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US History
Problem 1:
Explain how events such as the Vietnam War and Watergate affected the American
public’s opinion of the U.S. government.
You must complete all three parts of the assignment.
Part 1:
Read the question above and write down what you think the question is asking in your own
words.(250-300 words)
Part 2:
Use an Internet search engine (such as Google, Yahoo or Bing) to find sources that would help
you answer the question. Try to use the advanced search option to limit the number of results.
● You must choose four sources to complete this portion of the assignment.
○ Two on Watergate
○ Two on the Vietnam War
● You must have at least two different types of sources. Your sources could include a
news or magazine article, a topic website, an online encyclopedia, or video.
● Submit the following information:
○ What search engine did you use?
○ What words did you type into the search engine to get your results?
○ What sources did you choose? Provide the web address and title of each source.
■ Example: Title:
Richard Nixon Biography
Part 3:
Choose one Vietnam War and one Watergate source from Part 2 and complete the following:
● Write two or three sentences to summarize each source.
● Write what you think the purpose of the source is and who the original audience would
have been.
● Write at least one sentence explaining how the source helps you explain the way the
event affected the American public’s opinion of the government.
● Choose a quote from the source that you would use as evidence to support your answer
to the question.
Example of Part 3:
Summary: This source is from a newspaper article and explains how citizens reacted to the
draft for the Vietnam War by burning their draft cards and protesting on college campuses.
Audience: The original audience would have been any citizen of the U.S. who read the
newspaper in the 1960s.
Purpose: The purpose of the article is to explain methods that people took in the U.S. to show
their dislike for the draft.
Explanation of use: This source could be used as evidence to prove that people were
displaying their opinions to the government and that a percentage of people did not agree with
the government’s actions regarding Vietnam.
Quote: A quote that I would use is: “Young men were burning their draft cards in front of
cameras taking footage for the evening news.”
1. Choose three of the following events or actions to profile in a presentation:
○ March on Washington
○ Montgomery bus boycott
○ Watts Riots
○ Selma March
○ Children's Crusade
○ Formation of Black Panthers
○ Freedom Summer
○ Freedom Rides
○ Greensboro sit-ins
2. Summarize each event, including which of the civil rights organizations and leaders were
responsible for it.
3. Explain whether each event was violent or non-violent and why.
4. Explain whether each event could be considered a success or not. Be sure to include
specific details to support your claim.
5. Explain your response to the following question: Based on the outcomes of the events you
chose, do you think violent or nonviolent protest strategies were more effective?
6. Organize your work into one presentation in your choice of format. Examples include a
podcast, voice thread, slideshow, video, or newsletter. There are many 21st century tools
available for creating and submitting these types of presentations. For more information
about tools your school recommends, please visit the Web 2.0 Tools area in your course
or contact your instructor.
Problem 2
Answer the following questions in a complete paragraph of your own words. (200 words)
What advances did the Women's Rights Movement make in the 1960s and 1970s? How was
the movement similar to those of the Mexican Americans and Native Americans?
Problem 3
This “Causes-Course-Consequences,” or CCC, chart is another excellent way to summarize
important information from history. In it, you identify the cause or causes of a particular event
and what happened during the event, called the “course.” Then you identify the outcomes, or
“consequences,” of the event. It will help you remember the significance of many historical
events and help establish connections between them.
Part 1: Complete the following chart by using information from the lesson and putting it
into your own words.
two must be political events
two must be economic events
two must be social events
two events of your choice
One example appears for you.
Type of
Event Name
They elected
This was a
Ronald Reagan
Carter was
wanted a
in 1980 who
running for
had a
because it
leader who
caused a
plan for fixing
had a plan
change in
the U.S.
to fix the
economy, later
were very
with his
over from
the 1970s.
emerged as
1980 Election
a former
actor with
great public
skills and a
Compact Disc
We Are the World 1985
Mariel Boatlift
“Just Say No”
AIDs Quilt
Challenger Explosion
Part 2: Answer the following questions in a complete paragraph of your own words.
1. Do you think President Ronald Reagan's policies had a positive or negative
effect on the country overall? Explain your response.
2. What do you think was the most significant event of the 1980s and why?