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Poetry Analysis Test
Study Guide
Directions: Define the terms and give your own examples in the blank provided.
1. Sound Devices
a. Definition: _________________________________________________
2. Rhyme:
a. Definition: _________________________________________________
b. Example: pool and rule
c. Example: __________________________________________________
3. Rhythm
a. Definition: _________________________________________________
b. Example: The cat sat on the mat.
4. Repitition
a. Definition: _________________________________________________
b. Example: lulla, lulla, lullaby; lulla, lulla, lullaby
c. Example: __________________________________________________
5. Onomatopoeia
a. Definition: _________________________________________________
b. Example: The bees buzzed in the flower bed.
c. Example: __________________________________________________
6. Alliteration
a. Definition: _________________________________________________
b. Example: lovely, lonely lights
c. Example: __________________________________________________
Figurative Language
7. Metaphor
a. Definition: _________________________________________________
b. Example: The snow was a white blanket over the town.
c. Example: __________________________________________________
8. Personification
a. Definition: _________________________________________________
b. Example: The ocean crashed angrily during the storm.
c. Example: __________________________________________________
9. Simile
a. Definition: _________________________________________________
b. Example: She is as slow as a turtle.
c. Example: __________________________________________________
“Free as a …” by Linda Armstrong
First thing
Outside my window
The wild world sings.
I wonder
How it would be
To fly over
My neighborhood,
Box houses,
Streets like lines
On a map,
Tops of trees;
To pull a worm
Breakfast from mud
Between glass blades;
To build a soft house
For my children
In the branches
Of a cottonwood
Or to be
Such a child
Too big for the nest
Taking one wild step
Into air.
Directions: Do the following in the poem.
Circle sound devices.
Underline figurative language.
(personification, simile)
Summarize poem