Download CP Worksheet - Charges and Coulomb`s Law

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CP Worksheet 145 –Electric Circuits Review
1. 8 x 10-4 C of charge pass through a wire every .2 seconds. What is the
electrical current through the wire?
2. A 10 resistor and a 50 resistor are placed in a series circuit, and
connected to a 120 v power supply.
a. What is the total equivalent resistance of the circuit?
b. What is the total electrical current of the circuit?
c. What is the voltage across the 10 resistor?
d. What is the voltage across the 50  resistance?
e. What is the power consumed by the 10  resistor?
f. What is the power consumed by the 50 ohm resistor?
g. What is the total power consumed by the whole circuit?
3. The same two resistors, 10 and 50, and now placed into a parallel
circuit with a 120 v battery.
a. What is the total equivalent resistance of the circuit?
b. What is the total electrical current of the circuit?
c. What is the voltage across the 10 resistor?
d. What is the voltage across the 50  resistance?
e. What is the current through the 10 resistor?
f. What is the current through the 50 resistor?
g. What is the power consumed by the 10  resistor?
h. What is the power consumed by the 50 ohm resistor?
i. What is the total power consumed by the whole circuit?
4. A 500  resistor is connected to a 9 v battery. What is the power
consumption of the resistor?
5. Three electrical devices are to be connected to a battery. If you wanted the
current through each resistor to be as small as possible, how would you
connect the devices to the battery?
a. in series
b. in parallel
c. it does not matter
6. Three electrical devices are to be connected to a battery. If you wanted the
total resistance to be as small as possible, how would you connect the devices
to the battery?
a. in series
b. in parallel
c. it does not matter
7. Three electrical devices are to be connected to a battery. If you wanted the
voltage through each device to be as small as possible, how would you
connect the devices to the battery?
a. in series
b. in parallel
c. it does not matter
8. Three resistors are connected in parallel to a 100 v battery.
R1 = 30  , R2 = 60  , R3= 180  .
a. What is the total resistance of the circuit? Formula:
b. What is the total current of the circuit? Formula
c. What is the voltage across R1? Formula:
d. What is the voltage across R2 ? Formula:
e. What is the voltage across R3? Formula:
f. What is the current through R1? Formula:
g. What is the current through R2? Formula:
h. What is the current through R3? Formula:
9. A wire is carrying 10 A of current through a wire. How many coulombs of
charge flow through the wire is 5 seconds?
4 x 10-3 A
a. 60 ohms
3) a. 8.33 ohms
b. 14.4 A
4) .162 w
5) B 6) B 7) A
c. 120 v
8) a. 18 ohms
20 v
d. 120 v
b. 5.55 A
100 v
e. 12 A
c. 100 v
40 w
f. 2.4 A
d. 100 v
200 w
g. 1440 w
240 w
h. 288 w
f 3.33 A
i. 1728 w
g. 1.67 A
e. 100 v
h. .55 A
9) 50 C