or topics that fits the information you want, and
then narrow your search by selecting subtopics until a list of Web sites appears.
Dogpile is one of the best known metasearch engines.
Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) involves individuals selling to individuals. This often takes the
form of an electronic version of the classified ads or an auction.
Online banking is one of the most widely used Business-to-Consumer (B2C) e-commerce
Cloud computing consists of three components: clients, service providers, and the Internet.
File transfer protocol (FTP) has been used for decades and still remains one of the most popular
methods of file transfer.
BitTorrent distributes file transfers across many different computers for more efficient
It is easy to get the Internet and the Web confused, but they are not the same thing. The
Internet is the actual network made up of wires, cables, and satellites. The Web is a multimedia
interface to the resources available on the Internet.
Popular types of Internet communications include e-mail, instant messaging, social networking,
blogs, and wikis.
E-mail headers usually contain the addresses, subject, and attachments.
While reuniting sites such as Classmates Online and Facebook are designed to reconnect people
who know each other but have lost touch, other friend-of-a-friend sites like Friendster and
MySpace and common interest sites like Flikr and Meetup are designed to bring together people
who may not have known each other previously.
A keyword search results in a list of hits
To evaluate the usefulness of information you find on the Web, you must consider the site's
authority, accuracy, objectivity, and currency.
RealPlayer and Acrobat Reader are classified as plug-in programs.
Downloading is the process of copying a file from a Web site to your computer. Uploading is the
process of copying a file from your computer to another computer on the Internet.
Google Chrome is an example of a Web __ browser ___.
The __ http ___ protocol is used for Web traffic and is the most widely used Internet protocol.
A _ hyperlink is a link on a Web page that leads to another Web page.
The typical e-mail has three basic elements: __ header_, message, and signature.
A _ directory search provides a list of categories or topics as a starting point for your search. is an example of a ___ specialized __ search engine.
A _ Internet security suite _ is a collection of utility programs designed to maintain your security
and privacy while you are on the Web.
Knowledge of HTML is considered essential for the job of a _ Webmaster __.
Describe the three basic parts of an e-mail message. The header appears first and typically
includes the e-mail address of the person the message is being sent to, the email address of the
person sending the message, a subject line briefly describing the topic of the message, and the
names of any file attachments. The second part of the e-mail message is the letter or message
itself. Finally, the signature provides additional information about the sender such as name,
address, and telephone number.
Briefly explain how instant messaging works.
Instant messaging (IM) is an extension of e-mail that allows two or more people to contact each
other via direct, live communication. To use instant messaging, you specify a list of friends and
register with an instant messaging server. Whenever you connect to the Internet, special
software informs your messaging server that you are online. In response, the server will notify
you if any of your contacts are online. At the same time, it notifies your friends that you are
online. You can then send messages directly back and forth to one another.
Describe the three types of social networking sites and give an example of each.
Three basic categories of social networking sites are reuniting, friend-of-a-friend, and common
interest. Reuniting sites are designed to connect people who have known one another but have
lost touch. Classmates Online is an example of a reuniting site. Friend-of-a-friend sites are
designed to bring together people who do not know one another but share a common friend.
MySpace is an example of a friend-to-a-friend site. Finally, common interest sites, like Meet up,
bring together individuals who share common interests or hobbies.
Chapter 3
Most applications use a graphic user interface (GUI) that displays graphical elements called
icons to represent familiar objects and a mouse
Speech recognition is the ability to accept voice input to select menu options and dictate text.
Color is a character-effect.
Spreadsheet programs create workbook files.
1) Search Engines, and give 2 examples
………software that helps finding data on the internet , google, alta vista
2) Plugins…an extension of a software, that add new features to the same software
Microsoft Access is an example of basic application software.
Each table in a database is made up of rows called records.
A(n) __ window ___ is a rectangular area that can contain a document, program, or message.
The _ relational _ database is the most widely used database structure.
An electronic presentation consists of a series of __ slides ___ or pages.
The most widely used integrated software package is __ Microsoft Works ___.
Office suites are also known as __ productivity ___ suites.
What is the difference between system software and application software?
System software works with end users, application software, and computer hardware to handle
the majority of technical details. Application software can be described as end user software
designed to accomplish a variety of different tasks.
