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Name: ___________________________________________ Period: _________
STAAR/EOC Biology: Category 1-Cell Structure and Function (2)Part 1: Cell Cycle
1. During which part of interphase does DNA replication occur?
a. G1
b. S
c. G2
d. mitosis
2. Describe what occurs during G1:
3. The 4 phases of mitosis is order area. Prophase-anaphase-metaphase-telophase
b. Telophase-metaphase-prophase-anaphase
c. Prophase-metaphase-anaphase-telophase
d. Metaphase-anaphase-telophase-prophase
4. Mitosis is a way for cells to reproduce. What type is it?
a. Asexual
b. sexual
5. Label and Draw a cell in each of the 4 stages of mitosis
Part 2: Bacteria and Viruses
6. Bacterial cells reproduce either asexually or through conjugation. How do viruses reproduce?
a. Sexually
b. within a host
c. they don’t reproduce
7. Why is a virus not considered alive?
a. It only eats cells
c. it only makes toxins
b. It can only reproduce in another cell
d. its microscopic
8. There are 2 types of reproductive cycles in viruses, lytic and lysogenic. Use the diagram to describe what occurs in
Lytic Infection:
Lysogenic Infection:
Part 3: Synthesis of new material (also in category 2)
9. Define DNA replication: ______________________________________________________________________
10. The nitrogen base ADENINE will bond with ____________________ in DNA and with ________________ in RNA.
11. The nitrogen base GUANINE will always bond with ______________________ in both DNA and RNA.
12. Identify the complementary strand of DNA for the following strand: 5’ TACGGACCT 3’
a. 5’ AUGCCTGGA 3’
c. 5’ ATGCCTGGA 3’
b. 3’ AUGCCTGGA 5’
d. 3’ ATGCCTGGA 5’
13. Which organelle does DNA replication occur in?
a. Mitochondria
b. nucleus
c. ribosome
14. Protein synthesis begins with the synthesis (making) of what moleculea. mRNA
b. rRNA
c. tRNA
d. nucleotide
15. Which organelle is used during protein synthesis to read mRNA?
a. nucleus
b. ribosome
c. cytoplasm
d. nucleotide
16. Transcribe the following strand: 5’ TACGGACCT 3’
a. 5’ AUGCCTGGA 3’
c. 5’ ATGCCAGGA 3’
b. 3’ AUGCCUGGA 5’
d. 3’ ATGCCTGGA 5’
17. Which of the following is the last step in protein synthesis?
a. tRNA bonds to an amino acid in the cytoplasm
b. The polypeptide (protein) is completed and released
c. DNA unravels to expose a gene segment
d. mRNA bonds to DNA
18. Translation occurs in thea. Nucleus
b. cytoplasm
c. cell membrane
19. Using the mRNA strand you created in #16, use the codon chart below to create the protein
Polypeptide(Protein): _________________________-________________________-__________________________