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Expedition Denali Workshop Series
Event Datasheet
Expedition Denali Workshop Agenda
Expedition Denali attendees can choose between three different agendas depending upon location:
Options for days 1 and 2:
o A two-day workshop focused on SQL Server 2008 R2 Analysis Services
Day three will feature a workshop focused on SQL Server Code Name “Denali”
Days 1-2: Analysis Services Option
During this 2 day workshop, you will learn how to use SQL Server Analysis Services 2008 R2 (SSAS) in
your enterprise from the ground-up, teaching you the fundamental skills you need to develop and
deploy SSAS solutions and present this new data to your end users. Some of the topics covered in this
class are: How to develop a data warehouse for your company, how to develop a repeatable
methodology for a successful SSAS project, how to create and configure a cube and dimensions, how to
write MDX (the querying language for cubes), how to define calculations, Key Performance Indicators
(KPIs) and perspectives, implementing dynamic security, how to administer and deploy SSAS, defining
actions, implementing data mining, how to build office-based BI applications and dashboards, and
administering SSAS.
Analysis Services Day 1
 Dimension Modeling
o Basics of data warehouse design
o Metric Decomposition Data Profiling
 SSAS Overview
o Data Source Views
o Cubes
o Dimensions and Measures
o Aggregates
 Cube Design and Browsing
o Creating the cube
o Processing the cube
o Exploring the various tabs
o Browsing the cube
 Dimension and Cube Editors
o Formatting measures
o Creating hierarchies
o Dimension and attribute properties
Expedition Denali Workshop Series
Event Datasheet
o Varying types of dimensions in SSAS
o Defining dimension, attribute and hierarchy properties
o Creating attribute relationships
Adding New Facts and Dimensions
o Adding a new dimension table
o Adding a new measure group and measure
o Creating relationships between facts and dimensions
MDX and Calculations
o The basics of MDX
o Using the Business Intelligence Wizard to ease MDX creation
o Creating calculations to simply querying of your cube
Analysis Services Day 2
 Data Mining Basics
o The methodology needed for a data mining project
o Creating a mining model
o Training the mining model
o Validating and testing the mining model
o Predicting sales using the model
 Using Excel to Data Mine
o Installing the Excel 2007 Data Mining Addin
o Allowing business users to easily mine their data with Excel and SSAS 2007
o Advanced mining in Excel
 Actions
o Drilling through to data with actions
o Opening a Reporting Services report
o Using action to execute custom scripts
 Reporting Services with SSAS
o Creating a report using MDX
o Creating a data mining report
 Using Excel to Build Cube Interfaces
o Using Office 2007 to view cube and data mining data
o Basics of creating a thin client to show data. Students will be given a basic solution that
can be used license-free to display cube data
o Creating an offline cube experience for users
 Administering SSAS
o Administrating your SSAS server
o Scheduling the processing of your cube
o Partitioning your cube
o Migrating changes in your cube
o Where to store your cube’s data
o How to secure your cube
Day 3: Discover SQL Server Code Name “Denali”
Microsoft is providing high level functionality delivered as services for developers. This strategy is called
“Platform as a Service”, or PaaS. Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL Azure are a core part of this
strategy, and provide a rich set of database services that abstract developers from underlying
Expedition Denali Workshop Series
Event Datasheet
infrastructure and enable the rapid composition of rich database solutions that span devices, servers
and the cloud. During this one-day workshop, attendees will get a high level, developer oriented
overview of what’s coming in SQL Server Code Name “Denali”. Topics to be covered include the
Introducing SQL Server Code Name “Denali”
High Availability and Disaster Recovery with AlwaysOn
Database Engine Improvements
Data Programmability Improvements
Upgrade and Application Compatibility
Enterprise Information Management (SSAS, MDS and Data Quality Services)
Self-service Reporting and Analytics (BI Semantic Model, Crescent, PowerPivot)
Building SaaS solutions with Windows Azure and SQL Azure