List the four types of basic applications, what each application is used for, and an example of
The four basic applications are word processors, spreadsheets, database management systems,
and presentation graphics. Word Processors are used to create text-based documents such as
letters, memos, faxes, and reports. Microsoft Word is the most widely used word processor.
Spreadsheet programs organize, analyze, and graph numeric data such as budgets and financial
reports. The most widely used spreadsheet program is Microsoft Excel. A database management
system is a program that sets up, or structures, a database. It also provides tools to enter, edit,
and retrieve data from the database. Microsoft Access is one of the most widely used database
management systems designed for PCs. Presentation graphics are programs that combine a
variety of visual objects to create attractive, visually interesting presentations. Microsoft
PowerPoint is an example of a widely used presentation graphics program.
Chapter 5
Operating systems coordinate all the computer's resources.
Dialog boxes are used to provide information or request input.
In a computer system, data and programs are stored as a files
The network server coordinates all communication between the other computers.
The OS is often referred to as the software environment or platform.
Spotlight can rapidly locate files, folders, e-mail messages, addresses, and much more.
Some versions of Mac OS X include Boot Camp, which allows Macintosh computers to run both
the Mac OS and the Windows operating system.
Google Android is one of the fastest growing mobile phone operating systems.
The operating system of the physical machine is known as the host operating system.
Some of the best known mobile OSes include Symbian, BlackBerry OS, iPhone OS, Android, and
Windows Phone 7.
To safely remove a program from your computer, you might want to use this type of utility
. Uninstall program
After a period of time, a hard disk becomes highly fragmented
Icons are graphic representations for a program, type of file, or function.
Mobile phone operating systems are a type of __ embedded operating system.
Utility programs are specialized programs designed to make computing easier.
This utility program eliminates unneeded files on your hard disk. Disk Cleanup
What are the three basic functions of an operating system?
The purpose of an operating system is to coordinate a computer's resources, provide a user
interface, and load and run applications.
Describe the three categories of operating systems.
Embedded operating systems are used for handheld devices such as smart phones, cable and
satellite television tuner boxes, video game systems, and other small electronics. Network
operating systems are used to control and coordinate computers that are networked or linked
together. Stand-alone operating systems, also called desktop operation systems, control a single
desktop or laptop computer.
What are the five basic types of utility programs?
The five basic types of utility programs are troubleshooting or diagnostic programs, antivirus
programs, uninstall programs, backup programs, and file compression programs.
Describe the five best-known embedded mobile phone operating systems.
The Symbian was introduced in 2009 and controls more smartphones worldwide than any other
mobile OS. The BlackBerry OS was introduced in 1999 by a Canadian company and is a very
popular mobile OS amongst corporate clients. Based on the MAC OS, the iPhone OS was
developed in 2007 by Apple and is one of the fastest growing mobile OSes. Google Android was
introduced in 2007 and is a popular smartphone OS. Windows Phone 7 was introduced in 2010
and was designed for users actively involved in social networking and instant messaging.
Chapter 6
Handheld computer (palm computers or PDA’s) are the smallest units.
: A bit is the smallest unit in a digital system
The binary system has only two digits – 0 and 1.
The most widely used binary code for microcomputers is ASCII
: Unicode binary system is a 16-bit coding system ana it’s also designed to support international
languages like Chinese and Japanese.
The central processing unit is the “brains” of the computer.
The most common type of microprocessor is the CISC chip.
Memory is the holding area for data, instructions, and information.
ROM chips are not volatile and cannot be changed by the user.
Open architecture systems allow users to expand their systems.
To communicate with another computer over telephone lines, you need a _modem_ card
: The system unit is also known as the system cabinet or chassis.
Virtual memory is stored on a secondary device such as a hard disk.
Firmware is burnt onto a ROM chip, and cannot be changed by the user.
To communicate over a telephone line you need a modem.
Chapter 7
: Input is any data or instructions that are used by a computer
The input device most commonly used to enter text would be the keyboard
Most keyboards use an arrangement of keys given the name QWERTY
This type of keyboard is designed specifically to alleviate wrist strain associated with the
repetitive movements of typing ergonomic keyboard
A flatbed scanner is much like a copy machine
Thermal printers use heat elements to produce images on heat-sensitive paper.
