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Final Exam Review Sheet 2013 – CGC1P
***NOTE: This is not an exhaustive list. You are expected to know all material
covered in this course whether it is on this review sheet or not.
Unit 1 - BC
Regional Map
- rivers, lakes, islands, cities of BC and the Territories
- LOWERN (p. 126+)
Forestry (p. 280)
- definitions (the different cutting techniques, old growth forest, regeneration,
commercial forest, non-commercial forest)
- Problems with forestry – explain the many different environmental problems
associated with the forestry industry and how they might be fixed.
Map Skills (p .27+)
- the four-digit and six-digit military grid system
- using scales, measuring distances on maps
- what are contour lines
- the contour interval of a map
- using a map legend
Geologic Time Scale (p. 88+)
 Name the four eras, and the order they occurred
 What was the longest era?
 Explain the change in shape of the Canadian Shield over time
 When were each of the three mountain ranges made?
 How was each mountain range made?
 When, what and where was Pangaea?
 How were the coal beds of Canada made? How was the oil in Canada made?
 What is the mantle, and what is made of?
Plate Tectonics / Continental Drift (p. 88+)
- What are theses two theories? What’s the difference between these two?
- The layers of the earth
- Pangaea
- how continental plates move
- what is a subduction zone, and where is one found in Canada?
- what and where is the mid-ocean ridge?
The Rock Cycle (p. 96)
- the three types of rock and how they are formed
Unit 2 - The Interior Plains
- All bolded term definitions
-Map– cities, provinces, lakes, rivers
Landform Regions (p. 101)
- what’s it’s name
- how was it formed?
- what type of rock is there?
- what natural resources are found there?
Weather and Climate (p. 127)
clearly explain how Relief affects climate
clearly explain how Elevation affects climate
How does winds affect climate?
How to make climate graphs
How to interpret climate graphs
Soils and Vegetation (p. 145)
the components of soil
the erosion cycle
explain the types of erosion – (chemical, the three types of mechanical)
description of the horizons of the soil profile
explain leaching, calcification
Vegetation Regions (p. 148)
Describe the vegetation region
The effect of relief (changes in moisture) has on vegetation (from desert to
Agriculture (p. 261)
The Canada Land Inventory, soil class
How can humans correct for agricultural deficiencies re: climate, soil, biology,
How has mechanization affected farming in Canada?
Industrial vs. Sustainable farming
Organic Foods
The 100 mile diet
Tar Sands
Tipping Point: Age of the Oil Sands
Alberta’s plan for sustainable oil extraction
National Parks
What are the 2 main purposes of the national park system plan
What are the stresses directed towards national parks
Unit 3 – Central Canada
Central Canada Map
All locations included on the map you did in class
Landform Regions of central Canada (pg. 101-107)
-The Canadian Shield
-Q’s - p.105- 3a, 4a,b
-Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Lowlands
a) Why could the Great lakes and St. Lawrence lowlands be called “Canada’s
Industrial and Urban Heartland”?
b) Why is this area well suited for agriculture?
-Hudson Bay – Arctic Lowlands
a) What type of rock are the Hudson Bay-Arctic Lowlands made up of?
b) What is this areas most valuable resource?
Glaciers (p. 118)
Read Textbook page 118-126
Answer Question on pg 126: 1b)c), 2a)b), 4, 5a)d)e)f)g)
Climate Factors (p. 126)
-Moderating Effect of Water
Vegetation Regions (p. 148)
-Boreal and Taiga Forest
-Mixed Forest
-Deciduous Forest
-Know basic info. About each ect… type of trees, climate, industry, issues
Water (p. 442)
-The Hydrologic Cycle
-All terms used in class
-Earths fresh water supply stats
-Waterlife internet assignment notes
-Waterlife Documentary notes
-Dams/Dam issues
-3 types of pollution – ways of cleaning each
Population (p. 201)
-Terms (Baby boom, dependency load ect…)
-Push/pull factors
-Population Package:
-Canada Population trends
-Make a Population pyramid
-Understanding population pyramids
Unit 1 - The Atlantic Provinces
Immigration (p. 191)
When were periods of immigration high in Canada’s history? Why?
When were they low? Why?
Where do most immigrants settle in Canada, and why?
What are the 3 main types of immigrant who come to Canada, explain each.
Which ones are assessed using the points system? Which ones aren’t?
What aspects of an immigrant do the point system give points for?
What are push factors and pull factors?
Fisheries (p. 247)
Thoroughly explain the two physical features of the Grand Banks that makes it
such good habitat for fish
What is the difference between inshore and off shore fisheries?
Be able to explain clearly the five reasons the East Coast Fisheries declined.
(AKA cod collapse, p. 253)
Ecological Footprint (p. 473)
What is an ecological footprint? (p. 473-475)
What type of country usually has the largest ecological footprint, why?