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Name: ________________________________________________
Period: ___
General Instructions: Please fill in the blanks with your correct response.
Dates: Know and list the importance of the Following…
Creating a Republic / 1776-1790
1. Define Constitutional Convention:
2. Define Three-Fifths Compromise:
3. List and define the three branches of government –
4. Define Federalists:
5. Define Anti-federalists:
6. What event prompted many people to call for changes to the Articles of Confederation?
Describe it.
7. What was the one success of the Articles of Confederation?
8. List the main parts of the New Jersey Plan—supported by the _________________ states:
9. List the main parts of the Virginia Plan—supported by the _________________ states:
10. List the main parts of the Great Compromise:
11. How did the Bill of Rights become part of the Constitution?
12. What significant event happened in 1787?
Government and the Constitution
13. Define unalienable rights
14. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
15. Define Civil War Amendments:
16. Define Nineteenth Amendment:
17. Define Twenty-sixth Amendment:
18. Define electoral college:
19. What are the six (6) goals of the Constitution as stated in the Preamble?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20. What are the two bodies of Congress?
21. The Constitution rests on seven (7) basic Principles—define and give an example of each:
Popular Sovereignty:
Limited Government:
Separation of Powers:
Checks and Balances:
Individual Rights:
22. What is Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 of the Constitution known as and why is it called such?
23. Who elects the President?
24. (A.) What is the nation’s highest court and (B.) what is its greatest power?
25. What are the first ten amendments to the Constitution known as?
26. What is the most important principle of government in your opinion?
Launching the New Government (1789-1800)
Identify the political party with the statement using the following abbreviations:
DR: Democratic Republican
F: Federalist
28. Led by Thomas Jefferson
____ 37. Opposed national bank
29. Favored national bank
____ 38. Favored strong central
30. Loose interpretation of the Constitution
31. Opposed protective tariff
____ 39. Believed all people should
have political power
32. Pro-British
____ 40. Pro-French
33. Strict interpretation of the Constitution
____ 41. Favored strong state
34. Economy based on manufacturing, shipping
and trading
35. Economy based on agriculture
____ 42. Believed wealthy and welleducated should lead
the nation
36. Favored protective tariff
____ 43. Led by Alexander Hamilton
44. What were President Washington’s beliefs about foreign policy?
45. Why did American leaders form political parties?
The Age of Jefferson (1801-1816)
46. From which foreign nation did the United States purchase Louisiana in 1803? (and be able to ID
it on a map)
47. Why did conflicts between Native Americans and settlers grow after 1800?
48. How did both Britain and France disregard American neutrality in the early 1800s?
49. What is judicial review? Give an example.
50. Which Supreme Court decision established the principle of judicial review?
51. What was a result of the Embargo Act?
52. What is the main reason that France sold Louisiana to the United States?
53. Which is the proper sequence of the final events of the War of 1812: (Label 1 / 2 / 3)
___ signing of the Treaty of Ghent
___ burning of Washington, D.C.
___ Battle of New Orleans
54. Why did New Englanders organize the Hartford Convention?
The Nation Grows and Prospers (1790-1825)
56. How did the factory system affect the Industrial Revolution?
57. When and how did the United States gain Florida from Spain?
58. What effect did sectionalism have on the Era of Good Feelings?
59. Describe John C. Calhoun and his beliefs as a sectional leader.
60. How did the development of canals in the early 1800s affect the shipment of farm goods?
61. When and why did President Monroe announce the Monroe Doctrine? How did it compare to
Washington’s foreign policy?
62. Congress protected American manufacturers after the War of 1812 by doing what to imported
63. What was important about the Supreme Court decision in Gibbons v. Ogden? McCulloch V.
The Jacksonian Era (1824-1840)
64. Why did President Jackson believe that the Bank of the United States was unconstitutional?
65. What conclusion did President Jackson draw about the Bank of the United States regarding who
it benefited?
66. Which group thought of Andrew Jackson as their champion?
67. How did the high protective tariff of 1828 affect southern planters?
68. Why did South Carolina pass the Nullification Act and what was it?
69. What led President Andrew Jackson’s opponents to call him “King Andrew”?
70. Describe the Tariff of Abominations? How did it effect the Nation?
Westward Expansion
71. What land acquisition was seen as the completion of manifest destiny to many Americans?
72. Be able to define and know the dates/ significance of the following…
a. Manifest Destiny
b. The Gadsden Purchase
c. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
d. The Rio Grande/Nueces Border Dispute
e. The Oregon Compromise
f. The Louisiana Purchase
North and South (1820-1860)
73. By the 1850s, what new transportation system linked many towns with cities and factories and
opened new markets for the northern economy?