Plotters would produce the largest printouts
A network terminal is also known as a thin client or network computer.
Light pens are used to edit digital images
Most common type of monitor currently being used is the CRT.
A Web terminal can display Web pages on a standard television.
Chapter 8
RAM is temporary or volatile storage.
Secondary storage is nonvolatile storage as it does not lose the data when the
power is turned off.
The process of saving information onto secondary storage devices is referred to aswriting
Data on floppy disks are recorded in rings called tracks.
HiFD disks have a capacity of 200 MB or 720 MB.
An internal hard disk is also known as a fixed disk.
An internal hard disk is located inside the system unit
WinZip and PKZip are both popular compression and decompression utility programs.
Flat areas on an optical disk are called lands.
A compact disc is the most widely used optical disk and is standard on most PCs.
CD-R stands for CD-recordable
CD-ROM cannot be written on or erased.
A CD-RW disk can be erased and rewritten
An emerging disk technology that makes disks about the same size as CDs but with faster
access and much greater storage capacity is called digital versatile disk DVD
DVDs can store over two hours of high quality sound and video.
The DVD-ROM has had a major impact on the video market.
DVD-RAM is rewritable.
Solid state storage has no moving parts.
Solid-state storage devices require less power than the rest.
Flash memory is solid-state storage devices that are widely used in notebook computers.
Floppy disks, hard disks, optical disks and magnetic tapes are all forms of secondary
Floppy disks are not high capacity disks.
The traditional disk is 1.44 MB.
Hard-disk cartridges are removable.
In most computers the internal hard disk drive is designated as the C drive.
Today’s optical disks can hold over 17 gigabytes of data.
DataPlay format is used with music and digital photos.
Optical disks are an example of direct access devices.
Volatile storage devices lose their data when power is removed.
Tracks are rings of concentric circles.
The label __2HD_ on a floppy disk means that the disk is “two-sided, high-density”.
Describe DVD technology.
Answer: A DVD device, or digital versatile disk, can store more data than several CDROMs. DVD drives can store data on both sides of the disk, thereby doubling its
capacity. A DVD is about the same size as a CD-ROM, stores more data than a CDROM, and provides much faster access to the data.
What are flash memory cards used for?
Answer: Flash memory cards are solid-state storage devices widely used in notebook
computers. Flash memory is also used in a variety of specialized input devices to
capture and transfer data to desktop computers. Examples are storing images from a
digital camera and recording MP3 music files for transfer.
Chapter 10
The essential element that controls how computers are used today is ethics.
Privacy concerns the collection and use of data about individuals.
Identity theft is the impersonation by a thief of someone’s identity for the purpose of economic
: Businesses search employees’ electronic mail and computer files using snoopware.
Privacy is primarily an ethical matter.
Employees are the largest category of computer criminals.
A virus is software written with malicious intent to cause annoyance or damage.
White-collar crime involves the theft of data.
Copying software and distributing it without the consent of the owner is software piracy
A hard disk crash is an example of a technological failure.
Green PC uses less energy than older PCs.
Traditional cookies monitor your activities at a single site.
Adware cookies monitor your activities across all sites you visit.
The majority of computer criminals come from within the organization.
Hackers do it for the challenge – not to do damage or steal information.
Crackers break into computers with the intent to do damage or steal information.
A surge protector is a device designed to protect a computer from voltage spikes
express card:
in note book computer
expanchins card:
plug out of port on system board
pc card:
in smart phone
graphics card:
smart card:
a cridet-card sized of plastic
connect keyboard,mice and printer
Traditional :
rectengular keyboard
similar traditional but has a rest
without cable
toch secreen:
to pointer and choces
controlled by fingers
draw images
controlled by speed
optical scanner _ bar-code readers_ card readers.
translate information processor
fax machine:
send images and text
releted to useing computer networks
wireless revolution:
used for computer,telephones commenications
transmit data from one location to another
various physical:
use a solide medium to connect sending
wireless communication channels:
past network:
carry data from one computer to another
bus network_ ring network
present network: star network _ tree network_ mesh network.