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Stretching and
Flexibility Tips
1. There is a difference between flexibility and stretching.
Flexibility refers to the range of motion for a given joint. The degree of flexibility that a
person has is influenced by muscles and connective tissues, like ligaments and tendons.
Stretching is a form of exercise that can lead to an increase in flexibility.
2. The optimal amount of flexibility is different for everyone.
Unless a joint is hurt, limited range of motion may be due to tight or stiff muscles. This is
linked to injuries, chronic pain, and poor posture. If your muscles are too tight, then you
might need to stretch.
However, being too flexible may not be good, either. Muscles that are too loose may be
weak. This could cause joint instability and dislocation. If you are overly flexible, then
you may need to strengthen your muscles and joints with resistance training.
The appropriate amount of flexibility that you need is specific to the primary movements
of your daily life or sport. For example, baseball pitchers need more flexibility in their
shoulders compared to runners. Cyclists need less flexibility in their legs than martial
artists. Even putting a bag of groceries away or pushing a grass mower requires some
3. Perform static stretching at the right time.
Static stretching involves slowly stretching a muscle to its end position and holding it for
a short period of time, usually 10-30 seconds. This is the most common form of
stretching and is most often done to warm up for exercise -- but that is a big mistake.
Static stretching is not recommended for warming up. It can actually hurt your
performance and make injury more likely if you do it right before exercise.
Why? Think of it this way: Rubber bands and muscles are similar in that they both have
elastic properties. A rubber band that's too stretchy cannot be pulled back quickly
enough to provide a strong "pop." Likewise, an overly elastic muscle has to work harder
to generate the appropriate level of power. This can overtax and strain a muscle.
Most of the recent research suggests that static stretching right before playing a sport or
exercising can impair performance, such as reducing jumping height, lowering muscular
strength and power, and slowing sprint time.
That's why experts suggest that you save static stretching for a cool-down activity, after
you're done exercising or as the main point of your workout (after you have warmed up).
During this time, the muscles are warm, more elastic, and less likely to become injured.
Never statically stretch a cold muscle. Cold muscles are more likely to tear when
stretched improperly. Be sure to warm-up with active, dynamic movement -- next, I'll tell
you how.
4. Don't overstretch.
It is true that you must stretch and hold a muscle beyond its normal length to improve
However, you should not stretch to the point of pain, because it could do serious
damage: tearing a muscle, spraining a ligament, or dislocating a joint.
Only stretch a muscle to a comfortable point and hold for about 15 seconds or so.
5. Don't bounce.
This is a common mistake that I see beginners make with stretching.
A ballistic stretch uses vigorous momentum, such as rocking a body part back and forth
to create a "bouncing" motion. This may make it harder to control the force and range of
motion -- a recipe for disaster.
Ballistic or bouncing-style stretching is not recommended for most people, especially if
you are a beginner or recovering from an injury.
6. Fact-check your technique.
Follow research-supported recommendations or seek help from a qualified professional.
A general stretching program should follow the guidelines set forth by the American
College of Sports Medicine (ACSM).
The ACSM recommends at least two to three days per week of stretching activities. After
properly warming up with dynamic activity (e.g., walking), static stretches should be held
for 10 to 30 seconds per repetition with approximately four repetitions per muscle group.
Do multiple stretches of your major muscle groups.
Remember, everyone is different, and so are their flexibility and stretching needs. So
don't compare yourself to anyone else.