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WHAP Ch 27 Guided Reading Questions
1. How did the Ming dynasty try to remove all traces of foreign
2. What factors led to collapse of the Ming dynasty? Can you draw any
comparisons to other collapses we have studied?
3. Describe the typical Chinese family structure.
4. What factors led to rapid population growth in China?
5. Why did the Qing dynasty try to discourage travel and contact with
the outside? What was the impact of this policy?
6. Describe the Chinese class structure, include specific rights and
7. What are some of the principles of Confucianism that influenced
Chinese notions of government and society at this time?
8. How did the Tokugawa shogunate come to power in the 16th century in
Japan? What steps did the shoguns take to control the daimyo?
9. To what extent was the culture of Japan influenced by China?
10. Why and how did the shoguns cut off contact with the outside world?
WHAP Ch 27 Guided Reading Questions
1. How did the Ming dynasty try to remove all traces of foreign
2. What factors led to collapse of the Ming dynasty? Can you draw any
comparisons to other collapses we have studied?
3. Describe the typical Chinese family structure.
4. What factors led to rapid population growth in China?
5. Why did the Qing dynasty try to discourage travel and contact with
the outside? What was the impact of this policy?
6. Describe the Chinese class structure, include specific rights and
7. What are some of the principles of Confucianism that influenced
Chinese notions of government and society at this time?
8. How did the Tokugawa shogunate come to power in the 16th century in
Japan? What steps did the shoguns take to control the daimyo?
9. To what extent was the culture of Japan influenced by China?
10. Why and how did the shoguns cut off contact with the outside world?