Download Interactive SEL Bulletin Board – ECSE 4309

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Assignment Description:
Interactive SEL Bulletin Board – ECSE 4309
Classroom Community Interactive Bulletin Board (In Class Assignment)
Classroom Community Interactive Bulletin Board (Field Assignment)
In Class Assignment:
Each candidate will be assigned to a group and will participate in the development and display of an interactive bulletin board with social
and emotional content in the classroom that is used for teacher education coursework in ECSE 4309. The focus of the board is one that
relies on positive guidance techniques and can be extended for a period of up to two weeks. The board should be interactive with movable
pieces that could easily be understood by children. The bulletin board should be durable, attractive, and one that appeals to the interests of
young children.
Bulletin boards will remain in the classroom for approximately 2 weeks, with specific due dates specified by the instructor. One person in
the group shall serve as the spokesperson to demonstrate the board's use. Teacher candidates will be encouraged to use the board during
the two week period that it hangs in the room.
Each member of the group should contribute to the development, display, and dismantling of the board. A cooperative group assessment
will be completed by each member of the group. Consistent concerns regarding any group members' contributive efforts will be discussed
individually with that group member and the professor, and possible adjustments to individual grades shall be made if deemed appropriate
based on consistent negative input by an individual's group members.
Field Assignment:
An individual interactive bulletin board with social and emotional content will be developed and implemented in each candidate's field
classroom. Candidates may choose to duplicate their cooperative group's bulletin board for the field if appropriate to the grade level and
interests of the children at the field site or to develop a totally new one. In addition to the development and display of the board,
candidates will submit photographs of the board being implemented in the field, with or without images of children using the board. They
will also submit reflections that contain objectives for the board as defined by and tied to Arkansas frameworks, a summary of their
experiences in implementing the board and children's reactions to it, and objective evidence of impact on student learning.
Field bulletin boards can be turned in via Chalk and Wire or hard copy. The assignment is due March 6, 2009.
Interactive SEL Bulletin Board – ECSE 4309
Classroom Community Interactive Bulletin Board (In Class Assignment)
Classroom Community Interactive Bulletin Board (Field Assignment)
1. Bulletin Board focuses on
positive guidance techniques.
Theme of the bulletin board relies Theme of the bulletin board relies
on negative approaches to social on positive approaches to social
learning (punishment)
learning that are dependent upon
external reinforcers
2. Bulletin Board has an
Content is more for show than for
interactive quality that extends interaction. Children look at the
authentic learning experiences board but do not manipulate it.
to SEL lessons that children are
receiving in the classroom.
3. Bulletin Board has clear
directions and developmentally
appropriate objectives for the
intended grade level.
4. Bulletin Board is durable
enough to hold up with
children’s use.
5. Bulletin Board is attractive
and all text is grammatically
Theme of the bulletin board
relies on positive approaches to
social learning that are dependent
upon external reinforcers with
additional content to facilitate
intrinsic motivation (internal
Content has a short-term interactive Content allows for all students to
(only a day or a few days) quality interact with the board and
but can not be used over an
extends the learning they are
extended period of time.
receiving in the classroom for a
length of time beyond 2 weeks.
Objectives for the board are
Objectives for the board are written Objectives for the board are
unclear and/or are developmentally clearly or modeled effectively so written clearly or modeled
inappropriate for the intended
that children for whom it is
effectively and allow for children
grade level. Manipulative pieces intended can manipulate the board to interact with materials in
are not organized and could
independently. Organization for
concrete ways. Manipulative
become easily lost.
manipulative pieces require teacher pieces are easily returned to their
proper places by children.
Bulletin board is not constructed Bulletin board is constructed with Bulletin board is constructed
from durable materials and tears or somewhat durable materials but is with durable materials, laminated
breaks easily with children’s use. not laminated or preserved to allow or preserved for extended use of
for extended use.
children and classes to follow.
Bulletin board is unattractive and
lacks child friendly, playful
#6 and #7: FOR FIELD
6. Reflection of Bulletin Board Summary does not address impact
experience clearly reflects on on student learning and/or
how well objectives for the
objectives for the board.
board were met and how the
Bulletin Board impacted student
7. Field Only: Photos of the
Photos are unclear.
board clearly illustrate the board
and its use by children in the
Bulletin board is attractive but
Bulletin board is attractive and
lacks child friendly, playful theme. appeals to children’s interests.
All facets of the board are
professionally done and no
mechanical or grammatical
errors are present in text.
Objectives for the board are
Objectives for the board are
described adequately and impact on defined and tied to Arkansas
student learning is address, but
frameworks, and objective
little objective evidence of impact evidence of impact on student
on student learning is given.
learning is given in the
Photos clearly illustrate the board Photos clearly illustrate the board
from at least one angle.
from several angles, including
children as they use the board in
the photos when appropriate.