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Review Questions for Midterm #1
Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECO 241 / Waters
The first covers the material for Chapters 1-5 and part of 6. There will be
True/False, multiple choice and essay / problem questions. The latter will be
inspired by the review questions below.
1) Jane’s Computers buys 100 monitors for $50 each from Don, and pays its
employees $10,000 to build computers. The store then sells the 100
computer/monitor combinations for $200 each. What is the contribution to
GDP of the computer/monitor combinations? Explain how the combination
would be broken down using the three different approaches to calculating
2) A northerly country produces tuna steaks and snowboards. They
produced the following quantities at the following prices in the last two
Tuna steaks
a) Using 2005 as the base year, what is the % increase in real GDP?
b) Using the GDP deflator, what is the inflation rate for the year?
3) Given the following information about the macro-economy, find the
equilibrium level of output Y*. If government spending falls by $50, how
does Y* change? Show on a graph of the expenditure function with the
equilibrium condition.
Autonomous consumption = $300
MPC = 0.75
Investment = $100
Taxes = $100
Government spending = $150
What is savings both before and after the change in spending?
2a) 0%, 2b) 150%; 3) Y*=1900, Y*’=1700, S*=150, S*’=200; 4) Y*=1433, i*=23%
4) The investment in problem 3 is given by I = 100 – 500i where i is the
interest rate, find an equation for the IS relation.
Let real money demand and supply be the following
(M/P)D = Y – 1000i
(M/P)S = 1200
Find the LM relation and the equilibrium output and interest rate given by
the two relations.
5) The Federal Reserve just lowered interest rates. Show their action on a
graph showing the supply and demand for real money and show the effect on
an IS-LM graph. What is the effect on equilibrium output?
6) Due to fears about a possible recession, autonomous consumption falls.
Show the change on a graph of the expenditure function and an IS-LM
7) Leading into the Great Depression, there was a stock market crash
reducing the wealth of many people and the Federal Reserve responded with
a policy change that lowered the money supply. Show the change in
equilibrium output on an IS-LM graph showing both changes.
8) Using an IS-LM graph show the “crowding out” effect of an increase in
government spending. Would this be an argument for or against the current
stimulus proposals?
9) Which of the following is a shift and which is a movement along the
curve on the IS-LM graph?
a) A loss of confidence causes consumers to reduce their spending.
b) An increase in income causes an increase in money demand
pushing up interest rates.
c) The price level falls causing a reduction in money demand and a
corresponding fall in interest rates.
d) The interest rate rises leading to a reduction in investment
2a) 0%, 2b) 150%; 3) Y*=1900, Y*’=1700, S*=150, S*’=200; 4) Y*=1433, i*=23%