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Science Alive 6 – Chapter 16 – Psychology
The following pages are questions that need to be completed throughout the “Psychology” Unit. You
will have class time to do some questions but are expected to complete the majority as homework.
Upon completion please get your parents to sign the worksheet.
Pages: 355 - 373
Remember: If you are having difficulty answering any of the questions please ask for help at school
or at home.
Question Checklist
Introducing Psychology (356 – 357)
R = Remember, T = Think
R1 – What is psychology?
R2 – What are the differences between a
psychologist and a psychiatrist?
R3 – Name three different types of
T4 – Look at each of the different types
of psychologists. Name a place each of
these psychologists might work.
T5 – State whether each example is a
thought, feeling or behaviour:
 being excited about going on
 remembering your last birthday
 singing along to the radio
 being angry at your brother
 trying to work out a maths
problem in your head
 sneezing
 dreaming
 Getting confused because you
can’t work out a maths problem
in your head.
Day to be completed
Parents signature upon
Day to be completed
Parents signature upon
The Brain (pg 358 – 359)
R = Remember, T = Think
R1 – Describe the structure of the human
R2 – What are the roles of the left and
right hemisphere?
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T3 – Describe two main functions of the
nervous system.
T4 – What is the role of the corpus
T5 – What are the main differences
between the left and right hemispheres
of the brain?
T6 – Tom was in a car accident. He hit his
head, and now he has trouble speaking;
however, he has no problems doing
jigsaws or reading maps. What part of
the brain might Tom have damaged?
Intelligence (pg 360 - 361)
R = Remember, T = Think
R1 – What is intelligence?
R2 – Name and describe Gardner’s
Multiple Intelligences in your own words.
T3 – For each Multiple Intelligence, think
of three professions that would require
this intelligence to be a strength. For
example, poets and writers would usually
score well on the Verbal/Linguistic
Day to be completed
Parents signature upon
Emotions and Communication (pg 362 - 363)
R = Remember, T = Think
R1 – What are the ten basic emotions?
R2– Describe the four zones of personal
R3 - When does stress occur?
R4 - Is body language culturally
universal? Explain.
R5 – Explain how body language tells us
about someone’s emotional state.
R6 - How can stress be harmful and yet
helpful at the same time?
Day to be completed
Parents signature upon
Day to be completed
Parents signature upon
Sleep and Sleep Disorders (pg 364 - 365)
R = Remember, T = Think
R1 – Describe the four stages of sleep.
Draw a diagram to show the progression
through each stage during the night.
R2 – What is a sleep phenomenon? Name
and describe one sleep phenomenon.
R3 – When do nightmares and
sleepwalking usually occur?
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T4 – What is the difference between a
sleep disorder and a sleep phenomenon?
T5 – What is the difference between
REM and NREM sleep?
Psychopathology (pg 366 – 367)
R = Remember, T = Think
R1 - What does the word prevalence
mean? What is the prevalence of
R2 - What are the treatment options for
R3 - What is the difference between a
fear and a phobia?
Day to be completed
Parents signature upon
Treatment of Mental Disorders (pg 368 – 369)
R = Remember, T = Think
Day to be completed
Parents signature upon
R1 - Describe how people with mental
disorders were treated in the past.
R2 - How are mental disorders treated
R3 - What are the three main types of
drugs used to treat mental disorders
R4 - What is the difference between
cognitive and behavioural therapies?
T5 - How has the development of drugs
to treat mental disorders allowed people
to live among society, rather than being
Groups and Social Behaviour (pg 370 – 371)
R = Remember, T = Think
R1 - What is the difference between a group
and a collective?
R2 - What are the three leadership styles?
R3 - How do cult leaders exercise their
T4 - Which of the following is least likely to
be classified as a group?
 a queue of people waiting to enter a
 your class at school
 people stuck in an elevator for two
 six teachers sitting in the staff room
Day to be
completed by
Parents signature upon
Please paste this sheet into you book.
T5 - Which of the following is least likely to
be classified as a collective?
 spectators at the AFL Grand Final
 people in a cinema watching a movie
 people stuck in an elevator for two
 people sitting in a hospital waiting
T6 - Which of the following is the result of an
autocratic leadership style?
 The group is satisfied with the result
of the group’s task, and the task is
 The group is not satisfied with the
result of the group’s task, and the
task is complete.
 The group is not satisfied with the
result of the group’s task, and the
task is not completed.
 The group is satisfied with the result
of the group’s task, and the task is
not completed.
Forensic Psychology (pg 372 – 373)
R = Remember, T = Think
R1 - Describe where forensic psychologists
may work.
R2 - Describe the role of a forensic
R3 - Decide if the following are true or false.
 Forensic psychologists collect
evidence at the scene of a crime
 Forensic psychologists work with
police while developing the criminal
profile of a suspect
 The best predictor of
dangerousness is a history of violent
behaviour towards others
 The polygraph measures lies
 the results of polygraph tests are
inadmissible as evidence in a court
of law in Australia
T5 - What is the difference between a
forensic psychologist and a forensic
Day to be
completed by
Parents signature upon
Important: For revision on the test at the end of the unit it may be helpful to do the revision
questions on pages 374 – 375.