74. In the 1840’s many Irish Immigrants came to the USA because…
75. What is one way that steam-powered machinery changed manufacturing?
76. By 1860, free African Americans in the South faced what hardships?
77. What were the results of the invention of the cotton gin?
78. Who invented the cotton gin?
Reform & New American Culture (1820-1860)
79. Be able to define and identify key people and characteristics of the Hudson River School.
80. What was a result of Dorothea Dix’s efforts at social/mental health reform?
81. What did temperance groups view as the most serious social problem of the 1800s?
82. Involvement in which movement caused many women to join the struggle for women’s rights?
83. List some of the educational reforms that Horace Mann achieved in Massachusetts?
84. Know what the followers of the Transcendentalist Movement believed in.
Slavery Divides the Nation (1820-1861)
85. Describe the compromise Henry Clay proposed for admitting Missouri into the Union?
86. Describe the effects of the Missouri Compromise?
87. Which political party was formed in 1848 for the purpose of banning slavery in western
88. What is popular sovereignty? Give an example.
89. What led to the violence in Kansas from 1854-1856?
90. What effect did Uncle Tom’s Cabin have on public opinion in the North and South?
91. What issue led to the formation of the Republican party in the 1854?
92. How did the ruling on the Dred Scott case affect the slavery debate?
93. What can be said of Abraham Lincoln as a result of the Lincoln-Douglas debates?
94. Most southerners believed that they had every right to secede according to which American
95. Summarize the outcome of the presidential election of 1860:
96. When and where did the Civil War officially begin?
97. Who wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin?
98. Describe the issue that led to the Compromise of 1850 and its results?
99. How were the goals of the Republican Party and the Free-Soil Party alike?
What is the historical significance of Fort Sumter, South Carolina and describe what
happened there?
How did southerners react to Abraham Lincoln’s election in 1860?
The Civil War (1861-1865)
What were the successful Union strategies for winning the Civil War?
What was the North’s one official goal at the start of the Civil War?
What was one effect of the Emancipation Proclamation?
The bloodiest day of the Civil War was September 17, 1862, at which battle?
Early Civil War battles (e.g., Bull Run) showed the need for what?
What did the Emancipation Proclamation achieve?
Who was the President of the United States during the Civil War?
Where did Lee surrender to Grant to end the war?
How did Ulysses S. Grant’s concept of total war differ from earlier strategies?
What was a major result of the Civil War in terms of slavery?
Who was the President of the Confederacy during the Civil War?
Why did Lincoln handle the slavery issue cautiously at the beginning of the Civil War?
What were the Confederate strategies for victory in the war?
What were the Union strategies for victory in the war?
In July 1863, which Union victory in the West cut the Confederacy in half?
Which two Union victories in 1863 marked the turning point of the Civil War?
Why did the Civil War mark a major turning point in American history?
What was an advantage for the South entering the Civil War? (Circle one)
A. Fighting an offensive war.
B. Fighting a defensive war.
Who was the North’s greatest Political asset during the Civil War?
Southerners believed that they were fighting for independence, similar to which war?
Which Amendment to the Constitution abolished slavery in the United States?
Which Amendment to the Constitution gave former slaves citizenship?
Which Amendment to the Constitution gave former slaves the right to vote?
What were several hindrances to African Americans gaining full citizenship rights?
Define and explain the black codes and “Jim Crow laws”.
Know the dates of Reconstruction and what officially marked the end of it.
Essay Questions:
Be prepared to answer the following questions in a written essay. Only one will be chosen the day of
your exam.
1.) In the 19th century, Americans sought to resolve their political disputes over the expansion of slavery
through compromise, yet by 1860 this no longer seemed possible. Analyze the reasons for this change.
2.) Describe the emergence of the 2-Party Political System in America during the Early Republic Era. Make
sure to include key beliefs of both sides as well as divisive issues.
3.) To what extent was the US Constitution a departure from the Articles of Confederation?