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Here is a list of possible essay questions that students may find useful to make bullet points for as part of
their revision:
Outline the structure of El Salon Mexico. Make specific reference to the score,
using bar numbers and instrument names to make your answer clear.
Copland used many folk melodies in El Salon Mexico. Discuss the way in which
the structure of the work is woven around these melodies.
Copland draws on elements from traditional Mexican folk songs as well as early
20th century European compositional techniques. Demonstrate and discuss how
Copland integrates these musical cultures.
Copland integrated many rhythmic and melodic folk elements in El Salon Mexico.
Discuss this statement with specific reference to the score.
Identify two or more musical elements that have roots in traditional Mexican
music. Demonstrate and discuss how these musical elements contribute to
create the work's overall style.
Identify three rhythmic techniques that originate in the 20th century.
Demonstrate and discuss how these techniques contribute to the overall style
and the musical argument of El Salón México.
How has Copland incorporated Mexican folk music into his work?
Is Copland an example of orchestra fusion? Discuss in relation to his use of folk
elements in his work.
In El Salon Mexico, identify two (or more) musical elements that have roots in
folk music.
Identify three rhythmic techniques that originate in the 20th century.
Demonstrate and discuss how these techniques contribute to the overall style
and the musical argument of El Salon Mexico.
Identify two features of the music that have roots in Mexican folk music and two
that originate from other cultures. Demonstrate and discuss how these musical
elements contribute to the work's overall style.
Demonstrate and discuss how the orchestration of El Salon Mexico contributes
to clarifying the structure of the work and establishing its character.
Demonstrate and discuss how successful Copland was in reconciling 20th century
harmonic developments with tonal conventions of the past in El Salon Mexico.
Describe some passages in El Salon Mexico which show Copland's use of 20th
century characteristics. Your answer should include specific references rather
than generalities.
How does Copland express the idea of the title of the work, El Salon Mexico?
Your answer should include specific references rather than generalities.
El Salon Mexico is considered a 20th century composition. Using specific
examples from the score discuss why it is 20th century.
How does Copland unify El Salon Mexico? Use specific musical examples from
the score to justify your response.
Locate in the score and describe four musical features from this extract (choose
section) that you consider to be characteristic of Copland's compositional style.
Describe the significant structural features of this extract (choose section) in
terms of melodic countour, rhythmic movement, use of instruments in the
orchestra, and issues regarding style.
Analyse in detail the musical features found in this extract (choose section)
which place this work in the 20th century. Support your arguments with clear
reference to the score. These arguments may include (but are not limited to)
comments on structure, harmony, melody, rhythm and orchestration.
Copland's use of rhythmic devices is considered to be highly sophisticated.
Discussion may include (but are not limited to) comments on syncopation,
additive rhythms, regular and irregular patterns in different time signatures and
his use of polyrhythms.
How does Mozart create formal unity in the first movement of Jupiter? Refer
specifically to structural, tonal and thematic components.
How does Mozart's Jupiter represent the essential features of Classicism?
Outline the structure of the first movement of Mozart's Jupiter - make reference
to the score, using bar numbers and instrument names to make your answer
Mozart is considered the epitome of the Classical era. Discuss this in relation to
his use of form.
Mozart's Jupiter symphony is considered a Classical composition. Using specific
examples from the score, discuss why it is representative of the Classical era.
How does Mozart create formal unity within the first movement of Jupiter?
Refer specifically to structural, thematic and tonal aspects.
Mozart, the great innovator. Discuss this in relation to the Jupiter symphony and
his innovation in such aspects as form.
How does Mozart unify his Jupiter symphony? Use specific musical examples
from the score to justify your response.
Locate in the score and describe four musical features from this extract (choose
section) that you consider to be characteristic of Mozart's compositional style.
Describe the significant structural features of this extract (choose section) win
terms of melodic contour, rhythmic movement, use of instruments in the
orchestra, and issues regarding style.
Analyze in detail the musical features found in this extract (choose section)
which place this work in the Classical era. Support your arguments with clear
references to the score. These arguments may include (but are not limited to)
comments on structure, harmony, melody, rhythm and orchestration.
Investigate significant musical links between the two pieces by analyzing and
comparing and contrasting one of these:
a) Tone color/timbre and melody
b) Handling of harmony and tonality
c) Handling of rhythm and phrasing
d) Handling of structure
Compare and contrast the use of rhythms and melody in Mozart's Jupiter (first
movement) and Copland's El Salon Mexico. Make specific reference to the score,
using bar numbers and instrument names to make your answer clear.
Compare the use of rhythm in Copland and Mozart looking at two similarities
and two differences. Specific examples should be given from the score to justify
your comments.
Compare the use of tonality throughout both pieces. Look at the keys used, the
relationship between the keys, frequency of modulations and any other
significant issues in either piece. Specific examples should be given from the
score to justify your comments.
Here are some pre-exam-essay questions...
What is the structure of each movement? Where (bar numbers) does each
section start/end?
What keys are used in these structures? What are the relationships between these
keys (eg. tonic/dominant, tonic minor)?
What are the main themes in each movement – can you identify and describe
them (ie. rhythm, shape of the themes)? Are these themes used in the
Development sections? Where? How (eg. fragmented, playing in polyphony)?
Where does Mozart use harmonic features such as pedal notes, circle of 5ths,
circle of 4ths.
How does Mozart develop his themes in the Development sections?
What are the main uses of texture? Where are some good examples of
homophonic and polyphonic texture? Is there any monophony – where?
Are there any interesting rhythmic features, eg. hemiola, syncopation? Where?
What features of the Symphony are typical of Classical music?
Where are the main sections in this piece? How do I know?
What does each Mexican theme look like? Can you describe them? Where are
the main occurrences of each ‘Mexican theme’: La Jesusita, El Mosco, El Palo
What different textures are used in the piece? Where are good examples of each
kind of texture? (monophonic, homophonic, antiphonal, polyphonic, melody &
What time signatures are used in the piece? Are there any sections where they
change more frequently – where?
What keys are used in the piece? What modulations are seen – where? How are
these modulations significant?
Where are some examples of major/minor harmony?
What is bitonality? Where are some good examples?
What rhythmic features does Copland use? Where can these be seen?
What instruments does Copland employ? Are any of these instruments featured
– where? How does Copland use instrumentation to help identify sections?
10. What elements of El Salon Mexico are traditional orchestral elements? What
elements are more 20th Century? What elements are Mexican?
11. What is additive rhythm? Where has Copland developed his original Mexican
melodic themes using this technique?