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The grid technology
Today grid technology is one of the most powerful and high speed network
technologies, {we modify our computer in low cost technologies and
distributed the computers in a single computing resource}. In this networking
have a different name and they are listed here Internet computing, meta
computing, global computing, scalable computing and new one is peer to
peer - p2p computing. Grid computing have a various resources sharing
systems, data sources, storage systems, specialized devices and super
computer also. These are distribute for geographical and developed by
different types of organizations to solving the data intensive problem and
large scale computational in commerce, science and engineering. The Skills
and resources are shared with different organizations or enterprises
temporary alliance. These are supported by computer network. When
projects are started in grid computing its link to geographical supercomputer,
now its comes in original version, there are many benefits in grid technologies
infrastructure that are data exploration, engineering and distributed
Gird service define as a different types of grids. 1) Departmental Grids, 2)
Enterprise Grids 3) Extraprise Grids 4) Global Grids, 5) Compute Grids, 6)
Data Grids, 7) Utility Grids
Departmental Grids:
Departmental grids are introduced to solve the problems for
a particular group of organization and datas are not shared
with other groups. The list of vendor explanation that think to
refer the departmental grids.
Enterprise Grids:
Enterprise grids are spread the data across the organization
and give the access for all users to the organization
Extraprise Grids:
Extraprise Grids launched between companies, partners
and their clients. The grid resources are made as generally
usable through as essential private network
Global Grids:
Compute Grids:
Compute grids made as purely intention of access of
computational resources. Compute grids can be divided into
three computational hardware. It is Desktop grids, Cluster
grids and Server Grids.
Data Grids:
Grid deployment wants to access the processing of data is
known as Data grids.
Utility grids:
Utility grids means the commercial compute data's are
maintained and handled by a service provider.
Grid services technology is a webbased services that make connected
between client and servers, its make easily to next generation develop a grid
application. What ever it s there are certain limitations in web services
because of plain web services its much helpful for develop the grid
application. Grid services has improved the characteristics and services.Lets
we go to explanation of OGSI (Open grid sevices infrastructure).
1.Stateful and potentially transit services
2.Service Data
4.Service Groups
5.portType extension
6.Lifecycle management
Stateful and potentially transient services
Stateful and potentially transmit services this service is most important to
develop the web services,
Now we look out the feature of this services. We take a example of the Luton
bank organization its having a big cluster performing and big calculations are
there, this cluster locates at a main branch in town centre,and manager
needs the staffs from working in other branches ------Road,-------- Road,-------- Road. They are working conveniently from cluster computational power. This
looks like a perfect scenario for a Web Service, Math service are used as a
numerice services and the defination are written by XML tags
Example: <definition name="mathservicedefinition"----<definition>
Lifecycle management
Now we deal with non-trivial lifecycle services (Example-Plastic recycle we
can create a new one we destroyed the old things at any time). This type of
method also used in Grid services provide to the mechanisms management
of lifecycle
Service Data
Service data has listed with two types of service a) State information, b)
Service date and Grid service added to web services
State information is provide the information of service ,resuls, intemediate
results and runtime informations called as state information
Service metadata is gather the information from service itself, system data
and services cost of using etc.. is called as service metadata
Notification source configured a Grid service and clints are to be a notification
skins. This is called as subscribers and can be change the grid services and
Service Groups
Act as Service group and configured the groups with other groups and then
we can easily to operate the group service " add a new group", "remove the
service from group" and search the service in group are to be condition
"FOOBAR" portType extension
In the previous page we saw that a Web Service exposes its interface (the
operations it can perform) through a WSDL document. The interface is
usually called portType
Web services are addressed by URI that same method is follow for grid
services addressed are with URI.Powerful addresses scheme are introduced
by OGSI (Open grid sevices infrastructure).
GHS mean as "Grid service handle" its is a unique one. Its not allow two grid
service at the same GSH, in this service have a one problem it dosent give
any information how to know work (communicate) with Grid service
GSR mean as "Grid service reference" its can a different types of forms and
its use to communicate a grid services with SOAP(Simple object access
protocol). Handle the WSDL(web service discription language) is a GSR
Grid networking examined as consistent, collaborative environment and
integrated computational. To solve problem the user can involved in grid
resource broker. The distributed grid resources perform the
scheduling,discovery and job application processing and these type of
services can be provide in grid and also end-user point of view.
Computational job: In computational services providing a secure service and
allocating the application jobs and distributed collectively or individually
resources of computational. Resources factor provide a services for collection
of distributed resources. Grid computational means computational services
provide by grid.
Data services: Data services confirming the secure access the distributed
data sets and management.
They given a capable of access and storage to data sets and they can be
repeated,catalogued and in different location stored the different types of data
sets and its creates the represent of mass of storage. Grid services uses with
processing of datasets and its combination is known as grids.
Cluster computing
Cluster computing comes out as high prices of super computers. These type
of system its involved in many projects. Cluster computing is high
performance, large parallel computers its built a large and good hardware
components and operating system running as free software like as linux its
connected a high-speed network. The clusters of pc committed to running a
high performance task. This type of cluster nodes does not use in user desks
otherwise its committed to running cluster jobs. Cluster is connected in a
single node to outside of world.
Peer to Peer computing (P2P)
This type of computing is used for file sharing network like as user friendly
method. Napster and Kazaa only contributed Peer to peer network, file
sharing with public key. Its used for transferring files and share the
information between systems. Now a days there are many advanced peer to
peer application introduced in IT market and its increased the performance of
reach and scope of peer networks. The two models are developed like as
centralized model and decentralized model. Centralized model like used by
Napster and Decentralized model used by Gnutella. P2P centralized model
file sharing based upon central server systems its dealings with single
registered users. The central server maintains the stored sharing file
directories on the several systems of register user system of network. When
user can logs on or log off Napster server the records are updating each and
every time. The user wants the file from list its direct link HTTP, which file
currently process in a single system. In decentralized model of P2P file
sharing process is differ from centralized model. Decentralized model does
not share and keep tracks the files from central server. The connection like as
directly between client and server, the files found directly and its transferred.
Resource Management: Grid Resource Allocation
Management Protocol
In grid management remote system can used to start the programs of grid
resource and management protocol and client API. This resource can be
developed by (RSL) Requirement specification language and its exchange
the data's or information between applications, local resource managers and
resource brokers. RSL divides into a two parts one is Resource requirements
and another one Job configuration. Resource management contains
accounting, billings, memory, etc. Job configuration contains directory,
executable, arguments.
Data Transfer: Grid File Transfer Protocol
Today world there are so many examples of grid that perform the advance
computational modifier analyze the petabytes of data. Data's are collected
from one network the users can be search that data its can moved across by
network world. The gridFTP develops through standard FTP protocol covered
and maintain interoperability with being servers to develop FTP.
Information services: Grid Information services
In this information service there are two types of services. (GRIS) Grid
Resource Information service, and (GIIS) Grid Index Information services.
The GRIS provides the information from particular assets GIIS is total
directory services. GRIS collect the information by multiple server from GIIS
accumulation of information. The users can be register with GRIS servers and
then only used the grid resource registration protocol.