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Grinage, La furia video
Listening exercise using promotional video of “La Furia Española”
Part of a larger unit on Spain, this unit exposes learners to the Spanish fervor for soccer
and initiates their recognition and use of the future tense. It follows the PACE model for
teaching grammar--Presentation of meaningful language, Attention, Co-Construct an
explanation, Extension activity.
Grammar; recognize future tense in Spanish.
Apply knowledge of future tense to share real information.
Culture; exposure to the Spanish fervor for soccer.
Comparison; what sports/pastimes are of great interest to us?
* Through guided listening and group brainstorming, learners will discern the purpose
and the message of the video (COMMUNICATION; interpretive).
* Through several iterations and variations of this process, they will identify the use of
future tense in the last 60 seconds of the video. (CULTURE; products and practices.)
* Through more explicitly guided listening, learners will construct the meaning of the
tense and will discern the grammatical construction of the yo / tú / él, ella, Ud. forms.
* Learners will apply their new knowledge of future tense to illustrate and write about a
vision of their own future. (PRESENTATIONAL/INTERPRETIVE; illustration/writing)
“La Furia” promotional video at
Sheet labeled “Organization for “La Furia Española video.” (attached)
Instructional plan:
First 5 minutes of class (These entry activities serve as warm-up, activating both language and
subject schemas for the subsequent lesson.):
Greet and socialize in Spanish.
Respond to prompts on board in existing “Daily Log”.
(Full credit responses are in Spanish, consist of about 100 words, and may take the form
of lists, charts, labeled illustrations, full sentences, or a combination of these items.)
Prompts on board:
“¿Qué deportes son comunes en E.U.? ¿Son populares también en otros países?
¿Conozco algunos deportes populares en otros países?”
Grinage, La furia video
(What sports are common in the U.S.? Are they popular in other countries too? Do I know some
sports that are popular in other countries?)
Listening Activity; PACE model lesson on future tense.
#1--4 min. Watch the video. Attend to mood, color, pace of audio, “feeling” it elicits.
In small groups, brainstorm about video’s purpose.
#2--4 min. Re-watch the video, noting any and all verbs
Continue to elaborate on/brainstorm about the video’s purpose/message.
#3--4 min. Re-watch the video, noting time markers.
Brainstorm the time map/organization of the narration.
#4--3 min. Watch the final minute of the video.
Note verb forms/cues to time. Refine time map/organization of narration.
#5--3 min. Re-watch the last minute of the video.
Note verbs and time markers on board.
Elicit comments about verb forms; guesses as to meaning.
Explicit Grammar Instruction—Future tense:
3 min.--Brief formal confirmation of learner insights into construction of the future tense.
Point out importanc of accent marks.
Highlight formal differences between future tense and other verb tenses.
Extension activity—What is in your future?:
5-8 min.—In writing, or narrated illustrations, learners construct a motivational image
of what “you” and “I” can do in the future, and what “that”will be like. (5-7 sentences)
10-12 minutes—Share “images” in groups; work together to illustrate written ones and
write out narrated ones. Submit “images” for assessment and role-taking).
Final 5 min.—mingle and share illustrated and written “images” of future.
Replay video as students prepare to leave.
Grinage, La furia video
#1—Ver video.
a tono, ritmo, color, emoción, música, actitud…
¿Cuál es el propósito del video? ¿Para qué se filmó?
(Watch the video, attending to rhythm, color, emotion, music, attitude… What is the goal of the video?
Why was it made?)
#2—Ver video.
a los verbos. ¿Cuál es el mensaje central del video? ¿Qué busca
(Watch the vido, paying attention to the verbs. What is the central message of the video? What does it
seek to communicate?)
#3—Ver video.
al tiempo… por palabra, o por tiempo verbal. ¿Es posible dividir en
secciones el video según distinciones del tiempo? Explica…
(Watch the video, paying attention to time, both verb tenses and time markers. Is it possible to divide the
message according to time? Explain…)
#4—Ver minuto final del video.
a los verbos en especial. ¿Canta del presente, el
futuro o el pasado aquí? ¿Cómo se sabe? ¿Qué se nota en cuanto a los verbos?
(Watch the final minute of the video, paying special attention to the verbs. Is the singer singing about
present, future or past? How do you know? What do you notice about the verbs?)
#5—Ver minuto final del video. Confirmar/probar ideas sobre los verbos.
(Watch the final minute of the video. Test/confirm your ideas about the verbs.)
Grinage, La furia video
Al dorso de esta hoja, presenta una visión persuasiva tuya. Puedes describir tu visión por
escrito, o por ilustración que narrarás en voz.
(On the back of this sheet, present a vision about your future. You can write it, or draw a picture and prepare to narrate
it aloud.)