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Review for final exam:
Chapter 1
Definitions - chemistry, matter, mass, energy, kinetic energy, potential energy
Conservation of mass, conservation of energy
States of matter (solid, liquid, gas) and their general properties; condensed phase, fluid
Crystalline and amorphous solids
Pure substances and mixtures, homogeneous mixtures (solutions), heterogeneous mixtures
Separation of mixtures, filtration, distillation
Elements and compounds; atoms and molecules
Chemical and physical properties; chemical and physical changes
Scientific notation
The metric system, metric prefixes, their size and symbol
SI units; fundamental and derived units
Volume units, m3, cm3, L, mL
Temperature scales (Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin); conversion among these scales
Precision and accuracy
Rules for counting significant figures
Significant figures for addition/subtraction and multiplication/division, and combinations of these
Rounding off numbers
Conversion factors and dimensional analysis
Chapter 2
Early theories of matter - continuous or discrete
Conservation of mass, law of definite proportion, law of multiple proportion
Dalton's atomic theory - main ideas, use in explaining observations, shortcomings
Electrons - discovery and properties
The plum pudding model and the nuclear model; Rutherford experiment and explanation
Protons, neutrons, electrons and their general properties
Atomic structure, the nucleus, electron cloud charge
Redefinition of an element
Atomic number, mass number, isotopes, notation for isotopes of atoms
Atomic mass units (amu); definition and use
Mass spectrometry and its use to find atomic and molecular mass
Atomic mass for unstable elements; atomic mass for stable elements and its calculation
The periodic table
general organization of the table, rows (periods) and columns (groups)
main group, transition metals, lanthanides, actinides
alkali metals, alkali earth metals, halogens, noble gases
metals, nonmetals, metalloids (semimetals); general properties and location
Ions; cations and anions; formation of ions from atoms
Ion charges for main group elements
Ion charges for transition metals (know they can form several different ions)
Avogadro's number, the mole; meaning and use of the mole concept
Chapter 3
Molecular substances, covalent bonding
Chemical formula for molecules, expanded version of chemical formula
Types of models for molecules
Ionic compounds, ionic bonding
Chemical formula for ionic compounds, empirical formula
Relationship between empirical and molecular formula for molecular compounds
General properties of ionic and molecular compounds
Finding the formula for binary ionic compounds of main group elements
Finding the charge of the metal for binary ionic compounds with transition metals
Polyatomic ions
Naming rules for chemical substances
Binary ionic compounds
Ionic compounds with cation or anion groups
Binary and ternary acids
Binary molecular compounds
Molecular mass, formula mass, and their calculation
Percent by mass; definition, calculation, and use
Experimental determination of the empirical formula of a pure chemical substance
Combustion analysis
Balancing chemical equations
Interpretation of balanced chemical equations
Organic compounds - definition; functional groups
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