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Date: October 6, 2013
Passage: Colossians 4:7-18
Message: Who’s Who
Series: Colossians – Stand Firm [12]
In 1906 a book was published called
John’s notable Australians
In 1912 it became known as
Fred John’s Annual
In 1927 it was first called
Who’s Who in Australia
Book published every 2 or 3 years to tell us who are the cream of
the crop here in Australia. From 1991 they started producing a
book every year!
Anybody appear in last year’s Who’s who?
Closest I’ve ever come was 58 years ago.
My grandfather appears in the 1955 edition
He rates because he was a senator in Federal Parliament.
Was hoping they might include the names of his grandchildren
but they didn’t!
We’ve always been obsessed with who is who?
This week the footy world went mad because of the news Buddy
Franklin is going to Sydney on a $10 million deal.
Guess he’s regarded as who of all who’s in football.
Not sure how that makes other 44 footballers at Sydney feel!
Question begs to be answered in our obsession with celebrities,
superstars, mega heroes and business gurus is……who really is
I remember when I was a kid I used to look forward to trophy
night at the footy club.
There were all sorts of trophies
Best Forward
Best Backman
Best Team Player
Best and Fairest
All fantastic trophies!
But then there was another trophy that everyone else got
Services Rendered
You got that just because you played on the team.
Funny how no one particularly wanted a ‘services rendered’
Take a look at people who love to put their trophies on the
mantel piece or in some conspicuous place
You won’t find any ordinary trophies for ‘Services Rendered’
being shown off!
They’re all in the bin!
When you are young you don’t see the glory of those who render
their services.
I do now!
In fact I marvel at those who render their services and never get
the best player award.
Those who just keep doing what they do.
Those who are happy for others to look good.
Most of all – those who love being part of a team.
Those who buy into the big vision of what is happening
and that is all they need!
Those who are there when things are going well and
when they aren’t.
Those who are bad weather friends and not just fair
weather friends.
Those who know that life is not about trophies or status
or where you are on the pecking order……but that life is a
gift from God and a call to serve!
That’s why I love this last part of Colossians.
Funny in a way that Colossians has the most glorious Christology
in the whole NT. So much so that preachers spend months
preaching on it and then just finish with a quick reference to all
these people at the end!
Here’s what that Christology looks like in the lives of people who
are just like you and me.
We see Christ in every one of them!
Yet when I look at them, few would make the who’s who list!
Few people have named their kids Tychicus, or Onesimus or
Aristarchus, or Archippus or Nympha….
Not only that they are so different, as we’ll see over the next
couple of weeks!
Made me want to do a quick inventory UPBC
Christian upbringing / didn’t?
Extrovert / no good asking introverts put up hand!
Love speaking in public / terrified
Musical / musically challenged
Behind scenes people/ out the front!
Pray about everything/ keep forgetting to remember to pray!
Task orientated people / people orientated people
Who needs everything look straight / live with crooked
The Church is fully diverse!
……mercy gifts, serving gifts; encouraging gifts; musical gifts and
teaching gifts.
Gifts public and gifts that are private
Gifts that make you go wow and gifts that are almost invisible
they are so ordinary.
Diversity threatens some people, it inflates the ego of others but
the truth is we need to see every person as a reflection of
supremacy and glory of Christ!
Let’s take a look at 3 very different people
1. Tychicus – Mr Fix it
2. Onesimus – Trust me
3. Justus – It’s only
1. Tychicus – Mr Fix it v7-8
You’ll want to name your next child after this man by the time
we’ve finished!
He is mentioned 5 times NT.
Acts 20:4 Paul in Ephesus near end third missionary journey.
Jewish Christians in Jerusalem struggling financially.
Paul decides to go Macedonia and ask gentile Christians in
Thessonalica, Philippi and Corinth to give sacrificially to help
Jewish brothers and sisters in Christ.
Paul sees this as a way of building new found unity between Jews
and gentiles that has come about through faith in Christ!
Journey over land and sea would take months.
Who does he take – Tychicus?
Tychicus is the man who says,
You want me to GO with you Paul – I’ll go!
