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Grade 9 Academic Science
2011-2012 Exam Review
1. Classify the following as a chemical or physical property/change.
a. A steak is left on the counter for three days and it becomes grey and smelly
b. Water left in a bowl for three days disappears
c. A clear colourless liquid is left to evaporate and a ring of crystallized solid appears
d. Gasoline is combustible
e. When vinegar and baking soda combine carbon dioxide gas is produced
2. Classify the following as a solution, mechanical mixture, pure substance.
a. bubbly sprite
b. tap water
c. soil
d. oxygen
e. baking soda
f. copper sulphate(aq)
3. Use the particle theory to explain the following phenomena.
a. A dented ping pong ball can sometimes be “repaired” by placing it in cup of hot water.
b. When heated, the alloy used as solder was softer and more ductile than at colder
4. a) State three physical properties of ethanol. b) State one chemical property of ethanol.
5. A student found a figurine on a beach which appeared to be silver. The student (who knows all
about density problems) measured the volume to be 9.2 cm 3. Silver has a density of 10.5 g/cm3.
If the figurine is made of silver, what should the mass be?
6. A molecular compound is formed when a ____________ and a non-metal react, while an ionic
compound is produced when a ________________ and a non-metal react
7. For the following compounds name the elements involved and count the number of atoms of each
element present.
8. Use a Periodic Table to complete the following table.
Atomic Number
Atomic Mass
Physical State
9. Complete the following table in order to describe the properties of sub-atomic particles
10. Draw Bohr-Rutherford diagrams for the following atoms.
a. Calcium
b. Phosphorus
11. Use Bohr-Rutherford diagrams to show how these ions are formed
a. The ion of oxygen
b. The ion of Potassium
12. Use diagrams and some sentences to compare the nature of solids, liquids and gases. What
does the speed of the particles and the attractive force of the particles compare in each state?
13. Imagine you are a chemical engineer. Your company has created a new product and one of the
by-products is a clear colourless and odourless gas. You and your team have narrowed the
gasses down to oxygen, hydrogen or carbon dioxide. Describe a procedure that you could use to
determine the type of gas and describe the chemical properties that will be used to help you in
determining the identity of the gas.
1. Which is the best star for navigating in the northern hemisphere? Explain your answer.
2. Describe why astronauts appear to be floating in the ISS, even though gravity is pulling down on
3. Choose one planet and name two similarities and two differences between it and Earth.
4. Label a diagram of the Sun and identify the following Sun parts
a. corona
b. core
c. photosphere
d. solar flare
e. chromospheres
f. radiative zone
g. convective zone
5. Arrange the following in order of size, starting with the largest:
a. star cluster
b. galaxy
c. star
d. universe
e. planet
6. Describe the three main stages in the formation of the Universe according to the Big Bang
7. Astronomers use parallax to determine the distance to a star. A baseline is established by
measuring the angle to a star, once in the winter and one in the summer (opposite ends of the
earths orbit around the sun) and then using triangle theories to calculate the distance. Calculate
the distance to the imaginary star called Figel by making a scale diagram. The baseline is
measured at 150 000 000 (million) km and the angle to the Rigel in the summer was 55 o and in
the winter was 65o.
8. Retrograde motion is the apparent backwards movement of the outer planets. Explain how this
phenomenon occurs.
9. Draw the diagram to explain how the phases of the moon change. Start with the new moon and
label each with the name of the phase.
10. Draw and label a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram that compares the luminosity and temperature of
stars. Use the words given below
a. Main Sequence
b. Blue Giants
c. Super Red Giants
d. White Dwarfs
e. Red Giants
f. Red Dwarfs
g. Our Sun
11. Briefly describe how ancient people used Polaris to navigate in the Northern Hemisphere.
12. What are the major differences between the geocentric and heliocentric model of the universe.
13. Explain two ways that the electromagnetic spectrum is used to describe properties of stars and
1. Complete the series of diagrams that describe what happens when a balloon is rubbed in
someone’s hair? (Rubber has a greater attraction for electrons than hair)
2. Describe what happens when you walk across a carpet then touch a doorknob and get a shock.
3. List the steps required to permanently charge an electroscope with a positively charged rod
without ever touching the electroscope. What charge would you end up with on the
4. What type of circuit is used in your home? What are the main advantages of these types of
5. Describe how resistance, current and potential difference are related in a circuit. What
components of a simple circuit are responsible for each these circuit variables. Provide a labelled
circuit diagram of a simple circuit.
6. Write a procedure that would allow you to discover the unknown charge on an object, using an
electroscope. (Hint: Balloons become negative when rubbed on hair and acetate becomes
positive when rubbed on paper).
7. Find the potential difference of a battery if you have a 50Ω resistor allowing 5A of current.
8. Answer the following questions about energy use
a. How much energy does a 52 watt light bulb use if is left on for 10 days?
b. If 245 kJ of light energy is produced what is the electrical efficiency of the light bulb?
9. Use an analogy, like water in a plumbing system, to describe how current, voltage and resistance
produce electricity in a simple electrical circuit.
10. Explain in detail how you could experimentally demonstrate the Laws of Electric Charges.
11. Draw a circuit symbol diagram that has the following component
a. One two-cell battery
b. Three light bulbs wired in parallel
c. A switch that controls only one light bulb
d. A switch that turns all the lights on and off
e. A voltmeter recording the potential difference across one light
12. An energy crisis is gripping our generation. The burning of fossil fuels and mismanaged
forestation, among other things, has caused the planet to heat up and may cause a global
ecological disaster. Renewable energy may be a solution for our growing energy needs. Write a
4-5 sentence paragraph stating your opinion about the use of renewable resources (such as wind
and solar energy) instead of the traditional non-renewable resources (such as fossil fuels and
nuclear). Your well-organized paragraph should include at least two arguments (e.g., ecological
or economic benefits) defending your point of view. Don’t forget to include a introductory and
concluding sentence in your opinion piece.
1. The common cockroach is not at risk of extinction. In fact, it is one of the species that have
benefited from human activities. Explain how the cockroach might benefit from human activity.
2. Scientists have expressed concern about the burning of the rainforests to clear land for farming.
a. Explain how the burning of forests could change the oxygen and carbon dioxide levels
in the atmosphere
b. What impact would these changes have on living things?
3. The common cockroach is not at risk of extinction. In fact, it is one of the species that have
benefited from human activities. Explain how the cockroach might benefit from human activity.
4. Answer the following questions using the Food Chain provided.
Name the producers
is in the 2nd trophic level
gets its energy from frog
is the top carnivore
1st level consumer
Draw one food chain associated with this web
What would happen to the population of hawks if the squirrel population declines?
What would happen to the health of the acorns?
5. Put the following Biomes in order from most to least biodiversity.
Rain forest
boreal forest
6. Use the following food chain to create a pyramid that describes the energy loss in the
ecosystem? Assume the grass gets 1 500 000 joules of energy form the sun? Use this
information to explain why we send vegetables and grains to Africa when we are sending “food
Grass  Cow  Human
7. List two abiotic and two biotic factors that would be found in a swamp ecosystem.
8. Draw a diagram that describes how Photosynthesis and Respiration are complementary (work
together) processes to cycle carbon through an ecosystem.
9. Give two ways that humans can change the balance of the carbon cycle in an ecosystem. What
would be the consequences of an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?