Few years down the track Paul is in prison and guess who is there
with him? Tychicus.
Paul has survived a plot to kill him, trials before Festus, Felix and
a harrowing journey to Rome.
Tychicus says,
You want me to STAY with you Paul, I’ll stay!
Do you know what I love about this?
By this stage, Tychicus must have seen just about everything
there was to see about Paul.
Gone was any wide eyed wonder of going on mission with the
famous Apostle Paul!
He’d seen his temper which brought about a fight with Barnabus.
He’d observed his frustrating idiosyncrasies
He knew Paul’s weaknesses
Gone was the fairy-tale and in its place was a man who said,
I’m with you!
Now in this letter Paul wants someone to travel from Rome to
Colossae so that……you may know our circumstances and he
may encourage your hearts.
Here’s Mr Fix It.
Paul, if you want me to ENCOURAGE the Christians in Colossae,
I’ll encourage them.
Few years down track Paul wanted Titus to be with him in
Nicopolis. Only problem was that Titus was pastoring Church in
Crete. Guess who Paul suggests Pastor the Church for a while in
Crete? Tychicus. [Titus 3:12]
Paul, if you want me to Pastor Church, I’ll pastor it!
Later, Paul needs Timothy to come see him. Timothy is busy with
the Church Ephesus. Listen to Paul in 2 Timothy 4:12
Get Mark and bring him with you, because he is helpful to me in
the ministry. I have sent Tychicus to Ephesus.
Paul, if you really need to see Timothy, I’ll make it possible!
Any wonder Paul loved this man Tychicus, Mr Fix It.
This dear brother, faithful minister and fellow servant….
Tychicus you win the special trophy for………
2. ONESIMUS – Trustworthy v8
There is a touch of irony over the name I just gave him.
His story is one of being un-trustworthy!
In our Bible we have a book called Philemon.
Philemon was a wealthy man who became a Christian. He
belonged to Church Colossae. He had a slave called Onesimus.
Onesimus ran away.
We don’t know why but the bottom line – slaved\s didn’t run
away! Punishable by death!
Incredible thing is – Onesimus went to see Paul in prison in Rome
and he became a Christian.
Paul wrote to Philemon and asked him to welcome Onesimus
back and forgive him!
CS Lewis said,
Everyone says that forgiveness is a good idea until he has
something to forgive”
How would Philemon receive this untrustworthy slave?
How would the Church think of him?
I love the way Paul goes about his business. He does 2 things.
Firstly, he sends Onesimus back with Tychicus!!
Tychicus has credibility and Paul sends Onesimus back alongside
someone they can trust!
Secondly he says to the whole Church here in v9…..onesimus, our
faithful and dear brother
Our WHAT? ……..faithful!!!
Labels are hard to shake!
Onesimus… slave, unreliable, selfish, thief…….
Paul says…..FAITHFUL!
What were you?
Don’t answer that question – God has already forgotten what
you were!
I, even I, am he who blots out
your transgressions, for my own sake,
and remembers your sins no more. [Isaiah 45:23]
He will not always accuse,
nor will he harbor his anger forever;
he does not treat us as our sins deserve
or repay us according to our iniquities.
For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
so great is his love for those who fear him;
as far as the east is from the west,
so far has he removed our transgressions from us.
[Psalm 103:9-12]
Imagine when Onesimus rocked up.
The people thought…here comes……SOMEONE I CAN TRUST!
Listen, this morning, do you need a ceremonial throwing of labels
in the bin!
What are they…….you feel them!
What about SON / DAUGHTER – CHILD of GOD
3. Justus – It’s Only
Where did I come up with that?
Actually his name was Jesus.
Can you imagine what he went through?
Imagine if people were having a party or people over for dinner
and the host says,
“Jesus is coming”
People go, really!!!
Host says, “Not that Jesus, it’s only Justus!”
It’s only Justus!
Who’s leading worship this morning?
Stuart Townend, Louis Giglio – no IT’S ONLY Carl!
Who’s preaching this morning?
Is it T D Jakes or Chuck Swindoll – no IT’S ONLY Neil!
Who am I sitting next to in Church –
Is it someone important – no, IT’S ONLY wife!
Who is Jesus that is called Justus?
We’ll call him JJ
Do you know what Paul says about JJ?
…….they have proved a comfort to me
We often think of people like Paul on the front line of ministry
and think they have some kind of supernatural ability to
defy all discouragements,
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defeat all temptations,
dismiss every criticism
But Paul felt the pain of ministry just like we do.
He needed people who could comfort him!
The Bible forever immortalizes in one sentence an unknown
nobody who we might call IT’S ONLY.
But I wonder how much It’s Only enabled Paul to do what he did!
Listen to this musing of someone who is anonymous
I don't mind if you've got something nice to say about me
And I enjoy an accolade like the rest
You could take my picture and hang it in a gallery
Of all who's who and so-n-so's that used to be the best
At such'n'such ... it wouldn't matter much
I won't lie, it feels alright to see your name in lights
We all need an 'Atta boy' or 'Atta girl'
But in the end I'd like to hang my hat on more besides
The temporary trappings of this world
I want to leave a legacy
How will they remember me?
Did I choose to love? Did I point to You enough
To make a mark on things?
I want to leave an offering
A child of mercy and grace who
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blessed your name unapologetically
And leave that kind of legacy
I don't have to look too far or too long awhile
To make a lengthy list of all that I enjoy
It's an accumulating trinket and a treasure pile
Where moth and rust, thieves and such will soon enough destroy
Not well travelled, not well read, not well-to-do or well-bred
Just want to hear instead, "Well Done" good and faithful one...
Questions: Colossians 4:7-18
Talk about any experience you have had being in the presence
of someone who fits into the category of “Who’s Who”
Why are we so fascinated with these people?
The Church is fully diverse!
……mercy gifts, serving gifts; encouraging gifts; musical gifts and
teaching gifts.
Gifts public and gifts that are private
Gifts that make you go wow and gifts that are almost invisible
they are so ordinary.
Diversity threatens some people, it inflates the ego of others but
the truth is we need to see every person as a reflection of
supremacy and glory of Christ!
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What are some of the challenges and blessings of diversity in
the Church?
1. Tychicus – Mr Fix it v7-8
Tychicus –
Went with Paul to collect money for poor in Jerusalem
Stayed with Paul throughout his trials
Was sent to Colossae to encourage the Christians
Was asked by Paul to Pastor the Church in Crete while Titus came
to see him
Was sent to Ephesus, cos Timothy needed to be freed up to take
Mark to see Paul.
This was a Mr Fix It.
Think about all the challenges faced by a man like Tychicus.
He was a man who probably knew Paul’s strengths and
weaknesses better than anyone else. What special challenges
did that bring to Tychicus?
2. ONESIMUS – Trustworthy v8
Tell the story of Onesimus and Philemon
CS Lewis said,
Everyone says that forgiveness is a good idea until he has
something to forgive”
I love the way Paul goes about his business. He does 2 things.
Firstly, he sends Onesimus back with Tychicus!!
Secondly he says to the whole Church here in v9…..onesimus, our
faithful and dear brother
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Why was this such a good 2 pronged strategy by Paul?
How does it help us change the way we often think about
people who have failed in a way that is hard to move on from?
Labels are hard to shake!
Read Psalm 103:9-12; Isaiah 45:23
What does this mean?
3. Justus – It’s Only
Imagine if people were having a party or people over for dinner
and the host says,
“Jesus is coming”
People go, really!!!
Host says, “Not that Jesus, it’s only Justus!”
It’s only Justus!
What causes us to say or feel like we are Justus: It’s only……?
When do we feel most insignificant or taken for granted?
What do we do with that?
proved a comfort to me
We often think of people like Paul on the front line of ministry
and think they have some kind of supernatural ability to
defy all discouragements,
defeat all temptations,
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dismiss every criticism
Given that we all feel things like discouragement,
disappointment, hurt etc; what are some of the ways we can
comfort each other in our service for God?
PRAY for each other